Using of Taro Flour As Partial Substitute of Wheat Flour in Bread Making

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World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences 4 (2): 94-99, 2009

ISSN 1817-308X
© IDOSI Publications, 2009

Using of Taro Flour as Partial Substitute of Wheat Flour in Bread Making

M.S. Ammar, 1A.E. Hegazy and 2S.H. Bedeir

Food Science and Technology Department,


Faculty of Agriculture, AL-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt

Food Technology Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt

Abstract: This study investigated the effects of using taro flour as partial substitution of wheat flour in balady
bread (Egyptian bread) making with substitution levels of 5,10,15 and 20% on the farinograph, extensograph
properties of the produced doughs, organoleptic properties and chemical composition of the produced bread.
The Farinograph results showed that the increase of substitution level increase the water absorption and dough
weakening but decrease the mixing time and dough stability, while the results of extensograph showed that
dough energy, the resistance to extension and the proportional number decreased with the increasing the taro
flour level in the flour blends, while the dough extensibility increased. While the organoleptic evaluation
showed that the substitution of wheat flour with taro flour up to 10 % produce bread similar to the control
(wheat bread) in all the organoleptic properties. Also, the increase of the taro flour level resulted in decreasing
in the crude protein and ether extract while, ash, total carbohydrates and fiber contents increased. It could be
concluded that the substitution of wheat flour with taro flour in bread making with substitution level up to
10 % produce bread with rheological and organoleptic properties similar to the wheat flour bread.

Key words: Taro flour Balady bread Rheological properties Chemical composition

INTRODUCTION than cereals and low protein content. Taro has been
reported to have 70–80 % starch with small size granules
In recent years, the demand to use novel sources as [3], which result in high digestibility, so it is used in
substitute for the wheat flour was increased to provide preparation of infant foods in Hawaii and other Pacific
the consumers requirements, therefore some roots, islands [4]. These aroid flours could be advantageous
including cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and sweet in the preparation of myriad products by the food
potato (Ipomoea batatas), some tubers including potato development industry, since it could be used in
(Solanum tuberosum) and yam (Dioscorea spp.) and some dehydration soup formation, baked goods, formulation
edible aroids, including taro (Colocasia esculenta) and of baby food, snacks, breakfast products and so on.
cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) were used as Finally, aroid flours could also become a useful
important calorie sources and wheat flour substitutes [1]. source of starch not only for food items but also for
Taro (Colocasia esculenta) is one of the most widely other industries such as drug, textile, paper, oil
cultivated edible aroids in the tropical and subtropical production and bread making [5, 6]. According to Essien
countries. The total taro production in the world is about [7], the possibility of using starchy staples for bread
9.22 million tons from an area of 1.57 million hectares [2] making depends on the physical and chemical properties
covering South East Asia, Pacific Islands, Hawaii, of the product. On the light of this, cocoyam, cassava,
Philippines, Africa, Egypt, West Indies and certain areas taro and other tubers crops have been found to be an
of South America[2]. The research and development of alternative sources of major raw materials for bread
tuber and root crops have been neglected even though making [8]. In this study, taro flour was used as partial
these staple crops are clearly important in the tropics as substitute of 5, 10, 15 and 20 % in bread making and its
part of the food industry and as animal feed [1,2]. This effects on the rheological properties, organoleptic and
neglect is partially attributed to the assumption that these chemical characteristics of composite bread were
tuber/root crops are inferior because of their lower price investigated.

Corresponding Author: M.S. Ammar, Food Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, AL-Azhar University,
Cairo, Egypt
World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 4 (2): 94-99, 2009

MATERIALS AND METHODS Bread Organoleptic Properties: The organoleptic

properties of the baked control sample and testes bread
Materials: Commercial wheat flour of 82% extraction samples were carried out according to the method of
rate, taro (Colocasia esculenta), compressed yeast (a A.A.C.C. [9]. The organoleptic evaluation was made by
Local Strain of Saccharomyces cerevisia) and commercial ten trained subjects and the average score for each
sodium chloride (Salt) were obtained from the local market. characteristic was calculated and statistically analyzed
using L.S.D and multiple range tests according to Kramer
Methods and Twigg [10] using the Following score values for each
Preparation of Flour from Taro (Colocasia esculenta): characteristic: Appearance (20), Separation of layers (20),
Flour of taro (Colocasia esculenta) was obtained using Roundness (15), Crumb (15), Crust (10), Taste (10), Odor
the conventional dehydration techniques as described (10) and Overall acceptability (100).
by Nip [6]. Taro was cleaned and rinsed with a large
amount of tap water, peeled and manually sliced into Gross Chemical Analyses: Bread samples under
approximately 2 to 3 cm thick round or cube pieces, which investigation were analyzed for moisture, Ash, fiber, ether
were dried at 45°C for 24h in an air dehydrator to ensure extract and crude protein contents according to the
a constant weight. On layer of slice was placed on a tray method of A.O.A.C. [11]. Whereas total carbohydrates
in the dehydrator chamber and a constant flow of hot air were calculated by subtraction.
was applied. Dried slices were fine milled into flours (with
granules size pass through 60- mesh screen). RESULTS

