RB GB 11.web
RB GB 11.web
RB GB 11.web
of Instruments to Retain Value
Working Group
Instrument Reprocessing 11
Reprocessing of Instruments to Retain Value
11th edition 2017
Surgical Instruments
Microsurgical Instruments
Dental Instruments
Motor Systems
Instruments for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Rigid Endoscopes, Robotic Instruments and HF Instruments
Flexible Endoscopes and Accessories
Flexible Instruments and respiration systems
These brochures are available to download free of charge in PDF format from our website www.a-k-i.org,
where you can also find our Terms of Sale. You can also order AKI brochures directly at the
e-mail address: [email protected]
All rights reserved Arbeitskreis Instrumenten-Aufbereitung (Instrument Reprocessing Working Group) (c) 2017
Carl-Miele-Straße 29 | D-33332 Gütersloh
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form.
Bernd Tangel
c/o Richard Wolf Adviser:
Pforzheimer Straße 32
D-75438 Knittlingen Dr. Holger Biering Prof. Dr. Ulrich Junghannß
Tel.: +49 (0)7043-35-4485 Gladiolenstr. 19 c/o Hochschule Anhalt (FH)
D-41516 Grevenbroich Bernburger Straße 55
D-06366 Köthen
Karl Leibinger Tel.: +49 (0)2182-3159
Tel.: +49 (0)3496-67 2534
c/o KLS Martin Group, Gebr. Martin
Kolbinger Straße 10 Dr. Winfried Michels
D-78570 Mühlheim c/o Prüflabor DWM
Tel.: +49 (0)7463-838-110 Kasseler Tor 20
D-34414 Warburg
Massimo Fiamma Tel.: +49 (0) 5642-6126
c/o KLS Martin Group, Gebr. Martin
KLS Martin Platz 1
D-78532 Tuttlingen
We should like to offer our warm thanks to all former members of AKI who
Tel.: +49 (0)7461-706 347 are not specifically mentioned here by name for developing and
constantly expanding the stock of AKI booklets.
Preface 8
Foreword 10
Introduction 11
7. Final Disinfection 47
9. Packaging 54
11. Storage 60
11.1 Storing Non-Sterile Instruments 60
11.2 Storing Sterile Instruments 61
13. Glossary 82
14. Bibliography 86
The influence that AKI's publications have had and continue to have
on modern sterilization is impossible to overestimate. AKI since offers
Wim Renders
Dental instruments also need special care due to their great variety and the
particular materials used in each case.
Disposal instruments Medical products should only be reprocessed if the relevant manufacturer
has specified that it is appropriate to do so and if the manufacturer has
provided instructions to this end.
Corrosion Resistance/ The corrosion resistance of stainless steel primarily depends on the
Passive Layer formation, thickness and integrity of the passive layer. This natural coating
is a protective layer of iron/chromium oxide that results from the chemical
polished reaction between the chromium in the steel alloy (at least 12%) and
oxygen in the ambient air. This layer is not affected, as long as the surface
topography of the product (matte or high-gloss) is suitable. In fact, its
formation and morphology are influenced by the following factors:
n The material composition, alloy and purity,
n Microstructure of the material, which is influenced by heat treatment
(e.g. forging, tempering, annealing, welding, soldering, laser engraving),
Matte/pearl n Surface condition, e.g. roughness, topography, flawlessness and
n Handling and reprocessing conditions,
n The service life and number of reprocessing cycles,
Surface finishes on instruments
n Instrument labeling (e.g. laser engraving, electrochemical markings,
Chlorides are dangerous Passive layers are extremely resistant to many chemical substances.
Depending on the factors mentioned above, on every passive layer there
are areas with a specific crystallographic structure where the passive layer
is very susceptible to corrosive attack, particularly when in a damp or
aqueous environment. Among the few substances that can attack and
destroy this layer are halogen salts (halides), the most common and
Scanning electron microscope image,
chloride-induced pitting
dangerous of them being chlorides. Chlorides tend to react with the
passive layer in a process leading to the well-known, chloride-induced
damage called "pitting". Depending on the concentration of chlorides, the
damage caused ranges from a few sparse points of attack (visible as small
dark dots) to a completely damaged instrument surface covered with
large deep holes. Chlorides also cause "stress corrosion cracking".
Tweeters in detail: Transition between spring Chloride sources in the instrument usage and processing cycle:
and grip surface.Reactivation salt containing
n Fresh-water chloride content (depending on the source of the supply).
chloride caused massive pitting on the surface
of the instrument. Leaking ion-exchanger n Insufficient demineralization of the water used for the final rinse and
connection in the W/D.
steam sterilization.
n Reactivation salt carry-over, leakage or spillage from ion exchangers
used for water softening.
n Use of agents not permitted for or incorrectly used during reprocessing.
n Isotonic solutions (such as physiological salt solutions), etchants and
drug residues.
n Organic residues (body fluids such as blood, chloride
content 3,200-3,550 mg/l, saliva, sweat) dried on the surfaces.
n Laundry, textiles, packaging materials.
Special processes may The combination of these very different materials in a particular
be required depending on instrument places restrictions on reprocessing. These items may therefore
the material combination require special treatment that varies from the standardized instrument
used. reprocessing procedure. Such treatment is described in the manufacturer's
For surgical motor systems, the full range of materials described in this
guide is used, because of the design and manufacturing requirements
involved. Stainless, heat-treatable chromium steels, for example, are
used for drill bits, cutters, burrs, saw blades and gear components, while
sterilizable plastic materials are usually used for handles, switches, gear
components or cables and flexible tubes.
1.2 Design
The capacity for reprocessing medical products is of extreme importance
for patient and user safety. During the design and development stage
of a medical device it is necessary to consider its capacity for good
reprocessing after use. However, the focus must be not only on the
capacity for reprocessing, but also on correct functioning. Often, the
mechanism required must be accommodated in the tiniest of spaces in
order to avoid patient discomfort.
Use correct water quality! Unfavorable water composition can have an adverse effect both on
the reprocessing procedure and on the appearance of the instruments
and materials. This is why water quality in sufficient quantity is already
important when planning on-site plumbing installations.
While any natural water contains dissolved salts, The nature and
concentrations present in drinking water vay depending on the source of
the water and how it is collected.
The water constituents may cause the following problems:
Minerals causing water hardness Scaling, lime deposits due to
(calcium and magnesium salts) calcium and magnesium salts,
corrosion potential
Heavy and nonferrous metals, Brown-red deposits, secondary rust
e.g. iron, manganese, copper
Silicates, silicic acid White-grey, colored appearance,
thin scaling
Chlorides Pitting
Evaporation residue Spotting and scaling
While the causal relationships between the chloride content of the water
and pitting are not always predictable, laboratory testing has shown sign
of corrosion on instruments after just two hours with a chloride content of
100 mg/l at room temperature. As chloride concentrations increase, the risk
of pitting also increases rapidly.
