Mapping Mangroves Using LISS IV and Hyperion Data in Part of The Indian Sundarban
Mapping Mangroves Using LISS IV and Hyperion Data in Part of The Indian Sundarban
Mapping Mangroves Using LISS IV and Hyperion Data in Part of The Indian Sundarban
To cite this article: Biswajit Mondal, Ashis Kumar Saha & Anirban Roy (2019): Mapping
mangroves using LISS-IV and Hyperion data in part of the Indian Sundarban, International Journal
of Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2019.1630784
1. Introduction
Mangroves are taxonomically diverse assemblage of woody spermatophytes, with con-
vergent adaptive radiation, growing tropical wet coastal ecosystems with saline tidal
influence and loose substrates (Snedaker 1978). According to Tomlinson (1986), man-
grove is an intertidal ecosystem or highly adopted plant families that lives in the coastal
environment. Generally, mangroves having special adaptive features like vivipary, pneu-
matophores, salt excretion through salt glands are considered to be true mangroves,
whereas, the plants co-existed with mangroves without such special adaptive feature are
the mangrove associates which are non-arborescent, herbaceous, sub-woody and clim-
ber species and can also extend their population in the adjoining tidal periphery of
mangrove habitat (Naskar and Mandal 1999). The mangroves not only play the pivotal
role in maintaining the ecological security of wet coastal estuarine ecosystem, but also
provides immense ecological and economic services to mankind with the livelihood
support and maintenance of coastal stability by checking soil erosion (Lugo and
Snedaker 1974), protecting storms and landward sea ingression (Nabahungu and
Visser 2011; Ha, Dijk, and Visser 2014; Wood et al. 2013).
Sundarban, the largest deltaic settings of the world (covers approximately 10,000 km2
area; 40% in India, 60% in Bangladesh) is a heaven for nurturing magnificent biodiversity
with rich heritage of mangrove flora and thus be designated as world heritage site by
UNESCO in 1987. Indian Sundarban has recently been designated as Ramsar Site (https://
In spite of the significant ecological and economic services, mangroves belong to the
most threatened and vulnerable ecosystem worldwide. Mangrove ecosystem has experi-
enced a dramatic negative impact during the last half century (Kuenzer et al. 2011; Ha,
Dijk, and Visser 2014; Islam and Gnauck 2008). The most highlighted factors concerning
mangrove forest loss are shrimp farming (Gilman et al. 2008; Pramanick 2014), indus-
trialization, agriculture (Farnsworth and Ellison 1997), tsunami, cyclone (Chan and Baba
2009) and global warming (Alongi 2008) and other anthropogenic activities (Blasco and
Aizpuru 2002; Pramanick 2014). Moreover, sea level rise has caused coastal erosion and
submergence of many islands of Sundarban. Therefore, mangrove dominated land
masses have been extensively reduced (Mondal and Saha 2018). As a consequence,
mangrove species have become seriously threatened, and some are extinct too from
many regions. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop plans and procedures for
mangrove protection and management as well as up to date information of mangrove
composition, species distribution and pattern of species zonation. However, one of the
greatest limitations to mangrove protection is the lack of proper inventory and monitor-
ing due to difficulties in collecting information through field survey in a repetitive
Although cloud-free satellite data availability is an issue, remote sensing technology
has been playing an important role to map and monitor mangroves in harsh tropical
coastal environment like Sundarban. Field-based data collection in such environment is
a difficult task due to inaccessibility and natural habitat of several carnivorous animals
like Royal Bengal Tiger, Crocodiles, etc. Generally, the conventional remote sensing
instruments and techniques are not sufficient for species-level mapping of mangroves
(Benfield et al. 2007). The spatial and spectral information provided by these conven-
tional data and methods are not even sufficient for analysis of mangrove diversity
(Heumann 2011; Held et al. 2003). Therefore, for classification and analysis of mangroves
at species/community level, a combination of new generation high spatial and spectral
data are sought.
Hyperspectral data is being used as a reliable ancillary data to draw spectra (Held et al.
