Saket Udar 18BEC0760: Definition: Measuring Devices Temperature, Displacement, Vibration Etc
Saket Udar 18BEC0760: Definition: Measuring Devices Temperature, Displacement, Vibration Etc
Saket Udar 18BEC0760: Definition: Measuring Devices Temperature, Displacement, Vibration Etc
Resistive Transducer
Definition: The transducer whose resistance varies because of the environmental effects such type of
transducer is known as the resistive transducer. The change in resistance is measuredby the ac or dc
measuring devices. The resistive transducer is used for measuring the physical quantities like
temperature, displacement, vibration etc.
measurement of the physical quantity is quite difficult. The resistive transducer converts the physical
quantities into variable resistance which is easily measured by the meters. The process of variation in
resistance is widely used in the industrial applications.
The resistive transducer can work both as the primary as well as the secondary transducer. The primary
transducer changes the physical quantities into a mechanical signal, and secondary transducer directly
transforms it into an electrical signal.
Example – The circuit of the sliding resistive transducer is shown in the figure below. The sliding
contacts are placed on the resistive element. The slider moves horizontally. The movement of the slider
changes the value of the resistive element of the transducer which is measured by the voltage source E.
Both the AC and DC, current or voltage is appropriate for the measurement of variable resistance.
The resistive transducer element works on the principle that the resistance of the element is directly
proportional to the length of the conductor and inversely proportional to the area of the conductor.
The resistive transducer is designed by considering the variation of the length, area and resistivity of the
Potentiometer – The translation and rotatory potentiometer are the examples of the resistive
transducers. The resistance of their conductor varies with the variation in their lengths which is used for
the measurement of displacement.
Strain gauges – The resistance of their semiconductor material changes when the strain occurs on it.
This property of metals is used for the measurement of the pressure, force-displacement etc.
Resistance Thermometer – The resistance of the metals changes because of changes in temperature.
This property of conductor is used for measuring the temperature.
Thermistor – It works on the principle that the temperature coefficient of the thermistor material varies
with the temperature. The thermistor has the negative temperature coefficient. The Negative
temperature coefficient means the temperature is inversely proportional to resistance.
1. Application of heat-resistant non invasive acoustic transducersfor coolant control in the NPP pipelines
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Melnikov, V.; Nigmatulin, B.
The use of ultrasonic waves enables remote testing of the coolant flow, detection of solid and gaseous
occlusions and measuring of the water velocity and level. Analysis of the acoustic noise makes it possible to
detect coolant leaks and diagnose the state and operation of the rotating mechanisms and bearings. Results
are given of the research in the development of highly reliable waveguide-type non-invasive
acoustic transducers with a long service life. Examples are given of the use of transducers in various fields of
nuclear technology: detection of gas in coolant, indication of the coolant level, control of pipe filling and
drainage, measurement of liquid film velocity at the pipe inner surface. (M.D.)
2. Radiation-resistant pressure transducers
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Abbasov, Sh.M.; Kerimova, T.I.
Full text : The sensitive element of vibrofrequency tensor converter (VTC) is an electromechanical resonator
of string type with electrostatic excitation of longitudinal mechanical vibrations. The string is made from
tensosensitive thread-like monocrystal n-Ge1-x Six (length 1-5 mm, diameter 8-12 mcm) with current outlet
and strictly fixed by ends at plate or deformable surface (in elastic element) at 50 mcm apartheid. With
increasing Si atomic percent in n-Ge1-x Six the converter tens sensitivity increases. There has been shown
the scheme of pressure transducer which contains monocrystalline silicon membrane and string tens
converter from thread-like monocrystal Ge-Si. Using method, when crystal position on membrane while it
deforms by pressure, corresponds to free (uptight) state, allowed to obtain the maximum sensitivity in
measurement of pressure fluctuation. The transducers of absolute and pressure differential of this type can
be used in automated systems of life activity. The high sensitivity of string transducers to pressure
exceeding 100 hertz/mm (water column) permits to use them in devices for measuring gas concentration.
The combination of optical and deformation methods of measurements forms the basis of their operation.
The pressure change occurs due to the fact that gas molecules absorbing the quanta of incident light,
become at excited state and then excitation energy of their vibrational-rotatory degrees of freedom
converts to the energy of translational motion of molecules, i.e. to heat appropriate to pressure increase.
Using these tens converters of high pressure one can prevent the possible accidents on oil pipe-like
3. Linearization of resistance thermometers and other transducers
DEFF Research Database (Denmark)
Diamond, Joseph M.
deflection output or to null balance output. The application to the common temperature transducers is
considered. It is shown that thermistors, linear metals (e.g., copper), and nickel can be linearized in terms of
temperature, but platinum cannot be. If linearization is desired in terms of the reciprocal...
4. Electrical capacity and resistance determination of emitting electric transducer
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Alba Fernandez, J.; Ramis Soriano, J.
In this work we calculate the electrical resistance and capacity of emitting electric transducer, which is
mainly formed, in direct relationship with its properties, by a ceramic capacitor. Our aim is to motivate the
students with an attractive element in order to carry out traditional measurements of the charge and
discharge transients of a capacitor, implementing high resistance setups. (Author) 5 refs
5. Transducers and microprocessors in oceanographic applications
Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)
Desai, R.G.P.; Desa, E.
Transducers used for the sensing of the ten most measured marine parameters have been described in this
paper. The ten parameters have been classed under 5 sensor types, namely temperature, pressure, salinity,
currents and waves. For each sensor...
