Labor Digest
Labor Digest
Labor Digest
2. YES. As there is no provision under our labor laws which speak of the Thus, in the directive of the BLR removing the words "Hanjin Shipyard,"
use of name by a workers' association, the Court refers to the no abridgement of Samahan's right to self-organization was
Corporation Code, which governs the names of juridical persons. Sec committed.
18 of the Corporation Code provides that
WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The July 4, 2013
“No corporate name may be allowed by the Securities Decision and the January 28, 2014 Resolution of the Court of Appeals
and Exchange Commission if the proposed name is are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The September 6, 2010 Resolution
identical or deceptively or confusingly similar to that of of the Bureau of Labor Relations, as modified by its November 28, 2011
any existing corporation or to any other name already Resolution, is REINSTATED.
protected by law or is patently deceptive, confusing or
contrary to existing laws. When a change in the corporate
name is approved, the Commission shall issue an
amended certificate of incorporation under the
amended name.”
The policy underlying the prohibition in Sec 18 against the registration G.R. No. 81883, September 23, 1992
of a corporate name which is "identical or deceptively or confusingly Davide, Jr. J
similar" to that of any existing corporation or which is "patently Digest by: OBNAMIA
deceptive" or "patently confusing" or "contrary to existing laws," is the
avoidance of fraud upon the public which would have occasion to TOPIC: Self-organization
deal with the entity concerned, the evasion of legal obligations and
duties, and the reduction of difficulties of administration and DOCTRINE: The right to form a union or association or to self-
supervision over corporations. organization comprehends two (2) broad notions, to wit: (a) the liberty
• For the same reason, it would be misleading for the members or freedom, i.e., the absence of restraint which guarantees that the
of Samahan to use "Hanjin Shipyard" in its name as it could give employee may act for himself without being prevented by law, and
the wrong impression that all of its members are employed by (b) the power, by virtue of which an employee may, as he pleases,
Hanjin. join or refrain from joining an association.
• Further, Section 9, Rule IV of D.O. No. 40-03, Series of 2003
explicitly states:
employed, rural workers and those without any definite employers may form labor • Petitioner KNITJOY had a collective bargaining agreement
organizations for their mutual aid and protection and other legitimate purposes (CBA) with the Federation of Filipino Workers (FFW). The
except collective bargaining.”
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bargaining unit covered only the regular rank-and-file 1. WON KMEU can constitute as an appropriate bargaining unit
employees of KNITJOY paid on a daily or piece-rate basis. It separate and distinct from the existing unit composed of daily
did not include regular rank-and-file office and production or piece-rate paid employees- YES
employees paid on a monthly basis 2. WON the inclusion of the monthly paid employees in the
• Prior to the expiration of the CBA the Trade Union of the coverage of the new CBA bars the certification election - NO
Philippines and Allied Services (TUPAS) filed a petition for the
holding of a certification election among KNITJOY's regular HELD
rank-and-file employees paid on a daily and piece-rate basis.
• Excluded were the regular rank-and-file employees paid on a (1) ANSWER: Yes, because the KMEU represents a separate and
monthly basis. distinct bargaining unit.
• In the certification election conducted and CFW • The suggested bias of the Labor Code in favor of the one
(Confederation of Filipino Workers) emerged as the winner; company-one union policy, anchored on the greater mutual
thereafter, negotiations for a new CBA between CFW and benefits which the parties could derive, is not without
KNITJOY commenced. exceptions.
• During the pendency of the said negotiations, private • The one company-one union policy must yield to the right of
respondent KMEU (Knitjoy Monthly Employees Union), a the employees to form unions or associations for purposes not
separate union representing monthly paid empolyees, filed a contrary to law, to self-organization and to enter into collective
petition for certification election among KNITJOY's regular rank- bargaining negotiations, among others, which the Constitution
and-file monthly paid employees guarantees.
• The petition was dismissed by the Med-Arbiter.
• KMEU filed a motion to reconsider this order, which was treated LAW: Article 245 of the Labor Code expressly allows supervisory
as an appeal by the Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR). employees who are not performing managerial functions to join, assist
• BLR Director Pura Ferrer-Calleja, reversed the order of Med- or form their separate union but bars them from membership in a labor
Arbiter de la Cruz, allowing the certification election. organization of the rank-and-file employees. This allows more than one
• Arguments of Knitjoy the employer: union in a company
o the monthly-paid employees have the same working • This provision obviously allows more than one union to exist in a
incentives as their counterparts, the daily-paid workers; company.
