Bearing Properties

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Tapered roller bearings can transmit both radial and axial loads and are commonly used in applications requiring high axial loads. They have a modified line contact that eliminates edge stressing and can accommodate misalignment. Standards and design details are provided.

Tapered roller bearings can accommodate high radial and axial loads. They are often used when high axial loads are present, such as in applications involving thrust forces. They can also transmit loads in one direction only, so usually a second bearing is needed for counterguidance.

Tapered roller bearings have standards defined in DIN ISO 355 and DIN 720. There are two coding systems - the previous DIN 720 code and the current DIN ISO 355 code. Tolerances are also discussed, with basic design bearings having a normal tolerance class.

FAG Tapered Roller Bearings FAG Tapered Roller Bearings

Standards · Basic design · Codes · Alignment · Tolerances · Bearing clearance · Speed suitability ·
Heat treatment · Cages

Tapered roller bearings are separable; the cone with Tolerances

the roller and cage assembly and the cup can be Tapered roller bearings of the basic design have a
mounted separately. The modified line contact be- normal tolerance (tolerance class PN). Bearings of
tween rollers and raceways eliminates edge stress- series 320X, 329, 330, 331 and 332 with bore di-
ing. Tapered roller bearings accommodate high ra- ameters of up to 200 mm have the narrow width
dial and axial loads. As tapered roller bearings can tolerances of tolerance class P6X (no suffix). Larg-
transmit axial loads only in one direction, a sec- er bearings of these series and the bearings of the
ond, symmetrically arranged tapered roller bearing other series, have the width tolerances of tolerance
is usually needed for counterguidance. class PN.
On request, tapered roller bearings are also avail-
Standards able with an increased precision, for example,
Tapered roller bearings in metric dimensions some sizes of series 320X with tolerance class P5.
DIN ISO 355 and DIN 720 These bearings are suffixed P5.
Basic design Tapered roller bearings in metric dimensions,
Tapered roller bearings can transmit radial and page 64.
axial forces. Due to their particularly large contact
angle tapered roller bearings of series 313 are in-
tended for high axial loads. Tapered roller bearings Bearing clearance
of series 323B also have a larger contact angle. The axial clearance of tapered roller bearings is set
on mounting by adjusting it against another

Speed suitability
General data on the suitability for high speeds are
shown on page 87 et seq.
Under appropriate operating conditions, the ref-
erence speed may be exceeded up to the value for
the limiting speed. Special operating conditions
are taken into consideration by determining the
thermally permissible operating speed.
For restrictions with matched bearings see
There are two codes for tapered roller bearings in page 324.
metric dimensions listed in the dimension tables.
Both the previously used code for tapered roller
bearings according to DIN 720 and the code Heat treatment
according to DIN ISO 355 are indicated. The FAG tapered roller bearings are heat-treated in
codes in DIN ISO 355 are explained on page 51. such a way that they can be used at operating
temperatures of up to 120 °C.
Bearings with an outside diameter of D > 90 mm
Alignment are dimensionally stable up to 150 °C and bear-
The modified line contact between the tapered ings with D > 120 mm are dimensionally stable
rollers and the raceways eliminates edge stressing up to 200 °C.
and allows the tapered roller bearings to align. For
single row tapered roller bearings, a maximum an-
gular alignment of 4 angular minutes is admissi- Cages
ble at a load ratio P/C  0.2 (P = equivalent dy- FAG tapered roller bearings have pressed steel
namic load [kN], C = dynamic load rating [kN]). cages. The cages slightly project laterally; this
If higher loads or greater misalignments have to must be taken into account for mounting (see
be accommodated, please consult FAG. abutment dimensions in the bearing tables).

FAG 322 323 FAG

FAG Tapered Roller Bearings FAG Tapered Roller Bearings
Matched bearings · Inch dimensions Dynamic load rating · Equivalent loads

Matched bearings Inch dimensions Dynamic load rating C for tapered roller bearing Bearings matched according to the FAG specifica-
Tapered roller bearings are matched, in accord- FAG tapered roller bearings in metric dimensions pairs tion N11CA:
ance with the FAG specification N11CA, to pairs should be preferred for new designs. FAG also If two tapered roller bearings of identical size and Fa
in X arrangement. The axial clearance of the bear- offer tapered roller bearings in inch dimensions; a design are installed immediately side by side, P = Fr + Y · Fa [kN] for e
ing pair is set by a spacer between the cups; the selection is listed in this catalogue. either in O arrangement or in X arrangement, the Fr
amount of axial clearance is indicated by the suf- Tolerances of tapered roller bearings in inch di- load rating of the bearing pair
fix. For example, A80.120 means that the un- Fa
mensions, page 68. C = 1.715 · Csingle bearing [kN] P = 0.67 · Fr + Y · Fa [kN] for e
mounted bearing pair has an axial clearance of 80 Fr
to 120 µm. Contrary to metric bearings, the bores and out- The tables list the load ratings for tapered roller
side diameters of inch-size bearings have plus tol- bearing pairs matched according to the FAG spec-
The operating speeds reached by bearing pairs is erances. The general guidelines for fits (pages 105 ification N11CA. For Fr and Fa, the forces acting on the bearing pair
about 20 % below the permissible operating and 110) are applicable; the tolerances of housing have to be used. Y and e apply to the bearing pair.
speed calculated for the single bearings. The lim- and shafts indicated for metric bearings, however,
iting speed can be reached also with bearing pairs, must be converted in order to reach the same Equivalent dynamic load
provided the operating conditions take into ac- character of fit. Single bearing: Determining the axial loads acting on a single
count the less favourable heat balance of the pair. Fa bearing
P = Fr [kN] for e
The total width tolerances of FAG tapered roller Fr Due to the inclination of the raceways a radial
bearings paired according to N11CA are obtained load induces axial reaction forces in tapered roller
from the axial clearance and the width deviation Fa bearings which have to be taken into account in
∆Ts of the single bearings (see page 64). P = 0.4 · Fr + Y · Fa [kN] for e the determination of the equivalent load. The
Fr axial load is calculated by means of the formulas
When ordering matched tapered roller bearings,
please state the number of individual bearings, in the table next page. The bearing which accom-
not the number of bearing pairs. If single row tapered roller bearings are used, the modates – independent of the external axial reac-
axial reaction forces have to be taken into account tion forces – the external axial load Ka is designat-
(table on page 326). Y and e are indicated in the ed "A", the other one "B".
bearing tables. In load cases for which no formulas are indicated,
the axial load Fa is not taken into account.
Bearing pair in O or X arrangement:
P = Fr + 1.12 · Y · Fa [kN] for e

313N11CA P = 0.67 · Fr + 1.68 · Y · Fa [kN] for e

For Fr and Fa, the forces acting on the bearing pair

have to be used. Y and e can be taken from the
bearing tables for single row bearings.

FAG 324 325 FAG

FAG Tapered Roller Bearings FAG Tapered Roller Bearings
Equivalent loads Static load rating · Equivalent loads · Abutment dimensions · Suffixes

Static load rating C0 for tapered roller bearing Abutment dimensions

A B B A pairs See page 123 for general information on the abut-
If two tapered roller bearings of identical size and ment dimensions.
design are installed immediately side by side, ei- The tables list the maximum fillet radius rg and
ther in O arrangement or in X arrangement, the the diameters of the abutment shoulders.
Ka Ka load rating of the bearing pair
The cages slightly project laterally; this must be
C0 = 2 · C0 single bering [kN] taken into account for mounting. To prevent their
The tables list the load ratings for tapered roller grazing the mating surface, the lateral minimum
Load conditions Axial load Fa to be considered in calculating bearing pairs matched according to the FAG spec- distances a1 and a2 are shown in the dimension
the equivalent dynamic load
Bearing A Bearing B ification N11CA. tables.

 rB Fa = Ka + 0.5 ·

Equivalent static load
Single bearing: Suffixes
Fa 1 A changed internal design
 rB P0 = Fr [kN] for 
YA YB Fr 2 · Y0 A...N11CA axial clearance A in µm · two
Fa = Ka + 0.5 ·
– X arranged tapered roller bearings,
Fa 1 with spacers between the cups
Ka  0.5 · rA  rB
YB ) P0 = 0.5 · Fr + Y0 · Fa [kN] for
2 · Y0 B increased contact angle
X outer dimensions adapted to
international standards
– Fa = 0.5 ·
 Ka If single row tapered roller bearings are used, axial
YA reaction forces (see table) have to be taken into
(F F
Ka  0.5 · rA  rB
YA YB ) account. Y0 is indicated in the bearing tables.

Bearing pair in O or X arrangement:

P0 = Fr + 2 · Y0 · Fa [kN]

The values YA and YB are shown in the bearing tables. The axial load Fa is not taken into account in load cases for which
formulas are not given. For Fr and Fa, the forces acting on the bearing pair
have to be used. Y0 can be taken from the bearing
tables for single row bearings.
Bearings which are matched according to the
FAG specification N11CA:
P0 = Fr + Y0 · Fa [kN]
For Fr and Fa, the forces acting on the bearing pair
have to be used. Y0 applies to the bearing pair.

