List of Experiments
6 To measure the flatness of a given surface by using the optical flat. 21-23
Standard use of basic measuring instruments. Surface plate, v-block, combination set, filler
gauge, vernier caliper, micrometer and slip gauges to measure dimension of given jobs.
A surface plate is a solid, flat plate used as the main horizontal reference plane for
precision inspection, marking out (layout), and tooling setup. The surface plate is often
used as the baseline for all measurements to a workpiece, therefore one primary surface is
finished extremely flat with accuracy up to 0.00001 in or 250 nm for a grade AA or AAA
plate. Surface plates are a very common tool in the manufacturing industry and are often
permanently attached to robotic-type inspection devices such as a coordinate-measuring
machine. Plates are typically square or rectangular. One current British Standard includes
specifications for plates from 160 mm × 100 mm to 2500 mm × 1600 mm.
V-Blocks are precision metalworking jigs typically used to hold round metal rods or
pipes for performing drilling or milling operations. They consist of a rectangular steel
or cast iron block with a 90-degree channel rotated 45-degrees from the sides, forming
a V-shaped channel in the top. A small groove is cut in the bottom of the "V". They
often come with screw clamps to hold the work. There are also versions with internal
magnets for magnetic work-holding. V-blocks are usually sold in pairs.
Fig. V-Block
This is the most adaptable and commonly used non-precision instrument to be used in
layout and inspection work. The combination set consists of scale, squaring-head,
protractor and centre head. It consists of a heavy scale, which is grooved all along its
length. It is on this groove that sliding squaring head
is fitted. One surface of the squaring head is always perpendicular to the scale and it
can be adjusted at any place by a locking bolt and nut. The squaring head also con-
tains a spirit level which is used to test the surfaces for parallelism.
For laying out dovetails an included angle is also mounted on the
scale. It can also slide to any position and be locked there. A scribing point is also
inserted into the rear of the base for scribing purposes. The squaring head and scale
can be used for height and depth measurements, inside and outside squaring
A feeler gauge is a tool used to measure gap widths. Feeler gauges are mostly used
in engineering to measure the clearance between two parts.
They consist of a number of small lengths of steel of different thicknesses with
measurements marked on each piece. They are flexible enough that, even if they are
all on the same hinge, several can be stacked together to gauge intermediate values. It
is common to have two sets for imperial units (typically measured in thousandths of
an inch) and metric (typically measured in hundredths of a millimetre) measurements.
A similar device with wires of specific diameter instead of flat blades is used to set
the gap in spark plugs to the correct size; this is done by increasing or decreasing the
gap until the gauge of the correct size just fits inside the gap.
The lengths of steel are sometimes called leaves or blades, although they have no
sharp edge.
The vernier, dial, and digital calipers give a direct reading of the distance measured
with high accuracy and precision. They are functionally identical, with different ways
of reading the result. These calipers comprise a calibrated scale with a fixed jaw, and
another jaw, with a pointer, that slides along the scale. The distance between the jaws
is then read in different ways for the three types.
The simplest method is to read the position of the pointer directly on the scale. When
the pointer is between two markings, the user can mentally interpolate to improve the
precision of the reading. This would be a simple calibrated caliper; but the addition of
a vernier scale allows more accurate interpolation, and is the universal practice; this is
the vernier caliper.
Vernier, dial, and digital calipers can measure internal dimensions (using the
uppermost jaws in the picture at right), external dimensions using the pictured lower
jaws, and in many cases depth by the use of a probe that is attached to the movable
head and slides along the centre of the body. This probe is slender and can get into
deep grooves that may prove difficult for other measuring tools.
The vernier scales may include metric measurements on the lower part of the scale
and inch measurements on the upper, or vice versa, in countries that use inches.
Vernier calipers commonly used in industry provide a precision to 0.01 mm
(10 micrometres), or one thousandth of an inch. They are available in sizes that can
measure up to 1,829 mm (72 in).
