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Science Unit 1 - Food (1. Plant Reproduction)

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Questions with Answers
# Q1. What is germination?
A1. The process by which a seed develops into a seedling or a new plant is called germination.

# Q2. What is seed dispersal?

A2. The process by which seeds are carried to the new places away from the parent plant is known as seed

# Q3. Name the different ways of seed dispersal with two examples of each kind.
A3. The different ways of seed dispersal are -- (i) Wind dispersal - Example: Orchid, Dandelion. (ii) Animal
dispersal - Example: Mango, Apple. (iii) Water dispersal - Example: Lotus, Lily. (iv) Dispersal by
Explosion - Example : Peas, Beans.

# Q4. Write the conditions required by seeds to grow into new plants?
A4. The conditions required by seeds to grow into new plants are- (i) seeds should be healthy. Damaged
seeds do not grow into new plants. (ii) Seeds should get right type of soil and minerals from it.
(iii) Seeds should get right amount of water, air, light and warmth.

# Q5. Define

a)Reproduction a) Reproduction is defined as a process by which an organism, whether a plant or an

animal produces new individuals.
b) Seed Coat b) The outer covering of a seed which protects it against germs, injury and harsh weather
conditions is called seed coat.
c) Cotyledons c) The fleshy part of a seed which stores food for the baby plant is called cotyledons. The
baby plant uses this food till it grows its roots and leaves.
d) Explosion d) Some plants have pods which explode or burst open when ripe. This is made of
dispersal of seeds is called explosion.
e) Seedling e) when a seed gets all the favourable conditions, it grows into a baby plant called a

# Q6. Apart from seeds, which are the major parts of a plant, from which new plants can grow?
Give examples.
A6. (a) Plants from stem - Eg: Potato, Ginger (b) Plants from roots - Eg: Carrot, Radish (c) Plants from
leaves - Eg: Bryophyllum, Cactus.

# Q7. Differentiate between Monocot and Dicot seeds.


Monocot seeds Dicot seeds

1. Some seeds have only one seed leaf, called 1. Some seeds have two seed leaves, they are called
Monocot seeds. Dicot seeds.
2. Eg: Onion, garlic, Corn, Rice, and Wheat. 2. Eg: Apple, Peas, and Beans.

# Q8. How does a baby plant get its nutrients from the time it is inside a seed till it grows into a
baby plant?
A8. Seeds have fleshy seed leaves called cotyledons to store food for the baby plant. The baby plant uses
this food till it grows its own roots and leaves. After food is used, young plants continue making their
own food through photosynthesis.

#Q9. Give Reasons


a) Coconut trees are often a) Coconut trees are usually found near the sea coasts. When the seeds
found in lonely far off are dispersed, they are carried by water to far off and distant places.
islands There they grow into new plant.

b) Why is dispersal of seed b) If all the seeds of a plant fall just beneath it, in the same area, they
necessary for a plant? will not get enough nutrients, space and warmth to grow. Therefore it
is important that these seeds are distributed over a wide area, where
they stand a better chance of finding the right conditions to grow.
c) Dandelion seeds and c) They are light and have feathery bristles and can be carried long
sycamore seeds are distance by the wind.
dispersed by wind.
Contd .. Pg(2)

# Q9. Give Reasons (Contd)

A9 Contd
d) Pea seeds are dispersed d) Pea keeps their seeds in a pod, which explode or burst open when
by explosion. ripe. In this way pea seeds are dispersed by explosion.
e) Flowers are very important e) (i) A flower is the reproductive organ of a plant. (ii) They are beautiful
for the plants. and have nice fragrance to attract pollinators. (iii) The pollinators help
to carry the pollen grains from one flower to another and help in

Q10. Draw a diagram of a seed and label its parts

Q11. Mention the life stages of a plant.

A11. (i) Most plants bear flowers which when bloom their petals dry and fall off and the flowers turn into
small fruits. (ii) Fruits grow big and have one or multiple seeds inside it. (iii) These seeds give rise to
new plants.

Q12. Mention the stages of growth of a seed to a baby plant.

A12. (i) During germination, a seed receives adequate water , it swells leading to bursting of seed coat and
give rise to baby plant.
(ii) Developing embryo gets it food from cotyledons and develops its root and then tiny green shoot
(iii) Hooked shaped shoot straightens out and pushes the cotyledon above the ground, small green
leaves also grows inside the seed.
(iv) Shoots elongate to proper stem and its leaves unfold. Cotyledons fall off as they shrink with the
growth of baby plant.

Q13. How do animals help in seed dispersal?

A13. The juicy , fleshy part of the fruit gets digested inside the animal’s body. The stones and pips are
excreted and these grow into new plants in far off places as animals keep roaming. Some fruits have
hook like structures like burdock and “datura” which catch on the fur of animals and are carried away
with them.

Q14. How is water helpful in seed dispersal? Give examples.

A14. Water dispersal method works for seeds which can float in water. Example: Coconut seeds can travel
far across seas and oceans. Seed of lotus and lily also dispersed by water.

Q15. Answer the following


a) Seed leaves are also known as_____ a) Cotyledons

b) Underground stems like potato and ginger have ___ on them b) Eyes
c) A plant that grows by the process of stem cutting__ c) Rose, potatoes
d) Sycamore seeds have special parts to help them in dispersal d) Wing -like structures.
through air. What is it?

Q16.How plant grows from stem cutting?

A16. Potatoes and ginger have eyes on them. If we cut a piece of potato plant having eye on it and put this
piece in soil, a new potato plant will grow.

Q17.Do humans also help in seed dispersal? How? Give an example.

A17. Human beings also eat fruits like orange, mango. The fleshy part is eaten and the seeds are thrown
away. If the seeds get the right conditions they germinate.

# Q1. What is germination?

# Q2. What is seed dispersal?

# Q3. Name the different ways of seed dispersal with two examples of each kind.

# Q4. Write the conditions required by seeds to grow into new plants?

# Q5. Define

a)Reproduction b) Seed Coat c) Cotyledons d) Explosion e) Seedling

# Q6. Apart from seeds, which are the major parts of a plant, from which new plants can grow?
Give examples.

# Q7. Differentiate between Monocot and Dicot seeds.

Q8. How does a baby plant get its nutrients from the time it is inside a seed till it grows into a
baby plant?

#Q9. Give Reasons

a) Coconut trees are often found in lonely far off islands

b) Why is dispersal of seed necessary for a plant?
c) Dandelion seeds and sycamore seeds are dispersed by wind.
d) Pea seeds are dispersed by explosion.
e) Flowers are very important for the plants.

Q10. D I A G R A M

Q11. Mention the life stages of a plant.

Q12. Mention the stages of growth of a seed to a baby plant.

Q13. How do animals help in seed dispersal?

Q14. How is water helpful in seed dispersal? Give examples.

Q15. Answer the following

a) Seed leaves are also known as_____

b) Underground stems like potato and ginger have ___ on them
c) A plant that grows by the process of stem cutting__
d) Sycamore seeds have special parts to help them in dispersal through air. What is it?

Q16.How plant grows from stem cutting?

Q17.Do humans also help in seed dispersal? How? Give an example.


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