FAG 326 327 FAG

FAG Tapered Roller Bearings Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
C a1 a2
r4s rg3,4

D d J
a D3 D1 D2 D4

Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limit- Refer- Code Abutment dimensions
 ing ence
dyn. stat. speed speed
d D B C T r1s, r2s r3s, r4s a J C e Y C0 Y0 Bearing D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 a1 a2 rg1, rg2 rg3, rg4
min min   DIN max min min max min min min max max
mm kg kN kN min FAG ISO 355 mm

15 15 35 11 10 11.75 0.6 0.6 10 26 0.057 12.5 0.46 1.31 11.8 0.72 24000 15000 30202 20 19 29 29 32 2 1.5 0.6 0.6

15 42 13 11 14.25 1 1 10 28.1 0.098 23.2 0.29 2.11 20.8 1.16 20000 13000 30302A T2FB015 22 21 36 36 38 2 3 1 1

17 17 40 12 11 13.25 1 1 10 28.8 0.082 19.3 0.35 1.74 19 0.96 20000 13000 30203A T2DB017 23 23 34 34 37 2 2 1 1
17 40 16 14 17.25 1 1 11 28.7 0.108 29 0.31 1.92 30 1.06 20000 11000 32203A T2DD017 22 23 34 34 37 3 3 1 1

17 47 14 12 15.25 1 1 10 31.8 0.133 28 0.29 2.11 25 1.16 18000 11000 30303A T2FB017 25 23 40 41 42 2 3 1 1
17 47 19 16 20.25 1 1 12 31.5 0.182 36.5 0.29 2.11 36.5 1.16 18000 11000 32303A T2FD017 24 23 39 41 43 3 4 1 1

20 20 42 15 12 15 0.6 0.6 10 33 0.108 24 0.37 1.6 29 0.88 18000 9500 32004X T3CC020 25 25 36 37 39 3 3 0.6 0.6

20 47 14 12 15.25 1 1 11 34.2 0.013 27.5 0.35 1.74 27.5 0.96 17000 11000 30204A T2DB020 27 26 40 41 43 2 3 1 1

20 52 15 13 16.25 1.5 1.5 11 36.1 0.188 34.5 0.3 2 33.5 1.1 15000 10000 30304A T2FB020 28 27 44 45 47 2 3 1.5 1.5
20 52 15 11 16.25 1.5 1.5 16 37.8 0.174 31 0.73 0.82 30.5 0.45 14000 9500 31304 27 27 40 45 48 3 5 1.5 1.5
20 52 21 18 22.25 1.5 1.5 14 35.3 0.269 46.5 0.3 2 48 1.1 15000 9500 32304A T2FD020 27 27 43 45 47 3 4 1.5 1.5

25 25 47 15 11.5 15 0.6 0.6 12 38 0.12 26.5 0.43 1.39 34 0.77 15000 8000 32005X T4CC025 30 30 40 42 44 3 3.5 0.6 0.6

25 52 15 13 16.25 1 1 13 38.5 0.16 32.5 0.37 1.6 35.5 0.88 14000 9500 30205A T3CC025 31 31 44 46 48 2 3 1 1
25 52 18 16 19.25 1 1 14 40.2 0.188 40.5 0.36 1.67 45 0.92 14000 8500 32205A T2CD025 31 31 44 46 49 3 3 1 1
25 52 22 18 22 1 1 14 39.6 0.223 49 0.35 1.71 58.5 0.94 14000 7500 33205 T2DE025 30 31 43 46 49 4 4 1 1

25 62 17 15 18.25 1.5 1.5 13 42.3 0.289 47.5 0.3 2 46.5 1.1 13000 8500 30305A T2FB025 34 32 54 55 57 2 3 1.5 1.5
25 62 17 13 18.25 1.5 1.5 20 46.3 0.297 38 0.83 0.73 39 0.4 12000 8500 31305A T7FB025 34 32 47 55 59 3 5 1.5 1.5
25 62 24 20 25.25 1.5 1.5 16 42.3 0.362 63 0.3 2 65.5 1.1 13000 8000 32305A T2FD025 33 32 53 55 57 3 5 1.5 1.5

28 28 52 16 12 16 1 1 13 41 0.156 34 0.43 1.39 40.5 0.77 13000 7000 320/28X T4CC028 33 34 45 46 49 3 4 1 1

30 30 55 17 13 17 1 1 14 44.1 0.195 39 0.43 1.39 47.5 0.77 13000 7000 32006X T4CC030 35 36 48 49 52 3 4 1 1

30 62 16 14 17.25 1 1 14 45.5 0.237 44 0.37 1.6 49 0.88 12000 7500 30206A T3DB030 37 36 53 56 57 2 3 1 1
30 62 20 17 21.25 1 1 16 45.9 0.274 54 0.37 1.6 63 0.88 12000 7000 32206A T3DC030 37 36 52 56 59 3 4 1 1
30 62 25 19.5 25 1 1 16 46.1 0.394 65.5 0.34 1.76 78 0.97 11000 6700 33206 T2DE030 36 36 53 56 59 5 5.5 1 1

30 72 19 16 20.75 1.5 1.5 15 49.3 0.445 60 0.31 1.9 61 1.05 10000 7500 30306A T2FB030 40 37 62 65 66 3 4.5 1.5 1.5
30 72 19 14 20.75 1.5 1.5 24 54 0.441 45.5 0.83 0.73 47.5 0.4 10000 7500 31306A T7FB030 40 37 55 65 68 3 6.5 1.5 1.5
30 72 27 23 28.75 1.5 1.5 18 49.3 0.587 81.5 0.31 1.9 90 1.05 10000 7000 32306A T2FD030 39 37 59 65 66 4 5.5 1.5 1.5

32 32 58 17 13 17 1 1 14 46.5 0.188 40 0.45 1.32 50 0.73 12000 6300 320/32X T4CC032 38 38 50 52 55 3 4 1 1

35 35 62 18 14 18 1 1 15 50 0.225 46.5 0.45 1.32 58.5 0.73 11000 6000 32007X T4CC035 40 41 54 56 59 4 4 1 1

35 72 17 15 18.25 1.5 1.5 15 52.6 0.334 54 0.37 1.6 60 0.88 10000 6700 30207A T3DB035 44 42 62 65 67 3 3 1.5 1.5
35 72 23 19 24.25 1.5 1.5 18 53.9 0.482 71 0.37 1.6 85 0.88 10000 6000 32207A T3DC035 43 42 61 65 67 3 5.5 1.5 1.5
35 72 28 22 28 1.5 1.5 18 53 0.585 86.5 0.35 1.7 106 0.93 10000 5600 33207 T2DE035 42 42 61 65 68 5 6 1.5 1.5

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 328 329 FAG
FAG Tapered Roller Bearings Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
C a1 a2
r4s rg3,4

D d J
a D3 D1 D2 D4

Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limit- Refer- Code Abutment dimensions
 ing ence
dyn. stat. speed speed
d D B C T r1s, r2s r3s, r4s a J C e Y C0 Y0 Bearing D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 a1 a2 rg1, rg2 rg3, rg4
min min   DIN max min min max min min min max max
mm kg kN kN min FAG ISO 355 mm

35 35 80 21 18 22.75 2 1.5 16 55.2 0.573 73.5 0.31 1.9 76.5 1.05 9500 6700 30307A T2FB035 45 44 70 71 74 3 4.5 2 1.5
35 80 21 15 22.75 2 1.5 26 59.9 0.582 60 0.83 0.73 65.5 0.4 9000 6300 31307A T7FB035 44 44 62 71 76 4 7.5 2 1.5
35 80 31 25 32.75 2 1.5 20 55.2 0.741 100 0.31 1.9 114 1.05 9500 6300 32307A T2FE035 44 44 66 71 74 4 7.5 2 1.5
35 80 31 25 32.75 2 1.5 25 59.8 0.802 96.5 0.55 1.1 118 0.6 9000 6300 32307B T5FE035 42 44 61 71 76 4 7.5 2 1.5

40 40 68 19 14.5 19 1 1 15 55 0.312 54 0.38 1.58 71 0.87 10000 5600 32008XA T3CD040 46 46 60 62 65 4 4.5 1 1

40 75 26 20.5 26 1.5 1.5 18 58.7 0.546 80 0.36 1.69 104 0.93 9000 5300 33108 T2CE040 47 47 65 68 71 4 5.5 1.5 1.5

40 80 18 16 19.75 1.5 1.5 17 58.4 0.42 62 0.37 1.6 68 0.88 9000 6000 30208A T3DB040 49 47 69 73 74 3 3.5 1.5 1.5
40 80 23 19 24.75 1.5 1.5 19 60 0.555 80 0.37 1.6 95 0.88 9000 5300 32208A T3DC040 48 47 68 73 75 3 5.5 1.5 1.5
40 80 32 25 32 1.5 1.5 21 60.1 0.736 106 0.36 1.68 134 0.92 8500 5300 33208 T2DE040 47 47 67 73 76 5 7 1.5 1.5

