Formation of The Universe: Big Bang Theory

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- Second puzzling observation about the


universe is its appearance of flatness or
Big Bang Theory : Early Development of the smoothness.
Universe - Third puzzling observation has something to
do with the formation of stars and star
: Origin of the system in later years.

: Universe was once

very small and
Nebular Hypothesis: formation and evolution
very hot of the solar system

: 13.7 billion years Developed by: Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) & Pierre
Simon Laplace (1749-1827) in the 18th Century.
: 10 billion degrees
Fahrenheit (5.5 billion Celsius) fundamental particle: Proposes: 4.6 billion years ago
Neutron, Electrons and Protons.
: star system was formed from rotating gas cloud or
Steady State Theory: according to this theory, nebula
universe is always expanding in a constant average
Planetesimal and Tidal Thories: formation
of planet was explained.
: created form cosmic or celestial bodies such as
: a star supposedly passed close to the sun.
stars and galaxies
Developed by: Thomas Chamberlin (1843-1928)
: universe has no beginning
and Forest Moulton (1872-1952) 20th century and
Proposed By: Sir James Jeans (1877-1946) in 1920 James Jeans (1877-1946) and Forest Moulton
(1872-1989) in 1918
Revised by Fred Hoyle (1915-2001), Hermann Bondi
(1919-2005) and Thomas Gold (1920-2004) in 1948 FOUR INNER PLANETS: called terrestrial planets,
much smaller and they have solid surfaces and
Cosmic Inflation Theory : according to this mostly of silicate rocks and metals
theory, early universe was a rapidly expanding
bubble of a pure vacuum energy. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

Proposed by: Alan Guth (1947-present) & Andrei FOUR OUTER PLANETS: called gas planets , because
Linde (1948-present) in 1980’s they are made up only primary materials (helium
and hydrogen) that make up the sun
Inflation – refers to the rapid expansion of space-
time. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

Became an accepted Hypothesis answered many THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARTH AND EARTH
“puzzling” SYSTEM

Puzzling observation Shape of Earth: oblate spheroid

- One puzzling observation is the : Earth got its present shape specifically because of
homogeneity of objects in space. its gravity and rotation.

GPS: Global positioning satellites

History of Earth: 4 billion years old 3. Water is good conductor of heat and
energy – ability of water is to transfer
Earth’s Subsystems 4. Water has a high specific heat – amount
of heat
4 Subsystem: Geosphere, Hydrosphere, 5. Water is a universal solvent – needed by
Atmosphere and Biosphere organism
Natural processes: physical, chemical and biological
Hydrological Cycle: when water is in the
Geosphere is the portion of earth that includes atmosphere, it can go back to the ground during
the interior structure, rocks and minerals, temperature changes and starts the cycle all over
landforms, and all physical processes on land that again
shape Earth’s Surface.
Atmosphere: present atmosphere composed
: all the continents and the ocean floor are also 78% nitrogen and 20% oxygen, the rest is of other
considered parts of the geosphere. gases such as carbon dioxide, argon, and water
Geologist: Scientist that study this parts of Earth

Lithosphere: cover only the crust

Layer of the Atmosphere
1. Troposphere- densest among the other
Main Layers of Earth: Crust, mantle, and core

Tropopause- reaching the next layer above the

Crust: 5 to 70 km thick layer of oceanic. troposphere is a thin buffer zone

Crust is the Mohorovicic Discontinuity 2, Stratosphere- has strong, steady, horizontal

Ozone layer play a very important role in
Mantle: Below the crust is mantle
absorbing the ultraviolet radiation from the sun
GUTENBURG DISCONTINUITY: serves as a Stratopause next layer above the stratosphere
transitional boundary between the lower mantle
and outer core 3. Mesosphere- layer above the stratosphere
- Temperature here is -90 Degree Celsius
Discovery by: Beno Gutenburg (1889-1960) considered to be the coldest layer
Core: made up of iron and nickel Mesopause buffer zone above mesosphere

Hydrosphere: all the waters found on earth 4, Thermosphere- hottest layer

Water covers about 70% Earth’s surface -Temperature in this layer can rise higher, reaching
beyond 1 000 Degree Celsius
life -The lower part of Thermosphere is the Ionosphere

1. Water could be in liquid form, not just -They release photon (light energy) which cause the
solid and gas – water can travel to different spectacular display of colorful lights in the sky,
places. called aurora
2. Water has Neutral pH – neither acidic Thermo pause separate thermosphere from space
Biosphere makes up all the living things on Earth
Life Subsystem on Earth: Land, water and air


million years ago

1. The theory of the primordial soup –

explain life began on earth
2. Deep-sea event theory – deep down in the
3. Panspermia – life on earth began
somewhere in the universe

Food web: involve more organisms

Scientists with significant

contribution to our knowledge
on earth
1. James Hutton (1726-1797) – founder of
modern technology
2. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) – Theory of
3. Andrija Mohorovicic (1857-1936) –
suggested lies a boundary between crust and
4. Beno Gutenberg (1889-1960) – lies
between the solid silicate
5. Inge Lehmann (1888-1993) – Danish
6. Alexander Oparin(1894-1980) –proposed
primordial soup
7. Stanley Miller (1930-2007) – Jewish-

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