2003; Kamal and Phinn 2011; Giri et al. 2014; Kumar et al. 2017) of various plant species. It
provides ample spectral information to identify and distinguish spectrally similar features
or objects. The EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral images comprised of both visible – near-
infrared (VNIR: 1–70) and short wave infrared (SWIR: 71–242) bands are freely available
through United States Geological Survey (USGS) to perform such analysis. The spectral
features of mangroves depend on number of factors including biochemical composition,
leaf structure and liquid water content of leaves in micro-scale (Fourty et al. 1996) and also
depend on canopy structure, soil background reflectance (Schmidt and Skidmore 2003).
However, the hyperspectral data is limited up to 30 m spatial resolution, too coarse for
differentiation of spatial distribution of mangroves. In the recent time, LISS-IV remote
sensing data from IRS Resourcesat-2 mission has increased the potential of mangrove
mapping due to its high spatial resolution (5 m), although the spectral resolution is limited
to green, red and NIR bands only. Commercially available very high resolution satellite data,
such as, QuickBird, IKONOS, WorldView series can also be exploited for such purpose
(Wang, Sousa, and Gong 2004a; Wang et al. 2004b; Wang, Silvan-Cardenas, and Sousa
2008; Wang et al. 2016), but in the present context they are not cost effective. Therefore, in
this research work, an attempt has been made to integrate the use of EO-1 Hyperion and
IRS Resourcesat-2 LISS-IV data for species-level mangrove mapping in some easily acces-
sible part of the Indian Sundarban.
2. Study area
The largest active delta and world’s largest halophytic formation of Sundarban mangrove
are situated on the estuary formed by mainly three great rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra and
Meghna. According to Hazra et al. (2002) the Sundarban delta was initiated at the end of
Miocene, and the present scenario of Sundarban delta have reached not more than 10,000
years back (Pleistocene to recent). Sundarban is situated in a humid region and mainly with
tropical climate. The annual maximum temperature is 35°C, whereas minimum tempera-
ture drops at 9°C during winter season. Average annual rainfall is 144 cm, out of which 70%
is received during June to September through monsoon phenomena.
The people of Sundarban are depending mainly on primary activities for their liveli-
hood. Fishing has remained major livelihood activities in this region, spreading over
deep sea water, river and commercial fishing in small/big ponds and in wetlands.
Agriculture is another important source of livelihood and about 50% of people are
depending on agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood. Besides these activities,
forest products like wood, honey, wax, medical plants collection are important sources
of livelihood. Recently, through the constant effort of the Government of West Bengal,
Sundarban is being developed as an important tourist destination, which also acts as
prosperous livelihood activities for the local people.
Identification of some of the mangrove species and mapping were carried out in Lothian
Island and Saptamukhi Reserve Forest comprising of Henry Islands and Bakkhali coast
(Figure 1) due to abundance of almost all species of mangroves of Sundarban and easy
accessibility to conduct field survey. Although Saptamukhi Reserve Forest and its surround-
ings are influenced by anthropogenic activities, Lothian Island is free from human influ-
ence. The study area is geographically located between 21°33ʹ33.00”N and 21°42ʹ27.78”N
latitude and between 88°20ʹ57.51”E and 88°15ʹ44.02”E longitude (Figure 1).
3. Database
The database used in the study comprises of EO-1 Hyperion and IRS Resourcesat-2
LISS-IV satellite data, topographical base map and field samples of different man-
grove species. The Hyperion data were used in this study due to its open access
Figure 1. Location map of Lothian Island and Saptamukhi Reserve Forest. Resourcesat-2 LISS-IV
images are shown in the background.
4. Methodology
The broad methodology adopted in this study is shown in Figure 2.
reflectance spectra were ideal because they were drawn from the population of the data
points to enhance the accuracy of landcover estimation (Kamal and Phinn 2011).
Seven mostly dominant mangrove species/community along with five other associated
land-cover types were distinguished from unique pattern of spectral signature curves. To
Table 3. Characteristics of mangroves and associated landuse/landcover.
Mangroves/Landuse landcover Important characteristics
Aegialitis Rotundifolia ● Local name: Tora
● Soft-wooded shrubs and with a club-shaped stem
Prefer to grow in more saline mudflat habitat
Aegiceras corniculatum ● Local name: Khalsi
● Small trees, up to 4 m in height.
