Drug and The Solutions
Drug and The Solutions
Drug and The Solutions
Drugs are substances that change a person's physical or mental state. The vast majority
of drugs are used to treat medical conditions, both physical and mental. Some, however,
are used outside the medical setting for their effects on the mind.
Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and communities.The medical and
psychological effects are very obvious.Addicts cannot function as normal members of
society. They neglect or abuse their families, and eventually require expensive treatment
or hospitalization.
The second effect is on crime.Huge police resources are needed to fight smuggling and
dealing. Criminal gangs and mafia underworlds develop with the money from drugs.
The price of addiction - loss, isolation and despair. An addict loses the love of family. He
sees all his loving relationships destroyed. His self-respect sinks to new lows. Honesty
becomes a thing of the past as he does anything he can to find the next fix or the next
drink, lying to and manipulating family and friends. Anyone who knows him has no
trust of him at all.
We all know that drugs are problems that grossly affect society, communities,
individuals and their families today. Children of a young age get swept up into the
horrors of drug abuse when peers encourage them to “just try this. You’ll feel great!” The
false information about drugs is rampant in today’s world. The kids who don’t really
know what drugs are and the harm they can do can too easily end up addicts, forever
ruining their lives. However, this does not have to be the case. There is an answer.
When an addict has already fallen into the trap of drug addiction, there may seem to be
no way out and recovery can seem unreachable. But is it? Using a drugless treatment,
the recovering addict isn’t just having one addiction replaced with another. With a
unique detoxification that removes drug residues from the body, the recovering
individual cleans out his body. His mind becomes clearer and his outlook on life
changes. Life skills courses are the final step, teaching the addict how to repair damage
done and rebuild a new life.
An addicted person can recover their love of family. They can rebuild positive
relationships. They can regain a new level of integrity and personal honesty. They can
earn the trust of others. They can begin to feel real affection and love for themselves.
In conclusion, although the problem of drugs may seem impossible to eliminate, there
are concrete steps that can be taken to weaken the hold of drugs on society.The danger
from drugs is too great to ignore for us and our children.
Dealing = selling
Dealer = pusher