Applied Surface Science: Mohammad Hossein Mahdieh, Behzad Fattahi

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Applied Surface Science 329 (2015) 47–57

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Size properties of colloidal nanoparticles produced by nanosecond

pulsed laser ablation and studying the effects of liquid medium and
laser fluence
Mohammad Hossein Mahdieh ∗ , Behzad Fattahi
Department of Physics, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 13114-16846, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, pulsed laser ablation method was used for synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles of aluminum
Received 27 September 2014 and titanium targets in distilled water, ethanol, and acetone as liquid environments. Ultraviolet–visible
Received in revised form 6 December 2014 (UV–vis) absorption spectrophotometer and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used for charac-
Accepted 9 December 2014
terization of produced nanoparticles. Using image processing technique and analyzing the SEM images,
Available online 17 December 2014
nanoparticles’ mean size and size distribution were achieved. The results show that liquid medium has
strong effect on size properties of produced nanoparticles. From the results, it was found that ablation
of both metal targets in ethanol medium leads to formation of smaller size nanoparticles with narrower
Laser ablation
Colloidal nanoparticles
size distributions. The influence of laser fluence was also investigated. According to the results, higher
Particle size laser fluence produces larger mean size nanoparticles with broader size distribution.
Liquid type © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Laser fluence

1. Introduction with applications in biotechnology, luminescence, SERS (surface-

enhanced Raman scattering) detection, and nano-fertilizers for
Nanoparticles play a major role in some applications such as seed development, and growth stimulation [17–20]. It has been
biology, medicine, energy conversion and storage, electronics, and demonstrated that relatively more stable colloidal nanoparticles
information storage [1–4]. Nanoparticles have large surface-to- can be produced by this method. Compared with other tech-
volume ratio. Such size-dependent characteristics provide unique niques, PLAL is an effective, clean, and safe method for synthesis of
physical and chemical properties for nanoparticles. Metal nanopar- nanoparticles. In addition, this method is applicable for wide vari-
ticles are an important class of nanomaterials with extraordinary eties of materials, including metals and semiconductors [21,22].
chemical, optical, magnetic, and electrical properties which have For some applications (such as medical applications), size of
offered new application possibilities [5–8]. nanoparticles must be controlled [23–25]. Recent investigations
Within the last two decades, several techniques have been show that in PLAL method, size properties (mean size and size dis-
developed for producing nanoparticles with controlled sizes, tribution) of produced nanoparticles significantly depend on laser
phases, shapes, and some other properties. These techniques characteristics such as wavelength, fluence, and pulse duration.
include chemical method, thermal evaporation and condensa- It has been also shown that nanoparticle characteristics strongly
tion, milling, and sputtering [9–13]. Unfortunately, these synthesis depend on both target material properties and liquid environment
methods are relatively expensive and often agglomerated particles in which ablation occurs [26–29]. Therefore, the mechanism of
with sizes up to several micrometers are formed. In addition, in laser ablation is closely dependent on both laser characteristics
some of these techniques, harmful and toxic materials are used. and physical and chemical properties of target materials. In the
Furthermore, they may also induce impurities to the nanoparticles synthesis of nanoparticles by PLAL, during and after the target
by some catalysts. irradiation, different dynamic processes may occur. In these pro-
In recent years, pulsed laser ablation in liquids (PLAL) attracts cesses, the formation of plasma plume, creation of shock wave in
much attention as a new technique for nanoparticle synthesis the liquid (generated by plume expansion), shock wave in the tar-
[14–16]. PLAL has been widely used for production of nanoparticles get (generated by plume recoil), cavitations (bubbles formation),
and the dynamic growth of nanoparticles are more important [30].
Although many scientific works have been performed to study the
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 73225877; fax: +98 21 77240497. above dynamic processes, the mechanism of nanoparticle growth
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.H. Mahdieh). is not fully understood as nanoparticle generation is involved in
0169-4332/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
48 M.H. Mahdieh, B. Fattahi / Applied Surface Science 329 (2015) 47–57

the above complex processes. In fact, generation of plasma, rapid

expansion of plasma plume, shock wave, and strong interaction of
plasma species (that are rapidly quenched in a highly confined liq-
uid environment) make a complex physics for this scenario [30].
Therefore, in PLAL, it would be very difficult to predict precisely
the size properties of produced nanoparticles. The full prediction
of size properties of the nanoparticles requires determination of
plasma and material density, pressure, temperature as well as full
particle–particle interaction during growth and collapse of cavi-
tation bubbles. Furthermore, liquid confinement may also occur
during and after interaction process which makes direct diagnostics
of the thermodynamic properties very challenging [31]. Neverthe-
less, the size of the produced nanoparticles can be tuned to some Fig. 1. Schematic experimental set up.

extent by properly selecting laser and material parameters.

