Action: Acquisition of Lands Citizenship Requirement (2003)
Action: Acquisition of Lands Citizenship Requirement (2003)
Action: Acquisition of Lands Citizenship Requirement (2003)
In 1950, the Bureau of Lands issued a Homest keeping with this policy, it has been held that
ead patent to A. Three years later, A sold the one who purchases a homestead within the
homestead to B. A died in 1990, and his heirs five-year prohibitory period can only recover
filed an action to recover the homestead from
B on the ground that its sale by their father to the price which he has paid by filing a claim
the latter is void under Section 118 of the against the estate of the deceased
Public Land Law. B contends, however, that seller (Labrador vs. Delos Santos 66 Phi
the heirs of A cannot recover the homestead
l. 579) under the principle that no one shall
from him anymore because their action has
prescribed and that furthermore, A was in enrich himself at the expense of another.
pari delicto. Decide. Applying the pari delicto ruleto violation of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Section 118 of the Public Land Act, the Court
The sale of the land by A to B 3 years after of Appeals has ruled that “the homesteader
issuance of the homestead patent, being in suffers the loss of the fruits realized by the
violation of Section 118 of the Public Land
vendee who in turn forfeits the improvement
Act, is void from its inception.
that he has introduced into the land.”
The action filed by the heirs of B to declare
(Obot vs. Sandadi
the nullity or inexistence of the contract and
to recover the land should be given due Uas, 69 OG,April 35,1966}
B’s defense of prescription is untenable
The action to declare the nullity of the sale
because an action which seeks to declare did not prescribe (Art. 1410}, such sale being
the nullity or inexistence of A contract one expressly prohibited and declared void by
does not the Public Lands Act [Art. 1409, par. (7)]. The
prohibition of the law is clearly for the
prescribe. (Article 1410; Banaga vs. Soler
protection of the heirs of A such that their
, 28 SCRA 765) recovering the property would enhance the
public policy regarding ownership of lands SUGGESTED ANSWER:
acquired by homestead patent (Art. 1416).
Metrobank’s defense is untenable. As a rule,
The defense of pari delicto is not applicable
an innocent purchaser for value acquires a
either, since the law itself allows the
good and a clean title to the property.
homesteader to reacquire the land even if it
However, it is settled that one who closes his
has been sold.
eyes to facts that should put a reasonable
SECOND ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: man on guard is not an innocent purchaser
for value. In the present problem the bank is
Prescription does not arise with respect to
expected, as a matter of standard operating
actions to declare a void contract a nullity
procedure, to have conducted an ocular
(Article 1410). Neither is the doctrine of
inspection, of the promises before granting
pari delicto applicable because of public
any loan. Apparently, Metrobank did not
policy. The law is designed for the protection
follow this procedure. Otherwise, it should
of the plaintiff so as to enhance the public
have discovered that the condominium unit
policy of the Public Land Act to give land to
in question was occupied by Cesar and that
the landless.
fact should have led it to make further
If the heirs are not allowed to recover, it could inquiry. Under the circumstances, Metrobank
be on the ground of laches inasmuch as 40 cannot be considered a mortgagee and buyer
years had elapsed and the owner had not in good faith.
brought any action against B especially if the
Mirror Principle (1990)
latter had improved the land. It would be
detrimental to B if the plaintiff is allowed to In 1950’s, the Government acquired a big
recover. landed estate in Central Luzon from the
registered owner for subdivision into small
Innocent Purchaser for Value (2001)
farms and redistribution of bonafide
Cesar bought a residential condominium unit occupants, F was a former lessee of a parcel of
from High Rise Co. and paid the price in full. land, five hectares in area. After completion
He moved into the unit, but somehow he of the resurvey and subdivision, F applied to
was not given the Condominium buy the said land in accordance with the
Certificate of Title covering the property. guidelines of the implementing agency. Upon
Unknown to him, High Rise Co. subsequently full payment of the price
mortgaged the entire condominium building in 1957, the corresponding deed of absolute s
to Metrobank as security for a loan of P500 ale was executed in his favor and was
million. High Rise Co. failed to pay the loan registered, and in 1961, a new title was issued
and the bank foreclosed the mortgage. At the in his name. In 1963, F sold the said land to
foreclosure sale, the bank acquired the X; and in 1965 X sold it to Y, new titles were
building, being the highest bidder. When successively issued in the names of the said
Cesar learned about this, he filed an action to purchasers.
