Bon Secours College For Women: Details of The Student Admission and Results B.SC., Biotechnology

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Bon Secours College for Women

Details of the Student Admission and Results

B.Sc., Biotechnology

S.No Batch No. of No. Pass Rank

Admitted of Appeared Percentage
1. 2005-2008 20 17 100 -
2. 2006-2009 22 18 100 3
3. 2007-2010 27 25 92.5 3
4. 2008-2011 28 25 85.71 3
5. 2009-2012 23 22 100 1
6. 2010-2013 22 16 93.75 4
7. 2011-2014 19 14 100 1
8. 2012-2015 31 26 100 5
9. 2013-2016 39 28 100 4
10. 2014-2017 39 36 100 1
11. 2015-2018 40 36 100 7
12. 2016-2019 40 39 100 3
13. 2017-2020 40 40
14. 2018-2021 43
15. 2019-2022 85

M. Sc., Biotechnology

S.No Batch No. of No. Pass Rank

Admitted of Appeared Percentage
1. 2014-2016 4 4 100 2
2 2015-2017 4 4 100 -
3 2016-2018 4 3 100 -
4 2017-2019 16 16 100 5
5 2018-2020 14 13
6 2019-2021 6

Signature of HOD
Bon Secours College for Women

PG & Research Department of Biotechnology

S. No Department Course Year of Additional Additional Affiliation No. of
implementation seat section intake
1 2005-2008 - 2005 40
2 2006-2009 - 40
3 2007-2010 - 40
4 2008-2011 - 40
5 2009-2012 - 40
6 2010-2013 - 40
7 2011-2014 - 40
Department of
8 B. Sc., 2012-2015 - 40
9 2013-2016 - 40
10 2014-2017 - 40
11 2015-2018 - 40
12 2016-2019 - 40
13 2017-2020 - 40
14 2018-2021 4 44
15 2019-2022 8 1 41+ 45

S. No Department Course Year of Additional Additional Affiliation No. of

implementation seat section intake
1 PG & M.Sc., 2014-2016 - - 2014 -
2 Research 2015-2017 - - - -
3 Department of 2016-2018 - - - -
4 Biotechnology 2017-2019 - - - -
5 2018-2020 - - - -
6 2019-2021 - - - -

S. No Department Course Year of Additional Additional Affiliation No. of

implementation seat section intake
1 PG & Ph.D. 2017-2018 - - 2017 -
2 Research 2018-2019 - - -
3 Department of 2019-2020 - - -
B. Sc., Biotechnology
S.No Batch Rank Pass Percentage
1 2005-2008 - 100
2 2006-2009 3 100
3 2007-2010 3 92.5
4 2008-2011 3 85.71
5 2009-2012 1 100
6 2010-2013 4 93.75
7 2011-2014 1 100
8 2012-2015 5 100
9 2013-2016 4 100
10 2014-2017 1 100
11 2015-2018 7 100
12 2016-2019 3 100
13 2017-2020
14 2018-2021
15 2019-2022

M.Sc., Biotechnology
S.No Batch Rank Pass
1. 2014-2016 2 100
2 2015-2017 - 100
3 2016-2018 - 100
4 2017-2019 5 100
5 2018-2020
6 2019-2021

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