School Engagement Questionnair1
School Engagement Questionnair1
School Engagement Questionnair1
Name: __________________________________
Course: _________________________________
Direction: Please put check to the blank provided correspond to any
number written above each item to the best express your opinion
by using the following code below.
(5)- Always (4)- Very Often (3)- Often
(2)- Sometimes (1)- Never
Source: Chase, P. A., Hilliard, L. J., Geldhof, G. J., Warren, D. J., & Lerner, R. M. (2014). Academic
achievement in the high school years: The changing role of school engagement. Journal of Youth and
Adolescence, 43(6), 884-896.
Name: __________________________________
Course: _________________________________
Direction: Please put check to the blank provided correspond to any
number written above each item to the best express your opinion
by using the following code below.
(5)- Always (4)- Very Often (3)- Often
(2)- Sometimes (1)- Never
Anxiety 5 4 3 2 1
16. Working math makes me nervous
17. I get a sinking feeling when I think of learning
18. Learning math is very frustrating
19. I feel insecure about asking math questions in
20. I get nervous when math teacher is in class
Confidence 5 4 3 2 1
21. Math does not scare me at all
22. I have self-confidence in learning math
23. I have confidence in taking math test
24. I can solve math problem within a given time
25. I am able to solve math problems without
26. I have confidence in asking math questions in
27. I am able to answer math questions in class
Enjoyment 5 4 3 2 1
28. I enjoy doing math
29. Math word problems fascinate me
30. I look forward to a math class
31. Math is very interesting to me
32. I enjoy learning math with my friends
33. I feel comfortable working math problems
Benefits/Values 5 4 3 2 1
34. Math is important in everyday life
35. I want to develop my math skills
36. Math is a very necessary subject
37. Knowing math will help me earn a living
38. I will need math for my future work
39. Math helps people to make good decisions
40. Math improve my thinking capacity
41. Math is important for other subjects
Source: Osman Kasimu. “Students‟ Attitudes Towards Mathematics: The Case of Private and
Public Junior High Schools in The East Mamprusi District, Ghana.” IOSR Journal of Research &
Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) , vol. 7, no. 5, 2017, pp. 38–43.