• The right to form a union or association or to self-organization
o that the existing collective bargaining agent (CFW) is comprehends two (2) broad notions, to wit: (a) the liberty or
willing to include the monthly-paid employees; and freedom, i.e., the absence of restraint which guarantees that
o that out of the 212 monthly-paid employees, 116 qualify the employee may act for himself without being prevented by
as managerial employees while the rest who are law, and (b) the power, by virtue of which an employee may,
holding confidential or technical positions should as he pleases, join or refrain from joining an association.
likewise be excluded. • In Victoriano vs. Elizalde Rope Worker’s Union, the SC stated: It
o the CBA also rendered the case moot and academic is, therefore, the employee who should decide for himself
since the monthly paid employees are now included in whether he should join or not an association; and should he
the provisions of the said CBA. choose to join, he himself makes up his mind as to which
association he would join; and even after he has joined, he still
ISSUE/S: retains the liberty and the power to leave and cancel his
In addition, in a memo sent by the director of metro sales TOPIC: Labor Organization; Covered / Not covered employees
indicates the great latitude and discretion given to route
managers — from servicing and enhancing company goodwill DOCTRINE:
to supervising and auditing accounts, from trade (new The inclusion in a union of disqualified employees is not among the
business) development to the discipline, training and grounds of cancellation of union registration, unless such inclusion is
monitoring of performance of their respective sales teams, and due to misrepresentation, false statement or fraud under the
so forth, — if they are to fulfill the company's expectations in circumstances enumerated in Sections (a) and (c) of Article 239 of the
the "key result areas." Labor Code.
3. Med-Arbiter Bactin found KFWU’s legal personality defective and The key to the closure that petitioner seeks could have been Republic
dismissed its petition for certification election, stating that, Since Act (R.A.) No. 9481 [AN ACT STRENGTHENING THE WORKERS’
petitioner’s members are mixture of rank and file and supervisory CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION, AMENDING FOR THE
employees, petitioner union, at this point [in] time, has not attained PURPOSE PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 442, AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE
the status of a legitimate labor organization. Petitioner should first KNOWN AS THE LABOR CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES] Sections 8 and 9
exclude the supervisory employees from it membership before it can (See NOTES)
attain the status of a legitimate labor organization.
However, R.A. No. 9481 took effect only on June 14, 2007;26 hence, it
applies only to labor representation cases filed on or after said date.
4. Respondent filed with DOLE Regional Office No. IV a Petition for As the petition for certification election subject matter of the present
Cancellation of Charter/Union Registration of KFWU,13 the final petition was filed by KFWU on January 24, 2000, R.A. No. 9481 cannot
outcome of which, unfortunately, cannot be ascertained from the apply to it. There may have been curative labor legislations that were
records. given retrospective effect, but not the aforecited provisions of R.A. No.
9481, for otherwise, substantive rights and interests already vested
would be impaired in the process.
5. KFWU appealed to the DOLE which granted the appeal; ordered
the case be remanded to the office of origin for the immediate
conduct of certification election xxx CA reversed. MR denied. Hence, Instead, the law and rules in force at the time of the filing by KFWU of
this petition. the petition for certification election on January 24, 2000 are R.A. No.
6715, amending Book V of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 442 (Labor
Code), as amended, and the Rules and Regulations Implementing
ISSUE: R.A. No. 6715, as amended by Department Order No. 9, series of
(1) Whether a mixed membership of rank-and-file and supervisory 1997.35
employees in a union is a ground for the dismissal of a petition for
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One area of contention has been the composition of the membership bargaining. It becomes necessary, therefore, anterior to the granting
of a labor organization, specifically whether there is a mingling of of an order allowing a certification election, to inquire into the
supervisory and rank-and-file employees and how such questioned composition of any labor organization whenever the status of the
mingling affects its legitimacy. labor organization is challenged on the basis of Article 245 of the
Labor Code xxxx
Effective 1989, R.A. No. 6715 restored the prohibition against the
questioned mingling in one labor organization, viz: In the case at bar, as respondent union’s membership list contains the
names of at least twenty-seven (27) supervisory employees in Level
Five positions, the union could not, prior to purging itself of its
Sec. 18. Article 245 of the same Code, as amended, is hereby further supervisory employee members, attain the status of a legitimate labor
amended to read as follows organization. Not being one, it cannot possess the requisite personality
to file a petition for certification election.