Evaporation residue
When water evaporates, some substances contained in it remain as visible
Evaporation residue. These may result in spotting and/or corrosion. Owing
to the substances in the water, the natural drinking water cannot be
recommended for all reprocessing steps. Depending on the application,
drinking water should be softened or demineralized by means of
reprocessing procedures described in more detail below.
Water softening
In the water softening process, the calcium and magnesium cations, which
are the substances causing the water hardness, are replaced by sodium
ions. However, this does not reduce the overall load of evaporation residue
(including chloride content) in the water. When using softened water,
alkalinity can greatly increase due to the formation of sodium carbonate
depending on the temperature, time and carbonate hardness in the initial
Full demineralization
In the full demineralization process, all mineral substances are largely
removed from the drinking water. The methods used to do this are
reverse osmosis, cation & anion exchangers, and electrode ionization, a
combination of the above, and also distillation in special cases.
Softened water:
Based on experience in machine-based instrument reprocessing, the
following guide values are recommended:
Total hardness: < 3 °d (< 0.5 mmol CaO/L)
Evaporation residue: < 500 mg/l
Chloride content: < 100 mg/l
pH value: 5-8
Application guidance:
We recommend using demineralized water for the final rinse
for the following reasons:
n No spotting.
n No increase in concentration of corrosive constituents, e.g. chlorides.
n No dried crystalline residues which could have a negative effect on the
downstream sterilization process.
n Protection and stabilization of anodized aluminum surface
To optimize the process and to achieve consistent quality of results, we
recommend that you use fully demineralized water at all steps of the
For steam sterilization, limit values for feed water quality as specified in
EN 285 and ISO 17665 are required:
Using cleaning agents restricts contamination of a medical product to a
degree necessary for further reprocessing or application. Cleaning agents
are employed for both manual and automated cleaning and disinfection
procedures. A basic distinction is made between:
n pH-neutral cleaning agents with/without enzymes,
n mildly alkaline cleaning agents with/without enzymes,
n alkaline detergents with/without tensides.
Disinfectants are employed both for manual and – preferentially –
automated cleaning and disinfection to perform final disinfection
(see chapter 7) on heat-sensitive medical products such as flexible
endoscopes. Disinfectants contain anti-microbial agents and combinations
of such agents. They reduce the number of viable micro-organisms on a
surface to a level suitable for further handling or use.
Acidic substances based on citric acid or phosphoric acid which can be
added to the initial rinsing water in machine-cleaning and disinfection
following alkaline cleaning in order to neutralize alkalinity and enhance
rinsing of the cleaning agent. Neutralizers may also be used to present
spotting and support the formation of passive layers.
Rinse aids
Rinsing agents are added to the final rinsing water in a machine-based
cleaning & disinfection procedure to achieve more effective, faster drying.
The agents in the rinsing agents reduce the surface tension of the rinsing
water and so minimize adhesive residual moisture.
Care products
Care products for surgical instruments with metallic friction surfaces
which need oiling are made of paraffin oil (paraffinum perliquidum) and
emulsifiers. Other care products, such as for anesthesia utensils, may also
be silicone oil-based.
Anti-microbial agents
Aldehydes such as formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and ortho-
phthalaldehyde, are preferentially used for final disinfection at
temperatures up to 60 °C. In this temperature range they are usually
highly compatible with instrument materials. Due to their fixing properties
Depending on pH value, peracetic acid and its salts can be used both
as combined cleaning agents and disinfectants and as final disinfection
products. Material compatibility depends heavily on the composition of
the disinfectant and on the operating conditions, such as pH value, agent
concentration, and temperature. For this reason, the tested and validated
instructions of the manufacturers must be strictly observed.
such as protase, amylase and lipase are proteins which catalytically
decompose contaminants such as protein, carbohydrates and fats under
mild application conditions, making them soluble in water.
Complexing agents
deactivate substances causing hardness in the water and support the
cleaning effect in cleaning agents.
Oxidation agents
are based on hydrogen peroxide or on sodium hypochlorite, for example,
and are able to decompose particularly stubborn organic contaminant
Paraffin oil
A care constituent of instrument care products used to prevent friction
corrosion on instruments with metallic friction surfaces.
Phosphates are used to soften water. Their contaminant-carrying capacity
supports the cleaning process.
Phosphate substitutes
Phosphate substitutes such as gluconates and phosphonates absorb
water-based minerals but can only partially substitute the assistance that
phosphates provide in cleaning.
Silicone oils
are recommended as care substances for anesthesia utensils.
Tensides in detergents reduce the interfacial and surface tension of water,
assist cleaning with their emulsive and dispersive effects, and prevent
redeposition of contaminants. Suitable tensides in machine cleaning
agents inhibit form formation, which may occur for instance when high
amounts of blood are present. Tensides are also a major component of
rinsing agents to reduce interfacial and surface tension, which ensures
that water runs off better, thereby improving the drying of the rinsed
Cleaning is mandatory! This cleaning step should never be skipped, because residues on
instruments (e.g. from packing materials or care agents) may result in the
formation of stains or deposits during sterilization.
Always visually inspect cleaning results. As a rule, the instruments should
be visibly clean after the cleaning stage.
Where the passive layer of brand-new instruments is still thin, these
instruments may be more sensitive to critical reprocessing conditions
than older, used instruments. Some manufacturers recommend that they
undergo cleaning and disinfection (washing) several times.
The above guideline implies that goods may be returned only if:
n they have been cleaned, disinfected and dried in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions, and have been declared hygienically safe, or
n they are visibly marked as "non-decontaminated" and delivered in
sufficiently safe packaging.
The decontamination of products to be returned should be carried out as
soon as possible after use, as if they were undergoing their normal cycle.
This prevents subsequent damage to the instrument (e.g. pitting caused
by blood chlorides).
Chlorides are dangerous Never immerse stainless steel instruments in an isotonic solution
(such as physiological saline solution). This is because prolonged
instrument contact with saline solution leads to pitting and stress
corrosion cracking.
Wet disposal involves damp cloths being placed on the instrument trays
during transport or the use of an appropriate foam spray. The damp
Deformation caused by improper conditions increase the risk of corrosion and may encourage the growth of
Avoid long intervals Because of the corrosion risk and the cleaning factors, long intervals
between use and between instrument use and reprocessing (e.g. overnight or over the
treatment for reuse! weekend) should be avoided. Field experience has shown that in the case
of dry disposal, intervals of up to 6 hours pose no problem. Contamination
and pre-cleaning are factors that have a critical impact here.
