Autophagy Accounts For Approximately One Third of Mitochondrial Protein Turnover and Is Protein Selective
Autophagy Accounts For Approximately One Third of Mitochondrial Protein Turnover and Is Protein Selective
Autophagy Accounts For Approximately One Third of Mitochondrial Protein Turnover and Is Protein Selective
To cite this article: Evelyn S. Vincow, Ruth E. Thomas, Gennifer E. Merrihew, Nicholas J.
Shulman, Theo K. Bammler, James W. MacDonald, Michael J. MacCoss & Leo J. Pallanck (2019)
Autophagy accounts for approximately one-third of mitochondrial protein turnover and is protein
selective, Autophagy, 15:9, 1592-1605, DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2019.1586258
CONTACT Leo J. Pallanck [email protected] University of Washington, W.H. Foege Building S443E, Box 355065, 3720 15th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA
98195-5065, USA
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
destruction of damaged mitochondria was identified and range could be explained by differences in mitochondrial pro-
termed ‘mitophagy’ [20,21]. A more mechanistic understand- tein expression and mitochondrial autophagy rate in the tissues
ing of mitophagy emerged through study of the neurodegen- analysed, and autophagic turnover rates were equally diverse
eration-associated proteins PINK1 (PTEN induced kinase 1) when calculated by comparing protein turnover in homoge-
and PRKN (parkin), which together target dysfunctional neous ATG7−/− or ATG5−/− human fibroblasts with WT cells.
mitochondria for autophagic degradation [22–24], and work Taken together, our findings show that autophagy degrades
in Drosophila demonstrated that this mitophagy pathway is mitochondrial proteins at unequal rates, and that most mito-
required for normal mitochondrial protein turnover chondrial protein turnover in both Drosophila and vertebrates
in vivo [25]. occurs through non-autophagic processes.
While the above findings demonstrate the importance of
autophagy in mitochondrial quality control, there is also evi-
dence that non-autophagic mechanisms contribute substan- Results
tially to turnover of mitochondrial proteins. Although some We measured the contribution of autophagy to mitochondrial
studies that followed Fletcher and Sanadi supported their view protein degradation in vivo by comparing turnover rates of
that mitochondria are degraded as units [26,27], others mitochondrial proteins in WT flies to their turnover rates in
instead found different turnover rates for individual mito- Atg7 null mutants [43]. Atg7 encodes an evolutionarily con-
chondrial components [28–30], and later in vivo proteomic served E1-like enzyme required for autophagic vesicle forma-
studies showed that mitochondrial protein turnover rates are tion [14]. In previous work, we demonstrated markedly
in fact highly diverse [25,31–37]. These wide ranges of turn- impaired mitochondrial protein turnover in Drosophila Atg7
over rates, sometimes spanning more than two orders of null mutants [25], and we now used these well-characterised
magnitude, are consistent with substantial mitochondrial pro- autophagy-deficient flies to quantify the contribution of
tein degradation through non-autophagic mechanisms. autophagy to mitochondrial protein turnover. Briefly, we
Accumulation of mitochondrial proteins after ablation of the used stable isotope labelling followed by mass spectrometry
mitochondrial protease Lon [38] or inhibition of the protea- to measure the rates at which unlabelled proteins were
some [12] further suggests that non-autophagic mechanisms degraded and replaced by labelled proteins. The technique
degrade considerable amounts of mitochondrial protein. and other analyses of the data have been described [25].
Work to date thus indicates that autophagy accounts for
some, but not all, mitochondrial protein turnover; however,
the actual proportion of turnover that occurs via autophagy is Calculating the contribution of autophagy to
unknown. mitochondrial protein turnover
In the last few years, new findings have also begun to blur
the distinction between lysosomal destruction of whole mito- We identified 186 mitochondrial proteins from Drosophila
chondria and targeted degradation of individual mitochon- heads that met quality criteria in both Atg7 mutants and
drial proteins. Work in yeast has demonstrated stress-induced controls (Dataset S1; see Materials and Methods). For each
autophagic degradation of selected mitochondrial proteins protein, we determined the autophagy-dependent turnover
[39,40], and experiments using mammalian cultured cells rate (the fraction of the protein’s total abundance degraded
have suggested that related phenomena may exist in higher via autophagy per unit time), which we then used to calculate
eukaryotes [41,42]. However, whether mitochondrial auto- the contribution of autophagy to the protein’s overall
phagy normally degrades individual mitochondrial proteins degradation.