The micrometer is a precision measuring instrument, used by engineers. Each
revolution of the rachet moves the spindle face 0.5mm towards the anvil face. The
object to be measured is placed between the anvil face and the spindle face. The
rachet is turned clockwise until the object is ‘trapped’ between these two surfaces and
the rachet makes a ‘clicking’ noise. This means that the rachet cannot be tightened
anymore and the measurement can be read.
Fig. Micrometer
Slip Gauge (also known as gage blocks, Johansson gauges, gauges block, or Jo
blocks) are a system for producing precision lengths. The individual gauge block is a
metal or ceramic block that has been precision ground and lapped to a specific
thickness. Gauge blocks come in sets of blocks with a range of standard lengths. In
use, the blocks are stacked to make up a desired length.
To determine the actual and theoretical tooth thickness of a gear by using Gear tooth
Gear Tooth Micrometer, Spur gear preferably 50mm to 75 mm in dia. etc.
The measurement of element of Spur gear depend on the geometrical principle of the
involutes gear that the distance between parallel lines embracing several teeth is constant and
is equal to the are on the base circle intersected by the extreme points.
The principle will naturally be strictly true only for a gear, which is perfect on tooth from,
pitch concentricity etc. Therefore select precision gear, preferably ground and known to have
only small errors in these elements. In measurements of gear tooth the following elements are
Least count of the gear tooth micrometer _________________ mm
Tabular Column
1. Gear tooth vernier is an instrument & is used for measuring pitch line tooth thickness.
But this does not give a very accurate result, so base tangent length method has been
used to away that difficulties by measuring the span of convenient number of teeth
between the two parallel planes, which are tangential to the opposite tooth flanks. The
span length is a tangent to the base circle. This distance is known as base tangent
2. Gear tooth micrometer
3. In finding out the dimensions of the gears & gear terminologies like pitch circle,
addendum & deddundum etc.
4. To find out the involute profiles of hypoidal gears, helical, bevel, warm & planetary
4. Measure the same parameters for different teeth.
5. Take the average of tooth thickness.
The actual and theoretical tooth thickness of a gear is calculated by using Gear
tooth micrometer.
To measure the surface roughness of the components by using mechanical comparator (dial
gauge) & also Acceptance/Rejections of the specimen test will be conducted.
To compare the dimensions of given mass produced product with designed tolerance
standard by using mechanical comparator.
20 No‘s of product to be tested, Mechanical comparator with dial gauge and slip gauges for
setting standard.
Comparator is the instrument used to compare the unknown dimension with one of the
reference standard known as designed specification. The purpose of comparator is to detect
and display the small difference between the unknown and the standard. The deviation in size
is detected as the displacement of sensing device. The important and essential function of the
instatement is to magnify the small input to displacement. The magnification required is
greater than 1000: 1. The relationship between the input and output affected by the readings
in the direction of input and this reveals that the movement should not have any backlash.
The major disadvantage of mechanical comparator is that, it is very difficult to recomputed
the arrangement for the adjustment of magnification. Dial gauge is one of the Mechanical
components which are used in laboratories. It has contact tip, graduated circular scale,
plunger and clamp. Dial gauge works on the rack and pinion principle.
1. Mechanical comparators are most widely used tools of dimensional measurements in
metal – working production.
2. These are instruments for comparative measurements where the linear movement of a
precision spindle is amplified and displayed on a dial or digital display.
3. Measurements of heights & levels by using combination of surface plate & dial gauges.
Use of measurement by accurate slip gauges
4. In mechanical industries, acceptance & rejections of the components will be checked by
the mechanical comparators.
6. No. of components rejected during the test = --------------------------
7. No. of components accepted during the test = --------------------------
Tabular Column:
SL Error Frequency
Rejected Accepted
No. Positive Negative
1. Clean the sensors of the comparator and the surface table of the comparator.
2. Note down the actual measurement of each product by micrometer.
3. Slip gauge of specified basic size is placed on the surfaces of comparator table and
here slip gauge serves as a setting standard have specified size.
4. Adjust the tolerance read needles to the specified size on either side of the zero
reading by using screw knobs provided on the comparator.
