Matrimonial Sites

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Dissertation Report


“A Study Of Consumer Perception & Attitude Towards Usage Of

Matrimonial Websites in India.”



Marketing & Sales

Under The Guidance of:-

Ms. Varsha Khattri

Sr. Lecturer Marketing










I, SNEHA M SUNDRANI student of Masters of Business Administration from Amity

Business School, Amity University Uttar Pradesh hereby declare that I have completed

Dissertation on “A Study Of Consumer Perception & Attitude Towards Usage Of

Matrimonial Websites in India.”As part of the course requirement.

I further declare that the information presented in this project is true and original to the
best of my knowledge.

Date: 14/03/2011 SNEHA M SUNDRANI

Place: Noida A0102209078

MBA M&S 2009-11





I, Varsha Khattri hereby certify that Ms. Sneha M Sundrani student of Masters of
Business Administration in Marketing & Sales at Amity Business School, Amity
University Uttar Pradesh has completed dissertation on “A Study Of Consumer

Perception & Attitude Towards Usage Of Matrimonial Websites in India” under my


Varsha Khattri
Sr. Lecturer, Dept. of Marketing & Sales



Princy Gulati <[email protected]>

to"[email protected]" <[email protected]>

cc"[email protected]" <[email protected]>

date Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 11:43 AM

subject Dissertation on the Topic: Consumer Perception & Attitude towards usage of
Matrimonial websites in India.


This is to certify that Sneha Sundrani, a student of MBA-M&S(2011) Amity Business school has interacted
& conducted a survey with me related to

Assistant Manager-Client Relations(JS)



I express my utmost gratitude and indebtedness to all who have contributed in some way
or the other and been linked with the project from day one. From the core of my heart, I
express my sincere thanks to Ms. Varsha Khattri, (Sr.Lecturer, and Dept. of Marketing)
for encouragement and guidance.
I would like to thank Ms. Princy Gulati, Assistant Manager- Client Relations from
Jeevansaathi, for her valuable inputs and precious time which helped me in the successful
completion of my project.
I am extremely grateful to my parents, the respondents and all my friends for their
unconditional support and ready assistance.
I would like to take the opportunity to specially thank Dr. Sanjay Shrivastava, Director,
Amity Business School and my faculty guide Ms. Varsha Khattri who was always there
with warm support and valuable inputs.
My appreciation runs deeply to all those who have helped me directly or indirectly in
successful completion of the project.




Co ntents Page No.

1. Chapter 1: Introduction 11-18

1.1 E-Commerce 12
1.2 E-Commerce in India 12
1.3 Scope of Ecommerce 12
1.4 E-Commerce & the Government of India 13
1.5 Types of portals 14
1.6 The various kinds of portals 14
1.7 Introduction to Online Matrimony 17
1.8 Online Matrimony in India 17
2. Chapter 2: Review of Literature 19-28
3. Chapter 3: Research Methodology 29-33
3.1 Data Collection 31
3.2 Statistical Tool 31
3.3 Objectives 32

3.4 Hypothesis 32
3.5 Perception Mapping 32
3.6 Research Methodology 32
3.7 Sampling Technique 33
3.8 Limitations of the Study 33
4. Chapter 4: Data Analysis 34-62
4.1 Q1 to Q14 (Graphs & Interpretations) 35-49
4.2 Hypothesis 1 50-52
4.3 Perception Mapping 53-54
4.4 Hypothesis 2 55-58
4.5 Interview of Ms. Princy Gulati 59-62
(Assistant Manager, Client Relations, JeevanSaathi)


5. Chapter 5: Findings, Conclusion & Recommendations 63-68

6. References 69-71
7. Annexure 72-93
7.1 Questionnaire for customers 73-78
7.2 Format 1 79
7.3 Format 2 80
7.4 Format 3 81-93


List of Charts

Page No.

1. Research Methodology 30

2. Usage of Internet 35

3. Time Spent on Internet Surfing 36

4. Reasons for using internet 37

5. Preference of matchmaking medium 38

6. Reasons for preferring other modes of matchmaking 39

Over matrimonial websites

7. Perceptions parameters 40

8. Names of various matrimonial websites 41

9. Important factors in matrimonial websites 42

10. Service Availed 43

11. Names of websites, whose service’s are availed 44

12. Reasons of visiting matrimonial websites 45

13. Visited matrimonial websites for whom 46

14. Experience of matrimonial websites 47

15. Awareness of websites 48

16. Suggestions, If any. 49


Executive Summary

India is showing an upward trend in the technology usage. There is rapid emergence of
Internet in India, more and more people are becoming net savvy and there are a lot of
activities spread over a broad spectrum on Internet for them. Now days, all thanks to the
internet you can find site related to any topic of your choice. Earlier it was parents who
used to look for the perfect match for their children. It was on the sole discretion of elders
to make decision. Today Youngsters have dreams regarding their life-partners; they want
to explore the options before making one final decision about choosing their soul mate.
Like so many other activities such as E-shopping, E-mailing, E-business, matrimonial
websites are expected to provide a lot of scope for people wanting to get married. The
social attitude in India are transforming to reality of today. People favour choosing life
partners for themselves.

People’s Perception & Attitude towards the usage of matrimonial websites presently has
changed drastically, people are availing the service of matrimonial websites, though it
may not be their first option but yes it is one of the options for them. Not only today’s
generation has accepted this modern technology, but people who are a generation behind
us i.e our parents, relatives, etc are progressing with the fast changing world &
technology by accepting this mode of matchmaking for their children, relatives, etc. This
can be seen from the results given ahead in the report below.

Thus, with increase in demand we have loads of matrimonial websites coming up &
mushrooming, thus providing variety of options to the prospecting bride & grooms.



India is showing an upward trend in the technology usage. Youngsters have dreams
regarding their life-partners; they want to explore the options before making one final
decision about choosing their soul mate. Earlier it was parents who used to look for the
perfect match for their children. It was on the sole discretion of elders to make decision.
Now days, all thanks to the internet you can find site related to any topic of your choice.
There is rapid emergence of Internet in India, more and more people are becoming net
savvy and there are a lot of activities spread over a broad spectrum on Internet for them.
Like so many other activities such as E-shopping, E-mailing, E-business, matrimonial
websites are expected to provide a lot of scope for people wanting to get married. The
social attitude in India are transforming to reality of today. People favour choosing life
partners for themselves. Divorce rate is increasing and remarrying is socially accepted
and is no more a taboo.


Chapter 1.


1.1 Ecommerce

The term Electronic commerce or e-commerce consists of all business activities

carried on with the use of electronic media, that is, computer network. It involves
conducting business with the help of the electronic media, making use of the information
technology such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). In simple words, Electronic
commerce involves buying and selling of goods and services over the World Wide Web.
Customers can purchase anything right from a car or a cake sitting at ease in his room
and gift it to someone sitting miles apart just by click of a mouse. Shipping method is
generally used for the delivery of the goods ordered.

1.2 Ecommerce in India

The low cost of the PC and the growing use of the Internet has shown the
marvelous growth of Ecommerce in India, in the recent years. According to the Indian
Ecommerce Report released by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and
IMRB International, “ The total online transactions in India was Rs. 7080 crores (approx
$1.75 billion) in the year 2006-2007 and expected to grow by 30% to touch 9210 crores
(approx $2.15 billion) by the year 2007-2008. According to a McKinsey-Nasscom report
the e-commerce transactions in India are expected to reach $100 billion by the 2008.
Although, as compared to the western countries, India is still in is its initial stage of

1.3 Scope of Ecommerce

Home Internet usage in India grew 19% from April 2006 to April 2007. In April
2007 it became 30.32 million and the eMarketer accept that there will be 71 million total


Internet users in India by 2011. India is showing marvelous growth in the Ecommerce.
Rival have 700,000 registered buyers and it has the growth rate of 35%
every year which is likely to double in the year 2008. claims revenues of
Rs. 38 crores and has a growing rate of 50 every year. It receives around 500,000
enquiries per month. Certainly, with the middle class of 288 million people, online
shopping shows unlimited potential in India. The real estate costs are touching the sky.
The travel portals' share in the online business contributed to 50% of Rs 4800 crore
online market in 2007-08. The travel portal has attained Rs 1000
crores of turnover which is around around 20% of total e-commerce market in India.
Further an annual growth of 65% has been projected annually in the travel portals alone.

1.4 Ecommerce and the Government of India

The government is aware of the increasing misuse of the electronic media and
online frauds. Therefore, the government of India has passed the Information and
Technology Act to keep a check on the transactions carried on via the electronic media
and to make the process of Ecommerce safe and dependable. The Act imposes heavy
penalties and punishment on those who try to misuse this channel for personal benefit or
to deceive others. The law has also established the validation of the electronic records.
Increase in the Cyber crimes in Ecommerce is causing concern among the credit card
users in India. Now, the government has opened Cyber Crime Police Station. Online
complaints can be filed for both cyber and Non Cyber crimes, through an online form
which accepts complaints filed with digital signatures.

The Government of India has decided to impose service tax on E-Commerce

transaction and that will result in making the net shopping expensive.

The term Electronic commerce or e-commerce consists of all business activities

carried on with the use of electronic media, that is, computer network. It involves
conducting business with the help of the electronic media, making use of the information
technology such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). In simple words, Electronic
commerce involves buying and selling of goods and services over the World Wide Web.


Customers can purchase anything right from a car or a cake sitting contentedly in his
room and gift it to someone sitting miles apart just by click of a mouse. Shipping method
is generally used for the delivery of the goods ordered.

