Task-Based Oral Communication Teaching Dr. Deepa S: Deepa@iimk - Ac.in Deepas2805@yahoo - in

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English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol.

12, 2012


Dr. Deepa S
Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode
IIM Kozhikode Campus P.O., Kozhikode – 673570, Kerala
[email protected]
[email protected]
+91-0495-2809443 1

Dr. Deepa S is an Assistant Professor in the area of Humanities & Liberal Arts in
Management at IIM Kozhikode. Along with contributing in grooming the communication
skills of upcoming managers, Dr. Deepa has also successfully developed some highly
effective courses in her area for students pursuing their career in management. She has
presented and published her research in national and international conferences and
journals and has three published books to her credit. Her current areas of interest are:
Managerial Communication, Written Communication Skills, Online Communication,
Employment-related Communication, and Soft Skills for Managers. She conducts
training programs in these areas.


Oral communication fulfills a number of general and discipline-specific academic functions. It is

vital to learn to speak, since it provides students a set of skills they can use all through their lives.
Speaking is the mode of communication used very often to express opinions, make arguments,
offer explanations, transmit information, and make impressions upon others. Students need to
speak well in their personal lives, future workplaces, social interactions, and political endeavors.
They will have to attend meetings, make presentations, participate in discussions and arguments,
and work with groups. If necessary instruction and opportunities to practice speaking are
available, students place themselves to achieve a wide range of goals and be useful members of
their communities.

This paper describes the applications of the task-based approach to teach oral communication
skills in an academic setting. A course “Oral Communication Skills” was taught to the post-
graduate students studying Management in a private business school to make them proficient in
oral skills. The present study tries to explore the possibility and feasibility of task-based
approach to apply for the teaching of oral communication.

Key words: Oral Communication, Task-based approach, conversation.


Dr. Deepa S
English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol. 12, 2012



Globalization has made it imperative for graduates to be proficient in oral communication skills
so that they can function effectively in the academic and professional setting. Consequently, oral
communication skills course is included in undergraduate and postgraduate classes. In spite of 2
the need, and the varied ways of including oral communication skills in curriculum, there
appears to be little research available that provides a more specific understanding of the methods
and approaches of teaching oral communication for these students. Oral communication covers a
wide area, ranging from formal presentations to participation in teams and meetings.

This paper tries to seek the possibilities to apply task-based approach in teaching oral
communication skills. This study reports on an investigation into the teaching of oral
communication to the post-graduate students of Management at a private B-school in India. The
paper describes the dimensions of “oral communication skills” and “task-based approach”. It
then introduces the goals of this particular course. The paper then talks at length about the
pedagogy adopted to deliver the course and concludes with the discussion of the success and
limitations of task-based approach.

Oral Communication Skills

Luthans (1973) refers to the importance of communication effectiveness within an organization

when he states: "Communication is one of the most frequently discussed concepts in the entire
field of organization and management, but it is seldom clearly understood. In practice, effective
communication is a basic prerequisite for the attainment of organizational goals, but it has
remained one of the biggest problems facing modern management. Most estimates state that
about 70% of an active human being's life, and a higher proportion (about 90 percent) of a
typical manager's time, are spent communicating" (p. 234).

Di Salvo, Larsen, & Seller (1974) found the most important communication activities were
listening, routine information exchange, advising, persuading, instructing and small group
problem-solving. The findings were based on a survey of graduates of a college of business
administration five years after they finished their university training. The results of the Di Salvo
et al. (1974) study clearly indicate the importance of communication requiring intense personal
contact at the interpersonal, small group and organization level. However, communication,
unlike many other academic subjects, causes apprehension in students which could continue on
into the organizational world.

Oral communication reflects the persistent and powerful role of language and communication in
human society. As Halliday (1978, p. 169 explains, communication is more than merely an
Dr. Deepa S
English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol. 12, 2012

exchange of words between parties; it is a “…sociological encounter” (Halliday, p. 139) and

through exchange of meanings in the communication process, social reality is “created,
maintained and modified” (Halliday, p. 169). Such a capacity of language is also evident in
Austin‟s (1962) earlier work on speech act theory where, as cited by Clyne (1994, p. 2),
language and thus communication is an “…instrument of action”. Speech act theory, concerned
with the communicative effect, that is, the function and effect of utterances, dissects an utterance
into three components: the actual utterance (the locution); the act performed by the utterance (the
illocution); and the effect the act has on the hearer (the perlocution). Searle’s (1969) work further
defined speech acts as directives, imperatives, requests, and so on.
Oral reporting skills are essential for many successful careers, especially in management. The
emphasis on these skills has continually been discussed (Nelton, 1991; Francese, 1994; Lubin,
2007). In a survey of 725 upper and middle managers, presentation skills were listed as the most
important skills needed for success in today’s business environment (“Critical Link,” 1991).
Maes, Weldy, and Icenogle (1997) also found managers cited oral communication skills as the
top skill needed.

