Experiment 4 Process Control Systems - Pct-100 Flow Control Objective

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Control Engineering Laboratory

Electrical Engineering Department

Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

To provide controlled process in a learning environment which reflects the control problems
experience in industry and on which students can carry out detailed analysis of alternative
control techniques. Also to illustrate simply and clearly, the fundamental control techniques of
Proportional (P), Proportional + Integral (PI), Proportional + Integral + Differential (PID) in a
Process Control Technology (PCT) – 100.

Ogata K. Modern Control Engineering. 2010 Anonymous. User’s Manual Process Control

1 set Process Rig
1 set Control Module
1 set PC

1. Explain about PID control and give characteristic of Kp, τ1, and τd
2. Explain about Control System Block Diagram and give two example!

Process control is a branch of control engineering relating to the operation of the plant in an
industries such as petrochemicals, foodstuffs, steel, glass, paper, energy, etc. The main objective
is to maintain the stability of all variables in the process. Temperature, level, flow, and pressure
are the four most common process variables. This four variables are key to process control
because it provide a critical condition for boiling, chemical reaction, distillation, extrusion,
vacuuming, and air conditioning. Bad control of this four variables can cause safety, quality, and
productivity problems. Therefore, it is highly desirable to keep under control and maintained
within its safety limits. Process Control Technology PCT-100 is an instrument used to
demonstrate various aspects of process control. This equipment facilitate the process control via
computer or Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The main elements of the PCT-100 are the
process rig and control module.

Process Rig
Process rig is the main elements of PCT-100 for a diagram of the PCT- 100 can be shown in
Figure 1. PCT-100 includes the following elements:
1. Process tank 6. 3/2 Diverter valve
2. Sump tank 7. 2/2 Proportional control valve
3. Cooler Unit 8. Flow rate sensor
4. Sump tank Temperature sensor(PRT) 9. One way check valve
5. Variable speed pump with filter 10. 2/2 Proportional drain valve

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

11. Needle valve 16. Float switch

12. Pressure relief valve 17. Overflow
13. Heater 18. Digital LCD display
14. Level sensor 19. Indicator light
15. Pressure transducer

Figure 1. Process Rig of PCT-100.

The sump contains a store of distilled water which may be pumped around the system at flow-
rates up to about 3.2 liters/minute. Water may be pumped directly from the sump tank to the
process tank or be diverted via the cooler. The fluid in the process tank may be drained via the
manual or computer controlled valves below the tank, so completing the fluid cycle. The five
digital displays are used to show the sump tank and process tank temperatures, flow-rate,
pressure and level and the indicator lamps reveal the on/off status of the cooler fan, and
computer controlled drain and diverter valves and the heater.

Control Module
The control module incorporates all of the electronic circuitry required to link the process rig to
the controller. The design of the circuits demonstrates the interfacing principles required in many
process control situations where a mix of analogue, digital and frequency signals have to be
processed. Shown in Figure 2, the front of the Control Module has a schematic of the Process
Rig, On/Off indicator, six illuminated fault switches, test points, indicators to show the
operational status of the elements on the rig, and a backlight switch to turn on the backlights for
the displays on the rig.

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Figure 2. Front part of Control Module of PCT-100

All connections to the process rig and power supply unit are made at the rear of the control
module. The USB port on the PC is connected to the USB sockets on the control module and
there are analog and digital I/O that is connected to the Process Rig as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Rear part of Control Module of PCT-100

Heater Control
Since the heating element is capable of heating the water in the process tank to a high
temperature or causing damage to the tank, several safety features have been incorporated into
the PCT-100 system. The safety requirements are as follows:
• The heating element must only be energized when the water level in the process tank is at
the required level.
• If any connection between the computer and control module fails or the computer
"crashes", the heating element must be switched off automatically.
• Tank full signal. The software supplied incorporates an interlock to prevent power being
applied to the heater until the signal from the level sensor shows that the process tank is
the required level. If students are to write their own control software it is crucially
important that they duplicate this software interlock in their program, before they use the
heating element.
• Failures or crashes. If the computer-to-control module communication fails, the circuitry
on the control module detects this and turns the heating element off. The heating element
contained in the process tank is controlled by the computer using a pulse width
modulation (PWM) technique. The required "mark/space ratio" is determined by a

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

software algorithm in the case of computer control. As the mark/space ratio increases the
average rate at which electrical energy is dissipated by the heating element increases,
increasing the rate at which the water is heated.

Pump Control
The software initially outputs zero and gradually increases the output to whatever value is
necessary to achieve the required flow rate. A PID algorithm utilizing feedback from the flow-
meter re-calculates the output value at each sample interval.

