Jest All in One Notes 2018-Final Updated PDF
Jest All in One Notes 2018-Final Updated PDF
Jest All in One Notes 2018-Final Updated PDF
Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in interesting way, and
relate this new information to the things students:
A. don’t know
B. already know
C. willing to know
D. not willing to know
The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including
remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called___________?
A. Education
B. Pedagogy
C. Cognitive Development
D. Epistemology
The more parts of your brain you use, the more likely you are to __________ information.
A. use
B. miss
C. misuse
D. retain
The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain
conclusion is called___________?
A. Deductive Reasoning
B. Inductive Reasoning
C. Qualitative Reasoning
D. Quantitative Reasoning
The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in
education was__________?
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. John Locke
The concept of perennialism in education means school curricula should focus on what
A. important
B. everlasting
C. in demand
D. in need
The idea of teaching the whole child in the “philosophy of pragmatism in education”
means teaching students to be good_________?
A. learners
B. thinkers
C. scientists
D. citizens
The application of ideas, knowledge and skills to achieve the desired results is
A. problem solving
B. critical thinking
C. reasoned arguments
D. deductive method
In education, __________ is used to make inference about the learning and development
of students?
A. assessment
B. evaluation
C. measurement
D. diagnosis
According to John Dewey, which side of the educational process is the basis?
A. economical
B. sociological
C. philosophical
D. psychological
The use of internet for students in their educational activities is in your opinion:
A. Takes the place of the teacher
B. Medium for good teaching
C. The wastage of precious time
D. Good medium of entertainment
The teaching approach in which students share knowledge with other students through a
variety of structures, is known as:
A. Cooperative Classroom Model
B. Cooperative behavior Model
C. Cooperative Learning Model
D. None of these
When students are asked to leave the classroom to observe events organisms and objects
in their natural surroundings the teacher is actually using _________strategy to teach
A. Field Observations
B. Field trips
C. Class observation
D. None of these
Traditionally the cards with a question, problem, or fact on one side and the answer or a
related fact on the other side are called:
A. Observations Cards
B. Placards
C. Flash Cards
D. Note cards
In a round table discussion the participants ____________ discuss topic among themselves
and with the audience.
A. Originally
B. Informally
C. Formally
D. None of these
Which from the following should be used to decrease minor inappropriate behavior?
A. Praise
B. Reward
C. Ignorance
D. Strictness
According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the Formal operational stage starts
at age________?
A. 3
B. 7
C. 11
D. 15
According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skill
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Concrete operational stage
D. Formal operational stage
In cooperative method teachers act as a delegator means the teacher act as a/an
________ to the students.
A. resource
B. partner
C. evaluator
D. foster
To study the functioning of the unconscious mind, which of the following techniques can
be most profitably used?
A. Situational tests
B. Projective techniques
C. Case studies
D. Personality inventories
One of the students of a class hardly talks in the class. How would you encourage him to
express himself?
A. By organizing discussions classroom activities
B. By encouraging children to take part in
C. By organizing educational games/programmers in which children feel like speaking
D. By giving good marks to those who express themselves well
When a teacher enters his class on the first day the theme of discussion should
A. Course-content
B. School principal
C. School building
D. Introduction
__________ is a teacher centered model that focuses on student’s activities being guided
by the teacher?
A. Thinking Model
B. Pedagogical Model
C. Directive Model
D. Indirect Model
Any method of teaching which involves two or more students, can be termed
A. Class task
B. Group Work
C. Class work
D. Group task
The technique in which the students act out roles form stories or historical events, is
termed as:
A. Drama
B. Simulation
C. Play
D. All of the above
One way to maximize teaching time shorten delays due to transitions and focus on
student’s behavior is used to establish __________ in the classroom?
A. Procedures
B. Rules
C. Routines
D. None of these
____________ is pair activity in which students have exactly 30 seconds to share all they
A. Quick talk
B. Quick intro
C. Quick response
D. Quick discussion
If one child gives answers to all the Questions at first in your class but disturbs the rest of
the children and roams here and there in the class then what will you do?
A. Tell him not to do like that
B. Punished him
C. Engage that child in more activities than rest of the children of the class so that he
may learn new things
D. Complain the guardians that his child is breaking the discipline
When a student asks a Question to which the teaching has no direct, correct answer.
What should the teacher do?
A. Tell the student not to ask such irrelevant
B. Tell the student that he would give the correct answer later
C. Give some vague answer and satisfy the student Questions
D. Ask the student-to find out the answer himself from books in the library
The book Emile or “On Education” on the nature of education and man is written
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. John Dewey
D. Rousseau
The reasoning in which the given statements are viewed as supplying strong evidence for
the truth of the conclusion is called___________?
A. Deductive Reasoning
B. Inductive Reasoning
C. Qualitative Reasoning
D. Quantitative Reasoning
Developing new rules and principles on the basis of given facts and information in
memory level is called___________?
A. Association
B. Generalization
C. Application
D. Assimilation
Attitude can:________________?
A. Be overt or covert both
B. Provide basic for individual differences
C. Be the measure of cultural differentiation
D. All of the above
Which of the following teaching aids helps the pupils to study, analyses and compare
A. Graphs
B. Maps
C. Diagrams
D. Pictures
Guidance removes:______________?
A. The personal problems of the individual
B. Psychological problems of the individual
C. The social problems of the individual
D. All of the above
When a child responds to all women who wear black suit because of the black suit of her
mother, it is the example of_____________?
A. Internal inhibition
B. Generalizations
C. Assimilation
D. All of the above
When students begin learning with an activity designed to lead them to particular
concepts or conclusions, the method of teaching is called____________?
A. Analytical teaching
B. Discovery teaching
C. Invention teaching
D. None of these
A __________ is any activity that occurs outside the classroom for the purpose of
providing hands on experience with objects or people that only occur in certain places?
A. Field work
B. Field Observations
C. Field walk
D. Field Trips
___________ is an organizing tool to help the students visualize how many events can be
tied to or contribute to a result?
A. Fishbone
B. Fishpond
C. Backbone
D. None of these
When students are asked to prepare an analysis of critic all features of an object or
concept, the strategy is termed as__________?
