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A Study On Maintenance Under Muslim Law: Haridharan S

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 120 No. 5 2018, 2997-3006

ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
url: http://www.acadpubl.eu/hub/
Special Issue


BBA LLB (HONS),131702011, Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha University,
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai-77,Tamilnadu,India.
Assistant professor, Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha University,
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai-77,Tamilnadu,India.
[email protected], [email protected]

The entire idea of upkeep was acquainted all together with observe that if there is a
companion who isn't autonomous fiscally than the other life partner should encourage
him/her keeping in mind the end goal to make the living of the other individual conceivable
and free. Giving upkeep implies that the other individual who is getting the support ought to
have the capacity to carry on with the life as he or she lived before marriage if there should
be an occurrence of separation and on the off chance that where the two accomplices are not
living respectively and they look for support than the mate getting upkeep ought to have the
capacity to carry on with an existence as when they lived respectively. Upkeep is the sum
which a spouse is under a commitment to make to a wife either amid the subsistence of the
marriage or upon detachment or separation, in specific situations. Now of time I might
likewise want to say that as indicated by my understanding upkeep not just incorporates
essential necessities like sustenance, attire and living arrangement yet it additionally
incorporates the things important for solace and status in which the individual qualified is
sensibly expected for live. [1] According to me the primary point of giving support is that the
spouse ought not be left dejected on partition or separation from her better half. In a laymen's
term upkeep are those things which are basic for the survival of person. The most critical part
of upkeep is that the gathering which depends on upkeep has no free wellspring of pay to

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

help himself/herself. The fundamental point we need to center around in autonomous salary.
Should the companion who is asserting upkeep have portable or undaunted property, the life
partner can in any case guarantee support if the property does not yield any wage. The
quantum of upkeep and the costs of the procedures have not been determined in any of the
Indian Matrimonial statutes aside from the Divorce Act. The court can settle the support at
any sum, contingent upon its attentiveness.
KEYWORDS : autonomous , matrimonial status , divorce act , commitment .

The entire idea of upkeep was acquainted all together with observe that if there is a mate
who isn't autonomous monetarily than the other life partner should encourage him/her to
make the living of the other individual conceivable and free. Giving upkeep implies that the
other individual who is getting the support ought to have the capacity to carry on with the life
as he or she lived before marriage in the event of separation and in the event that where the
two accomplices are not living respectively and they look for upkeep than the life partner
getting support ought to have the capacity to carry on with an existence as when they lived
respectively. Support is the sum which a spouse is under a commitment to make to a wife
either amid the subsistence of the marriage or upon partition or separation, in specific
situations. Now of time I might likewise want to specify that as indicated by my
understanding upkeep not just incorporates essential necessities like sustenance, garments
and living arrangement yet it additionally incorporates the things vital for solace and status in
which the individual qualified is sensibly expected for live. As indicated by me the primary
point of giving support is that the spouse ought not be left dejected on partition or separation
from her better half. In a laymen's term upkeep are those things which are fundamental for
the survival of human being.The people who are qualified for support under the Hindu
Adoptions and Maintenance Act (HAMA), 1956 are spouse, widowed little girl in-law, kids,
matured guardians and dependants as identified in Section 21 of the Act. Though, under the
Muslim law, the people qualified for support are spouse, youthful youngsters, the necessitous
guardians, and different necessitous relations inside the disallowed degrees, for example, the
Indian Majority Act, 1875, the Criminal Procedure code 1973, Muslim Women (Protection of
Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986.Makarand R Paranjape (2009).The aim of the research is :

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

1. To know the muslim personal law

2. To find the muslim law marriage and divorce
3. To analyse the history of muslim personal law .


There is no significant impact after implementation of protection of rights on divorce
act of 1986 maintenance of muslim law .

There is significant impact of the implementation of protection of rights on divorce
act of 1986 maintenance of muslim law .


The present study deals with analytical research and descriptive study . Data for this
research is collected from primary and secondary sources . Data collection methods are :

1.Books and articles

3.Journals .


It is the commitment forced on the spouse to settle claims for support made by the
wife. The spouse is qualified for upkeep from her better half in spite of the fact that she may
have the way to keep up herself and despite the fact that her significant other might be
without implies.