6. Design of a Smart Ultrasonic Transducer for Interconnecting Machine Applications
Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)
Chang Xu
Full Text Available A high-frequency ultrasonic transducer for copper or gold wire bonding has been
designed, analyzed, prototyped and tested. Modeling techniques were used in the design phase and a
practical design procedure was established and used. The transducer was decomposed into its elementary
components. For each component, an initial design was obtained with simulations using a finite elements
model (FEM. Simulated ultrasonic modules were built and characterized experimentally through the Laser
Doppler Vibrometer (LDV and electrical resonance spectra. Compared with experimental data, the FEM
could be iteratively adjusted and updated. Having achieved a remarkably highly-predictive FEM of the
whole transducer, the design parameters could be tuned for the desired applications, then the transducer is
fixed on the wire bonder with a complete holder clamping was calculated by the FEM. The approach to
mount ultrasonic transducers on wire bonding machines also is of major importance for wire bonding in
modern electronic packaging. The presented method can lead to obtaining a nearly complete decoupling
clamper design of the transducer to the wire bonder.
7. The design of high-efficiency and wide-band ultrasonic transducers for immersion application
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Choi, Myung Sun; Kim, Jin Ho; Kang, Eun Kyung
The optimum design of low-loss and broad-band piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers has been performed
for immersion application. In order to obtain the highest efficiency, the piezo plates are backed by air. After
determining the matching layers by using the formulas proposed by Desilet et al., inserting both a series
inductor and a series or parallel resistor was considerated such that the transducers are electrically
matched to the voltage source at the free resonance frequency. By analysing the transfer functions and the
time responses of the transducers numerically, it has been shown that the frequency bandwidth becomes
broad with increasing the electro-mechanical coupling factor and the number of matching layers, and that
the sensitivity becomes best as the motional resistance at the resonance frequency is equal to the voltage
source resistance.
8. Piezoelectric Polymer Ultrasound Transducers and Its Biomedical Applications
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Ha, Kang Lyeol; Cao, Yanggang [Department of Physics, Pukyong National University, Busan (Korea, Republic
PVDF(poly vinylidene fluoride) and P(VDF-TrFE)(poly vinylidene fluoride-tetrafluoroethylene) are the typical
piezoelectric polymers with unique properties. Even they are inferior to conventional piezoelectric ceramics
PZT in electromechanical conversion efficiency and interior loss, though they are superior in receiving
sensitivity and frequency bandwidth. Their acoustic impedances are relatively close to water or biological
tissue and it is easier to make thin film than other piezoelectric materials. Furthermore, the film is so
flexible that it is easy to attach on a complex surface. Those properties are suitable for the
ultrasound transducers which are useful for medical and biological application, so that various types of
polymer transducers have been developed. In this paper, several important considerations for design and
fabrication of piezoelectric polymer transducers were described and their effect on
the transducer performance were demonstrated through the KLM model analysis. Then, it was briefly
reviewed about the structures of the polymer transducers developed for obtaining images as well as the
characteristics of the images in several important medical and biological application fields.
9. Design of compact piezoelectric transducers for shock wave applications (United States)
Dreyer, Thomas; Liebler, Marko; Riedlinger, Rainer E.; Ginter, Siegfried
The application of focused intense sound pulses to treat several orthopedic diseases has gained in
importance during the past years. Self-focusing piezoelectric transducers known from ESWL are not well
suited for this purpose due to their size. Therefore compact transducers have to be designed. This implies
an increase of the pressure pulse amplitude generated at the radiating surface. A stacked placement of two
piezoelectric layers driven by two high-voltage pulses with an adjustable delay accomplishes this. Several
designs are presented here representing transducers of different sizes. In principle
piezoelectric transducers have the ability to vary the pressure pulse shape to a wider extent than other
shock wave sources. Based on FEM simulations of the transducer the influence of some driving parameters,
like a variation of the interpulse delay or shape of the driving voltage, on the resulting focal pressure signal
is demonstrated. The results show the feasibility to control some parameters of the signal, for example the
peak negative pressure amplitude. This possibility could provide new aspects in basic research as well as in
clinical applications.
10. Transducer selection and application in magnetoacoustic tomography with magnetic induction
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Zhou, Yuqi; Wang, Jiawei; Ma, Qingyu; Sun, Xiaodong; Zhang, Dong
As an acoustic receiver, transducer plays a vital role in signal acquisition and image reconstruction for
magnetoacoustic tomography with magnetic induction (MAT-MI). In order to optimize signal acquisition,
the expressions of acoustic pressure detection and waveform collection are theoretically studied based on
the radiation theory of acoustic dipole and the reception pattern of transducer. Pressure distributions are
simulated for a cylindrical phantom model using a planar piston transducer with different radii and
bandwidths. The proposed theory is also verified by the experimental measurements of acoustic waveform
detection for an aluminum foil cylinder. It is proved that acoustic pressure with sharp and clear boundary
peaks can be detected by the large-radius transducer with wide bandwidth, reflecting the differential of the
induced Lorentz force accurately, which is helpful for precise conductivity reconstruction. To detect
acoustic pressure with acceptable pressure amplitude, peak pressure ratio, amplitude ratio, and improved
signal to noise ratio, the scanning radius of 5–10 times the radius of the object should be selected to
improve the accuracy of image reconstruction. This study provides a theoretical and experimental basis
for transducer selection and application in MAT-MI to obtain reconstructed images with improved
resolution and definition.