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Nutritional Support in the Perioperative Period Topic 17

Module 17.2

Nutritional Goals in the Perioperative Period

Prof. Dr. A. Weimann, MA

Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Onkologische Chirurgie
Klinikum St. Georg gGmbH
Delitzscher Str. 141
04129 Leipzig

Learning objectives

 Necessity of nutritional risk screening in surgical patients

 Definition of “high nutritional risk”
 Indications and concepts for perioperative nutritional support according to the
ESPEN guidelines
 Enteral, parenteral, and combined enteral/parenteral nutrition
 Macro-, and micronutrients
 Indication for immune-enhancing diets
 Nutritional monitoring and follow-up after discharge


1. Introduction
2. Screening tools
3. Indications for nutritional support
4. Preoperative nutrition
4.1. Caloric deficiency
4.2. Metabolic conditioning
4.3. Immunological preconditioning
5. Postoperative nutrition
6. Indications for parenteral nutrition (PN)
6.1. Amino acids
6.2. Glucose
6.3. Lipids
6.4. Ratio of macronutrients
6.5. Caloric amount
6.6. Vitamins and trace elements
7. Monitoring
8. Follow-up
9. Post-discharge nutrition
10. Concluding remarks
11. Summary
12. References

Key messages
 Nutritional status is a prognostic factor in surgical patients;
 Nutritional screening is essential in order to identify patients at metabolic risk
early before surgery;
 Nutritional support is required if a longer period of inadequate oral intake has to
be anticipated;
 The enteral route should be preferred;

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 If caloric supply is inadequate, the combination of enteral and parenteral “dual”
nutrition will be advantageous.

1. Introduction
Malnutrition is generally considered to be associated with starving and lack of food. Its
presence in a modern society with an increasing percentage of obese people is frequently
neither realized nor well understood. Undernutrition is more subtle than suggested by the
World Health Organization (WHO) definition with a body mass index (BMI) <18.5kg/m2.
Disease related weight loss in patients with overweight is not necessarily associated with
the low BMI of the definition of the WHO. However, this weight loss results in changes of
body composition inducing a loss of fat-free mass, thus bearing a „metabolic risk“ which
has to be kept in mind for patients undergoing major surgery, especially those with

Therefore, ESPEN has recently defined diagnostic criteria for malnutrition according to
two options:
-option 1: BMI <18.5kg/ m2
-option 2: combined: weight loss >10% or >5% over 3 months and reduced BMI or a
low fat free mass index (FFMI).
Reduced BMI means <20 or <22 kg/m2 in patients younger and older than 70 years,
respectively. Low FFMI is <15 and <17kg/m2 in females and males, respectively (1).

Because under- and malnutrition are frequently not recognized and therefore untreated,
metabolic factors will be usually not considered for the critical analysis of surgical
morbidity and outcome. Many retrospective and prospective major trials have elucidated
the association with impaired nutritional status and postoperative complication rate and
mortality (2-4). Data from the European “NutritionDay“ in about 15000 patients clearly
showed that “metabolic risk“ is a factor of hospital mortality, particularly in the elderly
According to the prospective data from a multicentric trial most high risk patients will be
found in hospital in the departments of surgery, oncology, geriatrics, and intensive care
medicine. The univariate analysis revealed significant impact on the hospital complication
rate from: severity of the disease, age >70 years, surgery and cancer (3). Bearing in
mind the demographic development in the western world, surgeons will have to deal with
an accumulation of risk in the elderly undergoing major surgery for cancer.

Therefore, nutritional management is an interprofessional challenge, and in times of

limitations in health care economy becomes a „must“ for rationalization in order to save
resources. As a basic requirement systematic nutritional risk screening has to be
considered in all patients on hospital admission. For the surgeon the mechanical
approach to the patient has to be added to by the metabolic dimension of surgery.

Table 1
Nutritional aspects in the surgical patient
- Nutritional Risk Screening on admission or first contact
- Observation and documentation of oral intake
- Regular follow-up of weight and BMI

2. Screening Tools
Several screening tools are available. Well validated and officially recommended by
ESPEN with wide-spread use is the Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS), the so-called
Kondrup-NRS (6). Patients classified at risk by NRS have significantly higher complication
rates during their hospital stay (3).
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Table 2
Complication rates in patients classified by NRS risk
no complication % complication % (n) Total in % (n)
No risk 88.7 (3021) 11.4 (383) 100 (3404)
Risk 69.4 (1143) 30.6 (504) 100 (1647)
p < 0.001
According to Sorensen et al, 2008 (3)

Nutritional Risk Score (6):