40 90 23 20 25.25 2 1.5 20 63.3 0.812 91.5 0.35 1.74 102 0.96 8000 6000 30308A T2FB040 52 49 77 81 82 3 5 2 1.5
40 90 23 17 25.25 2 1.5 30 68.2 0.8 76.5 0.83 0.73 83 0.4 7500 6000 31308A T7FB040 51 49 71 81 86 4 8 2 1.5
40 90 33 27 35.25 2 1.5 23 63.3 1.03 120 0.35 1.74 146 0.96 8000 5600 32308A T2FD040 50 49 73 81 82 4 8 2 1.5
40 90 33 27 35.25 2 1.5 28 67 1.18 122 0.55 1.1 150 0.6 7500 5600 32308B T5FD040 50 49 69 81 85 4 8 2 1.5

45 45 75 20 15.5 20 1 1 17 62 0.329 61 0.39 1.53 86.5 0.84 9000 5000 32009XA T3CC045 51 51 67 69 72 4 4.5 1 1
45 75 24 19 24 1 1 16 60.5 0.432 72 0.29 2.04 104 1.12 9000 4800 33009 T2CE045 51 51 67 69 71 4 5 1 1

45 80 26 20.5 26 1.5 1.5 19 63.8 0.526 85 0.38 1.57 116 0.86 8500 4800 33109 T3CE045 52 52 69 73 77 4 5.5 1.5 1.5

45 85 19 16 20.75 1.5 1.5 18 64 0.47 71 0.4 1.48 83 0.81 8000 5600 30209A T3DB045 54 52 74 78 80 3 4.5 1.5 1.5
45 85 23 19 24.75 1.5 1.5 20 64.8 0.57 83 0.4 1.48 100 0.81 8000 5000 32209A T3DC045 53 52 73 78 80 3 5.5 1.5 1.5
45 85 32 25 32 1.5 1.5 22 66.2 0.895 108 0.39 1.56 146 0.86 8000 4800 33209 T3DE045 52 52 72 78 81 5 7 1.5 1.5

45 95 26.5 20 29 2.5 2.5 33 73.8 0.933 90 0.87 0.69 110 0.38 7000 5600 T7FC045 T7FC045 53 59 71 83 91 5 9 2.5 2.5

45 100 25 22 27.25 2 1.5 21 70.7 1 112 0.35 1.74 127 0.96 7000 5300 30309A T2FB045 59 54 86 91 92 3 5 2 1.5
45 100 25 18 27.25 2 1.5 32 75.8 0.998 96.5 0.83 0.73 110 0.4 6700 5300 31309A T7FB045 56 54 79 91 95 4 9 2 1.5
45 100 36 30 38.25 2 1.5 25 71.1 1.43 156 0.35 1.74 193 0.96 7000 5000 32309A T2FD045 56 54 82 91 93 4 8 2 1.5
45 100 36 30 38.25 2 1.5 30 74.2 1.48 146 0.55 1.1 190 0.6 7000 5000 32309BA T5FD045 55 54 76 91 94 5 8 2 1.5

50 50 80 20 15.5 20 1 1 18 67.5 0.386 64 0.42 1.42 95 0.78 8000 4500 32010X T3CC050 56 56 72 74 77 4 4.5 1 1
50 80 24 19 24 1 1 17 65.8 0.47 75 0.32 1.9 114 1.04 8000 4300 33010 T2CE050 56 56 72 74 76 4 5 1 1

50 85 26 20 26 1.5 1.5 20 69.1 0.604 86.5 0.41 1.46 122 0.8 7500 4300 33110 T3CE050 56 57 74 78 82 4 6 1.5 1.5

50 90 20 17 21.75 1.5 1.5 20 68.8 0.543 80 0.42 1.43 96.5 0.79 7500 5000 30210A T3DB050 58 57 79 83 85 3 4.5 1.5 1.5
50 90 23 19 24.75 1.5 1.5 21 70 0.602 88 0.42 1.43 110 0.79 7500 4500 32210A T3DC050 58 57 78 83 85 3 5.5 1.5 1.5
50 90 32 24.5 32 1.5 1.5 23 71.8 0.971 114 0.41 1.45 163 0.8 7000 4500 33210 T3DE050 57 57 77 83 87 5 7.5 1.5 1.5

50 105 29 22 32 3 3 36 81.3 1.21 108 0.87 0.69 137 0.38 6300 5300 T7FC050 T7FC050 59 65 78 91 100 5 10 3 3

50 110 27 23 29.25 2.5 2 23 77.6 1.38 132 0.35 1.74 150 0.96 6300 5000 30310A T2FB050 65 60 95 100 102 4 6 2.5 2
50 110 27 19 29.25 2.5 2 35 81.4 2.9 112 0.83 0.73 127 0.4 6300 4800 31310A T7FB050 62 60 87 100 104 4 10 2.5 2
50 110 40 33 42.25 2.5 2 29 78 1.9 186 0.35 1.74 236 0.96 6300 4800 32310A T2FD050 62 60 90 100 102 5 9 2.5 2
50 110 40 33 42.25 2.5 2 33 82.6 1.9 166 0.55 1.1 224 0.6 6300 4800 32310B T5FD050 60 60 83 100 103 5 9 2.5 2

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 330 331 FAG
FAG Tapered Roller Bearings Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
C a1 a2
r4s rg3,4

D d J
a D3 D1 D2 D4

Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limit- Refer- Code Abutment dimensions
 ing ence
dyn. stat. speed speed
d D B C T r1s, r2s r3s, r4s a J C e Y C0 Y0 Bearing D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 a1 a2 rg1, rg2 rg3, rg4
min min   DIN max min min max min min min max max
mm kg kN kN min FAG ISO 355 mm

55 55 90 23 17.5 23 1.5 1.5 20 75.8 0.64 81.5 0.41 1.48 118 0.81 7000 4300 32011X T3CC055 63 62 81 83 86 4 5.5 1.5 1.5
55 90 27 21 27 1.5 1.5 19 74.2 0.673 93 0.31 1.92 143 1.06 7000 4000 33011 T2CE055 63 62 81 83 86 5 6 1.5 1.5

55 95 30 23 30 1.5 1.5 22 76.2 0.894 114 0.37 1.6 163 0.88 6700 4000 33111 T3CE055 62 62 83 88 91 5 7 1.5 1.5

55 100 21 18 22.75 2 1.5 21 75.3 0.804 91.5 0.4 1.48 108 0.81 6700 4800 30211A T3DB055 64 64 88 91 94 4 4.5 2 1.5
55 100 25 21 26.75 2 1.5 23 76.2 0.872 110 0.4 1.48 137 0.81 6700 4300 32211A T3DC055 63 64 87 91 95 4 5.5 2 1.5
55 100 35 27 35 2 1.5 26 78.8 1.17 137 0.4 1.5 196 0.83 6700 4000 33211 T3DE055 62 64 85 91 96 6 8 2 1.5

55 115 31 23.5 34 3 3 40 89.3 1.8 129 0.87 0.69 166 0.38 5600 4800 T7FC055 T7FC055 65 72 86 101 109 5 10.5 3 3

55 120 29 25 31.5 2.5 2 25 84.7 1.8 153 0.35 1.74 176 0.96 6000 4500 30311A T2FB055 71 65 104 110 111 4 6.5 2.5 2
55 120 29 21 31.5 2.5 2 39 88 1.57 125 0.83 0.73 140 0.4 5600 4500 31311A T7FB055 68 65 94 110 113 4 10.5 2.5 2
55 120 43 35 45.5 2.5 2 30 85 2.33 212 0.35 1.74 270 0.96 6000 4300 32311A T2FD055 68 65 99 110 111 5 10.5 2.5 2
55 120 43 35 45.5 2.5 2 36 89.6 2.47 196 0.55 1.1 270 0.6 5600 4300 32311B T5FD055 65 65 91 110 112 5 10.5 2.5 2

60 60 95 23 17.5 23 1.5 1.5 21 80 0.68 83 0.43 1.39 125 0.77 6700 4000 32012X T4CC060 67 67 85 88 91 4 5.5 1.5 1.5
60 95 27 21 27 1.5 1.5 20 79 0.73 96.5 0.33 1.83 150 1.01 6700 3800 33012 T2CE060 67 67 85 88 90 5 6 1.5 1.5

60 100 30 23 30 1.5 1.5 23 81.3 1.01 116 0.4 1.51 173 0.83 6300 3800 33112 T3CE060 67 67 88 93 96 5 7 1.5 1.5

60 110 22 19 23.75 2 1.5 22 82.3 0.919 104 0.4 1.48 122 0.81 6300 4300 30212A T3EB060 70 69 96 101 103 4 4.5 2 1.5
60 110 28 24 29.75 2 1.5 24 82.8 1.14 134 0.4 1.48 170 0.81 6000 4000 32212A T3EC060 69 69 95 101 104 4 5.5 2 1.5
60 110 38 29 38 2 1.5 28 85.3 1.5 170 0.4 1.48 240 0.82 6000 3800 33212 T3EE060 69 69 93 101 105 6 9 2 1.5

