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Better Homes & Gardens=
WOOD' October 2018
Vol. 35, NO.5 Issue No. 256

Buy the -,


uring our daughter Katie's

D junior year of high school, she

was considering becoming a
choir teacher. But when we took her
to a career counselor known for her
adults discern the right career ADVERTISING AND MARKETING
paths, Katie was told that her per- VICE PRESIDENT & GROUP PUBLISHER SCOTT MORTIMER
sonality type is more that of a "first ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE DANIEL WELLS
lieutenant"-not interested in being ONLINE MEDIA KIT WOODMAGAZINE.COM/MEDIAKIT

highly appreciated second-in-command.
I recognized a lot of myself in that MEREDITHNATIONALI!EDIA GROIW
counselor's description of Katie, and the JON WERTHER PRESIJ!ENi
more I thought about it, the more I discov- MEPJDITH MAGAZlNF.S Pll'.S!lIDli OOIJG OLSON
ered that it applies in my shop, too: I have a rlliIDtNT, CONSUMER PEOOOCTS TOM WITSCHI
slew of first-lieutenant tools. press in your lifetime. But (sacrilege alert) CHIPREiENUEOFPm lIICl1A!LBROWNSlEIN
It's not because I don't know which ones you don't always need tools that will last CH!UM.\.WJING&DAIAD.. AlYSIA BORSA
are the best; we're in the tool-testing busi- forever. Some, such as cordless drills, just
ness, for crying out loud, so I have pretty keep getting be ter as technology advances. amMRREVlJIlJ1 ANDYWllSON rnG!JAlSAlES IIARLH'EII'MA.N
good intel on the top performers and, often, So, if you bought a gold-medal I8-volt drill RESWLHSOUjllONS BRlTTAGLMlAND CHllmGITAlOfP!{IR lIATTlIINOIT

the opportunity to try them out. Still, I fre- five years ago, you'd be missing out on such V1CEPRESIDDm
quently find myself more attracted to-and upgrades as brushless motors and improved COOiINTLiGNS!NG LARRYSOMMtRS CORKlR.~ESAl.ES BRIA!iKlGHl1ING!JI.
often buy instead-the silver- or bronze- lithium-ion batteries-features now available DIR£Ci MEDIA PAm FOLLO STRATEGlC SOURCL~G. NEWSSTAJID. PHODUCTION CHUCK HOWEll

medal tool. even in today's not-quite-top performers. CONSUMERM.ARKITlNGSTM CROW!


For one thing, I've learned that (check- The converse also is true. Some tools are
book-minding spouses, take heartl) better handy to have, but you need them for only
tools don't necessarily make you a better one job, or maybe once or twice a year. Do meredith
woodworker. In 20+ years of visiting readers' you need to spend hundreds on top-of-the- MEREDITH CORPORATION
shops, I've seen the most magnificent work line when el-cheapo will get the job done? PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER TOM HARTY
made on equipment that wouldn't crack the Bottom line: Every tool in your shop CHIEF DEVELOPMENT OFFICER JOHN ZIESER
top half of one of our category reviews, such needn't be the best of the best. Invest in those PRESIDENT. MEREDITH LpCAL MEDIA GROUP PAUL KARPOWICZ
as the sliding mitersaw roundup on page 44. once-in-a-lifetime buys; otherwise, get only SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT. HUMAN RESOURCES DINA NATHANSON

It's also because, until I retire, I don't get EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN STEPHEN M. LACY
as much as you need and can afford. Crafts-
nearly as much shop time as I'd like. By the manship comes from you, not the tools.
time that day arrives, who knows what tool Hor subsaiption help:

technology will be like, so why spend a Seeyou in the shop. ~-:~; :d~~~S~:~;~d~~!fi~~~~~~!m
Phone: 800-374-9663. select option 1.
bunch of money now on equipment that ~ To find past article" Search for previous articles. plan corrections. and artide updale\
may be much improved by then? The runner-

oo6ne at woodmagazine.comlindex .
•. To order past articles and issues: Forarticles. search woodstore.net For issues,
up, or one farther down the list, will get me visit woodmagazine.com/backissues.
by until that day-and maybe forever.
Todownload patterns from this issue,
To be fair, there are some tools where it visit woodmagazine.com/256patterns
pays to get it right the first time. For exam- [email protected] Our subscriber list is oc(asioflal~ made acailaba to (areful~ selected firms whose products may
be of interest to you. Ifyou prefer nOIto receive information from these companes by mail or by
ple, you may buy only one jointer or drill Facebook and Twitter:@WOODeditor phone, please let us know. Send your request a!ong with your meilinq label ro Magazine Customer
Servce, PO Box 37508, Boone.IA 50037·0508.

:e~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~nt~~l:~~~~~~ ~7:~~~~n;~n~ the U.S.A. /~I~~

to photocopy the included patterns solely for personal use. D.. ~
Any other reproduction of these patterns is strictly prohibited. 'CJ \:Jet
OCTOBER 2018 . ISSUE 256

26 Hideaway Buffet Table
Add elegant dining space for up to six
without sacrificing floor or storage space.
34 Manijpedi Caddy
Make multiples for gift-giving, or modify
the design to store chisels, pencils, etc.
52 DOUble-dutyTablesaw Sled
Achieve dead-on crosscuts and picture-
perfect miters with this simple sled ..
56 Three-legged Stool
Leam to turn identical parts as you build
sturdy, steady seating.
66 Multi-grain Table
Using pieces from your scrap bin makes
this table unique to you.


37 3 Joints from 4 Bits 2.0
George Vondriska is back with more
easy joinery cut with common router bits.
44 Shop Test: 10" Sliding Mitersaws
We put 11 big-capacity saws-including
three battery models-through their paces.
62 Brighten Your Shop with LEOs
Swap the old-school tubes and bulbs
for durable high-tech lighting.
72 Finish Well with Waterbornes
Today's water-based topcoats apply
easier and look better than ever.
78 Tools& Materials
Surprisingly capable cordless mitersaws,
router lifts, and more.

1 Taking Measure
Buy the (not) best.
4 Wood-Wide Web
How to save money on woodworking.
6 Sounding Board .
Your voice, your projects, your shop.
14 Ask WOOD
Overcoming the cold workshop.
16 Shop Tips
Planer face-jointing jig and more.
88 What's Ahead
A sneak peek at your next WOOD.

2 WOOD magazine October 2018


Learn romake the most of your materials.


Make a jointer and planer pay for themselves.

·~~f; # ~-----------------------

D o you collect perfectly good bent nails from your' neighbor's trash for later
straightening? Do you call last week's 150-grit sandpaper this week's 220?
Are you miserly? A tightwad? A cheapskate? Good. Then, you can join our
Store all your savings in this bank
you build from free plans.

woodworking club. If not, here are some articles that will bring you around to
the frugal side of the hobby.
The skyline's no limit Top Tip coin cutter
begets better blocks
Whife shopping with his new bride nearly 20 years ago, my coworker at Ryan I modified Bob LaDue's coin-cutting
Companies, Rolly Stevens, was disappointed in the high prices and low quality jig in issue 254 (Shop Tips, July 2078),
of commercially made furniture. So, he struck a deal with his wife's grandfather, as shown right, to cut varying lengths
who had a small woodshop. Rolly bought the lumber, and Granddad taught of square stock for the block puzzles I
him how to make coffee tables, end tables, and more. build. After boring the dowel hole in
Rolly's woodworking skills became known at the office when he began to the sliding stock holder, I simply
donate his handmade wooden toys for Ryan's annual charity auction, and in squared it with my bandsaw In
2017 he was approached by company leadership to build a model of the addition, I made my holder 4" wide
Minneapolis area. Working nights and weekends, Rolly spent more than 750 and cut two kerfs to make burr-free
hours crafting more than 750 buildings, three bridges, a lock and dam, and blocks of two different lengths. And I
riverfront out of paint-grade hardw,Ood and poplar. can make even longer blocks by
Now this beautiful model is showcased in the Ryan Companies' front lobby attaching a spacer to the fence side of
for all to see. the stock holder.
-Katie Anderson -Bob Collins
Minneapolis Snyder, N.Y

Readers find "Pitch" perfect Dave, I can't express enough how I share your
I feel Dave Campbell's pain concerning dust- frustration on dust-collection fittings. We need to
collection fittings in issue 254's Taking Measure rally more woodworkers on this campaign. I'm
("Pitching a Fit"). I work at a woodworking store, with you 700% on this one.
Connect with us
and I have been the lightning rod for some very -Bob Houle .-;!I tacebnok.com/ ~ twitter.com/
••• woodmagazine :, WOOD_magazine
heated rants, as if I were responsible for designing Windsor, Conn.
~ plnterest.com/ IIQ lnstagram.com/
each and every individual dust port and doing so ,,~woodmagazine ~ woodmagazine
in differing sizes intentionally Blessyour soull You hit a home run, Dave. Maybe
If I were king for a day, I would require every the new "universal" fittings should have a color [email protected]; or write to
stationary machine to be equipped with a 4" code or unique mark to identify them. Can't wait WOOD magazine, 1716 LocustSt., LS-253,Des Moines, IA
port; every benchtop power tool with a 2W' port, to see how long it takes to get everyone on 50309; or call 800-374-9663, option 2.
and portable power tools with 7W' ports, with no board. By the way, you said you have only one
deviation from those three sizes. bucket of oddball fittings? Lucky dude. I have an WOOD· magazine never uses outside parties to
-Dave Phillips entire cardboard box of them. solicit subscription renewals. The safest, easiest
Sacramento, Calif -Greg Forst way to renew your subscription is with a credit
Tucson, Ariz. card online at woodmagazine.com/myaccount. If
you have questions about a renewal offer you've
That was just my bucket of small adapters, Greg. received, please call our customer service line at
I have another 30-gallon plastic tote full of 4 "-ish 800-374-9663, and select option 1. We're
hoses, fittings, and adapters! happy to help.
-Dave Campbell

6 continued on page 8 WOOD magazine October 2018


Made from 1,500-

year-old curly redwood,
this cabinet by Daniel
Lawrence, of Ferndale,
Calif., features a
stained- glass door he
also designed and
crafted. Interior
cabinet components
include lacewood,
walnut, and bird's-eye
maple parts.

Working from photos, Walter Seckel, of Galion, Ohio, built this 4'-long model of "The General,"
the iconic Civif War-era locomotive, from solid walnut. It took him about 200 hours.

Ted Stephens, of Cumming, Iowa, discovered a wind-fallen walnut tree on his Using a "basket-weave look"
property, had it miffed and kifn-dried, then made it into this beautiful
technique of his design, Jerry
natural-edge table and benches.
Syfert of Sebring, Fla., built this
memorabilia chest from 287
pieces of walnut and white cedar
harvested from a small island in
northern Michigan.

Send us a photo of your work

Want to see your work showcased in WOOD" magazine?
Send a high-resolution digital photo of your completed
project to [email protected].

8 WOOD magazine October 2018

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ill Barsh's workshops have progressed
. from his first, in a 10 x 10' metal shed,
to a one-car garage, a two-car garage,
and finally, his dream shop, built in 1995 on
his property in Mississippi. His hobby even-
tually grew into a small business, Southern
Yankee Workshop.
Step into Bill's shop and the first thing
that hits you is how bright it is. The walls,
ceiling, and cabinet faces are all white.
Bright-white fluorescent fixtures and LED
task lighting eliminate shadows. A few win-
dows let in natural light. The second thing
you notice is his radial-arm saw, a carryover
from the 1970s. He uses it mostly for rough
crosscuts and making half-lap joinery.
10 continued on page 12
Garage door
The attic houses
project lumber and
a dust collector
with a trash-can
separator. The dust
collector is operated
by a wireless remote

Pegboard running around the perimeter of the shop provides plenty of options for hanging
tools and jigs at a convenient height.