● Flowers generally white, fruit capsule cylindrical, one seeded.
● Bark is smooth, dark brown or grey.
● True mangrove species found in riverine areas.
Avicennia community Avicennia alba ● Local name: Baen
● It has smooth light grey bark made up of thin, stiff, brittle flakes.
● Grows in high saline tidal flow.
Avicennia marina ● Local name: Jat baen
● Shrubs or small bushy trees, and up to 4 m in height
● Bark is whitish-brown and leaves are elliptic and flowers are yellow in colour.
Avicennia officinalis ● Local name: Piara baen
● Trees, up to 20 m in height
● It has pencil-like pneumatophores, grey-brown bark elliptic leaves, flowers yellow and fruit capsule, flat, four seeded.
Ceriops community Ceriops decandra ● Local name: Garan
● Small trees or shrubs
● Prefer to grow in estuarine condition.
Ceriops tagal ● Local name: Garan
● Small trees, evergreen and up to 5 m high.
● Flowers generally white and grow during September–January months.
Excoecaria agallocha ● Local name: Gengwa
● Generally, 12 m in height and grey in colour.
● Grows mainly in comparatively less saline environment mostly away from creeks.
Lumnitzera racemosa ● Local name: Kripa
● Restricted in landward fringe of mangrove community in low-lying mudflat with regular tidal inundation.
Phoenix paludosa ● Local name: Hental
● Not more than 5 m in height
● Prefer to grow in high-elevated saline soil in river course.
Mixed mangrove ● More than three or four mangrove species mostly under different genera are dominated in a place.
Salt marsh ● Salt marshes are growing in high saline incrusted soil where no other mangrove establishes themselves, only salt marshes do develop.
● Salt tolerant plants grow in that place like herbs, grasses and shrubs.
understand the separability of each species, the whole EM spectra covered by Hyperion data
were divided into eight spectral groups popularly used by remote sensing satellites (Table
4). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was performed to assess the statistical significance
among the group means (Wang and Sousa 2009) of the seven mangrove species considered
in this study. It was observed that mangrove species are highly separable (at 99% con-
fidence level) using visible – near-infrared bands in comparison to SWIR bands (Table 4). The
above observation also favours the potential of LISS-IV data for mangrove discrimination.
Figure 4. Mean spectral profile of mangrove species derived from Hyperion data.
Table 4. ANOVA test on eight spectral groups to assess discrimination potential of mangrove
ANOVA test
Landsat 8 OLI IRS R-2 Significant at
equivalent LISS-IV equivalent 99%
Spectral Wavelength Band Hyperion band (Wavelength band (Wavelength confidence
group (nm) name bands (nm)) (nm)) p-Value level?
1 457–508 Blue 11–16 Blue -NA- 0 Significant
2 528–599 Green 18–25 Green Green 0 Significant
(533–590) (520–590)
3 630–681 Red 28–33 Red Red 0 Significant
(636–673) (620–680)
4 691–762 Red 34–41 -NA- -NA- 0.002 Significant
5 772–884 NIR 42–53 NIR NIR 0.001 Significant
(851–879) (770–860)
6 1366–1548 SWIR-A 122–140 Cirrus (IR) -NA- 0.086 Insignificant
7 1558–1650 SWIR-B 141–150 SWIR-1 -NA- 0.103 Insignificant
8 2080–2345 SWIR-C 193–219 SWIR-2 -NA- 0.012 Insignificant
where Rmean stands for mean spectral reflectance of each object or segments of
corresponding spectral band (e.g. RED, GREEN, NIR, etc.).
In the Level-1 of rule-set, vegetations were separated from the non-vegetations using
a NDVI threshold value determined through trial and error (Table 5). NDVI value less
than equal to 0.09 is considered as non-vegetations. In Level-2, NDWI threshold values
were used to extract waterbodies, silted water and sand from non-vegetation objects.