60 115 39 33 40 2.5 2.5 28 86.1 1.85 190 0.33 1.8 255 0.99 6000 3800 T2EE060 T2EE060 70 73 98 103 108 7 7 2.5 2.5

60 125 33.5 26 37 3 3 42 96.3 2.05 153 0.82 0.73 200 0.4 5300 4500 T7FC060 T7FC060 71 78 94 111 119 6 11 3 3

60 130 31 26 33.5 3 2.5 26 92.1 2.05 176 0.35 1.74 204 0.96 5300 4300 30312A T2FB060 77 72 112 118 120 5 7.5 3 2.5
60 130 31 22 33.5 3 2.5 41 95.4 2.17 146 0.83 0.73 170 0.4 5300 4300 31312A T7FB060 73 72 103 118 123 5 11.5 3 2.5
60 130 46 37 48.5 3 2.5 32 92.1 3.19 245 0.35 1.74 310 0.96 5300 4000 32312A T2FD060 74 72 107 118 120 6 11.5 3 2.5
60 130 46 37 48.5 3 2.5 39 95 3.15 224 0.55 1.1 305 0.6 5300 4000 32312BA T5FD060 71 72 100 118 122 6 11.5 3 2.5

65 65 100 23 17.5 23 1.5 1.5 23 85.2 0.62 83 0.46 1.31 129 0.72 6300 3600 32013X T4CC065 72 72 90 93 97 4 5.5 1.5 1.5
65 100 27 21 27 1.5 1.5 21 83.2 0.84 100 0.35 1.72 163 0.95 6300 3400 33013 T2CE065 72 72 89 93 96 5 6 1.5 1.5

65 110 34 26.5 34 1.5 1.5 26 89.6 1.31 150 0.39 1.55 228 0.85 6000 3400 33113 T3DE065 73 72 96 103 106 6 7.5 1.5 1.5

65 120 23 20 24.75 2 1.5 23 90 1.28 120 0.4 1.48 143 0.81 5600 4000 30213A T3EB065 77 74 106 111 113 4 4.5 2 1.5
65 120 31 27 32.75 2 1.5 27 91 1.49 156 0.4 1.48 200 0.81 5600 3800 32213A T3EC065 76 74 104 111 115 4 5.5 2 1.5
65 120 38 31 39 4 2.5 35 95.4 2.1 163 0.56 1.07 236 0.59 5300 3600 T5ED065 T5ED065 74 80 95 108 115 6 8 4 2.5
65 120 41 32 41 2 1.5 30 92.5 2.02 204 0.39 1.54 285 0.85 5600 3600 33213 T3EE065 74 74 102 111 115 6 9 2 1.5

65 140 33 28 36 3 2.5 28 100.5 2.4 196 0.35 1.74 228 0.96 5000 4000 30313A T2GB065 83 77 122 128 130 5 8 3 2.5
65 140 33 23 36 3 2.5 44 102.6 2.63 163 0.83 0.73 190 0.4 5000 4000 31313A T7GB065 79 77 111 128 132 5 13 3 2.5
65 140 48 39 51 3 2.5 34 99.6 3.49 270 0.35 1.74 345 0.96 5000 3800 32313A T2GD065 80 77 117 128 130 6 12 3 2.5
65 140 48 39 51 3 2.5 42 104.3 3.7 250 0.55 1.1 345 0.6 5000 3800 32313BA T5GD065 77 77 109 128 133 6 12 3 2.5

70 70 110 25 19 25 1.5 1.5 24 92 0.967 106 0.43 1.38 163 0.76 5600 3400 32014X T4CC070 78 77 98 103 105 5 6 1.5 1.5
70 110 31 25.5 31 1.5 1.5 22 91 1.14 137 0.28 2.11 224 1.16 5600 3200 33014 T2CE070 78 77 99 103 105 5 5.5 1.5 1.5

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 332 333 FAG
FAG Tapered Roller Bearings Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
C a1 a2
r4s rg3,4

D d J
a D3 D1 D2 D4

Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limit- Refer- Code Abutment dimensions
 ing ence
dyn. stat. speed speed
d D B C T r1s, r2s r3s, r4s a J C e Y C0 Y0 Bearing D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 a1 a2 rg1, rg2 rg3, rg4
min min   DIN max min min max min min min max max
mm kg kN kN min FAG ISO 355 mm

70 70 120 37 29 37 2 1.5 28 96.3 1.71 176 0.38 1.58 260 0.87 5300 3400 33114 T3DE070 79 79 104 111 115 6 8 2 1.5

70 125 24 21 26.25 2 1.5 25 95.4 1.3 132 0.42 1.43 163 0.79 5300 3800 30214A T3EB070 81 79 110 116 118 4 5 2 1.5
70 125 31 27 33.25 2 1.5 28 96 1.83 163 0.42 1.43 216 0.79 5300 3600 32214A T3EC070 80 79 108 116 119 4 6 2 1.5
70 125 41 32 41 2 1.5 31 98.2 2.06 212 0.41 1.47 300 0.81 5300 3400 33214 T3EE070 79 79 107 116 120 7 9 2 1.5

70 140 35.5 27 39 3 3 47 109.6 2.66 176 0.87 0.69 240 0.38 4800 4000 T7FC070 T7FC070 81 90 106 126 133 6 12 3 3

70 150 35 30 38 3 2.5 30 106.6 3.08 224 0.35 1.74 265 0.96 4800 3800 30314A T2GB070 89 82 130 138 140 5 8 3 2.5
70 150 35 25 38 3 2.5 47 109 2.9 186 0.83 0.73 220 0.4 4800 3800 31314A T7GB070 84 82 118 138 141 5 13 3 2.5
70 150 51 42 54 3 2.5 37 106.6 4.27 310 0.35 1.74 405 0.96 4800 3400 32314A T2GD070 86 82 125 138 140 6 12 3 2.5
70 150 51 42 54 3 2.5 44 112 4.52 285 0.55 1.1 400 0.6 4800 3400 32314BA T5GD070 83 82 117 138 143 7 12 3 2.5

75 75 115 25 19 25 1.5 1.5 25 96.9 0.922 108 0.46 1.31 170 0.72 5600 3200 32015X T4CC075 83 82 103 108 110 5 6 1.5 1.5
75 115 31 25.5 31 1.5 1.5 23 96.3 1.12 140 0.3 2.01 232 1.11 5600 3200 33015 T2CE075 83 82 104 108 110 6 5.5 1.5 1.5

75 125 37 29 37 2 1.5 30 101.4 1.79 180 0.4 1.51 275 0.83 5300 3200 33115 T3DE075 84 84 109 116 120 6 8 2 1.5

75 130 25 22 27.25 2 1.5 27 100.1 1.42 137 0.44 1.38 173 0.76 5300 3800 30215A T4DB075 86 84 115 115 124 4 5 2 1.5
75 130 31 27 33.25 2 1.5 29 101.6 1.93 173 0.44 1.38 232 0.76 5000 3400 32215A T4DC075 85 84 115 121 124 4 6 2 1.5
75 130 41 31 41 2 1.5 32 104.5 2.24 208 0.43 1.4 310 0.77 5000 3200 33215 T3EE075 83 84 111 121 125 7 10 2 1.5

75 150 38 29 42 3 3 51 116.2 3.23 204 0.87 0.69 275 0.38 4800 3800 T7FC075 T7FC075 87 96 114 136 143 6 13 3 3

75 160 37 31 40 3 2.5 32 114 3.64 250 0.35 1.74 300 0.96 4500 3600 30315A T2GB075 95 87 139 148 149 5 9 3 2.5
75 160 37 26 40 3 2.5 50 115.8 3.36 204 0.83 0.73 240 0.4 4500 3600 31315 T7GB075 91 87 127 148 151 6 14 3 2.5
75 160 55 45 58 3 2.5 39 114 5.37 360 0.35 1.74 475 0.96 4500 3200 32315A T2GD075 91 87 133 148 149 7 13 3 2.5
75 160 55 45 58 3 2.5 47 120.4 5.7 335 0.55 1.1 475 0.6 4500 3200 32315B T5GD075 90 87 124 148 151 7 14 3 2.5

80 80 125 29 22 29 1.5 1.5 27 103.6 1.24 137 0.42 1.42 212 0.78 5000 3200 32016X T3CC080 89 87 112 117 120 6 7 1.5 1.5
80 125 36 29.5 36 1.5 1.5 26 102.9 1.67 176 0.28 2.16 290 1.19 5000 3000 33016 T2CE080 90 87 112 117 119 6 6.5 1.5 1.5

80 130 37 29 37 2 1.5 31 106.8 1.9 190 0.42 1.44 300 0.79 5000 3000 33116 T3DE080 89 89 114 121 126 6 8 2 1.5

80 140 26 22 28.25 2.5 2 28 106.9 1.68 156 0.42 1.43 193 0.79 5000 3400 30216A T3EB080 91 90 124 130 132 4 6 2.5 2
80 140 33 28 35.25 2.5 2 31 107.5 2.36 200 0.42 1.43 265 0.79 5000 3200 32216A T3EC080 90 90 122 130 134 5 7 2.5 2
80 140 46 35 46 2.5 2 35 111.8 3.23 250 0.43 1.41 380 0.78 4800 3000 33216 T3EE080 89 90 119 130 135 7 11 2.5 2

