STEICO Tec Guide Construction en I
STEICO Tec Guide Construction en I
STEICO Tec Guide Construction en I
STEICO construction
Construction elements –
made naturally out of wood
technical & detailing
Design values and span tables
Safety instructions
engineered by nature
2 Technical Guide STEICO construction
Introduction 4
Product overview 6
Material Properties 9
Floors: Applications 17
Roofs: Applications 27
Walls: Applications 34
Thermal insulation 37
Fire performance 38
General information 39
Protecting our environment and the increasing costs of energy are the
two main drivers for the continued development of this system, with the
production of I-Joists a logical step forward. Lightweight and efficient
engineered timber elements combined with high quality insulation
materials form the basis for sustainable building and offering both
security and comfort for future generations.
Where high quality insulation materials are used, traditional solid wood often poses a
technical challenge to designers due to its thermal inefficiency where it acts as a
thermal bridge.
Solid timber wall joists or rafters are construction elements that can be
inefficient where they act as a thermal bridge. With the STEICOconstruction
building system such thermal bridges are reduced to a minimum due to
the inherent efficiency of the I-Section profile.
• NHBC Standards
Strict manufacturing
• ZURICH Insurance
• Robust Details Ltd.
The webs are made from structural fibreboard, jointed along the length
with a V-groove profile, offering a very high shear capacity. Both the
preparation and manufacturing processes of the flanges, the webs and
the installation of durable adhesives are carried out using the latest
automated assembly lines.
Joists for applications such as floors or roofs. Joists for wall stud applications.
• 8 mm thick structural fibreboard web for high • 6 mm thick structural fibreboard web to
shear capacities reduce thermal bridging
SJ 45
45 * 45 300 3.7
45 * 45 360 4.2
45 60 90
| Material properties
Please note: All STEICO fibreboards are made up of wood fibres aligned
in the direction of the mattress. Wood is an anisotropic material with
different physical properties along and across the fibres, and with dif-
fering properties between the fibreboards and flanges. For an accurate
thermal conductivity calculation please use the above value for thermal
conductivity, multiplied by 2.2.
| Fire Performance
STEICOjoist and STEICOwall have fire classifications according to
EN 13501-1:2002: D-s2,d0.
Available in a pre-insulated
45 60 90
Characteristic design values to EC 5 Refer to page 12 for “Permissible design properties to BS 5268”
Characteristic values prepared in accordance with the recommendations of ETAG 011 and BSEN 1995 - 1 - 1.
a) The characteristic bending moments are based on the assumption that lateral bracing to the compression flange (at a spacing not
exceeding ten times the flange width) is in place.
Characteristic bearing values to EC 5 Refer to page 15 for web stiffener installation details
BS 5268 bearing values for Service Class 1 Refer to page 15 for web stiffener installation details
BS 5268 values for Service Class 2 Refer to page 15 for web stiffener installation details
• Values shown are for non-loadsharing conditions. Where the imposed load is no greater than 1,5kN / m2. This is applicable
joist centres are < 610 mm a load-sharing factor K3 of 1,10 to the permissible moment, shear and bearing values.
should be applied to the permissible moment, shear and
• Data shown is taken from characteristic values, page 10.
bearing values in accordance with BS 5268.
Backer blocks may be required where hangers are fitted to I-joists. Please
refer to detail G4, G5, R11 and the hanger manufacturers literature for
further information.
Installation of Web Stiffeners and Backer Blocks: For web stiffener applications, please
refer to Floor and Roof Construction
• For enhanced bearings, all pitched hangers, birdsmouth cut locations Details
and where hangers do not restrain the top flange, web stiffeners must
be fitted so that they are tight to the bottom flange and there is a 5-
10 mm gap between the stiffeners and the top flange.
• Where concentrated point loads are applied onto the top flange, web
stiffeners must be fitted so that they are tight to the top flange, lea-
ving a 5-10 mm gap between the stiffeners and the bottom flange.