Within the last few years, many articles were published in the wavelength of 1064 nm and a pulse duration of 10 ns). Aluminum
field of nanoparticles synthesis by PLAL [32–39], but only a limited (Aluminum 5052) and titanium metal plates (with dimensions
number of them investigated size properties of the nanoparticles of 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 cm3 ) were used as targets in our experiments.
produced by PLAL. In order to remove thin-film oxide layer from the targets, their
Among the conductor-based nanoparticles, aluminum- and surfaces were polished and cleaned by acetone just before the
titanium-based nanoparticles have important applications. The experiment. The expanded Nd:YAG laser beam was focused on the
study of producing aluminum-based nanoparticles becomes target by a doublet lens (with a focal length of 180 mm). In each
important due to their physical and chemical properties such as laser shot, a small fraction of the beam was sent to a pyroelectric
high thermal conductivity, excellent corrosion resistance, and non- joule-meter for measuring the pulse energy. In these experiments,
magnetic and non-sparking characteristics. Due to such superior the target was submerged in a liquid cell that was filled with
properties, these nanomaterials can be used in various applica- 15 ml of liquid as ablation environments. In all the experiments,
tions such as catalyst, coating material, thermal protections, and the liquid level above the target surface was approximately 10 mm.
microelectronics [40–44]. Titanium-based nanoparticles are also The beam spot diameter on the target surface (in all ambient liq-
considered as an important nanomaterial that has some useful uids) was measured ∼150 ␮m. It must be noted that the liquids in
applicability. For example, titanium-based nanoparticles can be these experiments have very close index of refraction; therefore,
used in photocatalytic activators, solar cells, and gas sensors. The similar measured spot for focused beam in three different liquids
applicability of titanium-based materials is due to their interesting is expected. Three different liquids (distilled water, acetone, and
properties such as high refractive index, high electrical conduc- ethanol) were used in these experiments. The liquid cell (with a
tivity, high melting point, and semiconducting behavior [45–48]. target inside) was placed on an x–y micro-positioner stage to move
In spite of the fact that various metallic colloidal nanoparticles the cell (together with the target) after each irradiation to a fresh
have been synthesized by PLAL, only few syntheses of aluminum- region.
and titanium-based nanoparticles have been reported [49–51]. The We performed two separate experiments in order to investigate
effects of liquid environment and laser fluence on size properties of the effect of different ambient liquids and different laser fluences
nanoparticles produced by PLAL have also been investigated only on size properties of the produced nanoparticles. In the first exper-
by a few numbers of authors [26,27,29,52–54]. iment, aluminum and titanium targets in three different liquids
In PLAL processes, irradiation of active metal targets (such as (distilled water, acetone, and ethanol) were irradiated by laser
aluminum, titanium, and copper) in liquids usually leads to gen- beam with 12,000 pulses for a total time of 20 min. The laser flu-
eration of metal compound nanoparticles through the chemical ence in the first experiment was 46 J/cm2 . In the second experiment,
reaction with the liquid. The type of compound nanoparticles both aluminum and titanium targets in ambient water were irradi-
strongly depends on the interaction process and the liquid in which ated by laser with fluencies within a range of 46–140 J/cm2 (again
the interaction takes place [53,55–58]. For example, PLAL of cop- 12,000 pulse for a total time of 20 min).
per in acetone produces copper nanoparticles, while the interaction It must be noted that the color of colloidal samples (both
in ethanol results in the production of copper oxide nanoparticles aluminum and titanium suspensions) varied continuously as con-
[55]. centration of nanoparticles were increasing during irradiation
In this paper, we report the results of extensive investigations time. The colors of aluminum- and titanium-based nanoparticles
in size characteristics of colloidal nanoparticles produced by abla- (produced in different ambient liquids) were also unlike. Such
tion of aluminum and titanium targets immersed in three different discrepancy in colors was apparently due to various chemical
liquids: distilled water, acetone, and ethanol. In addition, the effect and physical interactions of molten aluminum and titanium with
of laser fluence on size properties of colloidal nanoparticles pro- various liquid environments. In these experiments, the effect of
duced in ambient distilled water was investigated. We will show different environments appears on nuclei formation and nanopar-
in the next sections that the effective parameters and mechanisms ticles growing process over the formed nuclei. Thus, nanoparticles
related to production of nanoparticles with different size proper- with different size properties can be obtained when the interaction
ties (mean size and size distribution) depend on liquid medium and takes place in different liquids. Furthermore, all the prepared col-
laser fluence. loids were stable against sedimentation for at least several months.