80 160 41 31 45 3 3 54 125 4 232 0.87 0.69 320 0.38 4500 3600 T7FC080 T7FC080 93 103 121 146 152 7 14 3 3

80 170 39 33 42.5 3 2.5 34 121.7 4.34 290 0.35 1.74 345 0.96 4500 3200 30316A T2GB080 102 92 148 158 159 5 9.5 3 2.5
80 170 39 27 42.5 3 2.5 53 122.4 4.19 228 0.83 0.73 270 0.4 4500 3400 31316 T7GB080 97 92 134 158 159 6 15.5 3 2.5
80 170 58 48 61.5 3 2.5 42 122 6.57 400 0.35 1.74 540 0.96 4500 2800 32316A T2GD080 98 92 142 158 159 7 13.5 3 2.5
80 170 58 48 61.5 3 2.5 49 126.8 7.02 360 0.55 1.1 510 0.6 4300 3000 32316B T5GD080 96 92 130 158 160 7 13.5 3 2.5

85 85 130 29 22 29 1.5 1.5 28 109.5 1.36 143 0.44 1.36 228 0.75 5000 3000 32017X T4CC085 94 92 117 122 125 6 7 1.5 1.5
85 130 36 29.5 36 1.5 1.5 26 108.5 1.73 183 0.29 2.06 315 1.13 5000 2800 33017 T2CE085 94 92 118 122 125 6 6.5 1.5 1.5

85 140 41 32 41 2.5 2 33 114.2 2.38 220 0.41 1.48 355 0.81 4800 2800 33117 T3DE085 95 95 122 130 135 7 9 2.5 2

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 334 335 FAG
FAG Tapered Roller Bearings Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
C a1 a2
r4s rg3,4

D d J
a D3 D1 D2 D4

Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limit- Refer- Code Abutment dimensions
 ing ence
dyn. stat. speed speed
d D B C T r1s, r2s r3s, r4s a J C e Y C0 Y0 Bearing D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 a1 a2 rg1, rg2 rg3, rg4
min min   DIN max min min max min min min max max
mm kg kN kN min FAG ISO 355 mm

85 85 150 28 24 30.5 2.5 2 30 114.4 2.29 180 0.42 1.43 228 0.79 4800 3200 30217A T3EB085 97 95 132 140 141 5 6.5 2.5 2
85 150 36 30 38.5 2.5 2 34 114.6 3.03 228 0.42 1.43 305 0.79 4800 3000 32217A T3EC085 96 95 130 140 142 5 8.5 2.5 2
85 150 49 37 49 2.5 2 37 117.8 3.5 290 0.42 1.43 440 0.79 4500 2600 33217 T3EE085 95 95 128 140 144 7 12 2.5 2

85 170 45 33 48 4 4 55 131.1 4.79 260 0.8 0.75 365 0.41 4300 3200 T7FC085 T7FC085 100 110 131 153 161 7 15 4 4

85 180 41 34 44.5 3 3 36 127.6 4.83 310 0.35 1.74 375 0.96 4300 3000 30317A T2GB085 107 99 156 166 167 6 10.5 3 3
85 180 41 28 44.5 4 3 55 129.3 4.88 255 0.83 0.73 305 0.4 4300 3200 31317 T7GB085 103 99 143 166 169 6 16.5 4 3
85 180 60 49 63.5 4 3 44 128 7.5 430 0.35 1.74 585 0.96 4300 2600 32317A T2GD085 103 99 150 166 167 8 14.5 4 3
85 180 60 49 63.5 4 3 51 133.9 7.86 415 0.55 1.1 600 0.6 4300 2600 32317B T5GD085 102 99 138 166 169 7 14.5 4 3

90 90 140 32 24 32 2 1.5 30 115.3 1.76 166 0.42 1.42 255 0.78 4800 2800 32018XA T3CC090 100 99 125 131 134 6 8 2 1.5
90 140 39 32.5 39 2 1.5 28 116.2 2.48 216 0.27 2.23 365 1.23 4800 2800 33018 T2CE090 100 99 127 131 135 7 6.5 2 1.5

90 150 45 35 45 2.5 2 36 121.5 3.19 265 0.4 1.51 425 0.83 4500 2600 33118 T3DE090 100 100 130 140 144 7 10 2.5 2

90 160 30 26 32.5 2.5 2 32 120.2 2.64 204 0.42 1.43 260 0.79 4500 3200 30218A T3FB090 103 100 140 150 150 5 6.5 2.5 2
90 160 40 34 42.5 2.5 2 36 122 3.78 260 0.42 1.43 360 0.79 4500 2800 32218A T3FC090 102 100 138 150 152 5 8.5 2.5 2

90 175 45 33 48 4 4 58 136.3 5.09 270 0.83 0.72 380 0.4 4000 3000 T7FC090 T7FC090 104 114 134 158 166 7 15 4 4

90 190 43 36 46.5 4 3 37 135 5.83 335 0.35 1.74 400 0.96 4000 3000 30318A T2GB090 113 104 165 176 176 6 10.5 4 3
90 190 43 30 46.5 4 3 58 135.9 5.5 275 0.83 0.73 325 0.4 4000 3000 31318 T7GB090 109 104 151 176 179 6 16.5 4 3
90 190 64 53 67.5 4 3 47 136 8.51 490 0.35 1.74 655 0.96 4000 2400 32318A T2GD090 108 104 157 176 177 8 14.5 4 3

95 95 130 23 18 23 1.5 1.5 23 113.2 0.825 102 0.36 1.68 183 0.92 4800 2600 32919 T2BC095 102 102 121 123 125 5 5 1.5 1.5

95 145 32 24 32 2 1.5 32 121 1.86 173 0.44 1.36 275 0.75 4500 2600 32019XA T4CC095 105 104 130 136 140 6 8 2 1.5
95 145 39 32.5 39 2 1.5 29 120.2 2.33 220 0.28 2.16 380 1.19 4500 2600 33019 T2CE095 104 104 131 136 139 7 6.5 2 1.5

95 170 32 27 34.5 3 2.5 34 128 3 224 0.42 1.43 285 0.79 4300 3000 30219A T3FB095 110 107 149 158 159 5 7.5 3 2.5
95 170 43 37 45.5 3 2.5 39 129.6 4.24 300 0.42 1.43 415 0.79 4300 2600 32219A T3FC095 108 107 145 158 161 5 8.5 3 2.5

95 200 45 38 49.5 4 3 40 139 6.77 365 0.35 1.74 440 0.96 3600 2800 30319A T2GB095 118 109 172 186 184 6 11.5 4 3
95 200 45 32 49.5 4 3 61 142.5 6.5 305 0.83 0.73 365 0.4 3600 2800 31319A T7GB095 114 109 157 186 187 6 17.5 4 3
95 200 67 55 71.5 4 3 49 141 10.3 530 0.35 1.74 710 0.96 3600 2400 32319A T2GD095 115 109 166 186 186 8 16.5 4 3

100 100 150 32 24 32 2 1.5 33 126.5 2.15 176 0.46 1.31 285 0.72 4500 2600 32020X T4CC100 109 109 134 141 144 6 8 2 1.5
100 150 39 32.5 39 2 1.5 29 124.7 2.42 224 0.29 2.09 400 1.15 4500 2400 33020 T2CE100 108 109 135 141 143 7 6.5 2 1.5

100 160 40 34 42 5 3 42 133.3 3.25 232 0.53 1.14 400 0.63 4300 2400 T5ED100 T5ED100 110 117 135 146 154 6 8 5 3

100 180 34 29 37 3 2.5 36 135 3.75 250 0.42 1.43 325 0.79 4300 2800 30220A T3FB100 116 112 157 168 168 5 8 3 2.5
100 180 46 39 49 3 2.5 42 136.7 5.67 335 0.42 1.43 475 0.79 4000 2400 32220A T3FC100 114 112 154 168 171 5 10 3 2.5

100 215 47 39 51.5 4 3 42 151 8.38 415 0.35 1.74 510 0.96 3400 2400 30320A T2GB100 127 114 184 201 197 6 12.5 4 3
100 215 51 35 56.5 4 3 68 159.5 8.81 380 0.83 0.73 480 0.4 3000 2400 31320X T7GB100 121 114 168 201 202 7 21.5 4 3
100 215 73 60 77.5 4 3 53 152 12.9 610 0.35 1.74 850 0.96 3400 2200 32320A T2GD100 123 114 177 201 200 8 17.5 4 3

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 336 337 FAG
FAG Tapered Roller Bearings Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
C a1 a2
r4s rg3,4

D d J
a D3 D1 D2 D4

Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limit- Refer- Code Abutment dimensions
 ing ence
dyn. stat. speed speed
d D B C T r1s, r2s r3s, r4s a J C e Y C0 Y0 Bearing D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 a1 a2 rg1, rg2 rg3, rg4
min min   DIN max min min max min min min max max
mm kg kN kN min FAG ISO 355 mm

105 105 145 25 20 25 1.5 1.5 25 125.3 1.15 129 0.34 1.75 220 0.96 4500 2400 32921 T2CC105 114 112 135 136 140 5 5 1.5 1.5

