Vocabulary PDF
Vocabulary PDF
Vocabulary PDF
06 SEP 2019
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
1. Suppress (verb) = Prevent the development, action, or expression of (a
feeling, impulse, idea, etc.); restrain (दबाना)
Sentence use: Jim had to suppress a smile during the serious speech his
father was giving so he didn’t irritate him.
Synonym: subdue
Antonym: encourage
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
3. Afloat (adj) = Out of debt or difficulty, floating in water; not sinking
Sentence use: The kids hoped their ball would stay afloat in the water, but
a hole caused it to sink
Synonym: buoyant
Antonym: sunk
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
5. Sway (verb) = Control or influence (a person or course of action),
influence (बोलबाला)
Sentence use: Africa was under Britain’s sway for several decades during
colonial times.
Synonym: influence
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
7. Vend (verb) = Offer (small items) for sale, either from a stall or from a
slot machine (बेचना)
Sentence use: The Vend ended and was reformed repeatedly during the
late 19th century, ending by recession in the business cycle.
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
9. Decrepit (adj) = Worn out or ruined because of age or neglect, elderly
and infirm (परु ाना)
Sentence use: Even though my children enjoy going to the playground,
they rarely go because of my concern about the decrepit equipment.
Synonym: rickety
Antonym: sound
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
11. Stimulus (noun) = A thing that arouses activity or energy in someone
or something; a spur or incentive (प्रोत्साहन)
Sentence use: The financial stimulus is designed to make it possible for
low-income students to attend college.
Synonym: spur
Antonym: deterrent
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The Hindu Editorial
13. Stagnant (adj) = Showing no activity; dull and sluggish (स्थिर)
Sentence use: Because John needs more money and his current salary has
been stagnant for three years, he is looking for a new job.
Synonym: sluggish
Antonym: vibrant
14. Cloistered (adj) = Enclosed by or having a cloister, kept away from the
outside world; sheltered (एकाांत)
Sentence use: the monastery was where the Brothers would cloister
themselves to meditate
Synonym: confine
Antonym: release
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
15. Indigenization (noun) = The action or process of bringing something
under the control, dominance, or influence of the people native to an area
(थवदे शीकरण)
Sentence use: the indigenization of education in Africa would include a
focus on local languages and histories
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The Hindu Editorial
17. Disbursal (noun) = The act of spending or disbursing money
Sentence use: The account books of the disbursal of military provisions
were detailed with persified put-out account books in Han dynasty.
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
19. Disproportionate (adj) = Too large or too small in comparison with
something else
Sentence use: With a disproportionate number of students and staff, the
small school scrambled to fit everyone in a classroom.
Synonym: inordinate
Antonym: moderate
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The Hindu Editorial
21. Mandate (noun) = An official order or commission to do something
(शासनादे श)
Sentence use: During the hurricane, several rescue groups received a
mandate to help evacuate the city.
Synonym: decree
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
23. Hedge (noun) = A way of protecting oneself against financial loss or
other adverse circumstances
Sentence use: Hedge funds are pooled investment vehicles which aim to
make money for their investors regardless of whether shares rise or fall.
Synonym: protect
Antonym: jeopardize
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
25. Unviable (adj) = Not capable of working successfully; not feasible
Sentence use: It was accused of being culturally irrelevant, economically
unviable and technologically defunct.
Synonym: impractical
Antonym: practical
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The Hindu Editorial
27. Conciliatory (adj) = Intended or likely to placate or pacify, peacemaking
(मिलाप करनेवाला)
Sentence use: Even though Henry hated fruit cake, he still accepted the
conciliatory gift from his neighbor
Synonym: placatory
Antonym: antagonistic
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The Hindu Editorial
29. Coalition (noun) = A temporary alliance for combined action, especially
of political parties forming a government (गठबांधन)
Sentence use: The farmer’s coalition is an association of farmers who work
together to set minimum purchase prices across the nation
Synonym: alliance
Antonym: separation
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The Hindu Editorial
31. Aspiration (noun) = A hope or ambition of achieving something
Sentence use: Although Lisa has the aspiration of going to medical school,
she isn’t willing to put forth the effort needed to achieve such a dream
Synonym: desire
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
33. Outbreak (noun) = A sudden occurrence of something unwelcome,
such as war or disease
Sentence use: Even though the school did not want to scare any parents,
they did warn them that an outbreak of lice has occurred at the school.