1.5 Types of portals

Horizontal vs. vertical portal (Vortals)

Two broad categorizations of portals are horizontal portals, which cover many
areas, and vertical portals, which are focused on one functional area. Another definition
for a horizontal portal is, that it is used as a platform to several companies in the same
economic sector or to the same type of manufacturers or distributors.[1] A vertical portal
consequently is a specialized entry point to a specific market or industry niche, subject
area, or interest, also called vortal.

Vertical portals

A Vertical Information Portal (VIP) is a specialized entry point to a specific

marketplace and or Industry niche. VIP's provide news, editorial content,digital
publications, and E-commerce capabilities. Separate from traditional Vertical Portals,
VIP's provide dynamic multi-media applications including social networking, video
posting, and blogging.

1.6 The various kinds of portals are:

Personal portals

A personal portal is a site on the World Wide Web that typically provides
modified capabilities to its visitors, providing a pathway to other content. It is designed to
use distributed applications, different numbers and types of middleware and hardware to
provide services from a number of different sources. In addition, business portals are


designed to share cooperation in workplaces. A further business-driven requirement of

portals is that the content be able to work on multiple platforms such as personal
computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and cell phones/mobile phones.
Information, news, and updates are examples of content that would be delivered through
such a portal. Personal portals can be related to any specific topic such as providing
friend information on a social network or providing links to outside content that may help
others beyond your reach of services. Portals are not limited to simply providing links.
Information or content that you are putting on the internet creates a portal, or a path to
new knowledge and/or capabilities.

News portals

The traditional media rooms all around the world are fast adapting to the new age
technologies. This marks the beginning of news portals by media houses across the globe.
This new media channels give them the opportunity to reach the viewers in a shorter span
of time than their print media counter parts.

Government web portals

At the end of the dot-com boom in the 1990s, many governments had already
committed to creating portal sites for their citizens. These included primary portals to the
Governments as well as portals developed for specific audiences.

Corporate web portals

With the increase in user generated content, disparate data silos, and file formats,
information architects and taxonomist will be required to allow users the ability to tag
(classify) the data. This will ultimately cause a ripple effect where users will also be
generating ad hoc navigation and information flows.

Corporate Portals also offer customers & employees self-service opportunities.

Stock Portals

Also known as Stock-share Portals, Stock market portals or Stock

exchange portals are Web-based applications that facilitates the process of informing the


share-holders with extensive online data such as the latest price, ask/bids, the latest News,
reports and announcements. Some stock portals use online gateways through a central
depository system (CDS) for the visitors to buy or sell their shares or manage
their portfolio (finance).

Search Portals

Search portals aggregate results from several search engines into one page

Tender's Portals

Tender's Portals stands for a gateway to search/modify/submit/archive data on

tenders and professional processing of continuous online tenders. With a tender portal the
complete tendering process – submitting of proposals, assessment, and administration –
will be done on the web. Electronic or Online Tendering is just carrying out the same
traditional tendering process in an electronic form, using the Internet.

Hosted web portals

Hosted web portals gained recognition a number of companies began offering

them as a hosted service. The hosted portal market essentially changed the composition
of portals. In many ways they served simply as a tool for publishing information instead
of the loftier goals of integrating legacy applications or presenting correlated data from
distributed databases.

Domain-specific portals

A number of portals have come about that are specific to the particular domain,
offering access to related companies and services, a prime example of this trend would be
the growth in property portals that give access to services such as estate agents, removal
firm, and solicitors that offer conveyance. Along the same lines, industry-specific news
and information portals have appeared, such as the clinical trials specific portal: IFPMA
Clinical Trials Portal


Matrimonial Portals

Marriage websites, or online matrimonial sites, are a variation of the standard

dating websites, with a focus on those wanting marriage rather than simply dating.

Matrimonial sites are especially popular in India and among Indians settled overseas.
Young men and women in India generally do not feel any compulsion to date since dating
has not been a part of the culture historically. In the west, love is generally considered a
precondition for marriage. In India, however "love" is often taken to be the total mutual
dedication that comes after marriage.

Matrimonial sites register users, after which they are able to upload their profile
onto a searchable database maintained by the website. Those users looking to find suitors
can search the database with customized searches that typically include nationality, age,
gender, availability of photograph and often religion, geographic location
and caste (mainly for websites based in India).

Introduction to Online Matrimony

Online Matrimony is an organized web based Matrimonial/Marriage service

facilitating wishful young men and women to find their suitable life partners. In India
organized marriage services business is worth INR 10 billion. Online Matrimony caters to
people spread across the globe to find their suitable partner living in a remote place but
matching his/her specific interests and requirements. Given the varied and complex
match making process of Indian system that is based on diverse aspects such
as Caste, Religion, Economic Standard, Job status, age, height, family background etc.,
Online Matrimony services have become quite successful. Over the years patrons of these
services are going up. This World Wide Web based service has millions of users with
millions of dollars business potential. There are also websites that cater to specific
communities. Some communities, such as Jains run some non-profit web-sites.

In India


India has always been rooted in tradition and religious beliefs. Traditional
marriage in India depends heavily on tying partners based on certain important
characteristics (religion, caste, class, social status, etc.) than a romanticized tying of
partners, as is common in much of the Western world. Arranged marriages and marriages
within the family has been the usual norm in Indian families. Love marriages are much
less common, although this has been drastically changing over the years. The essential
marriage broker is a volunteer (person who does introduction between bride's and
groom's family without any monetary consideration), or a professional, who used to be
involved in most arranged marriages, or a blend of a priest and a barber. In the last
decade the print matrimonials gained an upper hand. With the internet boom in India, the
picture of a marriage broker with a huge diary with tucked-in photographs is slowly
phasing out, giving way to a gamut of online matrimonial sites.

Indian marriage requirements can, in many cases, be so specific in religion, caste,

language, and location needed that the internet suits many potential Indian husbands and
wives perfectly. A service provider may use registration profiles to filter preferences and
may run several different portals to cater for needs like different languages

Matrimony is deemed as a sacred ritual in India ever since the ancient times. India
has an age-old tradition of arranged marriages. This custom of marriage has been flowing
down to the successive generations from time immemorial and is also popular in this
cyber age. The cyber world has cast a profound influence on our lives. Now-a-days
eligible bachelors or spinsters can meet each other in this virtual world and can fall in
love. Well things are not restricted to merely falling in love. They can take their love to
the sacred altar and the matrimony portals deserve the entire credit for that. The
matrimony portals are now-a-days acting as the matchmakers for millions of people. The
various matrimonial portals existing in India to name a few are as follows:




i., etc & many more

Chapter 2.



The Matrimonial sites are already operating since quiet few years and over the
period they have shown an upward trend in the number of visitors coming to them.
It is on the basis of the kind of services these sites offer to its customers, have added new
features over a period of time, which is reflected in terms of increase in traffic.

Since the launch of these sites, it observed that they are doing well in the market.
With the changing consumer perception and attitudes towards using these websites for
choosing their life partners is affecting behavior of the customer in accepting the change,
in acceptance of this new way of match making.

The focus is being made on critical evaluation of the performance of these

websites which is putting focus on the market which is new and has the potential to
expand. The same market had the habit of using traditional methods of finding the life

With the changing time, there is the change in the prerequisite of Technology,
before having it was a luxury, but in today’s phase of life it is the basic necessity of life,
survival without which is difficult. People want everything fast, easily accessible, and
with lots of options.

Alpert, Frank H.; Kamins, Michael A., (1995) talk about experiments conducted
to test the effectiveness of extrinsic cues or external factors such as brand name, price and
value and how consumers perceive these cues. In addition, the article further talks about
the linkages between the above stated factors. These linkages are as following:

i. Perceived name and Perceived quality

ii. Perceived quality and Perceived sacrifice


iii. Perceived sacrifice and Perceived value

iv. Perceived value and Perceived price

The article takes into account the impact of consumer perception of quality in
which different authors like Han (1989), Zeithmal (1988), Wheatley and Chiu (1977),
Dodds and Monroe (1985) says that customers make quality inferences based on brand
name. Furthermore, this process can be explained by “affect-referral” method, which
suggests that consumer prefer product attitudes rather than product attributes. Empirical
test done by Dodds et al in 1991 tells about consumer perception of quality with respect
to the brand name.

Dena Cox, Anthony. D. Cox (1994) talk about the consumer aesthetic preferences.
It was noticed after examining the complexity of the stimulus that is the product that
those products that were complex in design have an increased repeated exposure in
comparison to the ones which were simple in their looks. In addition, we can see that this
perception partially reconciles exposure-preference relationship. Also, in this article the
author has reviewed past research from psychology on how repetition affects aesthetic
preferences for various types of stimuli and gets consumer reaction to new product

Prasenjit Chowdhury (2010) , talks about the broad spectrum of choices available
to all the modern customers in all aspects of life, right from products, clothes, jobs, etc to
Life Partner, with increasing number of matrimonial websites & their business.

In compliance to thought of variety of choices available to all the people these

days, SHARMILA GANESAN-RAM (2010), she talks about the changing trends, whereby
people are opting for matrimonial websites over conventional methods of hunting
prospective brides & grooms, & increasing need of ‘relationship manager’, a new player
in the multi-crore shaadi industry who sifts through thousands of matrimonial profiles to
help prospective brides and grooms zero in on the right match

Adding further on to the same, Diana Ningthoujam (2009) , talks about the new
catching up modern trend of tech savy ways of sending the wedding invites- Wedistes


across family & friends, instead of conventional methods of invites via wedding card or

With changing trend every where….ANJALI THOMAS (2010) , talks about the changing
youth’s attitude towards love, relationships & marriage. It's just that they are no more afraid to
admit that sometimes we need more than cupid to find the soulmate.

