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1114617003microsoft Word - J 114
1114617003microsoft Word - J 114
The present study is an attempt that has been made for more and more empowerment of HSE system in Ahvaz Tubing
Company. In this study, for codification and implementation of legal requirements of HSE in the company and also for
presentation of management solutions and codification of proper strategies, measures have been taken to indentify and analyze
internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) of the company. Subsequently, by
means of the SWOT model, the opposition of all internal and external factors took place for extraction and codification of proper
strategies in order to enhance opportunities and strengths and analyze the weaknesses and threats. After codification of strategies,
utilization of QSPM matrix is another attempt which in this study has been made for prioritization of selected strategies.
KEYWORDS: HSE system- management strategies- strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats- SWOT model
Management system of health, safety and strategic management. SWOT is a regulated analysis for
environment is a manifestation of full adherence of the identification of internal factors (weaknesses and
policies of an organization to the world policy of strengths) and external factors (opportunities and threats)
sustainable development and the environment expresses of every company and organization and iscapable of
the central role of humans in the issue of safety and presenting and codifying a strategy that establishes the
necessity of preservation of his/her livelihood and health best compliance and interaction among these factors. In
in interaction with the workplace and the environment. By this model it is attempted to codify and implement proper
establishment of management system of health, safety and strategies in order to use the opportunities and prepare for
environment and comprehensive compliance with its removing the threats according to the strengths and
principles and elements we will witness a reduction in weaknesses within the system by identifying the
costs that is imposed on the industry due to emergence of environmental trends of a system, recognition of threats
occupational diseases, environmental events and damages and opportunities of the external environment and also
[5]. recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the
internal environment. According to this view, this model
As at present there is no world standard
is a strategy that maximizes the strengths and
regarding management of integrated system of HSE, thus
opportunities and minimizes the weaknesses and threats
Ahvaz Tubing Company, like different organizations,
strives to make use of a proper form and structure for
management of its integrated system of HSE according to CONCEPT OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
its interests, limitations, operating nature, strengths and
Management and strategic management can be
the like.
known as a group process to determine the strategies for
Planning and strategic management are the most survival and growth of the organization according to a
important pillars of management systems in an deep understanding of mission and external and internal
organization; therefore, for better management of HSE factors. Recognition of environmental environments and
system in every organization, planning and strategic selection of proper strategies according to the capabilities
management can have a positive effectiveness over and weaknesses of very organization can be effective in
control of technical and non-technical parameters of the coordination of that organization with environmental
system at all levels and in final results and estimates of conditions [8].
the organization [9].
The matrix of weaknesses, opportunities and
threats is one of the famous models of planning and
Corresponding author
MAIN MODEL OF STRATEGIC of strengths and weaknesses of the company (all stages of
MANAGEMENT [4] doing this study are aimed at conducting this stage).
Determining the strategic status of the company DRAWING THE DIAGRAM OF STRATEGIC
As in the framework of strategic management STATUS OF THE COMPANY
and formation of strategies, it has been attempted to The explanations of the previous section are
present the best possible strategies according to the based on the fact that the number 4 will be complete for
current situation, therefore it is desired to primarily internal factors of strength and complete for external
determine the strategic situation and position of the factors of opportunity; also, number1 regarding internal
company so as to take actions with more might regarding factors will state absolute weakness and regarding
formulation of strategies and eventually take steps external factors absolute threat; thus, it can be concluded
regarding prioritization of strategies [7]. that the scores between the numbers 2 and 3 can express
Based on David's model in the method of average conditions for each of the factors. Using this
provision of IFE and EFE Matrixes, regardless of the discussion, steps can be taken for drawing of a matrix for
number of factors that is contained in IFE and EFE more complete understanding of this discussion and
Matrixes, the sum of final scores of each of these matrixes determination of the strategic status of the company.
will be between 1 to 4 and their mean will be 2,5. In order to draw the diagram of strategic
If the final score of participation in the IFE situation of the company, we act as below:
Matrix is lower than 2,5, it means that in terms of internal 1. We call the X-axis as the external factors and divide
factors the organization has a weakness and if this score is the axis to four equal sections; based on David's
over 2, 5, it means that in terms of internal factors it has model number 1 expresses absolute threat and
strength [9]. According to the results obtained and using number 4 expresses complete opportunity; we call the
table no. 2 which is the table of evaluation of internal range of numbers 2 and 3 average conditions and also
factors, the sum of scores of internal factors of the determine the mean which is the number 2,5.