The instruments must be placed into instrument carriers (e.g. trays, racks)
that are suitable for machine-based cleaning procedures.
Effective cleaning requires that articulated instruments (such as scissors,
clamps, forceps) be processed in the open position to minimize surface
overlapping. The trays, racks, holders, supports, etc., must be such that
subsequent cleaning in ultrasound basins or washers/disinfectors will not
be hampered by acoustic or spray shadows.
Complex instruments must be taken apart for cleaning in accordance with
the manufacturer's specifications.
Instruments not used for surgical intervention must be treated in the same
way as instruments that have actually been used.
Special racks, suitable storage holders and load carriers with special
rinsing equipment must be used for microsurgical instruments.
Simple tools such as drill bits or saw blades can be processed in the same
way as surgical instruments, provided that they are not categorized as
disposable (single-use) medical products.
Handles and cables for HF surgery can be pre-treated in the same way as
surgical instruments.
In the case of flexible endoscopes, the insertion part must be wiped with
a lint-free cloth immediately after use. This cloth should be saturated with
an instrument-cleaning or cleaner-disinfectant solution which has no
protein-fixing effect. To avoid encrustation and clogging, the discharge
duct as well as other channels should also be rinsed with the same
solution. To rinse the air/water channel, water from the rinsing bottle can
be used.
Before entering the next stage of reprocessing, a leak test must first be
carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. This
ensures the early detection of leaks and perforations and the prevention
of more serious damage (as could be caused by penetrating liquids).
A defective endoscope must be returned to the manufacturer
immediately, together with a description of the problem. If it has not
been sufficiently cleaned and disinfected, this must be clearly and visibly
indicated on the liquid-tight packaging.
If solutions are used for too long, the following problems may occur:
n Reduced cleaning performance due to increased reintroduction of
n Risk of corrosion due to contamination and due to increased
concentrations caused by evaporation.
n Microbial development in the cleaning agent solution, thereby
potentially putting personnel at risk.
Disinfecting cleaning
When performing disinfecting cleaning, please also note that the
disinfecting capability should have been proven under "dirty conditions"
(high protein load) in accordance with European (EN) standards or
corresponding national regulations. When using disinfecting cleaning
agents, the producer's specifications regarding concentration,
temperature, exposure time and material compatibility must be observed.
The cleaning/disinfecting solutions used should be freshly prepared on a
daily basis. If it becomes visibly contaminated, it is advisable to prepare
fresh solutions at even shorter intervals.
If solutions are used for too long, the following problems may occur:
n Reduced cleaning performance due to increased reintroduction of
n Risk of corrosion due to contamination and due to increased
concentrations caused by evaporation.
Dissolve powders If powdered products are used, the powder must be fully dissolved in the
completely! water in accordance with producer specifications before use. Only then
are the instruments placed in the solution. Suitable measures should be
taken to mitigate the risk of contact between undissolved particles and
instruments (e.g. disinfectant bath with sieve) to prevent changes to the
surfaces or blockages of narrow-lumened instruments.
When using compressed air to dry machines and handpieces, make sure
that you never point the compressed air gun at bearing seats or at the
seals, since such action can damage the bearings and seals. Simple reusable
tools can be treated like surgical instruments.
The channels are first cleaned with the brush supplied with the system,
then rinsed with a cleaning or cleaner-disinfectant solution. Some
manufacturers also offer a hand pump for this purpose. The distal end
(optics, Albarran lever, etc.) must be cleaned with particular care.
Ensure correct loading! When using machine-cleaning and disinfection, there are a number of
points that should be observed in particular (see also chapter 6.2.3):
n To ensure effective automated cleaning and disinfection, all trays,
inserts, holders, etc., must be loaded correctly to ensure proper rinsing.
Articulated instruments must be opened for loading.
n Avoid overloading trays to ensure that all instrument surfaces can be
readily accessed by the cleaning/disinfecting solutions. Always consult
the established loading templates for validation purposes.
n When placing large instruments on trays, make sure that they do not
obscure other instruments and create spray shadows, thus preventing
proper cleaning.
n Any instruments with cavities or hollow spaces (such as drives, trocar
sleeves, respiratory systems) need careful cleaning and rinsing on the
inside as well. For this purpose, special (instrument-specific) load carriers
with appropriate rinsing facilities should be used.
n The instruments must be arranged in such a way as to prevent
mechanical damage through contact.
1. Pre-wash
Cold water without any additives, to remove coarse dirt and foaming
substances from previous process steps. A second pre-rinsing stage may be
Use a suitable cleaning Suitable pH-neutral or alkaline products added to cold to lukewarm water
agent! can be used for cleaning.
The choice of cleaning agents depends on the materials and properties of
the instruments to be treated, the necessary cleaning efficiency, and on
national guidelines and recommendations (e.g. as issued by the Robert
Koch Institute in Germany). Increased chloride concentrations (natural
levels, isotonic solutions) in the water used may cause pitting or stress
corrosion cracking. Such hazards can be avoided by using alkaline cleaning
agents and/or fully demineralized water.
6. Drying
Sufficient drying must be ensured either through the washer/disinfector or
by taking other appropriate measures.
1. Pre-wash
Cold water without any additives, to remove coarse dirt and foaming
substances (such as residues from pre-treatment).
2. Cleaning
Hot or cold soft water (ideally fully demineralized); cleaning is usually
carried out at temperatures of 40-60 °C for at least 5 minutes.
Suitable neutral-pH or alkaline products can be used as cleaning agents.
The choice of cleaning agent depends on the materials and properties of
the instruments to be treated and on the required cleaning efficiency.
4. Chemo-thermal disinfection
Hot or cold soft water (ideally fully demineralized). A special disinfectant
with proven effectiveness and suitable for machine-disinfection is used.
Chemo-thermal disinfection is performed under the conditions specified
by the producer of the process chemicals (concentration, temperature,
5. Intermediate rinse
Hot or cold soft water (ideally fully demineralized water) with no
additive (if appropriate, additional intermediate rinses to ensure that the
disinfectant has been sufficiently rinsed away to ensure non-toxicity).
6. Final rinse
Fully demineralized water, final rinsing at higher temperature, at less than
60 °C for endoscopes. The use of demineralized water prevents spotting,
deposits and corrosion on the surfaces of the items to be rinsed. For
instruments containing plastics and adhesives, chemical drying aids
(rinsing agents) should only be used in accordance with the instructions of
the manfacturer of the medical product.
7. Drying
Sufficient drying must be ensured either through the washer/disinfector or
by taking other appropriate measures. The drying temperature should be
set to suit the temperature stability of the items to be processed
(e.g. for heat-sensitive endoscopes < 60 °C).
