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Children in road traffic

Please refer to this document as: DaCoTA (2012) Children in road traffic, Deliverable 4.8c of
the EC FP7 project DaCoTA

Project co-financed by the European Commission Directorate General for Mobility and Transport

14/03/2013 Page 1


CHILDREN IN ROAD TRAFFIC ............................................................................................ 1

1 OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 4

2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 7


3.1 Child deaths and injuries ............................................................................................... 8

3.2 Age and gender ............................................................................................................... 8

3.3 Mode of transport ............................................................................................................ 9

3.4 Use of safety belts and child restraints...................................................................... 10

3.5 Traffic safety and social equity ................................................................................... 11

3.6 Do decreased crash rates reflect improvements in safety? .................................... 11

4 HOW MOBILE ARE CHILDREN? ..................................................................................12

4.1 Number of journeys ...................................................................................................... 13

4.2 Reasons for journeys ................................................................................................... 13

4.3 Choice of transport mode ............................................................................................ 13

4.4 Children’s activity environment .................................................................................. 14

4.5 Gender differences ....................................................................................................... 15

4.6 Children as accompanied road users – unintended consequences ...................... 15

4.6.1 Changing road conditions and the impact on safety ..................................................... 16

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PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF TRAFFIC BEHAVIOUR ................................................19

5.1 Child cognitive development in relation to road safety ........................................... 19

5.1.1 Visual Perception................................................................................................................ 20
5.1.2 Auditory perception ............................................................................................................ 22
5.1.3 Ability to concentrate and react ........................................................................................ 22
5.1.4 Psychomotor skill development........................................................................................ 22
5.1.5 The impact of road traffic on the psychomotor skill development ............................... 23

5.2 Imitation and role models ............................................................................................ 24

5.3 Risk awareness ............................................................................................................. 24

5.3.1 What is considered risky? ................................................................................................. 25
5.3.2 Crossing a street ................................................................................................................ 25

6 ISSUES AND INTERVENTIONS ....................................................................................26

6.1 Education ....................................................................................................................... 27

6.2 Educational Systems .................................................................................................... 28

6.3 Intervention programmes - campaigns ...................................................................... 31

6.3.1 “Gehen geht” (walking works) ......................................................................................... 31
6.3.2 EUCHIRES (EUrope CHIld REstraint System) .............................................................. 31
6.3.3 Car Free Schools................................................................................................................ 32

6.4 Environment .................................................................................................................. 32

6.4.1 Traffic calming measures .................................................................................................. 32
6.4.2 Crossing measures ............................................................................................................ 33

6.5 Equipment ...................................................................................................................... 33

6.5.1 Vehicle equipment pre-requisites: model types ............................................................. 33
6.5.2 Protective equipment ........................................................................................................ 34

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................36

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1 Overview
Children: persons from 0 to 14 years

Children are very mobile.

They are more endangered Mobility behaviour: modal split, trip purpose, number of trips,
than other road users. action space etc.

Children are increasingly accompanied on the road because

of safety concerns

The road safety of children is Reduction of child fatalities in traffic but lower fertility rate and
influenced by several factors: decrease of independent mobility
- exposure through
increasing motorization
- restricted independent Development of physical and cognitive skills
- socio-economic
background Children have fewer opportunities to make experiences in
traffic as active road users

Human factors must be taken into account with technical


Infrastructure: measures are effective if they calm traffic,

reduce speed, enhance visibility

Education: involves parents, peers & teachers

What can be done to

Vehicles: Assistive Systems (ABS, ISA etc.), child safety
enhance road safety for
seats, safety belts etc.

Law: enforcement & regulations, consequent traffic


Cyclists: separate cycle lanes

Intervention programmes should include income, vacation and

children’s role in traffic.

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Child fatalities in traffic

Within Europe numbers of child fatalities in traffic are decreasing alongside a falling birth
rate. This decrease is further affected by improvements in safety for children as car

While cars are becoming safer for children as car passengers, the highest risk of fatality for
children is still as car passenger followed as pedestrians and then as cyclists. Research
indicates that children from lower socio-economic backgrounds are more likely to be injured
in traffic incidents.

Due to diverging national definitions, traffic casualty data is not always easy to compare
across countries. The fact that child crash rates vary not only between the EU Member
States but also between national regions makes comparisons even more difficult. Data
about the exposure of children as road users is rare but the general increase in motorisation
increases the risk of traffic crashes such as collisions between cars pedestrians and cyclists
which are less likely to happen, per capita, if fewer people use a car and walk or cycle

Modal split
Children are very mobile; however, most of their travel is connected with journeys to school
or for leisure purposes. Children are the most vulnerable road users.

Little is known about the modal split of children’s travel but research shows that traffic density
and the distance travelled to school or childcare facilities are important factors influencing the
choice of transport mode for children. In the last 30 years parents have restricted the
independent mobility of children to an increasing extent because of traffic safety concerns
and the absence of suitable play spaces. More often than not, parents now drive their
children to a destination reducing their autonomy and opportunities to develop important
skills such as how to behave in road traffic and how to make use of public space or explore
their environment.

Differences in children’s physical and psychological skills depend on their age and other
influencing factors. In fact, greater levels of physical activity diminish the risk of falling or
other injuries related to motion.

Development of skills
Children who travel mainly by car are less successful in negotiating road traffic as
pedestrians, public transport users or cyclists. The behaviour of parents when driving or in
traffic becomes critical since their attitudes and interactions influence the behaviour of their

The ability of children to develop risk awareness and, therefore, to perceive traffic situations
as dangerous is largely dependent on age. Inactive children are less healthy and their
psychomotor development and also their attentiveness are negatively affected.

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Children between 8 and 14 are easily distracted and therefore are at higher risk around
traffic. Although the psychomotor skills of male teenagers are well developed, their tendency
towards risk-taking exposes them to the risk of being involved in road traffic crashes. This is
especially true of young cyclists.

Regardless of parental restrictions, or their stage of development, all young people have an
urge to be physically active which can lead to problems when trying to ensure that road
infrastructure is supporting safety (e.g. when crossing the street). This needs to be taken into
account when planning traffic infrastructure in areas used by numbers of children.

Measures for enhancing safety

Intervention programs aimed at enhancing traffic safety for children have to take account of
socio-demographic factors such as income, location and their role as road users Measures
are more likely to be effective where appropriate account is made of human factors.
Successful educational measures take account of the influence that parents, peers and
teachers have over younger people.

Many positive safety effects of infrastructure design affecting children are already known. For
example, the provision of separate facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, speed management
and traffic calming measures, such as speed humps and other physical self-enforcing
measures, and also the improvement of visibility conditions at junctions and/or the reduction
of parking spaces all ameliorate the risk of traffic crashes for children. In vehicles, driver
assistance systems such as ISA are of known benefit. In addition to these systems, children
as car passengers need to be protected through the use of child safety seats and safety
belts. However, some of the protective measures provided by airbags designed for adults in
a normal seating position pose a serious threat to children sitting in rearward facing child
seats. Research shows that the use of rearward facing restraints provides the best protection
and should be used up to as high an age as possible (although not used adjacent to frontal
passenger airbags). (See ERSO Vehicle Safety web text).

The most effective measure to protect children as pedestrians is to reduce the speed of
motor vehicles. For young cyclists, separated cycle lanes are a reasonably protective
measure and the use of bright helmets and light-reflecting clothing help to improve
conspicuity. Properly enforced laws and regulations need to be reinforced by continuing to
make young people aware of the potential dangers of the road environment thus avoiding a
false sense of security. (See also ERSO Roads, Speed and Speed Management web texts).

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2 Introduction
Children in road traffic are defined here as persons aged from 0 to 14 years. The group aged
between 0 and 4 years are considered as babies and toddlers, between 5 and 10 years is
the pre-puberty phase and between 11 and 14 is the puberty or early adolescence phase.
Each phase within childhood is characterized, and consequently defined, by distinctive levels
of physical and psychological skill. Children as road users cannot, therefore, be considered
an homogenous group as their abilities or their mode of transport choice differ considerably.