A. Sequencing
B. Concept mapping
C. Characterization
D. None of these
While teaching in the classroom, any kind of work that involves two or more students, is a
form of___________?
A. Collaborative learning
B. Collaborative project
C. Collaborative work
D. Collaborative effort
The theory explaining the different types of learning and proposing that they require
different types of teaching is remembered as___________?
A. Conditions of knowledge
B. Conditions of behaviors
C. Conditions of learning
D. None of these
The first institution of higher learning in the Western world, “Academy”, was founded
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. John Dewey
The “Apology” the Plato’s recollection of the speech given by Socrates when Socrates was
charged with____________?
A. believing in the rotation of the Earth
B. not believing in the rotation of the Earth
C. believing in gods
D. not believing in gods
Teacher should read other books also except course-books. What will be the benefit of it?
A. They can use their best time
B. They will get satisfaction and teach well
C. Knowledge will be overall developed and they teach well
D. People will know him as best teacher due to his way of teaching
The students of class v make too much of noise in Math’s class. The probable reason of
this could be that the teacher
A. Is not well versed in teaching methodology
B. The children dislike the subject
C. Is not able to maintain discipline in the class
D. The children do not pay attention
Who is called the father of both Realism and the scientific method?
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. Edward Thorndike
Realism is a philosophical approach that argues that ultimate reality is the world
A. ideas
B. experiences
C. observations
D. physical objects
The psychologist who for the first time proposed the concept of connectionism in learning
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Robert Sternberg
D. Edward Thorndike
The philosopher who for the first time taught logic as a formal discipline was__________?
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. Edward Thorndike
Idealism is a philosophical approach that argues that __________are the only true reality,
and the only thing worth knowing.
A. ideas
B. experiences
C. observations
D. physical objects
The __________ the stimulus-response bond (S-R bond), the better a person has learned
the lesson.
A. stable
B. unstable
C. stronger
D. weaker
Which of the following conditions must be fulfilled for proper adjustment in the
A. Physical fitness and health
B. Social acceptability of the person
C. Free form psychological diseases
D. All of the above
Teaching by small steps and frequent short assignment techniques are useful
A. Learning disabled
B. Slow learners
C. Educationally backward children
D. All of the above
The technique of classroom management where the teacher punishes negative behaviors
by removing an unruly student from the rest of the class is called___________?
A. extinction technique
B. satiation technique
C. time out technique
D. corporal punishment
According to Robert Sternberg, the three different types of required intelligence for
creativity are_____________?
A. synthetic, analytical, and practical
B. analytical, observational and practical
C. analytical, critical and practical
D. abstract, synthetic and analytical
The study of the physical, social and mental aspects of aging is called____________?
A. Esthetics
B. Genetics
C. Gerontology
D. Clinical psychology
When the teacher is restating the information to show basic principles in the classroom,
he is actually?
A. Making diagrams
B. Pinpointing
C. Generalizing
D. Criticizing
___________ are visual frameworks to help the learner make connections between
A. Graphic representations
B. Graphic organizers
C. Graphic charts
D. None of these
According to Socrates, physical objects and events are ___________ of their ideal form?
A. shadows
B. images
C. parts
D. signs
In your view, which one is the most important factor of teaching process?
A. Teaching materials
B. Student
C. Teacher
D. The environment of the class
In order to make memory level of teaching a success what should a teacher do?
A. Logical sequence should be there in the presentation of subject matter
B. Recall and rehearsal of the learn material should be done at short intervals
C. Subject matter should be meaningful and interesting before presenting it to pupils
D. All of the above
Which from the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate
A. Praise
B. Reward
C. Ignorance
D. Strictness
According to Rousseau, at what age a person ready to have a companion of the opposite
A. 16
B. 17
C. 18
D. 19
“All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the
fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” This is the saying of___________?
A. Aristotle
B. Socrates
C. Plato
D. John Locke
Which of the following can affect the results of students in the examination?
A. Number of teacher parents
B. Number of class works and Home works given
C. Working house and days of the school
D. All of the above
How shall you help a student who has failed in the half yearly examination?
A. By giving grace marks
B. By re-teaching difficult concepts
C. By holding re-examination
D. By asking parents to arrange private tuition
_________ is a form of discussion that starts with individual response if the students then
formulate student’s pairs then the pairs are used to form groups of four.
A. Discussion Web
B. Concept Web
C. Creativity Web
D. None of these
___________ is a pair activity in which students have a short period (typically 30 seconds)
to share all they know by writing in a graphic organizer.
A. Quick write
B. Quick order
C. Quick response
D. Quick discussion
According to the law of effect, if a stimulus results in a negative outcome, the S-R bond
A. strengthened
B. weakened
C. stabilized
D. unsterilized
An assessment that is generally carried out at the end of a course to assign students a
course grade is called?
A. Diagnostic assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Contemporary assessment
D. Summative assessment
The __________ is a measure of how spreads out points are from the mean.
A. arithmetic mean
B. geometric mean
C. standard deviation
D. variance
Who advocated removing children from their mothers’ care and raising them as wards of
the state?
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. John Locke
According to John Dewey, children should experience __________in school to make them
better citizens.
A. rules
B. discipline
C. democracy
D. practical implementation
According to the law of effect, if a stimulus results in a positive outcome, the S-R bond
A. strengthened
B. weakened
C. stabilized
D. unsterilized
According to the __________, S-R bonds are stronger if an individual is ready to learn.
A. law of effect
B. law of exercise
C. law of readiness
D. law of connectionism
For an effective teaching, the teacher must be a subject matter expert that includes:
I. command over the subject
II. the ability to convey knowledge
III. the ability to apply ideas from one discipline to another
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. I, II and III
There is __________ in working memory as people gets older.
A. upgradation
B. degradation
C. no change
D. a slight change
When the teacher checks the students work using multiple sources of information, the
task is called____________?