The objects with NDWI value greater than equal to 0.12 were classified as water, objects
with NDWI value within 0.12 and 0 were classified as silted water and objects with NDWI
value less than 0 were classified as sand. These water and silted water classes were
mainly aquaculture ponds found within Henry Island of Saptamukhi Reserve Forest. The
remaining unclassified vegetation comprised of non-mangrove and mangroves were
separated by spectral reflectance distance calculation (Kamal, Phinn, and Kasper 2015) in
Level-3 (Eq. 3).
Non-mangroves, i.e. coastal Casuarina equisetifolia and salt marsh were classified using
nearest neighbour sampling approach in Level- 4 and mangrove classes in Level-5.
(iii) Feature selection, optimization and nearest neighbour classification:
In Level-4 and 5 processing, at first, a total of 33 features (Navulur 2007) were
considered consisting of spectral statistics, spectral indices, extent, shape factors of the
objects as well as textural elements (Table 6) based on critical analysis of feature space.
Training objects were collected for each class through overlaying training sample set
generated through the procedure described earlier. Further, a feature space optimiza-
tion routine was applied based on selected samples with nearest neighbour rules to
select best features to discriminate all the classes more efficiently. Six features, i.e. GLCM
homogeneity (all directions), NDWI, Shape index, Maximum spectral difference, NDVI,
Mean NIR were shortlisted in feature space optimization routine and used for classifying
the remaining objects to produce a mangrove classified map separately for two desig-
nated test areas.
(iv) Accuracy assessment:
Accuracy assessment is an integral part of image classification to validate the classi-
fication results. To remove bias in accuracy assessment, an equalized random sampling
technique was used to collect a total 360 test sample points, i.e. 30 pixels in each class
over the study area. Purity of these samples were verified using the correlation coeffi-
cient method similar to one used during training sample selection (Figure 2). These
Customized feature Layer values Feature selection Geometry Feature selection Texture Feature selection
NDVI Mean Brightness Extent Area GLCM homogeneity GLCM homogeneity (all directions)
Maximum spectral difference Border index
NDWI Green Length
NIR Length/thickness
Spectral distance Red Length/width
Standard Green Number of pixels
deviation NIR Relative border to Image border
Shape Asymmetry
Border index
Red Density
Elliptic fit
Main direction
Radius of largest enclosed ellipse
Radius of smallest enclosing ellipse
Rectangular fit
Shape index
samples were also validated through the ecological positioning of each species. The
object-based classified image was reconverted to pixels and error matrix was computed.
The overall accuracy was calculated by dividing the total-corrected pixels by the total
pixels in the error matrix.
To evaluate the improvement of classification accuracy over traditional pixel-based
spectral classification (e.g. Giri et al. 2014), LISS-IV bands were classified by Maximum
Likelihood Classifier (MLC) using same set of training samples and evaluated with same
set of test samples.
To understand accuracy of individual classes, producer’s and user’s accuracy (Congalton
1991) were also analysed. Generally, the total number of correct pixels is divided by the total
number of reference pixels (column total), called producer’s accuracy which indicates how
well a certain area can be classified. Whereas if the total number of correct pixels in
a category is divided by the total number of pixels that are classified (row total), called
user’s accuracy. It indicates the probability of a pixel classified on the map actually repre-
sents that category on the ground (Story and Congalton 1986).
Table 7. Spatial distribution of mangrove species and associated landuse/landcover in Lothian Island
and Saptamukhi Reserve Forest.
Lothian Island Saptamukhi Reserve Forest
Area Area
Types Classes Area (ha) Area (%) (ha) (%)
Mangrove species Aegialitis rotundifolia 574.58 14.96 30.01 3.98
Aegiceras corniculatum 95.76 2.49 – –
Avicennia community 984.85 25.64 145.49 19.28
Ceriops community 175.17 4.56 32.91 4.36
Excoecaria agallocha 162.28 4.22 47.50 6.30
Lumnitzera racemosa – – 27.87 3.69
Phoenix paludosa 599.80 15.61 56.77 7.52
Mixed mangrove 300.80 7.83 74.15 9.83
Non-mangroves Casuarina equisetifolia 34.73 0.90 29.26 3.88
Salt marsh 431.76 11.24 71.79 9.51
Non-vegetation Sand 112.22 2.92 69.28 9.18
Water 141.62 3.69 86.94 11.52
Silted water 227.95 5.93 82.59 10.95
Figure 5. Classified map of mangroves and other land-cover types of Lothian Island.