Inspite of Change being easily accepted, still some where their raises a question mark on the
authenticity Of the verification of the details provided by the matrimonial websites, about the prospective
bride & grooms, as increasing. Number of registrations with these sites is leading to increasing Detective
Agents Business., a professional wedding management company, offers the

about-to-be-married couples the option of webcasting their marriage online. Apart from
helping couples co-ordinate their wedding, Shaadionline's Interactive Web TV also helps
them webcast their wedding live over the internet-all one has to do is log in during the
wedding and view the events as they are happening.

Webcasting the wedding live is a whole new concept and, probably is
the first to start it. But unlike video shoots and photographs, live webcast is interactive
and the bride and the groom know that even those who could not make it to their wedding
because of time constraint or distance are sharing the moment with them. Promoted by
Worldcast Technologies Ltd, Shaadionline has recently started providing services in
Ahmedabad. Not only can friends and relatives view the marriage, all those who have
logged in can also chat with each other and exchange views. Though it was launched only
a couple of months back, the company has web cast about five weddings so far.

According to Jai Raj, Shaadionline offers a mix of online and offline services
designed to meet a complete range of wedding needs. With offices in Ahmedabad,
Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore, Shaadionline provides people access to information on
wedding services, apparel, accessories, detailed information on wedding rituals of over
35 communities and their significance. "The emphasis here is on detail. Lot of research
has gone behind the kind of detailed information we offer. For each puja or custom that a


particular community observes, we not only provide the list of materials that are needed,
but also the significance of that particular ritual," says Jai Raj. Shaadionline also plans to
introduce gift registry, a fairly popular concept in the US, but almost an unknown one in
India. The couple set up their own friends and relatives with a list of everything they need
to set up their home. This will make the gift more meaningful, since the friends will know
what to give. Once a friend selects what he or she wants to present, that particular item
gets deleted from the list. "It is sort of like a wish list. In fact the idea of a gift registry is
present at an informal level when we often ask our friends and relatives what they want
as a wedding gift," says Hemali Kinariwala, who heads the regional office of
Shaadionline in Ahmedabad. Shaadionline plans to tie up with departmental stores across
the country so that the couples can select the gifts of their choice and include it in the gift

Since they have a nation-wide network, the person getting married in Ahmedabad
has the advantage of availing the services of a flower decorator from Mumbai or caterer
from Delhi. It is a win-win situation for everyone according to Jai Raj. "We have a tie-up
with the caterers, so our clients get a discount and the caterers get business from different
part of the country." Shaadionline also has a tie-up with fashion designer Ritu Kumar for
bridal wear and Mansa for wedding co-ordination.

The days when aunts, uncles and cousins had to run around like headless
chickens, trying to arrange ‘laddoos’, extra chairs, lights, or delivery of invites, are
almost a thing of the past. You can now get wedding services, and organisers on the net,
to take care of the minutest of details and turn your wedding into a cyborically
memorable event! In fact, starting with finding your dream spouse (yes, some do exist),
to arranging the honeymoon, you can either choose to give all the tasks to one organiser,
or only a few out to specialists.

No matter what you want done — whether choosing the venue, or taking care of
relatives, there’s someone on the net who can take it off your shoulders. Online wedding
organisers and service providers are gaining popularity with NRIs (Non Resident Indians)
who often find it hard to source traditional wedding items abroad, or arrange weddings in


India. With websites like shaadionline, or, you can

not only give out the whole project, but also order for things online. For example:

 Organisers can take on a part, or the whole management of the wedding.

Depending on the services the site provides, they will book venues, arrange
priests (and even elephants and horses), publish and send invites, arrange for
decorators, caterers, performers, choose themes, get gifts packed, etc.

 You can have a live webcast of your wedding for all your friends and relatives
across the globe. Photo albums, guest books and other memorabilia facilities also
exist online.

 You can order for traditional items, jewellery, clothes and even gifts.

 There’s free information about community-specific rituals and customs, so you

don’t make any bloopers.

 Some sites are just good resource guides for you to find out where you can get a
caterer, decorator and other local vendors.

 Gift registry — at the moment, very few sites offer this service, but it’s a good
one. The couple puts up a list of wedding gifts they’d like to get, and friends and
family go online and sign up against one. Some sites have a tie-up with stores for
this. As soon as a gift is chosen, it gets knocked off the list. This way, you don’t
get five lemon sets or a thoroughly useless ice cream maker!

 Some sites offer a panel of experts who guide you on topics including beauty,
fashion, psychology and gynecology.

When Shunu Sen, the advertising wizard and the brain behind such memorable
commercials as the Lalitaji Surf campaign and the Liril waterfall ad, got married in 1962,
he was stepping into unknown terrain. "Being from Bengal, I was entirely in the dark
about the rituals followed by the Kayastha community from where my wife Indu hailed
from," he confesses. Thankfully for Sen, his mom-in-law was around to take care of the
nitty-gritty that goes into a resplendent, traditional Indian wedding ceremony.


When it was the turn of his son Rahul to tie the knot, he followed his father in
marrying outside his community. Only this time, he was exchanging wedding vows with
a Sikh girl. The predicament of getting married outside one's region and being at sea with
the centuries' old rituals is getting commoner by the day. That is where wedding services
management companies, that take the pain out of tasks like fixing the venue, shopping for
the trousseau, catering, flower decoration and sending out invites, can come in handy.
"Companies like Shaadi Online, where I am the promoter, advisor and chairman all
rolled-into-one, can make life easier for the families of the bride and the groom. Unlike
matrimonial sites (a service that the company does not offer), our USP includes rich
content on all the nuances of organising a wedding , live webcasts of the ceremony,
secretarial assistance and a gift registry," say Sen.

A gift registry, a concept popular in the West, allows guests to coordinate their
gifts with the needs and desires of the couple. "After checking with the couple on what
exactly they want for the wedding, we communicate the same to the invitees through a
list. So there isn't a duplication of televisions or a surfeit of crockery sets that they are
deluged with. Guests can also check the registry on our website,,"
says Sen.

In tandem with stores like Akbarallys, Shoppers' Stop and The Bombay Store,
Shadi Online will help clients buy that exact gift which the couple needs. "Over 90 per
cent of couples in the United States use a gift registry. In fact, a lot of non-resident
Indians who get married here ask for this service that cuts down wastage of gifts and
cash," says Jai Raj Gupta, the CEO of the company. The revenues emerge from its off-
line operations while the website will provide a smorgasbord of data on everything that
you'd need at a wedding. From arranging for the havan kund, to the turban, to flowers to
the guests list... figure it out online and relax. Wedding management companies can
certainly offer you some peace of mind at the most important event of your life. Of
course, at a price.


When superwomen Meeru Pai and Nalini Tahilramani get together and create
magic with, they produce anything from an elephant for the baraat to
the filmi glass of milk beside your bedside.

All stand up comedian Ash Chandler wanted after he proposed to model-actress

Netra Raghuraman was the most perfect Tamil-Iyer wedding in Chennai. But in 20
minutes flat Biocon's Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, who is also a promoter for shaadionline,
convinced Ash to change the venue to Bangalore. She told him to relax and that
shaadionline would take care of everything.

They did. Right from the wedding invitations and the first gift registry to the venue
and the wedding webcast - the shaadionline team created the dream wedding for Ash and
Nethra in six weeks flat. Ash, his mother Paddy and Nethra spent exactly eight hours in
Bangalore. The rest was done over the Net - even the lehnga measurements were sent via

"Meeru said I will take the responsibility off your shoulders. We started
communicating via email, "says Paddy. Naturally, people asked if she was worried, but to
paddy the concept of a wedding planner was common. "But this was perfect, especially
the venue - Tamarind Tree. It was like heaven. And frankly, even we could not have done
it cheaper or better. I told all my friends in US that there is no need to go hysterical
anymore," she laughs.

Ash, especially, was thrilled to bits because he got to ride on a horse one night and
on an elephant the other, "They provided several zoological treats," he grins, adding, "It's
been my dream wedding. It is the heights of idiocy to think that we could have done it on
our own," says Ash. The bride and groom gave Meeru and Nalini their friends' contact
numbers and their Mumbai office traced down the address of each person on the list.


"Even basic things like beetle leaves were arranged. So I keep telling Ash, how about
getting married again next month," jokes a happy Nethra.

In the past shaadionline has arranged invites, flowers or webcasts, but never an
entire wedding right from start to finish. "For the first time in India we even had an
online gift registry", says Meeru, who also arranged the mehediwali, clothes designers
and transport for the wedding. Shaadionline has offices in Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad
and Bangalore. "We got all the information for this Tamil-Iyer wedding on our website,"
she adds, says Nalini, Meeru's partner, "People usually think of a wedding co-ordinator as
as outsider, but here we become a part of our family. We tell them to pass on the
headache of arrangement to us. And now I am sure, the next wedding will be all the more

Another celebrity model ties the knot. Nethra Raghuraman first met Atlanta-
returned actor-singer-standup comedian Ash Chandler at the Lakme India Fashion Week
in Delhi last year. Cupid struck and in three weeks, Chandler was on the phone with his
sister about the girl he was going to marry. "Things moved so fast." Chuckles Chandler.
"We knew we were onto something big." The wedding at Bangalore's Tamarind Tree on
August 29 was big: a traditional Iyer ceremony (Raghunathan is Tamil) preceded a
"western reception". The bride wore a Kancheepuram sari and dull gold Ashley Rebello
gown. But the press was kept out. Chandler:

The bright line that once distinguished the dot-com from the incumbent is rapidly
fading. Success in the new economy will go to those who can execute clicks-and-mortar
strategies that bridge the physical and virtual worlds. But how executives forge such
strategies is under considerable debate. Despite the obvious benefits that integration
offers -- cross-promotion, shared information, purchasing leverage, distribution
economies, and the like -- many executives now assume that Internet businesses have to
be separate to thrive. They believe that the very nature of traditional business -- its
protectiveness of current customers, its fear of cannibalization, its general myopia -- will
smother any Internet initiative.


