Problem 10.26:: E E E, Note

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EE351 Fall 2004 10 Sep 2004 HW #2 Solutions

Problem 10.26: A uniform plane wave in a lossy nonmagnetic media has

− z
E s =5 ax 12 ay e , where =0.2 j3.4

A) Compute the magnitde of the wave at z = 4m.

E S =ℜ [ E s e j  t ]=5 ax 12 ay e− z , = j =0.2 j3.4
note :∣5 ax 12 ay∣=  52122=13
∣E∣=13 e−0.2∗4∣cos t−3.4 z ∣=13 e−0.8 1=5.84=∣E∣

B) Find the loss in dB suffered by the wave in the interval 0 < z < 3m
Loss= z =0.23 m=0.6 Np ,1 Np=8.686 dB ,
Loss=0.68.686=5.212 dB= Loss

C) Calculate the Poynting vector at z = 4,t = T/8. Take =108 rad/s

   
  x−1 0.2
Let x= 1 then = = now solve for x
  x1 3.4
1 11/172
x−1= x1  x= =1.00694= x
172 1−1/172


 x−1=
 r r
c 2 
 x−1 Use a little algebra to solve for r

   

c 2 0.23×108  2
r = ∗ = ∗ =103.7
 x−1 10 8

0  r
0  r
120 
 103.7∗1.00694

tan 2 ==  x 2−1=0.118=tan−1 0.118=3.365o
E a 5 ax 12 ay  − j3.365 − z o

H s= ak × s = z ×5 ax 12 ay e− z = e e

  ∣∣
H s=−369.2 ax 153.8 ay cos t−2.4 z−3.365o  mA/ m

P=E×H = [ 5 12 0
−0.369 0.153 0
−0.4 z
] o
cos  t−3.4 z cos t−3.4 z−3.365  az

P=5.3 e cos/ 4−13.6cos/ 4−13.6−0.0587 az =0.4613 az W / m 2= P

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EE351 Fall 2004 10 Sep 2004 HW #2 Solutions

Problem 10.29: In a transmission line filled with a lossless dielectric

r =4.5,r =1
E= sin  t−2 z  a V / m

A) Find  and H
 c 3×108 
=   =  r r = =2 =282.8×106 rad / s=
c  r r  4.5
E a 40 0.225
H = = z × sin  t−2 z  a= sin  t −2 z  a A/ m= H
   

B) The Poynting vector

P=E×H = 2 sin 2  t −2 z  az W / m 2= P

C) The time-average power crossing the surface of

 x=1, 2 mm3 mm , 02
P ave = 2 az , dS = d  d  a − z

3 mm d  2 
P ave−time =∮ P ave dS =4.5∫2 mm ∫ d  az =4.5ln 32 2 
 0
P ave−time =11.45 W

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EE351 Fall 2004 10 Sep 2004 HW #2 Solutions

Problem 10.31: The plane wave E=30 cos t−z  zx V/m in air normally
hits a lossless medium r =1, r =4 at z = 0.

note :1=0=120  , 2=0.5 0=60 

A) Find  ,  , and s
 − 60 −120 
= 2 1 = =−1/ 3=
21 60 120 
=1=2/ 3=
1∣∣ 11/3
s= = =2=s
1−∣∣ 1−1/3

B) Calculate the reflected electric and magnetic fields.

E ro=E io =−1/3∗30=−10
E r =−10 cos t−z  ax v / m
H r =H ro cos tz  aH
aE × aH = ak  ak × aH =−az  aH = ay
E −10
H r = ro cos t z  ay =  cos t z  ay
∣0∣ 120
H R =26.53 cos t z  ay mA/ m

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EE351 Fall 2004 10 Sep 2004 HW #2 Solutions

Problem 10.32: A uniform plane wave in air with H =4 sin  t−5 x ay A/m
is normally incident on a plastic region with parameters  r =1, =4 and =0 .
note :1=0=120  , 2=0.5 0=60 
A) Obtain the total electric field in air
E i =E oi sin  t−5 x aE
E io H io 0=4∗120 =480 
aE × aH = ak  aE × ay = ax  a E =−az
E i =−480  sin  t−5 x az