2.2. Analyzing technique

2. The experiments and analyzing technique
The size characteristics of produced colloidal nanoparticles were
2.1. The experiment analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Model VEGA
TESCAN) and image processing techniques. The optical absorption
Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the experiment. The abla- spectra of the different colloidal solutions were recorded in the
tion was produced by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser beam (with a range of 200–900 nm with UV–Vis absorption spectrometer (Model
M.H. Mahdieh, B. Fattahi / Applied Surface Science 329 (2015) 47–57 49

Rayleigh UV 2100). Using dip coating method, a thin film of each Table 1
Average particle size (in nm) of prepared colloidal nanoparticles in three environ-
produced colloidal particles was coated on the surface of a perfectly
ment liquids: acetone, ethanol, and distilled water.
cleaned glass plate and then dried. To ensure the uniformity of
nanoparticles dispersion, the colloids were vibrated with an ultra- Target Medium
sonic vibrator for 15 min. The prepared samples were inspected by Acetone Ethanol Distilled water
SEM and image-processing techniques. The SEM images were ana-
Aluminum 58 22 35
lyzed by the image-processing technique. From the analyzed data, Titanium 43 16 19
the nanoparticle size characteristics, i.e. the effective mean size and
size distribution were extracted. Corresponding histograms of each
SEM image are shown in order to give the reader a better under- in rather narrow size distribution as the majority of nanoparticles
standing of particle size characteristics. Although all histograms of have sizes between 5 and 50 nm. In the case of ablation of titanium
SEM images have information for particles sizes ranging from 5 to in acetone medium, some larger particles are formed which have
300 nm, the data for particle sizes less than 10 nm may not be reli- regular spherical shape with diameter in submicron size range. The
able. This is due to limitations in quality of SEM images and the mechanism of submicron particles formation is different from that
limitation in size resolution that can be achieved by this technique. of the produced nanoparticles. The results show that the mean
size and size distribution of the aluminum- and titanium-based
nanoparticles (in a specific liquid environment) are different. Such
3. Results and discussion
difference is mainly owing to optical characteristics of target mate-
rials such as refractive index and their physical properties, e.g.
It was explained that the characteristics of produced nanopar-
thermal conductivity, melting and boiling points, electron–phonon
ticles by laser ablation are governed by a number of factors. We
coupling constant, thermal conductivity, and surface energy. It has
have shown that in PLAL, both target material and liquid environ-
been shown that these target properties can influence different
ment have crucial influence on the mean size and size distribution
stages of nanoparticles evolution [30,62]. Some of these parameters
of nanoparticles. Our experimental results show that the laser flu-
of aluminum and titanium are summarized in Table 2.
ence also has significant effect on characteristics of final generated
As explained, the interaction of laser beam with titanium in
nanoparticles. The experimental results are given in the next sec-
ethanol and distilled water leads to formation of significantly
tions and described in details.
smaller size nanoparticles. The titanium-based nanoparticles are
also formed more uniformly than those of aluminum-based. How-
3.1. Effect of target material and liquid environment ever, acetone as an ambient influences the final interaction results
differently. In this specific liquid ambient, larger size nanoparti-
As already mentioned, composition of nanoparticles prepared cles are produced for both aluminum and titanium targets. The
by PLAL strongly depends on the liquid medium. Ablation of larger nanoparticles in some conditions (in Figs. 2 and 3) may not
aluminum target in ethanol and acetone results in production necessarily be formed during the interaction but can be due to
of aluminum nanoparticles, while oxide-based nanoparticles can agglomeration effect. This effect is more prominent in the abla-
be formed if the ablation takes place in distilled water [59,60]. tion of aluminum in acetone and distilled water media and also
In the case of titanium, ablation in ethanol and distilled water in the ablation of titanium in acetone which results in genera-
