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Software construction and maintenance





Are you lost which Editor you need to choose? Well my answer would be I would be explaining about Atom in depth in this Blog so that it’s easy
for you to choose.

What is Atom?
Atom is a free and open source text and source editor that’s modern,
approachable, yet hack-able to the core i.e. a tool that you can customize
to do anything but also use productively without ever touching a config
Editors like Sublime and TextMate offer convenience but only limited
extensibility. On the other end of the spectrum, Emacs and Vim offer
extreme flexibility, but they aren’t very approachable and can only be
customized with special-purpose scripting languages.

Main Advantages of Atom

Below mentioned are the main advantages of Atom:
1. Cross-platform editing – Atom works across different operating systems.
You can use it on OS-X, Windows, or Linux.
2. Built-in package manager – Search for and install new packages or start
creating your own – all from within Atom.
3. Smart auto-completion – Atom helps you write code faster with a smart,
flexible autocomplete.
4. Multiple panes – Split your Atom interface into multiple panes to
compare and edit code across files.
5. Find and replace – Find, preview, and replace text as you type in a file or
across all your projects.
Installing ATOM
Atom comes with a windows installer. You can download the installer

Features of Atom
Now let’s move ahead with some of the cool features of Atom:
1. Atom comes pre-installed with four UI and eight syntax themes in both
dark and light colors. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, then you
can also install themes created by the Atom community or create your

Here is a screenshot of how you can set themes in Atom.

2.We can access Atom through command prompt. We can open Atom
screen by just typing Atom from your command prompt.
3. It also gives an apm command to install the default packages in Atom via
command prompt. You can also uninstall the packages.

The Nucleus of Atom

Atom is a specialized variant of Chromium(Chromium is the open-source
web browser project from which Google Chrome draws its source code)
designed to work as a text editor rather as a web browser. Every Atom
window is essentially a locally-rendered web page. Everything is local in
atom and you need not worry about asset pipelines, script concatenation
and asynchronous module definitions. If you want to load some code, just
bring it to the top of your file. Node’s module system makes it easy to
break the system down into several small, focused packages.

Some of the shortcuts in ATOM

There are a handful of cool key bindings for basic text manipulation that
might come in handy. These range from moving around lines of text and
duplicating lines to changing the case. Some of the shortcuts are:
CTRL-T – Transpose characters. This is used to swap two characters on
either side of the cursor.
CMD-J – Join the next line to the end of the current line.
CMD-K, CMD-U – Upper case the current word.
CMD-K, CMD-L – Lower case the current word.
CMD-ALT-Q – You can format the current selection to have lines no longer
than 80 characters using. If nothing is selected, the flow will be as per the
current paragraph.
You can also delete or cut text out of your buffer with some shortcuts.
CTRL-SHIFT-K - Delete current line
CMD-DELETE – Delete to end of line
CTRL-K – Cut to end of line
ALT-BACKSPACE, ALT-H – Delete to beginning of word
ALT-DELETE, ALT-D – Delete to end of word

CMD-F – Search within a buffer

CMD-SHIFT-F – Search the entire project

Steps to Add your Project folder to Atom

After installing Atom, you have to add your project folder to Atom. Follow
these steps:
1.File menu  Click on Add Project Folder menu option or (ALT+CTRL+O).
2.Specify the path of your folder and select it.
3.Now create the file: File menu option  Click on New file menu option.
Shown below is a screenshot of a file opened in Atom:
Running a file in Atom is similar to the way you run in Sublime or Eclipse.
1.To run a HTML file in Atom: Right click the file and open it with the
required web browser.
Here, I would like to mention about a package – script-runner.
Script-runner runs scripts inside Atom just like from a terminal. This
package will run various script files inside Atom. It currently supports
JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Python and Bash.

Command Mac OS X Linux/Windows

Run: Script ctrl-x alt-x

ctrl-c alt-c
Hope these features of Atom that I have explained in the Blog above made
it a cool and different editor from others. Hope you liked this editor and its
features and will start using it.

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