2−1 60 −120 
= = =−1/ 3=
21 60 120 
=1=2/ 3=

E ro= E io −1/3480 =160 

E r =160 sin  t5 x az

E=E i E r =−480 sin  t−5 x az 160 sin  t5 x az

E=−1508 sin  t −5 x  az 503 sin  t 5 x  az V / m
B) Calculate the time-average power density in the lastic region
E ot = E io=2/3480 =320 
2 2
E 320 
P ave = ot ax = a =853=2.68 kW / m 2= P ave
22 120  x

C) Find the standing wave ratio

1∣∣ 11/3
s= = =2=s
1−∣∣ 1−1/3

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EE351 Fall 2004 10 Sep 2004 HW #2 Solutions

Problem 1: A uniform plane wave emitted by a communication repeater is

propagating in a lossless dielectric medium along the positive z direction. The
time-domain form of the electric field (in V/m) is given by:

E  z , t = ax 377 cos  t−
4 
3 
 V /m
The time-average power density of the emitted wave is 377 W / m2 . Determine
the following:
A) Properties of the popagation medium assuming =0 i.e. , 
We are∈a lossless medium so =0


 0
0  r
3772 377
P ave = =377W / m = = =188.5=
2  2∗377 2
377 377
= =  r =4
2  r
B) Frequency of the wave
4   4  3×108
= =  0 0 r =  r  =c = =2 ×108 rad / s
3 c  r 3 2
 2 ×10
f= = =108 Hz=100 MHz= f
2 2

C) Expression for the time-domain form of the magnetic field

H  z , t =
 
cos 2 ×108 t−

6 y 

¿ 2 cos 2 ×108 t −

a A/ m
6 y

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EE351 Fall 2004 10 Sep 2004 HW #2 Solutions

Problem 2: A uniform plane wave is propagating in a lossless dielectric

medium along the positive z direction. The phasor form of the electric field (in
V/m) is given by:

E = a  40  e  e
4 4
j −j z
6 3
s x V /m
The time-average power density for this wave is 377W / m2
D) If =0 determine the relative dielectric constant of the medium r
We are∈a lossless medium so =0

m 2

40 
0  r

P ave = =377W / m = =20.9=

2  2∗377


 r 0
 r =
120 2

E) The frequency of the wave

4   4  3×108
= =  0 0 r =  r  =c = =69.7 Mrad / s
3 c  r 3  325
 69.7×106
f= = =11.1 MHz= f
2 2
F) The expression for the phasor form of the magnetic field.
−4  4
40  4 4 4 4 3
H= cos t− z  ay =6 cos t − z  ay =6 e e ay A/ m
 3 6 3 6

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EE351 Fall 2004 10 Sep 2004 HW #2 Solutions

Problem 3: A plane wave is incident normal to the surface of sea water

r =1, r =79,=3 S / m . The electric field is parallel to the surface and its
magnitude is 10 V/mjust inside the surface of the water ( at air-water interface).
At the following frequencies: (i) 20kHz (ii) 20GHz, calculate the depth at which a
submarine will be able to receive a signal if the receivers on board the submarine
require a minimum field intensity of 10 V / m.

i) 20kHz

         
2 2
   r 
= 1 −1 = 1 −1
2  c 2 

    
2  20×103 79 3
= 1 −1 =0.486
3×108 2∗20×10 798.854×10−12 

         
2 2
   r 
= 1 1 = 1 1
2  c 2 

    
2  20×103 79 3
= 1 1 =0.487
3×108 2∗20×10 798.854×10−12 
E=10 e− z =10 e− z e− j  z solve for z when E=10 V
−6 − z ln 10−6  ln 10−6  10−6 
10×10 =10 e  z= = 2 2 =ln =−20.1 m
∣∣     0.486 2
0.487 2

The submarine can be up to 20.1 meters below the surface when communicating at 20kHz

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EE351 Fall 2004 10 Sep 2004 HW #2 Solutions

Problem 3 (continued)
ii) 20GHz

         
2 2
   r 
= 1 −1 = 1 −1
2  c 2 

    
2  20×109 79 3
= 1 −1 =2215
3×108 2∗20×10 798.854×10−12 

         
2 2
   r 
= 1 1 = 1 1
2  c 2 

    
2 20×109 79 3
= 1 1 =3052
3×108 2∗20×10 798.854×10−12 
E=10 e− z =10 e− z e− j  z solve for z when E=10 V
−6 − z ln 10−6  ln 10−6  10−6 
10×10 =10 e  z= = 2 2 =ln =−3.66 mm
∣∣     2215230522
The submarine can be up to 3.66 millimeters below the surface when communicating at 20GHz

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