Muslim spouse's case of upkeep is partitioned in two distinctive branches of law. One under
Muslim Personal Law and another under general law of support as is reflected in Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973 which is a common cure

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

As indicated by the Muslim Personal Law, the spouse's obligation to keep up starts when the
wife accomplishes pubescence and not previously; gave dependably that she is dutiful and
permits him free access at all legal circumstances. On the off chance that a spouse abandons
her better half she loses her entitlement to upkeep. Notwithstanding the lawful commitment
to keep up there might be stipulations in the marriage contract which may render the spouse
at risk to offer a unique leniency to the wife. Such remittances are called khan load Dan,If
spouse declines to pay upkeep, the wife is qualified for sue him. Her privilege might be
founded on the substantive law, or she may sue under the arrangements of Code of Criminal
method which accommodates general law of support under Section 125 wherein the
expression "spouse" is broadly characterized and disclosed in order to cover the case of
'lawfully married wife' and additionally of 'separated from wife'. So in short Muslim spouse's
claim of support emerges in following conditions.

1. Out of the status of Husband and Wife (During the subsistence of marriage and out of the
lawful commitment forced on the spouse.

2. Out of pre-matrimonial assention and

3.Out of divorce(After disintegration of marriage)


The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 being a general law has a uniform
appropriateness to every one of the people regardless of their religion, position or status
though Muslim individual law is an uncommon law material to the individuals who are
affirming Muslim religion and the individuals who are change over to Muslim. In case of
contention between an extraordinary law and a general law, it is acknowledged legal rule that
exceptional law should beat the general law.

Segment 125 of Cr. P.C, is pertinent to the Muslims including separated from Muslim lady
regardless of the way that in Muslim individual law, spouse stops to be wife on Talas.
Muslim spouse is at risk to give support to separated from wife who can't look after herself,
inasmuch as she had not remarried.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

The statute accommodates upkeep of wife by her better half even after the separation and
makes a fanciful or invented connection between the two life partners in perspective of the
social conditions predominant in the nation. Advance it additionally keeps the previous
spouse of the separated from wife to drive their recent wives to a condition of neediness and
desperation till they remarry. So plainly lady keeps on being the spouse inside the
significance of area 125 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 independent of religion and use
of individual law.

Presently, If we look from an alternate view, i.e., from the Muslim Personal law , on the
purpose of case of upkeep by a Muslim separated from woman, it is not any more mandatory
for the past spouse to give support past Idiotic period. In this manner, it comes in strife with
right of Muslim separated from woman "to guarantee upkeep u/Sec. 125 of Code of Criminal
Procedure. In the wake of this contention and also logical inconsistency in the two diverse
branches of law, Supreme Court has taken a historic point and strong view by maintaining the
case of Muslim separated from woman under Section 125 of Code of Criminal Procedure,
1973. Incomparable Court has recognized its past perspectives on a similar issue.

As noted over the judgment given by the Supreme Court is point of interest has cleared path
towards the unification of individual laws.

Realities of the Case: The case was concerning Mrs. Shah Bano, a 62-year-old Muslim lady
from Madhya Pradesh was separated by her better half in 1978 and was in this manner denied
upkeep. Immediately she recorded an appeal to under Section 125 of Cr. P.C. in the Court of
Judicial Magistrate, Indore requesting upkeep at the rate of Rs. 500 every month. Amid
which the spouse separated from her by articulating Tales. She didn't remarried. In Defense
to Shaha Bano's request of for upkeep, he took the supplication that since she is stopped to be
spouse after Tally, he has no commitment to look after her. Nonetheless, Magistrate
requested him to pay month to month stipend to his separated from spouse, of Rs. 25 every
month. Against this request of the Magistrate, Shah Bano recorded an update application in
the MP High court petitioning God for the upgrade of support recompense. The MP High
Court expanded the upkeep rate to Rs. 179.20 every month. Mohd. Ahmed Khan favored an

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

interest to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court expelled the interest and affirmed the
judgment of the High Court. Noorani, A. G. (2001).

Judgment and Principle:

The Supreme Court by setting a point of interest point of reference for the Courts
inside the domain of India held that Section 125 of Cr. P.C., 1973 applies to all regardless of
the religion honed by the individual and segment 125 supersedes the individual law, if there
is any contention between the two. To this degree the legal declaration is instrumental. The
court likewise held that

"It would be off base and treacherous to expand the run of support under Muslim Law to the
cases in which the separated from spouse can't look after herself, so if the separated from
wife can look after herself, the husband's risk stops with the termination of the time of Idiot,
yet in the event that she can't keep up herself after the time of Idiot, she is qualified for have
response to Section 125 of Cr. P.C.