The pre-screening which takes only a few minutes includes the following items:
- BMI < 20.5 kg/m2
-weight loss within 3 months
-diminished food intake
-severity of the disease

A severe metabolic risk (7)

has to be considered in case of presence of one or more of the following criteria
-weight loss > 10-15 %
-BMI < 18.5kg/m2
-Serum albumin < 30g/l (no hepatic or renal disease)

3. Indications for Nutritional Support

The key issues of perioperative nutritional care include avoidance of long periods of pre-
operative starving and re-establishment of oral feeding as early as possible after surgery.
Nutrition is an integral part of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) or so-called
multimodular “Fast Track”- concept, which has been widely accepted as the primary goal
(8, 9). Implementation may still be improved. It is evidence-based that early oral/enteral
nutrition will diminish postoperative ileus and accelerate solid food tolerance (10). Early
oral nutrition is a key issue for re-establishing bowel motility and therefore an important
step for enhanced recovery (9, 11). From a metabolic view, catabolism will be attenuated
and nitrogen spared (12). Ideally, oral nutrition can be re-established within a few hours
after surgery (7-9, 10-12). Those patients do not require artificial nutritional support or
infusion therapy. However, the tolerance and the amount of food intake should be
carefully observed. In the case that tolerance to oral fluid and food intake is limited for
more than 4 days, it is recommended to start hypocaloric peripheral parenteral nutrition
(e.g. two-chamber bag with glucose and aminoacids).

Despite convincing and clear metabolic advantages of the ERAS concept, there is also a
risk from hypocaloric nutrition and delay of adequate nutritional support in unidentified
patients at metabolic risk and those developing postoperative complications.

The indications for nutritional support in surgery are the prevention and treatment of
undernutrition. During the perioperative period this is primarily the substitution of
calories for preservation of the nutritional status and prevention of undernutrition.
Nutritional intervention may also focus on improvement in outcome – for this indication
the criteria of success are complication rates, mortality, hospital length of stay and cost-
benefit ratio.

The following recommendations are in accordance with the ESPEN Guidelines for Enteral
and Parenteral Nutrition in Surgery from 2006 and 2009 (7, 13, 14). The algorithm is
also based on these recent guidelines.

Inadequate oral intake for more than 14 days is associated with a higher mortality.
Nutritional support is therefore indicated even in patients without obvious undernutrition,
if it is anticipated that the patient will be unable to eat for more than 7 days
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perioperatively. It is also indicated in patients who cannot maintain oral intake above 60-
75% of recommended intake for more than 10 days. In these situations nutritional
support (by the enteral route if possible) should be initiated without delay. Combination
with parenteral nutrition should be considered in patients in whom there is an indication
for nutritional support and in whom energy needs cannot be met (<60% of caloric
requirement) via the enteral route, e.g. in upper GI fistulae (7, 13, 15).

Whenever possible the enteral route is preferred. (7, 16-18). If necessary in the case of
limited gastrointestinal tolerance, enteral nutrition should be supplemented by combined
enteral / parenteral support. Parenteral nutrition is beneficial in undernourished patients
in whom enteral nutrition is not feasible or not tolerated, as well as in patients with
postoperative complications impairing gastrointestinal function who are unable to receive
and absorb adequate amounts of oral / enteral feeding for 7 days or more (13).

4. Preoperative Nutrition
There are different concepts of patient conditioning which may be combined as well.
These are:
- substitution of caloric deficiency in severe metabolic risk,
- metabolic conditioning (carbohydrate loading),
- immunological preconditioning.

4.1. Caloric Deficiency

It is still true, that “most patients will benefit from prompt surgery” (19). In order to
restore caloric deficiency delaying surgery may only be justified in the case of severe
undernutrition and metabolic risk. If nutritional support is indicated the enteral route is to
be preferred. Whenever possible enteral nutrition should be performed as an outpatient
before hospital stay in order to avoid nosocomial infections (7). Parenteral nutrition is
recommended in severely undernourished patients who cannot be adequately orally or
enterally fed (13).
Usually nutritional support will be administered for 7 to 14 days.

4.2. Metabolic Conditioning

Preoperative starving is unnecessary for most patients. The metabolic burden of
perioperative hypoglycaemia related to overnight fasting has been clearly shown. Oral
food intake in the night and fluids until 2-3 hrs before surgery do not increase the risk of
aspiration during anaesthesia. Preoperative carbohydrate drinks can be recommended for
most patients without significantly impaired gastric emptying. There are clear advantages
for this “carbohydrate loading” on the subsequent early postoperative period. In the rare
situation of patients who cannot be fed by the oral/enteral route a glucose infusion
should be administered intravenously (7, 13). In several PRCT significant advantages
were shown from carbohydrate loading. These included less postoperative discomfort as
well as shortened length of hospital stay after colorectal surgery (20). A meta-analysis
showed significantly shorter hospital length of stay in patients undergoing abdominal
surgery (21).