105 160 35 26 35 2.5 2 35 133 2.33 204 0.44 1.35 335 0.74 4300 2400 32021X T4DC105 116 115 143 150 154 6 9 2.5 2
105 160 43 34 43 2.5 2 31 131.5 3.34 265 0.28 2.12 450 1.17 4300 2200 33021 T2DE105 116 115 145 150 153 7 9 2.5 2

105 190 36 30 39 3 2.5 38 143.2 4.23 280 0.42 1.43 365 0.79 4000 2600 30221A T3FB105 122 117 165 178 177 6 9 3 2.5
105 190 50 43 53 3 2.5 44 144.6 6.07 380 0.42 1.43 550 0.79 3600 2200 32221A T3FC105 120 117 161 178 180 5 10 3 2.5

105 225 77 63 81.5 4 3 56 160.8 15.1 670 0.35 1.74 930 0.96 3000 2000 32321A T2GD105 128 119 185 211 209 9 18.5 4 3

110 110 170 38 29 38 2.5 2 37 141 3.07 240 0.43 1.39 400 0.77 4000 2400 32022X T4DC110 122 120 152 160 163 7 9 2.5 2
110 170 47 37 47 2.5 2 33 139.2 4.16 300 0.29 2.09 520 1.15 4300 1500 33022 T2DE110 123 120 152 160 161 7 10 2.5 2

110 200 38 32 41 3 2.5 39 150 5.23 315 0.42 1.43 415 0.79 3600 2400 30222A T3FB110 129 122 174 188 187 6 9 3 2.5
110 200 53 46 56 3 2.5 46 153.5 7.35 415 0.42 1.43 600 0.79 3400 2200 32222A T3FC110 126 122 170 188 190 6 10 3 2.5

110 240 50 42 54.5 4 3 45 169.2 11.1 480 0.35 1.74 585 0.96 2800 2200 30322A T2GB110 141 124 206 226 220 8 12.5 4 3
110 240 57 38 63 4 3 75 178 12.3 465 0.83 0.73 585 0.4 2800 2200 31322X T7GB110 135 124 188 226 224 7 25 4 3
110 240 80 65 84.5 4 3 58 171.5 19.1 735 0.35 1.74 1020 0.96 2800 1800 32322A T2GD110 137 124 198 226 222 9 19.5 4 3

120 120 165 29 23 29 1.5 1.5 29 141 1.82 176 0.35 1.72 310 0.95 4000 2200 32924 T2CC120 128 127 154 158 160 6 6 1.5 1.5

120 170 25 19.5 27 3 3 35 144.7 1.97 156 0.47 1.27 245 0.7 4000 2000 T4CB120 T4CB120 130 132 157 157 164 5 7.5 3 3

120 180 38 29 38 2.5 2 40 151 3.28 250 0.46 1.31 425 0.72 3600 2200 32024X T4DC120 131 130 161 170 173 7 9 2.5 2
120 180 48 38 48 2.5 2 36 148.8 4.55 310 0.31 1.97 560 1.08 3600 1900 33024 T2DE120 132 130 160 170 171 6 10 2.5 2

120 215 40 34 43.5 3 2.5 43 163 6.73 340 0.44 1.38 455 0.76 3000 2200 30224A T4FB120 140 132 187 203 201 6 9.5 3 2.5
120 215 58 50 61.5 3 2.5 51 165.2 9.28 490 0.44 1.38 735 0.76 3000 1900 32224A T4FD120 136 132 181 203 204 7 11.5 3 2.5

120 260 55 46 59.5 4 3 48 183.5 14.3 560 0.35 1.74 710 0.96 2600 1900 30324A T2GB120 152 134 221 246 237 10 13.5 4 3
120 260 62 42 68 4 3 82 192 15.4 540 0.83 0.73 695 0.4 2600 1900 31324X T7GB120 145 134 203 246 244 9 26 4 3
120 260 86 69 90.5 4 3 66 187 21.1 670 0.39 1.53 965 0.84 2600 1800 32324 T2GD120 148 134 213 246 239 9 21.5 4 3

130 130 180 32 25 32 2 1.5 32 154.7 2.4 208 0.34 1.77 375 0.97 3600 2000 32926 T2CC130 141 139 167 171 173 6 7 2 1.5

130 185 27 21 29 3 3 38 156.3 2.55 183 0.47 1.27 280 0.7 3400 1900 T4CB130 T4CB130 140 143 171 171 178 6 8 3 3

130 200 45 34 45 2.5 2 44 166.4 5.02 335 0.43 1.38 560 0.76 3000 1900 32026X T4EC130 144 140 178 190 192 8 11 2.5 2

130 230 40 34 43.75 4 3 46 177.1 7.08 360 0.44 1.38 480 0.76 2800 2000 30226A T4FB130 152 144 203 216 217 7 9.5 4 3
130 230 64 54 67.75 4 3 56 178 11.7 570 0.44 1.38 865 0.76 2800 1800 32226A T4FD130 146 144 193 216 219 7 13.5 4 3

130 280 58 49 63.75 5 4 53 194 17.2 600 0.35 1.73 750 0.95 2600 1800 30326 164 148 239 262 255 8 14.5 5 4
130 280 66 44 72 5 4 87 204 18.8 610 0.83 0.73 800 0.4 2400 1700 31326X T7GB130 157 148 218 262 261 9 28 5 4
130 280 93 78 98.75 5 4 68 197.3 28.9 830 0.34 1.75 1120 0.96 2600 1700 32326 160 147 230 262 260 10 20.5 5 4

140 140 190 32 25 32 2 1.5 34 164.8 2.62 216 0.36 1.67 400 0.92 3400 1800 32928 T2CC140 150 149 177 181 184 6 7 2 1.5

140 195 27 21 29 3 3 41 167.2 2.3 193 0.5 1.19 310 0.66 3000 1800 T4CB140 T4CB140 150 153 180 181 189 6 8 3 3

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 338 339 FAG
FAG Tapered Roller Bearings Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
C a1 a2
r4s rg3,4

D d J
a D3 D1 D2 D4

Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limit- Refer- Code Abutment dimensions
 ing ence
dyn. stat. speed speed
d D B C T r1s, r2s r3s, r4s a J C e Y C0 Y0 Bearing D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 a1 a2 rg1, rg2 rg3, rg4
min min   DIN max min min max min min min max max
mm kg kN kN min FAG ISO 355 mm

140 140 210 45 34 45 2.5 2 46 175.8 5.9 345 0.46 1.31 610 0.72 2800 1700 32028X T4DC140 153 150 187 200 202 8 11 2.5 2

140 250 42 36 45.75 4 3 47 187 8.48 425 0.44 1.38 570 0.76 2600 1800 30228A T4FB140 163 154 219 236 234 9 9.5 4 3
140 250 68 58 71.75 4 3 60 192 14 655 0.44 1.38 1000 0.76 2600 1600 32228A T4FD140 159 154 210 236 238 8 13.5 4 3

140 300 62 53 67.75 5 4 52 205.9 20.5 585 0.28 2.18 735 1.2 2400 1800 30328 176 158 255 282 273 8 14.5 5 4
140 300 70 47 77 5 4 94 216 23.4 695 0.83 0.73 900 0.4 2400 1600 31328X T7GB140 169 158 235 282 280 9 30 5 4
140 300 102 85 107.7 5 4 74 215 37.8 1160 0.35 1.74 1700 0.96 2400 1300 32328A 170 157 247 282 280 10 22.5 5 4

150 150 210 38 30 38 2.5 2 36 176.9 3.9 285 0.33 1.83 500 1.01 2800 1700 32930 T2DC150 162 160 194 201 202 7 8 2.5 2

150 225 48 36 48 3 2.5 50 188 6.46 390 0.46 1.31 695 0.72 2600 1600 32030X T4EC150 164 162 200 213 216 8 12 3 2.5

150 270 45 38 49 4 3 52 200 11.1 475 0.44 1.38 640 0.76 2600 1700 30230A T4GB150 175 164 234 256 250 9 11 4 3
150 270 73 60 77 4 3 64 206.7 18.5 750 0.44 1.38 1160 0.76 2600 1400 32230A T4GD150 171 164 226 256 254 8 17 4 3

150 320 65 55 72 5 4 60 223.9 25.5 800 0.35 1.74 1020 0.96 2200 1500 30330A T2GB150 189 168 273 302 292 9 17 5 4
150 320 75 50 82 5 4 100 237 30.8 780 0.83 0.73 1020 0.4 2200 1500 31330X T7GB150 181 168 251 302 300 9 32 5 4
150 320 108 90 114 5 4 79 230 46.1 1320 0.35 1.74 1930 0.96 2200 1200 32330A 184 167 264 302 299 12 24 5 4

160 160 220 38 30 38 2.5 2 38 188 4.17 285 0.35 1.73 500 0.95 2600 1600 32932 T2DC160 173 170 204 210 212 7 8 2.5 2

160 240 51 38 51 3 2.5 53 201 7.8 425 0.46 1.31 750 0.72 2600 1500 32032X T4EC160 175 172 213 228 231 8 13 3 2.5

160 290 48 40 52 4 3 51 216.5 13.8 405 0.37 1.61 585 0.89 2400 1700 30232 189 174 252 276 269 9 12 4 3
160 290 80 67 84 4 3 69 223 23.8 880 0.44 1.38 1400 0.76 2400 1300 32232A T4GD160 183 174 242 276 274 10 17 4 3

