Cracks in High-Manganese Cast Steel: Archives of Foundry Engineering

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ISSN (1897-3310)

Issue 4/2009
17 – 22
Published quarterly as the organ of the Foundry Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Cracks in high-manganese cast steel

A. Chojeckia*, I. Telejko b
University of Sciences and Technology, 30-059 Kraków Reymonta 23 Poland.L,
Pedagogical University , Krakow PL,
* Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected]

Received 30.06.2009; accepted in revised form 07.07.2009

The reasons which account for the formation of in service cracks in castings made from Hadfield steel were discussed. To explain the
source of existence of the nuclei of brittle fractures, the properties of cast steel were examined within the range of solidification
temperatures, remembering that feeding of this material is specially difficult, causing microporosity in hot spots. This creates conditions
promoting the formation of microcracks which tend to propagate during service conditions involving high dynamic stresses, and explains
why the cracks are mainly characterized by a brittle nature. The reason for crack formation in service are micro-porosities formed during
casting solidification.

Keywords: Hadfield cast steel; Hot cracking, Solidification brittleness

steel offer much better abrasion resistance, users are generally

1. Introduction willing to order castings made from Hadfield steel. Considering
the mechanical properties, it is difficult to imagine that a casting
In the past few years, numerous new grades of cast steel have
made from Hadfield steel could suffer failure in service.
been introduced to combine a high abrasion resistance with good
However, cases like this do happen, specially in heavy-section
plastic properties. In spite of this, the high-manganese cast steel
elements and result in enormous losses of material and long
(Hadfield steel) remains the grade used most often for service in
downtimes. The reason for such failures is usually attributed to
conditions of high dynamic loads. It is therefore widely used in
insufficient ductility, resulting from an inadequate heat treatment.
cement plants for lining of mills, for rammers operating in coal
But in reality the causes of failure are much more complex. It can
crushers, in power generating plants, for railway points, or for
only be supposed that the phenomenon of crack formation and
track links in heavy excavators. Table 1 gives examples of the
failure results from propagation of the crack nuclei formed in
mechanical properties of this cast steel [1,2].
casting during the process of its manufacture. This article
discusses the types of these nuclei and a probable process of their
Table 1.
Mechanical properties of the high- manganese cast steel.
UTS, MPa Re, MPa A5, %
of Area %
900 300 40 50 2. Microcrack formation during casting
It is interesting to note the combination of high values of
elongation and impact resistance, ensuring that castings will not The high-manganese cast steel is characterized by a strong
suffer the brittle failure in heavy-duty performance. In spite of tendency towards crack formation within the range of
the fact that some grades of the low- and medium-alloyed cast solidification temperatures.

ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 9, Issue 4/2009, 17-22 17

curves near the end of solidification shows that the solidus point
falls to about 1270 oC.





1200 1250 1300 1350
Temperature, C


Fig. 1. Test sample for high manganese steel
These cracks are revealed after dressing of the castings, 0
sometimes after heat treatment. To explain the reasons which
account for their formation, the authors studied the cast steel 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320
behavior at a temperature close to the solidus. The metal was
melted in an electric arc furnace from a new charge with complete Temperature, C
oxidation. The test bars of a configuration shown in Figure 1 were Fig. 3. The reduction of the area (a) and the ultimate tensile
cast in resin-bonded sand moulds strenght (b) of the high manganese steel samples
The configuration was designed in a way such as to ensure en
efficient feeding of the test bar, reducing at the same time to It is presented in the figure 2.
minimum the operation of machining. The mechanical tests were conducted on a computer-operated
testing machine with an attachment for high-temperature testing,
made by the Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Technical
University- VSB in Ostrava. With temperature decreasing below
the solidus point, recorded on the cooling curve, a rapid increase
in the reduction of area up to 35 – 40 % is observed. The rise in
UTS with fall of temperature is nearly linear from the solidus
temperature (figure 3b). The metal preserves its high ductility
down to about 1160 oC, then the reduction of area drops to below
15% at 1010 oC, which is corresponding to a range of this cast
steel heat treatment. One can speak about the appearance of a
secondary range of brittleness.
To determine the reasons for the secondary range of brittleness at
a temperature below the solidus point, the failed samples were
subjected to scanning and metallographic examinations. The
results are shown in Figures 4 – 9. The fractographic analysis
Fig. 2. Cooling Curve of high manganese steel. 1 – temperature, was made on the selected samples representing low, medium and
2- derivative of temperature. high reduction of area, obtained during the tensile test at different
A thermal analysis was carried out monitoring both the
temperature and dT/dτ, during the solidification and cooling. The

