Practical Research
Practical Research
Practical Research
are taught to derive meaning from the text. Proficient reading is equally
language in which the text is written and second is the ability to analyze
and process what have been red. For instance, children who easily
words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text or
vocabulary, extensive readings are some of the factors that can be used to
process that requires different building block skills. One model of reading
who reach high school level are expected to have developed their reading
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Grade Level/
2. Factors
Reading skills
2.1 Psychological
2.1.1 Difficulties in
2.1.2 Difficulties in 1. Survey
Pronouncing Questionnaire
words 2. Interview
2.2 Academic 3. Statistical Scheduled reading
Factor Treatment tutorials as
2.2.1 Lack of a. Percentage
Intervention for
knowledge b. Frequency
2.2.2 Lack of Count improving
Assistance students’ reading
in Reading comprehension
skills of Senior High School students in Nagyantok High School SY: 2017-
can read and comprehend and how many of them have lack of reading
a.) Age
b.) Gender
2. What are the different factors that affect the student’s reading and
comprehension ability?
3. How will conducting reading tutorials can help cope these factors?
To the parents, through the results of this study, they will be aware
To the students, the findings of the study will help them cope their
difficulties in reading and comprehension and will help them improve their
academic performances.
To the teachers, for they will be aware of the student’s concerns and
the reasons why they will be aware of the student’s concerns and the
The respondents of this study were limited to the forty (40) Senior
High Students of Nagyantok High School, Grade 11 and Grade 12, for SY:
as age, gender, and grade level on where the students belong. It also
Reading. This refers to the process of deriving meaning from the texts or
A. Foreign
colonial times, they just let their children read by using codes and
At that time, reading materials were not specifically written, until the first
textbook entitled “The New England Primer” was published in the late
There was a little approach on what is best to teach children how to read
In the mid 19th century, Horace Mann, the Secretary of the Board of
reading codes and symbols and finds a way for them to be engaged in a
From 1890s to at least 1910, A.L Burt of New York and other
Mrs. J.C
of which are retold in words of one syllable for the sake of beginner
In 1950s, Rudolf Flesch wrote the book “Why Johnny can’t Read?”. It is a
Cris Tovani make a right giant purple letters above in her chalkboard
inside her classroom that says, “Reading is thinking”, in her book entitled
explains and readers need instruction that shows them how to read and
think. Tovani’s book goes on to explain how that instruction looks in her
they read. Zimmermann also revealed how children can learn to ask
and literacy coach in Denver. In this book, she discusses why many
children who have learned how to recite the words on the page still
their mind as they read. Tovani says writing makes readers pay attention
to their “Thinking voice,” the thoughts they have as they try to understand
the text. Readers can return to their thinking, revise their idea and
A. Foreign
early 1970’s. this Theory suggests that two separate mental mechanisms
A. Local
fails to
master basic reading skills at the outset, it will be a constant struggle for
Education, attributed “Reading problems as the main culprit for the poor
of reading skills of the country when the Every Child’s A Reader Program
Inventory (Phil-IRI).
The studies that are here in the review are deemed related to the
present study in the sense that in the present, many of the students in
Senior High School is not good in reading and comprehension. The
The completed studies and the present study were similar since they
authors such as Snow, Burns, Griffin, Gough, Tunner, Tongson Jr., Br. Armin
Luistro and Dr. Yolanda Quijano, they identify different comprehension that
the students needed in their learning. The studies were related to the
Research Design
more broad and beyond than just data gathering. The data collected must
characteristics occurred.
statistical calculations.
The Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study were limited to the forty (40) Senior
such a way that every possible sample that could be selected has a
Figure 2
Grade 12.
The Research Locale
because of having the most number of students who are studying there.
The school is also equally competitive with the other schools around the
demolished and was relocated at Sitio Matang-ib along the main highway
going to Hanjin Shipping Company, the end line of Cawag. Today, it has
evolved into a more civilized community having its own covered court,
of the respondents.
comprehension skills.
Validation of Data Gathering Instruments
The draft of the questionnaire was shown to the research adviser for
To have more information regarding the first draft and for the
To test and ensure the validity of the questionnaire, it was tried out
from the among 10 students who are not part of the sample to foresee the
disregarded and those which are vague were modified, improved and
rephrased through the use of books, internet sites and other reading
administration to respondents.
The Data Gathering Procedure
and observations. The data gathering was done during break times and
after classes.
The researchers were able to reclaim all survey questionnaires from the
Specific tools for treatment are determined by the kind of study yielded
variable considered in this study such as age, gender and grade levels.