When needed, Bill creates a finishing

"room" in the corner by sliding a canvas
curtain along a wire on the ceiling. The cur-
tain tucks in beside the garage door when
not in use. A combination of open doors,
fans, and vents ensures fresh-air flow when
He plumbed in a couple of conveniences,
too. A bathroom occupies one corner of the
shop, and a utility sink provides easy cleanup
of tools and finishing gear.
Bill's shop is an example of cleanliness
and efficiency in a relaxing atmosphere. He
Bill placed his dust collector in the attic. wouldn't have it any other way.•
Although changing the dust-collector bag is
inconvenient, it's a small price to pay for the
reduced noise and added floor space. Show us
Sheet goods, cutoffs, and-shop chemicals
are stored in an adjacent room. Inside the
cI3~~~ Bill is an Air Force Vietnam
veteran and worked for 23
your shop
Send high-resolution
main shop, 86 drawers keep the work area. years on the space-shuttle digital photos of your
clean and organized. Yes, he knows what program. Find his shop online at shop to
soulhernyankeeworkshop.com. woodmail@
every drawer contains. For additional stor- woodmagazine.com
age, he lined the walls with a 30"-wide strip and we may showcase it
of pegboard. in the magazine!

12 WOOD magazine October2018


A cold workshop requires extra precautions

My garage workshop does not include a • A heated jacket makes a lot of sense if your
significant heat source or a dust-collection cordless-tool platform includes one. (Most
system. So it's cold much of the year, and "professional" brands do.) And wear thin,
what little heat the shop does hold dissipates pliable work gloves with rubberized surfaces
quickly when I open the overhead door to for improved grip. Just remember to avoid.
clear the air. What tips can you offer for
wearing gloves or bulky clothing when
working in a cold workshop?
using machinery that could grab them.
-Brian Gard, Jeannette, Pa. • Store glues and finishes in a warm envi-
ronment until you need them. Though best

Until the budget allows for a furnace, Brian, applied at room temperatures, glues and
try these tips for improving your comfort, finishes can be used in cold temperatures
safety, and woodworking results: above freezing when you play it smart.
• Place anti-fatigue mats where you stand (More on that in the next two tips.)
frequently. They provide insulation from • Before gluing boards, it helps to warm
cold concrete, as well as cushion. them. And, if possible, bring the clamped
assembly into a warm space for faster drying.
• Adding the appropriate thinner to cold,
oil-based finishes can help them flow better.
And remember, cooler temperatures drasti-
cally increase drying times. Finishes that
tend to dry faster at any temperature include
wiping varnish, shellac, and spray lacquer.
(Lacquer will dry cloudy if it's too cold, how-
ever.) For any finish, a little air circulation
will speed drying, even in the cold.
• When in doubt, try the finishing method
on test pieces before applying finish to your
project. If you can't obtain satisfactory results
on the test pieces, do the finishing inside your
house using a product, such as shellac or a
water-based finish, that doesn't put noxious
fumes into the air.
• Heating a space can cause condensation on
cold surfaces, and unvented portable propane
and kerosene. heaters contribute moisture
(and dangerous carbon monoxide) to any
environment. So keep the tops of cast-iron
machines coated with a good protectant. (We
like Boeshield T-9.)
• Adding insulation and sealing air leaks
will improve the effectiveness of a small
space heater. Just a few added degrees can
greatly enhance your comfort and results.
• Plastic electrical cords become stiff in
cold weather, so choose portable power tools
with pliable rubber cords.
• Cold can sap concentration and decrease
_- .."'--_. finger sensitivity, so shorten your work ses-
sions. Make it a habit to regularly warm up,
grab a hot drink, and enjoy the journey! •

Have a question?
Drop us an e-mail.
WOOD magazine October 2018

o/a" threaded dowels

with straight screwdriver
slot on bOttom end and
abrasive pad on top

Put the screws ~.~.. .(

to boards that .
need to be flattened
Most every board requires flatten-
ing on one side before planing it to


thickness. And that's easy to do if _'~

you have a jointer wide enough for the job, but "~~
many of us don't enjoy that luxury. Portu- ~~~
nately, with this simple jig, you can skip the
jointer and successfully joint one face using a
benchtop planer.
To build the jig, laminate two layers of %"
plywood-doing that ensures a flat base with
sufficient stock for the threaded dowels to bite
into. (1 sized the jig to fit through my planer,
but you can adjust its dimensions to suit your . paraffin wax on the threaded dowels to keep
needs. The jig and workpiece can be a heavy them from moving during use.
load, so consider carefully before making it To use the jig, place the board on a flat sur-
more than 4' long.) Space the rows of threaded face. Position the jig upside down on top of the
dowels about every 10",and include one row of board, and use a screwdriver to adjust the
W' holes near the center to use with a short threaded dowels up and down to level the jig
dowel and wedge to secure the workpiece. to the flat surface. Flip everything over, secure
I made the %" threaded dowels and holes the board using a wedge, and feed the assem-
using a Beall Wood Threader (bealltool.com), bly into the planer, unstopped end first. For
but you can buy kits to' thread dowels by hand best results, feed the low end of the assembly
or with a router. Or, buy birch rod already into the planer first-doing that may require
threaded (hardwaretree.com), and simply f-lipping the board in the jig and releveling.
purchase taps for threading the holes. Put -Howard Murray, Whittier, Calif

Tips eam'up For sending this

issue's Top Shop Tip,
to $150. Howard receives an
If your tip is the best of the issue, Incra Miter 1000HD
it wins Top Shop Tip honors, with mitering
and you receive a tool prize worth platform (shown)
and I-Box jig worth
at least $300 $450.
Send your tip, photos or drawings,
and contad info to
[email protected]
Because we try to publish original tips,
please send yours only to WOOD" magazine.

16 continued on page 18 WOOD magazine October 2018


Clothesline tackles
can-rim cleanup
To extend the longevity of stored paints,
stains, and varnishes, I keep their can rims as
clean as possible. To that end, I lay a short
length of 1'32" cotton clothesline in the rim. It
keeps most of the finish out of,the rim, and
soaks up much of the rest. For final cleaning,
a quick wipe with a rag does the trick.
-Dennis Peterson, Lewiston, Idaho

Put a stop to your vise

To make my shop vise work even harder, I added a stop to it. Now I can quickly and
accurately drill holes in the same place in multiple wood or metal workpieces. .
Make this simple modification to your vise by drilling and tapping it's side to
accept a length of all-thread rod. Add nuts, washers, and a stop as shown. Mount
the vise on a piece of plywood for easy clamping to a drill-press table.
-Dan Martin, Galena, Ohio

18 WOOD magazine October 2018


Clamp down for fast

and easy finishing
To hold many workpieces, such as these
double-tapered legs, when applying finish,
look no further than your clamp rack. A /
clamp serves as a convenient "handle" on ///
the workpiece, allowing you to deftly
maneuver the piece for easy brushing access.
Leave the piece in the clamp to suspend it
above the worksurface as the finish dries.
-John Baker, Normal, III.

Use your phone to accurately set angled tablesaw cuts

With this simple jig made of a few scraps of wood
including \4" plywood and o/g" birch dowel, as well as
two rare-earth magnets, you can use your smart phone
to accurately set the angle of your tablesaw blade. You'll
need to add a clinometer app to your phone.
Note that the dowel is secured with an off-center
screwso you can use the dowel as a cam to hold the
phone in place. The placement of edge buttons on your
phone may dictate modifications to the jig, including
where you place the earn, The magnets hold the jig fast
to the blade while you adjust the angle. Cut the rabbet
deep enough so the blade's teeth don't prevent the jig
(and phone) from being parallel with the blade body.
-Mike DeCarlo, Apex, N.C.

20 continued on page 22 WOOD magazine October 2018

v- Y TEM
Industrial U.S.
made motor
available in
molded cyclone
Quiet, powerful,
and compact
Steel angle
bracket stand
35 gal/on dust
bin included
(larger sizes

Press your drill press into clamping duty

The Oneida Air Systems V·System For odd-shaped or long glue-ups-such as attaching a lamp body to
patented design has a compact shape its base-a drill press often serves as a fast, convenient, and effective
and sound dampening features which clamp. For parts that fit well, you'll get the necessary pressure, with-
make it the perfect solution for out stressing the press's quill mechanism. If your drill press doesn't
garage and basement shops have a quill lock, simply raise the table to get the necessary pressure,
where size and noise play then lock the table in place.•
a significant factor. -Dale Daugherty, San Antonio, Texas

22 WOOD magazine October 2018

I anuerun e

Plus 20 morel
Download today at
~Make slipcases for the leaves to
prevent scratches [Skill Builder,

fully extended
page 33].


Full-size dining in a downsized space

Tip! Toreduce cost, we
used birch plywood for
Make the case (right, left) on the outside faces with chalk. the interior case parts.
Cut parts A-C for the sides [Materials List, Also-indicate the grooved edges. Cut the ten- Extend cost savings by
1 Drawing 1], and arrange them as mirror ons and grooves to match the thickness of the substituting solid walnut
images. Mark part letters and orientation panels (D). for the panels (D) instead
of purchasing expensive
walnut plywood.


Removable leaves fold

and store inside buffet. D-?'<

,~ ' .. ~~~
'-..> ...

Optional chip-
carved capitals
enhance the
fluted legs.

woodmagazine.com 27

\4" hole

Trim the face-frame stile (H) overhangs flush with the side assembly stiles (A), using a
flush-trim bit.

S Cut face-frame parts H-J. Notch the

outer stiles (H) [Drawing 2]. Drill pocket
holes in the center stile (1)and front rails (J).
Round over the lower rail. Assemble the
face frame.
Glue and clamp the face frame to the
"/a" long, centered 6 case, with the stiles equally overhanging
the sides, and the top of the upper rail (J)
DSIDE ASSEMBLY,INSIDE FACE flush with the top face of the top (E). (The
(Left assembly shown, right is a mirror image)
top of the lower rail protrudes slightly above

Cut the panels (D) and finish-sand them.
With the good sides of the panels facing
the top face of the bottom.) Trim the stiles
(H) [Photo A].
out, glue and clamp the side assemblies.
Rabbet the inside rear edges. Finish-sand
the sides.
7 ut the trim (K) 29"long and rout the top
edge [Drawing 2]. Finish-sand the part and
set it aside.

3Cut the top and bottom (E) to size. Dado

the side assemblies [Drawing 1] and the top
and bottom [Drawing 2]. Dry-assemble the
8 Cut parts L-N. Glue and screw the back
rail (L) to the top (E) [Drawing 2] and the
cleats (M) to the back rail and top. Glue the
sides, top, and bottom, and cut the divider catch blocks (N) to the upper rail (J). Drill
. (F) to fit. counterbored holes for figure-8 fasteners

4Finish-sand the top, bottom, and divider.

Glue, clamp, and screw the assembly
with all parts flush at the front. Cut the back
[Exploded View, Sources].

#8x 1"F.H.screw
(G), finish-sand it, and set it aside.
:------l-~_-..J --'~
114" POCk~_~~~~-J-
----- Magnetic
3'116" catch
----- ..•..•

19\4" .
1f2" round-over
e-_ : .•...
with a 'Ia" shoulder 1 ••• -"-

28 WOOD magazine October 2018

Enhance your projects with easy-to-carve accents
Combine a full-size pattern, an inexpensive chip-carving knife [Sources], and a little patience to give your project a custom touch. When carving
hardwood, sneak up to the pattern line, making repeat cuts as shown. In softwood, make one cut to the pattern line on each side of center.


Trace the cut-out pattern onto the workpiece.

Make a cut inside and parallel to the pattern line, Start shallow,
increase pressure to cut deeper in the middle, and finish shallow.

Make multiple concentric cuts, working from the center of the carved element to the Cross-grain elements are easier to carve cleanly than long-grain elements. To keep long-
pattern line, rotating the workpiece as necessary. grain elements from splintering along the edges, make more small cuts.

woodmagazlne.com 29
Rout the center dado with a 'Is" straight bit, guiding the router with a straightedge. Use Rout the leg grooves, starting at the bottom with the router against a start block and
the same setup to rout the end rabbets and groove near the bottom edge. ending at the stop lines.

Add the leg assembly and capitals (Q) and rout the round-overs ~Plinth: a block at the
~ The Va"groove, Cut parts 0 and P and form the mortises [Drawing3]. If you wish, carve the capitals base of a column or
dado, and rabbets 1 and tenons [Drawings3 and 3a]. Rout the [Skill Builder,page 29]. Glue the plinths and pilaster.
in the rail (0) create bead, groove, centered dado [Photo B], and capitals to the legs.
the appearance of
drawer fronts.
rabbets in the rail, and drill the handle
[Sources]holes. 4 Cut the slide blocks (R) and leg blocks
(S). Glue and screw the leg blocks to the
~Capital: the crowning
member of a column

2 Mark V-groove stop lines on the legs (P)

[Drawing3] and rout the grooves [Photo c].
slide blocks, and then glue and screw the leg
blocks to the legs, flush at the top [Drawings3
or a pilaster.