“Art. 245. Ineligibility of managerial employees to join any labor But then, on June 21, 1997, the 1989 Amended Omnibus Rules was
organization; right of supervisory employees. Managerial employees further amended by Department Order No. 9, series of 1997 (1997
are not eligible to join, assist or form any labor organization. Amended Omnibus Rules). Specifically, the requirement under Sec.
Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for membership in a labor 2(c) of the 1989 Amended Omnibus Rules – that the petition for
organization of the rank-and-file employees but may join, assist or form certification election indicate that the bargaining unit of rank-and-file
separate labor organizations of their own.” (Emphasis supplied) employees has not been mingled with supervisory employees – was
Unfortunately, just like R.A. No. 875, R.A. No. 6715 omitted specifying
the exact effect any violation of the prohibition would bring about on Consequently, the Court reverses the ruling of the CA and reinstates
the legitimacy of a labor organization. that of the DOLE granting the petition for certification election of
Thus, when the issue of the effect of mingling was brought to the fore
in Toyota, the Court, citing Article 245 of the Labor Code, as amended II. Now to the second issue of whether an employer like respondent
by R.A. No. 6715, held: may collaterally attack the legitimacy of a labor organization by filing
a motion to dismiss the latter’s petition for certification election.
No costs. Sec. 4. A new provision is hereby inserted into the Labor Code as
Article 238-A to read as follows:
__________ “Art. 238-A. Effect of a Petition for Cancellation of Registration. – A
NOTES: petition for cancellation of union registration shall not suspend the
proceedings for certification election nor shall it prevent the filing of a
Section 8. Article 245 of the Labor Code is hereby amended to read as petition for certification election.
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• Supervisors 3 and above may not be considered confidential
LEGAL BASIS: employees merely because they handle confidential data as
• As provided in the Labor Code, Confidential employees are pertaining to labor relations for them to fall under said
those: restrictions.
o Who assist or act in a confidential capacity • The information they handle are properly classifiable as
o To persons who formulate, determine and effectuate technical and internal business operations data which has no
management policies in the field of labor relations relevance to negotiations and settlement of grievances
*such criteria are cumulative
• In determining the confidentiality of certain employees, what AS TO THE 2ND ISSUE: YES
must be considered is the employees’ necessary access to
confidential labor relations information LEGAL BASIS:
o Access to information which is regarded by the • As provided in the Labor Code, An appropriate bargaining unit
employer to be confidential from the business may be defined as a group of employees of a given employer,
standpoint, such as financial information or technical comprised of all or less than all of the entire body of
trade secrets, will not render an employee a employees.
confidential employee. o It must effect a grouping of employees who have
o Jurisprudence: Westinghouse Electric Corp v. NLRB substantial, mutual interests in wages, hours, working
§ An employee may not be excluded from conditions and other subjects of collective bargaining.
appropriate bargaining unit merely because he
has access to confidential information APPLICATION:
concerning employers internal business • In the instant case, the employees have community or
operations and which is not related to the field mutuality of interest. It is undisputed that they all belong to the
of labor relations Magnolia Poultry Division of SMC.
o IF employees has access to confidential labor relations o Although they belong to three different plants, they
information BUT such is merely incidental to his duties perform work of the same nature, receive the same
and such knowledge is not necessary in the wages and compensation, and most importantly, share
performance of his duties, STILL not confidential a common stake in concerted activities.
employees • Geographical location can be completely disregarded if the
• REASON: Possible conflict of interest; Management should not communal or mutual interests of the employees are not
be required to handle labor relations matters through sacrificed.
employees who are represented by the union with the • Jurisprudence: UP v Calleja-Ferrer, where all non-academic
company is required to deal and who in the normal rank and file employees of the University of the Philippines in
performance of their duties may obtain advance information Diliman, Quezon City, Padre Faura, Manila, Los Baos, Laguna
of the company’s position with regard to contract and the Visayas were allowed to participate in a certification
negotiations, the disposition of grievances, or other labor election
relations matters
CONCLUSION: Therefore, Supervisors level 3 and 4 and exempt
APPLICATION: employees of SMC are allowed to have certification election as a one
bargaining unit
AS TO WITHDRAWAL OF MEMBERSHIP LEGAL BASIS: By virtue of Executive Order No. 111, which became
ANSWER: YES. MEMBERS OF COOPERATIVES MAY VALIDLY WITHDRAW effective on March 4, 1987, the direct certification originally allowed
THEIR MEMBERSHIP AND THEY ARE FREE TO FORM AND JOIN ANY under Article 257 of the Labor Code has apparently been
BARGAINING UNIT discontinued as a method of selecting the exclusive bargaining agent
of the workers.