company is 2, 79 and this means that in terms of internal 2. We call the Y-axis as the internal factors and divide
factors the company is at an average state but isn't the axis to four equal sections; based on David's
satisfactory. model number 1 expresses absolute weakness and
Also, the sums of final score of EFE Matrix for number 4 expresses complete strength; we call the
the company never reaches more than 4 and never lower range of numbers 2 and 3 average conditions and also
than 1 either. Then the mean of this sum is 2,5. If this determine the mean which is the number 2,5.
number reaches 4, it means that the organization greatly 3. We divide the coordinate by connection of the 4
reacts to the factors that cause threat and opportunity. In points and connection of the mean points into 4
other words, in its strategies the company uses the regions and based on the position of each area in the
available opportunities successfully and reaches the effect coordinate (regarding placement in the range of
of factors that cause threat to the lowest rate possible. external and internal factors), the regions OS, ST,
Number 1 expresses the fact that in formulation of its WO, WT are distinguishable.
strategies the company hasn't been able to utilize the 4. Based on the findings obtained from IFE and EFE
factors that cause opportunity or position or avoid the Matrixes (tables no. 2 and 3), we determine the sum
factors that lead to threat [9]. of scores of external factors on the X-axis and sum of
scores of internal factors on the Y-axis and depict
Based on the results obtained and by means of their commissure in the coordinate. Depending on in
the table no. 3, sum of scores of external factors of the which region the commissure of external and internal
company is 3,22 and it means that in terms of external factors scores is placed the strategic situation of the
factors the company is in an optimal state and it signifies company is determined.
the company's good reaction to factors that lead to threat
or opportunity; to be precise, the company uses the Diagram no. 2- shows the strategic situation of
available opportunities well and avoids the threats. the company in the OS region.
3 S S
External factors
1 2 2.5 3 3.22 4
As is clear also in diagram no.2, the HSE system participation in conferences and establishment of
situation of the company is in the OS section and this interactions with relevant associations for this
issue demands the company's need for implementation of purpose.
strategies related to the same house in SWOT matrix. For 2. Attempts for providing and meeting of the needs of
this purpose, for strategic management of HSE system, beneficiary groups with the help of R & D and by
the company must use the external opportunities in the means of modern technologies
best way or in other words actualize it by means of its 3. Increase of partnership and establishment of
strengths. Thus, by means of the contrast of external confidence-building communications among the
factors and internal factors in the SWOT matrix, the best neighbors
strategies that can be formulated for strategic 4. Growing partnership with internal and external co-
management of HSE system, were selected. family producers and accordance with them in the
performance method of the system
5. Encouragement of providers for presentation of high
quality products through exertion of HSE system
OS strategies which are also called offensive requirements
strategies are the result of confluence of strengths of the 6. Encouragement of customers for establishing strong
company and the opportunities available and effective in work relations with the company though exertion of
the system. These strategies are formulated based on HSE system requirements
investigation of ways through which the company can go 7. Effort for growing presentation of emergency local
through for utilization of its strengths in order to benefit services and increase of credit among the neighbors
the opportunities [7]. 8. Necessity of presence and participation of specialists
The most significant offensive strategies that can in scientific associations, conferences and seminars
be formulated for strategic management of HSE system of related to HSE topics
the company include: 9. Increase of competitive power and advantage of the
company in the tube market through the optimal
1. Change in the attitude of the customers with optimal method of performance of the HSE system
performances of HSE system and assistance of the 10. Using the international tools for improvement of the
research and development unit (R & D) and workforce
11. Encouragement of non-governmental pressure groups formulation of strategies it is attempted to present the best
for supporting the company in the society strategies possible, thus it is appropriate to take steps
12. Establishment and increase of scientific regarding their prioritization after formulation of the
communications with scientific centers and industries related strategies, so that actions are taken regarding their
for establishment and contrast of information and implementation, based on the rate of priority and
informing of the performance of the system and preference of each one.