leads to production of a mixture of oxide-carbide-based nanopar- tion of even some submicron particles. For further investigation
ticles and oxide-based nanoparticles, respectively [61]. Ablation of in this issue, we have measured the absorption spectra (within a
active metals such as copper and aluminum in acetone results in range of 200–900 nm) of the produced colloidal nanoparticles. Opti-
production of metallic aluminum and copper nanoparticles, respec- cal absorption spectra of aluminum- and titanium-based colloidal
tively [55,59]. Figs. 2 and 3 show the SEM images and analyzed nanoparticles by PLAL at different liquids are presented in Fig. 4a
data of aluminum- and titanium-based nanoparticles produced by and b, respectively.
PLAL technique in three different ambient liquids: (a) acetone, (b) As Fig. 4a and b shows, the formation efficiency of colloidal
ethanol, and (c) distilled water. The nanoparticles in these figures nanoparticles in different liquids is dissimilar. The intensity of the
were produced from the aluminum and titanium targets which transmitted light through the suspension of nanoparticles varies
were irradiated by laser beam (fluence of 46 J/cm2 ) with 12,000 with wavelength due to the proper surface plasmon resonance,
pulses for the total time of 20 min. The SEM images shown in which depends on the material, and the nanoparticle’s dimen-
Figs. 2 and 3 indicated that the produced nanoparticles are almost sions and concentration. From the absorption spectra in Fig. 4, one
spherical or quasi-spherical. can conclude that both colloidal aluminum- and titanium-based
As these figures show, the interaction in different ambient liq- nanoparticles (prepared in ethanol and distilled water) have nar-
uids can lead to production of nanoparticles with different size row size distribution. This implies that in the case of ablation of
characteristics. The figures also show that the target material can aluminum and titanium in ethanol and distilled water, small size
significantly affect the nanoparticle size characteristics. For exam-
ple, the interaction of laser beam with both aluminum and titanium Table 2
targets in ethanol and distilled water results in production of Some physical parameters of aluminum and titanium.
extremely smaller nanoparticles in comparison to those in acetone
Physical parameter Target
ambient. More details can be found in histogram diagrams. The data
from the histograms are summarized in Table 1. Aluminum Titanium
The histograms in Fig. 2 show that in the case of ablation of Thermal conductivity at 2.37 0.219
aluminum in acetone and distilled water environments, nanopar- 27 ◦ C (W/cm K) [63]
ticles with sizes larger than 100 nm are generated. The SEM images Refractive index (At 1.37628 3.38789
1064 nm) [64]
and associated histograms in Fig. 3 also confirm the presence of a Melting point (◦ C) [63] 660.32 1668
great number of smaller size (in comparison to those of the other Boiling point (◦ C) [63] 2519 3287
conditions) spherical titanium-based nanoparticles in the liquids, Electron-phonon coupling 0.38 0.38
particularly in ethanol and distilled water environments. In fact, constant [65]
Surface energy (J/m2 ) [66] 1.160 2.10
ablation of titanium in both ethanol and distilled water resulted
50 M.H. Mahdieh, B. Fattahi / Applied Surface Science 329 (2015) 47–57

Fig. 2. SEM micrographs and corresponding histograms of colloidal nanoparticles prepared by nanosecond laser ablation of aluminum in (a) acetone, (b) ethanol, and (c)
distilled water.

nanoparticles with narrow distribution are formed. These results be a combination of nanoparticles including aluminum core (or tita-
are in good agreement with those of SEM micrographs. It must be nium core in the case of titanium target) coated by carbon shell and
noted that the existence of peak absorbance around 350 nm for carbon nanoparticles.
both targets in acetone is most likely due to the presence of carbon Therefore, not only the target material is important in PLAL pro-
particles. Carbon atoms may be released from acetone molecule at cess, but also the liquid environment has major role in the size
high temperature of plasma plume created by high laser fluences properties of the prepared colloidal nanoparticles. For a given target
[59,67,68]. In our research, we show that the colloidal products can material and laser parameters, the rate of ablation and nanoparticle
M.H. Mahdieh, B. Fattahi / Applied Surface Science 329 (2015) 47–57 51