4.3. Immunological Preconditioning

The so-called “immunonutrition” refers to the use of formulae enriched with arginine,
omega-3-fatty acids, glutamine and/or nucleotides.
Patients with obvious severe nutritional risk, those patients undergoing major cancer
surgery of the neck (laryngectomy, pharyngectomy) and of the abdomen
(oesophagectomy, gastrectomy, and pancreatoduodenectomy) as well as after severe

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trauma may benefit most from these formulae. This recommendation was emphazised in
the ASPEN Guidelines for adult cancer patients (22), because immune modulating
formulae contributed to a decreased rate of postoperative infections and consequently to
a decreased length of stay in the hospital.
However, recent meta-analyses have brought up concerns about their superiority in
comparison to standard oral nutritional supplements and the most appropriate “timing”
(23-25). While significant benefit cannot be shown anymore for their preoperative use
alone, it may still be expected for their perioperative and postoperative administration
A National US Database evaluation (29) as well as data from Braga et al (30), and
Chévrou-Severac et al (31) showed the cost-effectiveness of these formulae. In order to
reduce resource consumption and total cost, a break-even infection rate was calculated
for wellnourished (0.91%) as well as undernourished patients (>3.31%) (29).

5. Postoperative Nutrition
In general, interruption of nutritional intake is unnecessary after surgery. Oral intake
should however be adapted to individual tolerance and to the type of surgery carried out.
Usually, oral intake can be initiated within hours after surgery (7).
It is evidence based, that early oral and/or enteral food intake diminishes the risk for
infectious complications and favours a shorter hospital length of stay (16-18). After
surgery to the gastrointestinal tract no increase in the risk of developing anastomotic
leakage can be found. Therefore, there is no reasonable rationale for longer periods of
fasting after surgery. There is evidence that even after colorectal surgery with bowel
anastomoses oral nutrition can be started without delay. When anastomoses of the upper
GI tract have been performed, patients may drink as well as receiving enteral nutrition
delivered via a tube whose tip is placed distal to the anastomosis (7).

Even if oral feeding can be started within short term after surgery patients may benefit
from supplementary postoperative tube feeding: those after major cancer surgery of the
abdomen and head and neck – laryngectomy, pharyngectomy, oesophageal resection,
gastrectomy, pancreato-duodenectomy – as well as those after severe trauma. In these
patients it is reasonable to create safe enteral access by naso-jejunal tube or fine needle
catheter jejunostomy (NCJ) at the time of surgery. It has been shown that
decompression after gastrectomy with a nasojejunal tube, bears considerable discomfort
for many patients, and may be unnecessary (31). This is therefore another argument for
NCJ for feeding (33).
Enteral tube feeding can be started with low rates (5-10ml/h) within 24 hrs after surgery.
The administration rate should be cautiously increased stepwise by (for example) 10-
20ml/h each day. Gastrointestinal tolerance has to be monitored carefully, observing
gastric residual volume, the abdomen and peristalsis. In the case of haemodymanic
instability in the ICU the administration rate should be reduced to 5-10ml/h or even
stopped for a few hours.

For early enteral nutrition, especially in the Intensive Care Unit, a slow increase of
administration rate is recommended: for example, 50ml/h with incremental small steps
of 10-20ml/h over four days observing the enteral tolerance by abdominal distension and
gastric aspiration. Standard enteral (polymeric) diets may be used which have to be
appropriately added to by sufficient volumes of intravenous fluid (34). In high-risk
patients - as outlined before - immunonutrition should often now be preferred (7, 22,

6. Indications for Parenteral Nutrition (PN)

Parenteral nutrition is indicated in undernourished patients in whom enteral nutrition is
not feasible or not tolerated, including patients with postoperative complications

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impairing gastrointestinal function who are unable to receive and absorb adequate
amounts of oral/enteral feeding for seven days or more. Combined enteral and parenteral
feeding should be considered in all patients in whom there is an indication for nutritional
support and in whom >60-75% of energy needs cannot be met via the enteral route.
This may occur in high output enterocutaneous fistulae or short bowel syndrome. In
completely obstructing lesions in which surgery should not be postponed because of the
risk of aspiration or severe bowel distension leading to peritonitis parenteral nutrition is
also of key importance (13).