In more recent times, the importance still has not changed. Gail Golden, a consultant for RHR
International, an executive-coaching firm, states that the skill “is really important for career
success, promotions and professional credibility” (Lubin, 2007). Of 34 business-related skills,
making effective oral presentations was ranked second by department chairs as the individual
skill which they believed was most crucial for graduating business students (Wardrope, 2002).
Yet some studies suggest that new graduates of business programs are not equipped with the
proper skills to orally communicate effectively (Gray, 2010). Sapp and Zhang (2009) found that
in a study of 234 business supervisors over a five year period, “spoken communication skills”
was cited as one of four skills of eleven where most skills development is needed by business
interns in their organizations.

Moreover, a growing body of literature demonstrates a link between communication and

business performance. Research suggests, for example, that communication practices affect both
the success of individual managers (Alexander, Penley, & Jernigan, 1992; O'Reilly & Roberts,
1977; Penley, Alexander, Jernigan, & Henwood, 1991; Russ, Daft, & Lengel, 1990) and the
success of teams and organizations (Snyder & Morris, 1984; Sypher, Bostrom, & Seibert, 1989;
Willits, 1967).

Competent oral communication skills are essential to personal success in the fields of business.
Empirical studies have linked oral communication ability to such measures of success as finding
a job (Krzystofik & Fein, 1988) and progressing in a career (Estes, 1979). Yet, Ingram and
Frazier (1980), and Hanson (1987) found that new business graduates are frequently perceived as
being “deficient” in communication skills.

For successful communication, students require more than the formal ability to present well and
a range of formulaic expressions. Successful communication is context dependent and therefore
embedded in its particular discourse community (Bizzell, 1989). To function successfully
Dr. Deepa S
English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol. 12, 2012

academically and professionally, one needs to learn effective oral communication skills.
Conversational speech comes naturally for many people. Yet, in more formal speech, effective
communication skills are critical. An effective communicator is able to conduct himself in a
variety of personal, professional, and academic environments with confidence.

Oral communication can take many forms, ranging from informal conversation that occurs
spontaneously and, in most cases, for which the content cannot be planned, to participation in
meetings, which occurs in a structured environment, usually with a set agenda (Rahman, Mojibur
M., 2010).
Oral communication is not only about language and how it is used for communication. There are
other skills which are to be acquired in order to communicate effectively. These include audience
understanding, active listening, non-verbal communication (body language, eye contact) style,
humility, conciseness amongst others. By the time, the students reach the post-graduate level, it
is assumed that they are aware of the basics of the language and therefore teaching speaking
skills makes no sense. What they need at that stage is communication skills. This is where the
challenge lies for the teacher. He has to know the needs of the individual students. The best way
to comprehend this is to observe and understand how the learners perform a task in the class. To
acquire such skills, task-based approach appears to be the most appropriate.

Task-based Approach

Task-based syllabus design has been the interest area of quite a few researchers and curriculum
developers in second/foreign language teaching in the mid 80s (Long 1985; Breen 1987; Prabhu
1987; Nunan 1989). This was basically the outcome of the pervasive awareness to the
communicative language teaching. Under the rubric of task-based instruction, a variety of
approaches can be found, e.g., “procedural syllabuses,” “process syllabuses,” and “task-based
language teaching” (Long and Crookes 1993). Primarily, the term “task” itself has been a
complex concept, defined and analyzed from various perspectives (Crookes 1986; Duff 1986;
Foley 1991; Crookes and Gass 1993a, b; Sheen 1994; Lantolf and Appel 1994; Skehan 1996).

The last two decades have seen a remarkable growth in task-based language learning and
teaching (Willis, 1996; Skehan, 1998a; and Bygate, Skehan and Swain, 2000a). The interest is
because “task” is seen as a construct of equal importance to second language acquisition (SLA)
researchers and to language teachers (Pica, 1997). “Task” is not only a means of clinically
eliciting samples of learner language for purposes of research (Corder, 1981) but also a device
for organizing the content and methodology of language teaching (Prabhu, 1987). On the other
hand, as Bygate, Skehan and Swain (2000b) point out, “task” is viewed differently depending on
whether the perspective is that of research or pedagogy.

