International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review. Vol.I, Issue No.2, Nov-Jan2014.
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN No. 2347 – 856X
potential buyers. In this era, the media of advertiser is unavoidable. To keep their ad
advertisement matters a lot. In the present era, visible they adopt a few strategies which can
TV seems to be the most popular and potent give them fruitful results. To elicit an impact in
media as people are greatly influenced by what audience, they combine the images, music,
they see and see repeatedly. In urban areas humour, drama and much more in their
especially the TV is the most effective medium strategies. Popularization of electronic media
of advertisement in persuading the viewer that with multiple channels created a situation of
it has become the most reliable channel of rising culture of ads.
promoting products, both existing and newly Review of literature
launched ones. 1.AdemolaB.Owolabi (2009) stated that mood
is the knowledge of particular relevance for the
Scope of the Study understanding of consumer behaviour. This
Creative TV advertisements tend to use well- study is essentially using two scales that is –
known presenters, persuasive messages and attitude towards using advertised products and
audio-visual effects in perfect combination for intention to try advertised products were
a lively display of products. The TV employed to measure advertising effectiveness
advertisements if used successfully in by adopting the experimental study where a
marketing strategies can quickly catch the between subject design was employed. The
attention of potential buyers that will result revealed that subjects in the induced
eventually decide to purchase the products. Its positive mood group have a more positive
success depends on its uniquely creative design attitude and greater intention to try advertised
with demonstration, action, motion, the telling products when compared with subjects in the
of touching stories and enhanced by a perfect induced negative mood group. This attempt
combination of audio-visual effects, despite the can be made in finding the effect of consumer‘s
advertisement of the internet and e-commerce, mood on advertising effectiveness on TV ad in
creative TV advertisement are still considered case of consumers purchase decision.
to be the earliest means to attract the consumers 2.JagdishN.Sheth (1974) examines there
attention. TV advertisements are the most different aspects of effectiveness of advertising
authoritative, influential and persuasive communication. First, how does a specific
advertising medium as compared with other advertising communication get distorted in the
media such as radio, newspapers, magazines consumer‘s mind, what are the dimensions of
and the internet. distortion and what factors produce the
Importance of the study cognitive distortion? Second, how does
TV ads impact viewers due to various factors advertising influence the consumer choice
which have multiple dimensions. The process? Two mechanism called persuasion
influence of these commercials may be due to and reinforcement are discussed and the
the innovations in presentation, the theme of underlying process of influence and tactics are
the ads, the charisma of the model, the music, explored. Third, how does advertising
the slogans and the power of the brand and so influence consumption behaviour? Two
on. It can be said with conviction that the mechanisms called reminder precipitation are
likeability factor of advertisements greatly discussed and the underlying processes and
influences the purchase decision of the viewers tactics are explored. Finally, the paper
and can transform even casual viewers in to a discusses a sequential linkage among the four
potential buyer. One of the biggest challenges mechanisms of advertising effectiveness and
of the advertisers is to retain the effectiveness gives opinions on the persuasiveness of
of advertisements by tailoring it with the advertising through each mechanism. In the
attention of the viewers. It is believed by the same way how measure the effectiveness of TV
advertisers that the major objective of the Ads on Consumer Purchase Decision.
advertising is to influence a positive brand 3. AvilashaMehta(2000) stated that print
attitude formation. Competition from other advertising performance is influenced by
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review. Vol.I, Issue No.2, Nov-Jan2014.
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN No. 2347 – 856X
consumers attitudes towards advertising in it conveys never reaches the consumers in the
general. Here the author has studied the intended way, or is irrelevant by the consumers
Executional and media factors significantly to be meaningless or judged. Hence, The TV
influence advertising performance by adapting Ads providers must concentrate on relevance to
random telephonic interview has been used to the viewers and make them to consumer‘s
discover the attitudes toward advertising, persuasion.
intrusiveness/recall and persuasion/ buying Objectives of the study
interests of the consumers. The result of this TV is a medium which carries the messages to
paper was respondents with more favorable mass audience. Individual differ in their
attitudes toward advertising recalled a higher interest and preferences. This study has the
number of advertisements the day after objectives to understand the relevance factor
exposure and were more persuaded by them. converted into purchase decision behavior of
In the same way attitudes toward TV the audience. The following objectives were
advertising on purchase decision. considered.