LEGAL BASIS: As provided by the Constitution, it is the avowed policy - This amendment affirms the superiority of the certification
of State to afford full protection to labor and to promote the primacy election over direct election
of free collective bargaining mandates that the employees’ right to
form and join unions for purposes of collective bargaining be ANALYSIS: While it may be true that there was more than majority
accorded the highest consideration. number of members who supported the petition for certification
election, such fact is not sufficient to order direct election.
ANALYSIS: In this case, their withdrawal of membership is valid. • What is equally important is that everyone be given a
• Under the Articles of Incorporation of CENECO, members are democratic space in the bargaining unit concerned.
merely required to surrender his/her membership certificate • The most effective way of determining which labor
and be refunded his membership fee less any obligation that organization can truly represent the working force is by
he has with the cooperation. certification election
• By such terms, there appears to be no other condition or
requirement imposed upon a withdrawing member. CONCLUSION: Thus, direct certification shall not be allowed despite
• There is no just cause for CENECO to deny their withdrawal the attainment of majority votes that supported the petition for
from membership of its employees who are also members of certification election.
the union.
• In addition, membership in the cooperative is on a voluntary DISPOSITIVE PORTION/ RULING: WHEREFORE, the questioned order for
basis. Hence, withdrawal therefrom cannot be restricted the direct certification of respondent CURE as the bargaining
unnecessarily. The right to join an organization necessarily representative of the employees of petitioner CENECO is hereby
includes the equivalent right not to join the same.
• Yumang filed an MR and again raised the matter of non- WHEREFORE, premises considered, we GRANT the petition. The assailed
perfection of the respondents appeal and for failure of CA to decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals are SET ASIDE. LA
explain why it departed from the established facts as ruled by Manansala's decision of April 20, 2007, is ordered REINSTATED with
other divisions in at least 2 identical cases - DENIED modification that in the event the reinstatement of the petitioner
15. HEIRS OF TEODULO M. CRUZ V. CIR • On June 21, 1952, the Santiago Labor Union, composed of
G.R. No. L- 23331-32, December 27, 1969 workers of the Santiago Rice Mill, a business enterprise
Justice Teehankee engaged in the buying and milling of palay at Isabela, and
Bernal owned operated by King Hong Co., filed before the
respondent Court of Industrial Relations a petition for overtime
TOPIC: Labor Organizations – Rights and Conditions of Membership pay, premium pay for night, Sunday and holiday work, and for
reinstatement of workers illegally laid off. As of then, the total
DOCTRINE: sum claimed by the workers, as itemized in their amended
petition are — P100,816.36 for overtime pay, P19,350.00 for
The union has been evolved as an organization of collective strength premium pay and P3,360.00 for differential pay under the
for the protection of labor against the unjust exactions of capital, but Minimum Wage Law — amounted to P123,526.36.
equally important is the requirement of fair dealing between the union • The court dismissed the petition of the union for lack of merit
and its members, which is fiduciary in nature, and arises out of two and want of jurisdiction; but upon a motion for reconsideration,
factors: one is the degree of dependence of the individual employee the Court of Industrial Relations en banc, by a split decision of
on the union organization; and the other, a corollary of the first, is the 3-2 vote, issued a resolution reversing the decision of the trial
comprehensive power vested in the union with respect to the judge.
individual, The union may be considered but the agent of its members • After the remand of the records for enforcement by CIR, the
for the purpose of securing for them fair and just wages and good Court's Chief Examiner filed his Partial Report wherein the
working conditions and is subject to the obligation of giving the judgment award in favor of the workers totaled to P423,756.74.
members as its principals all information relevant to union and labor However, petitioners claim that in this computation, the filed
matters entrusted to it. examiners did not include the claims of seventy (70) other
laborers whose total claims for back wages would be
Where, however, collective bargaining process is not involved, and P441,000.00. Therefore, the correct grand total amount due the
what is at stake are back wages already earned by the individual laborers would be P864,756.74.