18 ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 9, Issue 4/2009, 17-22

Fig. 4. The free dendrites at the sample center in the sample tested at 1275oC Fig. 5. Intergranular, brittle fracture formed at 1275 oC

Fig. 6. Plastic deformation in the sample failed at 1230 oC Fig. 7. The axial zone of sample with the porosities

Fig. 8. Sample tested at 1131 oC. High plastic deformation Fig. 9. The free dendrites in axial zone (porosities)

The sample failed at a temperature of 1275oC suffered brittle shrinkage porosity which considerably reduces the value of the
fracture with a reduction of area equal to 0%. The fracture was of reduction of area.
a typically intercrystalline nature (Fig. 4). In the central part of the At the testing temperature of 1131oC the fracture is usually
sample one can see shrinkage porosity defects formed during of a ductile nature (Fig. 8). Yet, the presence of a shrinkage
solidification of the cast test bar. The process of hot cracking porosity in central part of the sample is the reason why the
proceeds along the smooth grain boundaries. The tensile test at a reduction of area in this place on the fracture is 22% only. Within
temperature of 1230oC gives reduction of area equal to 30%. the region of porosity, the crack is propagating along the dendrite
Figure 6 shows the fracture with clearly visible flow lines on the boundaries without any deformation. The deformation at a
side surface; the fracture is of a partly ductile nature. At this temperature of 1028oC results in heavy yielding as a consequence,
testing temperature, cracks also appear along the grain the material suffers deformation even within an area of a severe
boundaries (Fig. 7). In central part of the test bar there is a porosity (Fig. 10). The reduction of area is small and amounts to

ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 9, Issue 4/2009, 17-22 19

14%. The propagation of intercrystalline cracks near the sample also during heat treatment. The numerous nuclei of the brittle
edges, and so beyond the porosity-affected region, has been fracture can propagate also in the exploited castings.
observed. This cracking behavior indicates the presence of the
secondary hot brittleness range below the solidus point. The low
ductility at a temperature much below the solidus point is the
result of the microporosity. The temperature of the secondary
3. Influence of the heat treatment on the
brittleness range corresponds to the temperature of a heat brittle crick formation.
treatment applied to Hadfield steel.
The porosity appeared in all the test bars in both zones On the surfaces of fracture of heavy high manganese cast steel
during the test, i.e. in the space affected by deformation and the the inclusions of carbides (Fe,Mn)3C are frequently observed [1],
no deformed zone. During solidification the conditions were suggesting the insufficient heat treatment - too low temperature
created under which a complete feeding of the test bars should or insufficient time of operation. Authors decided to verify this
have occurred. In reality the microporosity was always observed. thesis. The kinetic of the solution of carbides in very heavy
during microscopic examination. It results from the formation of castings was studied. The cylindrical 100 mm dia samples of
large dendrites of austenite, which make impossible the filling of Hadield steel were cast in insulated mould. Insulation has
the shrinkage micro voids during solidification. The manganese increase the physical solidification modulus about 45 – 50 % and
steel never attains the superplasticity state characteristic for plain the solidification time was 2.25 time longer then in silica
carbon steel below the solidus [3] The micropores are acting sand mould. The samples were heat treated 2, 5, 7 or 10 hours at
either as nuclei of the cracks, or they promote propagation of the 1050 oC. After water quenching the sample were cuted. The
crack nuclei formed previously. The effect is low ductility, structure of steel was examined for the determination of the
particularly at a temperature that happens to be applied in heat quantity of carbides. The results are presented in the Table 2. In
treatment of this cast steel grade. Then the cracks can easily form Figs. 10-14 the structure of the steel is presented. Before the heat
not only during solidification but also during heat treatment. The treatment over the 10 % of carbides can be observed. The
numerous nuclei of the brittle fracture can propagate also in the solution is very quick, especially during first two hours. After this
exploited castings. time in the structure one can observe a very limited quantity of
The micropores are acting either as nuclei of the cracks, or small inclusions. They cannot acts as the nucleus of fracture,
they promote propagation of the crack nuclei formed previously. during exploiting of casting. In foundry practice the castings of
The effect is low ductility, particularly at a temperature that the wall thickness over 60 mm is treated about 5 hours. Then, the
happens to be applied in heat treatment of this cast steel grade. carbides quantity would be less than 0.8% and their dimensions
Then the cracks can easily form not only during solidification but less than 30 μm