Statement of the problem 1. To study the socio-economic factors of
Television Advertisements enable customers to consumers
decide upon products and services and they 2.To identify various elements of Relevance
play a major role in providing relevant factors in effectiveness of Television
information. To increase the attractiveness of Advertisements consumer on Purchase
advertisement and to overcome the problem of decision.
―advertisement avoidance‖ (zapping), 3.To evaluate the association between the
advertisement creators use various strategies Demographic factors and the Relevance
and by using that they engages the audience in factors.
watching them. Advertising through television Research methodology
medium combines sight, sound and motion, Both primary and secondary data utilized for
appealing to the senses and therefore has high this study. The primary data collected through
attention and high reach. Consumers get well designed questionnaire by the way of
confused regarding purchase decision-making adopting convenience sampling technique from
due to one and forced exposure of ads. the consumers. The secondary data collected
Sometimes they felt exploited by the from the text books, journals, reports,
advertisers. The goal of advertising is to magazines, websites and other published
present products or services in an effective way sources. Software package for statistical
so that individual will purchase them. To make solution utilized for analysing the data to
the process successful advertisers continuously extract various qualitative and quantitative
take additional efforts in creating the ads and factors involving in Television Advertising
they constantly conduct research to know the effectiveness on purchase Decision of
impact of their efforts. Advertising is a brand Consumers.
building exercise, from the communication Data analysis and interpretation
point of view. Advertising is the art of moving The Statistical tools are used for this study are
an idea from one person to another. One of the Simple Percentage analysis, Chi-Square test to
important reasons that advertising does not have effective result of research analysis.
work is that specific instances, the information
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review. Vol.I, Issue No.2, Nov-Jan2014.
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN No. 2347 – 856X
In case of Relevance factors is the Ad convincing me, true & believable, remembering & not easy to
forget, highly relevant and very effective of the P values are .911, .722, .720, .736, and .905
respectively. Since, P value is greater than 0.05 the null hypothesis accepted at 5% level of
significance. Hence, concluded that there is no association between the Educational Qualification of
the respondents and Relevance factor in Effectiveness of TV ads on Consumer Purchase Decision.
In case of Relevance factor is the clarity of the ad is very high of the P value is .035 only. Since, P
value is less than 0.05 the null hypothesis rejected at 5% level of significance. Hence, concluded that
there is an association between the Educational Qualification of the respondents and Relevance
factor in Effectiveness of TV ads on Consumer Purchase Decision.
Association between occupation and relevance factor in the TV ads
Null Hypothesis H0: There is no association between occupation and relevance factor in
effectiveness of TV ads on consumer purchase decision.
Table No- 4
Occupation Vs Relevance factors
S. No Value df P Value Remarks
1 The Ad Convincing me 26.664 20 .145 Not Significant
2 The Ad is true & believable 10.939a 20 .948 Not Significant
The Ad is Remembering & not a
3 14.356 20 .812 Not Significant
easy to Forget
4 The Ad is Highly Relevant 17.345a 20 .630 Not Significant
The Clarity of the Ad is very a
5 22.179 20 .331 Not Significant
6 The Ad is very Effective 22.443a 20 .317 Not Significant
In case of Relevance factors is the Ad convincing me, true & believable, remembering & not easy to
forget, highly relevant, very high clarity and very effective of the P values are .145, .948, .812, .630,
.331 and .317 respectively. Since, P value is greater than 0.05 the null hypothesis accepted at 5%
level of significance. Hence, concluded that there is no association between the Occupation of the
respondents and Relevance factors in Effectiveness of TV ads on Consumer Purchase Decision.
Association between monthly income and relevance factor in the TV Ads
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review. Vol.I, Issue No.2, Nov-Jan2014.
