Disaster Risk Reduction For Food and Nutrition Security: KEY Practices
Disaster Risk Reduction For Food and Nutrition Security: KEY Practices
Disaster Risk Reduction For Food and Nutrition Security: KEY Practices
for DRR Implementers
Disaster Risk Reduction for Food and Nutrition Security: Key Practices for DRR Implementers
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Authors Tamara van 't Wout, Stephan Baas, Mario Samaja and Javier Sanz Alvarez
Series coordinators Javier Sanz Alvarez and Erin O´Brien
Photographs © FAO/Javier Sanz Alvarez
Design and layout Handmade Communications, [email protected]
Disaster Risk Reduction for Food and Nutrition Security
for DRR Implementers
This brief is part of the series, A Field Guide for Disaster Risk Reduction in Southern Africa: Key Practices for DRR Implementers,
coordinated by the FAO Subregional Office for Disaster Risk Reduction/Management for Southern Africa. This series has been produced
with contributions from COOPI, FAO, OCHA and UN-Habitat, and comprises the following technical briefs:
This document covers humanitarian aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed
herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, and the European Commission is not
responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
The European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid department funds relief operations for victims of natural disasters and
conflicts outside the European Union. Aid is channelled impartially, straight to people in need, regardless of their race,
ethnic group, religion, gender, age, nationality or political affiliation.
Foreword by ECHO
he southern Africa and Indian Ocean region is extremely ◼ Empowering communities through multi-sectorial and multi-
vulnerable to cyclones, floods, droughts and tropical storms. level approaches with DRR mainstreamed as a central compo-
These recurrent climate-related shocks negatively affect the nent and improved food and nutrition security as an outcome.
highly sensitive livelihoods and economies in the region, and erode
communities’ ability to fully recover, leading to increased fragility This is done in alignment with national and regional strategies and
and vulnerability to subsequent disasters. The nature and pattern of frameworks.
weather-related disasters is shifting, becoming unpredictable, and For DIPECHO, one of the main measures of success is replicability.
increasing in frequency, intensity and magnitude as a result of climate To this end, technical support through guidelines established for
change. Vulnerability in the region is further compounded by prevail- DRR implementers is a welcome output of the DIPECHO interven- 01
ing negative socio-economic factors, such as high HIV rates, extreme tions in the region. ECHO has supported regional partners, namely
poverty, growing insecurity and demographic growth and trends COOPI, FAO, UN-Habitat and UN-OCHA, to enhance the resilience of
(including intra-regional migration and increasing urbanization). vulnerable populations in southern Africa by providing the funding
The European Commission’s Office for Humanitarian Affairs to field-test and establish good practices, and to develop a toolkit
(ECHO) has actively engaged in the region through the Disaster for their replication in southern Africa. It is the aim of the European
Preparedness ECHO (DIPECHO) programme since 2009, supporting Commission Office for Humanitarian Affairs and its partners to fulfil
multi-sectorial disaster risk reduction interventions in food security the two objectives sustainably and efficiently through the practices
and agriculture, infrastructure and adapted architecture, informa- contained in this toolkit to ensure the increased resilience of the most
tion and knowledge management, water, sanitation and hygiene, vulnerable populations in the region.
and health. This programme operates with two objectives, notably:
◼ Emergency preparedness by building local capacities for sustain- Cees Wittebrood
able weather-hazard preparedness and management, including Head of Unit, East, West and Southern Africa
seasonal preparedness plans, training, emergency stocks and Directorate-General for ECHO
rescue equipment, as well as Early Warning Systems. European Commission
Foreword by FAO
he southern Africa region is vulnerable to a diverse array Together with partners, FAO is undertaking intensive work in
of hazards, largely linked to environmental causes (such as southern Africa to consolidate the resilience of hazard-prone com-
drought, cyclones and floods); human, animal and plant dis- munities; this is leading to an improved knowledge base and to
eases and pests; economic shocks; and in some areas socio-political documentation of good practices. This toolkit purports to dissemi-
unrest and insecurity, among others. The region’s risk profile is nate improved methods and technologies on key aspects of agricul-
evolving, with new factors becoming gradually more prominent, ture, such as appropriate seed varieties, irrigation, storage systems,
including a trend towards increased urbanization, migration and land and water use and Farmer Field Schools, in the hope that they
mobility, among others. Natural hazards will be progressively more may serve different stakeholders to improve their resilience-building 03
influenced by trends in climate change. Disasters in the region are efforts. A multi-sectoral approach and solid partnerships are seen
often composite and recurrent, and have a dramatic impact on liveli- as key to the success of resilience-building work. For this reason,
hoods and on southern African countries’ economy and environ- this toolkit also includes non-agricultural aspects of good resilience
ment, often undermining growth and hard-won development gains. practices, contributed by FAO partners: the UN-OCHA, UN-HABITAT
Increasing the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises con- and COOPI, which certainly strengthen this collection.
