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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 958 (2000): Temporary Corrosion Preventives, Grease

Type, Soft Film [PCD 3: Petroleum, Lubricants and their
Related Products]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
_IS 958 : 2000

Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

ICS 75.100

0 BIS 2000


NEW DELHI 110002

May 2000
Lubricants and Related Products Sectional Committee, PCD 4

This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Lubricants and Related Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal band
Related Products Division Council.
This Indian Standard has been prepared with a view to facilitate the supply to large and small scale consumer of
a material of quality most suited for use under Indian climatic conditions.
This standard forms one of a series of Indian Standard on temporary, corrosion preventives, including
IS 1153 : 1975 ‘Specification for tempoary corrosion peventive, fluid, hard film, solvent deposited Cfirsfrevision)’
IS 1154 : 1957 ‘Speficicaion for temporary corrosion preventive, fluid, soft film, solvent deposited, water
displacing’, IS 1674 : 1960 ‘Specification for temporary corrosion prevenive, fluid, soft film, slovent deposited’
IS 6048 : 1960 ‘Specification for temporary corrosion preventives, soft film, hot dipping type’covering different
types of temporary corrosion preventives. Considerable assistance has been drawn from these existing standards
as well as the British Standard BS 7541 : 1992 ‘Specification for temporary preventives for the protection of
metal surfaces against corrosion during transport and storage’ and the Japanese Standard JIS K 2246-1994
‘Rust preventive oils’ in preparing this standard
This standard was originally published in 1958 and subsequently revised in 1975. The present revision has been
prepared as a result of a review of the standard in light of the present day requirement of the product. In this
version (second revision) characteristics for types of film formed, humidity cabinet test, freedom from corrosive
properties have been incorporated. One more grade of the preventive has been included and requirement for
consistency has been modified. This standard covers the requirements of IS 6048 also.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)‘. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 958 : 2000

Indian Standard
tSecond Revision )

This standard prescribes the requirements and the For the purpose of this standard, the temporary
method of sampling and tests for temporary corrosion corrosion preventives, grease type, are materials used
preventives, grease, soft film suitable for the protection for the protection of metallic surfaces during
of cleans metal surfaces during transport and storage. transportation and storage. These are applied to the
metallic surfaces and function by forming protective
2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES barriers or other appropriate mode of action at the
metal surface. The corrosion preventives are readily
The following Indian Standards contain provisions
removable by hot or cold solvents, wiping, detergent
which, through reference in this text, constitute solutions or stripping.
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are NOTE- The term temporary signifies ready removability of the
corrosion preventive and not the duration of its efficacy. The
subject to revision and parties to agreements based on corrosion preventives should completely wet the metal surfaces
this standard are encouraged to investigate the and form smooth continuous film when applied by suitable
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the methods.
standards indicated below:
1s No. Title
5.1 General Requirements
170 : 1986 Acetone (third revision)
410 : 1977 Cold rolled brass sheet, strip and foil 5.1.1The temporary corrosion preventives, grease, soft
(third revision) film shall be easily removable by applicable means
513 : 1994 Cold rolled low carbon steel sheet such as wiping, action of solvents or detergents or
and strips vourrh revision) manual stripping. This property shall be retained by
517 : 1986 Methanol (methyl alcohol) (second the film after ageing also.
revision) 5.1.2 The temporary corrosion preventives shall be
713 : 1981 Zinc base alloy ingots for die casting homogeneous materials consisting of film forming
(second revision) agents and other ingredients dissolved or dispersed in
1070 : 1992 Reagent grade water (third revision) media as applicable for the different grades. They shall
1447 : 1966 Methods of sampling of petroleum be free from dirt and other visible impurities and shall
and its products not contain any separated water.
1448 Methods of test for petroleum and
its products: 5.2 Keeping Quality
[P:Sl] : 1963 Copper strip corrosion test for
When stored in the original sealed containers under
lubricating greases normal ambient conditions, the temporary corrosion
[p:52] : 1971 Drop point (first revision) preventives shall retain their properties and shall meet
Determination of acidity and the requirements covered in this standard for the
alkalinity in greases Cfirsr revision) corresponding grades for a period of at least 12 months
[P:60] :: 1979
1994 Consistency of lubricating greases by from the date of delivery.
cone penetrometer (second revision)
[P:61] : 1974 Evaporation loss in greases (Zhour 5.3 Specific Requirements
drying) (first revision)
The temporary corrosion preventives shall comply with
1839 : 1961 Toluene, reagent grade the applicable requirements for the grades covered in
3 GRADES Table 1.