workers by way of overtime, premium and differential pay, and final • The Chief Examiner's Report showed respondent firm's total
judgment has been rendered in their favor, as in the present case, the assets to be P191.151.08, and its net worth to be in the same
real parties in interest with direct material interest, as against the union amount of P191,151.08. The Report further stated respondent
which has only served as a vehicle for collective action to enforce firm sold its trucks, jeep and one car, with a net book value of
their just claims, are the individual workers themselves. Authority of the P2,628.71 for P27,000.00 or a net gain of P24,371.29. Petitioners
union to waive or quit claim all or part of the judgment award in favor claim that the book value of respondent firm's fixed assets is
DOCTRINE: This order was affirmed by the court en banc. Hence the present
An absolute pardon restores a person to his civil and political rights, petition for review
one of which is the right to hold any office in any legitimate labor
organization. In the case at bar, the conviction in 1926 of the crime of ISSUE/S:
abusos deshonestos for which he served time in jail until 1930, cannot WON Oximana is disqualified from holding the position of President -
after his full and absolute pardon in 1961 serve to disqualify the NO
respondent president of a labor union from such office under Section
17(e) of Republic Act 875. HELD:
But here the situation of Oximana has changed since his conviction. It
appears that since the time of his conviction in 1926 up to the time the DISPOSITIVE PORTION / RULING:
complaint for disqualification was lodged against him in 1961, a long WHEREFORE, the order appealed from is affirmed. No costs
period of time has passed, and, in the meantime, he may have
reformed himself and become a new and repentant man. In fact,
when he organized the Benguet-Balatoc Worker's Union in 1948, he
became its president and had been re-elected as such continuously 18. Tancinco v Calleja
up to the present time without any indication that throughout his G.R. No. 78131; January 20, 1988
actuation as such official he has ever committed any misconduct or Ponente
act unbecoming his office that may disqualify him to continue Digest by: DIMLABS
deserving the confidence of the union and its members.
It is perhaps for this reason that on April 1, 1961 the President of the DOCTRINE: Eligibility to vote may be determined through the use of the
Philippines granted him full, absolute and plenary pardon which applicable payroll period and employee's status during the applicable
restored to him the full enjoyment of his civil and political rights, one of payroll period. The payroll of the month next preceding the labor
which is the right to hold any office in any legitimate labor dispute in case of regular employees and the payroll period at or near
organization. We believe that the effect of this pardon is as the the peak of operations in case of employees in seasonal industries
President of the Philippines has stated: the restoration in full of
Oximana's civil and political rights, the effect of which is to blot out
any evil consequence of the crime he has committed. FACTS:
• The respondents are the organizers of Imperial Textile Mills Inc.
LAW: Monthly Employees Association (ITM-MEA)
Section 17(e) of Republic Act 875 provides as follows: • While respondents were preparing to file a petition for direct
"No person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral certification of the union as sole and exclusive bargaining
turpitude shall be eligible for election to any office in a legitimate agent of ITM’s bargaining unit, the union’s VP (Dalamaco) was
labor organization or for appointment to any position involving the promoted to Department Head, thereby disqualifying him for
collection, custody, management, control or disbursement of its funds union membership
and any such person shall be disqualified from continuing to hold any • This incident, among others, lead to strike headed by the
office or such position in the organization” Lacanilao group, while the Tancinco group staged a strike
inside the company premises.
It has been held that "A full and complete pardon, granted after • After 4 days, strike was settled, agreement was entered
conviction, removes all penalties and legal disabilities, and restores the between Lacanilao and Tancinco group
defendant to all his civil rights." Continuing, the court went on to say • Pre-election conference was held but parties failed to agree
that "pardon completely destroys the effect of the judgment . . . (and) on the list of voters
`obliterates, in legal contemplation, the offense itself; and hence its • In another pre-election conference attended by MOLE
officers, ANGLO through its National Secretary, a certain Mr.
• YES. Submission of the employees names with the BLR as qualified
members of the union is not a condition sine qua non to enable
said members to vote in the election of union's officers
19. Manalad vs Trajano
• Per public respondent's findings the 1986 list consists of 158 union
G.R. No. 72772-73, June 28, 1989
members only wherein 51 of the 56 challenged voters' names do
Ponente: Regalado
not appear. Adopting however a rough estimate of a total
Digest by: Calleja
number of union members who cast their votes of some 333 and
excluding therefrom the 56 challenged votes, if the list is to be the
TOPIC: Rights and Conditions of Membership
basis as to who the union members are then public respondent
should have also disqualified some 175 of the 333 voters
(Calibri, 11, single spaced)
• LAW: Under article 242(c) of the LC, as amended, only members of
the union can participate in the election of union officers. The
question however of eligibility to vote may be determined through
the use of the applicable payroll period and employee's status
during the applicable payroll period. The payroll of the month next
• The parties herein are employees of United Dockhandlers, Inc.;
preceding the labor dispute in case of regular employees and the
they are members of rival groups in the Associated Port
payroll period at or near the peak of operations in case of
Checkers and Workers' Union (APCWU for short) in said
employees in seasonal industries
• Sometime in 1982, the petitioners were disqualified from running
• CONCLUSION: In this case, considering that none of the parties
as candidates in the election of APCWU officers by the Med-
insisted on the use of the payroll period-list as voting list and
Arbiter. However, on appeal, said order was set aside by the
considering further that the 51 remaining employees were
Director of the Bureau of Labor Relations on October 31, 1984.