Fig. 3. SEM micrographs and corresponding histograms of colloidal nanoparticles prepared by nanosecond laser ablation of titanium in (a) acetone, (b) ethanol, and (c)
distilled water.

generation depends on the transmission coefficient and refractive Table 3

Refractive index of three different liquid environments (at wavelength 1064 nm)
index of liquid medium at the laser wavelength [30]. The refractive
and optical transmittance (through 1 cm of the medium).
index and transmittance of three liquid environments at applied
laser wavelength (1064 nm) are shown in Table 3. Liquid Refractive index Transmittance
The laser beam has two reflection processes before reaching the Acetone [69] 1.36135 ≈1
target surface: (i) reflection from the air–liquid interface and (ii) Ethanol [69] 1.36371 ≈1
reflection from liquid–target surface interface. As Table 3 shows, Distilled water [70] 1.32604 0.54559
52 M.H. Mahdieh, B. Fattahi / Applied Surface Science 329 (2015) 47–57

Fig. 4. UV–vis absorption spectra of (a) aluminum-based and (b) titanium-based colloidal nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation (1064 nm) in three different liquids.

the refractive index of three liquids is almost the same. Therefore, nucleation during the plasma plume cooling followed by nuclei
the energy portion of the reflected laser beam from air–liquid inter- growth and coalescence [16]. Expansion of the plasma plume and
face in these three liquids would be similar. In laser ablation, the nucleation of clusters occurs inside the cavitations bubbles. It must
laser beam reflectance (and absorbed energy) can be estimated be noted that an expanding plasma plume with specific energy and
simply by using Fresnel relation (Eq. (1) for normal incidence) lifetime directly influences the size and lifetime of the cavitations
which is related to the refractive indices of target and interaction bubbles [30].
medium. An increase in absorption coefficient results in a decrease Plasma shielding effects in laser ablation processes at high inten-
in reflectance [30]. sities are also an important issue [71,72]. At high laser intensities,
 n − n 2 the density and temperature of laser-ablated plasma can be so high
T M that an efficient shielding of the target occurs during the laser pulse.
R= . (1)
nT + nM Thus, due to the shielding effect of the plasma, the amount of deliv-
In Eq. (1), R, nT , and nM are reflectance and the complex refractive ered energy to the target decreases. Such effect may change the rate
indices of target and ablation medium, respectively. For a spe- of ablation and consequently affects size properties of produced
cific target surface, the energy portions of the reflected laser beam nanoparticles.
from liquid–target interface in these three liquids are also equal. It is believed that the growth of nanoparticle in the plasma
Table 4 shows the calculated reflectance of light (1064 nm) from plume is related to condensation process which is involved in
the interface of aluminum and titanium surfaces in three different plasma expansion and cooling. The colloidal nanoparticles can be
liquids. formed in two stages. In the first stage, nuclei is formed, and in
In PLAL, if the light reflectance from a target interface in different the second stage the nanoparticles grow over the formed nuclei
liquids is similar (ignoring the absorption of light inside the liquid), by a condensation mechanism. An important controlling param-
one can expect to get similar ablation rates. However, since these eter in the nanoparticle fabrication process is cooling speed of
liquids have different transmission characteristics, the amount of plasma. The cooling speed influences the nanoparticle size distri-
laser energy that reaches the target surface will be different if bution. A faster cooling speed will result in production of higher
the interaction environments are dissimilar. Therefore, the energy number of particles. In a colloid (produced by PLAL), the higher the
portion that is absorbed at the target surface is different if the target number of particles (which are resulting from condensation), the
is irradiated in three different liquid environments. Detailed optical smaller their mean size will be [71]. Thus, the cooling speed and the
characteristics of these three liquids show that acetone and ethanol consequent condensation influence the size characteristics of col-
have similar (and almost perfect) transmissions (at 1064 nm) while loidal nanoparticles. The cooling speed and condensation depend
distilled water absorbs significantly the laser energy at this specific on plasma plume expansion and cavitations bubbles. On the other
wavelength. In such conditions in comparison to ethanol and ace- hand, evolution, expansion, and collapse time of plasma plume and
tone as interaction environments, if the interaction is performed the cavitation bubbles depend on laser, target material, and liquid
in water, lower laser energy reaches the target surface. Therefore, medium parameters.
one expects to have higher rate ablation in ethanol and acetone. It must be noted that some thermodynamic and optical prop-
Consequently, higher density nanoparticles are more likely to be erties of the liquid medium can greatly influence the evolution,
produced if the interaction occurs in acetone and ethanol liquids. expansion, and collapse of plasma plume and cavitation bubbles
The other important issue in PLAL that may influence the [30,71]. Therefore, the difference in mean size and size distribution
nanoparticles size characteristics is the processes in which the par- of produced nanoparticles in different liquid media may arise from
ticles production is involved. Focusing of a high-intensity laser the difference in their thermodynamic and optical properties. Some
beam on a solid target surface (through a transparent or semi- of the thermodynamic parameters for the interaction environment
transparent liquid) results in absorption of laser beam energy at liquids in our experiment are summarized in Table 5.
the target–liquid interface. If the laser energy is high enough, the Practically, the number of nuclei per unit volume mostly
absorption of laser beam in target surface may lead to generation of depends on pressure and temperature of the plasma plume, but
hot and high-pressure plasma plume, shock wave, and cavitations the number of condensed nuclei besides mentioned parameters
bubble in interaction ambient. depends on the available material too. It must be noted that in
There are three stages of plasma plume evolution in PLAL: laser ablation in liquids, the nuclei formation and particles growth
nucleation, phase transition, and growth of nanoparticles [71]. The are simultaneous and competing processes. Therefore, in order to
predominant mechanism of nanoparticles formation in PLAL is the obtain small size nanoparticles, the process parameters that lead to
M.H. Mahdieh, B. Fattahi / Applied Surface Science 329 (2015) 47–57 53