at different rates in intact metazoans is unknown. The turnover rate of any mitochondrial protein (M) is the
To answer these unresolved questions about the nature of sum of the mitochondrial autophagy rate and all non-
mitochondrial autophagy, we used an approach based on pro- autophagic turnover rates for that protein. Non-autophagic
teomic measurement of protein turnover in the fruit fly turnover includes degradation by mitochondrial proteases, the
Drosophila melanogaster. We calculated the percentage contri- ubiquitin-proteasome system, mitochondria-derived vesicles,
bution of autophagy by comparing mitochondrial protein turn- and any other non-autophagic degradation processes. We
over rates in autophagy-deficient Atg7 (Autophagy-related 7) calculated autophagy-dependent turnover rate by subtracting
null mutant flies to those in normal flies, and the percentage the turnover rate of protein M in Atg7 mutants (in which
contribution of parkin-dependent mitophagy using parkin turnover occurs solely through non-autophagic mechanisms)
(park)null mutants. Approximately 35% of all mitochondrial from the turnover rate of M in WT flies (which includes
protein turnover occurred through autophagy and 25% turnover via both autophagy and non-autophagic mechan-
through parkin-dependent mitophagy, consistent with the isms), as follows:
idea that autophagy primarily degrades mitochondria that autophagy-dependent turnover rate of M ¼ ðWT rate of MÞ
have become dysfunctional. We then investigated whether
ðAtg7 mutant rate of MÞ
autophagy had differential effects on individual mitochondrial
proteins. We modelled uniform, nonselective mitochondrial We then calculated the ratio of the autophagy-dependent
protein turnover and found that our data were incompatible turnover rate to the protein’s overall degradation rate and
with the model’s predictions. Most importantly, the calculated expressed the result as a percentage. We called this measure
autophagic turnover rates of individual mitochondrial proteins of autophagy’s contribution to degradation percent autophagic
ranged over two orders of magnitude. Only a small part of that turnover.
1594 E. S. VINCOW ET AL.
Figure 2. Mitochondrial autophagy is protein selective. (a) Classical model of mitochondrial protein turnover. The total turnover rate of each mitochondrial
protein is the sum of its turnover rate via autophagy (presumed to be the same for all proteins) and its turnover rate via non-autophagic mechanisms
(different from protein to protein). The turnover rate via non-autophagic mechanisms is the sum of turnover by mitochondrial proteases, the ubiquitin-
proteasome system, mitochondria-derived vesicles and any other non-autophagic degradation processes. Note that long-lived proteins are those with low total
turnover rates. (b) Autophagy-dependent turnover rates (h−1) for individual mitochondrial and ribosomal proteins. (c) Mitochondrial proteins have a large
range of autophagy-dependent turnover rates, but cytosolic ribosomal proteins do not. The 5% trimmed ranges (95th/5th percentile values) are displayed; the
full ranges were 253.4-fold for mitochondrial proteins and 2.0-fold for ribosomal proteins. (d) Autophagy-dependent turnover rates of individual mitochondrial
proteins vary substantially even within a specific region of the mitochondrion, including matrix (5% trimmed range 17.2-fold, n = 95) and inner membrane
(IM; 5% trimmed range 24.7-fold, n = 72). (e) Percent autophagic turnover correlates positively rather than negatively with WT turnover rate (h−1).
pathways differs from protein to protein, and thus total turn- to data from another target of autophagy, the cytosolic ribo-
over rates vary. some. The autophagy-dependent turnover rates of ribosomal
The classical model makes two testable predictions. First, proteins fell within a relatively narrow range (full range 2.0-fold
the model predicts that the calculated autophagy-dependent and 5% trimmed range 1.6-fold; Figure 2(b-c)), indicating that
turnover rates of mitochondrial proteins should fall within the large range of rates for mitochondrial proteins reflected
a narrow range because they are all approximations of a single a biological phenomenon rather than experimental noise.
true mitochondrial autophagy rate. Second, the model pre- To test the second prediction, we plotted percent autopha-
dicts that percent autophagic turnover for an individual mito- gic turnover against WT turnover rate for each mitochondrial
chondrial protein should be inversely related to its overall WT protein. The correlation between percent autophagic turnover
turnover rate, because total turnover rate increases as the and WT turnover rate was, surprisingly, significantly positive
contribution of nonautophagic degradation becomes larger. rather than negative (Figure 2(e)). Proteins with low overall
To test the first prediction, we compared autophagy- turnover rates (long-lived proteins), predicted to have
dependent turnover rates for all mitochondrial proteins. The high percent autophagic turnover, actually had very modest
autophagy-dependent turnover rates of mitochondrial proteins percentages of turnover through autophagy. In fact, the mito-
spanned a 253-fold range (Figure 2(b)); when we considered chondrial proteins with the lowest WT turnover rates (n =
only the rates from the 5th to the 95th percentile (the 5% 19, the lowest 10% of the dataset) all had percent autophagic
trimmed range) to limit the impact of extreme values, the turnover values under 50%, and their mean percent autopha-
range was still ~18-fold (Figure 2(c)). Even groups of proteins gic turnover was lower than the mean for the remaining
localising to a particular region of the mitochondrion (e.g. inner proteins in the dataset (28.5% vs. 36.8%; p < 0.005). Our find-
membrane proteins) had large ranges of autophagy-dependent ings thus contradict both of the classical model’s predictions
turnover rates (Figure 2(d)); the range of autophagy-dependent and suggest that, instead of degrading all mitochondrial pro-
turnover rates for complex I proteins alone was 4.1-fold (Figure teins equally, mitochondrial autophagy has differential effects
S1). To put the findings in perspective, we again compared them on individual mitochondrial proteins.
