Energy Information Collecting Agent For IoT Big Data System

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Energy Information Collecting Agent

for IoT Big Data System

Tai-Yeon Ku Wan-Ki Park Hoon Choi

IoT Research Division IoT Research Division Chungnam National University
Hyper-connected Communication Hyper-connected Communication Dae-jeon, Korea
Research Laboratory, ETRI Research Laboratory, ETRI ‫@ھۃ‬
Dae-jeon, Korea Dae-jeon, Korea
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract²²7KHSUHVHQWSDSHUDOORZVWRHQHUJ\LQIRUPDWLRQ The development and diffusion of energy resources, such as

FROOHFWLQJ DJHQW IRU ,R7 %LJ'DWD V\VWHP (QHUJ\ PDQDJHPHQW the continued increase in energy demand, avoidance of power
V\VWHP (06 LVFRPSXWHUEDVHGSODWIRUPWRPRQLWRUDQGFRQWURO peaks, and future trend response, can be developed and diffused
HQHUJ\ XVDJH DW D VPDUW KRPH DQG EXLOGLQJ 7KHUH DUH VHYHUDO to the national community. This can be achieved by developing
an energy internet platform for the development of an NFS-
based energy demand management service, a distributed energy
Keywords—energy management, ‫ڮڨڠٻڇگۊڤ‬ paradigm, and an energy inter-transfer energy transaction
An IoT based smart energy management service is a service Smart Grid is an electricity network that can intelligently
that aims to maximize energy efficiency by developing energy- integrate the actions of all users connected to it in order to
based smart energy platforms for resolving energy issues in the efficiently delivery sustainable, economic and secure electricity
ultra-highway society and to maximize energy efficiency and supplies. Smart Grid 3.0 is a more network-oriented solution to
energy efficiency through energy sharing. These IoT smart provide integrated energy production, transportation, and use for
energy management services provide increased energy a clean, efficient energy network of the future. Micro Grid is
efficiency, energy sharing, and transaction services through small grid system that can be self-sufficient in small areas. In
interconnected inter-energy enterprise-synchronization of other words, a small independent power grid is mixed with
enterprise-enabled energy-associated energy systems. Energy renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic and wind power
management system (EMS) is computer-based platform to and energy storage devices (ESS) in a next-generation power
monitor and control energy usage at a smart home and building. system. Energy Internet of Things refer to procedures and
There are several model EMS – centralized and distributed. methods, and to ensure continual improvement, which will
spread awareness of energy efficiency throughout an IOT

FIG.1. CES MicroGrid Infrastructure

978-1-5090-4032-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1134 ICTC 2017

The centralized EMS model enables the allocation of limited
III. HYBRID DR ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR CES energy among appliances or by switching energy sources from
Energy management system is computer based platform to grid to local generation or battery according to consumer
monitor and control energy usage at a smart home and building. preferences. EMS collects and manages the energy usage of
The energy collection structure can be divided into three main various energy devices. This improves operational efficiency
categories. Traditional energy collection structures were the and device utilization. The generated power and the used power
means of sending information using direct EMS and interface must always be balanced. Centralized EMS can analyze and
protocols. centrally manage the usage of the entire device to minimize costs.

A. Distributed P2P Information Collotor C. Hybrid Energy Information Collotor
Centralized EMS has many problems. If the EMS becomes The proposed approach is the Hybrid energy Information
overloaded with load, it can affect the entire system to overcome Collotor. To enable a hybrid structure, there must be one or more
this problem. Problems with the EMS system will cause modules capable of communicating with each protocol group by
problems with diagnosing and recovering faults, and bringing each protocol group, or at least one module capable of executing
the entire system to a standstill. Additionally, the entire system- the regulator. Select master agent according to schedule rules
synchronizing operation will involve loading the entire system. when multiple regulators can perform multiple interventions.
The distributed EMS can address this problem by enabling Master aggregators periodically collect energy information from
partial fault diagnosis and recovery. Also, the synchronization all devices within the group and transfer it to the EMS. This has
between heterogeneous networks can also be supported. two types of characteristics, depending on the characteristics of
each group, where Master Agents can collect information
In the p2p architecture, the energy device must have directly and transmit data directly to the mater aggregators.
communication protocol to communicate with the EMS. It is not
fit for low-cost IoT devices. In a distributed architecture, on the In first type, the way the master agent collects device
other hand, The EMS is configured separately for each physical information directly from his group is the way in which master
and logical network unit to which the device is connected. There aggregations can actively import information using
is a separate EMS for each energy device group to collect. This communication protocols in the group as needed. While the
function collects the energy information of the lower devices master quota is subordinate to stress, the device in the group
independently. always has a constant load of time to respond to the master's
response. This structure has many devices that have many
B. Centralized Multi-level Invormation Collotor devices in the group that require a large number of devices to
manage. In second type, this is a way to send information to a
To address these problems, each communication protocol master agent when his or her information changes or needs to be
has an agent for each communication protocol. An agent is a SW changed. While the first method must maintain its own
module that collects and stores the information of devices in a information until the master agent asks for information, it is
communication group and performs them to the EMS. This is a straightforward to transmit it immediately without saving the
method where each communication protocol allows collected data. This is particularly advantageous when the
communication with the top EMS to communicate with each of performance of individual devices is low.
the protocols in each communication protocol, and this agent
collects information from the device and sends it to the EMS. Smart EMS is a system as a key technology, can be
This has disadvantages in collecting information from the group automatically save the energy information to the network section
if the module fails to malfunction. of the subscriber, to minimize duplicate transfer to reduce the

amount of content traffic content transmission network. In this protocols. In order to overcome the absence of master agent due
paper, I presented a reduction hybrid smart EMS structure of the to frequent On / Off of IoT devices, we have a master agent
network traffic in real-time. This is a technique to distribute the selection policy for each group, which may vary depending on
requests are concentrated in Smart EMS particular server the characteristics of each communication group. This requires
through the load balancing system , is placed by specifying the a master agent, which means that there is at least one device on
smart energy information optimized in accordance with the which the master agent can run. The way to overcome this is
address of the content requester . This can be used to build a going on in future work.
global delivery cloud platform to which is applied a smart
energy information , to ensure the competitiveness of domestic ACKNOWLEDGMENT
enterprises of content delivery platform technology, and
domestic manufacturers and ensure the technical capabilities of This work was supported by the Korea Institute of Energy
the next-generation content distribution market can be the world Technology Evaluation and Planning(KETEP) and the Ministry
market power of strengthening . of Trade, Industry & Energy(MOTIE) of the Republic of Korea
(No. ).
The paper relates to a system and method for energy
information collecting agent for IoT Big Data System for CES. REFERENCES
There are many different types of energy devices in the home. [1] Naver knowledge-based smart energy service (ETRI), 2014.11. 28.
For efficient energy management, monitoring, and forecasting, Electronic Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Electronic
information gathering and control from low-end IoT devices to News Agency (ETRI)
high-end smart devices should be possible.
In this paper, we propose a method to communicate with a
collection server by selecting a master agent for heterogeneous


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