annul the foreclosure sale insofar as his unit
In 1977, C filed an action to annul the deeds
was concerned. The bank put up the defense
of sale to F, X and Y and their titles, on the
that it relied on the condominium certificates
ground that he (C) had been in actual
of title presented by High Rise Co., which
physical possession of the land, and that the
were clean. Hence, it was a mortgagee and
sale to F and the subsequent sales should be
buyer in good faith. Is this defense tenable or
set aside on the ground of fraud. Upon
not? Why?
motion of defendants, the trial court
dismissed the complaint, upholding their successors in title that the land shall be and
defenses of their being innocent purchasers always remain registered land. A title under
for value, prescription and laches. Plaintiff
Act 496 is indefeasible and to preserve that
character, the title is cleansed anew with
Is the said appeal meritorious? Explain your a every transfer for value (De Jesus v. City of
nswer Manila; 29 Phil. 73; Laperal v. City of
(b) Suppose the government agency Manila, 62 Phil. 313; Penullar v.
concerned joined C in filing the said action PNB, 120 SCRA 111).
against the defendants, would that change the
result of the litigation? Explain. SUGGESTED ANSWER:
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (b) Even if the government joins C, this will
not alter the outcome of the case so much
(a) The appeal is not meritorious. The trial
because of estoppel as an express provision in
court ruled correctly in granting defendant’s
Sec 45 of Act 496 and Sec 31 of PD 1529 that a
motion to dismiss for the following reasons:
decree of registration and the certificate of
1. While there is the possibility that F, a title issued in pursuance thereof “shall be
former lessee of the land was aware of the conclusive upon and against all persons,
fact that C was the bona fide occupant including the national government and all
thereof and for this reason his transfer branches thereof, whether mentioned by
certificate of title may be vulnerable, the name in the application or not.”
transfer of the same land and the issuance of
Mirror Principle; Forgery; Innocent
new TCTs to X and Y who are innocent
Purchaser (1999)
purchasers for value render the latter’s titles
indefeasible. A person dealing with registered The spouses X and Y mortgaged a piece of reg
land may safely rely on the correctness of the istered land to A, delivering as well the OCT
certificate of title and the law will not in any to the latter, but they continued to possess
way oblige him to go behind the certificate to and cultivate the land, giving 1/2 of each
determine the condition of the property in harvest to A in partial payment of their loan
search for any hidden defect or inchoate to the latter, A, however, without the
right which may later invalidate or diminish knowledge of X and Y, forged a deed of
the right to the land. This is the mirror sale of the aforesaid land in favor of
principle of the Torrens System of land himself, got a TCT in his name, and then sold
registration. the land to B, who bought the land relying on
A’s title, and who thereafter also got a TCT
2. The action to annul the sale was instituted
in his name. It was only then that the
in 1977 or more than (10) years from the date
spouses X and Y learned that their land had
of execution thereof
been titled in B’s name. May said spouses file
in 1957, hence, it has long prescribed.
an action for reconveyance of the land in
3. Under Sec 45 of Act 496, “the entry of a question against b? Reason.
certificate of title shall be regarded as an SUGGESTED ANSWER:
agreement running with the land, and The action of X and Y against B for
binding upon the applicant and all his reconveyance of the land will not prosper
because B has acquired a clean title to the possession. If after learning of such
property being an innocent purchaser for possession, B simply closed his eyes and did
value. nothing about it, then the suit for
reconveyance will prosper as the buyer’s bad
A forged deed is an absolute nullity and
faith will have become evident.