Depth SJ45 SJ60 SJ90
200 19 * 105 mm 24 * 105 mm 38 * 105 mm
220 19 * 125 mm 24 * 125 mm 38 * 125 mm
240 19 * 145 mm 24 * 145 mm 38 * 145 mm
300 19 * 205 mm 24 * 205 mm 38 * 205 mm
360 19 * 265 mm 24 * 265 mm 38 * 265 mm
400 19 * 305 mm 24 * 305 mm 38 * 305 mm
All Backer blocks to be minimum 250 mm wide. All web stiffeners to be minimum
100 mm wide. Use solid timber, OSB 3 or structural ply to BS 5268
≥H d ≥2*D D ≥H ≥H ≥H
Note: For holes with a diameter greater than 20 mm please refer to the STEICO European Technical Approval ETA - 06 / 0238 for
information on calculating the reduction in the characteristic shear value of the joist. Where holes are required in trimmers, headers,
beams or joists which are not uniformly loaded please contact your floor designer or engineer. Holes which do not meet the
requirements of the above hole chart may be checked by the floor designer using our design software. Please contact STEICO technical
support for further information on 0163 473 32 20.
16 Technical Guide STEICO construction
STEICOjoist for floors
| Floor applications
General comments:
• These tables serve as a guide only and do not replace in- they are present on the floor. Where partition positions
dependent structural calculations prepared by a qualified are known, the final design should reflect the worst case of
structural engineer. either the blanket UDL (incl partitions) or the dead load plus
a minimum line load of 0.64 kN / m at partition locations.
• Please pay special attention to the bearing conditions.
Where the calculated dead loads exceed the recommended
• Do not use these tables to calculate point or irregular loads. minimum (ie: compartment floors and multi-boarded parti-
tions), these must be adopted.
• Spans indicated are between centres of supports.
• Dead loads (G) include the self weight of the joists.
• Q = design imposed loads. G= design dead loads. The UKTFA
Engineered Wood Products Committee recommends a mini- • Span tables are for floor joists under service class 1 conditions
mum dead load for single occupancy domestic floors of only.
0.41 kN/m2 plus an allowance of 0.22 kN / 2 for non-load-
bearing partitions (up to 27 kg/m2), irrespective of whether
M1 M2b
M4 M3c M3a
M5 G5b
TF8 G2
TF1 Rim Board (e.g. LVL / Glulam) TF2 Rim board (e.g. LVL / Glulam) with
STEICOjoist blocking
Minimum nailing for class 1 structures to be 3.00*75 Minimum nailing for class 1 structures to be 3.00*75
nails at 300 mm centres which should be applied at each nails at 300 mm centres which should be applied at each
interface where lateral loads are to be transferred. Refer interface where lateral loads are to be transferred. Refer
to UKTFA “Design Guidance on Disproportionate Collapse” to UKTFA “Design Guidance on Disproportionate Collapse”
for further information for further information
TF3 Joist parallel to external wall TF4 Joist bearing on party walls
Blocking may over- Overall minimum thick-
hang the inside ness of solid rimboard
face of the wall by and blocking to be
Blocking may over- half the blocking 76 mm
hang the inside width
face of the wall by
half the blocking
Timber or
plywood web-
stiffeners to be
fitted to the
ends of the
Minimum nailing for class 1 structures to be 3.00*75 Minimum nailing for class 1 structures to be 3.00*75
nails at 300 mm centres which should be applied at each nails at 300 mm centres which should be applied at each
interface where lateral loads are to be transferred. Refer interface where lateral loads are to be transferred. Refer
to UKTFA “Design Guidance on Disproportionate Collapse” to UKTFA “Design Guidance on Disproportionate Collapse”
for further information for further information
TF5 Joist parallel to party wall TF6 Joist ending on internal wall
Blocking from STEICOjoist or
Blocking may over- LVL / Glulam accord. to transferred
hang the inside loads
face of the wall by
half the blocking
TF7 Intermediate bearing with continuous joists TF8 Intermediate bearing with load bearing wall
Blocking from STEICOjoist or
LVL / Glulam accord. to trans-
0ne 3.35 * 90 ferred loads
nail each side
of flange
Web stiffeners
may be required
TF9 Discontinuous joists on intermediate bearing TF10 Transfer of high point loads
Blocking from STEICOjoist or LVL / Glu- Web stiffeners
lam accord. to transferred loads may be required
0ne 3.35 * 90
nail each side
of flange
TF11 Cantilever
Blocking from STEICOjoist or
LVL / Glulam accord. to transferred
Rim board,
Web stiffeners may be required min. 38 mm
| Masonry Details
M1 Bearing onto blockwork cavity wall M2a Bearing onto blockwork cavity wall using
proprietary seal
All joists to have a minimum
bearing of 90 mm. Ensure all Minimum 38 * 38 Proprietary end
bearings are flat, level an that perimeter seal
the joists are vertical. noggin skew
Minimum 38 * 38 perimeter nailed or fixed
noggin skew nailed or fixed to joist using
to joist using proprietry clip. propriety clip.
noggin to be fixed 25 - 75 mm Noggin to be
from face of wall. fixed 25 - 75 mm
from face of Restraint strap
Web stiffeners fitted to end of wall where required
joists. Junction between wall
and joists to be sealed with
silicon mastic.