3 Finish-sand the rail and legs and glue

and clamp the assembly. Cut the plinths
and 3b].



#8x1'h"F.H.screw ~V4~

~ •.. >. "

/_-: ' - )
/~ #8x1W'
-- F.H. screw

%"round-overwitJ]a .
\f&:' shoulder
<!I -1//5"
14"bead %"


'Ie" V-groove
'/16" deep

30 WOOD magazine October 2018


Screw the table slides to the cleats (M) flush at the top, and with the slide ends against the back rail (L). Fasten the table slides to the slide blocks (R) with a
single screw at the top front. Make the space between the
stiles (H) and legs (P) equal at top and bottom, and drive
The table sUdes the remaining screws.
are left.-and right-
handed. Orient them
5 Attach the table slides [Sources] to the case
[Exploded View, Photo OJ,and then to the leg
assembly [Photo E]. D DOOR
as shown. Slide the leg assembly against the case
6 face frame. Retrieve the trim (K) and fit
it between the legs (P), trimming it to leave a
W d' et h'
(raparoun Ins mge
Catch strike.

Yl6" gap at both ends. Glue the trim to the .:»:

face frame [Exploded View].

Build the doors and shelves 9Yz" --_...lI
Cut door parts T- V. Groove the stiles (T)
1 and groove and rabbet the rails (U)
[Drawing 4]. Assemble the doors. /
2 Screw each hinge [Sources] to the doors,
aligning the outside point of the finial
o Knob

with the inside edge of the rail. Drill holes

and install the knobs [Sources]. Mount the 15%"
doors in the case with even gaps all around. I
Fasten the catches [Sources] to the catch
blocks (N) and the strike plates to the doors.

3 Cut the shelves (W) and banding (X).

Glue the banding to the shelves [Exploded
View). Drill shelf-pin holes in the case sides
[Drawing 1]. Drill holes in the same locations
in the divider (F).

%" rabbets 14"deep

woodmagazine.com 31
Drill table- pin holes using a brad-point bit and stop collar. Flip the jig to drill the mating Align the edge of a 3"·wide spacer with the edges of the folding leaves (V). Position the
folding leaf, always clamping the jig to the top face of the leaf and orienting the outside hinge against the spacer with the knuckle centered on the joint between the paired leaves.
end of the jig with the outside 'end of the leaf. Screw the hinge in place.

Top it off Install figure-S fasteners in the case coun-

Cut six % x 12 x 36Y2" blanks for the folding terbores, center the leaf on the case with the
1 leaves (Y) and fixed leaves (Z). Arrange back edges flush, and fasten the leaf to the
them for best color and grain match. Keeping case [Exploded View].
the leaves in order, cut them to finished
lengths and mark the locations on masking
tape affixed to the bottom faces.
5 Slide the leg assembly against the case,
and apply double-faced tape to the tops of
the table slides. Position the remaining fixed

2 Make the table-pin drilling jig [Drawing 5].

Drill both edges of the folding leaves (Y)
[Drawing 6, Photo F]. Use the same method to
leaf against the case leaf, engaging the case-
leaf pins. Firmly press the leaf onto the
double-faced tape. Carefully slide the leg
drill the inside edge of each fixed leaf (Z). assembly away from the case and screw the
Tip! The leaf hinges may
have slight inconsisten·
cies. To ensure successful
3 Position all the leaves upside down on
_ . your workbench. Mark their sequence (1,
2, 3, ... ) and orientation (left, right). Attach
leg leaf to the slides.

G Pull the leg assembly all the way out. Glue

table pins into the holes in the front edges
reassembly. label the the hinges [Drawing 6, Sources] to the folding of the folding leaves and fit them in place.
hinges with their locations leaves (Y) [Photo G). Remove any squeeze-out. After the glue dries,
when removing them prior
.to applying finish. 4 Glue table pins [Sources] into the holes in
the fixed leaf that mounts onto the case.
tightly clamp together the leaves, sand the
ends and tops flush, and rout the edge profile
[Exploded View, Drawing 6].


Table pin
(front eages only)

32 WOOD magazine October 2018

Make sew-simple slipcases
You don't need to be an expert seamstress (or Materials List
seamster) to make these slipcases, just access Part T II' l "',,:t ~:.,
to a sewing machine. Simply cut material to size C,l.."'"
[Cutting Diagram], fold, and stitch the sides. (We %11
A front stiles 1%" 29W' w 2
purchased 2 213 yds. of 36"-wide wool felt.) Turn
B rear stiles %" 2W' 291;"" W 2
the cases inside out, slide in the folded leaves,
and tuck in the flap. C rails %" 4W' 16%" w 4

D panels lA" 16%" 21" WP 2

E top and bottom %11 20" 33" BP 2

'F* divider %11 20" 22%s" BP

Finish up finish. (We used a water-based satin poly- G back ' W' 3314" 26" WP
Remove all hardware and the tabletop urethane.)
1 slides. Mark the folding leaf halves for
H outer stiles %" 3W' 29l4" W

reassembly. Inspect all parts and assemblies

and finish-sand where necessary. Apply a
2 Reassemble the buffet and fasten the back
to the case. Rest the shelves on shelf pins
[Sources]. Close the buffet and stow the !bIded
center stile
front rails
K* trim %11 3%" 2S%" W
leaves inside the cabinet. Remove the old din-
ing table and enjoy the extra space!• L back rail %" 3V1S" 32W' W
Cutting Diagram M cleats %11 3%s" Sl4" W

[1l0 =£:;0
34 X
=s B
5Y. x 72" Walnut 'Plane or resaw to the thickne551i5ted in the Materials Llst,
N catch blocks
leg asserner,
%" 1" 2" W

a rail %" 5" 30W' W

P legs lW' 2W' 29l4" W
Q plinths and capitals W' 2W' 5" W 4

R slide blocks %11 2l's" Sl4" W

S leg blocks %11 214" 2la" W
Doors and shet-.es

fl e.~;~_
T stiles 2" 19Ys" W 4

== 0
= 1 U rails %" 2" 9W' W 4

~: :
% x 7'4 x 96" Walnut (4 needed) V panels 9W' 15la" WP

~~t Ie.:
% X 7Y4 x 96" Walnut (2 needed)

1% X 3Ye x 72" Walnut
J fj :: J.
J y* folding leaves %" 12" 1S" EW 8
Z* fixed leaves %" 12" 36" EW 2
This project ~uires 42 board feet of
*Parts initially cut oversize. See the instructions.
4/4 walnut and :3board reet of6J4 walnut. Materials key: W-walnut, ViP-walnut plywood, BP-birch
plywood, EW-edge-joined walnut.

r ~"
1 SUppf.es: #8xo/s" flathead screws, #8xl" flathead screws,
#8xll4" flathead screws, #8xl Y2" flathead screws, 1l4" pocket

4411 ~1 screws.
Blade and bits: Dado set; o/s"brad-point drill bit; VIS", Vs', W,

I overall j -----:

and W' round-over; bottom-bearing flush-trim; l4" bead; Vs" straight;
and 45° V-groove router bits.

I0 1 5% x 44" Woolfelt (4 needed)

Figure-8 desk top fasteners, 8-pack no. 21650, $5.49 pk. (1 pack);
urn-tip full back-to-back wraparound inset hinges, oil-rubbed bronze
1 finish no. 29087, $6.99 pro(2 pairs); narrow~profile magnetic catches
no. 26559, $2.49 ea. (2); flat-tipped butt hinges, 1W' Lx2" W,
Y4 x 48 x 48" Walnut plywood
rubbed-bronze finish no. 29401, $6.99 pro(4 pairs); wood table pins,
8-pack no. 21253, $3.99 pk. (3 packs); 14' shelf-pin supports, antique

I brass, 16-pack no. 22765, $4.99 pk. (1 pack); Flexcut chip·carving

knife no. 23403, $22.95, Rockier, 800-279·4441, rockler.com.
Victorian handles, 96mm, no. 0IA72.21, $10.60 ea. (2); Victorian
G IQl IQI knobs, 30x22mm no. 0IA72.41, $5.30 ea. (2), Lee Valley,
I 800-871-8158,leevalley.com.
20" table slides, 50" opening no. 9058, $101.90 pro(1 pair),
Osborne Wood PrOducts, 800-849-8876, osbornewood.com.

3/4 x 48 X
96 Birch plywood
,8 Produced by Jan Svec with Kevin Boyle and John Olson
Project design: Kevin Boyle
Illustrations: Roxanne LeMoine, Lorna Johnson

woodmagazine.com 33

.. J: Materials cost

$0if you use
scraps from
z~ your shop!
Io.l X
~~ aids for
quick, easy
(:l:.n access.

dijJitrent §J!~~§ of
e built this caddy to hold a 3 Swords
wood for a dramnt/( " eight-piece grooming kit [Soun:e]. To
wok, fou wtdd u§( accommodate different tools, simply
Ughtwoud forpnft5 A adjust the slot sizes and spacing. handling. (We laid out parts A and B on one
tmd C nnd n dnrk ene board, C and D on the other, positioning Tip! A tablesaw crosscut
for B and l), jor Cut the pieces one piece at each end of the board.) sled provides the safest
imtnna, Figured or
C%()ti( wood a/50 1 Cut two boards %x4x12" for the body Iami-
nations (A-C) and base (D) [~VIew]. 3 Cut the dadoes [PbotoA]. Start with the t\i'-
deep dado in part B. Then, raise the blade
anti most accurate means
for cutting the body
ffl4keS an attrPetive
bath a«mory, 2 Mark the dado locations [~1], but
leave the boards full length for easier
to cut the 14"-deep dado in part A and the %"-
deep and o/Ji'-deep ones in parts A and C.
dadoes. Tomake the sled
shown, see page 52.
34 WOOD magazine October 2018
A combination bladewith raker teeth makesflat- bottom dadoes.Cut the wider dadoes in multiple Place the tools in the dadoesso they extend far enough above the caddy surface to grasp
passes, aligning the layout marks with the kerf in the crosscut sled. easily. Fillers do not necessarily need to go to the dado bottoms.

\- 5"---_ ...•


t-------- 5" ------------+

I 1 %" \4" 5fa"

Cut parts A-D to 5" long. Glue lamina-

3 tions A-C together, aligning the dadoes

<::::::5' [Exploded View].

Assemble the caddy Note: We crosscut and

Tilt your tablesaw blade to 30° and bevel- planed the fillersfrom a
1 rip the body and base to size [Exploded
View]. Glue the base to the body.
-)4X1~" board. They do
not need to be the same
Build the body
1 Set the tools in their dadoes in parts A
and C [Opening photo]. Mark the lengths of
2 Sand the back and sides of the assembly
flush. Finish-sand and apply a durable
finish, such as polyurethane. Finally, insert
stock as the body.

the fillers [Photo B]. Cut a filler for the dado in the tools in their slots and put the caddy in a
part B the same length as the corresponding handy spot. ••
one in part C [Exploded View]. Produced by Larry Johnston with

2 Cut the fillers to size and glue them in John Olson

Source Project design: John Olson
place. After the glue dries, sand the fillers Manicure set, 3 Swords eightpiece grooming kit, Illustrations: Roxanne LeMoine,
flush to the faces of the laminations. $33, woodmagazine.com/3swords Lorna Johnson

woodmagazine.com 35
Splined miters

4 Bits, 3 Joints,
Too Easy! VQ~~on~
Put your router table to work creating rock-solid joinery.
~ In addition to classes at Vondriska
Woodworks in Hammond, Wisconsin,

OU can easily create biscuit joints, setups provided here. It's likely that you George teaches at woodworking shows and
splined corners, and finger joints, already own the bits required for these guilds across the country and "Weekend
turning your router table into a join- joints. If not, no problem, we've sourced With WOOD." You may also recognize his
ery machine. All it takes are a few simple them for you on page 43. name and face from videos he hosts for the
shop-made jigs, along with the step-by-step Woodworkers Guild of America.

woodmagazine.com 37
1. Order up
~ If you plan to use No biscuit joiner? No problem. You can cre-
biscuits regularly, a ate biscuit joints on your router table using a
dedicated machine %2" slot cutter [Source). In the example shown
makes the process in Photos A-G, I'm adding solid edging to a
easier and faster. plywood shelf. Photos H-K show how to make
end-grain cuts, such as when joining a rail to
a table leg.