The main contraindications for enteral nutrition in surgical patients are

 Bowel obstruction or ileus
 Severe shock with haemodynamic instability

In patients with prolonged gastrointestinal failure (short bowel syndrome - SBS)

parenteral nutrition will be the life-saving treatment (13).

In most patients individualized nutrition is unnecessary, but special attention has to be

attributed to patients with serious comorbidity (13). Standardization may follow a
protocol, and “All-In-One” mixtures (AIO) (two-chamber-bags with glucose and
aminoacids, three chamber bags with glucose, aminoacids and lipids) may be used. The
advantages of AIO mixtures are shown with regard to feasibility, time and cost saving,
and from the lower risk of contamination (36, 37).

6.1. Amino Acids

For the catabolic patient with proteolysis and loss of body cell mass the supply of amino
acids is essential. Because protein synthesis is an energy consuming process appropriate
utilization of amino acids will be only realized if glucose and lipids are supplied at the
same time. In order to limit nitrogen losses during illness and perioperative stress the
ESPEN guidelines recommend a supply of aminoacids up to 1.5-/kg of ideal body weight
(IBW) (about 20 % of total energy requirement) (13). A higher supply bears the risk that
the amino acids will be utilized only for gain of energy. In the case of TPN or near-total
PN meta-analyses favour the supplementation with intravenous glutamine in a standard
dosage of 0.35-0.4g/kg BW/d (13, 38). No data have been available with regard to
glutamine supplementation for combined enteral and parenteral nutrition.

6.2. Glucose
“Intensified insulin therapy” has brought new metabolic awareness regarding
hyperglycaemia. A meta-analysis including data from 38 studies clearly showed the
evidence of insulin therapy for the decrease of mortality, in particular in surgical and
diabetic ICU patients (39). However, intensified insulin treatment bears a considerable
risk of hypoglycaemia and should be continuously performed with the equipment of an
ICU (40). On the normal ward for the avoidance of hyperglycaemia reduction of glucose
supply should be considered. At present, the optimal serum glucose level is considered to
be about 140 - 150 mg% (13, 14).

6.3. Lipids

Nowadays, administration of lipid emulsions is considered to be an integral part of PN,

especially in long-term ICU patients (15).
For a long time there were major concerns over administering lipids earlier than 10 days
after the start of PN (41). This was related to a study in trauma patients, in whom the
patients with lipid infusion had shown a significantly higher rate of infections, respiratory
failure, and length of ICU stay (42). In this study a soy-bean based lipid emulsion with

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long-chain-triglycerides (LCT) had been used. These LCT have a high content of
polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids which are involved in the synthesis of leukotrienes
and prostaglandins with a high inflammatory potential. This may induce adverse effects
during the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and sepsis.
In order to reduce the dependence on omega-6-fatty acids mixed emulsions with
medium- and long-chain triglycerides were developed. The tolerance of mixed LCT/MCT
lipid emulsions in standard use is now sufficiently documented. (14). Another approach is
with omega-9/olive oil based lipids, which are well tolerated in critically ill patients (14).
In another formula MCT and LCT are combined with omega-3-fatty acids and olive oil. A
ratio of omega-6 : 3 of 3:1 is considered to be immunologically neutral (43, 44). It could
be shown, that supplementation of PN with omega-3 fatty acids may decrease mortality
in critically ill patients with abdominal sepsis (45). The recent ESPENguidelines state: The
optimal PN regimen for critically ill surgical patients should probably include
supplemental omega-3-fatty acids (13, 14). Fish oil-enriched lipid emulsions probably
decrease length of stay in critically ill patients (14). For surgical patients advantages
have been shown in meta-analyses with regard to infection rate, and length of hospital
and intensive care unit stay (46, 47).

6.4. Ratio of Macronutrients

The protein:fat:glucose calorie ratio should approximate to 20:30:50 %. At present,
there is a tendency to increase the glucose:fat ratio from 50:50 to 60:40 or even
70:30% of the non-protein calories, due to the problems encountered regarding
hyperlipidaemia and fatty liver (13).

6.5. Caloric Amount

In the acute phase of critical illness limited substrate tolerance reflects the severity of the
disease. Equally an inadequate amount of macronutrients is an additional burden for the
body and may negatively influence outcome. Therefore, in the acute phase calorie supply
should relate to individual tolerance but should not initially exceed 25kcal/kg of IBW. The
recommended rates of supply are glucose 3-4g/kg IBW (blood glucose level about 140-
150mg%), lipids 0.7-1.5g/kg IBW (serum triglyceride <300mg/dl) and amino acids 1-
During the phase of recovery substrate tolerance will be normalized. In this period the
amount of administered calories should be 1.2 to 1.5 fold higher than the calculated
energy requirement. In this phase indirect calorimetry will provide useful information to
guide the optimal energy supply in selected patients (14).