Note the manufacturer's With regard to the process chemicals used, the manufacturer's instructions
specifications concerning concentration, temperature and exposure time should always
be observed. This guarantees good results and keeps the instrument
materials intact to the greatest possible degree. It must be possible to verify
the automatic dosing of liquid process chemicals.
n The efficacy of the ultrasonic bath can be verified by the foil test to
IEC/TR 60886: 1987. Upon completion of the test, the ultrasonic bath
should be thoroughly rinsed in order to prevent dissolved aluminum
particles from being deposited on instruments.
Apart from a properly prepared bath, the following basic rules should
always be observed to ensure good cleaning results:
n The items to be treated must be fully immersed in the liquid.
n Articulated instruments, scissors etc. must be opened in order to
minimize the obscured surface areas. Insert instruments next to each
other; do not stack them.
n Use only suitable trays (e.g. wire or perforated plate trays) that do not
obstruct the ultrasonic cleaning process.
n Large-surface, bulky instruments must be placed so that they do not
create acoustic shadows. Such items should be placed vertically.
n Do not overload trays.
n Ultrasonic baths should be refilled each day. Disinfectant solutions
can have long lives provided they are duly certified, taking care to
observe national guidelines as well as manufacturer specifications.
As high contamination levels impair ultrasonic cleaning and promote
corrosion, more frequent replacement of the ultrasound solution may be
necessary, depending on the requirements of specific cases.
n Given powerful equipment, ultrasonic treatment times of approx.
3 minutes at frequencies of around 35 kHz should be sufficient.
n If disinfection and cleaning are carried out simultaneously, make sure to
use suitable products, paying attention to concentration and exposure
time requirements.
Observe material Material compatibility depends on the instrument material, the composition
compatibility! of the disinfectant, the temperature, the exposure time, the concentration,
and the pH-value of the solution being used (see also chapter 2.2).
If the same products are used for disinfection & cleaning as for final
disinfection, separate solutions must be used for the two steps. If products
based on different agents are used, product compatibility must be ensured
(to prevent the formation of deposits, for example).
Ensure complete wetting! In the final chemical disinfection, it is important to ensure that all surfaces
to be disinfected are completely covered by the solution, including the
gaps in articulated instruments, and any channels or cavities.
In the case of flexible endoscopes, this can be done with a hand pump
or by using a program-controlled automatic pump system. Make sure
to disinfect the discharge ducts as well! Following chemical disinfection,
external surfaces and all channels of the endoscope must be thoroughly
rinsed to remove any residues. To avoid water spots, use only fully
demineralized water. To prevent recontamination, sterile or low-germ
water should be used.
To dry the external surfaces of flexible endoscopes, use a virtually lint-
free cloth. The channels should be dried with a hand or suction pump or
with compressed air at max. 0.5 bar, depending on the manufacturer's
specifications. The use of oil-free, low-germ compressed air prevents
unwelcome recontamination.
All instruments with lumens, such as cannulas, etc., must be checked for
blockages, for instance with a suitable cleaning brush. Clogged instruments
must be reprocessed. If this does not help, such instruments must be replaced.
Integrity To prevent damage and secondary corrosion due to metal abrasion, never
use metal brushes or metal sponges to remove stains.
Surface changes Instruments with hairline cracks in the joint areas, as well those that are
damaged, distorted or otherwise worn, must be replaced because their
function can no longer be fully or adequately guaranteed.
Care Maintenance and care measures are usually carried out prior to the function
Instruments must not be treated with care agents containing silicone oil.
This can adversely affect the instrument's functionality and also the results of
steam sterilization.
Corrosion due to insufficient use of care products Spraying the instruments or applying the care agent mechanically is not
sufficient, nor does it provide additional corrosion protection.
Function As surgical instruments are made for specific application purposes, the
functional tests must be carried out so that items that fail to serve their
intended purpose are reliably recognized and discarded. If in doubt,
consult the instrument manufacturer for suitable testing methods.
For medical products submitted for repair, please note the information in
chapter 4.
Care Dental instruments are usually serviced in the same manner as surgical
instruments. However, there are some exceptions:
Function Before sterilization, surgical motors and their accessories must be subjected
to a function test in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. All
compressed air components must also be subjected to a leak test and be
visually inspected for potential defects, especially the compressed air hoses
and motors.
To check the air intake duct, it is necessary to connect the air hose to the
compressed air connector. Leaks can then be detected either acoustically or
by submerging the hose in water.
To check the air discharge duct, the compressed air motor must also be
connected to the compressed air hose. After starting the motor, leaks can
best be detected by submerging the hose in water.
Cleanness Residues on endoscope glass surfaces, optical fiber cables and camera
heads can be removed with a swab soaked in alcohol.
For this purpose swabs made of wood or alcohol-resistant plastic should
be used. Swabs including metal should be avoided as they may scratch
glass surfaces. Note also that alcohol is not suitable for removing blood
Glass surfaces with stubborn deposits (e.g. in the case of oculars, lenses
or light connectors) can be treated with a cleaning agent or cleaning
procedure recommended by the manufacturer.
If deposits or tarnish cannot be removed in this way, the instrument must
be sent back to the manufacturer for inspection.
Optical fiber cables and endoscopes must be checked for fiber breakage
by holding the distal end against a light source and looking into the cable
at the other end (the connector side of optic). Fiber breakage is indicated
by black spots in the waveguide. If more than about 30% of the fibers are
Damaged insulation on HF instrument broken, the light output at the distal end is no longer adequate. If this is
the case, the cables or endoscopes must be returned to the manufacturer
for repair. Check endoscope cover glasses for relevant scratch marks and/
or cracks. These can result in leaks, causing the optical mechanism to fail.
Function A function test ensures the proper functioning of MIS instruments and
rigid endoscopes. Such a test must always be carried out on the fully
assembled instrument. The item must subsequently be taken apart again
if sterilization is necessary. Make sure you proceed in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions when assembling and disassembling the
Cleanness Glass surfaces of flexible endoscopes (lenses, oculars and light entry/exit
surfaces) must be checked for cleanliness in the same way as for rigid
Care In the case of flexible endoscopes, always check whether the valves
(if incorporated) need treating with an care agent recommended by the
manufacturer before use.
Note that the endoscope surface must not be sprayed because spray
propellants damage these instruments. Vaseline, silicone oil or care agents
containing paraffin cause swelling or softening in plastic components
(see also chapter "Surface Changes"!).
Swelling at distal end of fiberscope Only suitable grease-free gels may be used as lubricants in accordance
with the manufacturer's specifications.