1596 E. S. VINCOW ET AL.
(brain, fat body and eye) were available from the public data
Tissue differences in protein expression and repository FlyAtlas [54]. For genes encoding the mitochon-
mitochondrial autophagy rate contribute to the drial proteins in our fly head data, we found that normalised
range of autophagy-dependent turnover rates expression of individual genes in a given tissue varied by as
Another possible explanation for the existence of diverse auto- much as two orders of magnitude (Figure S3, Dataset S1). We
phagy-dependent turnover rates in the fly head samples arises then tested whether this variation in tissue expression corre-
from the fact that they contain multiple tissues. Tissue differ- lated with autophagy-dependent turnover rate. Autophagy-
ences in mitochondrial protein expression and mitochondrial dependent turnover rate correlated negatively with brain
autophagy rate could interact to produce diverse autophagy- expression and positively with fat body expression, and had
dependent turnover rates for individual mitochondrial proteins no relationship with eye expression (Figure 4(a-c)). By con-
(see Figure S2 for a detailed explanation). As there is evidence trast, in proteins from other organelles targeted by autophagy
in vertebrates for both differential tissue expression of mito- (ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum [ER], and peroxisomes),
chondrial proteins [51] and tissue-specific mitochondrial we found no significant relationship between autophagy-
autophagy rates [52,53], we considered the possibility that the dependent turnover rate and expression in any of the head
range of autophagy-dependent turnover rates could be tissues (Figure 4(d–f)); the findings in mitochondrial proteins
explained in terms of tissue differences within Drosophila therefore appeared to reflect tissue differences in mitochon-
heads. drial autophagy rate rather than in general autophagy. These
We first determined whether fly heads had significant results are consistent with the idea that heterogeneous tissue
differences in mitochondrial protein composition between expression of proteins could explain some observed variation
tissues. Gene expression values for three fly head tissues in autophagy-dependent turnover rates (Figure S2), and they
Figure 4. Autophagy-dependent turnover rates of mitochondrial proteins correlate with their tissue expression. Normalised gene expression (tissue enrichment)
values for brain, fat body, and eye were obtained from FlyAtlas [102] and were log10 transformed to normalise skewed distributions. Autophagy-dependent turnover
rates (h−1) were calculated for all mitochondrial proteins with available FlyAtlas data (n = 177), and for proteins from other organelles degraded by autophagy
(ribosomes, ER, and peroxisomes). Autophagy-dependent turnover rates of mitochondrial proteins correlate negatively with brain expression (a) and positively with
fat body expression (b). There is no significant relationship with eye expression (c). Autophagy-dependent turnover rates of other organellar proteins (ribosomes, ER,
and peroxisomes) do not correlate significantly with expression in brain (d), fat body (e), or eye (f); n = 82 other organellar proteins with FlyAtlas data for brain, 79
for fat body, 80 for eye.
also suggest that mitochondrial autophagy rate is substantially mitochondrial protein turnover in a single cell type. We compared
lower in brain than in fat body. mitochondrial protein turnover rates in ATG7−/− and ATG5−/−
While tissue differences in mitochondrial autophagy rate engineered human fibroblasts (originally described by Zhang et al.