Slot Specs for 2"·diameter Slot·cutting Bit

Biscuit Size Depth of Cut Elongate Slot

#0 %6" %"
#10 s
Y16" 0/16"
Locate the center of the bit by sliding a piece of scrap against the fence and the body of
#20 %" %" the slot cutter. Trace the end of the board onto the tape, marking both sides of the bit.
Find and mark the center by dividing the line-to-line distance in two.

i , .
Set the depth of cut based on the size of the biscuit you'll be using (chart above). Then Clamp to the fence a cursor board with a line perpendicular to its edge. Align the cursor
set the bit height to center the biscuit slot on the shelf. I use brass setup bars [Source] to line with the bit centerline, positioning the board high enough so your material can just slip
make these adjustments quick and precise. under it.

-- - -

~ -

"Elongate slot" dimension
On the shelf, mark the center of each slot on the bottom (non-showing) face. Then add
Move the workpiece until the right line aligns with the cursor, and pull the board straight
lines to the left and right, spaced half the Elongate Slot dimension. Align the left line with away from the bit. Repeat the process for each slot.
the cursor and plunge the workpiece onto the spinning bit.

38 WOOD magazine October 2018

Remove the cursor board from the router table. Transfer the left and right layout lines on Plunge the rear f,!c~of the edging onto the slot cutter, using the layout lines as start and
the shelf to the edging. Transfer the lines around to the front face of the edging. stop points on the -bit centerline, as you did with the shelf. Repeat for the remaining slots
and assemble the work pieces with glue and biscuits.

To join a rail to a leg, calculate the distance from an edge of the rail to the center of the- With the outside face of the rail down on the router table, plunge the rail straight into and
biscuit slot, and add half the Elongate Slot number. Clamp a guide to the fence this distance out of the slot cutter.
from the bit centerline.

Cut the biscuit slot in the leg using the same procedure shown for biscuiting a shelf/
edging assembly [Photos F and GJ. If you want an offset (reveal) between the leg and rail,
raise the bit by the amount of the reveal before making this cut.

woodmagazlne.com 39

Build this jig from ltJ" plywood and *"

MDF. The stopblock and backer are
not glued in place. Dirnensions aren't
critical, but make sure the angle at the
bottom is 90° so your box won't move
while cutting the slots.

2. Add strength and style with splines

Splines in a mitered box corner provide eye- Dovetail splines provide the illusion of
catching detail and significantly strengthen dovetailed corners. The same jig works for
the joint. To cut either straight or dovetailed cutting this joint (Photos E-H]. Prepare stock
splines, build the jig above, then cut the slots Yl6" thicker than the bit diameter for splines
(Photos A-D]. and for testing setups.

Install a W' spiral bit in the router table, place the box in the jig, and set the height of the
router bit (0/8" here, for these %"·thick box sides). The W' plywood backer prevents chip-
out on the exit side of the cut.

40 WOOD magazine October 2018

Position the fence so a small portion of the bit projects past the face. Make a test cut in
a piece of scrap. Check the fit. If the dovetail is too large, move the fence back from the
bit and recut the same edge. If the dovetail is too small, move the fence toward the bit and When the fence is perfectly set, cut the final spline material. Rip the dovetail from the
start on a fresh edge. Be conservative when moving the fence; because you cut each face, board, cut splines to length, apply glue, and tap them in. Trim and sand the splines flush
small changes have a large effect on the size of the dovetail. after the glue dries.

woodmagazine.com 41
3. Finger joints lend a helping hand
Ever wish you had a board stretcher?
This technique joins boards end to end,
without buying a specialized bit. It also
works great on box corners. Build the
jig shown below, and set it up as shown
in Photos A-E. Note: The width of the
project material should be an even
increment of w' so the faces align when .
you assemble the finger joint.

Glue and screw.

the base, brace, and
upright together. The key is
added later. The support gets
repositioned, so don't glue it. Be sure
the support has been machined square,
or your project pieces won't fit correctly.

Install a ¥a" straight bit and set its height to "14". Position the fence 1 ?Is" from the center
of the bit and make a W'-Iong cut into the jig.

42 WOOD magazine October 2018

Reposition the fence so the bit is 1fa" from the key. Again, I like to use a setup bar.

Slip the two pieces together to check the fit. If the fit is too tight, move the fence closer
to the bit. If the fit is too loose, move the fence away from the bit. Make additional test
cuts until you get a snug fit.

oIncrease the depth of cut of the router bit to 1f2". Butt the workpiece against the key in the
jig. Steady a narrow workpiece, such as the one shown, by clamping the support against
it. Cut the joint as you did with the test pieces, repositioning the support against the
workpiece as you go.

Source: Purchase any or all of these items at the link below. Freud 0/32" slot cutter no. 63-159, $22; Freud 14"
upcutspiral bit no. 75-102, $20; Freud W 14' dovetail bit no. 22-112, $20; Freud \Is" upcutspiral bit no. 75-100,
Glue the joint, plane and sand the surfaces flush, and you've 'stretched" your board .•• $19; Whiteside brass set-up gauges no. 9810, $17. woodmagazine.com/joinerybits

woodmagazlne.com 43
v .
11111illlllllllllllll ill Iilllllll illllll) 1111illllll,: 1.111111111111111111111111

hether cutting trim boards, picture miters-where even a ylOo inaccuracy can ~ In addition to the
frames, crown molding, or just wide mean visible miter gaps. 10" sliders tested
hardwood boards, a 10" sliding We give extra credit to those saws that here, we reviewed all
compound mitersaw can do it all. With cross- have lots of accurate miter detents and bevel other battery-powered
cut capacities nearing 13", these saws have stops, and miter scales that can be recali- mitersaws on the
made radial-arm saws all but obsolete. brated should they lose their accuracy: market. See page 78.
But with so many sliders on the market, Bosch, Delta., DeWalt DW717 (shown
how do you know which to buy? To find out, below), Makita LSI019L, Makita XSL06PT,
we tested 11models head-to-head, including Milwaukee, and Ridgid R421O.And all but
three powered by lithium-ion batteries. two saws (Craftsman 21237 and Hitachi)
Here's how they fared. have detent overrides, allowing you to lock
in an angle Just slightly off a detent. .
Five key qualities of a The bevel-tilt stops, though fewer, prove
good sliding mitersaw accurate and easy to calibrate on all but the
1. Power. All the sawswe tested have sufficient Craftsman, Hitachi, and Ryobi saws. We ~Hitachi brought the
power to cut through even the hardest wood, found the scales on the Bosch, Delta, Makita, first sliding mitersaw to
but some do it faster and with less bogging. Milwaukee, and Ridgid saws easiest to read the market in 1988.
The Bosch CM1OGD,Delta Cruzer 26-2240, when setting a non-stop angle. Four saws
and Hitachi ClOFSHPS showed the most (Bosch, Delta, and both Makitas) feature eas-
muscle. Twocordless saws- Makita XSL06PT ily accessible bevel locks located on the front
(powered by two IS-volt packs) and Milwau- ofthe machine (shown next page), but only the
kee 2734-2lHD (one IS-voltpack)-surprised Bosch has all bevel controls up front, elimi-
us with their power output, besting or equal- nating the need to reach behind the saw.
ing a few corded machines. Eight of the 11sawshave a cutline indicator
2. Accuracy. If you're framing a house, "close to show where the blade will cut. The Makita
enough" is okay. But for precision wood- saws have the best laser indicators because
working, cutting angles must be spot-on. they're accurate and easy to see and adjust.
Eight of the 11saws (seethe chart on page 50) But we like the LEDs on the Milwaukee
proved capable of making cuts so precise we (shown below) and Ridgid saws even better.
could build picture frames with eight (DeWalt has an optional LED accessory.)

woodmagazine.com 45
Front-mounted bevel locks, shown here on the Delta Cruzer, make it easy to tilt the saw without having We like Bosch's chop/crown stop best among the test group. This feature
to reach behind it. (You still have to reach for the bypass lever to set an angle beyond the built-in locks the saw in position slightly forward of the "normal" back position. This
stops.) . helps to cut wide crown molding held in the nested position.
3. Smooth operation. A good sliding mitersaw
must slide forward and backward, pivot, and
tilt smoothly, lock solidly,and plunge without
excessive resistance from its built-in spring.
The Bosch and Delta saws stand out here with
their articulated-arm mechanisms that glide
without the slightest hiccup. The other saws
slide on dual rails, located either behind,
beneath, or beside the motor/blade. Of these,
the Makita saws operated smoothest.
4. Workpiece support. Because mitersaws
have such small tables for workpieces to rest
on, it's important to make the most of that
space. That's why we like the textured tables
and fences of the Bosch, Delta, DeWalt,
Makita, Milwaukee, and Ridgid saws that
provide a better grip than smooth ones. And
credit to both Makita machines for having the
largest table surface. An adjustable depth stop lets you cut dadoes or tenons on workpieces by limiting the
Most of the saws have tall fences (at least plunge of the blade. These stops flip or slide out of the way when not in use.
3"), crucial for cutting a workpiece oriented
other than lying flat on the table, such as 5. Portability. Eventually, you'll want to take
cutting crown molding nested against the your slider to a location other than your
fence (shown top right). All but the Crafts- shop to set up and work. The Craftsman
man, Hitachi, and both Ryobis have tall and Ryobi saws weigh less than 40 pounds
~Buya Freud fences on both sides of the blade. The ,top each, making them easy to carry. The test-
LU91R01010" blade portions of all the fences slide sideways to heaviest Bosch weighs 64 pounds, and its
likeweused intesting provide clearance when tilting the blade to many features make it cumbersome to lug
these slidingmitersaws. 45°, except the single-bevel-Craftsman and around. Props to the cordless saws that
woodmagazine.comj Ryobi TSS102L, where only the left fence work anywhere without having to string an
sliderblade slides to the side. extension cord.

Coordinate your slider Positive hook angle Negative hook angle

with the right blade

Slidingmitersaws workbest-and safest-with a high-tooth-
count blade (40 teeth for an 8"-or-smallerblade, 60-80 teeth
for 10", and 80-100 for 12"), and a tooth-hookangle of 0° to
_5° to prevent overlyaggressive cutting. Forthis review,we
outfitted each saw witha new FreudLU91R01060-tooth, _5°

46 WOOD magazine October2018

Get to know the 10" sliders
Bosch CM10GD. $550
877-267-2499, boschtools.com
High Points
.6.0ne of the most powerful saws in the test.
.6.The articulated-arm mechanism works smoothly and solidly, and reduces the amount of space
required behind the saw (14'W', compared to traditional sliders at 19-24"), when mounted'
against a wall.
.6.lt has an easy-to-calibrate miter scale.
,.6.The bevel lock and angle-range selector, located at the front of the saw, make it easiest in the
group to tilt the blade .
.6.A tall fence and textured table and fence surfaces make it easy to securely hold and cut stock .
.6.This saw's depth stop and chop/crown lock work best among the test group. (See the photo at
top right, previous page.)
Low Points
TAt 64 pounds, this saw weighs the most and is awkward to carry and lift.
TChanging blades requires a six-step process-far more difficult than with other saws.

Craftsman 21237. $250

, High Points
.6. Table extensions (with a stop on the right) provide up to 18%" of workpiece support on each side
of the blade, longest in the test.
.6.1t's lightweight (39 pounds) and easy to carry .
.6.The $250 price goes easy on your tool budget.
LowPoints .
Tit bogged down when cutting 2-by pressure-treated pine and dense or thick hardwoods.
TMiter detents could not be calibrated to spot-on accuracy, and it lacks a detent override. The
bevel stops proved easier to calibrate, but we had to do so several times during testing. It tilts
only to the left.
Tits short fences can't support crown molding cut in the nested position.
TThe blade guard catches on wide workpieces, and the saw head demonstrated the most side-to-
side deflection during cuts.
TDespite a large port, dust collection was only fair.

Delta 26-2240. $500

800-223-7278, deltamachinery.com
High Points
.6.0ne of the most powerful saws in the test.
.6. The saw glides smoothly on dual articulated arms instead of sliding rails, and it requires the least
amount of space behind the saw (12:1/2").
.6.The bevel lock is located at the front of the saw for easy changes, and the bevel scale is among the
easiest to read.
, .6.lts clearly marked miter scale can be easily calibrated .
.6.A tall fence and textured table and fence surfaces make it easy to securely hold and cut stock .
.6.5-year warranty
Low Points
TThe dust bag mounts close to the top handle, making the saw clumsy to lift and carry.
"'Blade changes proved difficult because the guard does not stay retracted by itself.
More Points
~Removing the fence and screwing on a 2x12 as an auxiliary table adds 3" of crosscut capacity.
~A single-trigger power switch can more easily (and possibly accidentally) activate the blade.