Restraint straps may be required for buildings over 2 storeys
or where joists have less than 90 mm of bearing. Please con- Please refer to manufactureres details for full installation
sult hanger manufacturers literature for further information details and restraint strap requirements.
M2b Bearing onto blockwork cavity wall using M3a Masonry Hanger
proprietary end stopper
Proprietary end stopper system Straps fitted as
Minimum 38 * 38 details
noggin skew
nailed or fixed Minimum 38 * 38
to joist using perimeter
propriety clip. noggin skew
Noggin to be nailed or fixed
fixed 25 - 75 mm to joist using
from face of propriety clip.
wall Noggin to be
Cullen® or Simpson Strong- fixed 25 - 75 mm
Tie® Masonry hanger from face of
Ensure all bearings are flat, level and that the joists are
vertical. Please refer to manufactureres details for full Restraint straps to be fitted at no more than 2 m centres or
installation details and restraint strap requirements. at spacing specified by the building designer.
M3b Restraint type hanger (Simpson Strong Tie®) M3c Restraint type hanger (Cullen®)
Minimum 38 * 38
noggin skew
Minimum 38 * 38 nailed or fixed
perimeter to joist using
noggin skew proprietry clip.
nailed or fixed Noggin to be
to joist using fixed 25 - 75 mm
proprietry clip. from face of
Noggin to be wall
fixed 25 - 75 mm
from face of
Refer to Simpson® Technical Literature for specification an Refer to Cullen® Technical Literature for
installation details specification and installation details
Minimum 38 * 38
perimeter noggin
skew nailed or
fixed to joist using
proprietry clip.
noggin to be fixed
25 - 75 mm from face
of wall
Minimum 38 * 38 perimeter noggin skew nailed or fixed to Minimum 38 * 38 perimeter noggin skew nailed or fixed to
joist using proprietry clip. Noggin to be fixed 25 - 75 mm joist using proprietry clip. Noggin to be fixed 25 - 75 mm
from face of wall from face of wall. Noggin not required where I-Joist
blocking is used.
| General Details
G1 Non load bearing wall parallel to the joists G2 Non load bearing wall across the joists
Install Backer
blocks on both
Web stiffener where sides of
Top Mount required. Please refer to STEICOjoist.
hanger manufacturers Attach with 10
Face Mount information. no. 3.75 * 75 nails,
clenched where
possible. Backer
block to be a mi-
nimum of 250 mm
Masonry hanger
150 mm Sealant STEICOjoist
Granular fill
Span direction
Wall designed to
Span direction
150 mm
Minimum 150 mm
External cavity wall Subfloor ground level to fall to outlet / drain (see drainage notes)
| Roof Applications
0,5 kN / m2 < G ≤ 0,75 kN / 2 0,75 kN / m2 < G ≤ 1,0 kN / 2
α < 5° 5°≤ α < 30° 30°≤ α < 45° α < 5° 5°≤ α < 30° 30°≤ α < 45°
Type Depth H [mm]
Joist centers [mm] Joist centers [mm] Joist centers [mm] Joist centers [mm] Joist centers [mm] Joist centers [mm]
400 600 400 600 400 600 400 600 400 600 400 600
200 4.83 4.18 4.52 3.92 4.09 3.55 4.57 3.95 4.27 3.69 3.84 3.33