contributed to the varying autophagy-dependent turnover [55]) to the corresponding rates in WT cells, and
rates of mitochondrial proteins, they did not provide calculated percent autophagic turnover as described above
a complete explanation for the wide range of rates. (Figure 5(a), Dataset S5). The mean percent autophagic turnover
Correlations between mitochondrial proteins’ autophagy- was 21.8% ± 16.7% when calculated from ATG7−/− cells (n = 211
dependent turnover rates and their expression in a given proteins), and 14.4% ± 10.3% when calculated from ATG5−/− cells
tissue, even when statistically significant, accounted for (196 proteins), consistent with our in vivo finding that most
a minority of the total variance (R2 = 0.01 to 0.26). mitochondrial protein turnover occurs through non-autophagic
Mitochondrial autophagy rate differences in tissues not docu- mechanisms. Also, in both cell lines, the autophagy-dependent
mented in FlyAtlas might account for some of the remaining turnover rates of mitochondrial proteins spanned ranges compar-
variation; however, to explain the observed range of auto- able to those seen in fly heads. In ATG7−/− fibroblasts, the full
phagy-dependent turnover rates, such differences would range of rates was 1659-fold and the 5% trimmed range 11-fold; in
have to be vast (Figure S4). ATG5−/−, the full and trimmed ranges were 1079-fold and 28-fold,
respectively (Figure 5(b-c)). As in previous analyses, we compared
the mitochondrial protein findings to data from another target of
autophagy [56]. Because ribosomal turnover showed little depen-
Autophagy-dependent turnover rates of
dence on autophagy in the fibroblasts, we compared mitochon-
mitochondrial proteins are diverse in a single cell
drial proteins from fibroblasts and fly heads to proteins of the
proteasome, which also undergoes autophagic degradation [57].
To test more definitively whether our findings were explained by The range of autophagy-dependent turnover rates was much
tissue differences in mitochondrial autophagy rate and protein larger for mitochondrial than for proteasomal proteins in both
composition, we measured the contribution of autophagy to ATG7−/− and ATG5−/− fibroblasts, and in Atg7 null fly heads as
1598 E. S. VINCOW ET AL.
Figure 5. Findings in autophagy-deficient cultured cells support the protein selectivity of mitochondrial autophagy. (a) Mean percent autophagic turnover calculated
from ATG7−/− (n = 211 proteins) and ATG5−/− (n = 196) vs. WT human fibroblasts. Error bars represent SD. (b) Autophagy-dependent turnover rates of individual
mitochondrial proteins calculated from ATG7−/− and ATG5−/− fibroblasts (ranges 1659-fold and 1079-fold, respectively). (c) The 5% trimmed ranges (95th/5th
percentile) of autophagy-dependent turnover rates for mitochondrial and proteasomal proteins in ATG7−/− fly heads, ATG7−/− fibroblasts, and ATG5−/− fibroblasts
(n = 16 proteasomal proteins in heads and 33 in both ATG7−/− and ATG5−/− fibroblasts). (d and e) Percent autophagic turnover correlates positively with WT
turnover rate (h−1) for mitochondrial proteins in ATG7−/− fibroblasts (d). ATG5−/− fibroblasts (e) show a trend-level positive correlation between percent autophagic
turnover and WT turnover rate as well.
well (Figure 5(c)). In addition, the percent autophagic turnover presence of mitochondrial protease degron sequences
values of individual mitochondrial proteins did not show an (Figure 6(c-d), Figure S5C–D). The simplest explanation
inverse relationship with WT turnover rate (Figure 5(d-e)), again for the observed diversity of autophagy-dependent turnover
contradicting the classical model of mitochondrial autophagy. In rates in both fly heads and human cells is that some
fact, ATG7−/− fibroblasts, like fly heads, showed a significant posi- mitochondrial proteins undergo more autophagic degrada-
tive correlation between WT turnover rate and percent autophagic tion than others.
turnover (Figure 5(d)), and ATG5−/− fibroblasts showed a trend in
the same direction (Figure 5(e)).
As before, we looked for evidence that our findings
could be explained by genetic compensation. Measurement In this work, we addressed two fundamental questions about
of protein abundance in the ATG5−/− fibroblasts revealed mitochondrial autophagy. First, what proportion of mitochon-
modestly increased abundance of most proteasome subu- drial protein degradation occurs through autophagy? Second, is
nits, and proteasome activity was ~25% above WT [55]. the process significantly protein selective? We found that
While the increased proteasome activity might explain the autophagy accounts for approximately one-third of mitochon-
lower mean percent autophagic turnover values in fibro- drial protein turnover in vivo, and that individual mitochon-
blasts compared to fly heads (Figures 1(b), 5(a)), it did not drial proteins are degraded by autophagy at highly divergent
appear to explain the range of autophagy-dependent turn- rates.