A. Cross-Checking
B. Cross-matching
C. Cross-cutting
D. None of these
In a __________ student’s formally present material then respond to questions from the
A. Dialogue
B. Discussion
C. Symposium
D. Seminar
All the verbal and non-verbal communications between teachers and students are
A. Signals
B. Gestures
C. Hints
D. Dialogues
_____________ is a method where the students ask questions each other during
A. Peer Classification
B. Oral Questioning
C. Peer Questioning
D. Peer Tutoring
If students do not understand what is taught in the class the teacher should:
A. Repeat the lesson once again
B. Teach the lesson again giving more examples
C. Proceed to the next Lesson so that syllabus could be covered
D. Checkup the previous knowledge of the students in the topic
An assessment is __________ if it consistently achieves the same results with the same (or
similar) students.
A. Valid
B. Invalid
C. Reliable
D. Unreliable
According to the __________, the more you do something, the better you are at it.
A. law of effect
B. law of exercise
C. law of readiness
D. law of connectionism
The models based on the philosophy that learning occurs when there are changes in
mental structure are called____________?
A. Knowledge Learning Models
B. Effective Learning Models
C. Cognitive Learning Models
D. Psychomotor learning models
Rather than “telling,” teacher leads students to concept through a series of ordered
questions in____________?
A. Socratic Method
B. Aristotelian Method
C. Heuristic Method
D. Platonic Method
In co-education you:_______________?
A. You deal according to need
B. You give preference to boys over girls
C. Make separate rows of boys and girls
D. You give preference to none
You are a famous teacher, but students are not satisfied with your teaching style. How
you will teach them?
A. Will take training again to reform the style
B. Will change your style according to students
C. Will make harmony with student’s style
D. Will tell about your style first
When the teacher forms different groups among the students that take turns asking other
groups questions the strategy he/she is using is the_______________?
A. Cooperative Learning
B. Cooperative Review
C. Group work
D. Cooperative Thinking
The cooperative learning method which combines whole class learning plus
heterogeneous small groups is termed as:
A. Circles of learning
B. Circles of knowledge
C. Circles of conceptual learning
D. None of these
The __________ says, we are motivated to gain rewards and avoid punishments.
A. law of effect
B. law of exercise
C. law of readiness
D. law of connectionism
According to the theory of forms (or theory of ideas) material world is a/an __________ of
the real world.
A. shadow
B. image
C. part
D. sign
According to Aristotle, virtue is a/an __________ state between excess and deficiency.
A. natural
B. intermediate
C. real
D. artificial
Aneela is eight years old girl. She does not like to study. You as a teacher:
A. Requests her to study despite she is not interested
B. Give her oral work
C. Describes the benefits of study
D. Leave on her own in the class
To make classroom teaching more effective every teacher should discuss with colleagues:
A. Analyze responses of students
B. Keep him/herself abreast of development in the area in his/her subject
C. Publish his/her writings
D. None of theme
Why will you ask questions from students during the course of a lecture?
A. To learn which one of the students is the brightest one
B. Are the students carefully listening to your lecture?
C. To learn whether students are understanding (the lecture) or not
D. To assists the students
For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure
will _________?
A. also decrease
B. increase
C. remains constant
D. none of these
A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called __________?
A. motor
B. generator
C. moving-coil meter
D. battery
When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into __________ colours.
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
1 nanometer = ?
A. 10-3 meter
B. 10-6 meter
C. 10-9 meter
D. 10-12 meter
A. 1 – 5 days
B. 3 – 7 days
C. 4 – 8 days
D. 5 – 21 days
In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last?
A. River water
B. Canal water
C. Sea water
D. Water in a lake
The planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed is?
A. Jupiter
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Mercury
A. Lungs
B. Liver
C. Heart
D. Kidneys
The salinity of sea water is determined by the amount of common salt (Sodium
Chloride) in __________ of sea water.
A. 1 gram
B. 10 grams
C. 1 kg
D. 10 kg
1 light year = ?
A. 9.5×106 km
B. 9.5×109 km
C. 9.5×1012 km
D. 9.5×1018 km
The bodyguard of the Earth is __________ that save the Earth from many Comets and
A. Mars
B. Saturn
C. Uranus
D. Jupiter
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about __________ billion years ago.
A. 10 – 20
B. 20 – 30
C. 30 – 40
D. 40 – 50
Einstein’s famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is?
A. E = mc2
B. E = cm2
C. M = ec2
D. M = ce2
About 50% of the Earth’s crust, including the waters on the Earth and atmosphere, is?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Silicon
D. Clay
The device used to convert Alternate Current into Direct Current is called?
A. Anemometer
B. Battery
C. Galvanometer
D. Rectifier
A. Mitochondria
B. Vesicles
C. Lungs
D. Liver
A. Kenya
B. Malaysia
C. Malta
D. Pakistan
A. Artificial radioactivity
B. heating
C. Electroplating
D. Chemical reaction
The three elements needed for healthy growth of plants are __________?
A. N, P, K
B. N, C, P
C. N, K,
D. N, S, P
Clocks, which moves with the velocities comparable with the velocity of light, run ?
A. fast
B. slow
C. equal to the velocity of light
D. with zero velocity
Max Planck received the noble prize in Physics in 1918 for his discovery of?
A. electron
B. energy quanta
C. photon
D. positron
A. copper, nickel
B. copper, tin
C. copper, silver
D. copper, zinc
A. Antiduretic Harmone
B. Luteinising Harmone
C. Melanophore stimulating Harmone
D. Adrenocorticotrophic Harmone
Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper pulp?A. Cotton
B. Poplar
C. Bagasse
D. Rice straw
Dr. Abdus Salam of Pakistan was one of the contributors of the unification of __________?
A. Electromagnetic force and gravitational force
B. Electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force
C. Gravitational force and weak nuclear force
D. Weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force
E. None of these
What is the chance of diabetic baby born to parents both heterogeneous normal?
A. Zero
B. ¼
C. ½
D. ¾
E. None of these
Which form of drug abuse involves most risk of infection with the HIV (AIDS) virus?
A. Cigarette smoking
B. Using alcholo
C. Injection of heroine
D. Taking too much aspirin
E. None of these
Founder of modern astronomy was _________________?
A. Archimedes
B. William Gilbert
C. Nicolas Copernicus
D. Michael Faraday
E. None of these
The science which deals with study of manners and customs of people is ?
A. Ethnology
B. Morphology
C. Ethics
D. Genetics
E. None of these
The most splendid and the most magnificent constellation on the sky is?
