D08SE3 EXTC Appmaths

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s- E;. SVVV) 3, (Wv)

wsOCIOB317 '
. Afr~ed M~~3 Oq)bl}&j
Con. 5729~08. (REVISED COURSE) . RC-8772
(3 Hours) [Total Marks: 100

N.S.: (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.

(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1 2 2
1. (a) Verify if A = ~ . 2 1 -2 is orthogonal.
r -2 2 -1 1

(b) Find the Laplace transform of f(t) where 5

sin oot, 0 < t < 1t /00
f (t) = .
" {. 0, 1t/00 < t < 21t /00

(c) Prove that in the interval 0 < x < 1t, 5

eax - e-ax = ~ sinx - 2sin 2x + 3sin3x 1

ean - e-an 1t [ a2 + 1 a2 + 4 a2 + 9 J'
(d) Find the Z-transform of ck cos ak, k ~ O. 5

2. (a) Obtain the Laplace transform of (i) t2 et sin 4t (ii) f0 e -2t cos 2 t dt. [4+4]

(b) Discuss for what values of and f.1,the following systems of equations have:
(i) no solution (ii) a unique solution and (iii) infinite number of solutions:
x+ y+ z=6
x + 2y + 3z = 10
x + 2y + "Az= f.1
o I O<x<1
(c) Obtain the complex form of the Fourier series for f(x) = {a, 1< x < 21

3. (a) (i) Show that every square matrix can be uniquely expressed as a sum of Hermitian 4
and Skew-Hermitian matrices.
(ii) Check if the following vectors are linearly dependent. If so, find the relation 4
between them: (1, -1, 1), (2, 1, 1), (3, 0, 2).
(b) Solve using Laplace transform: 6

d2 d
dt r +2~
dt + 2y = 5sint, y(O)= Y1(0)= 0

(c) Find the Fourier series expansion of f(x), a periodic function of period 1, 6

where f(x) = } + x, ~1 < x ,; a

! 2 - x, 0 < x 5 2 .
00 00 2
. 1 -t sin t dt 8
4., (a) Prove that If L{f(t)} = F(s), then L {t f(t) } = J F(s). Also evaluate J e
s 0
~ .
Find the
Founer cosine Integral for f(x) =
0 ~ x ~1
. 6
{0 , x >1
xcosx - sinx x
Hence evaluate J ( x3 J cos 2 dx. [TURN OVER
(c) (i) Find the inverse Z-transform of F(z)::: z2 z- +2z2 + 1 , Iz > 1. I

(ii)' Find the Z-transform of {ak-1}, k ~ O.
5. (a) (i) Find the Laplace transform of {t3 + 2t2 - 3t + 1} H(t - 1).
L-1 4
(ii) Find ( ~s + 4 J .
(b) Show that the set of functions sin (2n + 1) x, n ::: 0, 1, 2, .".. is orthogonal over 6

[0, ~l Henc~ construct an orthonormal set of functions.

(c) Find the Z-transform of (i)

cf' (ii) sin(3k + 5). 6

1 2 3 4
6. (a) Find n~n-singular matrices P and Q such that A = 2 1 4 3 is in normal
[ 3. 0 5 -10 1 "-
form. Also find the rank of A.

(b) Find the inverse Z-transform of F(z) = ,- ,..\1,- ,..\' 2 < z < II 3. 4

(c) Find the Fourier sine transform of f(x) = ~ and hence evaluate 8

00 00

tan-1 (:) sin xdx. Deduce that J sinxsx dx = ~.

7. (a) (i) Solve by the Gauss-Jordan method: 4

3x + 2y - 2z ::: 4 '"
x - 2y +3z = 6
2x + 3y + 4z = 15
(ii) Solve by the Gauss-Seidel method: (Go up to 3 iterations) : 4
1Ox + y + z = 12
2x -+ 1Oy. + Z ::: 13
2x + 2y + 10z = 14-
~(b) (i) Find the' Fourier Cosine transform of : 4

X, 0<x <1
f(x) = 2-x, 1< x < 2
{ 0, x > 2

(ii) State the convolution theorem on Fourier transform. 2

1+ -, -1t ~ X ~ 0
(c) Obtain the Fourier series for the function f(x) = 1t 6
. .1 - -,
! 1t
0 ~ x ~ 1t

1t2 1 1 1
Deduce that -=2+2+2+'"
8 1 3 5

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