Data about the mobility patterns of children as road users in general is scarce. In fact, little is
known about children under the age of six years because most of the statistical data starts
with children at this age and older. Children in different age groups are often merged and the
varying behaviours of children of different age groups neglected, e.g. longer distances
travelled by older children or their greater access to different modes of transport. There are
only few scientific projects which provide information about the mobility patterns of children.

However children, generally, are more vulnerable in road traffic than other road users
(Limbourg, 1976) making it very important to obtain good data about their participation in the
traffic system so that appropriate strategies can be implemented. The United Nations’
Universal Declaration of Human Rights specifically requires that children are entitled to
special care and assistance.

The UN Convention on the Rights of Children is of key relevance for road safety. Children
are vulnerable in road traffic for many reasons which can be categorised in three main
• The causes lie within the child due to a lack of necessary skills to interact safely in traffic.
• The causes lie within other road users (especially car drivers, due to a lack of special
care and consideration).
• The causes lie within traffic planning and traffic regulation due to a lack of child-friendly
infrastructures, regulations and assistance for children.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has also published a comprehensive policy statement
on Child Passenger safety (Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention (2011)
Child passenger safety. Pediatrics;127(4):788-93).

The following chapters will give an overview about children’s’ needs in road traffic. The first
chapter gives an insight into some accident data. The seat belt usage and social aspects of
traffic safety are discussed as well as the question if a decrease in accident rates reflects an
increase in safety.
In chapter 3 an outline of children’s mobility behaviour will be given, about the number of
trips, trips purposes, choice of transport modes and how the preconditions of being
independently mobile has changed.

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Chapter 4 deals with children’s development in relation to road safety and in chapter 5
measures and inventions how to improve children’s traffic safety are discussed.
The text concentrates mainly on children as active road users (see ERSO Vehicles web text
for detailed technical discussion on child occupant safety child restraints etc.). Much money
is put into research to improve children’s safety inside the car as passive road users. But the
aim of every traffic policy should also be to improve the traffic conditions for children as
active road users, in order to support the independent and sustainable mobility of children.

3 Size and nature of road safety problems for children

3.1 Child deaths and injuries
Each year, within Europe, about 40,000 people die and 1.7 million are injured as a result of
1.3 million road crashes. More specifically, over 1.200 children under the age of 15 die and
134,000 are injured (European Commission Road Safety website). Although there is a
downward trend in Europe, (i.e., from 300 fatalities per 1 million inhabitants in 1970 to 75
fatalities per 1 million inhabitants in 2008) there is still much scope to improve road safety for

The number of children killed annually in road traffic crashes fell approximately by over a half
between 2000 and 2008 in EU countries. The number of child fatalities has decreased
gradually as a proportion of all fatalities. Although comparisons over long periods in some
countries show trends for child fatalities which are very similar to those of overall fatalities, in
the last five years, the decline in child fatalities has been greater than that of all fatalities,
which may indicate that safety is improving drastically. The falling birth rate across Europe is
another possible explanation (Eurostat).

3.2 Age and gender

Figure 1 below shows no difference in the number of boys and girls killed until the age of 14.
However, at age 14 the number of road fatalities amongst children rises steeply and with
remarkable gender differences. Almost three quarters of all children who die at the age of 14
are boys. The number of road fatalities rises further during teenage years. Young
adolescents aged between 10 and 17 years tend towards more risky behaviour. This is
attributed to their stage of physical and mental development and tendency to respond to peer
pressure. Lack of experience and their higher exposure to risk also contribute to the high
numbers of road fatalities in this group. Male teenagers, in particular, are at high risk of being
killed on the roads.

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Figure 1: Unnatural death per 100.000 inhabitants by cause, age and gender during the period 1999-
2008 in the Netherlands

Source: SWOV, 2012, Fs Adolescents in traffic

3.3 Mode of transport
More than 40% of child road fatalities are car occupants, 30% are pedestrians and
approximately 15% are cyclists. The range of modes varies with age and gender
presumably reflecting the travel choices of boys and girls as they grow older (European
Commission, CARE database).

Statistical data in the Netherlands indicate that child cyclists in the 12 to 14 age groups have
the highest mortality rate followed by the 10 to 11 age groups. Even though the mortality rate
in general increases with age it does not do so as rapidly as for children as pedestrians and
as car passengers. All fatal crashes involving children as active road users are collisions
with a motor vehicle. Collisions with obstacles occur only in fatal car crashes (SWOV, 2009,
Fs Road Safety of children in the Netherlands).

Road fatalities among older children and teenagers (aged between 10 and 17 years) in the
Netherlands, during the period 1999 to 2008) show that 26% died as car passengers, 27%
as moped riders and 35% as cyclists (SWOV, 2012, Fs Risky traffic behaviour among young
adolescents). When analysing European accident figures there are significant differences
between countries. In Austria and Portugal, for instance, about 60% of injured children under
the age of 15 years were hurt in cars while in all other European countries the percentage is
much lower (43%). In the Netherlands the number of injured children as cyclists is four times
higher than that of pedestrians while the pattern in Romania, Ireland or UK is the opposite.
The number and structure of crashes in the EU countries differs considerably due to
variations in use of transport modes, travel behaviour and traffic density.

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The use of European and national level crash figures alone are not sufficient to fully assess
problems and recommend countermeasures. A survey by the German Automobile Club
(ADAC) showed that there are also significant differences in the nature of accidents at the
local level. Accident statistics in towns with more than 20.000 inhabitants, in one German
Land, show that worst performing towns are 10 times riskier for children compared with the
best performing ones (ADAC, 2012).

This indicates that it is necessary to compare accidents on a European and on a national

level in order to identify and highlight the main problems and to discuss programmes on
political and organisational levels. Education, training programmes and campaigns must
address the national problems. As a follow up it is important to work locally to upgrade the
safety on local networks such as roads, cycle lanes and footpaths, and implement the
programmes and campaigns.

3.4 Use of safety belts and child restraints

Statistics indicate that most children killed as car passengers are either not wearing a seat
belt or have an incorrectly fastened restraint (KfV, 2005).

The safety gain from seat belt use and appropriate child restraint use is enormous.
Rearward-facing systems have been shown to reduce injuries between 90% and 95%, while
forward-facing systems have been shown to have an injury reducing effect of approximately
60%. The use of child safety seats has been shown to reduce infant deaths in cars by
approximately 71% and deaths to small children by 54%. See ERSO Vehicles web text.
According to a study, for children aged between 4 and 7 years, booster seats reduce injury
risk by 59% (Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention, 2011).

In 2007, the Austrian Road Safety Board (KfV) observed approximately 2.000 children as
passengers in cars in urban areas of Austria in order to analyse the use of child or passenger
restraint systems. The survey showed that 20% of the children used neither a seat-belt (for
children with a height of more than 150 cm) nor a special safety-seat for smaller children. A
study by the ÖAMTC (Austrian Automobile and Touring Club) in 2010 showed that 40% of all
children were not appropriately secured and restrained when travelling as car passengers.
An observation in the Netherlands in 2008 showed a lower figure of 12% (SWOV, 2010 Fs
Seat belts and child restraint seats).

An Austrian study in 2007 showed that head injuries could be reduced by using safety seats
with a seat back. 44% of seriously injured children were more seriously injured than the
driver of the car and the severity of these injuries could be reduced by up to 30% using
appropriate child and passenger restraint systems. The study also pointed out that boys are
more often secured with the car seat belt, even if this is not appropriate for their age, than
girls (37 % boys and 27 % girls). Boys are also more likely to be protected with a booster
seat with seat back than girls (29 % boys: 16 % girls) (Spiter, 2007).

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3.5 Traffic safety and social equity

There are many indicators that the socio-economic background of persons and especially of
children has an impact on their safety in traffic (Eurostat). Statistics show that children whose
parents are from lower income groups are more frequently involved in traffic crashes
(Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, 2008). Families from lower socio-economic
backgrounds (and their children) more often live in areas with high traffic density and are
therefore at higher risk of being involved as traffic casualties (Limbourg, 2008). A German
study showed that teenagers up to 17 years from poor socio-economic backgrounds are
more often involved in crashes (1.6%) than teenagers from better socioeconomic
backgrounds and higher education levels (1.1%). The involvement of children from poor
socio-economic backgrounds in crashes (1.1%) is twice that of better off children (0.5%)
(Holte, 2010). Austrian data shows that young persons (aged between 0 and 14 years) from
migrant backgrounds are involved in pedestrian crashes more often than others (30% with
migrant backgrounds, 14% without) (Breuss, 2010).