Synonym: outburst
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
35. Egregious (adj) = Outstandingly bad; shocking (प्रबल)
Sentence use: They are not concerned, and claim not to notice, the
egregious breach of the compact between society and the media.
Synonym: shocking
Antonym: marvellous
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
37. Coinage (noun) = The invention of a new word or phrase, coins
Sentence use: He also attempted to fine tune the money supply with
mintage of new gold coinage and adulterated silver coins.
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
39. Perpetrate (verb) = Carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral
Sentence use: The angry widower has vowed to perpetrate an act of
vengeance against the man who killed his family
Synonym: commit
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
41. Intimidation (noun) = Frightening, terrifying (धिकी)
Sentence use: Intimidation and scare tactics were used to stop the players
from kneeling during the anthem
Synonym: terrifying
Antonym: comforting
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
43. Moratorium (noun) = A temporary prohibition of an activity (रोक)
Sentence use: A large number of politicians and voters would like to see a
moratorium placed on home foreclosures.
Synonym: embargo
Antonym: permit
44. Conscience (noun) = A person's moral sense of right and wrong (वववेक)
Sentence use: The serial killer’s lack of a conscience made it very easy for
him to kill people.
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
45. Ab initio (adv) = From the beginning
Sentence use: The first ab initio candidates will be selected by the middle
of next month.
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
47. Intriguing (adj) = Arousing one's curiosity or interest; fascinating
Sentence use: Because Jack found the woman intriguing, he was
determined to get her phone number
Synonym: engrossing
Antonym: boring
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
49. Egalitarian (adj) = Believing in or based on the principle that all people
are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities
Sentence use: The law was written to impose the egalitarian principle that
men and women should be treated as equals.
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
51. Endorsement (noun) = Support, backing, approval (सिितन)
Sentence use: After Tiger Woods was accused of cheating on his wife, he
lost most of his big sponsors and few companies still wanted his open
endorsement of their products
Synonym: Support
Antonym: oppose
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
53. Polarization (noun) = Division into two sharply contrasting groups or
sets of opinions or beliefs
Sentence use: Jury members originally thought the defendant was guilty,
but polarization caused some members to doubt their original opinion.
54. Prudent (adj) = Acting with or showing care and thought for the future
Sentence use: Since so many car accidents have happened at that
intersection, it would be prudent for the city to put a stop sign in the area.
Synonym: wise
Antonym: stupid
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
55. Vitality (noun) = The state of being strong and active; energy
Sentence use: Though not a shining example of vitality, the runner was
proud he was still standing after completing the race
Synonym: liveliness
Antonym: lethargy
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
57. Perpetrator (noun) = A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or
immoral act
Sentence use: It was a moonless night and the perpetrator cut the power,
pitching the farm house into total darkness.
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
59. Benevolence (noun) = The quality of being well meaning; kindness
Sentence use: Because of the benevolence of their neighbors, the poor family
was able to eat a homecooked meal every night.
Synonym: kindness
Antonym: spite
60. Contemptuously (adv) = In a scornful way that shows disdain (नफ़रत से)
Sentence use: The former are reasoned with and exhorted to believe; the
latter are contemptuously silenced by an exhibition of the futility of their
Synonym: scornfully
Antonym: respectfully
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
61. Exhaustive (adj) = Including or considering all elements or aspects;
fully comprehensive
Sentence use: Because the doctor is unsure of my diagnosis, he has
ordered exhaustive lab tests to identify my health issue.
Synonym: comprehensive
Antonym: perfunctory
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
65. Sordid (adj) = Involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives
Sentence use: To get publicity, the actress created a sordid but fake tale
about childhood abuse.