raising the level of knowledge and system culture in
QSPM is a table whose column is constituted by
the company and society
internal and external factors and all determined strategies
13. Following the regulations and requirements related to
are placed at its row. In table 4, visual plan of QSPM is
the system in order to have tax breaks
14. Participation in HSE culture distribution in national
and international associations with the custodians This matrix is provided for prioritization of the
15. Improvement and increase of safety and health of the determined strategies. In fact, this matrix states which one
personnel through adequacy of HSE plans and of the formulated strategies has the possibility of
presentation of insurance services widely implementation according to the available conditions, and
in other words, which strategy is preferred to other
PLANNING MATRIX (QSPM) All offensive strategies (OS) formulated in the
QSPM were evaluated and based on the results and the
As the implementation of all the strategies above score obtained from this matrix, the strategies have been
won't be applicable at the same time and in a certain range presented in order of priority and by mentioning the score
and as in the framework of strategic management and in the table no.5.
Table 4: Visual plan of QSPM
Types of applicable strategies
Nth strategy Second strategy First strategy
Coefficient Main factors
Score of Score of Score of
Sum of scores Sum of scores Sum of scores
attraction attraction attraction
Main internal
Sum of internal
1 factors
Main external
Sum of external
1 factors
Table 5: Prioritization of offensive strategies (OS) for strategic management of the system by means of QSPM matrix
6.07 Providing and meeting of the beneficiary groups with the help of R & D unit and using modern technologies 1
4.53 Participation in HSE culture distribution in national and international associations with the custodians 3
Improvement and increase of safety and health of the personnel through adequacy of HSE plans and presentation of
4.52 4
insurance services widely
4.38 Encouragement of non-governmental pressure groups for supporting the company in the society 5
Encouragement of customers for establishing strong work relations with the company though exertion of HSE system
4.17 6
Increase of competitive power and advantage of the company in the tube market through the optimal method of
4.13 7
performance of the HSE system
Change in the approach of the customers with proper performances of the HSE system and assistance of the research
3.93 and development unit (R & D) and participation in conferences and establishment of interactions with related 8
associations for this purpose
3.70 Following the regulations and requirements related to the system in order to have tax breaks 9
3.68 Encouragement of providers for presentation of high quality products through exertion of HSE system requirements 10
Establishment and increase of scientific communications with scientific centers and industries for establishment and
3.67 contrast of information and informing of the performance of the system and raising the level of knowledge and system 11
culture in the company and society
3.45 Increase of partnership and establishment of confidence-building communications among the neighbors 12
3.17 Effort for growing presentation of emergency local services and increase of credit among the neighbors 13
Necessity of presence and participation of specialists in scientific associations, conferences and seminars related to
3.17 14
HSE topics
Growing partnership with internal and external co-family producers and accordance with them in the performance
3.11 15
method of the system
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION that it presents the best strategies possible and this
prevents the loss of excessive and management losses of
In this study, by numerous studies of the internal
organizations. Also, it causes every company to try to
and external environments and determining the factors
overcome its shortcomings by implementing the
effective in every environment on the tubing company for
Formulated Strategies Beside Its Other Activities.
strategic management of HSE system and by establishing
relationship and contrast of these factors with one another SUGGESTIONS
and determining the best strategies possible and also their
Based on the conducted analyses, for strategic
prioritization, it was attempted to take effective steps
management of HSE system in Ahvaz Tubing Company,
regarding the decision-making of experts and decision-
the following cases can be presented as suggestions:
makers of the company for improvement of the current
status of the system and effective strategic management. 1. Implementation of the formulated strategies based on
By a precise and close observation, it was determined that the priority and growing attention to the needs of the
the current status of the company is in a proper strategic beneficiary groups
position and the best strategy possible for more and more 2. Correction of present management processes using
enhancement of these conditions was recognized to be the current strategic status of the company
"providing and meeting the needs of the beneficiary 3. Investigation of trend of environmental developments
groups" that include" shareholders, managers, employees, at different time period in order to follow the time
customers, providers, media and non-organizational trend and investigation and prediction of different
pressure groups. states of the future and presentation of proper
strategies of that time
For strategic management of this system, the
4. Investigation and research regarding the application
SWOT management model was used and according to the
of different models of SWOT model and comparison
passing of all stages related to this method and
with the results of application of David's model in
recognition of the best strategies, the capability of this
this study
method in the strategic management was proved. It is by
means of this model that for accurate management of REFERENCES
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