Authors Ranjay Gulati and Jason Garino contend that executives don't have to
make an either-or choice when it comes to their clicks-and-mortar strategies. The
question isn't, "Should we develop our Internet channel in-house or launch a spin-off?"
but rather, "What degree of integration makes sense for our company?"

To determine the best level of integration for their companies, executives should
examine four business dimensions: brand, management, operations, and equity. Drawing
on the experiences of three established retailers -- Office Depot, KB Toys, and Rite Aid --
the authors show the spectrum of strategies available and discuss the trade-offs involved
in each choice.

By thinking carefully about which aspects of a business to integrate and which to

keep distinct, companies can tailor their clicks-and-mortar strategy to their own particular
market and competitive situation, dramatically increasing their odds of e-business


Chapter 3


Research methodology is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis

of data in a manner that aims to combine the relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedure. Research is conceptual structure within which research is
conducted. It is way to systematically study and solve the research problems.
Research purpose can be divided into three categories:
 Exploratory research: - It is also termed as formulate research the main purpose of
such research is to gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights.
 Descriptive research: - This portrays the particular characteristics of a particular
individual situation or a group.
 Casual research: - Conducted to identify “cause and effect” relationships.

Chart 1


A close-ended questionnaire was constructed for the survey. A questionnaire

comprising a set of questions was presented to respondents for their answers.


1. Primary Data Collection:

The method used for primary data collection is Survey method for consumers, to
map their attitude & perception.

1. The questionnaire uses simple language.

2. The questions are sequenced in a proper order to ensure continuity and to

maintain interest of the respondent.

2. Secondary Data Collection:

The secondary data has been collected through a wide range of articles from
various newspapers & magazines and the internet.


After collection of data, it has been analyzed using the statistical tool- Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences i.e. SPSS. Here, we have used SPSS 16. 0 version.

Ordinal Scale: - An ordinal scale not only categorizes the variables in such a way
as to denote differences among the various categories, it also rank-orders the categories in
some meaningful way. With any variable for which the categories are to be ordered
according to some preference the ordinal scale would be used. The preference would be
ranked and numbered 1, 2 and so on.

Nominal Scale: - A nominal scale is one that allows the researcher to assign
subjects to certain categories or groups. For example with respect to the variable of


gender, respondents can be grouped into two categories male and female. These two
groups can be assigned code numbers 1 and 2. These numbers serve as simple and
convenient category labels with no intrinsic value, other than to assign respondents to one
of two non-overlapping or mutually exclusive categories.


1. To study the perception of consumers with respect to matrimonial

2. To study the attitude of consumers with respect to matrimonial


1. Hypothesis 1:
H0: Customers perception of matrimonial websites is not good.
H1: Customers perception of matrimonial websites is good.

2. Hypothesis 2:

H0: Customers experience of matrimonial websites is good

H1: Customers experience of matrimonial websites is good.


Perception Mapping is an experienced diagnostic firm able to find the exact thoughts,
behaviors, structures or processes that could be blocking the performance of the business.

Here we have used perception mapping, to map the perception of the people towards the
usage of matrimonial websites, in India.



Descriptive research is used here as it will help us to find out elements of both
qualitative & quantitative data, within the same study. The term descriptive
research refers to the type of research question, design, and data analysis that will
be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential
statistics try to determine cause and effect.


Sample Size- Delhi/NCR-159

Sampling Method- Random Sampling Method ,

Research Instrument - Questionnaire

Research Type – Descriptive Research


 Research is based on the collection of data from both primary and secondary
 There may be a possibility of biasness on the part of some respondents, but very
much care has been taken to make this report unbiased.

 Some respondents might not give the correct information due to their lack of
interest and shortage of time.

 Time constraint.

 All the information is based on primary and secondary data that has its own




4.1 Q1. To Q14, Graphs & Interpretations

Q-1- How often do you surf the internet? (Please tick one)?

Chart 2



People are very technology friendly these days, in metro cities. People use internet once a
day in their daily lives. Professional working people have no option to survive without it.
But people like home makers do it by choice.

Q-2- For how long on an average you surf the internet in a

day? (Please tick one)

Chart 3



People these days browse internet on an average of 3-4 hours.

With the highest response being for 2-3 hours & half the responses being for 4-5 hours.

Q-3- What do you use internet for? Rank, 1= Most often, 5=

Least often)

Chart 4



People mainly use internet for getting connected with their near & dear ones with the
help of emails & chat. They also use internet for news, information & other purposes like
songs, software’s downloading, etc.

Q-4- Rank in order of your preference the following mediums

for matchmaking. Rank, 1= most preferred, 4= least preferred.

Chart 5


The most preferred mode of people for still is Matchmakers like family members,
pundits, relatives, etc , next being Marriage bureaus with least still being print media like
news papers, etc.


Q-5- What factors make you prefer other modes of

matchmaking over Matrimonial websites? Please tick any one.

Chart 6


Family traditions & customs and not believing in such modes of match making are the
major barriers of people not opting for online matrimonial options.


Q-6- Do you believe in following statements?

Chart 7
Majority of the people strongly agreed & agreed with the facts that matrimonial websites
are commonly being used these days by people for matchmaking, also they are one stop


shop convenience for all the rituals, ceremonies & functions. Few people also agreed
with other statements like matrimonial websites are faster mode of matchmaking,
matrimonial websites are safer mode of matchmaking & also matrimonial websites offer
larger database for convenience of matchmaking.

Q-7- Name any 3 matrimonial websites that you are aware of?

Chart 8

People are very much aware of the various matrimonial websites existing in the market,
the most known & famous one’s being,

42, followed by along with &

Q-8- In a matrimonial website what matters to you the most?

Rank the following attributes, 1= Most preferred, 8= Least

Chart 9


With different people & different expectations, made all the parameters being preferred
across all ranks, of which security being the most crucial & name being the least


Q-9- a. Have you availed any matrimonial service on Internet?

Chart 10


People not availing matrimonial on internet are approximately 10% more as compared to
people availing the service, which means the trend is very fast catching up & people are
breaking the tradition thinking walls.


b. If yes (Please Specify the name of the website).

Chart 11


With as many as 43.40% people availing services of matrimonial websites, is the most preferred by the people, followed by & People also visited sites like, &


Q-10- What are the main reasons for you visiting that
particular matrimonial websites? (Rank your choices 1. Most
preferred 6. Least preferred)

Chart 12


All the factors like Convenience, Promptness, Availability of larger database, Having
wedding arrangements done with just a click of button, security of data, transparency of
the data available, are of utmost importance to all the customers, only the priority of the
same is different.


Q-11- While using this website, have you considered choosing

life partner for: (please tick one)

Chart 13


Majority of the respondents who have availed the services of matrimonial websites, have
availed it for friend, relative, children or for more than one person mentioned above.


Q-12- If you have visited any matrimonial site please tick your
experience on the following scale:
i. Highly Satisfied, ii. Satisfied, iii. Neutral, iv.
v. Highly Dissatisfied

Chart 14


With different people & different expectations, made all the parameters being preferred
across all ranks, For all the respondents who availed the services of matrimonial
websites, they are highly satisfied & satisfied with factors like, appearance of the website,
response time by the company officials, ease of surfing the website & security, with few
not being dissatisfied & strongly dissatisfied with the same.


Q-13- How did you come to know about this website? (Indicate
your choices)

Chart 15


As seen here in the results clearly, Newspapers & magazines are leaders of brand
building & recalling in case of matrimonial websites, followed by other sources like word
of mouth, self exploration & websites (hyperlinks).


Q-14- What do you think could be added to these sites to make

them better?

Chart 16


This was an open ended question put across in front of the customers, where by few
responded to the same with different kinds of opinions like Free chatting & more assured
safety, followed by Kundli Match & Prompt Action.


4.2 Hypothesis 1:-

Null Hypothesis: H0: Customers perception of matrimonial websites is not good.

Alternative Hypothesis: H1: Customers perception of matrimonial websites is good.

To do the hypothesis statement was posed to the respondents on likert scale,

which was to examine whether they strongly agree or agree with matrimonial websites &
their features or not. In the given test, we have taken test value as 3 i.e. Neutral & done at
5% level of significance. If significance level is less than 0.05 then alternate hypothesis is
accepted and vice versa.


One-Sample Test

Test Value = 3

95% Confidence Interval of the


T Df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper

Matrimonial websites are -47.911 158 .000 -1.717 -1.79 -1.65

most commonly used for
match making these days

Matrimonial websites are the -16.146 158 .000 -.623 -.70 -.55
faster mode of match making

Matrimonial websites offer -9.849 158 .000 -.585 -.70 -.47

larger database for
convenience of matchmaking

Matrimonial websites are -2.229 158 .027 -.132 -.25 -.02

safer mode of match making

Matrimonial websites offer -42.700 158 .000 -1.635 -1.71 -1.56

one stop shop convenience
for all the rituals, ceremonies
& functions

In the 1st statement, we asked the respondents are Matrimonial websites most commonly
used for match making these days. In the analysis of the given statement, we find that the
significance level is less than 0.05 (i.e. 0.000). Hence, Null Hypothesis is rejected &
Alternate Hypothesis is accepted.

The table also depicts that the mean difference is -1.717 which is more inclined to prove
the statement.