Synonym: sleazy
Antonym: respectable
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
67. Tacit (adj) = Understood or implied without being stated (िौन)
Sentence use: By leaving my keys in my car, I am giving you tacit approval
to borrow my car anytime you like.
Synonym: implicit
Antonym: explicit
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
69. Disseminate (noun) = The action or fact of spreading something,
especially information, widely (प्रसाररत करना)
Sentence use: Just because you are having a bad day doesn't mean you
should disseminate negative energy onto me.
Synonym: strew
Antonym: muster
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
71. Punitive (adj) = Inflicting or intended as punishment
Sentence use: The purpose of the punitive lawsuit’s community service
ruling is to forever remind the drunk driver of the cost of his actions
Synonym: penal
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
73. Torrid (adj) = Very hot and dry
Sentence use: During these torrid temperatures, it is best we stay indoors
and consume lots of fluids.
Synonym: sweltering
Antonym: chilly
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
75. Deem (verb) = Regard or consider in a specified way (सिझना)
Sentence use: It was almost necessary that he should select what he
thought most important for description, and at times omit what we deem
of more importance
Synonym: adjudge
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
77. Endorse (verb) = Declare one's public approval or support of
Sentence use: Henceforth its sole effective function was to endorse and
promulgate the decrees of the government of Vienna.
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
79. Meagre (adj) = (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity
or quality (अल्प)
Sentence use: Although I love my job, I might have to quit because the
meager salary does not allow me to pay my bills.
Synonym: scanty
Antonym: bountiful
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
81. Vague (adj) = Of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning
Sentence use: Because Jason suffered a brain injury, he does not
remember his childhood and has only a vague memory of his family
Synonym: murky
Antonym: lucid
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
83. Synergy (noun) = The interaction or cooperation of two or more
organizations, substances, or other agents
Sentence use: In therapy, I am working on organization so all aspects of
my life will work in synergy together
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
85. Upheaval (noun) = A violent or sudden change or disruption to
something (क्ाांतत)
Sentence use: When the rebels tried to remove the dictator from power,
their actions created an upheaval that left the country in chaos.
Synonym: disruption
Antonym: tranquillity
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
87. Obsolete (adj) = No longer produced or used; out of date
Sentence use: If you look inside of most classrooms, you will not see
chalkboards because they are nearly obsolete in education today.
Synonym: antiquated
Antonym: vogue
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
89. Derogatory (adj) = Showing a critical or disrespectful attitude
Sentence use: The public criticized the basketball team owner after he
made derogatory remarks about minorities.
Synonym: disparaging
Antonym: flattering
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
91. Backlash (noun) = A strong negative reaction by a large number of
people, especially to a social or political development
Sentence use: The president received backlash from thousands of people
who disagreed with his Twitter statements
Synonym: reprisal
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
93. Sway (verb) = Control or influence (a person or course of action)
Sentence use: The CEO of a company holds sway over all of his employees.
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
95. Apprehension (noun) = Anxiety or fear that something bad or
unpleasant will happen (डर)
Sentence use: I admit that I am feeling a great deal of apprehension after
learning that we have a pop quiz in my worst subject.
Synonym: anxiety
Antonym: confidence
98. Ascertain (verb) = Find (something) out for certain; make sure of
(सतु नस्चचत करना)
Sentence use: Detective Jimmy was able to quickly ascertain the suspect
was not being honest with him.
Synonym: affirm
Antonym: deny
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
99. Approbation (noun) = Approval or praise, acceptance (प्रशांसा)
Sentence use: Going on the field trip is out of the question unless you get
your parents approbation.
Synonym: approval
Antonym: criticism
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
101. Consent (noun) = Permission for something to happen or agreement
to do something (सहितत)
Sentence use: A form was signed giving consent for the woman’s daughter
to make financial decisions.
Synonym: agreement
Antonym: dissent
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The Hindu Editorial
103. Tinker (verb) = Attempt to repair or improve something in a casual
Sentence use: Every now and then my father would go to the basement to
tinker with a gadget, but he rarely got anything repaired
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
105. Insouciant(adj.): showing a casual lack of concern
Sentence use: The insouciant mother did not blink an eye when her son
complained of a tummy ache
106. Prolong(verb): extend the duration of/ an idea which prolonged the
life of the engine by many years
Sentence use: I don't want to prolong this definition, so I'll keep it short.