In this manner it appears from the previously mentioned perceptions of the Supreme Court
that there is no contention between the arrangements Section 125 of Cr. P.C and those of the
Muslim individual law on the topic of Muslim Husband's commitment to give support to a
separated from spouse who can't look after herself. Benhabib, Seyla (2002).

So with the assistance of this judgment Supreme Court has set another law material on
account of Muslim separated from woman that even if a Muslim lady has been separated, she
would be qualified for assert support from her better half under Section 125 of Cr. P. C. after
the expiry of time of Idiot additionally, as long as she doesn't remarry.

The case made significant verbal confrontation and contention about the degree of having
distinctive common codes for various religions, particularly for Muslims in India. This case
caused the administration , with its total dominant part, to pass Muslim Woman (Protection of
Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 which debilitated the judgment of the Supreme Court and, in
actuality, denied even completely dejected Muslim divorced people the privilege to upkeep
from their previous spouses.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986: a deception.

It is a definitive law and arranges some previous tenets of Muslim Law. Under this
law, support can be guaranteed from separated from spouse, relatives or from Wakf Board.
The Act makes arrangement for:

1. Support of a separated from Muslim lady amid and after the time of Iddatt and

2. For authorizing her claim to unpaid dower and other restrictive properties.

For the most part the Act gives sensible and reasonable arrangement and upkeep to be made
and paid from her previous spouse inside the time of. The word 'arrangement' in connection
to the Act would mean an activity of giving something heretofore or masterminding ahead of
time to address the issues of the separated from spouse. It might be that arrangement can be
made for her different needs, for example, garments, nourishment and such different things
relying on the methods for the spouse. Shabana Bano Vs Imran Khan".

In any case, the utilization of a few words, for example, 'inside', 'sensible' and 'reasonable'
and 'arrangement' for future life made an issue in elucidation of the Act for separated from
Muslim woman. At first sight it creates the impression that lady is the recipient of this Act
which is totally a figment. Muslim Woman Act appears to be self-assertive regarding

To begin with: Act does not give an arrangement by enabling her to get upkeep past the time
of, since the word utilized is 'inside.'

Besides: Act confined the use of Section 125 of Cr. P.C. to the Muslim separated from
woman as it is left discretionary for the spouse as well as for the Parties to the case to be
administered by Section 125 of Cr. P.C

The Judiciary began translating the arrangements of the Act in various ways, since as
expressed above arrangements and words (counting Preamble) of the Act appears to be misty
and vague.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


From above, it is in this manner, inferred that the situation of separated from spouse
under other individual laws, is very extraordinary and particular to that of a Muslim separated
from lady. Indeed, even the utilization of general law (Section 125 of Cr. P.C.) was subjected
to the satisfaction of the conditions as said under area 5 of the Muslim Women (Protection of
Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 as an alternative. At the point when a left or penniless Muslim
(separated) spouse who can't get support by excellence of denial in Muslim Law, approaches
and documents application under Section 125 of Cr. P.C., the standard Defense received by
the spouse was to argue that he has officially separated from his significant other and
subsequently he isn't labile to pay upkeep. This contention wound up more grounded after the
institution of Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986.Fortunately, the
legal has indicated mindfulness and stepped up with regards to securing the enthusiasm of
Muslim lady and has in genuine sense enabled Muslim ladies, particularly separated from
lady to keep up a satisfactory standard of life and to crush the bad form done to them as per
Muslim individual law, it is anything but difficult to dispose of the spouse by negligible
articulating Tales. The choice given by the Supreme Court in Danial Latifi case settles the
law for the separated from Muslim spouse and vests her with a "protected appropriate" to
vocation through support which was first made as an issue in the Shah Bano Begum case.
The present Act welcomes more feedback than applaud. The substance of the Muslim
Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 has left a chance to the legal to not just
give some alleviation to the separated from Muslim spouses yet additionally prompt the
development of a mindfulness and need to care for them and not to forsake them to
desperation. Also, to give them pride and regard of a person and not to consider them as a
protest which is utilized for delight and when exhausted tossed out of the house. Support,
along these lines is a methods for surviving and to lead an upbeat and aware life.Walsh,
Judith E.

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