Function Immediately after an endoscopic procedure, all functions of the
instrument must be checked or tested in accordance with the
manufacturer's specifications.
Integrity Make sure to remove and discard any damaged or defective instruments!
Frequent damage includes:
n Blistering,
n Surface cracks (e.g. ozone cracks; crazing/orange-peel effect, i.e.
network of directionless micro-cracks); stress cracks in plastic
n Sticky surfaces,
n Hardening,
n Porous surfaces.
Never use silicone oil! Flexible instruments made of silicone rubber must not be treated with
silicone oil because it may cause swelling, thus destroying the instrument's
functionality. To prevent swelling in rubber and latex instruments, never
use agents containing paraffin.
Maintenance Always send medical products to the manufacturer for servicing as per the
maintenance schedule.
9. Packaging
International standard EN ISO 11607 Parts 1 and 2 apply to packed items
requiring sterilization. The standard stipulates the packaging material
(Part 1) and the validation of the packaging process (Part 2).
Sterile barrier system The packaging for items for sterilization must be of a type representing a
sterile barrier system. Its task is to prevent micro-organisms from entering
the packaging and to enable removal under aseptic conditions. It must
also be possible to open the package easily under aseptic conditions.
The sterile barrier system is a microbial barrier which prevents
recontamination under specified conditions. Such conditions include:
n temperature
n pressure
n humidity
n sunlight
n cleanness
Sterile items container n microbial contamination.
Packaging types The sterile barrier system can be a reusable system (sterilising container)
or a disposal product (non-woven fabric, paper, transparent bag).
Containers and storage systems help to retain the value of instruments.
Drying To retain the value of the instruments, it is also important that they are
sufficiently dried, because residual humidity can cause corrosion damage.
If non-woven fabric is used, care should be taken to ensure that it does not
interfere with the drying process.
Marking It must be possible to mark and identify the package with information
such as:
n Sterilization date,
n Packer,
n Expiry or "use before" date (if date has been defined),
n Contents.
10. Sterilization
Within the scope of European (EN) standards, the application of sterile
instruments on or in the patient requires proper cleaning and disinfecting,
followed by sterilization in approved packaging, on the basis of a validated
sterilization process. Following such treatment, the sterile items must
be stored in accordance with the rules and provisions governing sterile
supplies. Consequently, it is important for the specific instruments group
that only use sterilization methods and sterilizers be used that allow
validated sterilization processes. During validation, it must be confirmed
that the sterilization method used in the reprocessor is suitable for the
products to be sterilized and that the results are reproducible.
In this context, the user instructions for the sterilizer used must be strictly
Stain formation due to If chemoindicators are used in large numbers in a sterilization batch, it
"running" chemoindicators may lead to stains on instrument surfaces, especially if there is direct
contact between instruments. This particularly applies to silver products or
products with silver-plated surfaces.
Contamination in the condensate of a steam supply for sterilizers, measured at the sterilizer
supply line
Substance/Property Condensate
Marbling caused by impurities in steam
condensate Silicates (SiO2) ≤ 0.1 mg/l
Iron ≤ 0.1 mg/l
Cadmium ≤ 0.005 mg/l
Lead ≤ 0.05 mg/l
Heavy metal residues, except for iron, cadmium, lead ≤ 0.1 mg/l
Chlorides (Cl-) ≤ 0.1 mg/l
Phosphates (P2O5) ≤ 0.1 mg/l
Conductivity (at 20 °C) ≤ 4.3 µS/cm
pH value (degree of acidity) 5 to 7
Source: EN 285: 2015, Table 4
Appearance colorless, clear,
no deposits
Note: A method for extracting a condensation
sample is specified in chapter 21.4. Hardness (Σ of alkaline earth metal ions) ≤ 0.02 mmol/l
Corrosion hazards due Damp or wet containers pose instrument corrosion hazards. Poor and
to residual humidity/ insufficient drying is frequently caused by the improper arrangement
dampness! of loads, the use of less suitable types of non-woven fabrics for drying,
and plastic dishes for instrument sets. In principal, heavy sieves should
be placed at the lowest level, so that the majority of the accumulated
condensate can drain off directly. Special drying measures must be
Kinking reduces service Compressed air hoses need to be protected against mechanical damage
life and impairs the (such as compression or kinking) during sterilization. They must be
functionality. positioned in the sterilization trays so that the permitted bending radii is
observed and condensation can run off.
At temperatures above 185 °C, paraffin oil will resinify. This destroys its
lubricating properties and thus impairs the instrument's function.
11. Storage
11.1 Storing Non-Sterile Instruments
Instruments stored in poor conditions can corrode. To prevent this they
should be stored in dry and dust-free conditions. Major temperature
fluctuations should be avoided to prevent the accumulation of moisture
(condensate) on instrument surfaces.
Chemicals may destroy metals when in direct contact with them, or may
emit corrosive vapors. Never store your instruments near chemicals.
Further requirements for the protected storage of sterile supplies and the
prevention of corrosion damage include a dust-free and dry environment
and the prevention of temperature fluctuations. These conditions allow
items to be stored for six months (or more). For details, refer to DIN EN 868
Sterile items store and Table 1 of the German standard DIN 58 953, Part 9.
Proper storage of sterilized endoscopes requires that they be kept with the
shaft unkinked and/or laid out in a sufficiently large loop.
All examples given below are based on the systematic approach outlined
above. These examples cover the most frequent surface changes in metallic
instruments made of stainless steels and/or plastic or rubber products.
Origin and causes Immediately after the operation, as a result of surgical residues
(blood, protein), salt residues, drug residues.
n D
ry residue because the interval between use and reprocessing is too
n Protein fixing, e.g. by disinfectants containing aldehyde.
n Transferred by contaminated cleaning agents and disinfectants.
n Insufficient rinsing after cleaning.
n Insufficient cleaning efficiency due to acoustic shadows in ultrasonic
n Inadequate maintenance of the washer/disinfector.
n Possible protein fixing caused by excessive water feed temperature
(> 50 °C) in first rinsing phase.
n Ineffective rinsing (insufficient water flow through or around the
instruments, insufficient rinse pressure, spray shadows).
n Insufficient cleaning efficiency due to foam formation, for example due
to high amounts of blood or cleaning agent and disinfectant residues
carried over from the ultrasonic or immersion bath.
n Improper loading due to use of wrong instrument trolley/trays or
n Insufficient cleaning efficiency, because the instruments/devices were
Overloading not open and/or badly positioned.
Risk assessment n Hygiene risk – danger of infection for patients. Can lead to corrosion
even with stainless steel because blood, for example, contains chloride
ions. If present in higher concentrations, these ions cause pitting and/or
stress-crack corrosion.