Synonym: nonchalant
Antonym: anxious
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The Hindu Editorial
107. Drudgery(noun): hard menial or dull work
Sentence use: A year or two of dull drudgery and few fees followed, and
he began to be much depressed
Synonym: toil
Antonym: relaxation
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
109. Surreptitious(adj): kept secret, especially because it would not be
approved of
Sentence use: low wages were supplemented by surreptitious payments
from tradesmen.
Synonym: clandestine
Antonym: blatant
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The Hindu Editorial
111. Sundry(adj./noun): of various kinds; several/ various items not
important enough to be mentioned individually (ववववध)
Sentence use: Sundry experiments have been made to adapt esparto for
use in the coarser textile fabrics.
Synonym: manifold
Antonym: limited
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The Hindu Editorial
113. Dross(noun): something regarded as worthless; rubbish
Sentence use: Because Lee’s contribution to the company has been dross
this year, there is a chance he may be terminated from his position.
Synonym: rubbish
Antonym: valuable
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The Hindu Editorial
115. Infantile(adj.): of or occurring among babies or very young children/
childish (मशश-ु सांबांधी)
Sentence use: Two adults began to squabble in a most infantile way,
displaying behavior that was very inappropriate for their age.
Synonym: puerile
Antonym: mature
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The Hindu Editorial
117. Malign(adj./verb): evil in nature or effect/ speak about (someone) in
a spitefully critical manner (दष्ु ि)
Sentence use: don't you dare malign her in my presence
Synonym: harmful
Antonym: beneficial
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
119. Nexus(noun): a connection or series of connections linking two or
more things (बांधन)
Sentence use: There is a nexus between each leading group of social
phenomena and other leading groups
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The Hindu Editorial
121. Acme(noun): the point at which something is at its best or most
highly developed (पररपणू तत ा)
Sentence use: physics is the acme of scientific knowledge
Synonym: pinnacle
Antonym: nadir
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The Hindu Editorial
123. Tempestuous(adj.): characterized by strong and turbulent or
conflicting emotion/ very stormy (बहुत तेज)
Sentence use: The tempestuous politics of the war and reconstruction
period suited his aggressive nature and constructive talent.
Synonym: turbulent
Antonym: peaceful
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The Hindu Editorial
125. Gawk/gawp(verb/noun): stare openly and stupidly/ an awkward or
shy person. (िख
ू )त
Sentence use: Curious fans often drove by the Gosselin's house to gawk.
Synonym: gape
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The Hindu Editorial
127. Fatuous(adj.): silly and pointless. (बद्
ु धधहीन)
Sentence use: Buying a car without negotiating down the price is a fatuous
Synonym: silly
Antonym: intelligent
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The Hindu Editorial
129. Accouter(verb): clothe or equip in something noticeable or
Sentence use: To accouter a soldier is to dress her in military garb and
provide her with the equipment she needs.
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The Hindu Editorial
131. Decipher(verb): convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into
normal language (पढ़ना)
Sentence use: If you can’t decipher your teacher's writing, it means you
can't read it.
Synonym: decrypt
Antonym: encode
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The Hindu Editorial
133. Dank(adj.): unpleasantly damp and cold (नि)
Sentence use: If you have ever visited a cave or unfinished basement, you
know how a dank place feels.
134. Dapper(adj.): (of a man) neat and trim in dress and appearance
Sentence use: Place a brightly colored feather in the brim and you’re
Synonym: damp
Antonym: dry
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The Hindu Editorial
135. Dappled(adj./verb): mark with spots or rounded patches (ववधचत्र)
Sentence use: If you can picture Bambi's dappled rear, then you are on the
right track
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The Hindu Editorial
137. Dawdle(verb): waste time; be slow/ move slowly and idly in a
particular direction (सिय नष्ि करना)
Sentence use: Ruth dawdled back through the wood.
