SmartBeam Composite Castellated Beam Design

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CMC Steel Products Composite Castellated Beam Design Program


This program will assist in sizing simply supported , composite castellated beams with point and uniformly Construction bridging is required for castellated beams only when one or both ends are either seated or bearing. OSHA
distributed loads. All areas shaded yellow or with a drop box require input information. Contact CMC Steel requires construction bridging to be installed to meet the following loading conditions:
Products toll free at (877) 764-2326 for furher information or assistance. 1. A 300 lb. man at midspan. This condition requires bolted X-bridging to be installed before the hoisting cables are
HOW TO SPECIFY: removed.
Castellated beams can be specified in one of the following methods: 2. One 4,000 lb. bundle of deck to be placed over three beams no further than 1'-0" from the end of the beam. This
1. Direct Specification: condition requires horizontal bridging to be in place before deck bundles are placed.
When using direct specification the beam is specified in the same manner as a wide flange beam. For example, WARNINGS & ERRORS:
CB27x40, CB stands for Castellated Beam, nominally 27 inches deep weighing 40 pounds per foot. In The following are errors and will cause the program to not report results:
composite construction, significant weight savings can be achieved by using a heavier tee section on the 1. "e < emin" - e must be at least 3" to provide connection material.
bottom and a lighter section on the top. This is known as an assymetric section. An example of this 2. "dt < dtmin" - dt must be greater than dtmin for fabrication reasons.
specification is CB27x35/46. As before, CB stands for Castellated Beam, nominally 27 inches deep. The 3. "e/tw > 30", "2h/e > 8", "Phi > 62", "Phi < 43" - no research has been performed on the web post buckling outside
beam is manufactured from a 35 pound per foot beam on top and a 46 pound per foot on bottom. Several these limitations.
common assymetric sections can be selected in the design program. In order to accommodate production 4. "h/tw > 970/(Fy^0.5)" - the web slenderness exceeds the design procedure.
processes, CMC Steel Products may from time to time provide an equivolent symetrical size. 5. "Point loads must start w/ P1 farthest left" - Point loads must be entered starting with P1 farthest left and ending with
2. Performance Specification: P4 farthest right.
A performance specification is the best way to insure the beam is designed as efficiently as possible. The following are warnings but will not cause errors in the program:
An example of a perfomance specification is: CB27(1100/560/500). CB stands for Castellated Beam, 1. "Top or Bottom Tee Slender" - allowable stress on tee section has been reduced per Qs.
nominally 27 inches deep, (Total Load/Live Load/Precomposite Dead Load). CMC Steel Products will 2. "ds > 2.5*tf" - stud diameter must be less than or equal to 2.5*flange thickness.
provide the most efficient shape (symetric or assymetric) to support specified loadings. 3. "Studs too long" - shear studs must allow for at least 1/2" clear between the top of the stud and the surface of the slab.
USE OF PROGRAM: 4. "Studs too short" - shear studs must be at least 1 1/2" taller than the ribs of the deck.
1. Enter job name and design mark (not required). 5. "tc < 2" - concrete must be at least 2" above the flutes of the deck.
2. Enter the beam configuration: span (110'-0" max), spacing (left & right), material strength (36 or 50), and
connection type. If beams longer than 110' are needed please call CMC Steel Products for availability.
3. Enter concrete properties (strength, weight, & thickness), deck properties (height & width), and stud
properties (diameter, number/rib, & length), and percent composite. e = web post width & tee length
4. Enter loading. Program allows (1) uniform live load, (1) uniform dead load, and up to (4) point loads. In order b = width of sloped portion
to verify the adequacy of the pre-composite beam, the percent present before the concrete has hardened dt = tee depth
should be entered as well. The four point loads should be entered starting with P1 and ending with P4. dg = castellated beam depth
5. Press Stnd. Geom. button. This enters the standard castellation pattern corresponding to the given tc = conc. thick. above the flutes
castellated beam. NOMENCLATURE: hr = height of deck, ds = stud dia.
6. Choose a trial castellated beam. If all interaction values shown on the screen are less than 1.000, the beam fc' = 28 day concrete strength
is OK. wc = unit weight of concrete
OPTIMIZATION: d = depth of root beam
All of the failure modes and their corresponding interaction values are shown in the results section. All values bf = flange width
must be less than or equal to 1.000 for the beam to be OK. Press the "Find Lightest Shape" button to have tf = flange thickness
the program select the lightest shape with a standard castellation pattern. Significant strength improvements tw = web thickness
can be achieved by modifying the castellation pattern. The following guidelines will help in the optimization. ho = height of hole
1. To increase shear or web post strength, increase "e". wo = width of hole
2. To increase bending strength, decrease "e". S = hole spacing
3. If point loads are a significant portion of the load, increase "dt".
***You can return to standard geometry by pressing the "Stnd. Geom." button***
The program will design the shear studs based on the composite design values selected. You can choose
either full or partial composite. The program will space studs for point loads only if the loading is symetric.
If the loading is not symetric, the program will not supply the stud spacing.