220 5.25 4.54 4.91 4.25 4.44 3.85 4.97 4.29 4.63 4.01 4.17 3.62
STEICO joist
240 5.65 4.89 5.29 4.58 4.78 4.15 5.35 4.63 4.99 4.32 4.49 3.89
SJ 45
300 6.80 5.89 6.35 5.51 5.74 4.99 6.44 5.57 6.00 5.20 5.40 4.68
350 7.70 6.67 7.19 6.24 6.50 5.64 7.29 6.32 6.79 5.89 6.11 5.30
200 5.30 4.58 4.96 4.29 4.49 3.89 5.01 4.32 4.68 4.04 4.22 3.65
220 5.76 4.97 5.39 4.66 4.87 4.22 5.45 4.70 5.08 4.39 4.58 3.96
STEICO joist 240 6.20 5.36 5.80 5.02 5.24 4.55 5.86 5.06 5.47 4.73 4.93 4.27
SJ 60 300 7.45 6.45 6.96 6.04 6.29 5.46 7.05 6.10 6.57 5.69 5.91 5.13
350 8.42 7.30 7.88 6.83 7.12 6.18 7.98 6.91 7.44 6.44 6.69 5.80
400 9.36 8.11 8.75 7.59 7.90 6.86 8.87 7.68 8.26 7.16 7.43 6.45
200 6.03 5.20 5.65 4.88 5.12 4.43 5.70 4.90 5.32 4.59 4.80 4.15
220 6.55 5.65 6.13 5.30 5.55 4.81 6.19 5.33 5.78 4.99 5.21 4.51
STEICO joist 240 7.05 6.08 6.60 5.71 5.97 5.17 6.67 5.75 6.22 5.37 5.61 4.85
SJ 90 300 8.47 7.32 7.92 6.86 7.16 6.21 8.01 6.92 7.47 6.46 6.73 5.83
350 9.57 8.28 8.95 7.76 8.10 7.02 9.06 7.83 8.45 7.31 7.61 6.60
400 10.63 9.20 9.94 8.62 8.98 7.80 10.06 8.71 9.38 8.12 8.44 7.32
Imposed load Q
0,5 kN / m2 < G ≤ 0,75 kN / 2 0,75 kN / m2 < G ≤ 1,0 kN / 2
α < 5° 5°≤ α < 30° 30°≤ α < 45° α < 5° 5°≤ α < 30° 30°≤ α < 45°
Type Depth H [mm]
Joist centers [mm] Joist centers [mm] Joist centers [mm] Joist centers [mm] Joist centers [mm] Joist centers [mm]
400 600 400 600 400 600 400 600 400 600 400 600
200 6.03 5.26 5.66 4.93 5.14 4.49 5.80 5.06 5.42 4.73 4.91 4.28
220 6.53 5.70 6.13 5.35 5.57 4.86 6.29 5.48 5.88 5.13 5.32 4.64
STEICO joist
240 7.02 6.13 6.59 5.75 5.99 5.23 6.76 5.89 6.32 5.51 5.72 4.99
SJ 45
300 8.42 7.35 7.90 6.89 7.18 6.27 8.10 6.46 7.58 6.33 6.85 5.82
350 9.52 7.54 8.93 7.40 8.11 6.84 9.02 6.46 8.39 6.79 7.72 6.22
200 6.63 5.78 6.22 5.42 5.66 4.93 6.38 5.56 5.97 5.20 5.40 4.71
220 7.18 6.26 6.74 5.88 6.13 5.35 6.91 6.03 6.46 5.64 5.85 5.10
STEICO joist 240 7.72 6.73 7.24 6.32 6.58 5.75 7.43 6.48 6.95 6.06 6.28 5.48
SJ 60 300 9.25 8.06 8.67 7.57 7.88 6.88 8.89 7.76 8.32 7.26 7.52 6.57
350 10.44 9.11 9.79 8.55 8.90 7.77 10.04 8.46 9.39 7.86 8.49 7.23
400 11.58 9.73 10.87 9.08 9.88 8.41 11.04 8.73 10.29 8.34 9.42 7.65
200 7.57 6.60 7.11 6.20 6.46 5.64 7.29 5.97 6.82 5.94 6.17 5.38
220 8.20 7.15 7.70 6.71 7.00 6.11 7.89 6.46 7.38 6.44 6.68 5.83
STEICO joist 240 8.81 7.68 8.27 7.21 7.52 6.56 8.48 6.94 7.93 6.92 7.18 6.26
SJ 90 300 10.55 9.20 9.90 8.63 9.00 7.85 10.15 8.31 9.49 8.28 8.59 7.49
350 11.90 10.38 11.17 9.74 10.15 8.86 11.45 9.38 10.71 9.34 9.69 8.45
400 13.19 11.51 12.38 10.80 11.25 9.82 12.69 10.41 11.87 10.23 10.73 9.37
General comments:
• These tables serve as a guide only and do not replace independent structural calcu-
lations prepared by a qualified structural engineer.
• Lateral bracing is required to the flange at a spacing not exceeding ten times the
flange width.
• Q = design imposed loads on plan. G = design dead loads acting perpendicular with
the roof slope. Imposed loads are from BS6399-3 clause 4.3.2 for small buildings.