160 340 68 58 75 5 4 63 237 29.9 880 0.35 1.74 1120 0.96 2200 1400 30332A T2GB160 201 178 290 322 310 9 17 5 4

170 170 230 30 23 32 3 3 45 198.7 3.52 236 0.46 1.3 405 0.72 2600 1400 T4DB170 T4DB170 182 185 214 216 223 6 9 3 3
170 230 38 30 38 2.5 2 42 199 4.42 300 0.38 1.57 560 0.86 2600 1400 32934 T3DC170 183 180 213 220 222 7 8 2.5 2

170 260 57 43 57 3 2.5 57 215.5 11.4 510 0.44 1.35 900 0.74 2400 1400 32034X T4EC170 187 182 230 248 249 10 14 3 2.5

170 310 52 43 57 5 4 60 233 19.2 600 0.44 1.38 830 0.76 2200 1400 30234A T4GB170 203 188 269 292 288 8 14 5 4
170 310 86 71 91 5 4 74 238 28.6 980 0.44 1.38 1600 0.76 2200 1200 32234A T4GD170 196 188 259 292 294 10 20 5 4

180 180 250 45 34 45 2.5 2 54 216 7.08 365 0.48 1.25 720 0.69 2400 1300 32936 T4DC180 193 190 225 240 241 8 11 2.5 2

180 280 64 48 64 3 2.5 60 230 14.2 630 0.42 1.42 1100 0.78 2200 1200 32036X T3FD180 199 192 247 268 267 10 16 3 2.5

180 320 52 43 57 5 4 62 242 17.9 570 0.45 1.33 800 0.73 2200 1400 30236A T4GB180 211 198 278 302 297 9 14 5 4
180 320 86 71 91 5 4 77 249.5 29.1 1020 0.45 1.33 1660 0.73 2000 1100 32236A T4GD180 204 198 267 302 303 10 20 5 4

190 190 260 45 34 45 2.5 2 55 226 7.55 375 0.48 1.26 765 0.69 2400 1200 32938 T4DC190 204 200 235 249 251 8 11 2.5 2

190 290 64 48 64 3 2.5 63 241 14.8 640 0.44 1.36 1140 0.75 2200 1200 32038X T4FD190 209 202 257 278 279 10 16 3 2.5

190 340 55 46 60 5 4 62 257.9 21 530 0.39 1.56 780 0.86 2000 1400 30238 224 207 298 322 318 9 14 5 4
190 340 92 75 97 5 4 81 263 36.7 1140 0.44 1.38 1830 0.76 2000 1000 32238A T4GD190 216 207 286 322 323 10 22 5 4

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 340 341 FAG
FAG Tapered Roller Bearings Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
C a1 a2
r4s rg3,4

D d J
a D3 D1 D2 D4

Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limit- Refer- Code Abutment dimensions
 ing ence
dyn. stat. speed speed
d D B C T r1s, r2s r3s, r4s a J C e Y C0 Y0 Bearing D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 a1 a2 rg1, rg2 rg3, rg4
min min   DIN max min min max min min min max max
mm kg kN kN min FAG ISO 355 mm

200 200 270 34 27 37 3 3 54 233.7 5.2 315 0.47 1.27 570 0.7 2200 1200 T4DB200 T4DB200 214 218 251 254 262 7 10 3 3

200 280 51 39 51 3 2.5 54 239 8.97 500 0.39 1.52 930 0.84 2200 1100 32940A T3EC200 216 212 257 268 271 9 12 3 2.5

200 310 70 53 70 3 2.5 67 254.9 18.9 765 0.43 1.39 1370 0.77 2000 1100 32040X T4FD200 221 212 273 298 297 11 17 3 2.5

200 360 58 48 64 5 4 69 271.8 25.1 780 0.44 1.38 1080 0.76 2000 1100 30240A T4GB200 237 217 315 342 336 9 16 5 4
200 360 98 82 104 5 4 83 272 43.7 1320 0.41 1.48 2080 0.81 2000 950 32240A T3GD200 226 217 302 342 340 11 22 5 4

220 220 300 51 39 51 3 2.5 59 260 10.3 500 0.43 1.41 980 0.78 2000 1000 32944 T3EC220 234 232 275 288 290 9 12 3 2.5

220 340 76 57 76 4 3 73 280 24.3 900 0.43 1.39 1630 0.77 2000 900 32044X T4FD220 243 234 300 326 326 12 19 4 3

220 400 65 54 72 5 4 75 299.1 37.1 950 0.42 1.43 1320 0.79 1700 1000 30244A 255 237 348 382 371 10 18 5 4
220 400 108 90 114 5 4 94 308.1 57.8 1530 0.44 1.38 2550 0.76 1500 800 32244A 258 237 336 382 380 12 24 5 4

240 240 320 51 39 51 3 2.5 65 281 11 520 0.46 1.31 1060 0.72 2000 950 32948 T4EC240 254 252 294 308 311 9 12 3 2.5

240 360 76 57 76 4 3 79 300 25.1 900 0.46 1.31 1700 0.72 1700 850 32048X T4FD240 261 254 318 346 346 12 19 4 3

240 440 120 100 127 5 4 105 337.3 78.6 1860 0.44 1.38 3100 0.76 1400 700 32248A 286 257 372 422 415 14 27 5 4

260 260 360 63.5 48 63.5 3 2.5 70 309 18.6 750 0.41 1.48 1500 0.81 1700 800 32952 T3EC260 279 272 328 348 347 11 15.5 3 2.5

260 400 87 65 87 5 4 86 330 38.1 1160 0.43 1.38 2160 0.76 1500 750 32052X T4FC260 287 278 352 382 383 14 22 5 4

260 480 130 106 137 6 5 113 369 102 2200 0.43 1.39 3750 0.77 1300 630 32252 306 280 401 458 455 14 31 6 5

280 280 380 63.5 48 63.5 3 2.5 75 330 19.9 750 0.43 1.39 1560 0.76 1500 750 32956 T4EC280 298 292 348 368 368 11 15.5 3 2.5

280 420 87 65 87 5 4 91 349 39.5 1220 0.46 1.31 2320 0.72 1400 670 32056X T4FC280 305 298 370 402 402 14 22 5 4

300 300 420 76 57 76 4 3 80 362 31.2 980 0.39 1.52 2040 0.84 1300 670 32960 T3FD300 324 314 383 406 405 12 19 4 3

300 460 100 74 100 5 4 98 375 57.2 1530 0.43 1.38 2900 0.76 1300 600 32060X T4GD300 329 318 404 442 439 15 26 5 4

320 320 480 100 74 100 5 4 104 397.5 60.5 1560 0.46 1.31 3100 0.72 1200 560 32064X T4GD320 350 338 424 462 461 15 26 5 4

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 342 343 FAG
FAG Tapered Roller Bearings, matched Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
a1 a1
A r4s rg3,4

D d
D3 D1 D1 D3


Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limiting Code*) Abutment dimensions
 Bearing pair speed*)
dyn. Fa/Fr  e Fa/Fr > e stat.
d D 2B 2T A r3s, r4s Bearing C e Y Y C0 Y0 Bearing pair Bearing D1 D3 D3 a1 rg3, rg4
min pair max min max min max
mm kg kN kN min–1 FAG mm

30 30 72 38 41.5 13.5 1.5 0.85 78 0.83 0.82 1.22 95 0.8 8000 31306A.A50.90.N11CA 40 55 65 3 1.5

35 35 80 42 45.5 15.5 1.5 1.13 104 0.83 0.82 1.22 129 0.8 7000 31307A.A40.70.N11CA 44 62 71 4 1.5

40 40 90 46 50.5 16.5 1.5 1.67 132 0.83 0.82 1.22 166 0.8 6000 31308A.A50.90.N11CA 51 71 81 4 1.5

45 45 100 50 54.5 18.5 1.5 2.1 166 0.83 0.82 1.22 220 0.8 5300 31309A.A60.100.N11CA 56 79 91 4 1.5

50 50 110 54 58.5 20.5 2 2.9 190 0.83 0.82 1.22 250 0.8 5000 31310A.A60.100.N11CA 62 87 100 4 2

55 55 120 58 63 21 2 3.4 212 0.83 0.82 1.22 280 0.8 4500 31311A.A80.120.N11CA 68 94 110 4 2

60 60 130 62 67 23 2.5 4.2 255 0.83 0.82 1.22 340 0.8 4300 31312A.A80.120.N11CA 73 103 118 5 2.5

65 65 140 66 72 26 2.5 5.6 280 0.83 0.82 1.22 380 0.8 4000 31313A.A80.120.N11CA 79 111 128 5 2.5

70 70 150 70 76 26 2.5 6.2 320 0.83 0.82 1.22 440 0.8 3800 31314A.A100.140.N11CA 84 118 138 5 2.5

75 75 160 74 80 28 2.5 7.2 345 0.83 0.82 1.22 475 0.8 3600 31315.A100.140.N11CA 91 127 148 6 2.5

80 80 170 78 85 31 2.5 8.9 390 0.83 0.82 1.22 540 0.8 3600 31316.A100.140.N11CA 97 134 158 6 2.5

85 85 180 82 89 33 3 10.4 440 0.83 0.82 1.22 610 0.8 3400 31317.A120.160.N11CA 103 143 166 6 3

90 90 190 86 93 33 3 11.8 475 0.83 0.82 1.22 655 0.8 3200 31318.A120.160.N11CA 109 151 176 6 3
90 190 86 93 33 3 11.8 475 0.83 0.82 1.22 655 0.8 3200 31318.A160.200.N11CA 109 151 176 6 3