over rates. We found no differences in percent autophagic Our finding that autophagy was not the primary mechan-
turnover or auto-phagy-dependent turnover rate in mito- ism of mitochondrial protein turnover is consistent with pre-
chondrial proteins identified as proteasome targets [48] vious work suggesting large-scale mitochondrial protein
(proteins with ubiquitinated sites; Figure 6(a-b), Figure turnover by non-autophagic processes; for instance, protea-
S5A–B). Likewise, the abundance of Lon protease was some inhibition in mammalian cells causes dramatic accumu-
17% higher in ATG5−/− mutants compared to WT, but lation of mitochondrial proteins [12], and yeast mitochondrial
there were no significant associations of percent autophagic proteases can degrade up to ~5% of total mitochondrial pro-
turnover or autophagy-dependent turnover rate with the tein per hour [58]. Studies of mitochondrial DNA turnover
Figure 6. The protein-selective effects of autophagy in ATG7−/− and ATG5−/− cells are not explained by genetic compensation. (a) Autophagy-dependent turnover
rates (h−1) of mitochondrial proteins from ATG7−/− fibroblasts with and without evidence of proteasomal turnover (ubiquitinated [Ub] sites) [48]. Red lines indicate
means; n = 44 proteins with ubiquitinated sites, 167 without. (b) Autophagy-dependent turnover rates (h−1) of mitochondrial proteins from ATG5−/− fibroblasts with
(n = 45) and without (n = 151) ubiquitinated sites, as in panel A. (c) Autophagy-dependent turnover rates (h−1) of individual mitochondrial proteins from ATG7−/−
fibroblasts with (n = 31) and without (n = 180) degrons for mitochondrial proteases Lon and YME1L1. (d) Autophagy-dependent turnover rates (h−1) of individual
mitochondrial proteins from ATG5−/− fibroblasts with and without protease degrons (n = 30 proteins with degrons, 166 without). All comparisons of means in panels
A through D are nonsignificant by Student t test.
also suggest that autophagic degradation of mitochondria is [39,40], and cell culture studies have indicated that protein-
not a high-frequency event [59,60]. These findings corrobo- selective mitochondrial autophagy may also occur in verte-
rate the general accuracy of our measurement. It is entirely brates [41,42]; we now demonstrate that basal autophagy
possible, however, that autophagy makes larger contributions degrades mitochondrial proteins at widely differing rates in
to mitochondrial protein turnover during other life stages or an intact metazoan. Multiple factors could contribute to the
under different metabolic conditions. Our technique did have protein selectivity of mitochondrial autophagy. For instance,
the potential to underestimate autophagic turnover if alter- among mitochondria within a single cell, the probability of
native autophagy pathways [61,62] contributed significantly to autophagic degradation may correspond with subcellular var-
mitochondrial protein turnover. However, multiple reports iation in protein composition. Mitochondria in different
indicate that strong inhibition of the Atg7-dependent pathway regions of a cell (e.g. perinuclear vs. peripheral) show differ-
causes profound to total blockade of mitochondrial autophagy ences on multiple measures, including protein content, mem-
[22,42,52,63–65]. brane potential, respiration rate, and reactive oxygen species
Selective autophagic degradation of mitochondrial proteins generation [66–69]. The probability of mitochondrial auto-
has been clearly demonstrated in yeast under stress conditions phagy could likewise differ between subcellular regions,
1600 E. S. VINCOW ET AL.
whether because of environmental factors (local availability of large contribution of parkin-dependent mitophagy under-
autophagic machinery [70]) or intrinsic characteristics (func- scores the idea that autophagy degrades mitochondria primar-
tional specialisation leading to high reactive oxygen species ily when they have become severely dysfunctional. Autophagy
production [68]). Subcellular mitochondrial heterogeneity can thus be seen as a cell’s crucial last line of defence against
could explain why the classical model of mitochondrial mitochondrial damage. Nevertheless, our findings raise new
auto-phagy underestimated percent autophagic turnover in questions about the widely proposed strategy of enhancing
mitochondrial proteins with high WT turnover rates (short- autophagy to treat neurodegenerative disease [78]. Would
lived proteins; Figure 2(e)). These proteins included many drug-stimulated mitochondrial autophagy retain its protein
enzymes involved in fatty acid and amino acid metabolism selectivity? If not, would the change be detrimental? Our
(Dataset S1), which may have been concentrated in work also suggests that enhancing non-autophagic mitochon-
a functionally specialised mitochondrial population with drial protein turnover might be an even better therapeutic
a high probability of autophagy. approach. A deeper understanding of non-autophagic mito-
Differences in mitochondrial protein composition within chondrial protein turnover mechanisms, and their individual
a cell may also arise dynamically as part of quality control. roles in mitochondrial health, is thus an important goal for
Mitochondrial fission has been shown to produce daughter future research.
mitochondria with significant differences in membrane
potential and probability of autophagic degradation, and pos-
sibly even in physical structure [71,72]. These differences Materials and methods
could reflect active or passive damage-based sorting of Drosophila strains and culture
damaged proteins into areas of the mitochondrial network
that will ultimately be isolated and degraded [73–75]. While Fly stocks were maintained on standard cornmeal-molasses
the sorting process itself remains largely speculative, there is food at 25°C. The Atg7d4, Atg7d77, park25, and Pink1rv alleles,
clear evidence that cells can target concentrations of abnormal as well as the UAS-Pink1#2 strain, have been previously
mitochondrial protein; such damage-enriched areas recruit described [43,79,80]. Other strains and alleles were originally
quality control and fission factors to facilitate their own obtained from the Bloomington Stock Center. Atg7 null
removal [76,77]. The net result of these selective sorting and mutants were Atg7d4/Atg7d77 transheterozygotes. The full gen-
degradation processes could be high autophagic turnover otype of parkin mutants was If/CyO; park25/park25. The WT
rates for proteins prone to unfolding or damage. controls were four separate groups of healthy flies with inten-
Differences in autophagic turnover between mitochondrial tionally diverse genetic backgrounds (see protein turnover
proteins could also reflect sorting based on a protein’s identity rate calculations section).