The temporary corrosion pIreventives, grease type, soft 6 PACKING AND MARKING
film shall be of two :s:
6.1 Packing
a) Grade 1; and/’
Material shall be packed in suitable containers of
b) Grade 2. 11
IS 958 : 2000

Table 1 Requirements for Temporary Corrosion Preventive, Grease Type, Soft Film

(Clause 5.3)

SI Characteristic Requirement Method of Test, Ref to

Grade 1 Grade 2 [P : ] of IS 1448 Annex
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
9 Appearance at 25/3O“C Grease like Grease like Visual -
semisolid semisolid examination
ii) Type of film formed Soft, greasy Soft, greasy do -
iii) Consistencey, worked penetration at 25°C. 300 240 [P:60] -
iv) Drop point “C, Min 80 80 [P : 521 -

v) Loss through drainage percent by mass, 2 2 - A

vi) Evaporation loss. percent by mass, Mar 3.0 3.0 [P : 611 -
vii) Humidity cabinet test, h, passing, Min 360 360 [P : “I -
viii) Freedom from corrosive properties
a) Metal couples No corrosion No corrosion - B
b) Copper (50°C. 3h). Mar 1 I [P : 511 -
c) Lead, percent by mass, mg/cm’, MUX 1 - - C
ix) Stability No separation No separation - D
x) Free organic acidity (as oleic acid), Report Report [P : 531 -
percent by mass
xi) Free alkalinity (as calcium hydroxide), do do [P : 531 -
percent by mass

‘) Under preparation till such time it is published, ASTM D 1748 shall be followed.

appropriate size as agreed to between the purchaser 6.3.1 The use of Standard Mark is governed by the
and the supplier. provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986
and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The
6.2 Marking details of conditions under which the licence for the
6.2.1 The containers shall be securely closed and use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
marked with the following: manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
Bureau of Indian Standards.
a> Indication of source of manufacture;
b) Name and grade of material; 7 SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR
c> Net mass of material;
4 Recognized trade-mark, if any; and 7.1 Representative samples of material shall be drawn
e> Identification in code or otherwise to enable as prescribed in IS 1447.
the lot of consignment or manufacture to be
7.2 Tests for determining all the characteristics given
traced back from records.
in Table 1 of the standard shall be conducted on the
composite sample.
6.3 BIS Certification Marking
7.3 The lot shall be declared as conforming to the
Each container may also be marked with the Standard
requirements of this standard, if all the test results on
the composite sample satisfy the requirements of this

IS 958 : 2000

[Table 1, SZNo. (v)]


A-l.1 Oven A-4.1 Carry out the test in triplicate.
The oven shall be thermostatically controlled and A-4.2 Apply sufficient quantity of the corrosion
capable of maintaining a temperature of 70 + 1°C. preventive so as to give a residual film mass of 1.7 to
2.4 mg/cm*. Spread the material uniformly over both
sides of the test panels by brushing, taking care that
A-2.1 Mild Steel Panels no deep brush marks are left on the panels. Finally,
draw a doctor blade over the panels to ensure that the
The mild steel test panels required for this test shall
be of panel-sheet (drawing type) specified in IS 513. film is uniform all over. Suspend the panels for
The panels shall be approximately 80 mm x 40 mm x 24 hours in a vertical position at room temperature in
J.3 mm in size with a 6 mm diameter hole drilled a well ventilated position and out of direct sunlight.
centrally near one of the shorter edges. The panels Cut off flush with the lower edge any material hanging
shall be free from mill scale or oxides, pits, scratches as a bead from the panel. Weigh the coated panels to
and other surface imperfections. the nearest milligram. Suspend the coated panels
vertically for 4 hours in an oven maintained at 70 e
Ai2.2 Carborundum Powder (No. 150) 1°C. After the specified period has elapsed, carefully
A-2.3 Toluene or Acetone remove the panels without jarring, suspend in a
vertical position, and allow to cool at room temperature
Confirming to IS 1839 or IS 170. in a dust-free place. After removal of any material
A-3 PREPARATION OF TEST PANELS hanging as a bead from the lower edge, weigh the
coated panel again to the nearest milligram.
Polish the panels on both sides by means of a pad of
filter paper and Carborundum powder and then A-4.2.1 Calculate the loss in mass of the coated panel
degrease with toluene or acetone. Dry, cool and weigh as percentage of the original mass of the coating.
to the nearest milligram. Report the average of the three results.