A. Orion
B. Columbia
C. Canis Major
D. Taurus
E. None of these
The position of earth in its orbit, when it is at its greatest distance from the sun causing
northern summer is called ___________?
A. Aphelion
B. Perihelion
C. Perigee
D. Apogee
E. None of these
Diamond is a very expensive ornament. It is composed of a single element ___________?
A. Carbon
B. Gold
C. Silver
D. Platinum
E. None of these
Which of the following explains the reason why there is no total eclipse of the sun?
A. Size of the earth in relation to that of moon
B. Orbit of moon around earth
C. Direction of rotation of earth around sun
D. Area of the sun covered by the moon
E. None of these
The half-life of a radioactive element is 8-days. How long it take to reduce it from 10 mg to
5 mg?
A. 4 days
B. 12 days
C. 16 days
D. 8 days
E. None of these
The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display of red and green lights in northern hemisphere is
due to radiations from____________ ?
A. Ionosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Stratosphere
E. None of these
Animal which captures and readily kills living animals for its food is called___________?
A. Parasite
B. Scavenger
C. Predator
D. Mammal
E. None of these
In a railway track, two rails are joined end to end with a gap tin between them because?
A. Steel can be saved
B. Accidents due to contraction in winter can be avoided
C. Air gaps are necessary for bearing the weight of running train
D. Accidents due to expansion in summer can be avoided
E. All of these
Name the famous book of Ibn-Sina in which he discussed human physiology and medicine?
A. Al-Qanun
B. Al-Masudi
C. New Renaissance
D. Tadhkira
E. None of these
Water is heated in a kettlE. The inside water is heated by convection. A person sitting near the fire
receives heat by ________?
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Reflection
E. None of these
In winter an iron pipe feel colder than a wooden window. This is because wood is_______?
A. Conductor
B. Non-Conductor
C. Semi- Conductor
D. Not a solid while iron is a solid
E. None of these
The echo (reflected sounD. will be distinctly heard only at ordinary temperatures if the distance of
the reflecting surfaces from the source of sound is at least ________?
A. 1120 ft
B. 120 ft
C. 56 ft
D. 100 ft
E. None of these
It is possible to recognize a person in the dark by simply hearing his unique voice . It is because of
A. pitch
B. Frequency
C. Time period
D. Quality
E. None of these
When a ray of sunlight enters a dark room , its straight path become visible because of dust
particles hanging in the air. It is because light is _________?
A. Visible
B. Transparent
C. Invisible
D. opaque
E. None of these
A six feet tall lady wants to see her full image in a plane mirror . The minimum length of the mirror
will be ?
A. 6 feet
B. 12 feet
C. 4 feet
D. 3 feet
E. None of these
The principle used in radar is the same as that of Sonar. In radar we use radio waves ; whereas in
sonar we use ?
A. red waves
B. Infrared waves
C. Ultrasonic
D. super sonic
E. None of these
In a fission nuclear reaction , a heavy nucleus breaks up into smaller nuclei whereas in another
nuclear reaction two or more than two possibly nuclei are fused to form a heavy nucleus This
nuclear reaction is called ?
Chemical Reaction
B. Nuclear reaction
C. Fission nuclear reaction
D. Fusion nuclear reaction
E. None of these
Parsec is a unit of ___________?
A. Energy
B. Time
C. Power
D. Distance
E. None of these
The instrument which i specially design for recording earth quake wave is called seismograph
which measure earth quake waves on a ____________?
A. Diatonic scale
B. Fahrenheit Scale
C. Richter scale
D. Celsius Scale
E. None of these
Which of the following vitamins promote healthy functioning of eyes in human beings?
A. Vitamin B
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin A
D. Vitamin D
The average heartbeat per minute in a normal man is _________?
A. 50
B. 70
C. 80
D. 100
A person with which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group?
A. A
C. B
D. O
Malaria is a disease which effects the____________?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Spleen
D. Kidneys
A lake starts freezing because of the cold atmosphere. It will first freeze
A. At the bottom
B. ln the middle pan
C. At the top surface
D. Uniformly throughout the water body
The sun appears red at sunrise and sunset while it appears white at noon, because
A. Of refraction
B. It is cooler at sunrise and at sunset
C. Of diffraction leading to red end of the spectrum reaching the earth.
D. Of Scattering of light due to dust particles and air molecules.
An astronaut inside a spacecraft is in a state of weightlessness. This implies that?
A. The mass of the astronaut is reduced to zero
B. Gravity inside the spacecraft ceases to act
C. The astronaut is outside the influence of the earth’s gravitational force
D. The astronaut and the spacecraft are both in a free-failing state
An iceberg is floating in sea. How much of its mass will remain above the surface of water?
A. One tenth
B. One fifth
C. One fourth
D. One third
Most of the ozone in the atmosphere is concentrated in the _____________?
A. Mesosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Stratosphere
D. ionosphere
The cow’s milk contains how much amount of water in terms of percentage?
A. 60%
B. 65%
C. 72%
D. 80%
T.V. transmission cannot cover a very large area because
A. the strength of T.V. waves is very limited
B. picture cannot be transmitted clearly after a specific distance
C. the shape of the earth is spherical
D. the air is not a good conductor of light and sound/waves
Lead ball falls through water more slowly than through air because __________?
A. The value of ‘g’ is less in water
B. Density of air is less than that of water
C. Of the viscous force in water
D. Of The surface tension of water
A Fahrenheit thermometer indicates a temperature of ‘ 14°F. its corresponding reading on the
Celsius scale will be _________?
A. – 2O°C
B. – 10°C
C. + 10°C
D. + 20°C
Which one of the following sets of color combinations is added in color vision in TV’?
A. Red, green and blue
B. Orange, back and violet
C. White. red and yellow
D. Yellow, green and blue
A train goes past a railway station at a high speed. A young boy standing on the edge of the
platform is likely to __________?
A. Remain unaffected
B. Fall away from the train
C. Fall towards the train
D. Fall away from or towards the train depending upon the speed
Water is a highly effective coolant for a car engine because _________?
A. Water is good conductor of heat
B. Water has very high specific heat capacity
C. Water boils at a comparatively high temperature
D. Evaporation of water produces lot of cooling
Scalding with steam is more severe than scalding by boiling water because_______?
