Performance Appraisal Heritage

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A performance appraisal is a systematic and periodic process that assesses an individual

employee’s job performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-established criteria
and organizational objectives. Other aspects of individual employees are considered as well,
such as organizational citizenship behavior, accomplishments, potential for future
improvement, strengths and weaknesses, etc. To collect PA data, there are three main
methods: objective production, personnel, and judgmental evaluation. Judgmental evaluations
are the most commonly used with a large variety of evaluation methods. A PA is typically
conducted annually. The interview could function as “providing feedback to employees,
counseling and developing employees, and conveying and discussing compensation, job
status, or disciplinary decisions”. PA is often included in performance management systems.
Performance management systems are employed “to manage and align" all of an
organization's resources in order to achieve highest possible performance. “How performance
is managed in an organization determines to a large extent the success or failure of the
organization. Therefore, improving PA for everyone should be among the highest priorities of
contemporary” organizations.

Some applications of PA are performance improvement, promotions, termination, test

validation, and more. While there are many potential benefits of PA, there are also some
potential drawbacks. For example, PA can help facilitate management-employee
communication; however, PA may result in legal issues if not executed appropriately as many
employees tend to be unsatisfied with the PA process. PAs created in and determined as
useful in the United States are not necessarily able to be transferable cross-culturally.

A major concern of every organization should be to contribute positively towards the

achievement of its objective. Organizational effectiveness is often equated with managerial
efficiency. A manager can ensure organizational effectiveness only by guaranteeing the full
utilization of human resource available through individual employees under his guidance.
Hence, it is always required for a manager to monitor and measure the performance of
Moreover, since the organization exists to achieve the goals, the degree of success that
individual employees have in reaching this individual goal is important in determining
organizational effectiveness. The assessment of how successful employees have been at
meeting their individual goal to come a critical part of human resource management. This
leads to concept of performance appraisal.
A performance appraisal system functions as definitions of performance.
0 Assessment can be used to:
 Provide a 'gap analysis' between personal perception and others' perceptions of
individual and team performance.
 Focus managers and staff on performance areas that need development.
 Recognise and maintain areas of individual and team strength.
 Approach performance issues in a non-confrontational, constructive manner (due to
the confidentiality and anonymity of the process).
 Develop performance improvement plans for individuals and teams.
 Develop individual or team based training needs analysis programmes.
Performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behavior
of employees in the work spot, including both qualitative and quantitative aspects of job
performance indicates how an individual is fulfilling the job demands and it is always in
terms of results. Under performance appraisal not only the performance of an employee but
also his potential for development is evaluated.
“Performance Appraisal is a systematic description of an employee’s job relevant strengths
and weaknesses”.
In performance appraisal or merit rating refers to all the formal procedures used in working
organizations to evaluate the personalities and contributions and potential group members. In
appraisal system the employee’s merits like initiatives, dependability, personality etc., are
compared with others and ranked to rated. Appraisals might be based on the criteria of
employee’s skills, educational
Qualifications, knowledge, abilities to delegate plans, supervise; assume responsibility,
exercise leadership, personal qualities, creativity, decision making and interpersonal skills.
An appraisal motivates an employee into increased effort aimed at enhancing the outcome
of the assessment. It tells an employee what set of activities or what qualities are considered
desirable by the organization.
It is the systematic method of obtaining, analyzing & recording information about an
employee that is needed:
 For effective management of business.
 By the manager to help him improve the jobholders performance and plan his career.
 By the jobholder to assist him to evaluate his own performance and develop himself.
In performance planning and review, the Reporting Manager is expected to set targets or
tasks for the appraise in the beginning of the year. In the middle of the year, the appraise
fills the self-appraisal form, indicating the extent which the target or task has been
completed, the difficulties faced and the suggestions for improvement. At the end of the
year, there is the annual review and targets/tasks set for the next year. Both in the mid-year
review and annual review, the self-appraisal is supplemented by a performance review,
discussion, the problems are discussed and the appraiser is given feedback on how he is
The appraisal system is an instrument for improving the work culture by convincing
employees that their career growth is linked with the performance of the company.
The need of the study of performance appraisal is to determine
what aspects of performance are required to be evaluated.
 To identify those who are performing their assigned task well and those who are
not and the reason for such performance.