Surface with visible residues Suitable load carrier for cleaning Incorrect loading/tipped
and rinsing ophthalmic kidney-shaped bowls
Origin and causes Process chemicals that have not been removed sufficiently (spray
shadows, incorrect loading) during the intermediate and/or final rinses.
Preventive measures Ensure sufficient intermediate and/or final rinsing with fully demineralized
water or correct the loading. The manufacturer's instructions regarding
disassembly and cleaning must be followed strictly!
Origin and causes Excessive lime in the water used for the cleaning stage or at the final rinse.
Preventive measures n Cleaning and intermediate rinses (as appropriate) with demineralized
n Use of fully demineralized water for the final rinse to prevent stain
formation during machine-based reprocessing.
Typical silicate discoloration occurs, regardless of the nature of the surface, over large surfaces,
yellow-brown to blue-violet in the cleaning & disinfection process, or in spots, droplet-shaped with
pronounced condensation stain-like appearance during the steam sterilization process.
Origin and causes n Silicate discoloration: During the production of fully demineralized
water, silicic acid is passed as a result of the use of ion exchangers and
reverse-osmosis water reprocessing equipment.
n Silicate discoloration: Silicate-based cleaning agents are carried over into
the final rinse process of machine-based reprocessing due to insufficient
intermediate rinsing or dried cleaning agent solution deposits.
n Silicate discoloration: Increased concentration of silicates in steam
generators, which is carried over to the sterilization steam.
n Titanium oxide discoloration: Silicate-based cleaning agents containing
small (trace) quantities of titanium oxide compounds as a substance
present naturally in the silicates are carried over in the final rinse
process due to inadequate intermediate rinsing or dried cleaning agent
solution deposits.
Preventive measures Use silicic acid-free, fully demineralized water for the final rinsing during
machine-based reprocessing. Prevent cleaning agent carry-over by:
n Correct tray loading and proper positioning/fixation of items to be
processed with hollow spaces in which liquids can accumulate
(e.g. kidney-shaped bowls).
Risk assessment n No corrosion – only aesthetic effect. There are no findings indicating a
patient risk.
n Discoloration may make visual inspection difficult (e.g. to detect dirt
n The laser-lettered labels of instruments may be adversely affected
(bleached) when treating them with acid-based cleaners. This may
result in poor legibility, thus impairing or even destroying their coding
Treatment Repair of the damage by the user is not recommended due to the
recommendations properties of the deposit, but may be carried out by the manufacturer or
a qualified repair service if necessary. In both cases, appropriate surface
treatment is required (mechanical in the case of steel, chemical in the case
of titanium). In the case of stainless steels, removing the deposit with a
basic cleaning agent has no effect on account of significantly increased
resistance to corrosion.
Preventive measures In the case of stainless steels, ensure precise dosing of the neutralizer.
Exclude carry over of the neutralizer with adequate final rinsing.
In the case of titanium materials, virtually unavoidable or not avoidable,
since the nature of the material means it always reacts with the surface
more or less visibly as a result of the ambient conditions prevailing during
reprocessing (temperature, process chemicals, humidity).
Example: black, TiAIN coated punch. The partial erosion of the layer has caused bright, colorful
discoloration or complete removal of the layer with undamaged gold-plated components.
Right Punch: as new
Origin and cause Surface reaction caused by cleaning solutions to which hydrogen peroxide
has been added, and/or wash solutions such as those with high alkalinity
at pH > 10, combined with temperatures of above 70 °C. This affects black
titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN) and titanium aluminum carbonitride
(TiAlCN) layers as well as products/components coated with originally
goldish-yellow zirconium nitride (ZrN) and titanium nitride (TiN).
Preventive measures Use only neutral or mild alkaline cleaner. Do not exceed a temperature
of 70 °C when using alkaline cleaners.
Pitting - seen under a scanning Pitting on tweezers. Cause: Over-aging of color-coding band allows
electron microscope harmful substances containing chloride to infiltrate.
- 200x magnification
Origin and causes Pinprick-like corrosion holes in stainless steel, frequently microscopically
small, surrounded by sparkling, reddish-brown or multi-colored corrosion
spots, often associated with circular corrosion deposits around the corrosion
hole. (Not to be confused with material-specific cavities or foreign-matter
inclusions that may occur in low-quality instrument steels or with contact
corrosion symptoms when only stainless steel instruments are used.)
Hinge area (scissors) Bone punch, friction surface on Prevention: Careful treatment
sliding section indicates onset of with instrument oil
friction corrosion.
Origin and causes Insufficient lubrication and/or foreign bodies lead to corrosion of the
metallic friction surfaces/instrument components that move relative to each
other (especially in ends/joints and sliding rails, e.g. with punches). This
forms micro-abrasion, which can make the surface extremely rough and
destroys the passive layer. In these sensitized areas, humidity or deposits
(e.g. blood residues) can easily accumulate - a process that usually leads to
Risk assessment Do not use lubricants on rubber or latex products, as this leads to swelling.
Origin and causes Stress corrosion cracking usually leads to visible cracks and fractures.
In some cases, crack formation is not visible because its origin is hidden by
design (e.g. in the joint of a pair of scissors), and the crack may propagate
until failure.
Preventive measures n Clean articulated instruments in an open position and sterilize them
with the ratchet locked in the first tooth.
n Reduce the chloride load to a minimum (for example, reduce surgical
and drug residues; use only suitable water for reprocessing, final rinse
and sterilization).
n Avoid improper handling that could lead to overstressing.
n Have your instruments repaired only by the manufacturer or a qualified
and specially authorized repair service provider.
Surface of blade affected due to Material affected at partially Etching effect on surface of
humidity. Cause: Composition defective chrome coating. Cause: instrument. Cause: Effects of
of materials, normal steel, so Humidity causes corrosion to over-dosed acids.
disposable product. form on unprotected carrier
material (normal steel)
Partial etching effect and deposits of an etching agent causing hemostasis on the surface of the
instrument. Cause: contact time too long
Etching effect on soldered seams. On carbide metal scissors, carbide tweezers and needle holders
Cause: Effects of acid due to over-dosing of neutralizing chemicals or due to using acid-based cleaners.
Origin and causes n Chemical and electrochemical effects only in connection with an
excessive acid content with
n stainless steel,
n soldering points.
Preventive measures n In the case of soldered instruments, always observe the application
recommendations when using acid cleaners and neutralizers.
n Discard disposable products made of steel or old steel instruments with
damaged coatings and replace with stainless steel products.
n Avoid long-term exposure to moisture (condensate).
Risk assessment n If surface treatment proves ineffective, replace the affected instruments
with new ones (otherwise there is a risk of secondary rust formation or
extraneous rust).