Switched Faults
With the understanding of how systems operate within industrial control systems there is a great
need for individuals with fault finding skills. To help develop these skills, PCT-100 incorporates
six individually selectable switched faults located on the front panel of the control module (see
Figure 2. Front Part of Control Module). The switched faults are typical of those found in real
industrial applications. Generally an electrical fault may be due to one or more of the following:
1. Component failure
2. Electrical short circuit to supply.
3. Electrical short circuit to ground.
4. Crossed signal wires either due to a short or incorrect commissioning.
5. Open circuit due to a broken wire, burnt circuit track or bad connection. The student may
be given fault finding tests following his observation of the correct operation of the PCT-
100. The effect of each fault is shown in Table 1. Using standard test equipment in
conjunction with circuit diagrams, the faults may be successfully diagnosed.

Figure 4. List of Switched faults

Flow Measurement
The flow-rate of the water is measured by a turbine type flow-meter. The water flows through
the meter and rotates an impeller. Mounted on either side of the impeller is an infra-red
transmitter and receiver. The infra-red beam is repeatedly broken by the rotating impellor. The
flow-meter produces a pulse train output the frequency of which is proportional to the flow- rate.
The approximate full scale output frequency of the flow-meter is 350Hz (pulses/sec). The flow-
meter signal is converted to an analogue voltage by the signal conditioning circuit in the control
module. This voltage is used to drive the digital flow-rate display on the rig and converted to
digital form by an ADC for input to the controller. This is all shown diagrammatically in Figure

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Figure 5. Flow Measurement Diagram

Experiment 1. Proportional Control
These trials generally aims to know the functions and principle of proportional controller on a
system. With SP (Set Point) that fixed, steady state value will rise as PG (Proportional Gain)
raised. However, there is no value that would be appropriate that PG steady state value will be
equal to SP because the proportional control will always produce an error on the controller
output. If PG is increased, the magnitude and duration of the oscillations will go up and if PG is
too high, the system will undergo some oscillations or will never reach steady state.
A. Operational Procedure Effect of Changing PG.
1. Set the SP value of flow by 2.0 L/min.
2. Set PG value by 0.5
3. Change the value of PG between 0.5 and 10.0 in accordance with the Table 1 below and
write the steady state value in Table 1. Record the response.

1. Set the SP value of flow by 0.6 L/min.

2. Set PG value by 1.0.
3. Change the value of SP between 0.6 and 3.4 in accordance with the Table 1 below and
write the steady state value in Table 1. Record the response.

B. Experimental Data
Steady state value each changing PG and SP can be write in Table 1. Draw the response from
data in step 3 changing PG and SP.
Table 1. Experimental data of proportional control

C. Analysis and Experiment Task

1. What is the effect increasing and decreasing PG value? (prove it)
2. What conclusions about the nature of proportional controller may be drawn from your

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

3. What is the characteristic P controller?
4. Design proportional controller and calculate the value of error steady state to the system
above, by design specification τ*= τ x ([3 last digits NRP]/10). Given K=[3 last digits
NRP]/100, τ=[3 last digits NRP].
𝑌(𝑠) 𝐾
𝑋(𝑠) 𝜏𝑠 + 1

Experiment 2. Proportional + Integral Control

Integral controllers are often used to eliminate the offset caused by proportional control. Short
setting controller Integral Action Time (IAT) resulting integral effect greater action on the
controller output. Correction is performed on the output by the integral action relating to the PG
setting. PG great value means a major correction on the output due to the integral action. Integral
Action Time (IAT) is defined as the time taken for the integral action to duplicate the
proportional action of the controller, if the error were to remain constant during the period.
A. Operational Procedure Effect of changing Integral Element.
1. Start a flow loop experiment using only proportional control initially with PG value
2. After about ten seconds, add integral element between 999 and 0.1 in accordance
with the Table 2 below without changing SP and PG value. Record the response
3. Write the steady state value and your observation of the respond in Table 2.
B. Experimental Data
Steady state value and your observation of the respond each changing parameter I can be write in
Table 1. Draw the response in MATLAB.
Table 2. Experimental data of proportional and integral control

C. Analysis and Experiment Task

1. What is the effect increasing and decreasing Integral value? (prove it)
2. What conclusions about the nature of PI Controller may be drawn from your

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

3. What is the characteristic PI controller? 4. Design PI controller to the system above,

by design specification zero offset and τ*= τx ([3 last digits NRP]/10). Given K = [3
last digits NRP]/100, τ = [3 last digits NRP].