stitutes one of the Strategic Objectives of FAO’s Strategic Framework
(Strategic Objective 5, or SO5). FAO specifically aims at building resil-
ience as it relates to agriculture and food and nutrition security, which
are among the sectors most severely affected by natural hazards. The David Phiri Mario Samaja
impact of shocks and disasters can be mitigated and recovery can be Sub-Regional Coordinator Senior Coordinator
greatly facilitated if appropriate agricultural practices are put in place; FAO Sub-regional Office for FAO Sub-regional Office for DRR
improving the capacity of communities, local authorities and other Southern Africa Southern Africa
stakeholders is therefore central to resilience building. Harare Johannesburg
Acronyms and Abbreviations.......................................................................... 05
1. Introduction.............................................................................................. 06
2. Key Concepts............................................................................................. 08
5. Conclusion................................................................................................ 39
outhern Africa1 is a highly diverse region, from both a geo- as well as food price volatility. Biological factors, such as the spread
graphic and a climatic point of view, spanning the ample de- of animal and plant pests and diseases (brown streak and mosaic
serts in Namibia to the Equatorial rainforests in the Democratic diseases of cassava, or foot-and-mouth disease that affects cattle)
Republic of the Congo (DRC). This diversity is also reflected in the have also impacted the food, nutrition and livelihood security in the
variety of hazards that recurrently affect an important part of the region. The impacts of such disasters include reduction of agricul-
surface and the population. ture production, destruction of productive assets, like agricultural
Hazards in southern Africa are often due to disruptive climatic equipment and facilities, as well as disrupting trade and market
events, particularly severe droughts, floods and/or cyclones. The access. All these factors negatively impacted the farmers’ income
06 1992 drought that affected most of southern Africa, and cyclones and their ability to adequately and safely feed their families.
Eline in 2000 and Favio in 2007, which heavily impacted Mozam-
bique and Madagascar, are among the most destructive events
of the last two decades in this region. Each of these events led to
substantial devastation with regard to lives and livelihoods, and
both also had significant impacts on the region’s economic develop-
ment. Climate change is a major concern in this regard, as extreme
weather events are expected to increase and become more severe.
During the last decades other crises have occurred, including
man-made hazards, such as armed conflicts (i.e. DRC), political
conflicts (i.e. Madagascar) in socio violence/conflicts (i.e. Zimbabwe)
© Mario Samaja
1 For the purpose of this document, the following countries of the southern Africa
sub-region are included Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic
of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia,
Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The people of southern Africa’s rural communities are highly agriculture-dependent communities. It outlines an overall context
dependent on agriculture (including forestry, livestock production for the other documents produced in this series, A Field Guide for
and fisheries) for a living; and for them the impact of disasters Disaster Risk Reduction in Southern Africa: Key Practices for DRR
may lead to a progressive impoverishment. Moreover, underlying Implementers. Moreover, it describes FAO’s Framework Programme
structural and vulnerability factors, including extreme poverty and within this context provides overall information and technical
levels, HIV/AIDS, water scarcity and environmental degradation, recommendations, which can help field practitioners, government
will further increase the impact of disasters throughout the region. officers and non-governmental organizations, involved in the
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations formulation or implementation of DRR projects and programmes
(FAO) leads international efforts to defeat hunger, supporting in southern Africa. In particular, it may serve as a reference guide
countries to improve sustainable agriculture, livestock, forestry and during the identification, formulation and planning of activities
fishery practices to ensure food and nutrition security for all. FAO’s that aim to build resilient livelihoods in the agriculture, livestock,
Disaster Risk Reduction for Food and Nutrition Security Framework fisheries/aquaculture, forestry and natural resource management 07
Programme, aims at building hazard-prone communities’ resilience sectors in hazard-prone areas.
through strengthening agricultural livelihoods, in order to be pre-
pared for possible hazards, reduce their impact, and facilitate an
early recovery. It aims to guide the implementation, scaling up
and acceleration of its disaster risk reduction (DRR) work at local,
national, regional and global levels and consolidate its technical
cross-sectoral expertise on DRR.