The information presented in this publication and design software has been prepared in accordance with
recognized engineering principles, in conformity with the AISC Specification for Structural Steel in Buildings CMC Steel Products
(ASD, 1989) and is for general information only. While it is believed that all data and information furnished is 2305 Ridge Road
accurate, no person, corporation, association, or other entity involved in the preparation represents or Suite 202
warrants that this information is fit or suitable for any general or particular use or purpose, or assumes any Rockwall, TX 75098
responsibility in the use of this information. This information must be used in conjunction with sound 800-308-9925
engineering judgment and is intended to be used only by competent structural engineers, architects or other
licensed professionals.
Composite Castellated Design Program
Job Name Sample Project Uniform Distributed Loads Avg. wt. 50.5 plf
Beam Mark # CB1 Live Load 500 plf Pre-comp % 0% Anet 10.995 in^2
Span 60.000 ft Dead Load 650 plf Pre-comp % 80% Agross 18.450 in^2
Spac. Left 10.000 ft Concentrated Point Loads Ix net 2181.22 in^4
Spac. Right 10.000 ft Load # Magnitude Dist from Percent DL Percent Ix gross 2433.52 in^4
Mat. Strength-Fy 50
50 ksi (#) (kips) Lft. End (ft) (%) Pre-Comp. Sx net 125.62 in^3
Round Duct Diam. 16.011 in P1 0.00 0.00 0% 0% Sx gross 145.73 in^3
Duct W x H 9.000 in 16.185 in P2 0.00 0.00 0% 0% rx min 11.48 in
Castellated Beam CB30X44/57 P3 0.00 0.00 0% 0% Iy 25.61 in^4
Root Beams (T/B) W21X44 W21X57 P4 0.00 0.00 0% 0% Sy 7.88 in^3
bf 6.5 6.555 Concrete & Deck: Shear Studs: n 8.44
tf 0.45 0.65 conc. strength - fc' (psi) 3500 3500 stud dia. (in) 3/4" 0.75 beffec. 120.00 in
tw 0.35 0.405 conc. wt. - wc (pcf) 150 150 stud ht. (in) 5 Actr 42.665 in^2
CASTELLATION PARAMETERS: conc. above deck - tc (in) 3 studs per rib 1 N.A. ht. 31.43 In Deck
e 8.000 in rib height - hr (in) 3 composite % 100% 1 Itr 6474.27 in^4
b 5.500 in rib width - wr (in) 6 Stud Spacing: Ieffec. 6474.27 in^3
dt 5.500 in N=44,Uniformly Dist. Sxconc 1224.63 in^3
S 27.000 in RESULTS WARNINGS Sxsteel 205.97 in^3
dg 30.720 in Failure Mode Interaction Status CONSTRUCTION BRIDGING
phi 60.839 deg Bending 0.954 <=1.0 OK!! End Connection type Double clip

ho 19.720 in Web Post 0.756 <=1.0 OK!! Min. No. Of Bridging Rows 1
wo 19.000 in Shear 0.678 <=1.0 OK!! Max. Bridging. Spacing (ft) 39
Concrete 0.398 <=1.0 OK!!
Pre-Comp. 0.791 <=1.0 OK!!
Overall 0.954 <=1.0 OK!!
Pre-Composite Deflec. 2.643'' =L/272
Live Load Deflection 0.777'' =L/927


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