or characteristics. This phenomenon has been demonstrated
in aging yeast, which generate mitochondria-derived com- In vivo stable isotope labelling of flies
partments containing only highly defined subsets of proteins
[39]. If identity-based sorting occurs in other contexts, pro- [5,5,5 – 2H3] leucine (D3-leucine; 99 atom % deuterium) was
teins extremely prone to oxidative damage or unfolding might obtained from Isotec/Sigma-Aldrich (486825). Synthetic com-
be actively directed to autophagy-bound mitochondria at high plete medium without leucine (C-Leu) [81] was supplemented
rates, a preventive approach that could produce more effective with glucose and 60 mg/L D3-leucine. A strain of
quality control than damage sensing alone. Conversely, pro- Saccharomyces cerevisiae auxotrophic for leucine (BB14-3A,
teins that are energetically costly to replace could be sorted Brewer Lab, University of Washington [82]) was grown to
into areas of the mitochondrial network with low probabilities saturation at 30°C, then spun down, flash-frozen in liquid
of degradation. This type of sorting would explain our find- nitrogen, lyophilised, and stored at −80°C until needed.
ings on mitochondrial proteins with low WT turnover rates; Groups of 10 to 50 male flies were selected on the day of
their combination of low total turnover rates and eclosion and housed in perforated plastic flasks, where they
modest percent autophagic turnover is consistent with active received plain yeast paste for 24 h. They were then provided
exclusion from autophagy-bound mitochondria. Many ques- with D3-leucine–labelled yeast paste, which was replaced
tions remain, particularly as to the physical mechanisms of every 2–3 days, and were maintained in humidified containers
protein redistribution, but the advantages of the process are at 25°C. After 120 h or 240 h of labeling (the shortest time
clear. Active redistribution of mitochondrial proteins would points that allowed adequate labeling of mitochondrial pro-
lend additional flexibility and precision to quality control, and teins), flies were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Three biolo-
would facilitate quick adjustments to changing conditions. gical replicates (50–115 heads each) were obtained for each
In summary, our findings suggest that autophagy’s role in genotype and time point.
mitochondrial quality control is different, but no less vital,
than previously envisioned. First, while the contribution of
Sample preparation
autophagy was less than that of all other degradation path-
ways combined, autophagy may still degrade more mitochon- Frozen flies were vortexed to remove heads, and the isolated
drial protein than any other single mechanism. Second, the heads were homogenised in 0.1% RapiGest (Waters
most important function of mitochondrial autophagy may not Corporation, 186001861) solution in 50 mM ammonium
be large-scale protein degradation, but swift removal of unsal- bicarbonate (Fisher Scientific, A643) using a 0.2-mL
vageable parts of the mitochondrial network. The relatively Wheaton micro tissue grinder (Fisher Scientific, 08-414-
15B). Homogenates were centrifuged at 4°C at 1600 × g for essentially identical turnover rates, occasionally they displayed
10 min, and then at 6500 × g for 10 min, to remove debris and significant differences. Each isoform group was therefore
nuclei. The supernatants were then boiled for 7 min and analysed as a separate protein.
incubated at 60°C for 30 min with dithiothreitol (Sigma- We excluded proteins with excessive inter-replicate varia-
Aldrich, Inc., D0632) at a final concentration of 5 mM. bility of turnover rates. To do this, we calculated the turnover
Iodoacetamide (Sigma-Aldrich, Inc., I1149) was added to rate separately for each biological replicate and determined
a final concentration of 15 mM, and the samples were incu- the coefficient of variation across replicates. Proteins with
bated at room temperature in the dark for 30 min. Trypsin coefficient of variation ≥ 0.25 were excluded from analysis.
(Fisher Scientific, PR-V5111) was added at a ratio of 1 μg Proteins were analysed only if they met inclusion criteria in
trypsin per 50 μg protein, and the samples were incubated for both mutants and WT controls. One ribosomal protein and
1 h at 37°C with shaking. RapiGest was hydrolysed by adding one ER protein had faster turnover in mutants than in con-
hydrochloric acid (Fisher Scientific, SA56-1) to a final con- trols (negative autophagy-dependent turnover rates) and were
centration of 200 mM, followed by incubation at 37°C with outliers by the Tukey method [101]; they were excluded from
shaking for 45 min. The samples were then centrifuged for analysis.