A. Steam can penetrate the skin
B. Steam is at a higher temperature
C. Steam contains more energy than boiling water
D. Steam is at a higher pressure
In order to prevent the corrosion of iron pipes they are often coated with a layer of zinc. This
process is termed as____________?
A. Electroplating
B. Annealing
C. Galvanization
D. Vulcanization
The cracking sound heard when dry hair is combed with a hard rubber comb is due to_________?
A. The hair barging against the charged comb
B. Small electric sparks
C. The rubbing of the comb with the hair
D. None of the above
Detergents dissolved in water help in cleaning clothes by_________?
A. Increasing the temperature of water
B. Reacting chemically with dirt
C. Reducing the surface tension of water
D. Dissolving dirt
He was the first scientist to prove that plants move around the sun?
A. Archimedes
B. Galileo Galilei
C. John Kepler
D. None
Atom is made up of____________different kinds of subatomic particles:
A. Three
B. Two
C. Four
D. None
The alpha particles are compact clusters of______________?
A. Electron and Proton
B. Two Protons and two Neutrons
C. Three protons and three Neutrons
D. None
The Beta particles are fast moving___________?
A. Protons
B. Electrons
C. Neutrons
D. None
One of the following countries produces maximum energy from atomic reactors?
A. France (80% from its Nuclear Reactors)
D. none
The unit to measure the quantity of Ozone in atmosphere is?
A. Dobson
B. Dalton
C. Cuolomb
D. none
The severity of 2005 earthquake in Pakistan on Richter scale was ?
A. 6.9
B. 7.6
C. 7.1
D. none
Geiger-Muller counter is used to detect__________?
A. Protons
B. Neutrons
C. Photons
D. none
Vacuum tubes have been replaced by__________?
A. Conductors
B. Diodes
C. Transistors
D. None of these
It is a secondary plant nutrient?
A. Nitrogen
B. Phosphorus
C. Sulphur
D. none
An area of microbiology that is concerned with the occurence of disease in human population is?
A. Immunology
B. Paracitology
C. Epidemiology
D. none
The number of electrons of a neutral atom is automatically known if one knows the?
A. Atomic number
B. Atomic weight
C. Number of orbitals
D. none
When a patient’s immune system becomes reactive to a drug, this is an example of?
A. Super infection
B. Drug resistance
C. Allergy
D. none
What is the smallest unit of heredity?
A. Chromosomes
B. Gene
C. Nucleotides
D. none
The approximate intensity level of the sound which can cause damage to the ear drum is?
A. 20 dB
B. 60 dB
C. 100 dB
D. 160 dB
Fuse wire is made of_____________?
A. 63% tin and 37% lead
B. 63% lead and 37% tin
C. 63% tin and 37% aluminum
D. 63% lead and 37% aluminum
Which one of the following is the main culprit in the thinning of Ozone layer in the earth’s
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Chlorofluorocarbons
C. Nitrogen oxides
D. Methane
Steering of a car involves?
A. A single force
B. Two forces acting in the same direction
C. Two forces acting along different lines and in opposite direction.
D. A pair of forces acting along the same line and in opposite direction
The property by virtue of which metals can be beaten into thin sheets is known as?
A. Ductility
B. Malleability
C. Conductivity
D. Density
The sky appears blue because the earth’s atmosphere __________?
A. Scatters blue light
B. Reflects blue light
C. Transmits blue light
D. Has actual blue cover
A tight-rope walker carries a long pole which he holds across his body. The purpose of this pole is
A. Prop him up if he falls
B. Spread out his weight and reduce the pressure on the rope
C. Add extra weight to keep the rope tightly stretched
D. To keep the Center of gravity always above vertically above the rope
When water is filled in a bottle and is allowed to freeze, the bottle breaks because
A. Water expands on freezing
B. Bottle contracts at freezing point
C. temperature outside the bottle is less than that inside the bottle.
D. None of the above
People living in high altitudes (like mountains) usually have a _________?
A. smaller number of Red Blood Cells
B. larger number of Red Blood Cells
C. smaller number of White Blood Cells
D. larger number of White Blood Cells
The Planet of the solar system which has Maximum number of moons is___________?
A. Jupiter
B. Venus
C. Saturn
D. Uranus
Sun is moving around the center of the galaxy at a velocity of _______ km/s?
A. 205
B. 210
C. 215
D. 220
The sun is containing _______ % mass of the solar system?
B. 79
C. 89
D. 99
Sun is divided into ______ main layers.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
A. Ship
B. Milk
C. Honey
D. None
A. Rontgen
B. Thomson
C. Rutherford
D. Bacquerel
A. 1/3
B. 1/4
C. 1/5
D. 1/6
A. Jupiter
B. Earth
C. Mercury
D. None
A. Mouth
B. Nose
C. Moist Skin
D. Head
A. Mercury
B. Jupiter
C. Venus
D. Neptune
A. Alfred Marshall
B. Paul Villard
C. Bohar
D. Jabar bin Hayan
A. Aedes Aegypteis
B. Anophilies
C. Barinohils
D. N.O.A
A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Lungs
D. Brain
Among the planets of the Solar system the position of the Earth from the Sun is:_________?
A. Second
B. Third
C. Fourth
D. Sixth
Which of the followong spacecrsft enabled man to step on the moon first?
A. Spuntnik I
B. Luna II
C. Vostok I
D. Apollo XI
Hailey’s comet is visible after every_________?
A. 84 years
B. 76 years
C. 1000 years
D. 365 years
The setting sun often looks oval in the shape because of__________?
A. The fact that sun really becomes oval in the evening
B. Refraction of rays of sun passing through the atmosphere
C. Optical Illusion
D. Dispersion
Which one of the following is applicable to the planet ‘Venus’?
C.Most dense
Study of current and past landscapes formation is known as____________?
A. Morphology
B. Aero logy
C. Geo-morphology
D. Biology
Central Color of Rainbow is__________?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
D. Indigo
Who invented bulb?
A. Philips
B. Robert
C. Edison
D. Willium
Glucose syrup is made from__________?
A. oat
B. wheat
C. maize
D. rice
Bamboo is a__________?