Disaster risk reduction countries, provides a 10 year action-plan for DRR; it has been adopted
by all southern African countries.2 The HFA provides a coordination
eople’s livelihoods are impacted by various types of shocks mechanism, and has created regional and national platforms guiding
and crises, which can lead to the damage or destruction of the implementation of DRR activities across sectors.
human lives, crops, animals, fishing boats and gear, infra- DRR interventions aim to avoid (prevention) or to limit (mitiga-
structure, etc. The extent of the impact depends on the intensity tion and preparedness) the adverse impacts of hazards, thereby
08 of the hazard, the level of people’s vulnerability and their capacity minimizing vulnerabilities and disaster risks as well as facilitating
to cope with these shocks and stresses. an early recovery after the shock. Within the field of DRR, a further
distinction can be made between ‘structural’ measures (physical
Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability and technical), which refer to engineering techniques that focus on
Capacity hazard-resistance, and those that are ‘non-structural’ (diagnostic,
policy and institutional), such as advocacy, knowledge and practices
According to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster or agreements to reduce risks and impacts. In addition to being
Reduction (UNISDR), disaster risk reduction is: “the concept and effective in terms of saving lives and livelihoods, DRR is also efficient
practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to ana- and cost effective: it is calculated that for every dollar spent on DRR,
lyze and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through
reduced exposure to hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and
2 The five priority areas of the HFA are: (1) Ensure that disaster risk reduction is a
property, wise management of land and the environment, and national and a local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation.
improved preparedness for adverse events.” The concept of DRR (2) Identify, assess and monitor disaster risks and enhance early warning. (3) Use
knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience
as promoted by UNISDR was initiated to address natural hazards. at all levels. (4) Reduce the underlying risk factors. (5) Strengthen disaster
The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 (HFA), adopted by 168 preparedness for effective response at all levels.
between US$2 and US$4 are saved that would otherwise be spent ◼ stresses the link between underlying risk factors that create
on disaster relief and rehabilitation.3 overall vulnerability, and the acute threats people face through
DRR is a key concept for agriculture since the majority of the their exposure to extreme events;
people vulnerable to natural hazards and disasters are the food ◼ emphasizes the need for stronger synergies between develop-
insecure and the poor who derive their livelihoods from agriculture ment and humanitarian perspectives and actions to promote
and its subsectors. short- and long-term resilience; and
◼ reinforces that, ultimately, resilience must be embedded into
Resilience the institutional, social, economic, environmental dimensions of
sustainable development, in efforts at all levels to fight hunger
Disasters and crises that affect food and nutrition security go and malnutrition.
beyond natural disasters; therefore, FAO promotes a multi-hazard
approach to strengthen the resilience of livelihoods against disasters The promotion of resilience of livelihoods calls for synergies 09
and ensure food and nutrition security. The concept of resilience between technical good practices for disaster risk reduction and
establishes the wider frame, which includes DRR but goes beyond it. climate change adaptation, food chain crises prevention, social
The resilience concept as promoted by FAO in the context of shocks protection, financial risk transfer and tenure of natural resources
and crises applies multi-sectoral and multi-hazard perspectives; the for the most vulnerable.
shocks and crises addressed in integrated ways in FAOs approach
include natural disasters, food chain emergencies/transboundary
threats; socio-economic crises; violent conflicts; and protracted AO’s definition of resilience is
“the ability to prevent disasters and crises as well as
The FAO resilience concept applied to the context of shocks
to anticipate, absorb, accommodate or recover from
and crises:
them in a timely, efficient and sustainable manner. This
includes protecting, restoring and improving livelihoods
systems in the face of threats that impact agriculture,
nutrition, food security and food safety.”
3 DFID, 2006
3. FAO’s DRR for Food and Nutrition Security
Framework Programme
n its commitment to support livelihood protection and to
strengthen capacities to absorb the impact of and recover
from disasters through risk reduction, FAO has developed a
Disaster Risk Reduction for Food and Nutrition Security Framework
Programme. It aims to guide the implementation, scaling up and
acceleration of FAO’s DRR work at local, national, regional and
10 global levels and consolidate its technical cross-sectorial expertise
on DRR in the wider context of resilience building.
“The goal of the FAO’s DRR for Food and Nutrition Security
Framework Programme is to enhance the resilience of livelihoods
against threats and emergencies to ensure the FNS of vulnerable
farmers, fishers, herders, foresters and other at risk groups.”
(FAO, 2013: viii)
The Framework Programme consists of four pillars, which
integrate all agricultural sectors and promote cross-sectoral col-
laboration. These four pillars are closely linked to the priority areas
of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 (HFA).
Pillar 1 – ‘Enable the environment’: good governance and local level. DRR interventions should be integrated into poverty
institutional strengthening reduction and development programming and policies, and close
coordination amongst institutions at different levels are key to avoid
The objective of pillar 1: is “to support the enabling environment overlaps and promote synergies and complementarities, including
of FAO’s member states, with appropriate legislation, policies and between humanitarian and development actors to ensure sustain-
institutional frameworks for DRR for FNS in agriculture, livestock, ability of actions.
fisheries/aquaculture, forestry and natural resource management
and to strengthen the institutional capacities to implement these Pillar 2 – ‘Watch to safe guard’: information and early
initiatives.” (FAO, 2013: iv) warning systems
National DRR laws, policies and institutional mechanisms are re- The objective of pillar 2 is to “strengthen and harmonize food
quired to support the implementation of appropriate actions at and nutrition security information and early warning systems to 11
better monitor the multiple threats and inform decision-making
in preparedness, response, policy, advocacy and programming.”
