Water Resources Engineering BCS Questions
Water Resources Engineering BCS Questions
Water Resources Engineering BCS Questions
30th BCS
4. (a) What is meant by meandering of rivers? What are its causes? Explain
different meander parameter with neat sketch.
(b) What are the objectives and requirements of bank protection? Mention
the causes of bank failure.
5. (a) Define consumptive use of water. What are the factors affecting
consumptive use of water?
(b) Differentiate between Furrow irrigation with sprinkler irrigation. Which one
is preferred in Bangladesh and Why?
6. (a) What are the causes of water-logging? Explain in brief the measures
adopted for controlling water-logging.
31st BCS
4. (a) What are the advantages of sprinkler irrigation? Discuss it‟s suitability in
Bangladesh. (M-5)
(b) Why the irrigation channel is design as regime channel? Justify your
answer. (M-5)
(b) What is meant by “meandering of rivers” and What are it‟s causes?.
32nd BCS
7. (a) Name the important type of river training method and indicate the purposes
for which each type is adopted. (M-5)
(b) Give a typical plan and section of a Guide Bank and discuss its design
procedure step by step. (M-10)
I. Flood management.
II. Flood proofing.
III. Controlled flooding.
IV. Design flood.
3. (a) What is spur? Explain the different types of spur based on their alignment
with neat sketches. (M-6)
34rth BCS
4. (a) What is meant by „regime of a river‟? Compare briefly silt theories of
Kennedy and Lacey (M-7)
I. Controlled flooding.
II. Flood management.
III. Root zone depth.
IV. Flood proofing.
(b) Differentiate between Furrow irrigation and Sprinkler irrigation. Which one
is preferred in Bangladesh and Why?
(c) Name the important types of river training method and indicate the purpose
for which each type is adopted.
35th BCS
05. (a) What is meant by river training? List the different objectives. Explain
shortly the different methods generally used for river training. (M-8)
06. (a) Define flood and design flood. Mention the various methods for
estimating the design flood of a catchment. (M-5)
(b) Explain the principal causes of flood and possible remedial measures for
flood control. (M-5)
36th BCS
03. (a) What is meant by consumptive use? Briefly explain the different methods
used for estimating consumptive use of water. (M-8)
(b) Briefly explain the different types of river bank protection works. What
are the human causes of floods in Bangladesh. (M-10)
I. Field capacity.
II. Irrigation frequency.
III. Water distribution efficiency.
IV. Advantages of canal lining.
37th BCS
I. Food control.
II. Flood prevention.
(b) “All the winters are not fit for irrigating crops”- Explain the above
statement. (M-5)
17. (a) Compute the depth and frequency of irrigation required for a certain crop
with the following data-
(b) Derive a relationship between duty, base and delta. Explain with a neat
diagram how does duty differs from that at the head of a water course and that at
the head of a canal bringing water to the water course.
(b) State the necessity of drainage. Discuss briefly some of the important field
investigations necessary for drainage works.