Dead loads will vary for differing roof finishes and manufacturers technical litera-
ture should be consulted to ensure adequate allowance is made when assessing the
design dead load.
• Span tables are for roof joists under service class 1 conditions only and assume
continuous lateral restraint is provided to the top flange from either tiling battens
combined with suitable diagonal bracing or from a sheathing board. Where load
reversal due to wind uplift is probable, suitable restraint from sheathing of plaster-
board must be provided to the bottom flange.
R9a R1b
Page 16 R5a
R1a Ridge beam with bevelled plate R1b Ridge beam with bevelled plate
Restraint strap eg Cullen S STEICOjoist or
18 * 600 mm structural ply or STEICOjoist or
or Simpson LSTA LVL / Glulam blocking
OSB with min 8 no. 3.35 * 65 LVL / Glulam blocking
nails each side to be checked
by an engineer
Joist connected
to bevelled wall- Joist connected
plate using 2 to bevelled wall-
no. 3.35 * 90 mm plate using 2
through each no. 3.35 * 90 mm
bottom flange through each
bottom flange
R2 Ridge beam with sloped hangers R3 Mono pitch ridge beam with sloped hangers
Restraint strap eg Restraint strap eg Cullen S
Cullen S or Simpson or Simpson LSTA
ridge beam
eg LVL /
Web stiffener
required on each
Structural ridge
beam eg LVL / Web stiffener
Glulam required on each
Approved sloped hanger eg side
Simpson LSSU or Cullen ARC Approved sloped hanger eg
Simpson LSSU or Cullen ARC
Joist connected
STEICOjoist STEICOjoist or to bevelled wall-
or LVL / Glulam LVL / Glulam
Joist connected to plate using 2 no.
blocking blocking
bevelled wall- 3.35 * 90 mm through
plate using 2 each bottom flange
no. 3.35 * 90 mm
through each Web stiffener re-
bottom flange quired both sides
Bevelled support
plate nailed to ridge
Bevelled support
beam or wall plates
plate nailed to ridge
Framing anchors beam or wall plates
fixed to both sides
of each joist Twisted strap for
Ventilation holes may be drilled in slopes over 18°
Bevelled web stiffener may be required both sides the blocking where required
Ventilation holes may be Maximum overhang limited Birdsmouth cut to be Ventilation holes may be
drilled in the blocking to 1/3 of the adjacent span checked by a qualified drilled in the blocking
where required or less than 600 mm engineer where required
Rafter spacing Overhang no greater than the rafter Rafter spacing Overhang no greater than the rafter
spacing or less than 600 mm spacing or less than 600 mm
Solid timber wall
pieces may
be required
Rafter spacing Overhang no greater than the rafter Do not cut the flange. Restraint strap from an approved
spacing or less than 600 mm connector supplier; install as per manufacturer‘s instructions.
LVL / Glulam trimmer
or STEICOjoist
| Wall Applications
Note: The above tables are based on a wall panel height of 2,5 m.
45 * 45 25.1 28.5 30.8 22.5 25.6 27.6 22.5 25.6 27.6
SW 45
60 * 45 30.9 35.1 37.9 28.3 32.2 34.7 28.3 32.2 34.7
SW 60
90 * 45 41.3 47.0 50.7 38.8 44.0 47.6 38.8 44.0 47.6
SW 90
Calculation Assumptions:
Cripple stud
Sole plate
Sole plate
Damp proof
Treated soleplate
Sole plate
| Thermal insulation
With its I-section profile, the STEICOwall is ideally suited for wall
constructions with high thermal requirements. Low energy buildings
may be efficiently constructed.
| Wall constructions
STEICOwall Solid timber stud
A B 1 Plasterboard 12.5 mm
2 Vapour barrier
3 A STEICOwall 45 / 160
B Solid stud 38 / 140
4 A STEICOflex 160 mm
B Mineral wool 140 mm
5 OSB 9 mm
6 Breather paper
1 6 1 6
Thermal performance
7 1
6 1
General information
Proper erection procedures and the installation of bracing are essential to safe construction when using I-joists.
The following notes may assist builders when preparing safety assessments under the CDM regulations 1994.
• Temporary bracing to be installed as per UKTFA- • Under no circumstances use damaged joists or
guidance. attempt to repair them.
| Storage Notes
• STEICO Joists must be stored straight and vertical.
Strict manufacturing
engineered by nature