Analyses from Germany showed that the psychomotor development of children from migrant
backgrounds or poorer socio-economic background is worse than for children from better off
backgrounds (Limbourg, 2008). Female teenagers with low social status and migrant
background have the highest deficits in physical activities as the German child and youth
survey of 2008 shows ((Robert Koch-Institut, 2008). The situation is even worse in less
developed countries. Nantulay and Reich state that 96% of all children, who are killed in
traffic crashes living in less-developed countries (Pokriefke, 2011).

3.6 Do decreased crash rates reflect improvements in safety?

Diverging national definitions make it difficult to compare data on traffic casualties across
countries. For instance, the national registrations of injury data for road crashes show
different under-reporting percentages for different subcategories (Hvoslev, 1994). In
European countries, persons who are fatally injured in a road crash are defined as a road
fatality if they die within 30 days whereas in many other countries this is not the case.

Fatality rates are widely used as an indicator of traffic density but without reference to
categorisation based on international standards. Many countries do not have or use
thoroughly assessed exposure data, specifically about walking, cycling or travel patterns
(Nilson, 1997).
Some countries have introduced travel surveys in order to estimate the average number of
kilometres travelled by different road user groups within national boundaries. These travel
surveys are carried out periodically (every 5-10 years), but do almost always exclude
children under 6 and sometimes between 6 and 15 years, as already mentioned in chapter 2.
At the same time, an assessment of the dangers children face from motor vehicles in public
spaces has to be derived from data which includes the number of registered cars or the total
number of motor vehicle kilometres in a country or region. In general, the motorisation rate
for cars is increasing in all European member states except Germany and the UK). In line

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with this the number of vehicle kilometres is also increasing (Eurostat). Increased car traffic
endangers children especially as non-motorised road users (Piagets).
In contrast, an increase in pedestrians and cyclists within the public space is likely to reduce
collisions between cars and cyclists (Jacobsen,2003)
As mentioned above, the number of children killed on the roads is decreasing but this
positive development can mostly be attributed to better car safety for children as passengers.
However, the consequences of better crash design for vehicle occupants for the safety of
other road users are not clear. The compatibility between vehicles of different sizes and
between vulnerable users and protected motor vehicile occupants is a critical issue. (See
ERSO Vehicles web text for discussion). For example, SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles), are
considered as safe vehicles for drivers and passengers, but studies shows that they cause
severe safety risks for other road users which are increasing. The German Federal Highway
Research Institute found that crashes between SUVs and other road users have more
severe consequences than crashes involving smaller passenger cars (BAST, 2006). Data
from the USA shows that the probability of fatalities rises by 45%, and serious injuries by 11
% if a SUV hits a pedestrian or bicyclist (White, 2002). This will have an inevitable effect on
Summary of key facts

• Decreasing number of child fatalities in traffic but also decreasing number of children
• The safety of vehicles has improved but there are compatibility issues for vehicles of
different masses and between vehicles and non motorised users.
• Highest percentage of child traffic fatalities is for children as car passengers, though
these bear a lower risk than child pedestrians or cyclists
• Children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds have a higher risk of becoming traffic
• Boys are more often involved in accident fatalities than girls
• Data about the exposure of children as road users is scarce

4 How mobile are children?

The Latin word mobilitas means motion, flexibility, and mutability. Being mobile, is a basic
precondition for steps in the child’s development. Mobility, however, can be seen as a two-
edged sword: on the one hand it helps children to explore the world; on the other hand it
exposes them to risks. It would be wrong, however, to reduce children’s independent mobility
to diminish their risk of dying in an accident. On the contrary measures have to be taken to
promote autonomous mobility of children by providing a child-friendly traffic environment. As
outlined in the last chapter, children do die in road accidents as passive and active road
users. This means there are still measures necessary to decrease children’s risks. Taking
measures implies to know as much about the target group as possible. However, good
comparable data of children’s mobility behaviour is lacking, as already mentioned in chapter
2.6. Especially small children are often neglected in mobility research. As already pointed out
in the introduction hardly any statistical data is available on mobility behaviour of children

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younger than six years old. So at the beginning of this chapter it can be stated that there is a
need of good mobility data on the situation of 0-14 years old.

4.1 Number of journeys

In general, children are highly mobile. A study in 2004 indicated that 90% of Austrian children
between 6 and 15 years made a journey on a working day compared to 82% in the total
population. The trends for journeys amongst teenagers and older children show greater
frequency and longer duration which may be due to greater distances between high schools
and work places. Data from Switzerland shows that children aged between 6 and 9 years on
average have 3.4 trips per day, while children aged between 10 to 14 years have 3.8 trips
per day on average (Herry Consult, 2004).

4.2 Reasons for journeys

Beyond the age of 6, 70-75% of journeys are to and from school whilst most other journeys
are concerned with leisure activities. (Bundesministerium für Verkehr und Innovation, 2009).
Data from Austria (2006) indicate that most children aged between 4 and 12 years generally
walk in their leisure time although distance is an important factor. The shorter the distance,
the more children walk and cycle. A study in Davis, California showed that when children live
within 800 metres of a facility (e.g. a soccer field), 60% of them cycled to it whilst only 10% of
children who live 2.4 to 6.4 km did so. This has important implications for city and urban
planning (Ginsburg & Miller, 1982). Furthermore, the choice of traffic mode depends on
whether or not children are accompanied to a leisure facility. Children accompanied by adults
are mainly taken by car, while children who are not accompanied often use bicycles,
scooters or public transport (Daschütz, 2006)

4.3 Choice of transport mode

Little is known about the differing modes of children’s travel. Some data about modes of
travel for school children is available at national level, but none at European level
(Bundesministerium für Verkehr und Innovation, 2009).

Austrian data show that children aged between 6 and 14 years undertake between 34% and
49% of all their journeys as pedestrians with 12% to 16% of all journeys as passengers in
cars (depending on the size of the community and public transport facilities). In urban areas
with good public transport, the percentage of public transport travel is high (45%), while in
smaller cities and rural areas the percentage varies from 32% to 37%. Overall, the
percentage of journeys by bicycle is between 5% and 7% (Bundesministerium für Verkehr
und Innovation, 2009).

There is some data available about the modal split of journeys to school and child care
facilities. In Belgium, children use active transportation modes (e.g. cycling and walking) on
their way to school (59%) more often than children in other European countries (29%). A
Belgian study showed that the distance to school is the main deciding factor between walking
or cycling. Children are more likely to walk to school if the facility is within a radius of 1.5
kilometres of their home. The same study showed that the distance criterion for cycling is up

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to 3 kilometres compared with adults at up to 8 kilometres. This shorter cycling distance for
children can be explained, in part, by the safety concerns of parents (D’Haese et al, 2011). In
Switzerland, cycling to school among 6 to 14 year olds has decreased by almost 20%
between 1994 and 2005 (European Cyclist Federation, 2012), while data from the UK shows
that the car use on the school run has doubled in the last 20 years. During the morning traffic
peak almost one in five cars is on the school run. This represents a considerable crash risk
as well as contributing to congestion and pollution. For children, travelling by bus is 7 times
safer than travelling by car (TIS, 2004).

A national study in Austria showed that less than half of parents in Vienna and Lower Austria
take their children to child day care facilities on foot (48%) with one third using the car to take
children to kindergarten (Ausserer et al, 2010). On the other hand, a German study indicated
that traffic density influences the choice of transport mode. In 2002, it was found that, in rural
areas with lower traffic density and in city centres with traffic calmed areas, 78% - 89% of
children walked to school unaccompanied by an adult. In areas with high traffic density the
figure was only 65% (Limbourg, 2008).