 To provide information about the performance ranks basing on which decisions

regarded salary fixation, conformation, promotion, demotion and transfer are

 To provide feedback information about the level of achievements and behavior of

an employee.
 To provide information and counsel the employee.
 To compare actual performance with the standards and in out deviations (positive
and negative)
 To create and maintain satisfactory level of performance.
 To prevent grievance and in disciplinary activity.
 To facilitate fair and equitable compensation.
 To ensure organizational effectiveness.
 It guarantees useful information about employees and the nature of their duties.

We can briefly say that performance appraisal systems are

necessities to assess performance at regular intervals with consistency to study
improvements, deviation and to take corrective actions to bride gaps and improve
performance over a period of time.

In the present study an attempt has been made to know the actual implementation of
performance appraisal techniques in general and some other aspects such as awareness of
the workers, effectiveness of the performance appraisal system in particular.
Human resource projections are valid on appraisals. By
improving job skills, the employees have lot of scope for development and prepare
themselves for higher responsibilities.
A through analysis of the performance appraisal system will
help the management to know the short comings, if any. It also help the company in
knowing whether the performance appraisal techniques are used to full extent or not, there
by the researcher can understand the effective implement of the performance appraisal
The objective is to know how effective is the execution
appraisal system in Heritge foods ind ltd. (Heritge)., Hyderabad.

The aim of most performance appraisal programming is to

encourage the employees to set his own objective for the next time period following the
review of his past performance. It enables the management to make effective decisions/ to
modify earlier decisions based on the evaluation of the existing plans, information system,
job analysis, and internal and external environment factors influencing employee
The objectives is to identify the common goals of the
organization, define each individuals major areas of responsibility in terms results expected
of him, review the individual performance progress in a job and his potential for future
improvement. It aims at providing data to managers with whom they may judge future job
assignments and compensation.

To establish an objective basis from the different levels of

performance and to identify executives with potential to grow in the organization.

To counsel the employees appropriately regarding their

strengths and weaknesses and asses in developing them to realize they are full potential in
line with the company’s objectives and goals. Always emphasize that the role of a manager
is to offer constructive support and not condemn. Give the employees many opportunities to
ask guidance to air grievances and discuss anxieties

The research methodology is a systematic way to solve the

problem and it is an important component of the study without which researcher may not be
able to obtain the facts and figures from the employees.

The study is based on primary as well as secondary data
collected from different sources:
A). Primary Data:
The primary data is collected with the help of questionnaires,
which consists of twenty questions each. The questionnaires are chosen because of its
simplicity and liability. Researcher can expect straight answers to the questions. The
respondents are informed about the significant of the study and requested to give their fair

B). Secondary Data:

Secondary data is collected through the documents provided by
the personnel department of Heritge foods ind ltd. (Heritge). The documents include
personnel manuals, books, reports, journal, etc.
A). Sample Unit:
The executives and employed at Hero Moto Corp Ltd.
(Heritge). Hyderabad constitute ‘universe’ of the present study. A part of it is taken as
sample unit for the resent study. It includes JGMS, AGMS, manager and other employees
of Heritge(Heritge ).Hyderabad.
B). Sample Size:
The sample size consists of 100 respondents employed in
Heritge(Heritge), Hyderabad. Of these 30 are executives, 20 are senior executives and the
remaining 50 are employees.
Statistical tools used

Percentage method:

Percentage method is used in making comparison between two or

more series of data. This is used to describe relationship.
Percentage of respondents = No of respondents x 100
Total respondents

The method of study followed in this project (in brief):

Sample size : 100

Data collection method : Primary and Secondary.
Duration of study : 45 days.
Analysis : Through percentage method.

 Due to time constraints the study was limited only for 45days.