As Phoenix paludosa prefers to grow in the high-elevated saline soil either in the bank
side or upland mudflats or mostly in the penetrable groves. In the present investigation,
the image shows that concentration of Phoenix paludosa either in the southern part of
elevated bank of the island or inside upland mudflat.
Field investigation shows that the Ceriops tagal prefers to grow in high saline tidal
flow of the upper estuarine conditions, whereas, Ceriops decandra are growing compara-
tively less saline conditions having more creeks and canals. The classified map at this
resolution could not differentiate the two species, rather clubbed together indicating
a mosaic population dominating in the entire island. The Excoecaria agallocha has very
sporadic distribution in the island and mostly growing away from the creeks and canals
where salinity is comparatively lesser.
Salt marshes are growing in high saline incrusted soil or in the salt pan. In some low-
elevated regions of the island where tidal water and saline waterlogged regions trans-
form into saline-incrusted soil after due evaporation. Therefore, no other mangrove
plant species establishes and only salt marshes do develop. In the present investigation,
only a very few pockets with such physical conditions facilitate the growth of salt marsh
like Suaeda maritima and Tamarix troupii (Figure 3). There are few non-mangrove
Casuarina equisetifolia patches which are planted mainly in south-east corner of
Lothian Island.
Beside individual mangrove population having the preference of specific physico-
chemical environment, there are some regions of island found to be intermingled with
more than one mangrove population. The same has also been depicted in the classified
map (Figure 5).
Figure 6. Classified map of mangroves and other land-cover types in Saptamukhi Reserve Forest.
In the Henry Island (northeastern part of the reserve forest) along with Saptamukhi
estuary, the vegetation was mainly mosaic of mangrove species (Figure 6). Avicennia
community was mostly distributed in northern part and along the edges of the creeks,
sometimes extended to the mudflats. Phoenix paludosa is colonized on the higher
elevated mudflats, predominantly in the Saptamukhi estuarine regions than the north-
ern and north-eastern part of Henry Island.
Ceriops community were more concentrated in the northern part of the Island
than the Saptamukhi estuarine part. Excoecaria agallocha which are mostly growing
in the lesser saline conditions and thus only having very scanty population in the
extreme northern part of the island. Aegialitis rotundifolia and Lumnitzera racemosa
had very discrete population mostly with low-lying mudflats having regular tidal
inundation. A few exposed non-shady regions of the island with high evaporation
rate creating salt incrusted conditions for salt marshes especially Suaeda nudiflora.
Some planted Casuarina equisetifolia species are found in the southern part of the
reserve forest.
6. Conclusion
In this study, seven different types of mangrove species along with associated landuse/
landcover could be mapped in Lothian Island and Saptamukhi Reserve Forest in the
Indian Sundarban with substantial accuracy and cost efficiency. The methodology
adopted in this study has overcome the limited availability of ground control points
and absence of field spectroradiometer by using a region growing tool applied on
hyperspectral data. This method would be highly beneficial to map difficult terrain like
Sundarban with greater accuracy. The study also highlights the potential of 5 m spatial
resolution LISS-IV data for mangrove mapping with OBIA approach as high classification
accuracy could be achieved. The present methodology could be replicated for the whole
region to prepare a detailed mangrove map in a repetitive manner which would be
helpful for sustainable management of this fragile ecosystem.
Research grant provided by Research Council, University of Delhi is duly acknowledged. Prof.
Elmar Csaplovics, TU-Dresden, Germany through DAAD reinvitation program for providing access
to ENVI software. The first author is thankful to University Grants Commission for research
fellowship. Authors are also thankful to Directorate of Forest, Government of West Bengal for
necessary field permission and Dr Sumit Manna, Assistant Professor, Moyna College, West Bengal
for assistance during field survey. Thanks are due to Dr Gyan Prakash Sharma and Dr Praveen
Kumar Pathak, University of Delhi for their assistance in statistical analyses in SPSS.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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