There is also little in-depth analysis of the mobility of younger children during leisure time. In
2002 in Austria, 22% of all journeys of persons over 6 years of age were for leisure although
variations in relation to location were noted. Children living in rural areas who have access to
public transport made more journeys in leisure time (roughly 21%) than children in areas with
poor access to public transport (roughly 17%). The highest percentage of children making
journeys during leisure time was found in Vienna and other urban areas with high quality
public transport system (roughly 24%) (Herry Consult, 2004). Further data of this type is
essential in order to assess the crash risk of children.

4.4 Children’s activity environment

Knowledge about the environment in which children are active is limited but it can be
assumed that it is more limited nowadays than in the past as indicated by the decreasing
number of unaccompanied journeys by children and the increase in car traffic.(Limbourg,
The theoretical ‘activity environment’ of toddlers and young children up to 6 years is
approximately 100 metres, for children between 6 and 12 years from 330 to 400 metres and
for older children and teenagers between 800 and 1000 metres (Daschütz, 2006).
Studies of children in their residential environment in Hamburg, Germany, in the 1980s,
showed that 70% of the observed children stayed within a radius of 100 to 150 metres of
their living quarters. Most of the children observed were between 6 and 14 years of age.
Children whose parents were from a working class background were over-represented, while
girls and children less than 6 years old were under-represented (Daschütz, 2006).
The frequency of children playing outside their residence depends on the quality of the
residential environment. Data from Switzerland (1994) showed that only 10% of the children
who lived in an environment perceived as dangerous and less attractive (due to traffic and/or

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congestion) played outside, while 55% of the children who lived in safer and more attractive
environments played outside for two hours per day (Hüttenmoser, 1994). A more recent
study from Germany (2000) analysed whether children play or do sports (e.g. cycling, riding
a scooter) on the pavement or in the street. They found that, between the ages of 3 and 5
years, only 33% were active in this way. This increased to 55% for children between 6 and 7
years and rose to roughly 60% for older children (see Figure 1) (Funk & Fassmann, 2002). In
Austria, despite the scarcity of public play spaces, half of the children surveyed played in the
open several times per week. Although safer indoors, children’s development and knowledge
of their environment is restricted if not allowed to play outdoors (Limbourg, 2008).
Figure 2: Children’s play and sport in public spaces in the year 2000


60% 59%
55% 56%






3-5 Jahre 6-7 Jahre 8-9 Jahre 10-11 Jahre 12-15 Jahre

Source: Funk & Fassmann, 2002

4.5 Gender differences
The scope of the activity environment is greater for boys than for girls. Muchow (1935) wrote
that it seemed not to be in the “nature” of girls to roam; this might be due to girls having less
time to play because they have to help with the housework (Muchow et al, 1998). These
continuing differences in scope of activity, but not necessarily for the same reasons, are
confirmed by more recent data from Austria (2006) showing a correlation between activity
radius, age and gender. (Daschütz, 2006).

4.6 Children as accompanied road users – unintended consequences

Towards the end of the twentieth century parents began to restrict the independent mobility
of children because of traffic safety concerns. More people began to travel greater distances
due to continuing urban development thus increasing car traffic and fear of involvement in
traffic crashes (Daschütz, 2006). In the 1970s in Germany, 92% of children aged between 6
and 13 years walked to school on their own or together with classmates. By 2000, the
number had dropped by 40% to 52% (see Figure 2, Funk & Fassmann, 2002). Data from
Great Britain confirms the decreasing number of unaccompanied school journeys due to
increasing traffic safety concerns. In 1971, 80% of children went to school unaccompanied
but by 1990 this number had reduced to 15% (Limbourg, 2008).

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Figure 3: Unaccompanied school trips of 6 to 7 year old children between 1976 – 2000

Source: Funk & Fassman, 2002

The presence of adults also influences the radius of the child’s activity environment.
Children who are unaccompanied venture further. Depending on the distance between their
destination and where they live, children and their guardians use different transport modes.
Children who are driven in a car have a smaller activity radius than children who travel by
public transport, scooters, by bicycle or on foot (Daschütz, 2006).

Accompanying children on their daily journeys can have both positive and negative
consequences. An Austrian study shows that children, aged up to 8 years, living in urban
environment are often not allowed to cross even the least dangerous streets alone. The
consequence of this protectiveness is that they develop less independence, fewer motor-
sensory skills and are therefore restricted in their mobility. Furthermore they are at risk of not
developing appropriate road traffic behaviour (Daschütz, 2006).

4.6.1 Changing road conditions and the impact on safety

Several studies indicate that physical activity diminishes the risk of falling and of other
injuries related to motion ((Hundeloh, 1997). Physical activity supports the development of
strength, coordination and perception which are the basis of day to day tasks (such as being
a road user). The development of these skills is important not only in children but also in
adults (Hübner, 1997). Children need to use their skills so that they can estimate what is

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physically possible and safe for them and they need enough space to practice and develop
skills without being restricted or endangered by traffic (Rümmele, 1993).

Activities such as riding a bicycle, using a scooter or walking support the development of
important, transferable skills. Several studies indicate that children’s ability to perform even
the simplest psychomotor activities is diminishing due to lack of opportunities for physical
activity (especially in larger cities). Further deficiencies are noted in psychomotor
development. 56% of 6 year olds in the Ruhr area of Germany, had coordination and motion
deficiencies when tested (Limbourg, 2008).

When an adult drives, the child’s role as car passenger is passive and opportunities for
learning are restricted by the adult’s need to concentrate on the road. It is also worth noting
that the increased use of cars potentially endangers children who are not transported to
school by car. A German study showed that drivers in these circumstances generally do not
adapt their traffic behaviour to the presence of other children (e.g. stop the car at a stopping
restriction zones). (Limbourg, 1997). Furthermore, studies of child day care centres in
Frankfurt showed that in kindergartens where children were physically active and supported
in psychomotor activities there was a significant decrease in the crash rate (50%) (Limbourg,

The ‘vicious’ circle of “protecting” children from becoming traffic casualties by transporting
them by car can be described as follows: increasing car traffic leads to a higher risk that
children along the road or crossing the road become involved in a traffic crash; walking or
cycling are considered increasingly risky activities, especially in less attractive areas with
high traffic volumes thus raising the safety concerns of parents who then take their children
by car, which causes more traffic and contributes to a higher risk of traffic crashes. Figure 3
illustrates this vicious circle (Rauh, 2001).

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Figure 4 Choice of mode and traffic safety (Rauh, 2001)

Parents have the feeling

that the road is too
dangerous for their children

Car traffic increases

VICIOUS CIRCLE Parents accompany their
CHOICE OF MODE to school by car

Fewer children walk or cycle

to school on their own Car traffic increases

Traffic safety

Summary of key facts

• Children are very mobile

• Most frequent reasons for journeys are to and from school and journeys in leisure time
• Transport mode choice depends on traffic density distance to school/ child care facility
• Independent and active mobility is increasingly restricted because of parent’s safety
• While travelling by car is safer for child passengers than walking or cycling the serious
consequences include less independence; restricted development of skills and a higher
risk of falling
• Use of the car endangers children who are not transported by car

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5 “Children are not small adults” – the developmental

and psychological aspects of traffic behaviour
Children and teenagers experience the road and traffic environment differently from adults.
Their physical and psychological development mitigates against full understanding of the
complex inter-dependences involved in participation in road traffic. Teenagers also tend to
display more risky behaviour as road users than adults because of factors such as failure to
perceive danger, impulsiveness or social background (SWOV, 2012 Fs Risky traffic
behaviour among young adolescents).

Children need certain abilities and skills in order to handle various traffic situations. They
must learn to recognise and anticipate dangerous situations and understand the principles of
road traffic. They must also judge the intentions of other road users and not be easily
distracted by multiple stimuli. These abilities and skills are acquired in a developmental
process starting in early years and progressing through childhood into teenage years.

In this section, the developmental processes relevant for safe traffic behaviour are discussed
briefly. The age categories used should only be considered as rough guidelines as each child
has its own “tempo” for developing skills. In addition, the developmental process depends
largely on experience. Children who are mostly transported by car are less able to negotiate
road traffic successfully than those with experience as pedestrians, cyclists or public
transport users (Limbourg, 1997).

