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Kategori penyakit TBC

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid BTA (-) 34 49,3 49,3 49,3
BTA (+) 35 50,7 50,7 100,0
Total 69 100,0 100,0

Kebiasaan Merokok

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Tidak merokok 22 31,9 31,9 31,9
Merokok 47 68,1 68,1 100,0
Total 69 100,0 100,0

Status Ekonomi (Pendapatan)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Tinggi (>500rb) 26 37,7 37,7 37,7
Rendah (<500rb) 43 62,3 62,3 100,0
Total 69 100,0 100,0

Pengetahuan tentang TBC

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Baik (>=75%) 27 39,1 39,1 39,1
Cukup (45-74%) 13 18,8 18,8 58,0
Kurang (<=44%) 29 42,0 42,0 100,0
Total 69 100,0 100,0

Kategori penyakit TBC

BTA (-) BTA (+) Total
Kebiasaan Tidak merokok Count 20 2 22
Merokok Expected Count 10,8 11,2 22,0
% within Kebiasaan
90,9% 9,1% 100,0%
Merokok Count 14 33 47
Expected Count 23,2 23,8 47,0
% within Kebiasaan
29,8% 70,2% 100,0%
Total Count 34 35 69
Expected Count 34,0 35,0 69,0
% within Kebiasaan
49,3% 50,7% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.

Value df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 22,398b 1 ,000
Continuity Correctiona 20,020 1 ,000
Likelihood Ratio 24,985 1 ,000
Fisher's Exact Test ,000 ,000
22,074 1 ,000
N of Valid Cases 69
a. Computed only for a 2x2 table
b. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence
Value Lower Upper
Odds Ratio for Kebiasaan
Merokok (Tidak merokok / 23,571 4,844 114,699
For cohort Kategori
3,052 1,930 4,827
penyakit TBC = BTA (-)
For cohort Kategori
,129 ,034 ,492
penyakit TBC = BTA (+)
N of Valid Cases 69

Kategori penyakit TBC

BTA (-) BTA (+) Total
Status Ekonomi Tinggi (>500rb) Count 21 5 26
(Pendapatan) Expected Count 12,8 13,2 26,0
% within Status
80,8% 19,2% 100,0%
Ekonomi (Pendapatan)
Rendah (<500rb) Count 13 30 43
Expected Count 21,2 21,8 43,0
% within Status
30,2% 69,8% 100,0%
Ekonomi (Pendapatan)
Total Count 34 35 69
Expected Count 34,0 35,0 69,0
% within Status
49,3% 50,7% 100,0%
Ekonomi (Pendapatan)

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.

Value df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 16,556b 1 ,000
Continuity Correctiona 14,596 1 ,000
Likelihood Ratio 17,480 1 ,000
Fisher's Exact Test ,000 ,000
16,316 1 ,000
N of Valid Cases 69
a. Computed only for a 2x2 table
b. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence
Value Lower Upper
Odds Ratio for Status
Ekonomi (Pendapatan)
9,692 3,001 31,307
(Tinggi (>500rb) /
Rendah (<500rb))
For cohort Kategori
2,672 1,635 4,366
penyakit TBC = BTA (-)
For cohort Kategori
,276 ,122 ,621
penyakit TBC = BTA (+)
N of Valid Cases 69

Kategori penyakit TBC

BTA (-) BTA (+) Total
Pengetahuan Baik (>=75%) Count 21 6 27
tentang TBC Expected Count 13,3 13,7 27,0
% within Pengetahuan
77,8% 22,2% 100,0%
tentang TBC
Cukup (45-74%) Count 4 9 13
Expected Count 6,4 6,6 13,0
% within Pengetahuan
30,8% 69,2% 100,0%
tentang TBC
Kurang (<=44%) Count 9 20 29
Expected Count 14,3 14,7 29,0
% within Pengetahuan
31,0% 69,0% 100,0%
tentang TBC
Total Count 34 35 69
Expected Count 34,0 35,0 69,0
% within Pengetahuan
49,3% 50,7% 100,0%
tentang TBC

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 14,417a 2 ,001
Likelihood Ratio 15,064 2 ,001
11,885 1 ,001
N of Valid Cases 69
a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The
minimum expected count is 6,41.

Risk Estimate

Odds Ratio for
Pengetahuan tentang a
TBC (Baik (>=75%) /
Cukup (45-74%))
a. Risk Estimate statistics cannot be computed. They
are only computed for a 2*2 table without empty cells.

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