5. Adjust the comparator needle, which is reading actual dimension to zero reading by
using Corresponding knobs (vertical movement)
6. After initial adjustment of comparator remove the setting standard.
7. Place the given product for test in-between the sensors and surface of Comparator
8. Note down the readings of dial indicator provided in comparator. If the readings are
within the tolerance needles the product can be accepted if it lies outside the tolerance
Needle the product can be rejected.
9. The product following within certain tolerance ranges are grouped together
according to Sequence of test and tabulated in the tabular column.
10. The above procedure is repeated for all products.
The given components are tested by mechanical comparator or a dial gauge by using
slip gauges as standards.
To find unknown angle of a given component using Sine Bar.
Students will be able to know
i. Understand different parts of sine,
ii. Know the principle, use and working of sine bar,
Concept Structure:
Side bar is a precision instrument used along with slip gauges for accurate angle
measurements or angle setting. Sine bar consists of an accurate straight bar in which two
accurately lapped cylindrical plugs or rollers are located with extreme position.
The straight bar are made of high carbon, high chromium, corrosion resistant steel and the
surfaces are hardened, grounded and lapped. Ends of the straight bar are stepped so that the
plugs can be screwed at each step. Plugs are the two rollers of same diameter fixed at a
distance L between them and is called as length of the bar. This distance L is the centre to
centre distance of plugs is which is generally 100, 200, 300 mm and so on.
The workpiece whose angle is to be measured is placed on sine bar. Below one roller of sine
bar, slip gauges are placed. Slip gauges are added till the workpiece surface is straight. Dial
indicator is moved from one end of workpiece till another end. Slip gauges are added till dial
pointer does not move from zero position.
The use of sine bar is based on the laws of trigonometry. When sine bar set up is made for
the purpose of angle measurement as shown below, sine bar itself forms hypotenuse of right
angle triangle and slip gauges form the side opposite to the required angle. Sin θ= (h/L)
θ= sin-1(h/L)
To check the Straightness & flatness of the given component by using Autocollimator.
APPARATUS: Autocollimator, work piece/ object to be tested.
Definition of straightness-a plane is to be said straight over a given length. If the variation
or distance of its point from two planes perpendicular to each other and parallel to the
generation direction at of the line remain within specified tolerance limits. The reference
planes being so chosen that there intersection is parallel to the straight line joining two points
suitably located on the line to be tested and two points being close ends of the length to be
Principle of the Autocollimator: A cross line ―target‖ graticule is positioned at the focal
plane of a telescope objective system with the intersection of the cross line on the optical
axis, i.e. at the principal focus. When the target graticule is illuminated, rays of light
diverging from the intersection point reach the objective via a beam splitter and are
projected-from the objective as parallel pencils of light. In this mode the optical system is
operating as a ―collimator.
A flat reflector placed in front of the objective and exactly normal to the optical axis reflects
the parallel pencils of light back along their original paths. They are then brought to focus in
the plane of the target graticule and exactor coincident with its intersection. A proportion of
the returned light passes straight through the beam splitter and the return image of the target
cross line is therefore visible through the eyepiece. In this mode, the optical system is
operating as a telescope focused at infinity.
If the reflector is tilted through a small angle the reflected pencils of light will be deflected
by twice the angle of tilt (principle of reflection) & will be brought to focus in the plane of
target graticule but linearly displaced from the actual target cross lines by an amount 2θ* f.
An optical system of an auto collimator consists of a light source, condensers, semi-
reflectors, target wire, collimating lens and reflector apart from microscope eyepiece. A
target wire takes place of the light source into the focal plane of the collimator lenses. Both
the target wire and the reflected image are seen through a microscope eyepiece. The eyepiece
incorporates a scale graduated in 0.05mm interval and a pair of parallel setting wires which
can be adjusted. Movements of wires are effected through a micrometer, one rotation of the
drum equals to one scale division movement of the wires. The instrument is designed to be
rotated through 90 degrees about its longitudinal axis so that the angles in both horizontal &
vertical planes are measured.