5.1 Child cognitive development in relation to road safety

Adults have a highly sophisticated way of perceiving the outside world which enables them to
record and digest information from their environment. Depending on age, the ability of
children to perceive information is assimilated and developed differently (Pieper, 1990).

The theories of Jean Piaget are often considered when trying to explain children’s behaviour
patterns in road traffic that differentiated between the following four levels of development
(Neuman-Opitz, 2008):

Sensori-motor Level (up to the age of 2)

In this stage children focus on coordination of awareness and movement. This is the basis
for future thinking processes. Studies note that children are at increased risk of pedestrian
injuries in driveways and other relatively protected areas during this stage (Robert et al,
1995). Two factors might contribute to this risk. Firstly, children at this stage are more drawn
towards rather than away from moving vehicles and secondly’ the concept of an object’s
permanence is not yet fully developed. Thus, a vehicle parked in a garage may not exist if it
cannot be seen from where the child is sitting (Schieber & Thompson, 1996)

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Pre-operational Level (approx. 2-6 years)

Up to the age of 6, children have an egocentric view of the world. Their own perceptions,
feelings, expectations and fears dictate their actions. At this level of development, children
are barely able to project themselves into the role of another person. For example, at this
stage, if a child sees a car they will assume the car-driver sees them as well. Dangerous
perceptions are also likely at this stage, for example, “The quicker I am the sooner the risk
will pass” or “As long as I’m in between parked cars, a car can hit me”.

In addition, the sensory functions of children are not fully differentiated at this point. They do
not distinguish between basic and negligible features. They are easily distracted and cannot
concentrate on two different tasks (e.g. playing with a ball and dealing with traffic when the
ball runs into the road). Their attention is often centred on one characteristic to the exclusion
of other features that are sometimes more important. For example, a child may be more
interested in the colour of an oncoming car rather than its speed or proximity. They are not
yet able to create logical links. An awareness of perspective (e.g. that the form and the
shape of an object depends on the perspective of the observer) is missing. They are not able
to combine two separated perceptions into one (e.g. size and distance indicating that an
oncoming car is getting bigger).

Concrete operational Level (approx. 6-12 years)

From the age of six, children begin to be able to put themselves in the position of other
people. They are still not able to cope with abstract concepts (e.g. time or speed) but can
deal with concepts which are tangible (e.g. distance to school, size of a car). At this stage
‘traffic education’ can be attempted but in actual or simulated conditions rather than
theoretically in a classroom.

Difficulties arise when dealing with complex or combinatorial situations which require
simultaneous processing of more than one feature. A child will have problems determining
whether it is safe to cross the street between two parked cars (learned as dangerous) when
the cars are located on a crossing (learned as safe).

Formal operational Level (approx. 12 years of age and over)

At this stage children are able to think abstractly. They are in the position to detect, assess
and avoid risks. They generally understand the complex rules of traffic and practice them
even in an unfamiliar locality. Traffic education can be attempted using films, models or other
theoretical instructions.

5.1.1 Visual Perception

The perception of brightness and colours is well developed by the age of five. Even though
for some children the naming of colours at this age might be difficult, recognizing the colours
and understanding the meaning of signalling systems is, in general, a feasible task
(Limbourg, 2008).

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The peripheral perception of children is limited up to the age of eight (Safekids , 2004).
Safe Kids Walk This Way. Retrieved on 3rd July 2012 from: http://www.safekids.org/our-
work/programs/walk-this-way/ Detecting oncoming perils from the side is only partially
possible for children (Sandels, 1975).

Figure 5: Field of view of a child and of an adult

Source: Sharonov, 1992

The perception of depth of focus is fully developed at the age of nine. Younger children are
thus restricted when estimating distances (Zwahlen, 1975).

The ability to assess velocities is linked to the skill of thinking along a timescale. Only from 8
years and older are children able to relate distance covered to time needed. In general,
however, the ability to estimate velocities accurately comes between the ages of 10 and 12
years (Cross & Mehegan, 1988). For younger children, velocity can be connected with the
design of a car or the noise it makes. For example, they are more careful when a slower,
older and noisier car is approaching than a newer, faster, quieter car. In addition children up
to the age of 5 are often not able to differentiate between a moving and a stationary car
(Limbourg, 1976).

Heinrich & Langosch (1975) showed that nearly all children in primary school know that they
have first to look left and then right when crossing a road. Various experiments, however,
have indicated that children in primary school are not reliably able to distinguish between left
and right (Colborn, 1970). Even some adults have difficulties in determining left and right
spontaneously. Younger children often consider the concept of “left and right” to be static and
unrelated to themselves. The dangers here are obvious.

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5.1.2 Auditory perception

The hearing ability of 3 to 4 year old children is 7 to 12 decibels lower than that of an adult.
Only after the age of 6 does hearing is develop fully (Pieper, 1990). However, it is also
possible that six year olds have trouble localising sounds in a room let alone in traffic in order
to determine which direction a car is coming from Safekids (2004). Safe Kids Walk This Way.
Retrieved on 3rd July 2012 from: http://www.safekids.org/our-work/programs/walk-this-way/

In a study of 5 to 10 year old children, Finlayson (1973) found that only children older than 8
years used their hearing in road traffic regularly. It is also that case that children often do not
hear noises in road traffic if they are concentrating on playing with their friends or are
distracted by other external stimuli. The integration of different senses increases in a linear
fashion up to the age of 11 (Limbourg, 2008).

5.1.3 Ability to concentrate and react

Children are easily distracted in road traffic and are only able to anticipate possible risks
when their attention is focussed on a dangerous situation. Being distracted is one of the main
reasons for road traffic crashes in childhood. According to Wright & Vliestra (1975), up to the
age of 5, children’s attention is controlled by events or things that capture their curiosity.
These are, in most cases, non-traffic related objects and occurrences. Between the ages of 5
and 7, children learn to systematically control their attention and this ability is gradually
improved and fully developed at the age of 14 (approximately).

However, the concentration of modern children is measurably decreasing due to physical

inactivity, overstimulation (e.g. diets and lifestyles) and the large amounts of time spent
watching TV or playing computer games. These factors also affect older children (8-14 years
old) and therefore traffic safety perception may not improve within this age group.

5.1.4 Psychomotor skill development

Motor skills include all haphazard and controlled movements of a human being (e.g.
standing, walking, sitting; http://lexikon.stangl.eu/3681/motorik/). A distinction is made
between gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills require the activation of
larger muscles and make it possible to stand up and move around. They are the basis for
developing fine motor skills where smaller muscles are used (e.g. motions like drawing,
writing, facial expressions). The term psychomotor refers to the co-ordination of perception
(the mental and emotional experience) and movement (Limbourg, 2008). For example a child
who learns how to cycle has to coordinate different skills like maintaining balance, using the
brakes and holding a steady course at the same time looking out for obstacles and traffic.

In the first two years of life, psychomotor development concentrates on controlling sitting up,
locomotion and manipulation. Subsequently, children learn to jump, climb stairs, pedal etc.
Pre-school aged children have the psychomotor skills to participate as pedestrians in road
traffic. However, Arnberg et al (1978) record that the ability to cycle is less well developed.
Up to the age of approximately 7 years, children have problems in abruptly interrupting an
action which they have already started (e.g. to stop running at the kerb). However, a child’s

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urge to be active increases the probability of running or jumping in road traffic (Limbourg,
2008), This needs to be taken into account when planning traffic infrastructure in areas with
numbers of children to provide a Safe System environment. Between 6 and 12 years the
psychomotor skills of children rapidly increase in quality and quantity. With respect to safe
cycling behaviour a significant jump is made between the ages of 7 and 8 and a further big
jump between the ages of 13 and 14 (Arnberg et al, 1978). Despite having well-developed
psychomotor skills, 12 to 14 year old boys are particularly at risk in road traffic as cyclists due
to their higher propensity for risky behaviour (see section 3.2).