Origin and causes n Effect of acids or too high alkalinity in anodized surfaces.
Origin and causes The classic variant of contact corrosion occurs in a material combination
involving stainless steel and non-ferrous metals (German silver, brass,
copper). Depending on the ambient conditions, e.g. humidity, this
generally also leads to corrosion deposits in the contact areas and usually
beyond them as well. This combination only occurs rarely in practice, as
there are problems with non-ferrous metals regarding biocompatibility.
Risk assessment However, when both stainless steel and non-ferrous metals are combined,
considerable rust damage can be caused to intact instruments, depending
on the extent of the damage involved.
Origin and causes n Rust particles carried over from the pipework.
n Use of water containing iron or rust, or use of steam containing rust
n Corrosion products (rust) that adhere to non-corrosion-resistant
disposable products such as scalpel blades, may be dislodged during
the sterilization process and dispersed over other instruments.
n Reprocessing of non-corrosion-resistant steels (often old instruments)
whose protective layer has been damaged or completely dislodged.
Treatment Given a slight and only superficial attack, removal of the deposits with
recommendations acid-based cleaning may be an option (only for stainless steels), but it is
necessary to check afterwards whether the instrument surface is still intact.
Origin and causes n Crevice corrosion tends to occur in gaps of critical width if the prevailing
ambient conditions favor it (e.g. insufficient drying). Under these
conditions the passive layer is vulnerable to attack. It can no longer
regenerate, as the oxygen supply to the metal surfaces is impeded. The
rust then works its way out of the gap or crevice. Rust formation occurs in
the presence of humidity and higher salt concentrations.
n Crevice corrosion developing as a result of storage has only been
observed following machine-cleaning to date. Microfriction at the contact
points leads to partial abrasion of the passive layer. Thus the corrosion
protection is temporarily removed in these places, which in turn leads to
the surface changes described above.
recommendations specifications.
n Mechanical treatment (reprocessing) of the instrument by the
manufacturer or an authorized repair service.
n Experience has shown that storage-related crevice corrosion disappears
after just a few reprocessing cycles. Acidic media (neutralizers) usually
dissolve these deposits at once, while also accelerating the passivation
Risk assessment Rust cannot spread to other instruments in most cases. In severe cases,
however, the rust might affect intact instruments and cause subsequent
damage there as well (also see "Extraneous and Film Rust/Subsequent rust").
Risk assessment If the changes affect applications or risk, discard affected instruments
(depending on aging condition).
Swollen insertion tube caused Right: Swollen seals caused by Right: Leaking flap valve on a
by using unsuitable care agent. incorrectly applied instrument trocar caused by the seal
oil. swelling as a consequence of
Left: New seals contact with oil.
Left: New flap valve
Origin and causes Swelling is caused by the penetration of gases or liquids into the surface.
Swelling can be reversible and temporary if due to the impact of volatile
spray solvents or propellants. The same symptom can also occur if rubber
or certain plastics come into contact with gaseous anesthetics.
However, irreversible swelling can be caused by contact with oils
(paraffin oil), Vaseline and unsuitable disinfectants (e.g. phenol
derivatives). Silicone rubber shows a reversible reaction to spray
propellants and gaseous anesthetics, but irreversible damage is caused by
silicone oils, solvents and some disinfecting agents (e.g. amines).
Origin and causes Stress cracks tend to occur in those areas of a medical product in which
increased "inherent" stresses are present as a result of the manufacturing
Preventive measures Do not use process chemicals that favour the formation of stress corrosion
cracking. Ensure a sufficient final rinse with demineralized water. The
manufacturer's specifications regarding reprocessing must always be
Risk assessment Affected instruments should be withdrawn from service (and the
instrument processing cycle) at once in the interest of patient and user
Acidic cleaner Acidic cleaners are either based on phosphoric acid for the removal of organic residues,
limescale or rust caused by dip processing, or on inhibited hydrofluoric acid for the removal of
silicate discoloration. When applying these, the application and safety information provided by
the manufacturer must always be heeded.
Acoustic shadows Acoustic shadows occur for example in an ultrasonic bath behind objects which stand in the
direct path, obstructing the source of sound.
Anion exchanger Equipment to replace negatively charged ions (anions) dissolved in water such as chlorides,
sulfates and nitrates against hydroxide ions by way of full demineralization.
Anodized A surface finish used on aluminum. The "anodized" layer (Al2O2 • H2O aluminum oxide hydrate)
is silver-gray in color and is created by electrolytic passivation (anodizing) to protect products
against wear and corrosion. Dyes can be added to give a variety of colors.
Anti-microbial Effective against micro-organisms. This is a more general term which provides no indication as to
the type and extent of deactivating action.
Carbide metal Carbide metals produced in a sintering or casting process which are extremely hard and
impervious to wear.
Cation exchanger Equipment to replace positively charged ions (cations) dissolved in water such as calcium and
magnesium cations against sodium cations by way of partial demineralization or hydrogen ions
by way of full demineralization.
CE mark/medical product Confirmation that the manufacturer of a product has performed a conformity assessment
according to EU Directive 93/42/EEC.
Chemo-thermal process A process in a washer/disinfector designed for heat-sensitive products, allowing only
reprocessing at defined temperatures up to 65°C combined with the use of a disinfectant in a
specified concentration over a defined exposure time.
Chlorides Salts of hydrochloric acid, often occurring as sodium chloride or potassium chloride dissolved for
example in water or blood.
Table salt and reactivation salt consists of sodium chloride which is also a constituent of
physiological salt solution.
Cleaning Removal of contamination from an object to a degree which renders the item fit for further
reprocessing or its intended use.
Color anodized Signifies the use of dyes in anodizing or the decorative coloring of aluminum, for instance by
means of immersion coating. Standard colors include gold, blue, red, black, etc.
Corrosion In general terms, corrosion refers to the degradation of surfaces as a result of environmental
influences, e.g. substances with a critical chloride content (blood, salt solution, etc.) on stainless
Decontamination Process to dilute contamination and deactivate pathogens in the instrument reprocessing cycle.
Disinfection Process to reduce the bacterial titer count to a predetermined level suitable for handling or use.
Distal end The distal end of an instrument is the end closest to the patient, e.g. the jaws of forceps.
Electrical conductivity Used in water analyses to measure the total content of dissolved and electrically conductive
mineral salts.
Evaporation residue The non-volatile components in water (e.g. mineral salts) in mg/l which remain behind after a
pre-determined drying process.
Flaws Exposed surface defects caused by material (e.g. purity) or production process
(e.g. folds, cracks, pores).
Halides Collective term for chlorides, iodides and bromides with similar chemical properties.