Experiment 3. Proportional + Integral + Derivative Control

PID controller is the combination of the proportional, integral and derivative controller. The
characteristics of P controller and I have been explained in the previous section. Derivative
controller cannot reduce the offset from the set point generated by proportional controller. The
correction is performed on the controller output when the process variable changes. Faster the
process variables change, the greater the amount of correction by the controller derivative action
time (DAT). A little derivative action time means little effect on the output of the controller, so
the correction is done at a faster output. The amount of correction performed on the controller
output by the derivative action time is affected by the proportional gain setting. The greater the
proportional gain, the greater the correction is happening. Derivative control is never used alone
because no output controller changes.
A. Operational Procedure Effect of changing derivative element.
1. Start PCT-100 with SP = 1, PG = 1, I and D is non-active.
2. After a few seconds, set I = 0.35. Record and draw the system responses.
3. Set the value of I become 1. Record and draw the system responses.
4. Start PCT-100 with the same initial condition (SP = 1, PG = 1, I and D is non-active)
5. After a few second, set I = 0.35 and D = 1. Record and draw the system responses.
6. Do the same experiment, but the value of the D = 1.9. Record and draw the system

B. Experimental Data
Draw the system response data (Step 2, 3, 5, and 6) in MATLAB

C. Analysis and Experiment Task

1. What is the effect increasing and decreasing Derivative value? (prove it)
2. What conclusions about the nature of PID Controller may be drawn from your
3. What is the characteristic PID controller? 4. Design PID controller to the system
above, by design specification τ*= τ x ([3 last digits NRP]/10). Given K = [3 last
digits NRP]/10, A = [3 last digits NRP]/100, B = [3 last digits NRP].
𝑌(𝑠) 𝐾
𝑋(𝑠) 𝜏𝑠 + 1

Ziegler/Nichols Tuning
Ziegler Nichols tuning is a semi-empirical method of controller tuning that gives a reasonable
guide to the parameters PG, IAT and DAT. Once the values have been determined it might be
necessary to apply some fine tuning for optimum performance but in general, Ziegler Nicholls
tuning gives acceptable results for many systems. In some cases, integral and derivative control

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

action is reduced to zero and the proportional gain (PG) is gradually increased until a permanent
oscillation. At this point the gain (Kp), and the period of oscillation (T) are recorded.
Closed Loop Method There are two techniques the first called the „continuous cycling method‟
assumes that the closed loop system can be made to oscillate permanently with a proportional
only controller, as illustrated by Figure 8. The continuous cycling method requires that the gain
of a proportional only controller is increased a small amount at a time until the onset of
permanent oscillations occurs. At this point the value of the gain (kp) together with the period of
the resultant oscillation (T) are noted. then given by:

Figure 6. Closed loop flow control system response

Table 3. Tuning PID with Ziegler Nichols

A. Operational Procedure
1. Start PCT-100 same as the experiment 1 with SP = 1. Raise the PG value from 1 to
2. Try to estimate the value of the lowest PG produces a permanent oscillation on the
3. Note the Kp value (gain) and the period of oscillation then use recommendation for PI
and PID above
4. After obtained parameters PI and PID controllers, write in Table 4 and apply to the
process control PCT-100. Record response results. The transfer function of the plant
is known :
𝑌(𝑠) 0.0543 (𝑠 + 10.44)
𝑈(𝑠) (𝑠 + 0.8687)

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

B. Experimental Data
Draw the response in MATLAB. Fill Table 4 with the parameter PI and PID that you obtained.
Table 4. Tuning PID with Ziegler Nichols


Open Loop Method

The second Ziegler/Nichols tuning technique called the “process reaction curve method‟ requires
that an open loop step response curve is produced showing a measurable “transport delay‟ or
“dead time‟. (Transport delay is the period during which there is no change in the process
variable after the controller output has been stepped up or down). The following graph shows a
typical process reaction curve in Figure 9. The process reaction curve method requires that an
open loop step response of the system is obtained as shown above. From this graph the
maximum slope ( R) and the transport delay (L) are noted. The step input expressed as a fraction
of the total range of the input ( ∆u) is also required. (In the open loop section of the PCT-100
software the step input fraction ∆u is calculated very easily since the step input to the pump is
specified as a percentage

Figure 7. Process reaction curve

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Table 5. Tuning PID with Ziegler Nichols


PI 0.9 3.3L

PID 1.2 2L 0.5L

A. Operational Procedure
1. Start PCT-100 and select open loop option from main menu
2. Run open loop simulation with step response input pump 80%
3. Try to estimate the value of the R, L and ∆u from graph
4. After obtained parameters PI and PID controllers, write in Table 6 and apply to the
process control PCT-100. Record response results.
B. Experimental Data
Draw the response in MATLAB. Fill Table 6 with the parameter P,PI and PID that you obtained.
Table 6. Tuning PID with Ziegler Nichols



C. Analysis and Experiment Task

1. Compare with analytical method in PI (Experiment 2) and PID (Experiment 3) with
Ziegler Nicholls Tuning
2. Compare Ziegler Nicholls between open loop method and closed loop method


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