(FAO, 2013: 32)
Pillar 4 – ‘Prepare to respond’: improve preparedness for
disaster response and recovery
arious disasters impact the lives and livelihoods of small-scale which will have a great impact on rural communities that are largely
farmers, herders, fishers and foresters throughout southern dependent on rain-fed agriculture. The following section outines
Africa: the hazards to which southern Africa is exposed.
Natural disasters, such as droughts, floods and cyclones are the
main natural disasters in southern Africa, and have an enormous
potential to inflict severe damage to agriculture production, destroy 15
production assets like equipment or infrastructures, disrupt market
access and highly affect food and nutrition security, food safety
and farmers´ income. In the last 20 years, these weather-related
events have resulted in substantial numbers of affected people and
economic losses. The 1992 drought, for example, affected over 86
million people throughout 10 countries. Around 5 million people
were affected by cyclones Eline and Hudah in 2000 in Madagascar
and Mozambique. Four years later cyclone Favio and extensive
flooding severely affected 200 000 people and agricultural produc-
tion in Madagascar where in some locations 80 percent of crops
were lost.4
4 http://www.fao.org/newsroom/en/news/2007/1000518/index.html; http://www.
Food chain emergencies of transboundary threats, such and Rift Valley fever or Peste des Petits Ruminants, which affect
as transboundary plant, animal, aquatic and zoonotic pests and small ruminants.
diseases. Transboundary plant pests and animal diseases can easily Food chain emergencies resulting from transboundary threats
spread between countries and reach epidemic proportions; where reduce the productivity of crops and animals and may have severe
control/management, including exclusion, are needed, addressing consequences for food safety and public health in the case of food
these threats requires cooperation between several countries. Trans- contamination or zoonosis (animal diseases that can also affect
boundary plant pests and diseases include locusts or armyworms humans, such as Brucellosis or Rift Valley fever). Food-borne ill-
and cassava brown streak and mosaic diseases. Transboundary nesses are also a cause of malnutrition, due to the consumption
animal diseases include foot-and-mouth disease that affects cattle of unsafe food.
Environmental degradation: The degradation of land, natural
water catchments, forests and coastal marine and inland aquatic
systems, undermine nature’s defense capacity against natural haz-
ards, aggravating the impact of disasters and further contributing
to ecosystem degradation, erosion, desertification and biodiversity
loss. Environmental degradation may negatively affect agricultural
productivity, food security, food safety and civil protection, as
people often settle in areas highly exposed to flood risk or land
and water degradation.
Socio-economic crises, such as volatility in agricultural com- Other main social threats that have a macroeconomic impact on
modity markets and soaring food prices. On several occasions over some countries in southern Africa are the high levels of chronic
the past decade, food prices rapidly increased as a result of poor malnutrition and HIV/AIDS infection.
harvests and other factors such as food commodity speculation and Protracted crises are prolonged emergencies that are charac-
the expansion of bio-fuel crops. The global food crisis of 2007–2008 terized by high levels of food insecurity. Throughout the region,
had a significant impact on the prices of the main staple cereals, armed, political and social conflicts and violence have occurred
which further aggravated malnutrition in the region and impov- (political crisis in Madagascar and Zimbabwe) or are still active (e.g.
erished vulnerable communities. In 2010, the soaring food prices the Kivu conflict in the DRC).
triggered riots in food importing countries, such as in Mozambique.
Linking FAO's Framework Programme to southern Africa's threats
5 http://www.sadc.int/themes/disaster-risk-management/
6 According to UNISDR, the following countries have officially declared national
platforms for DRR: Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho,
Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia. http://www.
where DRR stakeholders (public and private, national and inter- However, efforts need to be enhanced to link these existing strate-
national) meet to exchange information, knowledge, experience, gies with DRR plans and strategies.
analyses and coordinate DRR activities. The Southern African Regional Interagency Standing Committee
Most of the countries also have legal frameworks, policies and (RIASCO) identified the following main challenges to humanitarian
national plans and strategies for DRR, although efforts should be and DRR interventions in the region:
done to assure the full implementation of these policies. National ◼ Uneven human resource capacities in national disaster manage-
strategies and plans have also been developed and established in ment authorities;
important sectors that are concerned by DRR, such as food security, ◼ High dependence on external funding; and
nutrition, social safety-net programmes, poverty reduction, sustain- ◼ Limited institutional and operational capacity for urban risk
able natural resource management and sustainable development. management in rapidly expanding cities, which among others
constraints risk management planning.7
outh Africa, prone to natural hazards including droughts, floods, cyclones and fires, has been at the forefront of
establishing disaster risk management legislation and institutional structures at all levels. In 2002, it established the
Disaster Management Act (DMA) along with the 2005 National Disaster Management Framework, which provides the legal
framework that promotes prevention, mitigation and preparedness for disaster response and recovery as well as outlines the
institutional structure for disaster risk management at national, provincial and municipal levels.