In the 2nd statement, we asked the respondents are Matrimonial websites the faster mode
of match making. In the analysis of the given statement, we find that the significance
level is less than 0.05 (i.e. 0.000). Hence, Null Hypothesis is rejected & Alternate
Hypothesis is accepted.


The table also depicts that the mean difference is -.623 which is more inclined to prove
the statement.

In the 3rd statement, we asked the respondents Matrimonial websites offer larger database
for convenience of matchmaking . In the analysis of the given statement, we find that the
significance level is less than 0.05 (i.e. 0.000). Hence, Null Hypothesis is rejected &
Alternate Hypothesis is accepted.

The table also depicts that the mean difference is -.585 which is more inclined to prove
the statement.

In the 4th statement, we asked the respondents Matrimonial websites are safer mode of
match making. In the analysis of the given statement, we find that the significance level
is less than 0.05 (i.e. 0.000). Hence, Null Hypothesis is rejected & Alternate Hypothesis
is accepted.

The table also depicts that the mean difference is -.132which is more inclined to prove
the statement.

In the 5th statement, we asked the respondents Matrimonial websites offer one stop shop
convenience for all the rituals, ceremonies & functions. In the analysis of the given
statement, we find that the significance level is less than 0.05 (i.e. 0.000). Hence, Null
Hypothesis is rejected & Alternate Hypothesis is accepted.

The table also depicts that the mean difference is -1.635which is more inclined to prove
the statement.

Thus, based upon the results above we can conclude that Customers perception of
matrimonial websites is good.


4.3 Perceptual Mapping Graph


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Matrimonial websites are 159 1 2 1.28 .452

most commonly used for
match making these days

Matrimonial websites are the 159 2 3 2.38 .486

faster mode of match making

Matrimonial websites offer 159 2 4 2.42 .749

larger database for
convenience of matchmaking

Matrimonial websites are 159 2 4 2.87 .747

safer mode of match making

Matrimonial websites offer 159 1 2 1.36 .483

one stop shop convenience
for all the rituals, ceremonies
& functions

Valid N (listwise) 159

Since the mean of all the parameters of perception lies between 1.36 & 2.87 i.e between
Strongly Agree & Agree, thus we can conclude that the perception of matrimonial
websites is good in the minds of people.

Here, we took the means of all the parameters of perception mentioned in question
number 6, & plotted the same on graph, to make the perception map.

Here in graph, it is assumed, 2cm = 1unit of mean on both the axis respectivel

4.4 Hypothesis 2:-


Null Hypothesis: H0: Customers experience of matrimonial websites is not good.

Alternative Hypothesis: H1: Customers experience of matrimonial websites is good.

To do the hypothesis statement was posed to the respondents on likert scale,

which was to examine whether Customers experience of matrimonial websites is good or
not. In the given test, we have taken test value as 3 i.e. Neutral & done at 5% level of
significance. If significance level is less than 0.05 then alternate hypothesis is accepted
and vice versa.


One-Sample Test

Test Value = 3

95% Confidence Interval of the


T Df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper

APPEARANCE( If you have -8.354 158 .000 -.736 -.91 -.56

visited any matrimonial site
please tick your experience:)

NAME( If you have visited -4.020 158 .000 -.377 -.56 -.19
any matrimonial site please
tick your experience:)

EASE OF SURFING( If you -5.743 158 .000 -.553 -.74 -.36

have visited any matrimonial
site please tick your

QUALITY OF 1.029 158 .305 .113 -.10 .33

PROMOTION( If you have
visited any matrimonial site
please tick your experience:)

CONTENT( If you have 3.650 158 .000 .396 .18 .61

visited any matrimonial site
please tick your experience:)

RESPONSE TIME( If you -3.911 158 .000 -.409 -.62 -.20

have visited any matrimonial
site please tick your

Options or Variety of Brides .882 158 .379 .094 -.12 .31

& Grooms( If you have
visited any matrimonial site
please tick your experience:)

Security( If you have visited -3.003 158 .003 -.321 -.53 -.11
any matrimonial site please
tick your experience:)


In the 1st statement, we asked the respondents about their satisfaction level of
APPEARANCE of the Website ( If you have visited any matrimonial site please tick your
experience:). In the analysis of the given statement, we find that the significance level is
less than 0.05 (i.e. 0.000). Hence, Null Hypothesis is rejected & Alternate Hypothesis is

The table also depicts that the mean difference is -.736 which is more inclined to prove
the statement.

In the 2nd statement, we asked the respondents about their satisfaction level of NAME of
the website (If you have visited any matrimonial site please tick your experience :). In the
analysis of the given statement, we find that the significance level is less than 0.05 (i.e.
0.000). Hence, Null Hypothesis is rejected & Alternate Hypothesis is accepted.

The table also depicts that the mean difference is -.377 which is more inclined to prove
the statement.

In the 3rd statement, we asked the respondents about their satisfaction level of EASE OF
SURFING (If you have visited any matrimonial site please tick your experience:). In the
analysis of the given statement, we find that the significance level is less than 0.05 (i.e.
0.000). Hence, Null Hypothesis is rejected & Alternate Hypothesis is accepted.

The table also depicts that the mean difference is -.553which is more inclined to prove
the statement.

In the 6th statement, we asked the respondents about their satisfaction level of
RESPONSE TIME by the company people ( If you have visited any matrimonial site
please tick your experience:)In the analysis of the given statement, we find that the
significance level is less than 0.05 (i.e. 0.000). Hence, Null Hypothesis is rejected &
Alternate Hypothesis is accepted.

The table also depicts that the mean difference is -.409 which is more inclined to prove
the statement.


In the 8th statement, we asked the respondents about their satisfaction level of Security
provided by the matrimonial sites( If you have visited any matrimonial site please tick
your experience:). In the analysis of the given statement, we find that the significance
level is less than 0.05 (i.e. 0.000). Hence, Null Hypothesis is rejected & Alternate
Hypothesis is accepted.

The table also depicts that the mean difference is -.321 which is more inclined to prove
the statement.

Since, in 5 statements out of 8, we are rejecting the null hypothesis & accepting the
alternate hypothesis, with the help of mean differences.

Thus we can conclude that Customers experience of matrimonial websites is good.


Interview of: Ms. Princy Gulati

(Assistant Manager- Client Relations, Jeevansaathi)
1.What factors makes your website a preferred mode of matching over
other conventional modes of match making i.e news papers or
marriage bureaus etc ?
Answer: Option C
a. Trust

b. Ease of access to data

c. Large pool of Availability of data of prospects

d. One stop shop

e. Quality data availability

f. If Others, then please specify_____________________

2. What factor makes your website a preferred mode of matchmaking over

other matrimonial websites?
Option A, D & G
a. Brand
b. Trust
c. Good Customer base

d. Ease of access to data

e. Large pool of Availability of data of prospects

f. One stop shop

g. Quality data availability


h. If Others, then please specify____________________

3. What are the various safety measures adopted by your company to safe
guard your customer & his/her interest?
Option B
a. Limited data pool
b. Regular update of the data pool
c. Maintaining the transparency of the data
d. Actions with respect to compliance of the parties involved
e. If Others, then please specify____________________

We have a concept of Vishwas seal wherein users need to verify their

mobile number / contact number(step 1), verify email id (step 2) and
give an address proof (step 3).

4. What are the features of your website?

a. Limited data
b. Large data
c. Maintaining Transparency of data
d. Maintaining the secrecy of the data
e. User friendly
f. Effective or consumer friendly packages
g. Others__________________
Option B, E and F
5. Would you provide your only supplementary or secondary services
(wedding planner activities) to your clients, if asked for?
a. Yes
b. No
We have List your site option which can be used by customers.

6. What factors or parameters make your site user friendly?

a. Prominent visibility of Search options on Site
b. Contact centres/ statistics available on multiple tabs
c. Option to refine the search results.
d. Suggested matches visible on multiple links


7. What security measures are taken care of by your site?

a. Mandatory number verification
b. Concept of Vishwas seal
c. Limiting the number of contacts/ expression of interests sent by
a user in a day/ month or overall
d. blocking the spammers

8. Mention any 3 most important or special (with reference to any

particular features of your site) testimonials received for your site?
a. Quality of match alerts sent to user

b. Timely service messages to the customers

c. Number of relevant responses in comparison to other

matrimonial sites
9. Has your site lost any of its important customer?
a. Yes
b. No

10.If ans to Q.9. is Yes, then,

What was or were the reasons for the same?




Chapter 5.