[Table 1, SZNo. (viii)(a)]

B-l APPARATUS following metals and composition.

B-l.1 Oven B-2.1.1 Mild Steel
The oven shall be thermostatically controlled and The mild steel test panels required for this test shall
capable of maintaining a temperature of 50 + 1°C. be of panel sheet (drawing type) specified in IS 513.

B-l.2 Glass Containers B-2.1.2 Brass

Four suitable wide-mouthed heat-resistant glass The brass test panels shall have the composition as
containers, fitted with vented corks, shall be used. prescribed for Grade CuZn37 of IS 410.
B-2.1.3 Aluminum Alloy
The aluminium alloy test panels shall have
B-2.1 Test Panels
the composition as prescribed for Grade HS 14 or
The test panels of 50 mm x 25 mm shall be of the Grade HS 15 specified in IS 737.

IS 958 : 2000

B-2.1.4 Magnesium Alloy 98 percent (by column) in strength. It shall not contain
more than races of aldehydes and acids (see IS 517).
The magnesium alloy test panels shall have -the
following composition: B-3 CLEANING OF METAL PANELS
a> Aluminum, percent by mass, Max 0.05 B-3.1 Burnish the metal panels with emery cloth (in
b) Zinc percent by mass, Max 0.03 the case of magnesium and aluminium alloys, mist
c) Manganese, percent by mass 1.0 to 2.0 pumice powder shall be used) to a smooth bright finish.
4 Copper, percent by mass, Max 0.02 Clean and degrease by swabbing with cloth soaked in
4 Silicon, percent by mass, Max 0.02 toluene or acetone and then rinse with methanol (see
f-l Iron, percent by mass, Max 0.03 Note). Finally, dry the metal panels in a current of
Nickel, percent by mass, Max warm, dry air and immediately utilize for the test.
g) 0.005
During and after degreasing, do not touch the metal
h) Calcium, percent by mass, 0.02
panels by bare hands, but handle with a pair of clean
3 Magnesium, percent by mass remainder
forced. Clean and degrease the nuts and bolts before
B-2.1.5 Zinc Base Alloy use.
~This zinc base alloy test panels shall have the NOTE- In the case of magnesium alloy, dry methanol shall not
composition as prescribed in IS 713. be used.

B-2.1.6 The pair of metals concerned shall be drilled B-4 PROCEDURE

centrally to accommodate a nut and bolt which shall
be of brass, exclpt~in the case of mild steel aluminium B-4.1 Take sufficient quantity of temporary corrosion
alloy couple where a steel nut and bolt shall be used. preventive in each of the four glass containers and
The pair of metals shall be clamped firmly together in introduce one metal couple in each of the containers
the form of a cross with an angle of 20” between their such that half the tength of the metal couples is
major axes before the test. immersed in the corrosion preventive. Close the glass
containers with the ventred corks and place them in
B-2.2 Emery Cloth (No. 0) the oven maintained at 50 + 1°C for 6 hours. Remove
B-2.3 Toluene or Acetone the glass containers from the oven and take out the
metal couples from the containers. Seperate the metal
Same as described in A-2.3.
panels of couples. Remove the film of temporary
B-2.4 Methanol corrosion preventive by swabbing the metal panels
with cloth soaked in toluene or acetone and visually
The methanol shall be water-white and not less than examine for corrosiorl.