A. Herb
B. Grass
C. Shurb
D. Tree
Which on of the following planets orbits around the sun in a clockwise direction?
A. Earth
B. Mercury
C. Jupiter
D. Venus
Isobars are the lines connecting the places having same:___________?
A. Pressure
B. Rainfall
C. Height
D. Temperature
Spring tides occur on new moon and full moon days because on these days_____________?
A. Sun, moon and earth are in a straight line
B. Sun and earth are at right angles
C. Sun and moon are at right angles
D. Earth and moon are at right angles
Which of the following planets is fastest rotating planet?
A. Mercury
B. Marx
C. Jupiter
D. Venus
Which of the following planets has the smallest diameters_____?
A. Mercury
B. Marx
C. Pluto
D. Venus
Which of the following is the largest planet?
A. Neptune
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
D. Mars
Who was the first to measure the earth’s radius
A. Galileo
B. Copernicus
C. Ptolemy
D. Eratosthenes
The top atmosphere of the Earth directly reflects back into space nearly what part of the total
amount of sun’s energy coming to it?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 50%
The phases of the moon are partially the result of the____________?
A. Changes in the shape of the moon
B. Revolution of the moon around the earth
C. Variations in the moon’s gravitation
D. Variations in the speed of rotation of the moon
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
The instrument that measures temperature, pressure, and humidity at various altitudes in the
atmosphere ___________?
A. Barograph
B. Radiosonde
C. Aneroid barometer
D. Altimeter
When oil and gas resources are burnt they kill many forests and lakes by ________________ ?
A. deforestation
B. water pollution
C. acid rain
D. forest fire
Fog that most often forms as warm rain falls into a cold layer of surface air is called
A. Radiation fog
B. Evaporation (mixing) fog
C. Advection fog
D. Upslope fog
Fine organic or inorganic particles suspended in air is called _______________?
A. particulate pollutant
B. gaseous pollutant
C. aerosol
D. none of these
Barnacles growing on the back of whale is an example for ________________?
A. mutualism
B. parasitism
C. amensalism
D. commensalism
A term biotype means ___________?
A. all individuals having same phenotype
B. all individuals having same genotype
C. all individual with different phenotype
D. all individuals with different genotype
The temperature at which water boils depends mainly on ____________?
A. Air temperature
B. Relative humidity
C. Air pressure
D. Air density
E. The specific heat of air
The earth’s atmosphere is divided into layers based on the vertical profile of __________?
A. Air pressure
B. Air temperature
C. Air density
D. Wind speed
Melanoma (skin cancer) is associated with ______________?
A. ozone accumulation
B. ozone depletion
C. acid rain
D. allergens
The gradual physiological adjustment to slowly changing new environmental conditions is known
as ?
A. Selection
B. Introduction
C. Acclimatization
D. Quarantine
The atmosphere near the earth’s surface is “heated from below.” Which of the following does not
significantly contribute to this heating _____________________?
A. Conduction of heat upward from a hot surface
B. Convection from a hot surface
C. Absorption of infrared energy that has been radiated from the surface
D. Heat energy from the earth’s interior
The blueness of the sky is mainly due to _____________?
A. The scattering of sunlight by air molecules
B. The presence of water vapor
C. Absorption of blue light by the air
D. Emission of blue light by the atmosphere
Fatal degenerative lung disease caused by particulate asbestos is referred to as _____________?
A. asbestosis
B. asthma
C. allergy
D. sinusitis
In middle latitudes, which cloud will have the lowest base ________________________ ?
A. Cirrostratus
B. Stratocumulus
C. Altocumulus
D. Cirrus
The pyramid of energy in any ecosystem is _________?
A. Always upright
B. May be upright or invented
C. Always inverted
D. Always Circle
Earth is closest to the sun every year in early ______________, when it’s winter for the Northern
Hemisphere. We’re farthest away from the sun in early __________________, during our Northern
Hemisphere summer.
A. January – July
B. June – December
C. July – January
D. December – June
Which of the following conditions related to smoking involves damage to the alveoli sacs?
A. Lung Cancer
B. Atherosclerosis
C. Emphysema
D. Asthma
Border line which separates outer space from Earth’s atmosphere is known as___________?
A. Durand line
B. Space line
C. Venus line
D. Karman line
Bromine is a___________________?
A. black solid
B. red liquid
C. colourless gas
D. highly inflammable gas
The variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognizable traces of the original plant material
A. bitumen
B. anthracite
C. lignite
D. peat
The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called____________?
A. osmosis
B. deliquescence
C. efflorescence
D. desiccation
An extremely small piece of silicon on which integrated circuits are implicated is called
A. Card Reader
B. Hollerith Code
C. Feed
D. Chip
The rocks formed out of layers of sediment bonded together are known as _______________?
A. Metamorphic rocks
B. Sedimentary rocks
C. Igneous rocks
D. All of the above
In which part of the eye lies the pigment that decides the colour of the eyes of a person___?
A. Retina
B. Iris
C. Cornea
D. Pupal
Which among the following is responsible for producing color of human skin ___?
A. Insulin
B. Vitamin K
C. Melanin
what kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping______?
A. Alkaline
B. Acidic
C. Waterlogged
D. Soil with excessive clay content
Which pollutant from motor car exhaust causes mental disease _____?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Lead
C. Sulpher Dioxide
D. Mercury
An element that does not occur in nature but can be produced artificially is__________?
A. Plutonium
B. Uranium
C. Radium
D. Thorium
“Rancidity produced in butter can be decreased by adding quinoline to the butter”. This
statements shows that _______________?
A. Nothing is impossible
B. Quinoline is an inhibitor
C. Quinoline is a catalyst
D. Quinoline is an activator
The production of rubber tree is better adopted to areas where the climate is_________
A. Warm and humid
B. Warm and dry
C. Cool and moist
D. cool and dry
There are three types of plate boundaries i.e Divergent, Convergent and____________
A. Normal
B. Transform
C. Complex
D. Plain
The speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium____________?
A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Remain the same
D. First decrease then increase
What kind of weathering takes place on the valley side above the surface of the glacier?
A. Plucking
B. Abrasion
C. Chemical weathering
D. Frost shattering
The areas around the North and South poles within the Polar circles is called _____________?