conveys no title. The fact that the forged deed
Notice of Lis Pendens (1995)
was registered and a certificate of title was
Rommel was issued a certificate of title over a
issued in his name, did not operate to vest
parcel of land in Quezon City. One year
upon an ownership over the property later Rachelle, the legitimate owner of the
of X and Y. The registration of the forged land, discovered the fraudulent registration
deed will not cure the infirmity. However, obtained by Rommel. She filed a complaint
against Rommel for reconveyance and caused
once the title to the land is registered in the the annotation of a notice of lis pendens on
name of the forger and title to the land the certificate of title issued to Rommel.
thereafter falls into the hands of an innocent Rommel now invokes the indefeasibility of his
title considering that one year has already
purchaser for value, the latter acquires a
elapsed from its issuance. He also seeks the
clean title thereto. A buyer of a registered cancellation of the notice of Lis pendens.
land is not required to explore beyond what May the court cancel the notice of lis pendens
the record in the registry indicates on its face even before final judgment is rendered?
in quest for any hidden defect or inchoate Explain.
(b) If M had secured a Torrens Title to the At this point in time, X cannot claim the right
land, all the more S and P could not recover of vested ownership over the Pangasinan
because if at all their remedies would be: parcel by acquisitive prescription. In addition
to the requisites common to ordinary and
1. A Petition to Review the Decree of extraordinary acquisitive prescription
Registration. This can be availed of within consisting of uninterrupted, peaceful, public,
one (1) year from-the entry thereof, but only adverse and actual possession in the concept
upon the basis of “actual fraud.” There is no of owner, ordinary acquisitive prescription
showing that M committed actual fraud in for ten (10) years requires (1) possession in
securing his title to the land; or good faith and (2) just title. “Just title” means
2. An action in personam against M for the that the adverse claimant came into
reconveyance of the title in their favor. Again, possession of the property through one of the
this remedy is available within four years modes recognized by law for the acquisition
from the date of the discovery of the fraud but of ownership but the grantor was not the
not later than ten (10) years from the date of owner or could not transmit any right
registration of the title in the name of M. (Art. 1129. Civil Code). In this case, there is
no “just title” and no “mode” that can be
Prescription; Real Rights (1992) invoked by X for the acquisition of the
A owned a parcel of unregistered land located Pangasinan parcel. There was no constructive
on the Tarlac side of the boundary between delivery of the Pangasinan parcel because it
Tarlac and Pangasinan. His brother B owned was not the subject-matter of the deed of sale.
the adjoining parcel of unregistered land on Hence, B retains ownership of the
the Pangasinan side. Pangasinan parcel of land.
Primary Entry Book; Acquisitive No title to registered land in derogation of the
Prescription; Laches (1998) title of the registered owner shall be acquired
by prescription or adverse possession.
In 1965, Renren bought from Robyn a parcel (Section 47, P.D. No, 1529)
of registered land evidenced by a duly
The right to recover possession of registered
executed deed of sale. The owner presented
land likewise does not prescribe because
the deed of sale and the owner’s certificate of
possession is just a necessary incident of
title to the Register of Deeds. The entry
was made in the daybook and
corresponding fees were paid as evidenced by SUGGESTED ANSWER:
official receipt. However, no transfer of b) Mikaelo’s defense of laches, however,
certificate of title was issued to Renren appears to be more sustainable. Renren
because the original certificate of title in bought the land and had the sale registered
Robyn’s name was temporarily misplaced way back in 1965. From the facts, it appears
after fire partly gutted the Office of the that it was only in 1998 or after an
Register of Deeds. Meanwhile, the land had inexplicable delay of 33 years that he took the
been possessed by Robyn’s distant first step asserting his right to the land. It was
cousin, Mikaelo, openly, adversely and not even an action to recover ownership but
continuously in the concept of owner since only possession of the land. By ordinary
1960. It was only in April 1998 that Renren standards, 33 years of neglect or inaction is
sued Mikaelo to recover possession. Mikaelo too long and maybe considered unreasonable.
invoked a) acquisitive prescription and b) As often held by the Supreme Court, the
laches, asking that he be declared owner of principle of imprescriptibility sometimes has
the land. Decide the case by evaluating these to yield to the equitable principle of laches
defenses. which can convert even a registered land
SUGGESTED ANSWER: owner’s claim into a stale demand.
in whose name it is registered. The Torrens Melvin filed his answers interposing the
sole defense in both cases that the Certificate
system was not designed to shield one who
of Title issued in his name became
had committed fraud or misrepresentation incontrovertible and indefeasible upon the
and thus holds the title in bad lapse of one year from the issuance of the free
faith. (Walstrom v. Mapa Jr.,(G.R 38387 patent.