[Table 1, SZNo. (viii)(c)]


C-l.1 Oven C-2.1 Lead Test Panels

The oven shall Abe thermostatically controlled and The test panels shall have the following composition:
capable of maintaining a temperature of 50 f 1°C.
a) Metallic lead, percent -by mass, Min 99.99
C-l.2 Glass Container b) Copper, percent by mass, Max 0.003
cl Antimony, percent by mass, Max 0.002
A wide-mouthed glass container fitted with liquid-
tight ground-glass stopper shall be used. Its capacity d) Bismuth, percent by mass, Max 0.005
shall be approximately 500 ml and it shall be made e) Iron, percent by mass, Max 0.003
from heat-resistant glass. 0 Nickel and cobalt together, percent
by mass, Max 0.001

IS 958 : 2000

5.9 Silver, percent by mass, MUX 0.002 saturated with toluene or acetone and then rinse with
h) Zinc, percent by mass, Max 0.002 methanol. Finally, dry the panels in a~current of warm,
dry air. During and after degreasing, do not handle
j) Tin, cadmium, arsenic and sulphur Traces
the panel by bare hands, but with a pair of clean
k) Total of all impurities present, 0.01
percent by mass, Max

C-2.1.1 The panel shall be approximately 75 mm x C-4 PROCEDURE

50 mm x 1.5 mm in size and shall be free from deep C-4.1 Carry out the test in triplicate.
scratches and surface imperfections.
C-4.2 Weigh each panel accurately. Place the weighed
C-2.2 Toluene or Acetone lead panels in the glass containers and add sufficient
quantity of the corrosion preventive such that the
Same as described in A-2.3.
panels are immersed to a depth of 12 mm below the
C-2.3 Methanol surface of the corrosion preventive. Close the container
with the stopper and place it for 8 hours in the oven
Same as described in B-2.4. maintained at 50 -c 1°C. Remove the container from
the oven, withdraw the panels and cool. Remove the’
C-2.4 Dilute Acetic Acid
film of corrosion preventive by swabbing lightly with
Approximately 1 percent by volume. cotton wool soaked in toluene or acetone. Dip the
panels in boiling dilute acetic acid for 1 to 2 minutes
C-3 CLEANING OF LEAD PANELS rinse with water, dry and weigh.
C-3.1 Clean the panels on both sides and on all edges C-4.3 Express the average loss in mass of the panels
to a smooth bright finish by scraping with a sharp in milligrams per square cetimetre of surface.
tool. Clean and degrease by swabbing with a cloth

[Table 1, SZNo. (ix)]

D-l APPARATUS acid and finally air dry.

D-l.1 Oven D-3 PROCEDURE

The oven shall be thermostatically controlled and D-3.1 Fill the Test
capable of maintaining a temperature of 50 + 1°C.
Tube to within 25 -mm of the top with the corrosion
D-l.2 Test Tube preventive. Close the tube with the-vented cork and -
then subject it to the temperature cycle stated below:
The test tube shall be 150 * 10 mm in height and
25 f 5 mm in diameter. It shall be made from heat- a) 2 hours at 0 f 1°C.
resistant glass and shall be fitted with a vented cork. b) 2 hours at 50 f 1°C.
c) 20 hours at room temperature.
D-l.3 Thermometer
D-3.2 Repeat the above cycle on three consecutive days
The thermometer shall be such as to read accurately
and then allow the tube to stand disturbed for a further
the required temperature within f 1°C.
period of 3 days at room temperature. Examine the
D-2 CLEANING OF THE TEST TUBE contents of the tube for separation into layers or
D-2.1 Clean the Test
D-3.3 The corrosion preventive shall be taken to haves
Tube with concentrated solution of chromic, acid the
satisfied the requirement of the test if there is no
rinse with distilled water (see IS 1070) till free form
separation of layers or sedimentation.

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of lndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision, Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. PCD 4 (1633).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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