F where: P- percentage
P= x100 F- frequency
N N- total number
of respondent
Chapter 4
from the respondents of forty (40) Senior High Students of Nagyantok High
of the respondents.
Table 2:
Figure 4
The data reveals that most of the respondents are in age bracket of 18-23
1.2 Gender
Table 3
Figure 5
It means that the SHS Students in Nagyantok High School are female
1.3 Grade Level
Table 4
Figure 6
Figure 7
read 1-2 times a day and six (6) respondents occupying 15 percent read 3-
5 times a day. This findings that most of the students are in frequent in
Frequency Percentage
Never 0 0
Rarely 1 2.5
Sometimes 19 47.5
Often 18 45
Always 2 5
Total 40 100
Figure 8
often read fast accurate, nineteen (19) or 47.5 % sometimes, and one (1)
Frequency Percentage
Never 0 0
Rarely 1 2.5
Sometimes 30 75
Often 6 15
Always 3 7.5
Total 40 100
oftentimes took in what they read, thirty (30) or 74 % sometimes, and one
Table 8 presents the distribution of respondents based on the answers on
Item II, question 3
Frequency Percentage
Never 1 2.5
Rarely 4 10
Sometimes 22 55
Often 11 27.5
Always 2 5
Total 40 100
Figure 10
respondents always put what they read into their own words, eleven (11)
into their own words, four (4) or 10 % rarely and one (1) or 2.5 % never
Figure 11
respondents always use what they read well in their written work, eleven
(11) or 27.5 % often use what they read well in their written words,
respondents rarely use what they read well in their written words.
Frequency Percentage
Never 4 10
Rarely 2 5
Sometimes 32 80
Often 2 5
Always 0 0
Total 40 100
Figure 12
movement on page.
Table 11
Frequency Percentage
Never 3 7.5
Rarely 8 20
Sometimes 24 60
Often 5 12.5
Always 0 0
Total 40 100
7.Get tired quickly and /or get head aches
Table 12
Frequency Percentage
Never 4 10
Rarely 10 25
Sometimes 19 47.5
Often 6 15
Always 1 2.5
Total 40 100
Figure 14.
Figure 14 presents the distribution of respondents based on the answers
on Item II, Question 7
based on the answers on Item II, question 7. One (1) or 2.5 % of the
often get tired quickly in reading, nineteen (19) or 47.5 % sometimes, ten
Table 13
Frequency Percentage
Never 2 5
Rarely 4 10
Sometimes 27 67.5
Often 7 17.5
Always 0 0
Total 40 100
Figure 15
Figure 15 presents the distribution of respondents based on the answers
on Item II, Question 8
to read the same text several times, seven (7) or 17.5 % of them often
read the same text several times, twenty-seven (27) occupying 67.5 %
sometimes read the same text several times, four (4) or 10 % rarely, and
two (2) or 5 % of the forty (40) never read the same text several times.
9. Slow reading
Table 14
Frequency Percentage
Never 11 27.5
Rarely 5 12.5
Sometimes 20 50
Often 4 10
Always 0 0
Total 40 100
Figure 16
too slow, four (4) or 10 % often, twenty (20) or 50 % of the forty (40)
respondents sometimes read too slow, five (5) or 12.5 % rarely read too
slow, and eleven (11) or 27.5 % out of forty (40) respondents never read
too slow.
Table 15
Frequency Percentage
Never 1 2.5
Rarely 1 2.5
Sometimes 27 67.5
Often 9 22.5
Always 2 5
Total 40 100
Figure 17
based on the answers on Item II, question 10. Two (2) or 5 % of the
respondents always read too fast, nine (9) or 22.5 % of forty (40) of them
often read too fast, twenty-seven (27) or 67.5 % sometimes read too fast,
one (1) or 2.5 % of the respondent rarely read too fast and one (1)
Table 16
Frequency Percentage
Never 0 0
Rarely 1 2.5
Sometimes 30 75
Often 8 20
Always 1 2.5
Total 40 100
Figure 18
based on the answers on Item II, question 11. One (1) or 2.5 % of the
them often makes sense of the text while reading, thirty (30) occupying 75
% of forty (40) respondents sometimes make sense of the text, one (1) or
2.5 % rarely.