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN No. 2347 – 856X
Null Hypothesis H0: There is no association between age and relevance factors in effectiveness of
TV ads on consumer purchase decision.
Table No – 5
Monthly Income Vs Relevance factors
S. No Value df P Value Remarks
1 The Ad Convincing me 6.221 12 .905 Significant
2 The Ad is true & believable 11.861a 12 .457 Significant
The Ad is Remembering & not
3 9.521a 12 .658 Significant
easy to Forget
4 The Ad is Highly Relevant 8.720a 12 .727 Significant
The Clarity of the Ad is very
5 10.611a 12 .563 Significant
6 The Ad is very Effective 4.540a 12 .972 Significant
In case of Relevance factors is the Ad convincing me, true & believable, remembering & not easy to
forget, highly relevant, very high clarity and very effective of the P values are .905, .457, .658, .727,
.563 and .972 respectively. Since, P value is greater than 0.05 the null hypothesis accepted at 5%
level of significance. Hence, concluded that there is no association between the Monthly Income of
the respondents and Relevance factors in Effectiveness of TV ads on Consumer Purchase Decision.
Findings, suggestions and conclusion coolie, house wives, etc. and minimum 8%
Findings of the respondents are agriculturalist.
1. It is concluded that maximum 45% of the 7. It is concluded that maximum 49% of the
respondents are living in rural area and respondent‘s monthly incomes are earned
minimum 21% of the respondents are below Rs. 10000 and minimum 10% of the
living in semi urban area. respondents are above Rs.30000.
2. It is concluded that maximum 60% of the 8. It is concluded that maximum 52% of the
respondents are male and minimum 40% respondents are in case of joint family and
of the respondents are female. Hence, the minimum 48% of the respondents are in case
researcher concluded that majority of the of nuclear family.
respondents are female. 9. It is concluded that maximum 72% of the
3. It is concluded that maximum 71% of the respondent‘s family sizes are 3 to5and
respondents are belongs to the age group minimum 11% of the respondents are upto 2.
of below 30 years and minimum 4% each 10. It is concluded that there is close
of the respondents were under the relationship between the personal factors of
category of 41 to 50 years and above 50 age of the respondents and Relevance factor
years respectively. in the TV ads like The Ad Convincing me,
4. It is concluded that maximum 52% of the The Ad is true & believable, The Ad is
respondents are married and 48% of the Remembering & not easy to Forget, The Ad
respondents are unmarried. Hence, the is Highly Relevant, The Clarity of the Ad is
researcher concluded that majority of the very High and The Ad is very Effectiveare
respondents are belongs to married associate of the Purchase Decision.
people. 11. It is concluded that there is no relationship
5. It is concluded that maximum 33% of the between the personal factors of Educational
respondents are PG level educational Qualification of the respondents and
qualification and minimum 4% of the Relevance factor in the TV ads like The
respondents are illiterate. Clarity of the Ad is very High is not
6. It is concluded that maximum 29% of the associate of the Purchase Decision.
respondent‘s occupations are others like
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review. Vol.I, Issue No.2, Nov-Jan2014.
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN No. 2347 – 856X
12. It is concluded that there is close 13. It is concluded that there is close
relationship between the personal factors relationship between the personal factors of
of Occupation of the respondents and Monthly Income of the respondents and
Relevance factor in the TV ads like The Relevance factor in the TV ads like The Ad
Ad Convincing me, The Ad is true & Convincing me, The Ad is true &
believable, The Ad is Remembering & believable, The Ad is Remembering & not
not easy to Forget, The Ad is Highly easy to Forget, The Ad is Highly Relevant,
Relevant, The Clarity of the Ad is very The Clarity of the Ad is very High and The
High and The Ad is very Effective are Ad is very Effective are associate of the
associate of the Purchase Decision. Purchase Decision.
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review. Vol.I, Issue No.2, Nov-Jan2014.
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN No. 2347 – 856X
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review. Vol.I, Issue No.2, Nov-Jan2014.