correctly ruled to be qualified for membership, their act of joining
• Thereafter, the election of officers and board members of the
the election by casting their votes on after the 1986 agreement is
union was held on November 26, 1984, with the candidates of
a clear manifestation of their intention to join the union
the petitioners, that is, Manalad, Leano and Puerto, winning
over those of the private respondents, who were Babula,
Mijares and Navarro, for the positions of president, treasurer and
auditor, respectively.
10. WON the deduction of attorneys fees by petitioners was valid • General Membership Resolution of the SolidBank Union did not
satisfy the requirements laid down by law for the validity of the
HELD: ten percent (10%) special assessment for unions incidental
ANSWER: No, attorneys fees may not be deducted or checked off expenses, attorneys fees and representation expenses.
from any amount due to an employee without his written consent • There were no individual written check off authorizations by the
employees concerned and so the assessment cannot be
LAW: In check-off, the employer, on agreement with the Union, or on legally deducted by their employer.
prior authorization from employees, deducts union dues or agency
fees from the latters wages and remits them directly to the union. WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The assailed Order dated June 3,
1994, of respondent Secretary of Labor signed by Undersecretary
Article 222 (b) : Bienvenido E. Laguesma is AFFIRMED. No pronouncement as to costs.
"No attorneys fees, negotiation fees or similar charges of any
kind arising from any collective bargaining negotiations or
conclusions of the collective agreement shall be imposed on
The obligation to pay union dues and agency fees obviously devolves LAW: A check-off is a process or device whereby the employer, on
not upon the employer, but the individual employee. It is a personal agreement with the union recognized as the proper bargaining
obligation not demandable from the employer upon default or refusal representatives, or on prior authorization from its employees, deducts
of the employer to consent to a check-off. The only obligation of the union dues or agency fees from the latter's wages and remits them
employer under a check-off is to effect the deductions and remit the directly to the union.
collections to the union.
When stipulated in a collective bargaining agreement, or authorized
FACTS: in writing by the employees concerned, the Labor Code and its
• A CBA was entered into between petitioner Holy Cross, an Implementing Rules recognize it to be the duty of the employer to
educational institution, and the affiliate labor organization deduct sums equivalent to the amount of union dues from the
representing its employees, respondent KAMAPI. employees' wages for direct remittance to the union, in order to
• Holy Cross stopped deducting from the salaries and wages of its facilitate the collection of funds vital to the role of the union as
teachers and employees the corresponding union dues and representative of employees in a bargaining unit if not, indeed, to its
special assessment (payable by union members), and agency very existence.
fees (payable by non-members), in accordance with the check-
The obligation to pay union dues and agency fees obviously devolves
not upon the employer, but the individual employee. It is a personal 23. VERCELES v. BLR-DOLE
obligation not demandable from the employer upon default or refusal G.R. No. 152322, February 15, 2005
of the employer to consent to a check-off. The only obligation of the Ponente Chico-Nazario, J.
employer under a check-off is to effect the deductions and remit the Digest by: Santos
collections to the union. The principle of unjust enrichment necessarily
precludes recovery of union dues—or agency fees—from the TOPIC: Rights and Conditions of Membership; Reportorial
employer, these being obligations pertaining to the individual worker Requirement; Prompt Submission
in favor of the bargaining union. Where the employer fails or refuses to
implement a check-off agreement, logic and prudence dictate that FACTS:
the union itself undertake the collection of union dues and ● Private respondents Rodel E. Dalupan, Efren J. De Ocampo,
assessments from its members (and agency fees from non-union Proceso Totto, Jr., Elizabeth Alarca, and Elvira S. Manalo are
employees); this, of course, without prejudice to suing the employer for members of the University of the East Employees’ Association
unfair labor practice. (UEEA).