Definitions of tasks are generally “context-free” (Bygate, Skehan and Swain, 2000b). The term
“task” has rather different meanings in different contexts of use. A task is a “workplan”; that is to
say, it takes the form of materials for researching or teaching language. A workplan typically
involves the following: (1) some input (i.e. information that learners are required to process and
Dr. Deepa S
English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol. 12, 2012

use); and (2) some instructions relating to what outcome the learners are supposed to achieve
(Rahman, Mojibur M., 2010). Breen (1989) pointed out that task-as-workplan is to be
distinguished from the task-as-process (i.e. the activity that transpires when particular learners in
a particular setting perform the task). The activity predicted by the task-as-workplan may or may
not be in harmony with the activity that crops up from the task-as-process.

While talking about the definitions of “task”, Skehan (1998a proposes four significant criteria:
1. meaning is primary;
2. there is a goal which needs to be worked towards;
3. the activity is outcome-evaluated; 5
4. there is a real-world relationship (p. 268).

Widdowson (1998a) criticizes such a definition of “task”, and argues that the “criteria do not in
themselves distinguish the linguistic exercise and the communicative task” (p. 328). He further
states that “exercise” and “task” differ with regard to the kind of meaning, goal, and outcome
they are directed towards. An exercise is premised on the need to develop linguistic skills as a
prerequisite for the learning of communicative abilities, while a task is based on the assumption
that linguistic abilities are developed through communicative activity. Widdowson proposes that
what constitutes the primary focus of attention, the goal, the way in which the outcome is
evaluated and the relationship to the real-world are all interpreted differently in accordance with
this basic difference in orientation.

Task-based language teaching has many purposes. Willis (1996: 35–6) identifies eight purposes:

1. to give learners confidence in trying out whatever language they know;

2. to give learners experience of spontaneous interaction;
3. to give learners the chance to benefit from noticing how others express similar meanings;
4. to give learners chances for negotiating turns to speak;
5. to engage learners in using language purposefully and cooperatively;
6. to make learners participate in a complete interaction, not just one-off sentences;
7. to give learners chances to try out communication strategies; and
8. to develop learners‟ confidence that they can achieve communicative goals.

These purposes relate to two general goals: communicative effectiveness and L2 acquisition.
Interestingly, seven of Willis’s purposes relate primarily to communicative effectiveness; only
one, (3) relates specifically to L2 acquisition. This reflects, perhaps, the general perception
among language teachers and educators that task-based teaching is mainly directed at improving
students‟ abilities to use the target language rather than at enabling them to acquire new
linguistic skills (Samuda, 2000). It is in contrast with the orientation of SLA researchers such as
Long, Skehan and Swain, whose primary concern is how tasks can contribute to language

The theoretical perspectives suggest a need to distinguish between task-based performance that
contributes to effective language use and that which facilitates L2 acquisition, that is, it cannot
Dr. Deepa S
English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol. 12, 2012

be assumed that achieving communicative effectiveness in the performance of a task will set up
the interactive conditions that promote L2 acquisition. Students may perform a task successfully
without the need to participate in much meaning negotiation or the need to attend to linguistic
form. In the process, they may emphasize fluency over accuracy or complexity by drawing on
their lexicalized system, thus failing to stretch their interlanguage systems. The task may not
confront them with the need to collaborate in the joint construction of new knowledge. Similarly,
tasks that are directed at improving students’ communicative abilities by promoting confidence
in using language or by providing opportunities for trying out communication strategies may fail
to develop their linguistic skills. It follows that teachers and language educators need to give
more attention to the properties of tasks that respectively aim to promote communicative 6
efficiency and L2 acquisition (Rahman, Mojibur M., 2010). Yule’s theory of communicative
effectiveness (1997) provides a basis for evaluating the kinds of tasks that contribute to
developing communicative effectiveness, whereas Skehan’s cognitive approach (1998b) suggests
the kinds of tasks that are needed to promote accuracy/complexity and, thereby, potentially to
influence language acquisition.