Heat-resistant instruments Medical products and accessories which can be thermally disinfected and sterilized using steam.
Inert gases Non-condensing gases used in steam sterilization are referred to as inert gases. These include
carbon dioxide or oxygen.
Interfacial tension Forces that occur on the contact surfaces between two phases. Between liquid and gas phases,
these are referred to as surface tension.
Ion exchanger Collective term for cation, anion and mixed-bed ion exchangers.
Martensitic The term used to describe the micro-structure of materials which develops when steel is
hardened through quenching.
Micro-structure A micro-structure is the internal structure of a material. In metals, this generally refers to the
crystalline or grain structure which results from the production process or heat treatment.
In the case of stainless steels, the micro-structure determines a material's properties, for instance
hardness or elasticity or its tendency to wear or corrode.
Mixed-bed ion exchanger Combination of cation and anion exchanger used in the full demineralization of water.
Morphology Morphology significantly defines the functional properties of an instrument's surface. Put simply, it
refers to the micro-structures on the surface or directly around the surface
Non-wovens In this context, can refer to a non-woven composite fiber fabric used for sterile barrier systems
(SBS) made from textile or non-textile fibers (EN 868-2:2009).
Notified Body A body designated by an authority or institution to certify quality assurance systems and medical
products on the basis of the Medical Device Directive.
Passage of silicic acid Problem relating to the full demineralization of water using ion exchangers. Silicic acid passes
through an ion exchanger without increasing the electrical conductivity of demineralized water.
Prions Protein folding error causing transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) such as BSE,
CJD and vCJD.
Process chemicals Collective term for the chemicals such as detergents, disinfectants, neutralizers, surfactants and
instrument milk used in instrument reprocessing.
Protein fixation Process which changes the structure of proteins, resulting in more difficulty in cleaning. Proteins
modified through chemical influences or heat are more difficult to remove from surfaces.
Protein interference The degradation/deactivation of certain disinfectants (e.g. active chlorine) when coming into
contact with proteinaceous contaminants.
Reactivation salt Salt used to reactivate water softeners operating on the cation exchange principle. Consists
mainly of sodium chloride.
Redeposition The process in which soil already removed from a surface resettles.
Reprocessing Measures taken to render medical products and accessories safe for use for a specific purpose.
Rust Rust is the product of corrosion on iron, steel and steel alloys as a result of oxidation, a reaction
with oxygen in an atmosphere containing water.
Silicic acid Acid contained in water which is in the acidic range. The salts of this acid are referred to as
Slip agents Slip agents are used when introducing probes, endoscopes and ultra-sound devices in order to
prevent irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.
Spray shadows Spray shadows are areas within a washer/disinfector shielded by large and improperly positioned
items, preventing water jets from accessing the load directly.
Stainless steel/high-grade According to DIN EN 10020, high-grade steel refers to alloyed and unalloyed steels that exhibit
steel a special/higher level of purity due to their production process. This is the case if its sulfur and
phosphorus content does not exceed 0.025%. High-grade steel does not necessarily satisfy the
specifications of stainless steel, for which there must be minimum amount of chrome present,
see 1.1 Material Selection.
Steam sterilization A validated process to eliminate micro-organisms on products using saturated steam
(according to ISO 17665).
Surface tension Property of water and aqueous solutions in contact a gas phase (atmosphere), caused by the
polarity of the water molecules. The surface of water appears to form a skin.
Thermal process Process in a washer/disinfector using damp heat as the disinfecting agent.
Thermolabile instruments Medical products and accessories which cannot be thermally disinfected or sterilized using
Topography Also referred to as a surface texture, describes the geometric form of technical surfaces or
Washer-disinfector load Collective term for medical products and accessories which require cleaning and disinfection.
Water softening Water reprocessing procedure in which cation exchangers are used to remove the hardness
(calcium and magnesium ions) from water by replacing these with sodium ions.
z value Temperature change in K required to achieve a tenfold change in the microbiological deactivation
rate in a disinfection process using moist heat. Source: ISO 15883:2006-07.
8. ASTM Designation: F889 - Standard Specification of 25. Directive 93/42/EEC of the European Council on Medical
Wrought Stainless Steel for Surgical Instruments Products of June 14, 1993 (OJ EG No. L 169 p. 1)
most recently amended by Article 2 of Directive 2007/47 of
9. DIN 96298: 2010 September 5, 2007 (OJ L 247, p. 21)
T1: Med. Instruments - Terminology, 2016 entered into force October 11, 2007
T2: Med. Instruments - Measurement Methods for the
Identification of Basic Dimensions of Standard Surgical 26. BGV A1 and Safety Organization Rules of the Statutory
Instruments, 2016 Employer's Accident Insurers, such as BGR 250, BGR 206
T3: Med. Instruments - Inspections, 2017 issued by the Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst
und Wohlfahrtspflege (Statutory Accident Insurer for
10. EN ISO 16061: 2015 Healthcare and Welfare Employers)
Instruments Used in Conjunction with Non-Active Surgical
Implants. 27. Current edition of the VAH List of Disinfectants tested in
accordance with the guidelines for testing chemical
11. EN ISO 13402: 2001 disinfectants, and approved by the German Association of
Surgical and Dental Hand Instruments. Determination of Hygiene and Microbiology as being effective disinfecting
Resistance Against Sterilization, Corrosion, and Thermal procedures (including hand decontamination and hygienic
Exposure hand-washing procedures).
12. ASTM Designation: F 1089 Standard Test Method for 28. Current edition of the list of disinfectants and procedures
Corrosion of Surgical Instruments tested and recognized by the Robert Koch Institute
36. Biering, H.
Comparing AAMI Standards With the "Red Book".
Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology.
2012; 46 (3):184-188.
2. AKI retains exclusive copyright and all other proprietary rights for the
brochures prepared by AKI. Duplication or the use of charts, images and/
or texts in any other electronic or printed publications is prohibited
without the express permission of AKI.
Legal Notice
Instrument Preparation Working Group
Chairman and Official Representative of the Working Group: Michael Sedlag
Arbeitskreis Instrumenten-Aufbereitung
c/o Miele & Cie. KG | Professional Sales, Service & Marketing
Carl-Miele-Strasse 29
D-33332 Gütersloh
Tel.: +49 (0) 5241 89 1461
Fax: +49 (0) 5241 89 78 1461
Email: [email protected]
Person with editorial responsibility: Michael Sedlag
This brochure does not replace the manufacturer's specifications on the reprocessing
of medical products. The ordering party undertakes not to use this brochure in con-
junction with the marketing of medical devices and to refrain from any activity which
may suggest that the brochures contain manufacturer specifications. Version 11.0