● On 15 September 1997, they each received a Memorandum
APPLICATION: In this case, there was no basis for the Voluntary from the UEEA charging them with spreading false rumors and
Arbitrator to require Holy Cross to assume liability for the union dues creating disinformation among the members of the said
and assessments, and agency fees that it had failed to deduct from its association.
employees’ salaries on the proffered plea that contrary to established ● They were given 72 hours to reply to the memorandum
practice, KAMAPI had failed to submit to the college comptroller ● In their reply, the private respondents denied the allegations -
every 8th day of the month, a list of employees from whose pay union the said allegations were vague and are without legal basis
dues and the corresponding agency fees were to be deducted. that no intelligent reply could be made of it
● Petitioners issued another memorandum directing private
CONCLUSION: Therefore, Holy Cross is not liable for allegedly failing to respondents to reply within 72 hours, again
deduct union dues, assessments and agency fees. ● Eventually, the membership of the private respondents were
suspended by Verceles, in his capacity as president of the
WHEREFORE, the requirement imposed on petitioner Holy Cross by the ● Private respondents Dalupan et al, filed a complaint for illegal
challenged decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator, to pay respondent suspension willful and unlawful violation of UEEA constitution
WON non-holding of meetings and alleged non-submission of reports
are moot and academic 9. ISAE vs. Quisumbing
G.R. No. 128845|June 1, 2000
HELD: No, the Supreme Court held that the non-submission of the J. Kapunan
reports are NOT moot and academic by their eventual compliance. Digest by: HICETA
As found by the Court of Appeals, the financial statements for the
years 1995 up to 1997 were submitted to DOLE-NCR only on 06 TOPIC: Bargaining unit—Principles in determining bargaining unit
February 1998 while that for the year 1998 was submitted only on 16
We agree, however, that foreign-hires do not belong to the same
Private respondent International School, Inc. (the School), pursuant to
bargaining unit as the local-hires.
Presidential Decree 732, is a domestic educational institution
established primarily for dependents of foreign diplomatic personnel
A bargaining unit is "a group of employees of a given employer,
and other temporary residents. To enable the School to continue
comprised of all or less than all of the entire body of employees,
carrying out its educational program and improve its standard of
consistent with equity to the employer, indicate to be the best suited
instruction, Section 2(c) of the same decree authorizes the School to
to serve the reciprocal rights and duties of the parties under the
employ its own teaching and management personnel selected by it
collective bargaining provisions of the law." The factors in determining
either locally or abroad, from Philippine or other nationalities, such
the appropriate collective bargaining unit are (1) the will of the
personnel being exempt from otherwise applicable laws and
employees (Globe Doctrine); (2) affinity and unity of the employees'
regulations attending their employment, except laws that have been
interest, such as substantial similarity of work and duties, or similarity of
or will be enacted for the protection of employees. Accordingly, the
compensation and working conditions (Substantial Mutual Interests
Rule); (3) prior collective bargaining history; and (4) similarity of
(GO2) 2018 - 2019
employment status. The basic test of an asserted bargaining unit's • Med-Arbiter Danilo issued an Order ordering the conduct of
acceptability is whether or not it is fundamentally the combination certification among the supervisors and exempting employees
which will best assure to all employees the exercise of their collective of the SMC Magnolia Poultry Products Plants of Cabuyao, San
bargaining rights. Fernando and Otis as one bargaining unit.
• SMC filed an Appeal, pointing out the Med-Arbiter’s error of
It does not appear that foreign-hires have indicated their intention to grouping together all 3 separate plants into 1 bargaining unit
be grouped together with local-hires for purposes of collective and in including supervisory levels 3 and above whose positions
bargaining. The collective bargaining history in the School also shows are confidential in nature.
that these groups were always treated separately. Foreign-hires have • Undersecretary Bienvenido granted respondent’s Appeal and
limited tenure; local-hires enjoy security of tenure. Although foreign- ordered the remand of the case to the Med-Arbiter of origin
hires perform similar functions under the same working conditions as for determination of the true classification of each of the
the local-hires, foreign-hires are accorded certain benefits not granted employees sought to be included in the appropriate
to local-hires. These benefits, such as housing, transportation, shipping bargaining unit.
costs, taxes, and home leave travel allowance, are reasonably • 1st MR: SMC Union filed a Motion for Reconsideration (MR).
related to their status as foreign-hires, and justify the exclusion of the Undersecretary granted and directed the conduct of separate
former from the latter. To include foreign-hires in a bargaining unit with certification elections among the supervisors ranked as supervisory
local-hires would not assure either group the exercise of their levels 1 to 4 (S1 to S4) and the exempt employees in each of the 3
respective collective bargaining rights. plants.