The Oral Communication Skills Course (OCS)

The course under discussion was offered as a core course in the second trimester in the Post-
graduate Diploma in Management Programme at a private B-school. The course content was as

Oral Communication Skills

1. Getting comfortable with English as a language The nature, purpose and characteristics
of good conversation
2. Using English in conversation: introductions, greetings, gratitude, opinions, explanations
3. Conversing with suitable stress, intonation and meaning
4. Making small talks: Initiating, maintaining and concluding conversations
5. Communicating disagreement and anything negative
6. Formal and informal group discussions and handling situations
7. Presentation skills
8. Gestures and body language

The Oral Communication Skills Course was offered as a compulsory course. It followed a course
on Written Communication Skills that was offered in the first trimester. It was offered to prepare
the students to take more advance level course in Managerial Communication in the third
trimester and it also prepared the students to use the language in real life situations whether it is
academic, social or professional situations. This course aimed at developing learners’
communication skills for specific academic and professional needs such as leadership,
organizational, and interpersonal communication skills. The students met twice a week for the
class. The duration of each session was ninety minutes and it was conducted in the workshop


Dr. Deepa S
English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol. 12, 2012

Accordingly, the goals of the OCS course were to facilitate the post-graduate management
- Understand the nature, purpose and characteristics of good conversation;
- Develop conversation skills suitable stress, intonation and meaning;
- Initiate, maintain and finish conversations;
- Use English in conversation: introductions, greetings, explanations, opinions, agreements
& disagreements;
- Develop skills for extempore and impromptu, debates, oral presentations, and group
- Provide opportunities for exercising initiative, leadership, and practicing organizational 7
and participation skills in group situations;
- Develop cross-cultural awareness.

Description of Tasks/Activities

The course was structured as a series of tasks/activities. These were designed hierarchically and
can be classified as initial, supporting, core and fusion activities.

Initial Activities

Course Discussion
It was important that the students become clear about the goals of the course and their relevance
to the program. It was also important to assess students' speaking skills based on their prior
knowledge and experience and in direct relation to course activities. Keeping in mind these
things, the first class began with a course syllabus discussion activity. Students were given a
copy of the syllabus in advance; they were asked to read it and put questions.

Students were asked to make pairs, ask each other some questions (listed by the instructor), and
take turns introducing each other. This activity worked as an ice-breaker and initiated group
bonding in the class.

The individual oral presentations in the form of extempore were designed to serve as pretests.
Students were instructed to make a three-minute presentation on a topic of their choice. They
were given minimum instructions. The goal was to find out the level of their oral communication
skills, given their background and experience (if any).

Listening and Participating Sessions

Students were given some cues (words and expressions). After listening attentively to the
instructor, the students had to ask questions seeking further information on the given cues. This
activity generated interest amongst students to interact in order to clarify and assisted them in
shedding off their initial inhibitions about using the language.


Dr. Deepa S
English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol. 12, 2012

After finishing the initial activities, the teacher devoted some classes to explain the rubrics of the
oral communication skills.

Core Activities
Group Discussion
In this core activity, the students were engaged in a formal/informal discussion on an assigned
topic. This activity was completely student-led, i.e., students played all the roles (observer, group
presenter, and participating members). The participation skills inculcated in the initial activities
facilitated this activity. After the performance, students were given individual feedback. They
were also informed about the errors they committed for future improvement. 8

For this activity, the students were asked to make groups of three to five students. Each group
was given a situation/problem and was given a day’s time to prepare. They prepared their role
and performed in the class. In the later stage, the groups were assigned situations on-the-spot on
which they had to perform after ten minutes of preparation time.
The instructor commented on individual performances and gave individual feedback to each

Oral Presentations
The purpose of this task/activity was two-fold: to make the students understand the qualities of
an effective presentation and to facilitate them practice oral presentations. The students were
asked to discuss on what makes an effective presentation. Based on their comments, the
instructor gave a model presentation that demonstrated the basics of oral presentation with and
without power point slides, and graphics along with discussing the fundamentals of delivering
effectively keeping in mind the non-verbal aspects of communication. After sensitizing them on
presentation skills, the instructor explained the evaluation criteria and the assessment sheet.

The students were then asked to make presentations in groups which were video-taped for the
purpose of improvement and were considered as pre-test presentations. Peer and instructor
feedback was given to each student. This practice session enhanced the student understanding of
an effective presentation and they got to know their own presentation skills.

After this, students were asked to give a final presentation for evaluation. Students made formal
presentations where each presentation was followed by a question-answer round, and was
concluded by the presenter. At the end of the semester, students were assessed using these tasks.