10 min at 4°C at 20,000 × g, and the supernatant was In previous work, we had compared Atg7 and parkin null
collected. mutants to their respective heterozygotes. However, we later
found that both Atg7 and parkin heterozygotes had mild but
significant slowing of mitochondrial protein turnover com-
Mass spectrometry
pared to WT flies. The previously reported effects of Atg7 and
Liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry were per- parkin null mutations on turnover thus represent underesti-
formed as previously described [25]. High-resolution MS mates, and we substituted the current WT dataset as a more
data were processed with BullsEye to optimise precursor appropriate control for both mutants. The WT dataset is
mass information [83]. The MS/MS output was searched a composite derived from four separate groups of healthy
using SEQUEST [84], with a differential modification of flies (w1118, Pink1rv, CyOActGFP/+, and a mixture of CyO/
3.0188325 Da for leucine and a static modification of Hsp70-GAL4 and CyO/UAS-Pink1#2). This approach maxi-
57.021461 Da for cysteine, against a FASTA database contain- mised the number of mitochondrial proteins identified and
ing all protein sequences from FlyBase [85] plus contaminant minimised any influence of genetic background on turnover
proteins. Peptide-spectrum match false discovery rates were rate. Turnover rates are the mean values for all genotypes in
determined using Percolator [86] at a threshold of 0.01, and which the protein was detected, and are highly consistent
peptides were assembled into protein identifications using an across genotypes, as previously reported [25]. Five mitochon-
in-house implementation of IDPicker [87]. drial proteins showed excessive variability of turnover rates
across genotypes (inter-genotype coefficient of variation ≥
0.25) and were excluded from analysis.
Annotation of Drosophila proteins
Drosophila protein localisation was determined from a variety
of resources including gene and protein information databases Calculation of percent autophagic turnover and percent
(FlyBase [88], MitoDrome [89], NCBI [90], UniProt [91]), parkin-dependent turnover
protein localisation prediction algorithms (WoLF PSORT
[92], MitoProt [93], Predotar [94], SignalP [95], NucPred We calculated percent autophagic turnover as described in the
[96], and PTS1 Predictor [97,98]), BLAST [99] and primary text, and we calculated parkin-dependent turnover by com-
literature. paring turnover in parkin mutants with turnover in WT
controls. For the sake of comparability, we restricted analyses
to those proteins that also met quality standards in Atg7
Protein turnover rate calculations mutants. All proteins in parkin-dependent turnover analyses
Turnover rates for fly head proteins were calculated using were thus detected in WT, parkin and Atg7 flies. Five proteins
Topograph software [100] as described in Vincow et al. [25]. had negative parkin-dependent turnover values and were
A protein’s turnover rate was computed based on data from excluded from analysis (final n = 168 proteins). Percent
all peptides detected, and data points from all biological parkin-dependent turnover was calculated for each mitochon-
replicates were pooled for turnover calculations. All proteins drial protein by adapting the equation used for Atg7 mutants:
included in the dataset had at least 15 measurements per percent park-dependent turnover ¼
genotype of percent turnover, derived from at least two pep-
tides. Peptides that could be the product of more than one ðturnover ratein WTÞ ðturnover rate in parkÞ
gene were excluded from analysis. For a small percentage of turnover rate in WT
genes (2–5%), Topograph grouped peptides corresponding to A more conservative estimate of parkin-dependent autophagic
a single gene into 2–3 non-overlapping ‘isoform groups’. For turnover was also calculated by excluding proteins that
example, isoform group 1 might include peptides mapping appeared to undergo non-autophagic forms of
only to the COX6B-PA isoform, while isoform group 2 pep- parkin-dependent turnover (Table S1). As previously
tides could have come from COX6B-PA, -PB, or -PC. While described [25], proteins were designated potential selective
in most cases the isoform groups for a single protein had parkin targets if their individual percent parkin-dependent
1602 E. S. VINCOW ET AL.
turnover was greater than their percent autophagic turnover log-ratio (M value) and the average log spot intensity (A
(n = 53). value) are not. We rescale the M and A values based on an
estimate of the intra-spot correlation, and then fit
a conventional linear model based on the rescaled M and
Analysis of tissue-specific gene expression
A values. Since the M and A values can be expressed as linear
Tissue expression of genes encoding mitochondrial and other combinations of the log expression values for each spot, it is
organellar proteins was determined using FlyAtlas microarray straightforward to fit the model and then compute any con-
data [54]. If more than one probeset matched a given gene, we trast of interest.