Table 17
Frequency Percentage
Never 2 5
Rarely 2 5
Sometimes 30 75
Often 6 15
Always 0 0
Total 40 100
Figure 19
based on the answers on Item II, question 12. No respondent always had
lack of concentration, two (2) or 5 % rarely and two (2) occupying another
Table 18
Frequency Percentage
Never 2 5
Rarely 1 2.5
Sometimes 29 72.5
Often 6 15
Always 2 5
Total 40 100
Figure 20
based on the answers on Item II, question 13. Two (2) or 5 % of the
Table 19
Frequency Percentage
Never 0 0
Rarely 2 5
Sometimes 30 75
Often 4 10
Always 4 10
Total 40 100
Figure 21
respondents are always aware of what they read, four (4) or 10 % often,
Table 20
Frequency Percentage
Never 1 2.5
Rarely 1 2.5
Sometimes 28 70
Often 8 20
Always 2 5
Total 40 100
Figure 22
based on the answers in Item II, question 15: two (2) or 5 % of the
to prior knowledge, one (1) or 2.5 % rarely connects reading to his prior
Table 21
Frequency Percentage
Never 1 2.5
Rarely 1 2.5
Sometimes 30 75
Often 6 15
Always 2 5
Total 40 100
based on the answers in Item II, question 16: Two (2) or 5 % out of 40
one (1) or 2.5 % rarely and one (1) or 2.5 % never applies what he read
Table 22
Frequency Percentage
Never 1 2.5
Rarely 4 10
Sometimes 27 67.5
Often 8 20
Always 0 0
Total 40 100
based on the answers in Item II, question 17: Eight (8) or 20 % of the
Table 23.
Frequency Percentage
Never 2 5
Rarely 4 10
Sometimes 27 67.5
Often 4 10
Always 3 7.5
Total 40 100
based on the answers in Item II, question 18: Three (3) or 7.5 % of 40
respondents always get bored when reading, four (4) or 10 % are often
respondents answered that they are sometimes get bored in reading, four
Table 24
Frequency Percentage
Never 0 0
Rarely 2 5
Sometimes 26 65
Often 9 22.5
Always 3 7.5
Total 40 100
Figure 26
based on the answers in item 11, question 19: there are three (3)or 7.5 %
of the respondents who know what is relevant in reading always, nine (9)
Table 25
Table 25 presents the distribution of respondents based on the answers in
Item II, Question 20
Frequency Percentage
Never 0 0
Rarely 1 2.5
Sometimes 23 57.5
Often 8 20
Always 8 20
Total 40 100
Figure 27
based on the answers in Item II, question 20: Eight (8) or 20 % of the
when reading, another eight (8) are often selecting the important
Table 26
R W Total R W Total
1 1 34 40 2.5 85 100
2 20 20 40 50 50 100
3 11 29 40 27.5 63.5 100
4 8 32 40 20 80 100
Figure 28
Chapter 5
This chapter presents the main purpose of this study, the research
from the analysis of data gathered. It also includes the conclusions derived
Statement of the problem
reading and comprehension deficiency and know the possible ways and
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1- no comprehension
2- poor comprehension
3- Average
Nagyantok SHS. The Study was conducted from September 18, 2017 to
March 7, 2018.
A survey questionnaire was used to gather the data needed for the
study. The data were tallied, analyzed and interpreted using statistical
Summary of Findings
From the data gathered, the following were the study significant
findings are:
The age bracket of the respondents is 15-17 with 25% (N:10) 70%
1.2 Out of 40 respondents 47.5% are male (N:19) while 52.5% (N:20)
were female.
52.5% (N:21)
1.4 In their manners of reading 80.5% of them read 1-2 times a day
Q1. Based on the data gathered there are 2 respondents who read fast
Therefore, the students of Senior High School read fast and accurately
Q2. Based on the data gathered there are 3 respondents who took in
respondents an put what they read into their own words sometimes.
Q5. There are two (2) respondents who lost place frequently often, 32
letters too close together and movement on page often when reading ,
Q7. One respondent always get tired easily and get headaches when
therefore most of the respondents easily get tired and get headaches
sometimes, two (2) rarely and two (2) for never: Therefore, most of the
when reading.