DeWalt DW717. $500
800-433-9258, dewalt.com
High Points
.Setting miter angles proved foolproof thanks to solid-locking detents and an easily read and
calibrated scale. Bevel angles adjust and set almost as easily .
• A tall fence and textured table and fence surfaces make it easy to securely hold and cut stock .
• Comes with a 3-year warranty.
Low Points
TThe chop/crown stop kept dropping from its upright "neutral" position, accidentally locking
the saw forward of the fence.
"'The saw head slides stiffly on the rails, and we found the small knob that locks the saw's
position on the rails difficult to operate.
More Points
~Removing the fence a"ndscrewing on a 2x12 as an auxiliary table adds 2" of crosscut capacity.
~A single-trigger power switch can more easily (and possibly accidentally) activate the blade.

Hitachi Cl0FSHPS. $550

800-829-4752, hitachipowertools.com
High Points
.One of the most powerful motors with a soft-start feature that eliminates the lurch common to
some others .
• Atjust 43 pounds, we found this saw easy to lift and carry .
• 5-year warranty
Low Points
"'The short right-side fence can't support crown molding cut in the nested position.
"'The miter and bevel scales are difficult to read, there's no way to calibrate the miter scale,
there's no miter-detent override, and the threaded miter lock came loose a few times.
"'We found its vertically oriented D-handle and power switch awkward to use, and even more
difficult to operate left-handed.
"'The blade wrench does not store on the saw.
More Points
~Its rear-mounted laser proves effective when clean, but got covered in sawdust after a few cuts.

Makita LS1019L. $550

800-462-5482, makitatools.com
High Points
.A tall, textured fence and large, textured table make it easy to securely hold and cut stock .
• Has the best cutline laser and factory blade among the-test saws .
• The compact frame reduces the amount of space required behind the saw (14"), when
mounted against a wall .
• Slide-out extension wings provide up to 17" of workpiece support each side of the blade .
• Its excellent miter scale can be easily recalibrated, with 60° maximum miter capacity left
and right.
.It has the best workpiece clamp in the test.
Low Points
"'We found it clumsy to change bevel angles, especially when tilting to the right.
More Points
~Although this saw couldn't quite match the power of the top saws, its soft-start feature
eliminates startup lurch.
~Dust collection was test-best when hooked to a shop vacuum, but among the worst when using the included collection bag.
~The side-mounted rails help the saw slide smoothly and make it compact, but the rails and bevel lock get in the way too often. And the slide lock
works only in the fully retracted position.
~The chop/crown stop works fine, but is not easy to locate.

48 WOOD magazine October 2018

Makita XSL06PT. $650
High Points
.This saw shares the high points of its corded
sibling, but with an even smoother startup and
faster blade braking .
• Powered by two 18-volt, 5-amp-hour battery
packs, this saw averaged 190 crosscuts per
charge in 2x4 pine .
• When paired with Makita's optional Bluetooth-
compatible 2-gallon HEPAvacuum (no. XCV08Z,
$460), starting the saw triggers the vacuum as
well. We found this cord-free setup excellent at
collecting dust.
Low Points
"'It shares the LS1019L's issues with the slide rails, beveling, and dust-bag collection.
More Points r
Makita's cordless saw starts up an optional battery-
~Buy it without batteries (model LXSL04ZU) for $600. powered vacuum thanks to Bluetooth connectivity. Both
~ith batteries in place, this saw weighs 2 pounds more than the LS1019L. tools run on a pair of 18-volt battery packs.

Milwaukee 2734-21HO. $600

800-729-3878, milwaukeetool.com
High Points
.Powered by a single 18-volt, 5-amp-hour battery pack, this saw averaged 126 crosscuts per
charge in 2x4 pine .
• Lightweight (45 pounds) and easy to carry with top or side handles. It's surprisingly compact for
its many capabilities and solid build.
1.lt has an easy-to-read and -calibrate miter scale, and the bevel lock is located on top of the saw
for easy access, -
.Blade changes were easiest on this saw because the blade guard stays retra'cted without
looseriing any screws .
• We found the LED cutline indicator more reliable than the lasers on other saws .
• A tall fence and textured table and fence surfaces make it easy to securely hold and cut stock .
• 5-year warranty
Low Points
"'The small pin that locks the saw into chop/crown mode, located beneath the throat plate, was prone to getting jammed with sawdust.
"'Its stiff spring required the most efforttbplunge the saw. .
"'The dust port is located too far from the blade to effectively capture dust.
More Points
~uy it without a battery pack (model 2734-20) for $500.

Ridgid R4210. $350

866-539-1710, ridgidpowertools.com
High Points
.The miter scale reads and calibrates easily, and both side support tables pivot to allow
miter angles up to a test-best 71° left and right.
.The chop/crown stop makes it easy to cut crown molding in the nested position .
• A tall fence and textured table and fence surfaces make it easy to securely hold and
cut stock .
• We found the LED cutline indicator more accurate than the lasers on other saws .
• Blade changes are easy .
• Comes with a 3-year warranty, upgradable to a lifetime service agreement upon
registering the tool online. This covers most parts and service.
Low Points
"'The top handle is awkward to use by itself when lifting and carrying the saw.
10" Sliding compound mitersaws make the high-capacity cut

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BOSCHCM10GD B- N/A 52,60 31.6,60* Y

CRAFTSMAN21237 C+ T 50,50 31.6 N
DELTA26-2240 B N/A 50,60 30 Y

DEWALTDW71? B N/A* 60,52 30,31.6,60** Y


MAKITA LS1019L C T 60,60 30,31.6,60 Y

MAKITA XSL06PT(36V) C T 60,60 30,31.6,60 Y

MILWAUKEE2734-21HD (l8V) D 50,60 31.6,50 Y

RIDGIDR4210 B 71,71 31.6,60,67.5 Y

RYOBITSS102L B- T 46,52. 31.6 Y

RYOBIP3650B (36V) B- T 46,52 31.6 Y

1. Excellent 2. (L) LED 3. (*) Right side only 4. (*) Single-bevel saws 5. Space required to allow full range of miter, bevel, and slide motions.
(R) Rear-mounted laser (**) Left side only tilt only to the left
(T) Top-mounted laser
Fair (N/A) No cutline indicator
Poor * LED available as an accessory

Not applicable

* LED available as an accessory

800-525-2579, ryobitools.com
~ Read reviews of IUgb Points _
other mitersaws, as AAt 36 pounds, this saw is e'asy to lift and carry.
well as accessories for I.Lowest price in the test group
these tools. ASlide-out extension wings provide up to 15%"
woodmagazine.coml Of workpiece support each side of the blade.
mitersawreviews 1.3-yea r warranty
Low Points
.This saw lacks the power of most saws in the
test, but it works fine if you cut slower .
• The miter detents were inaccurate with no way to adjust them. But the detent override lets you
lock the saw just slightly off the detent angles to correct some inaccuracy. Changing angles was
stiff and jerky, and tilting the saw was difficult as well. It tilts only to the left .
• Short fences make it difficult to cut workpieces in positions other than lying flat on the table .
• Adjusting the laser proves difficult because it's located underneath the blade guard.
More Points
~This saw has an adjustable depth stop (helpful for cutting dadoes), but no chop/crown stop.
~A single-trigger power switch can more easily (and possibly accidentally) activate the blade.

50 WOOD magazine October 2018

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47,47 33.9 32Y4 x 34 x 26Yz N/A 1m 8Y2 12 8 5Y2 3% p,R,S,W,X W4 W2 6 64 ( $550
45,0* 33.9 31 x 37Y2 x 2m 37Y2 12l/'6 8Ys 12 8 4Y2 3% S,X 2% 2Y2 6 39 ( $250
45,45 22.5,33.9 30 x 30 x 24 N/A 12 SSi'6 12 8 5Y2 Ws P Pis Ws 7 53 5 T $500
48,48 22.5,33.9 3m x 37 x 24Y2 N/A 12'Y,6 9 121's 8% 6 Ws l, P, R,S, W,X Pis m 6 51 M $500
45,45 none 29 x 40Y2x 24 N/A 120/'6 8% 12 8'%2 3Y2 1% P,R,W 2 2% 6 43 5 ( $510
48,48 22.5,33.9 30 x 32 x 26 34Y4 12 8Y2 12 8Y2 6 3% T,W p,R PI'6 1?i'6 6 58 ( $550
48,48 22.5,33.9 30 x 32 x 26 34% 12 8Yz 12 8Y2 6 3% T,W p,R PI'6 1?i'6 N/A 60 3 ( $650
48,48 22.5,33.9 40 x 41%x 26Y2 N/A 1Ws 8Y'6 12 8 m 5% l P Ws,2% W2,2Y2 N/A 45 5 T $600
45,45 22.5,33.9 40Y4x 43 x 29 N/A 12Y2 8% 12 8 6Y2 Ws p,S 1% W2 6 47 3* ( $350
45,0* none 32Y2 x 40 x 2m 32Y2 12'Y'6 9Ys 12 7% 4 3% W P Pis W2 6 36 ( $200
45,50 none 3W2X 39%x 25Y2 N/A 12'l!'6 9Ys 12 7% 4 Ws p,W Pis m N/A 34 ( $300*

6. (L) LEDcutline indicator 7. (N/A) Battery powered 8. (') Lifetime ser.vice upon online registration 9. (C) China 10. Prices current at time of article production
(P) Portable stand (M) Mexico and do not include Shipping, where applicable.
(R) Crown molding stops (T) Taiwan (') Does not include battery packs
(S) Cutoff stop
(T) Triangular setup square
(W) Extension wings (rods)
(X) Slide-out table extensions Switch into glide
We think you'd be happy with more
than half of the 11 sliders we tested, but
two stand out as the best of the pack: the
Bosch CMlOGD and Delta Cruzer glide
mitersaws. They share Top Tool honors.
Yes,their price tags rank near the top of
the group, but for that investment you
get an accurate, smooth-handling, well-
appointed machine with all the cut
capacities and power you'll need.
If you need to save some bucks, opt
RyobiP3650B.$300 instead for the Ridgid R421O,our Top
. High Points Value. At $350, you get a feature-laden
.Powered by two i8-volt battery 4-amp-hour packs (not included). this saw averaged 285 saw that weighs less than the Bosch or
crosscuts per charge in 2x4 pine. Delta. It also comes with a 3-year war-
.Unlike the corded Ryobi, this saw tilts both right and left. ranty that can become a lifetime service
• At 34 pounds (with battery packs). this is the lightest saw in the test. agreement. •
.3-year warranty
Low Points Produced by Bob Hunter with Peter Kasper

"This saw does not have an adjustable depth stop or a chop/crown stop.
More Points
~This saw sells only as a bare tool. A two-pack of 4-amp-hour battery packs costs $99.
- woodmagazine.com 51
Make dead-on crosscuts or
miters with equal ease..

~ Switch from cross-cutting to miters

in seconds by dropping the miter .plate
into thll sled-base kerf.Pop ito~t agairt - ,
, to make crosscuts ..

z0 .N
" ., ~ X
: ~-;.
"'. ::2l :5:
- ""

Removable miter
plate registers in
EXPLODED VIEW the kerf in the vase.

efore you cut the
sled parts, align
your tablesaw
blade parallel to the
miter slots. Then adjust
the rip fence parallel to
the blade and slots. See
sawtuneup for tips on
", ,
preparing your saw. ., ,
!l \

Ace the base

This sled can crosscut
parts up to 17'/2" wide
and miter-cut stock up
to 3%" wide. To miter-
cut wider parts, lengthen
the base (A) and miter- #8x1%"
F.H.screw \
slot runners (D). The ~i
assembly steps remain the same.
Cut the base (A) [Materials List, Exploded
1 View]. Saw to shape, round over, and sand
the yokes (B, C) [Drawing 1J. Glue and screw #8x3f4"
the yokes to the base.