Table 4
Calculated reflectance of an incident light (at wavelength 1064 nm and normal incidence) from the interface of aluminum and titanium target surface in three different

Aluminum in Aluminum in Aluminum in Titanium in Titanium in Titanium in

ethanol acetone distilled water ethanol acetone distilled water

93% 93% 94% 45% 45% 46%

nanoparticle formation must maximize the nuclei formation rate and thermal conductivity. High specific heat and high thermal con-
relative to the particle growth rate [71]. ductivity induce fast creation of plasma and cavitations bubbles.
In our experiment (as explained above), various interaction High surface tension generates strong confinement conditions that
media, i.e. ethanol, acetone, and distilled water, have different lead to a narrow size distribution for the produced nanoparticles.
transparency (which is related to different refractive index of these Furthermore, stronger dipole moment of surrounding
liquids). Therefore, such liquids as environments for interaction molecules of liquid medium results in stronger bonds between
may directly affect the pressure and the temperature of the plasma these molecules and surface of synthesized nanoparticles [74].
plume due to their influences on laser transmission. Different ther- So, it prevents the growth mechanism during ablation and causes
mal conductivity of the interaction liquids has also a consequence small mean size and size distribution.
on the decay process of the temperature and pressure of the plume.
Finally, the density and viscosity of the interaction liquids will 3.2. Effect of laser fluence
impact the expansion of the plasma plume [73]. All these issues
can be used as important parameters for controlling size char- The process of ablation of aluminum and titanium targets
acteristics of colloidal nanoparticles. The other important issue was performed at different laser fluences of 46–140 J/cm2 and
which may influence the nanoparticles size characteristics is the 46–109 J/cm2 , respectively. In Fig. 5, we have shown the SEM
electron–electron and electron–phonon interaction time scale. Par- images and corresponding histograms for nanoparticles produced
ticularly in the nanosecond regime, electron–electron interactions by ablation of aluminum in distilled water at fluences of 46, 78,
and electron–phonon coupling all occur within the lifetime of the 109, and 140 J/cm2 , respectively. Fig. 6 also illustrates the SEM
pulse. Electron–phonon coupling transfers the thermal energy to images and corresponding histograms for nanoparticles produced
the lattice within the time scale of the pulse and as a result, a by ablation of titanium in distilled water at 46, 78, 93, and 109 J/cm2
large volume of material is heated. The electron–phonon coupling fluences, respectively. If the laser intensity is high enough, optical
constant determines the efficiency by which the thermal energy is breakdown may occur in the focusing region which reduces the
transferred. In the interaction process, the electrons which absorb laser energy on the target surface. The threshold intensity for opti-
the incident laser photons, couple with the vibrational modes of cal breakdown is different for various liquids. Furthermore, the
the lattice, thus transferring thermal energy. This process to some interaction liquid initially is pure but ablated materials make it
extent determines the volume of material that is heated and also the impure when laser ablation takes place. Therefore, the liquid for
distribution of temperatures throughout that volume of material two different targets initially is pure and the optical breakdown
[62]. In the present research, titanium has higher electron–phonon intensity for two cases is similar. However, when the ablation takes