Q17. In the data gathered 8 respondents have time pressure often in
Q18. Three (3) respondents are getting bored always while reading, 7
Q.4. In the data gathered there are 7 respondents who can use what
they read well in their written work always, 11 often, 18 sometimes and
4 rarely: most of the respondents can use what they read well in their
Q.8 in the data gathered there are 7 respondents need often to read
Q.9 four (4) respondents are slow reading often, 20 are sometimes, 5
Q.14 based on the data gathered there are 4 respondents that aware of
details always when they are reading, 4 often, 30 are sometimes and 2
for never. So the respondents are aware of details sometimes when
Q15 Based on the data gathered there are two (2) respondents who
Q.20 based on the data gathered, 8 respondents are just selecting the
comprehension. Then we found out that there are six (6) respondent
I. the number of the respondents is 40 with 100%. 25% (N: 10) of them
belonged to 15-17 years old and 75% (N: 30) are belong to age bracket
18-23. Most of them where female with 52.5% (N: 20) and 47.5% (N:
19) are male. In their manners in reading 80.5% (N:32) of them read 1-
2 times a day while 17.5% read their book 3-5 times a day. Therefore,
II. In Reading skills there are 2 factor that affects the reading and
factor that affect the reading skills of the students. In the finding, the
III. There are only few students in Nagyantok Senior High School who
read properly but do not understand the text they are reading.
On the basis of the findings and the conclusions drawn, the
I. for the students of Nagyantok Senior High School, they should strive
and find times to read more books to improve their reading skills and to
II. For the Nagyantok Senior High School students they need to put
attention more in reading and analyzed what you read. And the
comprehension skills.
Good day!
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
Dear Respondents,
Good Day!
The researchers are presently conducting a study entitled
“Reading Tutorials as Intervention for Improving Reading
Comprehension of senior High School Students in Nagyantok High
School Sy: 2017-2018” as a final requirement for Practical Research II
leading to graduation.
Thank You for your time and cooperation.
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
b. Age: _________________
c. Gender:
e. Manners in Reading:
9. Slow reading
12.Lack of concentration
13.Getting distracted
14.Awareness of details
18.Getting bored
____Yes ____No
2. Do you think reading tutorials are effective in improving students
reading comprehension skills? ____Yes ____No
If Yes, Why?
If Yes, Why?
If Yes, Why?
Matang-ib, cawag, Subic, Zambales
Email: [email protected]
Contact No:
Date of Birth: august 7, 1998
Place of Birth: Jintotolo, Balud, Masbate
Ciizenship: Filipino
Height: 5’4
Weight: 46 kg.
Sex: Female
Civil Status: single
Language/Dialect: English, Tagalog, Ilonggo
Religion: Catholic
Father’s Name: Arnulfo A. Apostol
Occupation: Marker
Mother’s Name: Jessel D. Lavadia
Occupation: Housewife
Name: Policarpa Continedo
Occupation: Brgy. Kagawad
Address: Cawag Subic Zambales
I here certify that the above information is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Applicant’s Signature
Matang-ib, cawag, Subic, Zambales
Email: [email protected]
Contact No: 0909504519
Date of Birth: June 12, 1999
Place of Birth: Ifugao
Ciizenship: Filipino
Height: 5’3
Weight: 50 kg.
Sex: Female
Civil Status: single
Language/Dialect: English, Tagalog, Ilocano
Religion: Born Again Christian
Father’s Name: Jaime H. Laya Sr.
Occupation: Farmer
secondary: Nagyantok Senior High School
Address: Nagyantok Cawag, Subic, Zambales
S.Y: 2015-2016
Primary: Dagupan Elementary School
Address: Dagupan, Quezon Nueva Vizcaya
S.Y 2011-2012
Name: Joey A. Leyco
Occupation: Teacher
Address: Mangan-Vaca, Subic Zambales
I here certify that the above information is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Applicant’s Signature
Date of Birth: Febuary 13, 2000
Place of Birth: Subic Zambales
Ciizenship: Filipino
Height: 5
Weight: 46 kg.
Sex: Female
Civil Status: single
Language/Dialect: English, Tagalog
Religion: Catholic
Father’s Name: Tammy Abila
Occupation: welder
Mother’s Name: Edna G. Abila
Occupation: Housewife
Name: Policarpa Continedo
Occupation: Brgy. Kagawad
Address: Cawag Subic Zambales
I here certify that the above information is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Applicant’s Signature
Date of Birth: October 8, 2000
Place of Birth: Tabuc City, Kalinga
Ciizenship: Filipino
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 50 kg.
Sex: Male
Civil Status: single
Language/Dialect: English, Tagalog, Ilocano, kalinga
Religion: Church of Christ
Father’s Name: Augusto P. Bas-il
Occupation: marker
Mother’s Name: Rosa S. Bas-il
Occupation: Housewife
Secondary: Nagyantok Senior High School
Address: Nagyantok CAWAG, Subic, Zambales
S.Y: 2015-2016
Primary: Nambaran Elementary school
Address: Kalinga
S.Y 2011-2012
Name: Policarpa Continedo
Occupation: Brgy. Kagawad
Address: Cawag Subic Zambales
Applicant’s Signature