2 Sawthe miter-slot runners (D) for a snug

fit inside the miter slots. •

3 Position the saw's rip fence to center the

blade on the width of the base. Place
three pennies or washers about lO" apart in
each miter slot. Apply double-faced tape on
one face of each runner, and lay the runners
on the pennies with ends aligned. Tip! Lubricate the runners with paraffin or paste wax

4 With the base edge held tight against the

fence, press the base onto the runners
[Exploded View, Photo AJ. Make test crosscuts to
to help them slide smoothly inside the miter slots.

confirm the back yoke (B)is 90° tothe blade,

then screw the runners to the base.


R=4W' £'/16" round-over
+--1 -' -----24"-----4

+-------14"---4 Tape the base (A) to the runners (0) with the ends of the runners flush with the back edge
of the base.

woodmagazine.com 53
Align the miter-plate faces (F) 45' to the base edges even if the long edge of the miter- Glue the miter-plate key (G) flush with the front ends of the miter-plate faces (F). The end
plate base (E) doesn't rest flat against the back yoke (8). of the key will slide inside the kerf cut in the back yoke (8).

Add a miter-maker ~Check that the long

Note: To cut the Saw the miter-plate base (E) [Drawing 2]. edge of the miter plate
miter-plate base (B), 1 Cut the miter-plate faces (F) 2" longer
(ElF) extends slightly
switch to a circular saw than listed. beyond the ends of
and a shop-made
cutting guide.
2 Miter-cut both ends of the miter-plate
faces to length and glue them to the
miter-plate base [Drawing 2].
the back yoke (8) so
workpieces will clear
the yoke.
3 Raise the tablesaw blade to 45°
Ills". Center the miter plate
(ElF) on the base kerf with the

faces 45° to the edges of the sled

[Photo B]. Hold the miter plate in
position while you cut through
e Va"slot '!&" deep'cutafter
45° miter
the bottom.

4 Cut the miter-plate key (G) to

. fit the width of the saw kerf in
the -base. Glue it into the miter
plate (ElF) [Photo C]."

Cutting DiagraITI Materials List

Part T W L MatI. Qty.
A base :}411 24" 20" Ply
8 back yoke lW' 3Y2" 24" P
C front yoke 1l4" 3" 14"
D miter-slot runners .:}4" %" 22" 2

E* miter-plate base %" 15Y2" 21 0/,6" Ply


3/4 x 24 x 48" Birch plywood

F*- miter-plate faces *" 2" 17" P 2

G miter-plate key W't 1" 13" P

1 V4 x 3% x 48" Poplar
,1 1
'Width denotes the length of the two equal shorter edges of the triangle.
Length refers to the triangle's long edge
Produced by Robert Wilson with

"Parts initially cut oversize. See the instructions.
Kevin Boyle

% x 5Vz x 48" Poplar

I !----i ---, [
lThis may be smaller for a narrow-kerf saw blade.
Materials key: Ply-birch plywood, P-poplar.
Supplies: #8x%' flathead screws, #8xl%' flathead screws.
Bit: Y,6"round-over router bit.
Project design: Michael Driver,
Strongsville, Ohio
Illustrations: Roxanne LeMoine,
Lorna Johnson

54 WOOD magazine October 2018

unctional for shop use, yet elegant

"Watch a video of
the stool being turned. enough for any room in the house,
woodmagazine.comj this steady stool combines face
tumedstool turning and spindle turning. Along the
way, you'll learn how easy it is to break
down a spindle profile into smaller seg-
ments to turn three duplicates.

Tumed Stool
56 WOOD magazine October 2018
First, take a seat
Bandsaw a 2"-thick blank (we used
1 cherry) to 14"diameter. On the best face,
drill a centered Yz"-deephole to fit your
screw chuck. If your screw chuck extends
farther than Yz", shim with a scrap of ply-
wood [PhotoAJ ..

2 Mount the blank on the screw chuck.

With the lathe at about 500 rpm, use a Ys"
bowl gouge to flatten the face and turn the
circumference round.

3 Shape a round-over along the edge [Photo

BJ. Then mark the leg locations [Photo CJ.

4 With a squarenose scraper, turn a cen-

tered recess to fit your 4-jaw chuck. Sand
the face, leaving the punch marks intact.
Reverse the seat, mounting it by the
S recess on the bottom face. Flatten the top
face, then mark a diameter on the face 1Ys"
from the edge. With a bowl gouge, round
over the edge between the lines [Photo DJ.
Shape the seat working from the line to
6 the bottom of the hole drilled for the
screw center. Sand the seat, then remove it
from the lathe.

The If,'' hole depth marks the bottom of the dish on the seat, so make sure your screw chuck extends no farther,

On the face of the blank, mark a circle W' from the edge. Layout a iO"·diameter circle. Without adjusting the Working from the face to the line on the edge, round over
Mark another line around the circumference 3/4" from the compass, place the point on the diameter, and make the top edge of the seat. Maintain the line on the face for
face. Leave the lines intact as you round over the edge- a mark along the line. Move the compass point to the use in the next step.
you'll need the mark on the edge later. new mark and repeat until you have six marks. Make an
indentation at every other mark with a spring punch.

woodmagazine.com 57
Center a 1" Forstner bit on one of the punch marks on the seat bottom. Clamp the jig in Reposition the jig. Center each leg under a %" Forstner bit, and drill 1" deep, measuring
place and drill 1%" deep, measured at the deepest portion of the hole. to the deepest portion of the hole.

Set up for drilling

Make the drill-press jig [Drawing 1]. With
1 the two angled cleats attached, place the
seat on the jig, aligning a centerpunch dim-
ple with the centerline on the jig. Position
the jig on the drill press, and drill [Photo E].
Repeat at the other punch marks.

2 Cut three 2x2x23" legs. Attach the

straight fence to the jig and drill a hole in
each leg 6Y2" from the bottom [Photo F~
Straight fence

'6. 13W'~·
"--~ "<.
~ ~
72 1/ G
16" ~~

o DRILL· PRESS JIG Centerline

58 WOOD magazine October 2018

Turn to the legs
Tip! Use centers less Mount a legbetween centers with the rung
than W in diameter so 1hole closest to the headstock. With the
you can turn the tenons lathe at 2,000 rpm use a roughing gouge to
without damaging your round the blank to a 2" cylinder. Then mark
parting tool. lines l-ll on the blank [Photo G,Drawing 2].
Refer to the blue circled step numbers in
Drawing 2 as you follow the instructions
Step 1. Using a parting tool, turn a
l"-diameter tenon with a Yij" chamfer on the
end. Test the tenon's fit in a hole in the seat
as you go.
Steps 2-4. With a skew chisel, cut a ¥I6"-
deep V 0/'6" wide centered on line 3 [Photo H].
Form a half bead from line 2 to line 3 and a
partial bead from line 4 to line 3. Using a
spindle roughing gouge, shape an ogee from
line 2 to the shoulder of the tenon, leaving between lines 4 and 5 to 1%". With a skew
the pencil lines intact. chisel, cut ¥I6" wide Vs 0/,6" deep centered on
Steps 5-7. At line 5, part to 1Y4"diameter. lines 7 and 10 [Photo I]. Make sure you don't
With a roughing gouge, reduce the diameter remove lines 8 and 9.

EJSTOOL LEG eShapecove

(3 needed) e Reduce to 13f4" between 8 and 9
(2) Reduce to 13f4" between 4 and 5

(I) Partial
onVs ~eFormhalfbead
. Parting cut
ei / e
Form V Form
half bead
i.------------~-------------------------------------':-- ------1- ----":----
2"111;.:" 1'%" 1';.:" 2" Shapeogee l ~+
-----~----------------------------- 1'%"l

: . ~~Taper - ~ 1'1.•" I ~ ~~!fcove •

i..-:::- ~ Roll v:"1 t I '\ilfiCutVsatlines 114 l'
, Whalfbead I .•. 7and10
~ '/8" chamfer
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 :3 2 1
1 :37/8"
woodmagazine.com 59
Step 8. Roll a half bead from line 6 into the lines 8 and 9 to 1%". Make a parting cut cen- diameter. Then taper from line 11 to the
Vat line 7 [Photo J]. tered between the Vs to 1\4"diameter. With parting cut. Check the taper for true with a
Steps 9-10. With a roughing gouge, form a spindle detail gouge, shape a cove between straightedge. Form a Vs" chamfer on the end
the half cove from line 4 to line 5. Then lines 8 and 9 to the depth of the parting cut of the leg. Sand the leg smooth, removing
shape the ogee from line 6 to line 5. [Photo K]. the pencil lines.
Step 11. Switch to a skew to form a partial
bead from line 8 to line 7 and from line 9 to 10.
Steps 12-13. Reduce the diameter between
Step 14. With a skew chisel, form the half
bead from line 11to line 10.
Steps 15-16. Part the left end of the leg to 1"
2 To replicate the profile on the two
remaining legs, repeat this process, using
a contour gauge as needed [Skill Builder].

Use a contour gauge for can-do duplicates
A contour gauge contains a row of metal or plastic pins trapped hold the gauge against your work-in-progress to see how it compares.
between two sides. The sides provide just enough friction on the Gauges come in various lengths, but a 6" and a 10" gauge should
pins to allow them to slide when pressed, and then hold them in serve most of your needs. You can buy them at woodmagazine.corn/:
position. Press the tips of the pins against an existing profile, then contourgauges,

60 WOOD magazine October 2018

+-1 -----,-----------------·15"--------------------41
• See the instructions to determine length.

r'%" 1v" 1
fi34'1-------------------------=--:::.:--=--~- -'----=-=.;:

+----------------·12W' -----------------------11
• See the instructions to determine length.

Turn the stretcher and rung [Drawing 4], then mark the centerline between
Dry-assemble the legs and seat, rotating the tenons. Layout the profile dimensions
1 two rung holes to face each other. Mea-
sure for the rung [Photo L] and cut it to length
shown, and turn the profile as you did for
the legs:Form the Vs,shape the cove between
from a 1Y2 X 1Yz" blank. Drill a %" hole %" them, roll the lialfbead into the V,then form
deep centered on one face. the ogee to the tenon. Finish-sand the
2 Turn the rung round, then turn a tenon
on each end [Drawing 3], checking the fit
into the legs. Mark the centerline of the 5 Glue up the stool by assembling the
stretcher, rung, and legs.Immediately glue
rung, and form an ogee to one end. Use a this assembly to the seat, making sure the legs
contour gauge to help you create an identical are fully inserted into the mortises. With the
profile on the other end. stool resting on its seat, place a scrap of ply-
Dry-assemble the seat, legs, and rung, wood on the ends of the legs and weight it.
. measure for the stretcher [Photo M], and
cut it to length from a 1Y2 X 1Yz" blank.
Then wrap the legs with a strap clamp.
After the glue dries, apply a finish. (We
Produced by Craig Ruegsegger
with Brian Simmons

4 Turn the stretcher round, shape a tenon

on each end (note the differing lengths)
used three coats of General Finishes
Arm-R-Seal.) •
Project design: Brian Simmons
Illustrations: Lorna Johnson

Secure two dowels with a rubber band and extend them to the bottom of the leg holes. As you did for the rung, use two dowels to measure for the length of the stretcher.
Tape the dowels to lock them together, then remove a leg to remove your measuring stick.

woodmagazine.com 61
~We gave this shop OSt of us don't think about the install a brighter bulb in a fixture with a
a lighting makeover, lighting in our shops. Instead, we wattage limitation for incandescent bulbs.
replacing incandescent tend to just accept it for what it was • Greater range of light in the color spec-
and fluorescent bulbs the day we moved into the space. But almost trum. (Seethe chart on page 64.)
w~h LEDs, and added every shop can be better lit. And with today's • Unaffected by excessively hot or cold
some new LED fixtures LED technology, better lighting won't put a environments.
to replace older units. big strain on your wallet. • You pay more up front for LEDs, but their
The results speak for Older technologies, such as incandescent longer lifespan-typically 5-20 times longer
themselves. and halogen lights, have nearly disappeared than incandescents, depending on the type
from the market. And fluorescent lighting is and brand of LED-saves money over time.
fading quickly, especially in the home and • Unlike fluorescent lights, LEDs contain
workshop sectors. no mercury, a known carcinogen.