5.1.5 The impact of road traffic on the psychomotor skill development

Previous reference has been made to the fact that the scope of the activity environment for
children has been reduced in recent decades, whilst at the same time the importance of cars
has increased. For example, in Vienna, public parking spaces amount to 7.8km2 per car
whilst the playground area for each child is only 0.5km2, a multiple of 14 in favour of the car
(Verkehrsclub Österreich, 2012). Earlier sections have also referred to the consequences of
parental fears about traffic and public play spaces leading to more accompanied car journeys
for children as well as more sedentary home-based activities.

These changes in children’s mobility have had a negative impact on their health and their
psychomotor development. Bös (2003) analysed 54 studies from 1965 to 2002 and came to
the conclusion that the motor abilities of children have deteriorated by more than 10% during
a 25 year period. This trend has been confirmed in other studies (Dordel, 2000). A screening
of 950 six year old children in Germany showed that only 44% had the psychomotor skills
expected at their age. The majority of the children had deficiencies in motion and co-
ordination (Mannheim, 1999). Experience from cycle safety education indicates that in the 10
years from 1997 to 2007 children had increasing problems with (Günther & Degener, 2009):
- Turning e.g. children are less able to ride one-handed.
- Starting up and braking
- Maintaining balance
- Getting on and off the bike
- Keeping the bike on course

These psychomotor skills deficiencies increase the risk of traffic crashes as well as in other
areas of life ((Kunz, 1993) The growing numbers of children who display behavioural
problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) need to be considered
when designing and implementing road infrastructure. The term hyperactive indicates that
those skills needed in traffic are impaired (Pieper, 2010). Various studies showed that
children with some kind of behavioural problem are more likely to be involved in a crash than
those without (Mannheimer, Mellinger, 1967).

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5.2 Imitation and role models

The cognitive development of children is an important issue in discussing their safety and
related issues. An important part of children’s traffic education, however, takes place at
home. According to Bandura (1977), most human behaviour is learned by creating a model
of behaviour from observing others. One forms an idea of how new behaviours are
performed and, on later occasions, this coded information serves as a guide for action. This
means children learn rules on how to behave in traffic from parents and accompanying
persons whereas traffic education is often simply taught. Parents are role models and their
attitudes, mobility and interactions influence their children’s behaviour. Safe traffic behaviour
from a respected authority figure will have an impact on the child’s willingness to imitate safe
behaviour (Baumgart, 1998). Children generally stick to rules and like to apply and practice
what they have just learned. In other words, good behaviour in traffic has to be practiced with
children in real traffic. Everyday excursions like journeys to playschool or to a playground etc.
give parents the possibility of exploring public spaces on foot, by bike or by public transport
together with their children from early childhood onwards. Learning through experience is the
most effective way of establishing risk and safety awareness which can lead to behavioural

5.3 Risk awareness

Bukovski (1994) underlines that it is very important not to make children afraid of traffic.
Telling children to take care that they are not run over by a car is counterproductive as it can
make children feel uneasy leading to unsafe behaviour. It is important to explain to children
that in ‘real traffic’ cars are faster and harder than pedestrians and car drivers cannot stop

Limbourg (1997) mentions that risk awareness in children develops in three stages:
• Acute risk awareness: “I perceive risk at the moment of danger” (around the age of 5). In
most cases it is too late to avoid a crash.
• Anticipation risk awareness: “I know that a certain situation is dangerous” (around the
age of 8) e.g. a child knows that cycling downhill might be dangerous and brakes
continuously when riding downhill
• Preventive risk awareness: “I take measures in advance to avoid risky situations” (around
the age of 10) e.g. a child makes a detour in order to be able to cross the road safely.

Limbourg underlines that these age categories provide only the roughest guideline and that
risk awareness depends largely on the individual child’s experience. In addition, several
studies indicate that there are different types of personality that support risky behaviour.
Children described as “lively fear naughts” (lively and without fear) are the most prone to
crash involvement; also, boys are more willing to take risks than girls (Ginsburg & Miller,

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In the adolescent phase, (from around age 11 or 12 years) the awareness of risk is
particularly less pronounced. Even though behaviour is objectively risky, teenagers do not
describe it as such or do not relate it to themselves (“This cannot happen to me”). ‘Juvenile
egocentrism’ creates excessive feelings of self-importance. In addition the acquisition of an
important role within a group through unsafe conduct might boost self-esteem and thus lead
to more risky behaviour in order to gain approval (Limbourg , 2008).

5.3.1 What is considered risky?

In various studies, children aged between 6 and 10 referred to the following situations which
they considered as dangerous (Limbourg, 1997):
- Reckless driving
- Fast driving
- Not stopping at pedestrian crossings
- Dense and heavy traffic
- Left and right turning cars at a crossroads
- Parked cars on pavements or cycle paths
- Sight obstructions near crossings
- Short crossing times or long waiting times at traffic lights
- Crossings with no assistance
- Running red lights
- Driveways

Several studies indicate that lack of consideration by road users is generally thought of as a
safety problem (Ausserer et al, 2009). Children have no strategy to deal with this

5.3.2 Crossing a street

In terms of being or playing in the street, children can be injured while standing, walking, or
playing on the pavement or at the kerb. However, they are most frequently injured when
crossing the street (Schieber & Thompson, 1996)

This task has two phases – pre-crossing and crossing. The pre-crossing phase includes
selection of the crossing site, detecting traffic, and choosing the moment to cross. Crossing
skills involve motor development and continuous feedback about decisions made. Data from
observing elementary school children crossing the street in the US indicates that less than
30% of American children stopped at the kerb when crossing, 20% stepped into danger, 20%
did not cross within the crossing area and 10% played in street when crossing (Grayson,

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Children’s behaviour when crossing the street differs from that of adults. The following
differences were indicated in various studies (Schieber. & Thompson, 1996).
• Adults base crossing decisions on the best time to cross; children use the best place to
cross (e.g. shortest crossing distance)
• Children cross the road more quickly than adults, often running
• Children wait for bigger gaps in the traffic flow
• Children use shorter crossing routes than adults (not diagonally)
• Children observe crossing rules more than adults (e.g. don’t cross adjacent to a crossing)
• Children less frequently orientate themselves before crossing than adults. Adults tend to
assess the traffic situation before reaching the kerb, children are only able to do it at the
kerb and then often only by looking left and right.
• Children tend to orientate themselves towards crossing by following people in front of
them (i.e blindly).
• Children crossing with those of the same age behave more riskily then with others.
• Children find it difficult between parked cars to cross. They stop at the kerb, even though
they have no view of the traffic situation and cross without stopping at the line of visibility.

Summary of key facts

• Children who mainly travel as car passengers are less able to negotiate traffic when
cycling, walking, etc
• Children aged between 8 and 14 are at higher risk in traffic
• The mobility behaviour of parents influences the behaviour of children
• Male teenagers are more at risk as cyclists due to their pre-disposition to risky behaviour
• Depending on age, the ability of children to perceive a traffic situation or be aware of
• Children have an urge to be active; this needs to be taken into account in traffic planning

6 Issues and interventions

There is no doubt that the cognitive functions used in adulthood are a continuation of those
acquired in early childhood (Hübner, 1997). Nonetheless, the competencies and learning
processes for each individual are unique making it an even greater challenge to build
intervention programs suitable for every individual’s life and for children in particular.
However, children represent a target group whose behaviour could be adapted for the
purpose of ameliorating traffic safety worldwide. Their susceptibility to mental health
“irregularities” are just as common as those perceived in adults (American Planning
Association, 2012), with the exception that children are more affected by factors such as
traffic and pollution ((Spencer & Wholly, 2001).

The main focus of the intervention programs cited here is on socio-demographic factors such
as income, location and children’s roles in road traffic. Unless human factors (psychology)
are taken into account in designing intervention packages, the resulting technologies may fail

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to adapt to human tolerances thresholds and needs. Children fulfil a variety of roles in
respect of their mobility as pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users or car passengers.
Children become pedestrians around the age of 5. In fact, between the ages of 5 and 14
years child pedestrian injuries are still the second most common cause of death or severe
injury (Safekids, 2004).
Other ERSO web texts set out the interventions which contribute to a Safe System which
have high relevance for child safety.