95 95 200 90 99 35 3 14 520 0.83 0.82 1.22 735 0.8 2800 31319A.A120.160.N11CA 114 157 186 6 3

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 344 *) For attainable speeds and order information see Section "Matched bearings" on page 324 345 FAG
FAG Tapered Roller Bearings in Inch Dimensions Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
C a1 a2
r4s rg3,4

D d J
a D3 D1 D2 D4

Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limiting Code Abutment dimensions
dyn. stat.
d D B C T r1s, r2s r3s, r4s a J C e Y C0 Y0 Bearing D1 D2 D3 D4 a1 a2 rg1, rg2 rg3, rg4
min min   max min min min min min max max
mm kg kN kN min FAG mm

17.462 17.462 39.878 14.605 10.668 13.843 1.3 1.3 9 29.6 0.086 21.2 0.29 2.1 21.2 1.15 20000 KLM11749.LM11710 21.5 23 34 37 3 3 1.3 1.3

19.05 19.05 45.237 16.637 12.065 15.494 1.3 1.3 10 31.8 0.125 28 0.3 2 28.5 1.1 18000 KLM11949.LM11910 23.5 25 39.5 41.5 3.5 4.5 1.3 1.3

21.43 21.43 50.005 18.288 13.97 17.526 1.3 1.3 11 34.5 0.163 38 0.28 2.16 39 1.19 17000 KM12649.M12610 25.5 27.5 44 46 4 3.5 1.3 1.3

21.986 21.986 45.237 16.637 12.065 15.494 1.3 1.3 10 34.1 0.121 28.5 0.31 1.96 32.5 1.08 17000 KLM12749.LM12710 26 27.5 39.5 41.5 3 3 1.3 1.3
21.986 45.974 16.637 12.065 15.494 1.3 1.3 10 34.1 0.133 28.5 0.31 1.96 32.5 1.08 17000 KLM12749.LM12711 26 27.5 39.5 42 3 3 1.3 1.3

25.4 25.4 50.292 14.732 10.668 14.224 1.3 1.3 11 39.1 0.129 26.5 0.37 1.6 30 0.88 14000 KL44643.L44610 30 32 44.5 47 3 3.5 1.3 1.3

26.988 26.988 50.292 14.732 10.668 14.224 3.6 1.3 11 39.1 0.137 26.5 0.37 1.6 30 0.88 14000 KL44649.L44610 31 37.5 44.5 47 2.5 4 3.6 1.3

30.163 30.163 64.292 21.433 16.67 21.433 1.5 1.5 18 50.3 0.34 53 0.55 1.1 68 0.6 11000 KM86649.M86610 38 41 54 61 3 4.5 1.5 1.5

31.75 31.75 59.131 16.764 11.811 15.875 3.6 1.3 13 45.9 0.203 34.5 0.41 1.46 40.5 0.8 12000 KLM67048.LM67010 36 42.5 52 56 3.5 4.5 3.6 1.3
31.75 73.025 27.782 23.02 29.37 1.3 3.3 24 56.8 0.641 73.5 0.55 1.1 100 0.6 9500 KHM88542.HM88510 42.6 45.5 59 70 4 6 1.3 3.3

34.925 34.925 65.088 18.288 13.97 18.034 3.6 1.3 14 49.7 0.273 46.5 0.38 1.59 56 0.88 10000 KLM48548.LM48510 40 46 58 61 3 4 3.6 1.3
34.925 72.233 25.4 19.842 25.4 2.3 2.3 21 56.8 0.554 69.5 0.55 1.1 93 0.6 9500 KHM88649.HM88610 42.5 48.5 60 69 5 5.5 2.3 2.3

34.988 34.988 59.131 16.764 11.938 15.875 3.6 1.3 13 48.1 0.179 34 0.42 1.44 45.5 0.79 11000 KL68149.L68110 39 45.5 52 56 3 3.5 3.6 1.3

38.1 38.1 65.088 18.288 13.97 18.034 3.6 1.3 13 53 0.227 45 0.33 1.8 60 0.99 10000 KLM29748.LM29710 42.5 49 59 62 2 4 3.6 1.3
38.1 65.088 18.288 13.97 18.034 2.3 1.3 13 53 0.24 45 0.33 1.8 60 0.99 10000 KLM29749.LM29710 42.5 46 59 62 2 4 2.3 1.3

40.987 40.987 67.975 18.1 13.5 17.5 3.6 1.5 14 55.8 0.271 46.5 0.35 1.72 63 0.95 10000 KLM300849.LM300811 45 52 61 65 3 4 3.6 1.5

41.275 41.275 73.431 19.812 14.732 19.558 3.6 0.8 16 57.2 0.365 56 0.4 1.5 69.5 0.83 9500 KLM501349.LM501310 46.5 53 67 70 4 4.5 3.6 0.8
41.275 95.25 29.37 23.02 30.162 3.6 3.3 26 73.1 1.11 112 0.55 1.1 153 0.6 7000 KHM804840.HM804810 54 61 81 91 6 7 3.6 3.3

45.242 45.242 77.788 19.842 15.08 19.842 3.6 0.8 18 61.7 0.367 55 0.43 1.41 69.5 0.77 8500 KLM603049.LM603011 50 57 71 74 3 4.5 3.6 0.8

45.987 45.987 74.975 18 14 18 2.3 1.5 16 61.9 0.279 49 0.4 1.49 68 0.82 9000 KLM503349.LM503310 51 55 67 71 4 4 2.3 1.5
45.987 74.975 18 14 18 3.6 1.5 16 61.9 0.279 49 0.4 1.49 68 0.82 9000 KLM503349A.LM503310 51 57 67 71 3 4 3.6 1.5

50.8 50.8 82.55 22.225 16.51 21.59 3.6 1.3 16 66.3 0.402 69.5 0.31 1.97 95 1.08 8000 KLM104949.LM104911 55 62 75 78 3 5 3.6 1.3
50.8 123.825 32.791 25.4 36.512 3.6 3.3 38 86.8 2.18 137 0.74 0.81 150 0.45 5600 K72200.72487 65.9 74 102 116 3.5 8 3.6 3.3

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 346 347 FAG
FAG Tapered Roller Bearings in Inch Dimensions Rolling bearings can be fail-safe
if C0/P0*  8, see page 41.
C a1 a2
r4s rg3,4

D d J
a D3 D1 D2 D4

Shaft Dimensions Mass Load rating · Factor Limiting Code Abutment dimensions
dyn. stat.
d D B C T r1s, r2s r3s, r4s a J C e Y C0 Y0 Bearing D1 D2 D3 D4 a1 a2 rg1, rg2 rg3, rg4
min min   max min min min min min max max
mm kg kN kN min FAG mm

53.975 53.975 88.9 19.05 13.492 19.05 2.3 2 21 73 0.444 60 0.55 1.1 81.5 0.6 7500 KLM806649.LM806610 60 63 80 85 2 4.5 2.3 2

60.325 60.325 130.175 33.338 23.813 36.513 5.2 3.3 42 97.3 2.13 146 0.82 0.73 173 0.4 5300 KHM911245.HM911210 74.4 87 109 123.6 6 4 5.2 3.3

69.85 69.85 146.05 39.688 25.4 41.275 3.6 3.3 45 109.4 2.96 200 0.78 0.77 236 0.42 4800 KH913849.H913810 82 95 124 138 5 12.5 3.6 3.3

71.438 71.438 120 32.545 26.195 32.545 3.6 3.3 27 95.2 1.61 153 0.36 1.67 224 0.92 5300 K47490.47420 79 86 107 114 4 6 3.6 3.3

75.987 75.987 131.975 39 32 39 7.1 3.6 30 103.2 2.23 208 0.33 1.8 300 0.99 5000 KHM215249.HM215210 85 98 118 126 7 7 7.1 3.6

77.788 77.788 121.44 23.012 17.462 24.608 3.6 2 27 99.2 0.91 85 0.45 1.33 118 0.73 5300 K34306.34478 84 90 110 116 3 7 3.6 2

88.9 88.9 152.4 39.688 30.163 39.688 6.4 3.3 34 119.5 2.94 245 0.4 1.49 355 0.82 4500 KHM518445.HM518410 100 110 134 146 4 8.5 6.4 3.3

89.975 89.975 146.975 40 32.5 40 7.1 3.3 32 119 2.5 232 0.33 1.8 355 0.99 4800 KHM218248.HM218210 99 112 133 141 7 7.5 7.1 3.3

Information on other designs will be supplied on request.

FAG 348 349 FAG

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