• 2nd MR: SMC filed an MR. Undersecretary granted.
o Applied Philips Industrial Development, Inc. v. NLRC à
Confidential employees, like managerial employees, are not
allowed to form, join or assist a labor union for purposes of
ERNESTO L. PONCE vs. HON. BIENVENIDO E. LAGUESMA (Undersecretary o Applying in the case at bar, S3 and S4 and the so-called
of Labor and Employment), HON. DANILO L. REYNANTE (Med-Arbiter) exempt employees are admittedly confidential employees
and SAN MIGUEL CORPORATION (SMC) and therefore are not allowed to form, join or assist a labor
G.R. No. 110399, August 15, 1997 union for purposes of collective bargaining. Thus, S3, S4 and
Romero, J. the so-called exempt employees are excluded from those who
Digest by: DIZON could participate in the certification election.
• Hence, this Petition for Certiorari with Prayer for the Issuance of
TOPIC: Bargaining Agent Preliminary Injunction seeking to reverse and set aside the Order of
public respondent Undersecretary Bienvenido which excluded the
DOCTRINE: see underlined texts employees under supervisory levels 3 and 4 and the so-called
exempt employees from the proposed bargaining unit and rules
FACTS: out their participation in the certification election.
• Petitioner union filed before DOLE a Petition for District
Certification or Certification Election among the supervisors ISSUE/S:
and exempt employees of SMC Magnolia Poultry Products
Plants of Cabuyao, San Fernando and Otis.
• In consonance with the public policy that the holding of a
certification election is a certain and definitive mode of
arriving at the choice of the employees bargaining
representative, the simultaneous submission of the 25% consent
signatures upon the filing of the petition for certification
election should not be strictly applied to frustrate the 13. NUWHRAIN-Manila Pavilion Hotel Chapter v. Secretary
determination of the legitimate representative of the workers. – G.R. No. 181531 | July 31, 2009
1. Whether employees on probationary status at the time of the Art. 256 of the Labor Code, the union obtaining the majority of the
certification elections should be allowed to vote? valid votes cast by the eligible voters shall be certified as the sole and
2. Whether HIMPHLU was able to obtain the required majority for it to exclusive bargaining agent of all the workers in the appropriate
be certified as the exclusive bargaining agent? bargaining unit.
HELD: Under the so-called “double majority rule,” for there to be a valid
certification election, majority of the bargaining unit must have voted
1st Issue: AND the winning union must have garnered majority of the valid votes
Yes. The inclusion of Gatbonton’s vote was proper not because it was cast. From the Court’s ruling that all the probationary employees’
not questioned but because probationary employees have the right votes should be deemed valid votes while that of the supervisory
to vote in a certification election. The votes of the five other employees should be excluded, it follows that the number of valid
probationary employees should thus also have been counted. votes cast would increase—from 321 to 337.
Rule II, Sec. 2 of Department Order No. 40-03, series of 2003, which Hence, 50% of 337 is 168.5 + 1 or at least 170.
amended Rule XI of the Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code,
Section 2. Who may join labor unions and workers' associations. – x x x WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision dated November 8,
For purposes of this section, any employee, whether employed for a 2007 and Resolution dated January 25, 2008 of the Court of Appeals
definite period or not, shall beginning on the first day of his/her service, affirming the Resolutions dated January 22, 2007 and March 22, 2007,
be eligible for membership in any labor organization. X x x respectively, of the Secretary of Labor and Employment in OS-A-9-52-
05 are ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. The Department of Labor and
The period of reckoning in determining who shall be included in the list Employment-Bureau of Labor Relations is DIRECTED to cause the
of eligible voters is in cases where a timely appeal has been filed from holding of a run-off election between petitioner, National Union of
the Order of the Med-Arbiter, the date when the Order of the Workers in Hotels, Restaurants and Allied Industries-Manila Pavilion
Secretary of Labor and Employment, whether affirming or denying the Hotel Chapter (NUWHRAIN-MPC), and respondent Holiday Inn Manila
appeal, becomes final and executory. Pavilion Hotel Labor Union (HIMPHLU).