A. The Torrid Zone
B. The Frigid Zone
C. The Temperature Zone
D. The Hardiness Zone
In the Composition of the earth, Aluminum is _______________?
A. 27.5%
B. 20.3%
C. 14.5%
D. 8.23%
The oldest barrage on the river Indus at Sukkur was built in_____?
A. 1932
B. 1940
C. 1930
D. 1928
Afternoon rains in the equatorial region are the result of influences _______?
A. Land Breeze
B. Monsoon
C. Frontal
D. Convectional
When a warm air is lifted off the surface in temperature depression it is called ________?
A. An occlusion
B. A cold front
C. An anticyclone
D. A warm front
Water vapour turns into clouds in the atmosphere when:
A. It rains
B. The temperature rise
C. Dew point is reached
D. Evaporation takes place
One of the following ways of expressing the concentration of a solution does not depend on
temperature. It is__________?
A. Molarity
B. Molality
C. Normality
D. Formality
The amount of energy required by the children of age between one to three years is___________?
A. 300 k Calories
B. 600 k Calories
C. 900 k Calories
D. 1200 k Calories
According to the definition of 1 KWh, a 100 watt bulb consumes one unit of electricity
A. 1 hours
B. 5 hours
C. 10 hours
D. 15 hours
In eye donation, which one of the following parts of donor’s eye is utilized ?
A. Iris
B. Lens
C. Cornea
D. Retina
Approximately, how many times each day do our heart valves open and close normally?
A. 10,000
B. 1,00,000
C. 1,50,000
D. 2,00,000
Quantity of fresh air required for a man is 1000 cubic feet of air for every____________?
A. 5 minutes
B. 10 minutes
C. 15 minutes
D. 20 minutes
What kind of weathering takes place on the valley side above the surface of the glacier?
A. Plucking
B. Abrasion
C. Chemical weathering
D. Frost shattering
Select the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation which starts with the lowest energy and
increases to greatest energy?
A. radio, visible, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray
B. radio, infrared, visible, x-ray, gamma ray, ultraviolet
C. visible, radio, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray
D. radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray
“Each electron in an atom must have its own unique set of quantum numbers” is a statement
A. Aufbau principle
B. Pauli exclusion principle
C. Hund’s rule
D. Periodic law
The average speed of a moving object during a given interval of time is always:
A. the magnitude of its average velocity over the interval
B. the distance covered during the time interval divided by the time interval
C. one-half its speed at the end of the interval
D. its acceleration multiplied by the time interval
E. one-half its acceleration multiplied by the time interval
Two automobiles are 150 kilometers apart and traveling toward each other. One automobile is
moving at 60km/h and the other is moving at 40km/h mph. In how many hours will they meet?
A. 2.5
B. 2.0
C. 1.75
D. 1.5
E. 1.25
An atom is_____________?
A. smallest indivisible particle in an element
B. smallest particle of an element which can undergo a chemical reaction
C. building block of an element
D. always smaller than molecule
Honey contain glucose and fructose along with some other ingredients, it has greater viscosity due
A. hydrogen bonding
B. irregular shape of the molecules
D. irregular shape of the molecules and strong inter-molecular forces
D. greater molecular size
Rate of evaporation of petrol is greater than that of water at room temperature because:
A. petrol molecules do not have any hydrogen bond
B. petrol is an organic compound
C. water molecules have small size
D. petrol molecules have greater size
You have discovered a new celestial body. It has a thick atmosphere and it produces powerful
cosmic winds and, when observed, the clouds obscure the body. You have determined it is this
type of star.
A. Wolf-Rayet star
B. Red supergiant
C. Stellar storm
D. Pulsar
When a star becomes a singularity and has zero volume and infinite density, it is
A. White dwarf
B. Blue giant
C. Wolf-Raynet star
D. Black hole
Particle clouds from where stars are formed are known as____________?
A. Stellar nurseries
B. Star clouds
C. Event horizons
D. Singularities
This in-between phase of stellar nurseries and star formation in stellar evolution is when the
gathered dust is still condensing to form a star.
A. Alpha Stage
B. Stellar Genesis
C. Protostar
D. Star of Adam
When our sun reaches the end of its red giant phase, it will turn into a___________?
A. Supernova
B. White Dwarf
C. Black Hole
D. Neutron Star
What sub-class of neutron star is known for its extremely high magnetic field?
A. Magnetar
B. Quasar
C. Magneto
D. Magnetta
A. Stapes
B. Tibia
C. Femur
D. Humerus
If the length of a heater coil is reduced by 10% of its original length, then Power consumed by
heater will?
A. Increase over 10%
B. Decrease by 10%
C. Decrease by 0.5%
D. Increase by 0.5%
At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow?
A. 90 degrees
B. 60 degrees
C. 40 degrees
D. 65 degrees
Which among the following is the correct sequence of the various layers of the Atmosphere from
the Earth’s surface?
A. Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere
B. Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Ionosphere, Troposphere
C. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere
D. Troposphere, Ionosphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere
The ozone layer is at height of________kilometers from the surface of the Earth?
A. 10 to 20
B. 20 to 30
C. 30 to 40
D. 40 to 50
The human brain uses__________ percent of the total oxygen and blood in the body?
A. 20
B. 12
C. 35
D. 48
which of these plants open its mouth when insect sit on its lid?
A. Sunflower
B. Pitcher plant
C. Brassica Plant
D. None of these
According to modern system of taxonomy, living organisms have been classified into?
A. Three Kingdoms
B. Five Kingdoms
C. Two Kingdoms
D. Six Kingdoms
The Study of organisms inhabiting the sea and Ocean and the physical and chemical
characteristics of their environment is:
A. Social Biology
B. Marine Biology
C. Environmental Biology
D. Fresh Water Biology
The branch of Biology which deals with the use of data and techniques of engineering &
technology concerning living organisms is:
A. Human Biology
B. Environmental Biology
C. Genetics
D. Bio-technology
The branch in which organism’s life cycle, mode of transmission and interaction with
their hosts are studied is:
A. Anatomy
B. Physiology
C. Parasitology
D. Social Biology
The molecules of living matter that provide building blocks are mostly based on:
A. Carbon
B. Nitrogen
C. Hydrogen
D. Ammonia
With different chemical arrangements and formation Of complex molecules, the life
emerges on the level of the ?