Synonym: linger
Antonym: hurry
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The Hindu Editorial
139. Debilitate(verb): make (someone) very weak and infirm/ hinder,
delay, or weaken (दबु ल
त करना)
Sentence use: he was severely debilitated by a stomach upset
Synonym: exhausting
Antonym: restorative
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The Hindu Editorial
141. Hazy(adj.): vague or ill-defined/ confused; uncertain (धांध
ु ला)
Sentence use: school-leavers were often hazy about employment
Synonym: misty
Antonym: clear
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The Hindu Editorial
143. Debunk(verb): expose the falseness or hollowness of (an idea or
belief)/false exaggerated opinion (परदाफ़ाश करना)
Sentence use: Many magicians, including Houdini and Penn and Teller,
have worked to debunk the idea that magic is anything other than a very
clever illusion
Synonym: explode
Antonym: disarm
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The Hindu Editorial
145. Hobble(verb/noun): walk in an awkward way, typically because of
pain from an injury
Sentence use: You might wipe out on your bike and then hobble back
home, pushing it in front of you.
Synonym: limp
Antonym: stride
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The Hindu Editorial
147. Deceptive (adj) = Giving an appearance or impression different from
the true one; misleading (कपिी)
Sentence use: The team has made strong statements about drafting a
quarterback, but those comments are deceptive.
Synonym: misleading
Antonym: honest
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The Hindu Editorial
149. Substantive (adj) = Having a firm basis in reality and so important,
meaningful, or considerable, independent existence (िल ू )
Sentence use: But it is important to note that substantive discussions of
issues rarely entered into Five Points political contests.
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The Hindu Editorial
151. Consular (adj) = Relating to the consul or consulate in a foreign city.
Sentence use: a consular official must interview applicants
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The Hindu Editorial
153. Unanimous (adv) = Without opposition; with the agreement of all
people involved
Sentence use: The unanimous consent of all the shareholders was
required to approve the merger.
Synonym: united
Antonym: divided
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The Hindu Editorial
155. Unimpeded (adj) = Not obstructed or hindered, unrestricted (बेरोक)
Sentence use: After getting a permit from the city, the unimpeded workers
were free to build the home.
Synonym: unrestricted
Antonym: restricted
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The Hindu Editorial
157. Purported (adj) = Appearing or stated to be true, though not
necessarily so; alleged
Sentence use: The purported rumors were proven untrue, and the man
who made the allegations against the celebrity was asked to apologize.
Synonym: professed
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The Hindu Editorial
159. Rhetoric (noun) = The art of effective or persuasive speaking or
writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other
compositional techniques
Sentence use: The senator will be a great president because he is big on
action and low on rhetoric
Synonym: oratory
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The Hindu Editorial
161. Perennial (adj) = Lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite
time (धचरथिायी)
Sentence use: I thought that perennial plants were supposed to grow from
year to year, but I’ve had to plant new seedlings of this flower every
Synonym: everlasting
Antonym: transient
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The Hindu Editorial
165. Litigant (noun) = A person involved in a lawsuit, complainant,
Sentence use: The litigant sued the medical practice for negligence, due to
a misdiagnoses of his mother’s illness, which resulted in death.
Synonym: contestant
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The Hindu Editorial
167. Burgeon (verb) = Begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish
Sentence use: Unless the president does something about unemployment
soon, feelings of discontent will burgeon among voters.
Synonym: expand
Antonym: shrink
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The Hindu Editorial
169. Detract (verb) = Diminish the worth or value of (a quality or
Sentence use: Even the clouds could not detract from the joy the bride
and groom felt during their outdoor wedding.
Synonym: belittle
Antonym: enhance
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir
The Hindu Editorial
171. Detract (verb) = Diminish the worth or value of (a quality or
Sentence use: Even the clouds could not detract from the joy the bride
and groom felt during their outdoor wedding.
Synonym: belittle
Antonym: enhance
IBPS PO 2019 Full English Videos Basic to High English Click here Editorial By Vishal Sir