Improving traffic safety for children implies to have different kinds of approaches. Three E´s
are discussed in this chapter, areas where interventions can take place: Education, (traffic)
Environment and Equipment. Education means providing possibilities for children to improve
their skills of moving safely in traffic and at the same time to raise awareness for various
aspects concerning traffic. Environment includes the traffic infrastructure and legislation.
Equipment deals with appropriate kits for increasing traffic safety.

6.1 Education
The practical implications of developmental theories in both educational and domestic
settings play a prominent role in determining the success of educating children on traffic
concerns. The main theories which inform the way children interact and assimilate
information are those of Vygotski, Piaget, Bandura and Pavlov.

Demographics play a determining role in understanding the characteristics of a location

based on population density, traffic density, neighbourhood types, social income, etc.
Children from poorer families are more prone to road traffic crashes. This is because they
are less likely to own a car, walk to school every day and play in the streets after school.
These behaviours expose them to higher levels of risk. It would be possible to intervene, for
example, by making neighbourhoods safer by segregating them from traffic (gated). This
could be achieved by making calculated economic decisions (Economics) and integrating
expertise (Technology) with the knowledge we have about how children think and assimilate
the information around them (Psychology). The top of Figure 10 shows the three main
psychological theories on how children assimilate information: Bandura’s Social Learning
theory, Vygotsky’s Socio-cultural theory and Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning theory. All three
include differences and similarities which can shed light on how to tailor techniques and
project plans around the requirements of children. Bandura states that all actions and
knowledge are learned through direct observation of the environment in what he determines
as an incessant activation of cognitive, behavioural and environmental factors (Bandura,
1977). For example, if children are exposed to the correct behaviour in terms of traffic
mobility and how to be sensible road users and citizens, the chances of them assimilating
and accommodating the information will increase (Cherry, 2012a) By the same token, people
sometimes use the behaviour of others to excuse their own irresponsible behaviour and its
consequences (Atterton, 2010). Vygtosky’s theory, on the other hand, states that “all the
higher functions originate as actual relationships between individuals." (Cherry, 2012b).

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Therefore, new strategies or projects aimed at educating children on the dangers they face in
everyday life need to give more weight to the influence of parents, peers and teachers. There
is a fine line between what can be learned unaided and learning that requires guidance.
Zygotsky calls this the ‘Zone of Proximal Development’ and the relationship it may have with
traffic safety projects is that the education children receive at home and in school, although
significantly dissimilar, still determines much of the way in which a child perceives danger in
daily situations (Cherry, 2012b).

Due to difficulties in ensuring that education at home matches the levels of discipline of that
in school, schools and parents need to work together particularly on a subject that may be
seen as peripheral but which has life-saving potential. Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning theory
applies here and states that “development is considered a reaction to rewards, punishments,
stimuli and reinforcement.” If school and home life are well coordinated towards such
dynamics, children will learn better through practical stimuli and will associate certain
stimuli/situations with danger, which in turn will prevent them from acting irrationally and
underestimating how short term irrationality can lead to long term, severe injuries. By being
aware of the major child-learning theories, technology and economics can be applied in the
most accurate and holistic manner. This thinking can be incorporated into technologies such
as vehicle design and manufacture, urban planning and detecting effective stimuli to inhibit
speeding and non-use of restraint systems. For example, by introducing the points system
for car drivers for violating certain rules; (Keenan, 2008), perceptions of traffic safety were
shown to be internalised rather than externalised, thus avoiding the risk of turning
responsible behaviour in traffic into a remote concept.

6.2 Educational Systems

The Safe Kids Organisation is a network of associations in the USA which help provide
information to families with the aim of reducing fatalities amongst young people. Their
programs stretch over a wide range of activities with some focusing on traffic and transport
issues. Their initiatives and interventions follow a protocol which has shown to be effective.
This requires that they commence by educating the public about dangers faced in everyday
activities while promoting statistics about the causes of danger taken from the extensive
research they undertake. The Safe Kids Organisation also provides safety equipment such
as helmets and child safety seats (Safety Kids, 2004). Another prominent company which
focuses on reducing child fatalities is the UK based Children’s Traffic Club. Their work,
however, is purely concerned with traffic related casualties and the website comprises
games and activities aimed at 3 to 4 year olds which they see as the optimum age for
intervention. These interventions are designed to they work closely with government bodies.
These initiatives have shown the effectiveness of early years intervention and suggest the
need for an integrated approach education involving parents, carers, teachers and
government bodies

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The figure below (Figure 6) is based around a Cognitive Apprenticeship Model by Collins et
al. (1989). It comprises six phases which are outlined on the left and shows an intervention
program which requires the full collaboration of the 4 main bodies - friends, family, schools
and governments - to succeed. The reward and punishment system implemented in schools,
domestic settings and public settings encourages the public, in particular young people, to
treat traffic and mobility as issues which can lead to severe injury or, in some cases, death.
The first three phases (Modelling, Coaching and Scaffolding) can be best controlled and
monitored in educational and governmental settings and are essential steps to children
gaining an understanding of the dynamics of traffic and safe travel. The final three phases
(Articulation, Evaluation and Exploration) ensure that the child is supported in his/her
learning whilst being independent; reflecting Vygotsky’s social learning theory.

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Figure 6 Adapted Version of the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model,

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6.3 Intervention programmes - campaigns

Intervention programmes and campaigns to improve the safety of children and teenagers
have been and are being carried out in a number of European countries. However,
evaluation data is scarce making an assessment of their effectiveness difficult. In general it is
difficult to attribute, for example, a decrease in crash rates to a campaign as they are usually
only one part of a group of measures. However, the following four intervention programmes
are considered as successful and have been described as exemplary:

6.3.1 “Gehen geht” (walking works)

Gehen geht” is a project by the Lower Austrian Environmental Consulting company (die
umwelt beratung). It aims at increasing the safety of children on their way to kindergarten or
school. The parents of pre-school children are encouraged, by various means, to use
environmental friendly modes for these journeys. The traffic safety of the children was
improved in two respects: Firstly, children become accustomed to the traffic environment
and learn how to behave safely in traffic and are thus prepared for walking to school on their
own. Secondly, traffic is reduced around kindergartens and around schools. In 2007, the
project was honoured with the UNESCO award „Commendable UN-Decadeproject“ and in
2011 with the Energy Globe Award NÖ

6.3.2 EUCHIRES (EUrope CHIld REstraint System)

The European Project EUCHIRES is based on the "Armadillo" campaign launched in 2003 in
the Netherlands. This successful campaign inspired organisations from other countries to
implement the same kind of approach to promote the use of seat belts. The first EUCHIRES
campaigns took place in 2005. In 2008, EUCHIRES projects were carried out in 13 different
European countries. The main target group was children aged between 7 and 12 years. This
age group was chosen because peer pressure is, in general, not yet strong and it is more
likely that information and messages will be understood and acted upon.

Parents received information materials at special events but were mainly addressed
indirectly. Children were encouraged to remind adults to fasten their seat belts, to buckle
them correctly and to make use of appropriate child restraint seats.

The main aims of the EUCHIRES campaign were:

• to increase the knowledge of how to use child-restraint seats correctly;
• to encourage children to “make themselves safe” when going by car;
• to change behaviour with respect to the use of seat belts; wearing seat belt and the use
of child restraint seats should become a routine from early childhood on and
• to reduce the number of traffic fatalities due to lacking or incorrect seat-belt use.

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There are no results available on the impact of the campaign and the actual use and wearing
rates of child restraints seats and seat belts. An evaluation in Poland, however, showed that
the message had reached 42% of the children and 35% of parents. 90 % of the children said
that the campaign was very good. (EUCHIRES, 2006).

6.3.3 Car Free Schools

In Denmark the Car Free School was a campaign carried out in six Danish schools in 2009
and 2010. It addressed the means of transport used by families, living in a residential area,
for the school run and aimed to make travelling to school a safer activity for children.
Stakeholders such as teachers, school directors and parent governors were involved and
took responsibility for the practical implementation of the campaign. In each school a map
was created with routes for cycling and walking to school in 2.5 km sections. Those who lived
more than 2.5 km away received a free bus card. The map was printed on a flyer which all
pupils could take home.