At the core of this institutional structure is the National Disaster Management Center (NDMC), which is the main body that
develops, coordinates, implements and monitors legislation, policies and cross-sectorial activities at all levels. Disaster man-
agement centers also exist in each province and municipality and their exact roles and responsibilities regarding planning,
implementation, monitoring, communication and coordination of activities with other key actors are described in the DMA.
South Africa included risk management activities into its 1998 agricultural policy, such as the promotion of technologies
24 and practices to reduce risk and the collection of climate trends and market information. It started to systematically
integrate disaster risk management as a strategic goal in its agricultural plans from 2008 onwards;* similarly agricultural
sectors featured strongly in the 2005 drought plan. This mainstreaming is highly important as disasters severely affect
small-scale farmers whose livelihoods are largely dependent upon agriculture.
Despite the establishment of legislation, the advancement compared to other countries in the region of the inclusion of
DRR into agricultural sectorial plans and policies as well as the establishment of institutions at all levels, constraints exist
in the effective functioning of the system. Limited financial resources, which in turn restrict the implementation capacity
of institutions, in particular at the local level as well as the lack of communication and coordination between the disaster
management centers at different levels, are among the challenges. However, DRR is fully driven and owned by the South
African government, which should be applauded and further stimulated, because having these legislative frameworks and
institutional structures in place is a prerequisite for implementing proactive measures that help to prevent and mitigate
the impact of disasters.
Source: Van Niekerk and Visser, 2010; SALGA, 2011
* See South Africa’s Strategic Plan for the Department of Agriculture, 2008/09 – 2010/11; the Sectorial Disaster Risk Management Plan, 2012; and the Strategic Plan
for the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2012/3 – 2016/7.
Pillar 2 – Watch to safe guard: information and
early warning systems
There have been improvements in the collection of information on
disasters and emergencies at national and regional level, although
the efforts are uneven throughout the region: only Mozambique,
Malawi and Madagascar systematically collect information.8
There remain many challenges at regional and country level
regarding the monitoring of natural hazards, climate conditions,
economic crises and political conflicts and their effects on food and
nutrition security. These limitations refer to the scope, data collec-
tion methodologies and user applications, institutional structures, 25
capacity, coordination and communication.
Regional and national food security information systems mainly
focus on natural events affecting food security and less on the
impacts of long-term trends like climate change and economic crises
and their effects on food and nutrition security. Besides limitations
in terms of scope, additional challenges of these systems include
inaccuracy of food security data caused by the use of official and
unofficial data sources; the lack of consensus between countries on
the use of indicators and the inconsistent measurement of different
food security dimensions due to use of different methodologies
by countries.
© Erin O'Brien
Box 2: The issuing of alerts to improve preparedness for response to the 2013 floods
in Mozambique
ozambique experienced extensive flooding in early January 2013, which killed over 110 people, temporarily displaced
over 185 000 and destroyed and damaged crops and infrastructure including houses, roads and bridges. The disaster
had extensive impacts, even though this country is frequently affected by natural hazards.
By mid-January, the authorities issued an orange alert due to heavy rainfall, which resulted in nine deaths and affected
over 18 000 people, to increase monitoring and strengthen preparedness; the following week an institutional red alert was
issued and response actions were initiated, which were coordinated and led by the National Disaster Management Institute
(INGC). The government mobilized approximately US$10 million through the Contingency Plan Funds for response activities,
however, it was anticipated that this would not be sufficient and requested at the end of January US$30.6 million from the 31
international community to support 150 000 people in the southern province of Gaza for a period of six months.
By early March, the number of people affected increased to over 475 000, with over 1 300 reported cholera cases. UN
organizations, national and international non-government organizations provided relief and recovery assistance. By the
end of April almost all humanitarian relief needs were financially covered, but only very limited funds were received and
available to support early recovery activities, which are crucial to help these people recover and rebuild their lives and
This case study has shown that the government of Mozambique is aiming to increase the issuing of timely alerts so
that people can improve their preparedness and to make funds available through established contingency plans and
mechanisms to initiate response activities. As a result of a good early warning system and the activation of contingency
and response plans, the impact of these floods, even if devastating for material goods, was relatively small in terms of the
number of people who died.