coupling constant with respect to that of aluminum, therefore the place, since the amount of the ablated materials are different for
heat-affected volume for the case of titanium is larger than that of two cases, the optical breakdown intensity for similar environ-
aluminum and as a result, nanoparticles with different size prop- ment liquids would be changed. In our experiment, when the laser
erties are produced. ablation process was performed in distilled water, optical break-
Thermal conductivity of materials also governs the time period down was occurred for titanium target at laser fluence of 140 J/cm2 .
during which the particles are in molten form and therefore the Therefore, in such case, the results of this laser fluence were not
period in which the nanoparticles have time to grow most effi- considered in our investigation.
ciently. Furthermore, surface energy of material governs the ten- The size of produced particles varies between few nanometers
dency of the particles to coagulate and thus results in a larger distri- to few hundreds of nanometers. Table 6 gives a summary of the
bution of sizes [62]. Thus, the smaller surface energy of aluminum average size of produced colloidal nanoparticles in various laser
with respect to that of titanium provides favorable condition for fluences for aluminum and titanium target materials.
synthesis of nanoparticle with small mean size and size distri- According to Fig. 6, in the case of ablation of titanium at laser flu-
bution. Compared to ethanol and acetone, distilled water has the ence of 46 J/cm2 , synthesized nanoparticles were mostly with sizes
highest dielectric constant, boiling point, surface tension, density, less than 100 nm, but at higher laser fluences for both aluminum
and titanium, the ablation of the targets results in production of
a large number of quasi-spherical nanoparticles. However, a few
Table 5
Some thermodynamic parameters of the interaction environment liquids. submicron particles can also be seen in this figure. As expected,
almost the mean diameter of nanoparticles is increased with laser
Parameter Ethanol Acetone Distilled water
fluencies in all cases.
Dielectric constant [63] 25.3 21.01 80.10 Laser fluence directly affects the thermodynamic properties of
Boiling point (◦ C) [63] 78.2 56 100 the cavitation bubbles and the produced plasma. This parameter
Density (g/mL) [63] 0.7893 0.7845 0.9970
Specific heat capacity 2.438 2.175 4.180
at 25 ◦ C (J/g K) [63] Table 6
Surface tension at 25 ◦ C 21.97 22.72 71.99 Mean particle size (in nm) of colloidal nanoparticles prepared by ablation of alu-
(mN/m) [63] minum and titanium targets in distilled water at different laser fluences.
Thermal conductivity 0.167 0.161 0.6062
at 25 ◦ C (W/m K) [63] Target Fluence (J/cm2 )
Dipole moment (Da) 1.69 2.88 1.8546
46 78 93 109 140
Viscosity (mPa s) at 1.074 0.306 0.890 Aluminum 35 41 – 42 43
25 ◦ C [63] Titanium 19 31 30 38 –
54 M.H. Mahdieh, B. Fattahi / Applied Surface Science 329 (2015) 47–57

Fig. 5. SEM micrographs and associated histograms of colloidal nanoparticles prepared by ablation of aluminum target in distilled water at four different fluences: (a)
46 J/cm2 , (b) 78 J/cm2 , (c) 109 J/cm2 , and (d) 140 J/cm2 .
M.H. Mahdieh, B. Fattahi / Applied Surface Science 329 (2015) 47–57 55

Fig. 6. SEM micrographs and associated histograms of colloidal nanoparticles prepared by ablation of titanium target in distilled water at four different fluences: (a) 46 J/cm2 ,
(b) 78 J/cm2 , (c) 93 J/cm2 , and (d) 109 J/cm2 .
56 M.H. Mahdieh, B. Fattahi / Applied Surface Science 329 (2015) 47–57

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