6.6. Vitamins and Trace Elements

In well-nourished patients who recover with oral or enteral nutrition by postoperative day
5 there is little evidence that intravenous supplementation of vitamins and trace
elements is required. In those patients after surgery who are unable to be fed via the
enteral route or in whom total or near total parenteral nutrition is required a full range of
vitamins and trace elements should be supplemented on a daily basis (14, 15). Vitamins
and other micronutrients should be adjusted separately.
With special regard to the critically ill surgical patient the supplementation with
antioxidants - in particular selenium, and vitamins C and E as single nutrients or in
combination - has proven advantages in clinical studies. New lipid emulsions containing
alpha-tocopherol which is the biologically active vitamin E component provide an
additional supply of vitamin E. Although it has to be assumed that the present ranges
underestimate requirements in the critically ill, so far, there is no clear evidence to
support the administration of higher dosages of single micronutrients, because toxicity
cannot be excluded.

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7. Monitoring

After major abdominal surgery follow-up of nutritional status (minimum BMI) including
documentation of the amount of oral food intake is necessary. Dietary counselling is
recommended as well which is usually appreciated by the patient.

Typical short term problems of parenteral nutrition are:

-reversible micro- and macrovesicular steatosis of the liver

Long term problems:

-non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
-liver fibrosis and cirrhosis with impairment of liver function and liver failure

Table 3
Blood chemistry
- electrolytes
- blood glucose
- triglycerides
- creatinine
- liver enzymes
- serum lactate in the critically ill

8. Follow up
Although follow up of the nutritional status can be easily performed by the BMI this is not
sensitive for differences in body composition without change of BMI. Bioelectrical
Impedance Analysis (BIA) is a feasible noninvasive tool which is also convenient for
outpatients. The intraindividual course can be well documented in a three-compartment-
model including extracellular (ECM) and body cell mass (BCM) as well as fat mass (FM).
From body impedance, the fat free mass (FFM), the ratio of ECM/BCM and the phase
angle may be easily calculated providing reasonably reliable information about the cell
content in the body. Ideally, the first measurement will be performed before surgery.

9. Post Discharge Nutrition

After major abdominal surgery dietary counselling will be reasonable and appreciated by
most patients. In a considerable number of patients after major gastrointestinal or
pancreatic surgery the oral calorie intake will be inadequate for several months. Possible
reasons may be a decrease in appetite, impaired enteral tolerance with dumping
symptoms, meteorism and diarrhoea. There is a guideline recommendation for insertion
of a fine needle catheter jejunostomy (NCJ) at the time of surgery in the case of
oesophageal resection, total gastrectomy, and pancreato-duodenectomy (7). The NCJ
should not be removed at the time of discharge from the hospital (48, 49). If necessary
supplementary enteral nutrition can be continued e.g. with 500 or 1000kcal/d via the
NCJ. After teaching most patients will be able to administer jejunostomy tube feeding
themselves. Although further weight loss cannot completely be avoided, attenuation of
weight loss is shown as well as by oral nutritional supplementation (49, 50). Other
authors have found a significantly better quality of life in these patients with nutritional
supplementation (51). However, further data from controlled studies are needed to
elucidate the precise benefits.

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10. Concluding Remarks
Nutritional risk screening and, if indicated, nutritional support are essential parts of the
perioperative management in ERAS programmes. With special regard to the elderly the
early identification of patients at metabolic risk remains essential. According to the
ESPEN guidelines those patients should undergo nutritional support very early if a longer
period of inadequate oral intake has to be anticipated. The enteral route should be
preferred whenever possible.

11. Summary
Aiming enhanced recovery and the reduction of postoperative morbidity ERAS
programmes do not preclude the necessity of appropriate perioperative nutritional and
metabolic care. Early detection and observation of patients with nutritional risk remains
an essential part of perioperative management. Whenever possible, artificial nutritional
support should be avoided. However, if in high risk patients inadequate oral intake has to
be anticipated nutritional support should be started early via the enteral route, perhaps
in combination with parenteral nutrition. Long-term total parenteral nutrition will be
limited to special indications. This review includes support for the guideline
recommendations for surgical patients of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and
Metabolism (ESPEN) (www.espen.org) from 2006 and 2009, of which update is in

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12. References
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Copyright © by ESPEN LLL Programme 2015

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