 People are very technology friendly these days, in metro cities. People use
internet once a day in their daily lives. Professional working people have no
option to survive without it. But people like home makers do it by choice.
 People these days browse internet on an average of 3-4 hours. With the on an
average time being spent of Internet by people is 3 hours everyday.
 People mainly use internet for getting connected with their near & dear ones with
the help of emails & chat. They also use internet for news, information & other
purposes like songs, software’s downloading, etc.
 The most preferred mode of people for still is Matchmakers like family members,
pundits, relatives, etc , next being Marriage bureaus with least still being print
media like news papers, etc.
 Family traditions & customs and not believing in such modes of match making
are the major barriers of people not opting for online matrimonial options.
 Majority of the people strongly agreed & agreed with the facts that matrimonial
websites are commonly being used these days by people for matchmaking, also
they are one stop shop convenience for all the rituals, ceremonies & functions.
Few people also agreed with other statements like matrimonial websites are faster
mode of matchmaking, matrimonial websites are safer mode of matchmaking &
also matrimonial websites offer larger database for convenience of matchmaking.
 People are very much aware of the various matrimonial websites existing in the
market, the most known & famous one’s being,

64, followed by along with &
 With different people & different expectations, made all the parameters being
preferred across all ranks, of which security being the most crucial & name being
the least important.
 People not availing matrimonial on internet are approximately 10% more as
compared to people availing the service, which means the trend is very fast
catching up & people are breaking the tradition thinking walls.
 With as many as 43.40% people availing services of matrimonial websites, is the most preferred by the people, followed by & People also visited sites like, &
 All the factors like Convenience, Promptness, Availability of larger database,
Having wedding arrangements done with just a click of button, security of data,
transparency of the data available, are of utmost importance to all the customers,
only the priority of the same is different.
 Majority of the respondents who have availed the services of matrimonial
websites, have availed it for friend, relative, children or for more than one person
mentioned above.
 With different people & different expectations, made all the parameters being
preferred across all ranks, For all the respondents who availed the services of
matrimonial websites, they are highly satisfied & satisfied with factors like,
appearance of the website, response time by the company officials, ease of surfing
the website & security, with few not being dissatisfied & strongly dissatisfied
with the same.
 As seen here in the results clearly, Newspapers & magazines are leaders of brand
building & recalling in case of matrimonial websites, followed by other sources
like word of mouth, self exploration & websites (hyperlinks).
 This was an open ended question put across in front of the customers, where by
few responded to the same with different kinds of opinions like Free chatting &
more assured safety, followed by Kundli Match & Prompt Action.


 Large pool of Availability of data of prospects, makes a

preferred mode of matching over other conventional modes of match making i.e
news papers or marriage bureaus.

 Brand, Ease of access to data, Quality data availability, a

preferred mode of matchmaking over other matrimonial websites.

11. Regular update of the data pool, & a concept of Vishwas seal wherein users need to
verify their mobile number / contact number(step 1), verify email id (step 2) and
give an address proof (step 3), are various measures adopted by to
safe guard their customer’s interest.
 Large data, User friendly, Effective or consumer friendly packages, are the
features of
 does not provide only their supplementary or secondary
services (wedding planner activities) to their clients, if asked for.
 Prominent visibility of Search options on Site, Contact centres/ statistics available
on multiple tabs, Option to refine the search results, Suggested matches visible on
multiple links, are factors or parameters making user friendly.
 Mandatory number verification, Concept of Vishwas seal, Limiting the number of
contacts/ expression of interests sent by a user in a day/ month or overall,
blocking the spammers, are various security measures are taken care of by
 A.) Quality of match alerts sent to user, B.) Timely service messages to the
customers, C.) Number of relevant responses in comparison to other matrimonial
sites, are 3 most important or special testimonials received by
 claims that it has never lost any of its important customer, till


- During the survey with customers, it was interesting to find out the fact that
internet has very much penetrated into the lives’ of people in metro cities like
Delhi/ NCR region.
- People are spending more than one hour on internet, on everyday basis.
- Their main & regular usage being email & chatting, followed by news &
information, downloading music, software’s, & gaming.
- People are increasingly becoming aware of matrimonial websites on internet
& are also availing the service of the same.
- With the help of z test we have seen that people have a good perception about
the matrimonial websites in India.
- Thus a good perception has led a good number of people availing the services
of matrimonial websites.
- The people visiting these websites have also had a good experience when
availing the services of them. (Proved above with z test).
- These sites have been doing pretty well in the past and have shown an upward
trend in terms of profitability and market share, which can be seen in our
results, & can also be proved by the fact of increasing number of matrimonial
websites presently.


I. The various matrimonial websites should get their links registered on various
other websites, where by the people become aware of the matrimonial site’s
existence, also these matrimonial websites should make provision for related sites
links registered on their site, making browsing more interesting for the customers
II. Reducing the membership fees can attract people to join. In this market where
sites are offering free buddies like anything you can't charge anything at
introduction stage. After getting a good number of members they can make a
steady and slow increase in prices for the fees.

III. New innovating & engaging features should be introduced which are of interest to
the visitor; site can add features like chatting, email.

IV. Continuous Advertisements in different forms should be practiced, for consumer

awareness, consumer recall, personalized relationship building, etc.

V. Site can have post marriage arrangements like booking honeymoon package, in
which they are provided information about destination. They can also put a
promotional link to tour operator sites, which will increase product variety as well
as will generate revenues.

VI. These various Matrimonial websites can sponsor various activities related to the
youngsters (college going) like fairs in college's competitions that can increase
their possibilities of increasing site awareness. Also participation in exhibitions
can also help in getting more business.

VII. These sites need to keep on changing & upgrading with the time and as per the
interests of the customers, so they can do well like any other company in their


market. They should keep this in their mind that it is not an easy task to retain that
position which they have to.

VIII. With the increasing add on services & benefits being provided by these websites,
they should not loose out on their focus from their main service i.e. Matrimonial

Chapter 6.



 Marketing Management, 12th edition, Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Kotler, Published
by Prentice Hall, USA
 Marketing Research, 3rd edition, Naresh Malhotra, Published by Pearson
Education, Asia.


 Alpert, Frank H.; Kamins, Michael A., (1995, October 1), An empirical
investigation of consumer memory, attitude, and perceptions toward pioneer and
follower brands, Article from: Journal of Marketing, Vol. 59, Pg. 34-45.
 Cox, Dena, Anthony D. Cox and George P. Moschis (1994), When Consumer
Behavior Goes Bad: An Investigation of Adolescent Shoplifting, Article from:
Journal of Consumer Research, 17 (September), 149-159.

Articles from Newspapers & Magazines:

 ANUSHA SUBRAMANIAN 2007, Matchmaking Made Easy, BUSINESS

TODAY, OCTOBER 21st 2007.
 Diana Ningthoujam 2009, Wedding bells ring online, Times of India ,TNN, Jul 12,
 Indo-Asian News Service 2010, Prospective groom too perfect? , Hindustan Times, New
Delhi, March 18, 2010.
 Prasenjit Chowdhury 2010, Choices, choices..., Times of India, Jul 16, 2010.


 TNN, Getting knotty on the Net!, Times of India, Jul 8, 2003.

 ANJALI THOMAS 2010, What's love got to do with it?, TIMES NEWS
NETWORK , TOI Crest, Mar 12, 2010.

 SHARMILA GANESAN-RAM 2010, The brokers who click, TIMES NEWS

NETWORK, TOI Crest, Aug 3, 2010.

 GEETA SHARMA 2001, Tie the knot the net way, The Asian Age,13th July, 2001.
 RUCHIRA BOSE 2001, Knots On The Net, Femina, December 15th, 2001.

 SUDHANSU GUPTA 2001, No Tears, No Sweat, Getting Married Can Be An

Easy Affair, Hindustan Times, June 28, 2001.

 MONICA BHATIA 2001, Wedding Wows, India Today, 10th September, 2001.


 C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\Dissertation Rough
Final\Literature new new\Web portal - Wikipedia, the free


Chapter 7.


Questionnaire for Customers.

1. How often do you surf the Internet? (Please tick one)

i. Once a day

ii. Once a week

iii. Once in 15 days

iv. Once a month

2. For how long on an average you surf the Internet in a day? (Please tick one)
i. 1 hour

ii. 2–3 hours

iii. 4-5 hours

iv. More than 5 hours

3. What do you use Internet for? (Rank, 1= Most often, 5= Least often)
i. News and information
ii. Chat / E – mail
iii. Match making
iv. Gaming
v. Other,


4. Rank in order of your preference the following mediums for matchmaking. (1 for most
preferred, 4 for least preferred)

i. Matrimonial websites ___________________________

ii. Print media {newspapers / magazines}_________________
iii. Matchmakers {pundits, family etc.}_________________________
iv. Marriage bureaus_________________________

5. What factor makes you prefer other modes of matchmaking over Matrimonial
websites, please tick any one?
i. Past self, family or friend’s, bad or not so good experience
ii. Not computer or net savvy
iii. Do not believe in such modes of matchmaking
iv. Family traditions & customs
v. Others_______________________________________________

6. Do you believe in the following statements:

ATTRIBUTES Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

Matrimonial websites are

most commonly used for
match making these days

Matrimonial websites are

the faster mode of match

Matrimonial websites offer

lager database for
convenience of



Matrimonial websites are

safer mode of match

Matrimonial websites offer

one stop shop convenience
for all the rituals,
ceremonies & functions

7. Name any 3 matrimonial websites that you are aware of?

i. ______________________________

ii. ______________________________

iii. _______________________________

8. In a matrimonial website what matters to you the most. Rank the following
|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Most preferred Least Preferred

i. Appearance ____________________
ii. Name_____________________
iii. Ease of surfing______________________
iv. Quality of promotion___________________
v. Content_____________________________


vi. Response time________________________

vii. Availability of larger database______________________
viii. Security _____________________________

9. a. Have you availed any matrimonial service on Internet?

i. Yes, then (name the website)____________________________________
ii. No

b. If yes, then name of site that you visited:


10. What are the main reasons for you visiting that particular matrimonial websites?
(Rank your choices 1. Most preferred 6. Least preferred )

i. Convenience_______________________
ii. Promptness___________________________
iii. Availability of larger database_________________________
iv. Having Wedding Arrangements Done With Just A Click Of A Button_________
v. Security of self data_________________
vi. Transparency of the data available ____________

11. While using this website, have you considered choosing life partner for: (please tick

i. Yourself
ii. Children
iii. Relative
iv. Friend
v. Two of above


12. If you have visited any matrimonial site please tick your experience:
Name of the site:_________________________________

ATTRIBUTES Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly

Satisfied Dissatisfied







Options or Variety of
Brides & Grooms


13. How did you come to know about these website? (Indicate your choices)


i. Newspaper / Magazine
ii. Television/ Radio
iii. Websites (Hyperlinks)
iv. Other, Please Specify_______________________________________________