Fig. 10. Cast high manganese steel, before the heat treatment

20 ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 9, Issue 4/2009, 17-22

Fig. 11. Carbides in high manganese steel after 3h at 1050 oC and water quenched. Solidification modulus of casting 9 cm

Fig. 12. Carbides in high manganese steel after 5h at 1050 oC and water quenched. Solidification modulus of casting 9 cm

Fig 13. Carbides in high manganese steel after 10h at 1050 oC and water quenched. Solidification modulus of casting 9 cm

If the carbides appears in the surface of fracture, formed during
casting exploitation it can be supposed that the quenching was no
effective. Very low thermal conductivity of the Hadfield steel
and the thickness of the wall results the very low decrease of the
temperature during water quenching. Secondary carbides can
form as a nucleus of brittle fracture.

ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 9, Issue 4/2009, 17-22 21

Table 2. during solidification act as nuclei of brittle fractures. They are
Volume of carbides in the cast high manganese steel. prone to propagation under the effect of stresses. Yet, because the
Solidification Average work required for cracks to be formed is much greater than in the
modulus of the volume of Standard Deflexion case of common hot cracking, formed in presence of liquid,
sample [cm] carbides, % severe local plastic deformation occurs. In the case of castings,
the process usually ceases at the preliminary stage of propagation,
0 13.98 2.01 and therefore the formed microcracks are usually undetectable
and propagate only later under the effect of high dynamic loads.
3 1.94 0.39 during casting service.

9 5 0.77 0.44
7 0.35 0.15
This study has been done under Research Project of the
10 0.22 0.18 Committee of Scientific Research No. 7 TO8B 004 21. The
authors wish to extend their thanks to the Committe for kind
0 12.07 0.94 assistance and support.

3 1.51 0.68
5 5 0.89 0.34
[1] Kniaginin G.: Staliwo. Metalurgia i Odlewnictwo. Ed. Śląsk,
7 0.45 0.26 [2] Chojecki A., Telejko I.: Odlewnictwo staliwa. Ed. Akapit,
Kraków 2003.
10 0.26 0.15 [3] Chojecki A., Telejko I, Kozelsky P.: Liquid metal
embrittlement phenomena within the solidification range. In::
New Challenges in Mesomechanics, v.1, pp 175-181,
Aalborg Univ., Aalborg 2002.
4. Conclusions [4] Telejko I., Chojecki A., Dobosz S.: Hot tearing formation in
cast steel: In: New Challenges in Mesomechanics, v.2, pp
The solidification of high-manganese cast steel is 482-501, Aalborg Univ., Aalborg 2002.
characterized by the formation of large dendrites of austenite. [5] Chojecki A., Telejko I., Tasak E., Kozelsky P. : Ocena
Their growth makes the flow of interdendrite liquid difficult and skłonności do pęknięć odlewów w zakresie temperatury
hence impairs the proper feeding of the casting. Even if the krzepnięcia. Materialove inzinierstvo ( Materials
conditions are created for a directional solidification of samples, Engineering) v. 10, nr 3, 2003, pp. 31-34.
in each case the presence of the free-growing dendrites, enclosing [6] Chojecki A., Telejko I., Kozelsky P.: Oddziaływanie fazy
the regions of porosity, can be traced on the sample fracture. An ciekłej jako przyczyna kruchości stopów w zakresie
immediate result is the occurrence of a secondary range of temperatur krzepnięcia. Trans. of XIII Konf.
brittleness, observed in this cast steel below the temperature of the Sprawozdawczej Komitetu Metalurgii PAN, Krynica 2002,
end of solidification. The mechanism of crack formation , t.2, pp.98-102.
observed during mechanical testing, within this range is similar to [7] Rappaz, M. et al.: Metall. and Materials Trans., 30, 1999,
that proposed by Rappaz,[7] where the microporosities formed ser.A, p

22 ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 9, Issue 4/2009, 17-22

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