 Random sampling method has been adopted and all limitations applicable to that method
are applicable here also.

 The authenticity of information provided by the New Entrant Manager cannot be assured.

 Analysis of the data has been done based on the assumptions that the information
provided by the respondents is genuine.

 The sample size is small when compared to total universe, Hence the capability of study
to the whole universe is constraint.

Once the employee has been selected, trained and motivated, he

is then appraised for his performance. Performance appraisal is the step where the
management finds out how effective it has been hiring and placing employees. If any
problems are identified, steps are taken to communicate with the employee and remedy
Performance appraisal or merit rating is one of the oldest and
most universal practices of management. Performance appraisal often provides the rational
foundation for the payment of piecework wages, bonus etc. the estimates of the relative
contributions of employees help to determine the rewards and privileges rationally.

Performance appraisal serves as means for evaluating the

effectiveness of devices used for the selection and classification of workers.
Performance appraisal has been considered as a most
significant and indispensable tool for an organization, for the information it provides is
highly useful in making decisions regarding various personal aspects such as promotions
and increases.
According to Ronald Benjamin, “performance appraisal
determines who shall receive merit increases, counsel’s employee’s ob their improvement
determines training needs, determines promotability, identifies those who should be
performance appraisal appraisal has four integral components:

1. Self appraisal
2. Superior’s appraisal
3. Subordinate’s appraisal
4. Peer appraisal.
Self appraisal gives a chance to the employee to look at his/her strengths and weaknesses, his
achievements, and judge his own performance. Superior’s appraisal forms the traditional part
of the performance appraisal performance appraisal where the employees’
responsibilities and actual performance is rated by the superior.
Subordinates appraisal gives a chance to judge the employee on the parameters like
communication and motivating abilities, superior’s ability to delegate the work, leadership
qualities etc. Also known as internal customers, the correct feedback given by peers can help
to find employees’ abilities to work in a team, co-operation and sensitivity towards others.

Self assessment is an indispensable part of performance appraisal appraisals and therefore

performance appraisal Performance appraisal have high employee involvement and also have
the strongest impact on behavior and performance. It provides a "360-degree review" of the
employees’ performance and is considered to be one of the most credible performance
appraisal methods.

performance appraisal performance appraisal is also a powerful developmental tool

because when conducted at regular intervals (say yearly) it helps to keep a track of the
changes others’ perceptions about the employees. A performance appraisal appraisal is
generally found more suitable for the managers as it helps to assess their leadership and
managing styles. This technique is being effectively used across the globe for performance
appraisals. Some of the organizations following it are Wipro, Infosys, and Reliance Industries
Once a Year Overview

Self Appraisal Performance appraisal feedback

Performance Review - Preparation Performance Consulting: Moving
Performance Review - The Meeting Beyond Training

How to Complete a Performance Writing performance appraisal

Appraisal Form Performance Appraisal Training
Analysis for Improving Performance How to Measure Employee
Active performance appraisal Performance
conversation FAQ about Performance Appraisal