selected the best match based on signal level, exclusivity and/ For this experiment, we were only interested in the comparison
or location within the gene. Expression was analysed in all between fed Atg7 nulls and fed controls. However, we fitted
FlyAtlas tissues represented in the head: brain, fat body and a linear model using all the array data, and then computed an
eye. We were primarily interested in the proportion of a given empirical Bayes adjusted contrast between the two groups of
mitochondrial protein that was expressed in each tissue (in interest. Using all arrays and the empirical Bayes adjustment
other words, how much of the protein’s total abundance was allowed us to borrow information both across arrays and across
found in that tissue). We therefore analysed the relative tissue genes, increasing power to detect differences. The p values were
expression (enrichment) of genes encoding the proteins of corrected for multiple testing using Benjamini and Hochberg’s
interest. To do this, we normalised each tissue RNA value to original procedure (false discovery rate = 0.1) [107]. After analysis
the RNA value for whole fly, as described by Robinson was complete, we mapped the probe sequences to Drosophila
et al. [102]. transcripts using BLAST+ [99], FlyBase [88], and Entrez Gene
Of 186 mitochondrial proteins, 4 were mitochondrially [90]. Of the 91 probes that showed significant difference in expres-
encoded and 5 had no usable RNA data, leaving 177 proteins sion between genotypes, 69 matched known gene transcripts, and
with RNA measurements. For other organellar proteins (ER, we obtained Gene Ontology information for these using
ribosome and peroxisome), the number of genes with usable FlyBase [88].
RNA values varied slightly by tissue because a few genes were
not reliably detected in fat body or eye. The final number of
Measurement of protein abundance
genes was 82 for brain, 79 for fat body and 80 for eye.
We measured protein abundance from the same raw mass spectro-
metry data used in the turnover study. Abundance comparisons
Microarray analysis
were made at the second time point (240 h), when differences
Gene expression in Atg7 mutants was evaluated by reanalysis between genotypes were most marked. For this analysis we used
of microarray data originally published by Erdi et al. [103]. the original heterozygote control flies rather than WT flies (see
Raw data were downloaded from the ArrayExpress website ‘Protein turnover rate calculations’ above). While the composite
(study E-MEXP-3352) using the Bioconductor ArrayExpress control group approach was appropriate for measurement of
package [104]. Microarray analysis was performed using turnover (more consistent and less noisy than abundance [25]),
4 × 44 k format Drosophila Gene Expression Microarrays measurement of relative protein abundance required mutant and
(Agilent, G2519F-021791). Atg7 mutants (third instar larvae) control samples that had been run at the same time. We calculated
were compound heterozygous for null mutations (Atg7d14/ fold change in protein abundance between mutant and control
Atg7d77), and controls were heterozygotes (Atg7d14/ using Skyline [108] and MSstats [109]. Prior to MSstats analysis,
CG5335d30). CG5335 is an unrelated gene located within an we computed total abundance (labelled plus unlabelled) for each
exon of Atg7. Only data from fed larvae were used. peptide using an R script. The statistical significance of intergroup
Experimental design and procedures were otherwise as pre- differences was calculated using a linear mixed model, then
viously described [103]. adjusted for multiple comparisons by the Benjamini–Hochberg
The data had been collected using two-colour arrays, but procedure with a false discovery rate of 0.05.
for this analysis we wished to compare samples that were
not hybridised on the same array, so we analysed the data
Analysis of human ATG7 and ATG5 null fibroblast data
using a separate-channel analysis method implemented in
the Bioconductor limma package [105,106]. Briefly, we We analysed previously published sets of protein turnover
background corrected the individual channel data using rates from engineered human fibroblasts lacking either
the ‘normexp’ method, with an offset of 50. This estimates ATG7 or ATG5 [55]. For each mutant vs. WT comparison,
an array-wide background value by modelling the data as we included proteins that met either of two criteria: the
a convolution between a lognormal and an exponential protein was marked ‘selected’ in both genotypes, or its corre-
distribution. After subtracting the background estimate, lation coefficient for kdeg was ≥ 0.7 in both genotypes.
we normalised within each array using a locally weighted ‘Selected’ means that the protein was chosen for analysis in
(loess) fit, and then normalised between arrays using a so- the original publication on these datasets [55]. Approximately
called ‘Aquantile’ normalisation, which performs a quantile 12% of mitochondrial proteins in the ATG7−/− dataset and
normalisation based on the average spot intensity, while 15% in the ATG5−/− dataset had negative autophagy-
keeping the log-ratios of each spot unchanged. dependent turnover rates (faster turnover in the mutant),
The separate-channel analysis is based on the observation and were excluded from analysis. We classified a protein as
that while the log-ratios for a given spot are correlated, the mitochondrial if it met any of the following criteria:
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