Sources: OCHA, 2013; United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office, 2013
Pillar 3 – Apply prevention and mitigation:
agriculture practices and technologies for
disaster prevention and mitigation
and heavy rains can be reduced through the use of trees and ◼ Integrated fire management is a holistic approach, where
shrubs as shelterbelts, windbreaks and live fences. An additional prevention, preparedness, suppression and restoration meas-
benefit is that agro-forestry also stabilizes soils, prevents ero- ures are undertaken to manage fire on all vegetation types.
sion and slows land degradation. This practice can generate Prescribed burning is a DRR technique through which controlled
additional income and diversify production, thus reducing the burning is undertaken during the cooler months to reduce fuel
risk of total production losses. buildup and thereby reducing the risks of fires.
◼ Improved cook stoves and alternatives to wood energy sup-
port the preservation of biodiversity, the reduction of deforesta-
tion and in turn the reduction of the impact of natural hazards
that a deforested area is more prone to, such as heavy winds
and landslides.
Fisheries and aquaculture:
◼ Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible
Fisheries, including the application of the ecosystem approach
to fisheries and aquaculture and of the voluntary guidelines for
securing small-scale fisheries.
◼ Development and implementation of good aquaculture
practices to reduce the exposure of aquaculture against natural
hazards as well as minimize environmental damage.
alawi is prone to natural hazards, such as floods and droughts, which usually happen in late January to early March
in the southern districts of the country (Nsanje and Chikwawa). The country is also one of the poorest in Africa and
the world, where the majority of the small-scale farmers are dependent on rain-fed agriculture, high malnutrition
levels are prevalent, and approximately 7 percent of the population is affected by HIV, which has socio-economic effects on
people’s food and nutrition security (UN Aids, 2012).
Farmers generally do not perceive floods as a major problem, because once the water has receded, the residual moisture al-
lows them to replant, with high chances of obtaining a harvest. Dry spells, on the other hand, have a more severe negative
impact on crop production and food and nutrition security, as they can occur throughout the country, at any time in the
growing cycle. Dry spells are expected to increase due to climate change.
FAO, in collaboration with the agricultural line ministries at various levels, universities and research institutes, non-
governmental organizations, extension officers and farmers associations, is implementing an ambitious programme to
identify, select, test and validate good agricultural practices and technologies that can be very helpful to increase the 41
resilience of rural communities to floods and cyclones, therefore reducing the losses linked to the impact of disasters on
people’s livelihoods and contribute to their food and nutrition security.
FAO works through existing community structures, such as the Village Civil Protection Committee (VCPC), and with the
support of the extension services to ensure local ownership of the interventions and long-term sustainability. Community
demonstration plots are used to train farmers and increase their knowledge of these agricultural practices.
The DRR programme implemented in Malawi, for instance, has proved that when early planting (late October-early
November) is combined with short cycle varieties, losses can be reduced and production increased. This is because short
cycle varieties mature more quickly and therefore become stronger and are better able to resist the impact of erratic rains,
floods and dry spells; furthermore, plants spend less time in the field, shortening the hazard-exposure period. The use of
an improved short cycle varieties, such as the variety of millet ‘Nyankhombo’, showed to be more resistant to drought than
the local varieties and doubled the yield in all study areas compared to local varieties.
Other good agricultural practices, like mulching, conservation agriculture, small irrigation through shallow wells and treadle
pumps, planting pits, furrows and box ridges, can further help to mitigate the impact of dry spells and support hazard-
exposed small-scale farmers. The strengthening of community based organizations and initiatives, such as farmer´s associa-
tions, clusters of farmers, seed pass-on programmes or community managed agricultural infrastructures and equipment
(irrigation schemes, storage facilities), has proven to significantly help to increase the resilience of these communities.
Pillar 4 – Prepare to respond: preparedness to
improve disaster response and recovery
Contingency plans outline the roles and responsibilities of key
stakeholders at all levels as well as procedures to follow when a
disaster happens. The implementation of preparedness measures
to improve disaster response and recovery involves developing
interdisciplinary preparedness and contingency plans. These plans
should include the food and agriculture sectors and identify specific
and related measures to reduce the impact of natural hazards such
as floods and droughts.
42 Governments across the region are taking the lead to coordinate
the contingency planning process at national level with support
from other international partners. National contingency plans
generally exist and few countries, such as Mozambique and South
Africa, have sub-national contingency plans. Some countries de-
veloped contingency plans that address multi-hazards, for instance
Malawi, whereas others like Madagascar developed contingency
plans specifically for floods and drought.
Agriculture-related emergency response and recovery measures
aim to rapidly rebuild agricultural capacities. These interventions
include relief operations mainly focused on distributions of agricul-
tural tools and equipment, such as seeds, fertilizer, fishing nets or
vaccines and veterinary supplies. However, some considerations on
prevention need to be also included in this response and recovery
phase, and efforts should be channeled to assure the principle of
‘Building Back Better’, assuming that natural hazards in prone areas disaster response and recovery. There is also a need to include the
will happen again. Recovery interventions should aim to increase local levels in consultations and in participatory planning so that
local capacities and disseminate practices that will minimize the the measures and actions are well-known and understood by those
need for external support in the future. who are required to implement life-saving actions.