Flour Blends Formulation: Beside the control Dough Rheological Properties

(100% wheat flour), the composite flours were prepared by Farinograph Properties: Table 1 and Fig. 1 indicate the
substituting wheat flour with 5, 10, 15 and 20% taro flour farinograph parameters of the control and wheat taro flour
which named WT1, WT2, WT3 and WT4, respectively by blends (WT). The Table shows that the water absorption
mixing in a blender (Braun, Germany), then packaged in increased as the wheat flour substitution level increased,
polyethylene bags and stored in a desiccator until It increased from 56 for control to 57.5, 58.5, 59.and 59.5%
required for further analysis and processing into balady for WT1, WT2, WT3 and WT4, respectively. Regarding
bread loaves (Egyptian bread consist of two layers). to mixing time, the blend which containing 20 % taro flour
(WT4) exhibited the longer mixing time (3.5 min.), while the
Dough Rheology mixing time of control and the blend containing 10 % taro
Rheological Properties of Blended Flour Mixtures: flour (WT2) was 2.5 min. but the other two treatments
Dough samples for the rheological experiments were (WT1 and WT3) exhibited the shorter mixing time (2 min.).
prepared as those used in bread making, but without Also, the control and WT2 blend showed the same dough
added yeast. Farinograph and extensograph properties stability (4 min.), while the other tested blends had lower
were assessed according to the method described by dough stability (3.5 min). On the other hand, the dough
A.A.C.C [9]. weakening increased proportionally from 100 B.U for
control to 110 B.U for WT1 but decreased to 80 B.U for
Preparation of Bread: The bread was prepared by WT2, while dough weakening of WT3 and WT4 was
mixing1000 gram of flour / flour blends with dried similar to the of control.
compressed yeast and water at 40°C, then the produced
dough was left at room temperature for 30 min. to Extensograph Properties: Table 2 and Fig. 2 indicate
complete fermentation, then the dough was cut into the extensograph parameters of the control and
loaves, which were baked at 400°C for 2 min, in a baker wheat taro flour blends (WT), which show that dough
house at the Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt. energy, the resistance to extension and the proportional
The baked loaves of each treatments divided into two number decreased with the increasing of the taro flour
parts one for the sensory evaluation and the other was ration in the flour blends, while the dough extensibility
dried in an oven at 70°C for 24 hr., finely ground to a increased in the first three blends (WT1, WT2 and WT3)
powder and frozen stored in plastic bags at - 18°C until but decreased in the fourth blend as compared to the
analyzed. control.

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 4 (2): 94-99, 2009

Table 1: Farinograph parameters of the control and wheat taro flour blends
Flour blends (%) Water Absorption (%) Mixing Time (min) Dough Stability (min) Dough Weakening (B.u)
Control 56 2.5 4.0 100
WT1 57.5 2.0 3.5 110
WT2 58.5 2.5 4.0 80
WT3 59 2.0 3.5 100
WT4 59.5 3.5 3.5 100

Table 2: Extensograph parameters of the control and wheat taro flour blends
Treatments Dough Energy (cm)2 Dough Extensibility (E) (m.m) Resistance to Extension (R) (B.u) Proportional Number (R/E)
Control 29 97 280 2.9
WT1 24 105 188 1.8
WT2 22 110 160 1.5
WT3 20 108 130 1.2
WT4 14 92 100 1.1

Fig. 1: Farinograph parameters of the control and wheat taro flour blends, where A, water absorption; B, mixing time;
C, dough stability and D, dough weakening

Organoleptic Properties: Table 3 indicates sensory become in the second degree with significant
evaluation scores of the control and wheat taro difference (p<0.05) than the previous mentioned
flour balady bread loaves. The control bread and bread samples and the bread made of WT4 blend
bread made of blends containing 5 and 10% taro which exhibited the worth organoleptic properties.
flour (WT1 and WT2) were exhibited good organoleptic Finally, the increase of the substitution ratio resulted in
properties scores without any significant different decrease of the organoleptic quality of the produced
among them, while the bread made of WT3 blend bread samples.

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 4 (2): 94-99, 2009

Table 3: Organoleptic properties* of bread samples and average values scored for overall acceptability of bread samples
Property Control WT1 WT2 WT3 WT4
Appearance 18.9a 18.9a 18.5a 17.0b 13.0c
Separation of layers 20.0a 19.8a 19.0a 15.0b 12.0c
Roundness 14.5a 14.5a 14.0a 13.0b 10.0c
Crumb 9.6a 9.6a 9.5a 7.5b 5.0c
Crust color 9.5a 9.5a 9.5a 8.5b 8.0c
Taste 9.0a 9.0a 8.5a 8.0b 6.5c
Odor 10.0a 9.5a 9.0a 8.0b 6.5c
Overall acceptability ** 91.5a 90.8a 88.0a 77.0b 61c
Overall acceptability average *** 13.07a 13.0a 12.6a 11.0b 8.7c
*Means in the same row with the same superscripts are not significantly different (P= 0.05)
** Sum of the seven organoleptic properties
***Average of seven organoleptic properties

Table 4: Chemical Composition of wheat and wheat - taro breads

Component (%)
Treatments Crude protein Ether extract Crude fiber Ash Total Carbohydrates
Control 11.78 1.67 1.15 0.95 74.60
WT1 11.43 1.33 1.28 1.60 75.64
WT2 11.45 1.26 1.59 1.78 76.51
WT3 9.34 1.20 2.11 2.11 77.53
WT4 7.11 1.12 2.20 2.15 79.62

Fig. 2: Extensograph parameters of the control and wheat taro flour blends, where A, dough energy; B, dough
extensibility ; C, resistance to extension and D, proportional number

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 4 (2): 94-99, 2009

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