A. Cells
B. Tissues
C. Organs
D. Organ System
Organelles are_______________?
A. Unicellular structures
B. Multi-cellular structures
C. Sub-cellular structures
D. Non-cellular structures
Two or more populations of different species living and interacting in the same area
A. Biosphere
B. Community
C. Population System
D. Ecosystem
E. Species
On the basis of collected facts and figures, a scientist formulates a factitive statement
A. Observation
B. Research work
C. Hypothesis
D. Inductive Reasoning
Dolly, the sheep was a highly successful clone from a somatic cell, reported back
A. 1993
B. 1994
C. 1995
D. 1996
Which Vitamin is needed for the formation of a light-sensitive pigment in the retina.
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin D
D. B complex
The experiments on DNA molecules in chromosomes for knowing the basis of inherited
diseases are conducted by ?
A. Molecular biologists
B. Microbiologists
C. Freshwater biologists
D. Social biologist
The branch of biology which deals with the study of social behavior and communal life
of human beings living in any environment is called ?
A. Environmental biology
B. Social biology
C. Human biology
D. Both b and c
Out of 92 naturally occurring chemical elements how many are considered as bio-
A. 6
B. 16
C. 26
D. 15
___________ are needed as a source of energy for the vital activities of the body?
A. Calcium
B. Iron
C. Water
D. Carbohydrates
The atoms of different elements combine with each other through ionic or covalent
bonding to produce compounds this stable form is called:
A. An organ
B. A molecule
C. Tissue
D. Both a and c
A structure formed by groups of similar cells organized into loose sheets or bundles
performing similar functions is called as:
A. An organ
B. An organism
C. A Tissue
D. A Cell
Group of living organisms of the same species living in the same place at the same time
is called ?
A. Community
B. Population
C. Ecosystem
D. Biome
Different species of plants and animals living in the same habitat is called?
A. Population
B. Community
C. Biome
D. Habitat
Which of the following pathogen type cause disease that can be treated with antibiotics
A. bacteria
B. fungi
C. virus
D. none of these
The concept that various organisms dominated this planet during various geological
time period and thus placing organisms in a time squence came from the studies by ?
A. Environmental biologist
B. Paleontologist
C. Marine biologist
D. Social biologist
Normally, in the process of osmosis, the net flow of water molecules into or out of the
cell depends upon differences in the ?
A. Concentration of water molecules inside and outside the cell
B. Concentration of enzymes on either side of the cell membrane
C. Rate of molecular motion on either side of the cell membrane
D. None of these
It is possible to date the rocks by comparing the amount of specific radioactive isotopes
they contain. Which of the statement is correct in this respect?
A. Older sediment layers have equal amount of these radioactive isotopes as that of the young
B. Older sediment layers have less amount of these radioactive isotopes as that of the
young ones.
C. Older sediment layers have greater amount of these radioactive isotopes as that of the
young ones.
D. Older sediment layers did not have these radioactive isotopes
Sodium ions are “pumped” from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher
concentration in the nerve cells of humans. This process is an example of
A. Diffusion
B. Passive transport
C. Osmosis
D. Active transport
Breeders have developed new and better varieties of food items by using which
A. Pasteurization
B. Hydroponic culture technique
C. Genetic engineering
D. Biological control techniques
Which disease has been totally eradicated from the world because of effective
A. Measles
B. Polio
C. Small pox
D. Hepatitis
All of the following are elements that plants need in very small amounts
A. Iron
B. Hydrogen
C. Chlorine
D. Copper
A. 1 – 5 days
B. 3 – 7 days
C. 4 – 8 days
D. 5 – 21 days
23. Dehydration of ethyl alcohol with conc. H2SO4 results in the formation of?
(A) Methane
(B) Ethene
(C) Ethane
(D) Acetylene
24. Which one of the following reagents distinguished ethene from acetylene?
(A) Bromine solution
(B) AgNO3
(C) Alcoholic KOH
(D) Carbon tetrachloride solution
41. The reason of unusual physical properties of water is due to the presence of?
(A) Covalent bond
(B) Coordinate cov. Bond
(C) Hydrogen bonding
(D) None of these
42. The density of water is one gram per centimeter cube at?
(A) 60 °C
(B) 4 °C
(C) 100 °C
(D) 0 °C
43. The enormous quantity of water present on earth surface acts as giant
thermostat due to its high?
(A) Density
(B) Boiling Point
(C) Latent heat values
(D) Heat Capacity
1. If we add all the 7 colours of rainbow (red, yellow, blue, green, orange,
violet and indigo), the resultant colour would be?
(A) White
(B) Black
(C) Maroon
(D) Dark Blue
2. When white light passes through a prism, it splits into __________
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 7
(D) 9
3. A camera uses a __________ to form an image on a piece of film at the
(A) Convex lens
(B) concave lens
(C) diverging lens
(D) none of these
6. Ozone layer protects the Earth from __________ radiations from the
(A) microwaves
(B) infrared
(C) X-rays
(D) ultraviolet
11. When vapours of a substance are cooled and changes into liquid, it is
(A) conduction
(B) condensation
(C) convection
(D) evaporation
13. If we add salt to the pure water, its boiling point will
(A) increase
(B) decrease
(C) remain same
(D) none of these
17. . At high altitude the air temperature is lower as compare to sea level,
therefore water boils at __________ temperature.
(A) lower
(B) higher
(C) constant
(D) absolute
21. Which radiation has the lowest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum?
(A) X-rays
(B) Gamma rays
(C) Ultraviolet rays
(D) Radio rays
24. The wire used to make the filament of a light bulb is made of
(A) nichrome
(B) chromel
(C) tungsten
(D) fire-clay
25. The wire used to make heating elements in electric kettles and irons are
made of
(A) nichrome
(B) chromel
(C) tungsten
(D) fire-clay
22 D.G. of Inter Service Public Relation (ISPR) Maj. General Asif Ghafoor
01 Australia Canberra Dollar
01 Argentina Buenos Aires Dollar