The campaign turned out to be a very effective way to reach the target group. Parents
supported the campaign and found the issues covered relevant to their concerns. Travel
habits were addressed directly and car drivers were engaged. The campaign had an impact
on the infrastructure in the residential area, too. Measures such as traffic calming around
schools and giving priority to bikes and pedestrians were implemented a consequence of the
project (Car Free Schools).

6.4 Environment

6.4.1 Traffic calming measures

Traffic control is another approach to protecting vulnerable road users such as children.
Although education and affiliated institutions still maintain the leading position in intervention
programs, traffic calming interventions are known to be effective. Urban planning, which
includes transport planning, has a safety component which reflects the expressed needs of a
community (American Planning Association,2012). Transport planning has a goal to ensure
that all viable routes to and from a settlement are protected and safe to use. Traffic calming
is described as “changes in street alignment, installation of barriers, and other physical
measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or cut-through volumes, in the interest of street safety,
liveability, and other public purposes.” (McLeod, 2009). Traffic calming statistics show
clearly that children who live close to a speed hump are less likely to be hit by a vehicle by a
factor of 2 and children near traffic calming devices, in general, are 50% less likely to have
serious injuries or be killed by speeding vehicles. The reduction can be as high at 60% (see
Figure 9).

The objective is that children of school age do not encounter cars in their play areas or in
places where they habitually walk. In exceptional cases, vehicles travelling at a maximum
speed of walking pace are tolerated. Children from 7 to 12 years should not cross at
locations where vehicle speeds exceed 15-20 km/h. For older children, the same principles

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apply as for unprotected adult road users, i.e. they should not cross at locations where motor
vehicle speeds exceed 30 km/h. This applies to routes surrounding kindergartens, schools
and to social and other leisure activities.

6.4.2 Crossing measures

Crossing a road is a very complex action for children. However, there are several aspects of
infrastructure design that can improve the safety of children when crossing the road. One
important factor is to improve visibility conditions at junctions. Children are killed more often
than any other age group at crossings where vision is restricted (Johansson, 2004). This
study showed that children were killed at crossings with obstacles to visibility in 36% of
cases. This means vehicles should be kept away from pedestrian crossings, public transport
stops, cycle lanes etc. As mentioned in section 3 the increase in SUVs on the roads has
caused additional safety problems for children. These vehicles are higher than average and it
may be safer to restrict parking around fixed crossings to more than the current 5 metres to
increase visibility. Additional research work on the effects of SUV on the traffic safety of
children is required.

Reducing the number of parking spaces on a given surface (car park or multi-storey garage)
is an important measure to improve the children’s visibility in traffic.

Another measure is the installation of so called “pavement-noses” at junctions, where the

pavement is extended to reduce the crossing distance and improve visibility.

When crossings are signal-controlled there should be separate phases for pedestrians and
right or left turning traffic. If this is not possible, the pedestrian phase should start several
seconds earlier than the vehicle phase. Crossing distances should be short. Children should
be able to cross the whole road at green lights without stopping. Traffic islands at signalled
crossings should be avoided as children find it difficult to stop and wait at the traffic island.
The waiting time at signalled crossings should be short as children are generally not very
patient (Limbourg, 2008).

See ERSO Roads and Speed and Speed Management for comprehensive discussion.

6.5 Equipment

6.5.1 Vehicle equipment pre-requisites: model types

Legislation and regulation regarding vehicles permitted to travel on roads is largely covered
by EU legislation although compliance regimes vary from country to country in the EU. Most
countries insist on randomised checks for larger vehicles. EU regulations do not permit any
vehicle failing a check to continue to be driven until remedial action has been taken. This is a
safety measure to reduce deaths on the road, specifically those of children (TIS, 2004).

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Features to be included in a vehicle:

• Improved Emergency Braking Systems can help to ensure that a driver can retain
complete control when braking abruptly.
• ESC/ESP: Helps the driver remain in control when a vehicle skids on slippery or icy roads
(Department for Energy and Infrastructure, 2012).
• ISA: Intelligent Speed Adaptation aims to support the driver by electronically limiting
speed to conform to signed limits. The system can either be advisory (lets driver know
about speed limits through GPS), supportive (helps reduce speed by hardening the
accelerator pedal) or limiting (directly reduces the speed of car).
New driver assistance technologies called Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are soon to be
implemented in a number of European countries. These address three major issues
concerning child deaths and injuries:
• Drink driving related deaths through the integration of Alcohol Ignition Interlocks (AII)
• Speeding will be reduced with Intelligent Speed Adaptation systems (ISA)
• Drivers and passengers not using seatbelts through the Seatbelt Ignition Interlocks (SII)
The ERSO text on Vehicles provides detailed information about vehicle safety
recommendations and safety systems.

6.5.2 Protective equipment

Children as pedestrians
There are also more basic and integrative approaches to prevent children from being injured
in crashes as cyclists, car-passengers and pedestrians. The idea that children, as young as
the age of 5, can be seen as being semi-independent pedestrians is clearly erroneous. Their
cognitive, perceptual and visual systems are clearly underdeveloped for such a complex
task, such as crossing the street (Thomson et al, 1996) and they are physically vulnerable.
See ERSO texts on Pedestrian and Cyclists, Roads, Speed and Speed Management,
The threats are not viewed as threats but rather as intriguing new information yet to be
discovered; which explains why so many children when they see their parents running after
them (to save them from car dangers) run even further as they see it as a fun game.
Particular measures such as lollipop women/men have proven to reduce such causalities;
however more needs to be offered to provide a safer system for use by children. The
implementation of speed humps force the driver to slow down and clear boards which
calculate the speed of each individual car. Stricter laws and regulation and introducing more
speed cameras will also help as will safer car fronts.

Children as cyclists
For children as cyclists there are some basic technologies which are known to reduce
fatalities and injuries. These are wearing of helmets and cycle lane dividers. The literature
suggests that children should also be instructed to wear yellow light-reflecting jackets and
brightly coloured helmets. Bicycles can be made more conspicuous by attaching a safety

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flag. Helmets – if properly fitted and correctly worn - cannot prevent crashes but might limit
the severity of the head and brain injury in case of an accident. According to a study in the
Netherlands one third of the cyclists who are admitted to hospital with serious injury after a
traffic crash are diagnosed with head and/or brain injury (SWOV 2012). However, the
compulsory use of helmets, on the other hand, could lead to a decline in the use of bicycles
(see e.g. Robinson 2006) In any case campaigns aimed at children could be launched which
promote a voluntary use of helmets. Besides it is very important to teach children and
parents how to wear a helmet correctly. Experiences of children bicycle trainers in Austria
had shown that more than 90% of all helmets were not correctly worn. See ERSO text on
Pedestrians and Cyclists.

Children as car passengers

More safety measures are available for children as car passengers as this is the most
common mode of travel in higher income neighbourhoods and for people living 5 or more
kilometres away from schools and other facilities. The use of rear-facing child safety seats is
recommended as the safest type of restraint for the youngest children, though not adjacent to
an airbag system. Between the ages of 4 and 8 years children should move to booster seats
and preferably sit in the back seats of the car; this last regulation also applies to children up
to the age of 12-14 years. The importance of sitting in the back seat is a pending one as it is
crucial that parents and adults understand that children are likely to be killed if placed in a
seat in front of an airbag. As children often dislike being secured with belts in cars which
places a greater obligation on adults to comply with the law and act role models for belt
wearing. Training children in the use of seat belts is an essential part of their awareness-
raising of road safety (BMVIT, 2009).

Summary of key facts

• Intervention programs should take income level, location and children’s roles as road
users into account
• Measures are more likely to be effective if they take account of human factors
• Education: parents, peers and teachers have significant influence on the younger
• Infrastructure: Traffic calming, speed reducing, visibility enhancing measures are most
• Vehicles: Driver Assist systems and child safety seats though airbags can endanger
• Law: Strict laws, regulations and enforcement are needed.

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