Supporting Activities
Problem-solving Communication Activities
These activities were scheduled thrice during the trimester. The first was a tower building task
that required small groups to make the strongest and the tallest tower with the help of straws and
cello tape, exchanging information with each other. It was designed as a collaborative group
activity that also provided practice in giving and asking for clear directions and instructions.


Dr. Deepa S
English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol. 12, 2012

During the thirty minute activity, for 10 minutes the students had to communicate only through
non-verbal communication.

The second activity was Balloon game. It focused on being creative in the art of making
innovative designs using balloons. The leader of the group was blindfolded and was required to
create a unique design with the balloons using narrations and descriptions from the team
members and exchange of information and opinions.

The third activity was The Positive Language game, which focused again on asking questions,
giving replies and conversing using positive words. The student groups had to converse on a 9
given topic without using negative verbal expressions like no, not, never, and the like. These
communication activities served two purposes: they allowed the OCS instructors to analyze
various other skills of the students like leadership, team spirit, organization etc. In addition, the
skills for giving and receiving clear instructions and directions served as enabling skills for use
in major tasks (e.g., the group project).

Cross-cultural Presentations in Groups

Since the students in the program were from several parts of the country, designated groups
introduced their states (e.g., Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal etc.) to the rest of the
students. The introductions included oral presentations and question/answer period. They
provided conditions for authentic, cross-cultural communication among the students, and turned
out to be popular events.

Fusion Activity

This group activity aimed at enhancing the qualities of initiative, leadership, innovation and
creativity, organizational skills, and participation apart from Business Communication. Students
worked in groups to produce an oral communication based strategy to draw people to their
innovative product and convince them. Various tangible and intangible products – consumables,
concepts, services, consultancy etc – could be designed and presented by the students. The
activity was completely student led. Within the framework of some broad guidelines on what
they could and could not do, the students decided the product/service, the design, and their roles.
The activity was designed in a cycle: the guidelines were introduced in week two; students
discussed the topic in week three, and the design in week four. Week six was mostly used for
project preparation, practice, and rehearsal. The activity was wrapped up in week eight, when all
the sections got together and appreciated critically each other's effort. Throughout this major
activity, the instructor played the role of language consultant and handled queries.


The tasks described in this paper were well received by the majority of the learners. They found
the experience to be rewarding, intrinsically interesting, and educationally beneficial. They got
involved in the task, because the tasks were giving the feeling of real life situation. Their final
performances were impressively polished and much improved, that is, the final product was of
Dr. Deepa S
English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol. 12, 2012

high level. 74 percent students scored grade “A”. But, at the initial stage there were some
problems in carrying out these tasks. Sometimes it went out of control of students and even of
the instructor. This paper has discussed the applications of the task/activity-based approach to
designing a syllabus for an oral communication skills course in an academic setting. It has
presented a case study based on the actual development of such a course in the PGDM
programme at a private B-school. This course was quite successful in achieving its goals: in their
annual program evaluations, 27% of the student body referred to the OCS course, or some
aspects of it, in response to the question: What did you like most about your institution? Part of
this success can be attributed to the task-based approach which emphasizes functional uses of
language, i.e., what people do with language. Furthermore, if the activities/tasks selected relate 10
to well-defined needs in specific institutional contexts, the course becomes more relevant and
useful in the minds of the students.

On the other hand, the course described in this paper was structured as a series of activities/tasks.
However, if these were not perceived to be connected to one another, if they had not fit well
defined goals and objectives, if the processes underlying their design had not got sufficient
attention, and if the assessment criteria were not perceived to be valid, then the course would
have been reduced to just one meaningless activity after another. Thus, in spite of the perceived
success of this syllabus design, constant improvements need to be made.

To conclude, the activity/task-based approach to syllabus design has much potential, but it has a
long way to go before it can claim empirical success in the field of second language curriculum
developments. More data is needed, using different quantitative and qualitative research
methods. Case studies provide useful empirical data in this context. The study presented in this
paper, although it is at best a descriptive account at this point, contributes to the growing number
of case studies in applying the task-based approach to syllabus design.

Scope for Further Research

The author is of the view that there is a scope for in-depth studies to be conducted not only in the
Management institutes, but also in the other traditional and professional courses. There is a scope
for further research in these and a comparative analysis of teaching oral communication by this
method and others can be another area of further probe.


Dr. Deepa S
English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 1682-3257, http://www.esp-world.info, Issue 35, vol. 12, 2012



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Dr. Deepa S

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