Directions: Competence) Which You Would Like To Have For Your Proposal

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Name: _________________________________________ JD3

1. List down three topics of interest (according to your order of priority, familiarity and
competence) which you would like to have for your proposal.
2. State the main objective.
3. Indicate the significance of your topic to the following: legislature, executive
department, present generation, future generation, lawyers, law students, and others.
4. You may extend the table/columns if necessary.

Topic Rationale/Objective Significance

Priority Topic 1 -Obesity is a challenging -Calorie labeling on fast-
“Respect my diet: public health problem that
Mandatory labeling of food restaurant menus
calorie count on foods sold affects millions of Filipinos. was designed to motivate
by Fast Food Chains’’ Policy makers are seeking consumers to change
environmental and policy- their behavior by
based solutions to combat and providing them with
prevent its serious health
health information. It is
effects. Considering the current
now time for the
health-related issues
i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y, c a l o r i e Philippines to consider
labelling mandates in the such policy for fastfood
United States such as the chains.
Patient Protection and -Few regular fast-food
Affordable Care Act that have eaters chose fast food
been one of the most popular because it is nutritious;
and most studied approaches they instead are
today. It is beneficial to the motivated by cost and
consumers to be informed convenience. However,
about the calorie intake that requiring restaurants to
they will order in fastfood make the calorie content
chains. in their menu items
-This also aims to promote a highly visible could
more health conscious
cause restaurants to add
consumers in our country.
new, healthy options to
Filipinos often resort to instant
meals in a busy day that is why their menus.
they tend to just dial #8700 -Food menu labels that
food deliveries and other include caloric content
hotlines of well-known may lead to parents
fastfood chains. They even ordering fast-food meals
forgot how unhealthy these for their children with a
meals are as long as it will lower calorie count, and
satisfy their cravings and labels that include
hunger. physical activity
-Based on studies abroad, fast- equivalents may be more
food calorie labeling is likely likely to influence
to make healthy choices as a parents’ fast-food
result of putting calorie count decisions.
in their meals. Our lawmakers
should adopt such policy and
mandate all fastfood chains in
the country to comply with this
new approach.
_________________________________ Date Submitted:
Signature Over Printed Name of Student

Signature of Course Facilitator

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