, 29 Jan. 1990) as cited in Martinez, D., Given the circumstances, can the action of the
Solicitor General and the case for
Summary of SC Decisions,
reconveyance filed by Percival possibly
January to June,1990,p.359]. prosper?
fraud; (3) that the petition is filed within one SUGGESTED ANSWER:
(1) year from the issuance of the decree; and a) The TORRENS SYSTEM OF LAND
(4) that the property has not yet been REGISTRATION is a system for the
registration of title to the land. Thus, under
transferred to an innocent purchaser
this system what is entered in the Registry of
(Rublico vs. Orellana 30 SCRA 511; Ubu Deeds, is a record of the owner’s estate
dan vs.Gil 45 SCRA 17). or interest in the land, unlike the system
under the Spanish Mortgage Law or the
OPTIONAL EXTENDED ANSWER: system under Section 194 of the Revised
Administrative Code as amended by Act
Petition for review of the Decree of
3344 where only the evidence of such title is
Registration. A remedy expressly provided
recorded. In the latter system, what is
in Section 32 of P. D. No. 1529 (formerly
recorded is the deed of conveyance from
Section 38. Act 496), this remedy has the
following elements:
hence the owner’s title emanated—and not rate to divert Maria of her ownership? If it
the title itself. did, who then is the owner of the property?
b) Torrens system of land registration is that SUGGESTED ANSWER:
which is prescribed in Act 496 (now PD
A. The sale of the land to Juan is not valid,
1529), which is either Judicial or quasi-
being contrary to law. Therefore, no transfer
judicial. System or recording of evidence of
of ownership of the land was effected from
title is merely the registration of evidence of
the delinquent taxpayer to him. The original
acquisitions of land with the Register of
certificates of title obtained by Maria thru a
Deeds, who annotates the same on the
free patent grant from the Bureau of Lands
existing title, cancels the old one and issues a
under Chapter VII, CA 141 is valid but in view
new title based on the document presented
of her delinquency, the said title is subject to
for registration.
the right of the City Government to sell the
Unregistered Land (1991) land at public auction. The issuance of the
OCT did not exempt the land from the tax
Maria Enriquez failed to pay the realty tax
sales. Section 44 of P.O. No. 1529 provides
es on her unregistered agricultural land
that every registered owner receiving a
located in Magdugo, Toledo City. In 1989, to
Certificate of Title shall hold the same free
satisfy the taxes due, the City sold it at public
from an encumbrances, subject to certain
auction to Juan Miranda, an employee at the
Treasurer’s Office of said City, whose bid at
P10,000.00 was the highest. In due time, a B. Juan may recover because he was not a
final bill of sale was executed in his favor. party to the violation of the law.
Maria refused to turn-over the possession of t C. No, the sale did not divest Maria of her
he property to Juan alleging that (1) she had title precisely because the sale is void. It is as
been, in the meantime, granted a free patent good as if no sale ever took place.
and on the basis thereof an Original
In tax sales, the owner is divested of his land
Certificate of Title was issued to her, and (2)
initially upon award and issuance of a
the sale in favor of Juan is void from the
Certificate of Sale, and finally after the lapse
beginning in view of the provision in
of the 1 year period from date of registration,
the Administrative Code of 1987 which
to redeem, upon execution by the treasurer of
prohibits officers and employees of the
an instrument sufficient in form and effects to
government from purchasing directly or
convey the property. Maria remained owner
indirectly any property sold by the
of the land until another tax sale is to be
government for nonpayment of any tax, fee or
performed in favor of a qualified buyer.
other public charge.
(a) Is the sale to Juan valid? If so, what is the
effect of the Issuance of the Certificate of Title
to Maria?
(b) If the sale is void, may Juan recover the P
10,000.00? If not, why not?
If the sale is void, did it not nevertheless, ope