Formation of The Universe: Big Bang Theory
Formation of The Universe: Big Bang Theory
Formation of The Universe: Big Bang Theory
: 13.7 billion years Developed by: Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) & Pierre
Simon Laplace (1749-1827) in the 18th Century.
: 10 billion degrees
Fahrenheit (5.5 billion Celsius) fundamental particle: Proposes: 4.6 billion years ago
Neutron, Electrons and Protons.
: star system was formed from rotating gas cloud or
Steady State Theory: according to this theory, nebula
universe is always expanding in a constant average
Planetesimal and Tidal Thories: formation
of planet was explained.
: created form cosmic or celestial bodies such as
: a star supposedly passed close to the sun.
stars and galaxies
Developed by: Thomas Chamberlin (1843-1928)
: universe has no beginning
and Forest Moulton (1872-1952) 20th century and
Proposed By: Sir James Jeans (1877-1946) in 1920 James Jeans (1877-1946) and Forest Moulton
(1872-1989) in 1918
Revised by Fred Hoyle (1915-2001), Hermann Bondi
(1919-2005) and Thomas Gold (1920-2004) in 1948 FOUR INNER PLANETS: called terrestrial planets,
much smaller and they have solid surfaces and
Cosmic Inflation Theory : according to this mostly of silicate rocks and metals
theory, early universe was a rapidly expanding
bubble of a pure vacuum energy. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Proposed by: Alan Guth (1947-present) & Andrei FOUR OUTER PLANETS: called gas planets , because
Linde (1948-present) in 1980’s they are made up only primary materials (helium
and hydrogen) that make up the sun
Inflation – refers to the rapid expansion of space-
time. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
Became an accepted Hypothesis answered many THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARTH AND EARTH
“puzzling” SYSTEM
Water covers about 70% Earth’s surface -Temperature in this layer can rise higher, reaching
beyond 1 000 Degree Celsius
life -The lower part of Thermosphere is the Ionosphere
1. Water could be in liquid form, not just -They release photon (light energy) which cause the
solid and gas – water can travel to different spectacular display of colorful lights in the sky,
places. called aurora
2. Water has Neutral pH – neither acidic Thermo pause separate thermosphere from space
Biosphere makes up all the living things on Earth
Life Subsystem on Earth: Land, water and air