Tabular Column:
Cumulative Micrometer final Deviation for
Bridge Length from previous
SL Bridge length reading each 100mm
No (Base length of (Position of the Position
the reflector)
reflector) (Autocollimator) (X in seconds) (Ѳ in degrees)
Tan = X / 100
It is an instrument designed to measure small angular deflections & may be used in
conjunction with a plane mirror or other reflecting surface. An automator is essentially an
infinity telescope & a collimator combined into one instrument. This is an optical instrument
used for the measurement of small angular differences. For small angular measurements,
autocollimator provides a very sensitive and accurate approach. Auto collimator is essentially
an infinity telescope and a collimator combined into one instrument. The principle on which
this instrument works is given below. O is a point source of light placed at the principal focus
of a collimating lens. The rays of light from O incident on the lens will now travel as a
parallel beam of light. If this beam now strikes a plane reflector which is normal to the optical
axis, it will be reflected back along its own path and refocused at the same point O. If the
plane reflector be now tilted through a small angle 0, then parallel beam will be deflected
through twice this angle, and will be brought to focus at O‘ in the same plane at a distance x
from O. Obviously OO‘=x=2θ.f, where f is the focal length of the lens.
1. To find the control line & alignment of circular & flat surfaces in machining.
2. Alignment of beams & columns in construction buildings / industries, steel
3. In measuring the straightness, flatness and parallelism, these can be used.
1. Make the distance of 100mm internal on the work piece.
2. Set the cross wire so that two cross will coincide.
3. Set the mirror so that the cross wire will be visible
4. Move the reflector on next 100mm mark and adjust it to see reflection of cross wire.
5. Take the reading of reflected crosswire deviated or moved up or down. Measure the
distance between two crosswire.
The values are analyzed and necessary modification of the surface may be recommended
based on the accuracy required on flatness. If the values observed from the micrometer are
varying linearly then straightness/flatness can be judged.
To measure the flatness of a given surface by using the optical flat.
APPARATUS: Optical flat, monochromatic light source, dry soft cloth, cleaning agent.
Light band reading through an optical flat, using a monochromatic light source represent the
most accurate method of checking surface flatness. The monochromatic light on which the
diagrammatic interpretations of light wave readings are based comes from a source, which
eliminates all colours except yellowish colour. The dark bands viewed under the optical flat
are not light waves. They simply show where interference is produced by reflections from
two surfaces. These dark bands are used in measuring flatness. The band unit indicates the
level of the work that has risen or fallen in relation to the optical flat, between the centre of
one dark band and the center of the next dark band.
The basis of comparison is the reflected line tangent to the interference band and
parallel to the line of contact of work and the optical flat. The number of bands intersected by
the tangent line indicates the degree of variation from the true flatness over the area of the
piece. Optical flats are used to check flatness when surface to be tested shine and smooth i.e.
Just like a mirror.
Optical flats are cylindrical piece made up of important materials such as quartz.
Specification ranges from 25mm by 38mm (dia x Length) to 300mm by 70 mm. Working
surface are finished by lapping and polishing process where as cylindrical surface are
finished by grinding.
1. Optical flats are used for testing the measuring surfaces of instruments like
micrometers, measuring anvils & similar other devices for their flatness &
2. These are used to calibrate the standard gauges, like slip gauges, angle gauges &
secondary gauges in the workshops.
3. In measuring the curvatures like convex and concave for surfaces of the standard
1. Monochromatic yellow light source is used for conducting this experiment.
Tabular Column:
Clean the surface to be tested to become shiny and wipe if with dry clean cloth
Place the optical flat in between flatness of work piece to be tested and
monochromatic Sources of light i.e. on the work piece.
Both parts and flat must be absolutely clean and dry.
After placing optical flat over work piece switch on the monochromatic source of
light and Wait until getting yellowish or orange colour.
Apply slight pressure over optical and adjust until getting steady band approximately
parallel to the main edges.
Count the number of fringes obtained on the flat with the help of naked eye and
calculates the flatness error
Measured the flatness of a given surface by using the optical flats.