Statcon Case
Statcon Case
Statcon Case
G.R. No. 88979. February 7, 1992.
“With due respect, I think the interpretation of the Honorable
Commissioner of RA 6683 does not conform with the beneficent
purpose of the law. The law merely requires that a government
employee whether regular, temporary, emergency, or casual,
should have two consecutive years of government service in order
to be entitled to its benefits. I more than meet the requirement.
Persons who are not entitled are consultants, experts and
contractual(s). As to the budget needed, the law provides that the
Department of Budget and Management will shoulder a certain
portion of the benefits to be alloted to government corporations.
Moreover, personnel of these NIA special projects are entitled to
the regular benefits, such (sic) leaves, compulsory retirement and
the like. There is no reason why we should not be entitled to RA
6683. 2
x x x”
“x x x
We regret to inform you that your request cannot be granted.
The provision of Section 3.1 of Joint DBM-CSC Circular Letter
No. 89-1 does not only require an applicant to have two years of
satisfactory service on the date of separation/retirement but
further requires said applicant to be on a casual, emergency,
temporary or regular employment status as of December 2, 1988,
the date of enactment of R.A. 6683. The law does not contemplate
contractual employees in the coverage.
Inasmuch as your employment as of December 31, 1988, the
date of your separation from the service, is co-terminous with the
NIA project which is contractual in nature, this Commission shall
sustain its
original decision.
x x x”
“It is submitted that R.A. 6683, as well as Section 3.1 of the Joint
DBM-CSC Circular Letter No. 89-1 requires an applicant to be on
‘2.3 Excluded from the benefits under R.A. No. 6683 are the following:
civil service eligible becomes available.
8 Ibid., also Perez v. City of San Carlos, G.R. No. L-48196-R, 11 July 1978; Ata
v. Namocatcat, G.R. No. L-35703, 30 October 1972, 47 SCRA 320.
9 Executive Order No. 292, Section 7, 83 O.G. No. 39, 75 (September 1987).
“No statute can be enacted that can provide all the details
involved in its application. There is always an omission that may
not meet a particular situation. What is thought, at the time of
enactment, to be an all-embracing legislation may be inadequate
to provide for the unfolding events of the future. So-called gaps in
the law develop as the law is enforced. One of the rules of
statutory construction used to fill in the gap is the doctrine of
necessary implication. The doctrine states that what is implied in
a statute is as much a part thereof as that which is expressed.
Every statute is understood, by implication, to contain all such
provisions as may be necessary to effectuate its object and
purpose, or to make effective rights, powers, privileges or
jurisdiction which it grants, including all such collateral and
subsidiary consequences as may be fairly and logically inferred
from its terms. Ex necessitate legis. And every statutory grant of
power, right or privilege is deemed to include all incidental power,
right or privilege. This is so because the greater includes the
lesser, expressed
in the maxim, in eo plus sit, simper inest et
During the sponsorship speech of Congressman Dragon (re:
Early Retirement Law), in response to Congressman
Dimaporo’s interpellation on coverage of state university
employees who are
extended appointments 19
for one (1) year, renewable for two
(2) or three (3) years, he explained:
Petition granted.