Why you should switch to LED What to know before you buy
LED stands for light-emitting diode, an • Replacement bulbs and tubes. LEDs come
electronic light that requires less electrical in a variety of styles and shapes. Many bulbs
current than other light technologies. With fit screw-in fixtures, so there's no need to
LED lights, you'll enjoy these benefits: buy new fixtures. And LED tubes fit into
• Lower energy consumption equals greater most common fluorescent-light fixtures.
cost savings. A 60-watt-equivalent LED bulb Traditional fluorescent-tube fixtures use
uses only 8-10 watts compared with an ballasts to regulate electric current run-
incandescent bulb. ning to the bulbs, and replacement LED
• Immediate full brightness when turned on. tubes often work fine in fixtures with elec-
• Because LEDs generate little heat, you can tronic ballasts. However, fixtures with
62 WOOD magazine October 2018
A magnetic ballast must be replaced or bypassed to make this fluorescent fixture work
with LED tubes. (The old fluorescent bulbs display the darkened ends common to tubes
about to expire.)

..,~.. ~.

~.'h,~'" ---
. "
••••••• 'H' "S'

Dedicated LED fixtures do not use replaceable tubes, but rather a string of diodes
mounted directly to the fixture,

above. When you bypass the ballast, you

must buy LED tubes rated specifically to
work without ballasts. These typically cost
20-40 percent more and can be more dif-
ficult to find .
• Lumens means light output. LED lights are
rated not by wattage (as with older tech-
older-style magnetic ballasts (top right), nologies), but rather by lumens, the true
will not work with LED tubes. In either measure of a light's output. A typical LED
case, when LED tubes won't work-unfor- screw-in bulb with a light output equiva-
tunately, discovery can be trial and error- lent to a 60-watt incandescent bulb puts out
hire an electrician to replace or bypass the about 800 lumens. Find the lumens rating
ballast, or simply buy a new LED fixture, on the bulb package, shown below.

Brightness/Luminosite BOO lumens

Estimated Yearly Energy Cost $1.02
Couts energetiques annuels estimes
Based on 3 hrs/day, 11¢/kWh, Cost depends on rates and use.
Base sur une consommation de 3h/jour, 11¢/kWh. Les couts
varient selon les tarifs et I'usage.
Life/Dl,Jree de vie
Based on 3 hrs/day/Base
Light Appearance/Allure
sur une consommation de 3h/jour
de la lumlere
10 years/ans
g ::
. Incandescent
:: Incandescence
Warm/Chaude Cool/Froide

--------------------~~ 5000 K
8.5w 60w
Energy Used/Energie consornmee B.5 watts 800 Lumens
lumens 800 Lumens

LED bulb packaging includes lumens and color rating, as well as equivalency reference to other types of bulbs,

woodmagazlne.com 63
For a woodworking shop, a good rule of
thumb is to have 75 lumens per square foot.
So, multiply your shop's square footage by
75, and divide that figure by the fixtures
Range of light in
you have to determine the size bulbs you
need. If you don't like the final lighting
the color spectrum
after converting your shop using this for-
mula, add fixtures or replace some bulbs
with those rated higher or lower in lumens
until you're satisfied. Overcast sky.
• Even white light has color. You might not
notice it, but artificial light ranges in color
from the yellowish-orange tones at the
Ho get the best visual warm end of the spectrum to bluish tones at
perception of how a the cool end (measured in degrees Kelvin,
project will look once shown right). Most living rooms, dining
finished, look at it rooms, and bedrooms feel best with warm LED lights
in the setting where tones in the sub-3000° range. But this can be
it will ultimately be less beneficial in a shop setting. Light in the
located ..Looking at 0
6000 -plus range presents a stark light that
a nlghtstand in a can be unsettling and distort visual percep- CFLs&
bedroom will give you tion of wood tones (which tend to be warm). fluorescent
the most accurate The middle of the spectrum, from 4000° to
depiction of its colors. 5500°,presents "pure white" light that's usu-
ally best for a shop setting. This helps you
accurately read wood tones while still provid-
ing sufficient lighting for fine-detail work. Halogen
Sunlight at
More tip's for better lncahdescent ---e
shop lighting
• Lighten the walls. Painting shop walls and
____ ---=2=OO""O"-O'-"K ~ Candlelight
the ceiling white or another light color
reflects more light back to worksurfaces. By
contrast, dark colors absorb light.
• Watch out for overhead doors. Ceiling light 10000K
fixtures covered by an open overhead door
do you little good. If the natural light com-
ing through the open door isn't enough, add
~ Although you won't extra light fixtures to compensate.
have a dimmer switch • LEDs aim light. Fluorescent tubes project cordless drill, for example, or an LED head-
in the shop, you might light in all directions, so reflective-hooded lamp or visor-clip light-to illuminate
in your house. These fixtures help direct the light downward. LED shadowy work areas that don't warrant Produced by Bob Hunter
fixtures require LED tubes don't require reflective hoods because permanent light fixtures .• Illustration: Lorna Johnson
bulbs specifically rated they project light straight down (or outward,
for use with dimmers. if wall-mounted).
• Consult a pro. Ifyou'renot sure about how to
approach shop lighting, work with a profes-
sionallighting consultant to form a plan. And if
you're not comfortable doing your wiring-or
local codes prohibit it-hire an electrician to
add fixtures or rewire existing ones.
• Check for incentives. Many energy com-
panies offer incentives for switching to
power-saving LEDs throughout your house.
This might make the upgrade-a true bargain.
• Supplement lighting In dark areas. Add
small AC- or battery-powered LED fixtures
beneath wall cabinets (as shown right) or
any structure on the wall or ceiling that
blocks light. Or use portable LED lamps- A small lED mounted under a cabinet illuminates storage bins below it as well as a .
powered by the same battery packs as your benchtop sander. This light has an easy-on/off touch switch.

64 WOOD magazine October 2018

Multi- rain Table
Empty the cutoff bin and
turn out a tremendous table .

.. J: Approximate
en ,

materials cost ake this table uniquely yours, using

~~$60 remnants of past projects, and colored

by whatever species you choose.