In recent years, there has been growing interest and practice in The RIASCO study identified challenges regarding regional
the use of vouchers and cash transfers in crisis risk management, preparedness in southern Africa. The Southern Africa Regional Cli-
humanitarian and transition programming, as well as in develop- mate Outlook Forum (SARCOF) process to undertake preparedness
ment and social protection programmes, and there are experiences planning is seasonally focused, instead of planning for less expected,
in several countries in southern Africa.10 smaller and/or more recurrent and widely impacting emergencies,
This series elaborates guidelines on how to integrate emer- including those with longer duration periods of over three months,
gency responses with prevention mechanisms in several aspects of or emerging hazards, such as severe economic shocks that affect
agriculture geared towards DRR and increasing resilience. Topics food, which should also be considered and included.11 43
addressed include strengthening the informal seed sector in hazard
prone areas; improved hazard-proof construction of agricultural Recommendations
infrastructures, such as irrigation schemes or storage systems; the
strengthening of farmers´ technical and organizational capacities The impacts of hazards can be reduced through improved prepared-
through Farmer Field Schools; the promotion of local seed multipli- ness for response. This goes hand in hand and mutually reinforces an
cation; and improving local-level capacities to cope with recurrent enabling institutional environment, information and early warning
natural hazards. systems, which contribute to the effectiveness of implemented
Challenges that remain encompass the limited and regular up- prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures.
dating of contingency plans, limited inclusion of specific agricultural
preparedness measures, and often resource constraints (human,
technical and financial) to effectively improve preparedness for
10 Further reference can be found on the FAO Policy on Cash Based Transfers ( Nov
2012) and Guidelines for Input Trade Fairs and Voucher Schemes ( April 2013) 11 Holloway, et al., 2013
Agricultural practices to strengthen preparedness for response
and recovery at national and local level
◼ Establish seed and grazing fodder reserves. Sufficient seed
and fodder reserves are particularly important during short-
ages, to facilitate replanting after a shock as an early recovery
measure for the former and to prevent de-stocking of animals
in the case of the latter. A well-functioning community seed
or grain bank can increase and ensure farmers’ access to seeds
and food in times of need.
◼ Establish safe storage, animal shelters and food processing
facilities. The protection of seeds, harvests and agricultural
44 inputs and equipment in hazard-resistant safe storages, are
highly important preparedness measures in a hazard-prone
area. Livestock shelters to protect animals in time of shocks and
the protection of food processing facilities are also important
aspects to take into account as preparedness measures against
possible hazards.
◼ Establish vaccine banks to ensure the rapid supply of
emergency stock of vaccines. In areas that are endemic to
animal diseases that cause significant losses, national and
regional authorities may consider establishing vaccine banks
and vaccination campaigns as a preventive measure, but also
as a way to control a declared outbreak.
◼ Stockpile agricultural inputs. Ensuring farmers’ access to
agricultural inputs (tools, fertiliser, fishing gear, etc.) helps to
increase their coping capacity to quickly recover from a disaster.
◼ Promote community based preparedness and response ◼ Support multi-hazard risk analysis and its integration into
planning to include location specific early warning mechanisms preparedness planning and development programming.
or demarcation of evacuation routes and emergency grazing Multi-hazard risk analysis helps to understand the interaction
reserves. of various risks at different spatial scales and levels. The integra-
tion into preparedness planning and development planning is
National and local preparedness planning highly beneficial as adequate and effective interventions can be
◼ Support the link between early warning and early action: designed that address and reduce all identified risks.
The capacities of national institutions need to be reinforced to
trigger a timely action after an alert has been released by an
EWS. This involves the coordination between different institu-
tions (civil protection, extension services, research centers,
meteorological information, etc.) as well as between institutions 45
and stakeholders at national and local levels.
◼ Support local and national preparedness/contingency plans.
Effective preparedness and contingency plans outline key stake-
holders’ roles and responsibilities, coordination mechanisms and
procedures to follow during an emergency event. Agriculture and
food and nutrition security sectors need to be integrated in these
multi-sectorial plans; for example, a preparedness/contingency
plan for floods should include specific agriculture actions, such
as moving livestock to safe locations to reduce losses.
◼ Provide guidance on viable operational and f inancial
components of national contingency plans. Sufficient op-
erational and financial capacity to respond and recover from a
disaster is essential to respond to a crisis.
Box 4: Controlling the spread of the locust plague in Madagascar in 2013
adagascar is recurrently affected by locust plagues, but the infestation of locust in 2012–2013 has been one of the worst
in the past 60 years. By mid-2013 locusts had already infested over half of the island’s cultivated land and pastures,
especially affecting the southwestern region. This locust infestation led to huge losses that exceeded a quarter of
Madagascar’s food crop production. This is disastrous for a country where more than three-quarters of the population depend
on agriculture for their livelihoods, and where the food security was already precarious as it has been severely affected by a
long period of political instability and economic crisis that started in 2009.