The basic concept in 360 Performance Appraisal makes obvious sense -- soliciting
performance feedback not only from our supervisor but also from our customers, employees,
peers and all whom we interrelate with in the course of doing our job. We all should do this
as a matter of course to ensure that we're living up to the expectations others have of us (the
psychological contract) and to see that we are playing the right role in the minds of our
associates. There is much to be learned from the opinions of those we serve and work with.
This "full circle" of feedback results in the 360 (degree) name.
But I have concerns about the 360 feedback concept in the context of a performance
appraisal. Many people have jumped on this bandwagon without sufficient consideration. In
no particular order my concerns are:
[1] Performance "appraisal" is better called performance "review" since it is the closing stage
of a performance management process which begins with the clarification of performance
direction and expectations. A Performance Review is a review or comparison of actual
performance during the review period, with the past direction, and an opportunity to set
future direction (reviews are also used for formal documentation and for use in employee
development, promotion and compensation decisions). A Performance Review is never the
occasion for the employee to discover how well he's performed or to find out what was
expected of him during the review period. The employee should be aware of that (his
individual performance related to the performance expectations) continually throughout the
review period.
A Performance Review is principally between the employee and whomever the employee is
responsible and accountable to. Realistically, in most organizations this is the "boss." At the
review it would be insightful, and for some jobs essential, to review how the employee met
client and/or peer expectations.
But, the degree to which an employee meets client, supplier, peer or subordinate expectations
is not what an employee comes to a Performance Review to discover. It's too late to learn that
information at the end of the review period. That feedback should be solicited continually by
the employee throughout the review period, and then the results of this feedback activity
reviewed at Performance Review time.
If knowing how others perceive you is important for the performance of your job, then
measuring that and taking appropriate action on that feedback should be part of your job and
included in your job's performance requirements. It seems irresponsible to abdicate that to a
third party, like an HR department or a survey company to do for you. Do effective
salespeople rely on someone else to tell them, at year's end, whether their customers were
pleased with the service? And if relationships are so horrid that management can't get honest
feedback directly from its employees, then the real problem won't be solved by implementing
a 360 Appraisal process.
[2] A common approach to 360 Appraisal is to administer confidential surveys, especially so
people can rate their peers and supervisor. Anonymity is ensured and employees can
comment in confidence about the performance of another employee or the boss. Aggregate
data is then given to the employee in question and used as input to the appraisal and eventual
rating of that employee. Notwithstanding the substantial research evidence warning of the
dangers associated with peer evaluations and their low validity, my basic concern about this
process can be summed up with these questions. Do you really want to have a company with
a culture that promotes the use of secret reports to assess and judge its employees? How can
your organization pretend to be open, honest and forthright when it uses secrecy and
anonymity to measure the value of employees? Is this the way you want your business to run?
I have met many employees who resent being asked to judge their peers anonymously,
wondering all the while, who is writing things about them, and is it any of their business.
Supervisors are also frustrated not knowing the actual source of employee concerns so that
they can attend to the problem effectively. When we set up a system which assumes it must
protect against deceit and retribution, it can become self fulfilling. And as with suggestion
boxes, the anonymous survey unfortunately symbolizes that not only do employees take a
risk if they raise problems or concerns directly with the supervisor; but also that it's not the
supervisor's job to solicit such information. Essentially, any employee feedback process
which requires secrecy risks damaging healthy working relationships, especially between
employees and their supervisors
[3] The most common rationale used to justify the use of the 360 Appraisal process is that
everyone else is doing it! There isn't much research showing the usefulness and validity of
the concept as part of performance appraisal. Sales literature from many 360 Appraisal
vendors essentially promotes the idea as the thing to do. I would hope potential users of the
concept do a little deeper analysis, especially since for many, the process becomes an
administrative nightmare and an unnecessary expense.
[4] If you really want your employees to get performance feedback from the circle of people
they work with, including their customers, peers and subordinates, try the following simple
(a) make "soliciting performance feedback from significant others" a part of all employee
jobs and therefore a performance requirement;
(b) determine what sort of feedback is required, and if possible develop tools to capture this
(c) teach employees how to use the tools (or questions) to get feedback from their
subordinates, customers, peers, etc.;
(d) teach employees how to give performance feedback to their supervisors, peers or
suppliers, etc.
(e) teach employees how to make use of the feedback they receive, and, for example how to
follow-up on their subordinates and customer concerns;
(f) require employees to regularly review (perhaps monthly) the results of getting feedback
from others, with their own supervisor, so that the process becomes a priority and so that
employees are held accountable for doing so.
Many organizations that go out shopping for performance appraisals, 360 or other versions,
have already taken a step in the wrong direction. They typically have forgotten to diagnose
their real needs. If your business has a desire for the 360 Appraisal process make sure you ask
yourself "Why?" What is your organization's or management's real need? Don't do it because
everyone else seems to be doing it. Make sure the process and philosophy are appropriate to
your organization and its values.

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