for about

- ~ board feet
Q ~ of walnut

66 WOOD magazine October 2018

~~"""v, /!
1 'Iz" fine-thread i
pocket screws

R=8Y2" ,
~~~ L
V,6" round-over #8 x 1%"
5/B" round-over EH.5crew

o PARTS VIEW Tip! Use a fairing stick

fairing) to layout the
curve on one leg. Cut the
leg, then use it as a
pattern to shape the
other three.


Start with a solid base

Cut the legs (A) and stretchers (B) to size
1and shape Cut
[Drawing 1, Materials List].
mating notches in the stretchers [Exploded

2 Cut biscuit slots in the legs and stretch-

ers, then glue the stretchers together.
After the glue dries, glue the legs to this Use the leg cutoffs or cut and scribe wedges from scrap to match the arc on the legs.
assembly [Photo A]. Tape them to the legs to provide parallel clamping surfaces.

Tip! Don't worry about
keeping edges perfectly
flush while building the
3 Cut and sand the bases (C) to size and
shape [Exploded View]. Scribe the bases onto
two pieces of 7Yl x 14%"solid stock for the
blanks. Instead, joint a base trim (D) [Photo B, Drawing 2], marking
surface before·adding the each piece so you can mate them up again.
next piece of scrap. . Cut along the lines and sand for a close fit.
Mark the outer edge [Photo e], cut and sand
the trim to shape, and glue it on [Photo D].

4 Round over the curved edges. of each

trim (D) [Exploded View]. Glue and pocket-
screw the base/trim assemblies flush with
the bottom edges of the stretchers.


! 14314" -------------~-------'----_i
-- ------- ---- ----- ---- ----------- ---- --- -- -- -- --- ---- -- -- ----- -- -- -- - - ----- ---- -- ----- -- -- ------- -- ------ - -- -- -- -- ----- -- -- --------~-- ----- ---- ----------- ---- ------- ------- ----

71f4 lJ


~---------- -- ------- - - -- ---- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - - --- -- -- ---- --- - -- - -- -- -- -- - - - -- -- -- ----- -- -- -- - -- -- -- --- - - ---- -- -- ---- ---------- - - -- -- -- -- - -- -- ---- - - - -- ------- -- - ----- ---- -------
68 WOOD magazine October 2018
Mix up species, thicknesses, and widths in each glue-up, This adds visual interest to the Assemble the glue-ups into one wide blank. Press the bottom edges against the clamp
completed table. bars to provide a flat surface to rest on the planer bed later.

Clean out the scrap bin Builderl. Joint and planethe glue-ups square,
You'll need two blanks at least 2Yzx lOYz x27" then glue them into a wide blank [Photo Fl.
made of glued-up scrap to cover the table. As
you build them up, keep the thickness less
than 3" [Photo El so you can cut the blanks at
2 After the glue dries, plane both faces of
the blanks to bring them to 2Y2" thick.
Crosscut one end square to an edge.
Measure from the top of a base (C) to the.
the tablesaw.

1 For each blank, we ripped and planed

scraps to make four glue-ups about 2%"
3 top of a stretcher (B). Crosscut 16 blocks
to this length.
square, and a fifth about 1x2%" [Photo E, Skill

Make big sticks from little sticks
For this project, make short scrap longer by gluing it end to end,
Rip short, wide boards into narrower strips, and glue the strips
together to get at least 27" of length.

Joint an edge of the glue-up while it is still in the clamps. Rotate the piece and joint other
Gluing other scraps alongside the end-joined pieces on the jointed faces reinforces
faces as needed, the joint If you're attaching other end-joined pieces, stagger he joint lines.

woodmagazine.com 69
4 Glue up the strips to fill out each section
(E) [Photos G-IJ.

Add the finishing touches

Position each section (E) on a base (C)
1 and scribe around them to transfer the
trim (D) curve to the bottom of each section.
Bandsaw and sand to the line.

2 Round over the curved edges of each sec-

tion [Exploded VIew]. Drill and countersink
¥!6" shank holes through the base/trim
(eID), and lis" pilot holes into the sections.
Screw the sections in place (no glue).

3 Sand the top flat and smooth. Apply a

clear finish. (We used Danish oil topped
with lacquer to minimize yellowing the
Tip! Start with 80 grit to
smooth the end grain and
work up to 220 grit.
lighter colored woods.) Now start collecting
Arrange the strips in a chevron pattern. Place parallel strips in the same orientation more scraps for your next table .•
(indicated by the highlighted section of the pattern).
Producedby Craig Ruegseggerwith John Olson
Project design:John Olson
Illustrations: Roxanne LeMoine, Lorna Johnson

Dry-fit the strips and mark lOW' and 11" radii on them. Bandsaw along the 11" radius on
the two inner strips.

Materials List
Part T W l Mati. Qty.
A legs lW' 5W' 23" w 4

B stretchers lW' 3\4" 150/8" w

C bases %11 8W' 8W' Ply 4

D* base trim %11 4W 14W' w 4

E* sections lOW lOW 2W' MS 4

'Parts initially cut oversize.Seethe instructions.

. Materials key: W-walnut, Ply-plywood,MS-miscelianeousscrap.
Supplies: #20 biscuits, #8 x 1W' flathead screws, 1W' fine-thread
Fill in the section with the two cutoffs. Make sure the cutoffs extend beyond the lOW' pocket screws.
radius line. Glue the six pieces together to make a section (E). Blade and bits: Dadoset; 0/8"and \116" round-overrouter bits.

70 WOOD magazine October 2018

ooking for a crystal-clear

finish that's durable, easy to apply,
and doesn't fill your. shop with fumes?
Waterborne (WB) clear wood finish may be the ticket.
Early WB finishes proved troublesome to home woodworkers, often
due to their unfamiliarity. But manufacturers kept improving their
products to meet users' expectations. Now those old objections-they
add moisture to the wood, don't resist water and dampness when dry,
mar easily, and impart a hazy tint to the wood-no longer hold water,

Note: The water in waterborne finishes evaporates

quickly after application; it doesn't soak into the woad,
so it doesn't increase moisture content.
Chemistry makes it clear
Waterborne finishes (also referred to as
water-based) behave like traditional poly-
urethanes-a solvent evaporates and leaves
a tough film of interlocked resin particles-
but the chemistry is more complex with WB
finishes because the resins are not dissolved
directly into the water.
The finishes work well for interior and
furniture finishing, and, generally, equal the
durability of traditional products. They
resist water, but heat can mar the surface.
Some finishes are susceptible to solvents,
which are usually specified on the label.
Cleanup instructions on the can label quickly identify WB
finishes. Soap and water cleanup indicates a WB finish;
Pluses and minuses mineral spirits, an oil-based product.
The absence of VOC (volatile organic com-
pounds) fumes leads the list of advantages Note: Evett though
for WB finishes. Hazardous from health there are no VOC
and fire-safety viewpoints, VOCs found in fumes. its stiUagood
oil-based and lacquer products make Idea to provide
finishing risky in home workshops that lack adequate ventilation
adequate ventilation. WB finishes, on the when appyi/lg WB
other hand, prove safer to apply, even in a finishes indoors.
basement workshop in winter. And you can
clean up with soap and water [Photo AJ.
Generally WB finishes dry more quickly Tipl Add traditional-
than oil-based polyurethanes and dryas finish amber coloration by
close to crystal-clear as any finish available, applying a coat of shellac
adding only slight coloration to the wood before finishing with a
[Photo BJ. That clarity also counts as a draw- clear waterborne product.
back: Many woodworkers value the warm
amber tone that oil-based finishes create.

Waterborne finish can impart several looks, shown on beechwood. The unfinished wood at far left and the finished panel next
to it (three coats of satin sheen applied with a foam brush) appear similar in color. The third panel shows three coats over
super-blonde shellac. At the far right, three coats over dark-cherry water-based stain.

woodmagazine.com 73
Always stir WB finish; shaking creates bubbles that take a long

Sand between coats to give the surface too,thfor the next coat. Sandpaper, sanding sponges, and nylon pads work fine, but do
time to dissipate. Milky·white appearance is normal in the not use steel wool with waterborne finish.
can; the material dries clear on the wood.

Using waterborne finishes into the wood. If the surface looks rough or
Tip! Even though a larger Most dealers carry WB finishes in pints uneven right after application, leave it alone.
can may be more (sometimes half-pints), quarts, gallons, and The finish dries quickly once brushed on, so
economical, buy just aerosol sprays, usually in gloss, semigloss, going back over it just makes it look worse.
enough finish for your satin, and flat sheens. Expect coverage simi- Brush marks disappear and the finish self-
project. That way, you lar to traditional finishes, about 400 sq. ft. levels as it dries.
won't have to store so per gallon. Stir it before every use [Pboto C]. Sanding and applying another coat will
much leftover material Strain material to remove dried or clumped repair any flaws that don't go away with dry-
that may degrade and finish if the can has been partially used. ing. Apply at least three coats to achieve a
have to be discarded. Sand and prepare the wood, as for other high-quality finish. (With reapplication
clear finishes. Some finishers suggest rais- time as little as two hours, you can easily put
ing the grain by applying water to bare wood on three coats in a day.)
first and lightly sanding, but letting the first To apply WB finish over an existing finish
coat of finish raise any grain works just as of any type, clean and scuff-sand the surface
"Before applying well. Then, sand to 220 grit or finer and first. A lightly sanded shellac seal .coat
waterborne finish over apply a second coat [Pbotos'D and fl. Sand to enhances adhesion.
oil-base stain, allow 220 grit for subsequent coats. You can also apply WB finishes with a
the stain to dry at . Apply WB finish with a synthetic-bristle conventional or high-volume, low-pressure
least 48 hours. brush; natural bristles tend to absorb the (HVLP) spray gun. Most products need no
A coat of shellac over water in the finish and become too limp to thinning for spraying, although extender
the stain improves brush well. Many finishers prefer bristles (available from a paint dealer) may be
finish adhesion. made ofTaklon, a polyester filament [Opening required in hot or dry conditions. Check the
photo]. Foam brushes work surprisingly well can label or the manufacturer's website for
for WB finishes, too, and can be thrown nozzle and pressure recommendations.
away after use. Clean brushes or spray equipment with
Lay on the finish with long, wet brush- soap and water [Plloto f]. Rags used during
strokes along the wood grain, maintaining a finishing and cleanup pose no fire hazard
wet edge. Minimize brushing: Let the finish and can be thrown in the trash-another
sit on the surface rather than try to scrub it advantage over oil finishes.
74 WOOD magazine October 2018

Thoroughly clean off sanding dust to ensure a smooth finish. Rely on a tack cloth or damp rag to pick up the particles rather
Clean brushes with dish detergent and water. Work the suds into
than just spread them around. the bristles, rinse the brush thoroughly with running water,
and pat it dry with paper towels.

Storage and disposal

Store finish in its original can or a tightly
lidded glass or plastic container marked to SHOPT"
show its contents. Keep the product from Punch the can rim to avoid a mess later
freezing. If it does freeze, put some drops on When you open a new can of finish, punch three or four equally
a piece of glass or metal to see if the finish spaced holes in the bottom of the lid groove with a finish nail
dries within an hour or so. If it doesn't, (plastic cans only; metal ones will rust). This allows material to
discard the finish. Discard finish that's flow back into the can rather than collect in the groove.
stringy, gummy, or smells sour.
Dispose of empty, dried cans in house-
hold trash. If a small amount remains in a
can, leave the lid off to let the contents dry;
or spread the leftover finish on newspaper or
cardboard and let it dry. Check with local
waste disposal authorities about disposing
oflarger undried quantities .•
Produced by LarryJohnston

woodmagazine.com 75

All charged up and

ready to cut
In addition to the 10" sliding mitersaws
reviewed on page 44, we put every other
battery-powered mitersaw to the test.
With blades ranging from 6Y2" to 12" and
requiring one battery pack or two, these
saws proved more capable than expected.
They have the power to crosscut dense
hardwoods, and the runtime to last a week
or more in a woodshop, or a half day of
heavy use.

DeWalt DCS361M1 7M" compound

sliding mitersaw. $400
~ 2x4 crosscuts per charge: 187
~ Why buy: LED cutline
indicator, easy adjustments
~ Includes one 20-volt 5.0
amp-hour battery pack and
~ Without charger or battery
(DCS361B), $270
800-433-9258, dewalt.com

~ Read more in-depth

<, Makita XSl02Z 71f2"dual-compound sliding mitersaw. $540
reviews of these mitersaws
DeWalt DHS716AT212" dual-compound (without charger or battery) and other tools.
mitersaw. $650 ~ 2x4 crosscuts per charge: 474
~ 2x4 crosscuts per charge: 365, ~ Why buy: compact, lightweight (27 Ibs), longest runtime, best blade, easy adjustments
~ Two 18-volt 5.0 amp-hour battery packs and dual-port charger, $260 mttersawrevtews
~ Why buy: large cut capacities,
long runtime, LED 800-462-5482, makitatools.com
cutline indicator,
easy adjustments,
electric adapter Makita XSl05Z 61f2"compound mitersaw. Ridgid R48607K 7M" dual-compound
~ Includes two
$500 (without charger or battery) sliding mitersaw. $400
~ 2 x 4 crosscuts per charge: 312 ~ 2x4 crosscuts per charge: 338
60-volt 6.0 amp-hour
~ Why buy: compact and lightweight ~ Why buy: lowest-priced slider, long
battery packs and
(14Ibs), best for small trim boards runtime
dual-port charger
~ One 18-volt 5.0 ~ Includes one
~ Without charger or battery (DHS716AB), $450
800-433-9258, dewalt.com
amp-hour battery pack 18-volt 5.0 amp-hour ----'W;...:
and dual-port charger, battery pack and
$160 charger
800-462-5482, 866-539-1710,
DeWalt DHS790AT212" dual-compound makitatools.com ridgidpowertools.com
sliding mitersaw. $800 .
~ 2x4 crosscuts per charge: 335
~ Why buy: largest cut capacities,
long runtime, LED cutline ~
Milwaukee 2733-21 7M" dual-compound Ryobi P552 7Y4"compound mitersaw. $100
indicator, easy /i};;: sliding mitersaw. $500 (without charger or battery)
adjustments, ·J,ff ~ 2x4 crosscuts per charge: 333 ~ 2x4 crosscuts per charge: 176
electric adapter r - ~ Why buy: long runtime, LED ~ Why buy: good performer for the lowest price
included cutline indicator, easy ~ One 18-volt 4.0 amp-hour battery pack
~ Includes two adjustments (P108), $99; charger (P117),
60-volt 6.0 ~ Includes one 18-volt 5.0 $40
amp-hour battery amp-hour battery pack and 800-525-2579,
packs and dual-port charger ryobitools.com
charger ~ Without charger or
~ Without charger or battery (DHS790AB), $600 battery (2733-20), $400
800-433-9258, dewalt.com 800-729-3878, milwaukeetool.com

78 continued on page 80 WOOD magazine October 2018


Two new router lifts raise routing to new heights

-Tested by Tom Brumback

All-inclusive lift proves versatile and exceptional

Precision Router Lift, no. PRS5000, $300
Kreg really hit a home run with this lift. For starters, its 9\4xll%" aluminum plate fits most
router tables on the market. And it accommodates every router motor we tried-13 different
models-without having to buy extra adapters.
The 16-threads-per-inch (tpi) leadscrew enables smooth and fine bit-height adjustment
(Y16" per turn) yet doesn't take an annoyingly long time to raise the motor for above-the-table
bit changes. Out of the box, it demonstrated almost no backlash in the screw mechanism, but
has an adjuster to counter backlash should it occur. You lock the lift
in position from above the table with the same wrench you use for
height adjustments. And the adjuster ring can be zeroed for micro-
adjustments as fine as .001".
Still, I wish the plate had leveling screws built into it, as well as
"snugger" pins to make it fit tightly in the plate opening. It comes
with three bit-opening reducing rings and wrench, and a starter pin.

Kreg Tool Co.

800-447-8638, kregtool.com

Innovative features deserve a tip of the cap

Pro Lift router lift, no. 52429, $370
This RockIer lift has a pair of really cool features. First, the Pro Lift
uses two separate mechanisms to raise and lower the carriage: The
Quick Gear makes coarse adjustments quickly for changing bits or
setting an approximate bit height, and the leadscrew fine-tunes the bit
height. Both operate with the same wrench. And the second feature:
pop-out reducer rings. Simply push a button to pop the aluminum
ring out, and it snaps in place just as easily.Nice!
But a few low points make you work (and think) a little harder. The
fine-adjust leadscrew raises or lowers the bit Ys" with each turn (8 tpi).
Given the ability of the Quick Gear to mark large adjustments, we'd
prefer a finer leadscrew (such as 16tpi) for better rnicroadjusting. You
still have to reach beneath the table to lock the carriage in place, an
inconvenience. And tweaking the backlash adjuster to minimize back-
lash made it difficult to operate the Quick Gear. Like the Kreg lift, it
lacks leveling screws and snuggers.
The Pro Lift fits only 'one router out of the box (the 3-hp Porter-
Cable 7518, a $350 router). But $lO adapter rings fit the following
router motors: Bosch 1617EVS,Craftsman 27680 and27683, DeWalt
DW616 and DW618, Hitachi MV12VC, Makita RFllOl, and Porter-
Cable 690 and 890. Other router motors we tried did not fit.
The Pro Lift comes on an 8\4xllW aluminumplate, which fits
Rockler tables. RockIer plans to sell a version with a 9\4xllW plate
to fit other tables.

Rockier Woodworking & Hardware

800-279-4441, rockler.com

80 continued on page 82 WOOD magazine October 2018


. 8Y4"tablesaw, no. 2736-21HD (with battery), $549

This saw uses a brushless motor and single 18-volt battery pack to power the blade. It comes with Milwaukee's.
new 12 amp-hour pack, which the company says helps the saw cut 600 linear feet of '12" oriented-strand board
(OS8). (You can also use smaller Milwaukee 18-volt battery packs, according to the company, but with less
runtime.) The saw has 241/2" of rip capacity with a rack-and-pinion rip fence. And it has Milwaukee's One-Key
feature that lets you monitor the saw's location and its performance via a smartphone app. (A bare-tool option
without battery and charger will be available in January 2019.)

Milwaukee Tool
800-729-3878, milwaukeetool.com

B&ra PGrtamafe s damps

Available in the following lengths: 12" ($37), 24" ($42), 31"
($44),40" ($47), and 50" ($52)
Featuring 3W'-tall, 1%"-wide jaws, these clamps
come in common sizes for most woodworking

Bora Portamate
866-588-0395, portamate.com

82 WOOD magazine October 2018


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Belter Homes & Gardens' WOOO' magazine (ISSN-074H94X); October 2018, Volume 35, No.5, is published 7 times a year in March, May, July, Sept, Ott, Nov, DeelJan by Meredith Corporation, 1716 Locust Street, Des Moines, IA 50309-)023. Periodicals postage paid at Des Moines, lA, and at additional mailing offices. Subscription prices: 529.99 per
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