14. What do you think could be added to make these sites better?


15. What is your Monthly Income? (Please tick one)

i. Less than Rs. 25000

ii. Between Rs. 25001 – Rs. 50000
iii. Between Rs. 50001 – Rs. 75000
iv. Between Rs. 75001 – Rs. 1,00, 000
v. 1,00,001 and above

Name: _____________________________ Age: ________

Profession: _____________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

E – mail Address: _________________________________________________

***************THANK YOU FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION*******************



MBADI 20460: Dissertation
DATE: September 06, 2010

Name of the Student: Sneha M Sundrani Father’s Nam: Mr. Murli Sundrani

Programme: MBA (Marketing & Sales) AUUP Enrollment No. : A0102209078

Contact No. 09711735788 E-Mail id: [email protected]

Area /Sub-area : Consumer Behaviour

Signature of the candidate with date



MBADI 20460: Dissertation
DATE: September 13, 2010

Name of the Student: Sneha M Sundrani Father’s Name : Mr. Murli Sundrani

Programme: MBA (Marketing & Sales) AUUP Enrollment No.:A0102209078

Contact No.09711735788 E-Mail id: [email protected]

Area /Sub-area: Consumer Behaviour

Title of the Research:

A Study of Consumer Perception & Attitude Towards

Using Matrimonial Websites in India

Signature of the candidate with date



Name and signature of the supervisor with date


DATE: September 27, 2010

Name of the Student: Sneha M Sundrani Father’s Name: Mr. Murli Sundrani

Programme: MBA (Marketing & Sales) AUUP Enrollment No.: A0102209078

Contact No.: 09711735788 E-Mail ids: [email protected]


‘A Study of Consumer Perception & Attitude Towards using of

Matrimonial Websites in India’.


India is showing an upward trend in the technology usage. Youngsters have

dreams regarding their life-partners; they want to explore the options before
making one final decision about choosing their soul mate. Earlier it was


parents who used to look for the perfect match for their children. It was on the
sole discretion of elders to make decision. Now days, all thanks to the internet
you can find site related to any topic of your choice. There is rapid emergence
of Internet in India, more and more people are becoming net savvy and there
are a lot of activities spread over a broad spectrum on Internet for them. Like
so many other activities such as E-shopping, E-mailing, E-business,
matrimonial websites are expected to provide a lot of scope for people
wanting to get married. The social attitude in India are transforming to reality
of today. People favour choosing life partners for themselves. Divorce rate is
increasing and remarrying is socially accepted and is no more a taboo.

Review of work already done on the subject:

The Matrimonial sites are already operating since quiet few years and over the
period they have shown an upward trend in the number of visitors coming to
It is on the basis of the kind of services these sites offer to its customers, have
added new features over a period of time, which is reflected in terms of increase
in traffic.

Since the launch of these sites, it observed that they are doing well in the market.
With the changing consumer perception and attitudes towards using these
websites for choosing their life partners is affecting behavior of the customer in
accepting the change, in acceptance of this new way of match making.

The focus is being made on critical evaluation of the performance of these

websites which is putting focus on the market which is new and has the potential
to expand. The same market had the habit of using traditional methods of finding
the life partner. Then, I have tried to analyze the gaps and opportunities, if any
existing for these sites.


With the changing time, there is the change in the requirement of Technology,
before having it was a luxury, but in today’s phase of life it is the basic necessity
of life, survival without which is difficult. People want everything quick, easily
accessible, and with loads of options.

As per, Frank. H. Alpert, Michael .A. Kamins, (1995) in their first survey - based
approach, found that consumers have a positive approach towards pioneer brands
and have a favorable perception towards these brands. In addition, a similarity is
found between pioneer brand image and ideal self-image, which suggests that an
association or desire for consistency between the two may be another explanation
for favorable attitude and positive purchase intentions towards pioneer brands.

Where as L.J. Shrum, Robert. S. Wyer, Jr., Thomas. C. O’ Guinn (1998) proved by
experimenting that heavy television viewing effects the consumer’s perception of
social reality. It was noticed that heavy viewers that is those consumers who watch
television for more than seven to eight hours a day have more consistency with
content of television programming. In addition, it was proved that television as a
medium of “infotainment” that is a blend of information and entertainment is the
main cause in formation of these beliefs.

R. Kenneth Teas, Sanjeev Aggarwal (2006) talk about experiments conducted to

test the effectiveness of extrinsic cues or external factors such as brand name, price
and value and how consumers perceive these cues. In addition, the article further
talks about the linkages between the above stated factors. These linkages are as

i. Perceived name and Perceived quality

ii. Perceived quality and Perceived sacrifice

iii. Perceived sacrifice and Perceived value

iv. Perceived value and Perceived price


The article takes into account the impact of consumer perception of quality in
which different authors like Han (1989), Zeithmal (1988), Wheatley and Chiu
(1977), Dodds and Monroe (1985) says that customers make quality inferences
based on brand name. Furthermore, this process can be explained by “affect-
referral” method, which suggests that consumer prefer product attitudes rather
than product attributes. Empirical test done by Dodds et al in 1991 tells about
consumer perception of quality with respect to the brand name.

Dena Cox, Anthony. D. Cox (1994) talk about the consumer aesthetic preferences.
It was noticed after examining the complexity of the stimulus that is the product
that those products that were complex in design have an increased repeated
exposure in comparison to the ones which were simple in their looks. In addition,
we can see that this perception partially reconciles exposure-preference
relationship. Also, in this article the author has reviewed past research from
psychology on how repetition affects aesthetic preferences for various types of
stimuli and gets consumer reaction to new product designs.

Prasenjit Chowdhury (2010) , talks about the broad spectrum of choices available
to all the modern customers in all aspects of life, right from products, clothes,
jobs, etc to Life Partner, with increasing number of matrimonial websites & their

In compliance to thought of variety of choices available to all the people these

days, SHARMILA GANESAN-RAM (2010), she talks about the changing trends,
whereby people are opting for matrimonial websites over conventional methods
of hunting prospective brides & grooms, & increasing need of ‘relationship
manager’, a new player in the multi-crore shaadi industry who sifts through
thousands of matrimonial profiles to help prospective brides and grooms zero in
on the right match

Adding further on to the same, Diana Ningthoujam (2009) , talks about the new
catching up modern trend of tech savy ways of sending the wedding invites-


Wedistes across family & friends, instead of conventional methods of invites via
wedding card or emails.

With changing trend every where….ANJALI THOMAS (2010) , talks about the changing
youth’s attitude towards love, relationships & marriage. It's just that they are no more afraid
to admit that sometimes we need more than cupid to find the soulmate.

Inspite of Change being easily accepted, still some where their raises a question mark on the
authenticity Of the verification of the details provided by the matrimonial websites, about the
prospective bride & grooms, as increasing. Number of registrations with these sites is leading to
increasing Detective Agents Business.

Ever regretted not being able to make it to a friend's wedding simply because
work pressure was too great or because the wedding was not in the same city?, a professional wedding management company, offers the
about-to-be-married couples the option of webcasting their marriage online. Apart
from helping couples co-ordinate their wedding, Shaadionline's Interactive Web
TV also helps them webcast their wedding live over the internet-all one has to do
is log in during the wedding and view the events as they are happening.

"Webcasting the wedding live is a whole new concept and we are probably the
first to start it. But unlike video shoots and photographs, live webcast is
interactive and the bride and the groom know that even those who could not make
it to their wedding because of time constraint or distance are sharing the moment
with them," says Jai Raj Gupta, CEO. Promoted by Worldcast Technologies Ltd,
Shaadionline has recently started providing services in Ahmedabad. Not only can
friends and relatives view the marriage, all those who have logged in can also chat
with each other and exchange views. Though it was launched only a couple of
months back, the company has web cast about five weddings so far.

According to Jai Raj, Shaadionline offers a mix of online and offline services
designed to meet a complete range of wedding needs. With offices in Ahmedabad,


Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore, Shaadionline provides people access to

information on wedding services, apparel, accessories, detailed information on
wedding rituals of over 35 communities and their significance. "The emphasis
here is on detail. Lot of research has gone behind the kind of detailed information
we offer. For each puja or custom that a particular community observes, we not
only provide the list of materials that are needed, but also the significance of that
particular ritual," says Jai Raj. Shaadionline also plans to introduce gift registry, a
fairly popular concept in the US, but almost an unknown one in India. The couple
set up their own friends and relatives with a list of everything they need to set up
their home. This will make the gift more meaningful, since the friends will know
what to give. Once a friend selects what he or she wants to present, that particular
item gets deleted from the list. "It is sort of like a wish list. In fact the idea of a
gift registry is present at an informal level when we often ask our friends and
relatives what they want as a wedding gift," says Hemali Kinariwala, who heads
the regional office of Shaadionline in Ahmedabad. Shaadionline plans to tie up
with departmental stores across the country so that the couples can select the gifts
of their choice and include it in the gift registry.

Since they have a nation-wide network, the person getting married in Ahmedabad
has the advantage of availing the services of a flower decorator from Mumbai or
caterer from Delhi. It is a win-win situation for everyone according to Jai Raj.
"We have a tie-up with the caterers, so our clients get a discount and the caterers
get business from different part of the country." Shaadionline also has a tie-up
with fashion designer Ritu Kumar for bridal wear and Mansa for wedding co-

The days when aunts, uncles and cousins had to run around like headless
chickens, trying to arrange ‘laddoos’, extra chairs, lights, or delivery of invites,
are almost a thing of the past. You can now get wedding services, and organisers
on the net, to take care of the minutest of details and turn your wedding into a
cyborically memorable event! In fact, starting with finding your dream spouse


(yes, some do exist), to arranging the honeymoon, you can either choose to give
all the tasks to one organiser, or only a few out to specialists.