• By the end of 2012, the Ministry of Agriculture of Madagascar requested technical and financial support from FAO to help
control the spread of locusts as well as to assist with the coordination and implementation of the response to the locust
plague. Timely response is essential in such a rapid onset crisis, in order to minimize the losses and save the livelihoods
46 of millions of small-scale farmers dedicated mainly to rice production and cattle rearing – both activities severely touched
by the locust plague that creates significant losses in crops and pastures.
• Together with the government, FAO is currently implementing a three-year locust programme (2013–2016) totaling US$41.5
million, which involves large-scale aerial campaigns to treat and protect a total of 2.14 million hectares as well as
strengthening national capacities to survey, analyze and control locust outbreaks and monitor the impact of treatments
on crops, pastures, human health and the environment.
• A national locust emergency plan developed in 2012 established a national coordination unit within the Ministry of
Agriculture in Antananarivo and a regional coordination unit in Tuléar to help with the management of the crisis.
• A locust risk management plan and a locust risk prevention plan are also being prepared.
• Until the end of January 2014, extensive aerial surveys have been undertaken in the invasion and outbreak areas: ap-
proximately 270 000 hectares have been identified as heavily infested and a total of 79 584 hectares have been treated
and protected.
• The rapid response to control this locust infestation has been crucial to mitigate the impact of the crisis and reduce the
effect on the food security situation of an important fraction of the Malagasy population.
Source: FAO, 2013c
5. Conclusion
outhern Africa is prone to various hazards, including floods, strengthening; information and early warning systems; agricultural
cyclones, droughts, plant and animal pests and diseases and practices and technologies for disaster prevention and mitigation,
economic and political shocks, which significantly affect the as well as preparedness measures to improve disaster response
livelihoods of millions of small-scale farmers, herders, fishers and and recovery.
foresters. More than this, these crises may undermine the improve- The objective of FAO DRR programme in Southern Africa is to
ments made in the development of many countries in southern build the resilience of rural communities involved in the agriculture,
Africa, as they often have macroeconomic repercussions. livestock, fisheries, forestry and natural resource management
With climate outlooks indicating an increase in the frequency sectors in hazard-prone areas, and help them to better adapt to
and intensity of natural events, it is likely that agriculturally de- adverse situations. 47
pendent households in hazard-prone areas will be even more
severely affected in the future. The impact of natural hazards in
the agriculture and food and nutrition security sectors affect mainly
the crop production, but also the agricultural infrastructure and
access to markets, increasing the vulnerability of rural communities,
exacerbating the persistent high poverty levels, constraining the
development of an important part of the population and leading
to inequalities and social and economic tensions.
Disaster risk reduction can provide viable options to increase
the resilience of these rural communities to prevent and mitigate
the effects of hazards, be better prepared and facilitate an early
recovery after the shock.
This brief has identified key DRR areas and outlined recom-
mendations in the areas of good governance and institutional
6. Bibliography and References for Further Reading
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Climate Extremes and Disasters in Africa: Lessons from the IPCC Africa. Forests and Climate Change Working Paper 12. Rome,
SREX report. CDKN, available at: http://www.ifrc.org/docs/ available at: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i2970e/i2970e.pdf
FAO. 2013c. Response to the locust plague. Three-year Programme
DFID. 2006. Reducing the Risk of Disasters – Helping to Achieve 2013-2016, available at: http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/
Sustainable Poverty Reduction in a Vulnerable World: A DFID Policy emergencies/docs/Locust-crisis-madagascar-FAO_en.pdf
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FAO. 2001. The State of the Food and Agriculture 2001. Rome, G., M a f ul e k a G., Morojel e M ., P e n i c el a N h a m b iu B.,
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FAO.2 007. Subregional report on animal genetic resources: Regional Interagency Standing Committee, Southern Africa.
Southern Africa. Annex to The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Rome, FAO, available at: http://reliefweb.int /report /malawi/
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Africa/SouthernAfrica.pdf SALGA. 2011. Disaster Risk Management Status Assessment at
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UNAids. 2012. Malawi Country Profile, available at: http://www. Nairobi, 14-16 May 2010, available at: http://acds.co.za/uploads/
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U NESCA. 2011. Enhancing the effectiveness of food system Ziervogel, G., Taylor, A., Hachigonta, S. and Hoffmaister, J.
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sites/default/files/publications/enhancing-the-effectivenessof-food- of vulnerable communities. Stockholm Environmental Institute,
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UNOCHA. 2013. Southern Africa: Weekly Report (5 to 11 March
2013), available at: http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/
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