No matter what you want done — whether choosing the venue, or taking care of
relatives, there’s someone on the net who can take it off your shoulders. Online
wedding organisers and service providers are gaining popularity with NRIs (Non
Resident Indians) who often find it hard to source traditional wedding items
abroad, or arrange weddings in India. With websites like shaadionline, or, you can not only give out the whole
project, but also order for things online. For example:

 Organisers can take on a part, or the whole management of the wedding.

Depending on the services the site provides, they will book venues, arrange
priests (and even elephants and horses), publish and send invites, arrange for
decorators, caterers, performers, choose themes, get gifts packed, etc.

 You can have a live webcast of your wedding for all your friends and relatives
across the globe. Photo albums, guest books and other memorabilia facilities also
exist online.

 You can order for traditional items, jewellery, clothes and even gifts.

 There’s free information about community-specific rituals and customs, so you

don’t make any bloopers.

 Some sites are just good resource guides for you to find out where you can get a
caterer, decorator and other local vendors.

 Gift registry — at the moment, very few sites offer this service, but it’s a good
one. The couple puts up a list of wedding gifts they’d like to get, and friends and
family go online and sign up against one. Some sites have a tie-up with stores for
this. As soon as a gift is chosen, it gets knocked off the list. This way, you don’t
get five lemon sets or a thoroughly useless ice cream maker!

 Some sites offer a panel of experts who guide you on topics including beauty,
fashion, psychology and gynecology.


When Shunu Sen, the advertising wizard and the brain behind such memorable
commercials as the Lalitaji Surf campaign and the Liril waterfall ad, got married
in 1962, he was stepping into unknown terrain. "Being from Bengal, I was
entirely in the dark about the rituals followed by the Kayastha community from
where my wife Indu hailed from," he confesses. Thankfully for Sen, his mom-in-
law was around to take care of the nitty-gritty that goes into a resplendent,
traditional Indian wedding ceremony.

When it was the turn of his son Rahul to tie the knot, he followed his father in
marrying outside his community. Only this time, he was exchanging wedding
vows with a Sikh girl. The predicament of getting married outside one's region
and being at sea with the centuries' old rituals is getting commoner by the day.
That is where wedding services management companies, that take the pain out of
tasks like fixing the venue, shopping for the trousseau, catering, flower decoration
and sending out invites, can come in handy. "Companies like Shaadi Online,
where I am the promoter, advisor and chairman all rolled-into-one, can make life
easier for the families of the bride and the groom. Unlike matrimonial sites (a
service that the company does not offer), our USP includes rich content on all the
nuances of organising a wedding , live webcasts of the ceremony, secretarial
assistance and a gift registry," say Sen.

A gift registry, a concept popular in the West, allows guests to coordinate their
gifts with the needs and desires of the couple. "After checking with the couple on
what exactly they want for the wedding, we communicate the same to the invitees
through a list. So there isn't a duplication of televisions or a surfeit of crockery
sets that they are deluged with. Guests can also check the registry on our website,," says Sen.

In tandem with stores like Akbarallys, Shoppers' Stop and The Bombay Store,
Shadi Online will help clients buy that exact gift which the couple needs. "Over
90 per cent of couples in the United States use a gift registry. In fact, a lot of non-
resident Indians who get married here ask for this service that cuts down wastage


of gifts and cash," says Jai Raj Gupta, the CEO of the company. The revenues
emerge from its off-line operations while the website will provide a smorgasbord
of data on everything that you'd need at a wedding. From arranging for the havan
kund, to the turban, to flowers to the guests list... figure it out online and relax.
Wedding management companies can certainly offer you some peace of mind at
the most important event of your life. Of course, at a price.

Given half a chance you would want J Lo as your wedding planner. But forget
that awesome bod for a few seconds and think of the next best bet.

When superwomen Meeru Pai and Nalini Tahilramani get together and create
magic with, they produce anything from an elephant for the
baraat to the filmi glass of milk beside your bedside.

All stand up comedian Ash Chandler wanted after he proposed to model-actress

Netra Raghuraman was the most perfect Tamil-Iyer wedding in Chennai. But in
20 minutes flat Biocon's Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, who is also a promoter for
shaadionline, convinced Ash to change the venue to Bangalore. She told him to
relax and that shaadionline would take care of everything.

They did. Right from the wedding invitations and the first gift registry to the venue
and the wedding webcast - the shaadionline team created the dream wedding for
Ash and Nethra in six weeks flat. Ash, his mother Paddy and Nethra spent exactly
eight hours in Bangalore. The rest was done over the Net - even the lehnga
measurements were sent via email.

"Meeru said I will take the responsibility off your shoulders. We started
communicating via email, "says Paddy. Naturally, people asked if she was
worried, but to paddy the concept of a wedding planner was common. "But this
was perfect, especially the venue - Tamarind Tree. It was like heaven. And
frankly, even we could not have done it cheaper or better. I told all my friends in
US that there is no need to go hysterical anymore," she laughs.


Ash, especially, was thrilled to bits because he got to ride on a horse one night and
on an elephant the other, "They provided several zoological treats," he grins,
adding, "It's been my dream wedding. It is the heights of idiocy to think that we
could have done it on our own," says Ash. The bride and groom gave Meeru and
Nalini their friends' contact numbers and their Mumbai office traced down the
address of each person on the list. "Even basic things like beetle leaves were
arranged. So I keep telling Ash, how about getting married again next month,"
jokes a happy Nethra.

In the past shaadionline has arranged invites, flowers or webcasts, but never an
entire wedding right from start to finish. "For the first time in India we even had
an online gift registry", says Meeru, who also arranged the mehediwali, clothes
designers and transport for the wedding. Shaadionline has offices in Delhi,
Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Bangalore. "We got all the information for this Tamil-
Iyer wedding on our website," she adds, says Nalini, Meeru's partner, "People
usually think of a wedding co-ordinator as as outsider, but here we become a part
of our family. We tell them to pass on the headache of arrangement to us. And
now I am sure, the next wedding will be all the more easier."

Another celebrity model ties the knot. Nethra Raghuraman first met Atlanta-
returned actor-singer-standup comedian Ash Chandler at the Lakme India Fashion
Week in Delhi last year. Cupid struck and in three weeks, Chandler was on the
phone with his sister about the girl he was going to marry. "Things moved so
fast." Chuckles Chandler. "We knew we were onto something big." The wedding
at Bangalore's Tamarind Tree on August 29 was big: a traditional Iyer ceremony
(Raghunathan is Tamil) preceded a "western reception". The bride wore a
Kancheepuram sari and dull gold Ashley Rebello gown. But the press was kept
out. Chandler: "An event like this is not up for opinion." Point taken.


The bright line that once distinguished the dot-com from the incumbent is rapidly
fading. Success in the new economy will go to those who can execute clicks-and-
mortar strategies that bridge the physical and virtual worlds. But how executives
forge such strategies is under considerable debate. Despite the obvious benefits
that integration offers -- cross-promotion, shared information, purchasing
leverage, distribution economies, and the like -- many executives now assume that
Internet businesses have to be separate to thrive. They believe that the very nature
of traditional business -- its protectiveness of current customers, its fear of
cannibalization, its general myopia -- will smother any Internet initiative.

Authors Ranjay Gulati and Jason Garino contend that executives don't have to
make an either-or choice when it comes to their clicks-and-mortar strategies. The
question isn't, "Should we develop our Internet channel in-house or launch a spin-
off?" but rather, "What degree of integration makes sense for our company?"

To determine the best level of integration for their companies, executives should
examine four business dimensions: brand, management, operations, and equity.
Drawing on the experiences of three established retailers -- Office Depot, KB
Toys, and Rite Aid -- the authors show the spectrum of strategies available and
discuss the trade-offs involved in each choice.

By thinking carefully about which aspects of a business to integrate and which to

keep distinct, companies can tailor their clicks-and-mortar strategy to their own
particular market and competitive situation, dramatically increasing their odds of
e-business success.


1. To study the Perception of consumers with respect to matrimonial websites.

2. To study the Attitude of consumers with respect to matrimonial websites.



a. Hypothesis 1:
H0: Customers perception of matrimonial websites is not good.
H1: Customers perception of matrimonial websites is good.

b. Hypothesis 2:

H0: Customers experience of matrimonial websites is not good.

H1: Customers experience of matrimonial websites is good.


Perception Mapping is an experienced diagnostic firm able to find the exact thoughts,
behaviors, structures or processes that could be blocking the performance of the business.

Here we have used perception mapping, to map the perception of the people towards the
usage of matrimonial websites, in India.


Descriptive research is used here as it will help us to find out elements of both
qualitative & quantitative data, within the same study. The term descriptive
research refers to the type of research question, design, and data analysis that will
be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential
statistics try to determine cause and effect.


A well set research plan is formed with a pre-planned questionnaire. The research plan
includes the following important stages


1. Data collection
2. Formulating Research Approaches
3. Sampling Plan


Primary Data Collection:

The method used for primary data collection is Survey method for consumers, to
map their attitude & perception.

1. The questionnaire uses simple conversationnel language.

2. The questions are sequenced in a proper order to ensure continuity and to
maintain interest of the respondent.

Secondary Data Collection:

The secondary data will be collected through a wide range of books, journals,
magazines, newspapers and the internet, Company reports.


Since the required data sources and the variables are available in normal environments,
our study will be carried out in field conditions. A combination of self-administered
questionnaires will be used.


Sampling Methods: Random Sampling

Sample Size: 159



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