DITU Syllabus PDF
DITU Syllabus PDF
DITU Syllabus PDF
List of Elective Subjects for Minor Project List of Elective Subjects for Major Project
(VII Semester) (VIII Semester)
Summary of Credits
Algebra: Equations reducible to quadratics, simultaneous equations (linear and quadratic), Determinants,
properties of solution of simultaneous equations by Cramer‘s rule.
Matrices, definition of special kinds of matrices, arithmetic operations on matrices, inverse of a matrix,
solution of simultaneous equations by matrices, pharmaceutical applications of determinants and matrices.
Mensuration and its pharmaceutical applications
Condensation of the data collected; various forms of distribution tables.
ictorial representation of frequency distribution in histograms and frequency polygons . Measures of central
Measures of dispersion-range, mean deviation and standard deviation, coefficient of variation.
Graphical representation of data, use of log log graph, semi log graph etc.
Trigonometry: Measurement of angle, T-ration, addition, substraction and transformation formulae, T-
ration of multiple, submultiples, allied and certain angles, application of logarithms in pharmaceutical
Recommended Books:
1. A textbook of Mathematics for XI-XII Students, NCERT Publication Vol. I-IV..
2. Loney, S.L, The elements of coordinate geometry AITBS Publishers.
3. Gupta S.P., Statistical Methods Sultan Chand and Co., New Delhi
4. Narayan Shanti, Integral calculus , Sultan Chand & Co.
5. Prasad Gorakh,Text book on differential calculus , Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
6. Prasad Gorakh, Text book on integral calculus , Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
7. Narayan Shanti, Differential calculus , Shyamlal Charitable Trust, New Delhi.
8. Vishal Mehta, Remedial Mathematics for Pharmacy, Kamini Publication, Kanpur
9. Loney, S.L, Plane Trigonometry AITBS Publishers
Plant cell: Cell organelles, cell cycle, cell division (mitosis and meiosis), Plant tissue and tissue system.
Study of morphological and histological characters of crude drugs:
Ergastic cell inclusions, anatomical structures of bark, fruits, flowers, seeds and monocot and dicot stems,
leaves and roots.
Nomenclature and Methods of plant classification: Artificial system, Phylogenetic system, Natural system
and Modern system
Plant taxonomy:
Study of medicinally important families: Apocynaceae, Solanaceae, Rutaceae, Umbeliferae, Leguminosae,
Rubiaceae, Liliaceae, Gramineae, Labiateae, Cruciferae, Papaveraceae, Compositae.
Factors affecting plant cultivation and their growth:
(i) Exogenous (ii) Edaphic factors (iii) Mineral supplements
(iv) Nutrients (v) Growth regulators and inhibitors
Recommended Books:
1. Dutta A.C. Botany for Degree students Oxford University Press, New Delhi
2. Marshall & Williams Text Book of Zoology CBS Publishers & Distrubutors, Delhi.
3. Weiz, Paul B Laboratory Manual in Science of Biology Mc Graw-Hill Book Company.
4. Fahn Plant Anatomy Aditya Books Private Limited, New Delhi.
History Of Pharmacy: Origin & developments of pharmacy, scope of pharmacy and roles and
A review of development of Pharmaceutical Education and drugs, Pharmaceutical Industry in India,
Pioneers who have contributed to the development of Pharmacy in India and Pharmaceutical legislations
and ethics- a brief review.
Introduction to pharmacopoeias I.P., B.P., U.S.P. & International Pharmacopoeia.
Dispensing Pharmacy:
(i) Prescriptions –Reading and understanding of prescription; Latin terms commonly used, Modern methods
of prescribing.
(ii) Incompatibilities in Prescriptions –Study of various types of incompatibilities –physical, chemical and
(iii) Posology—Dose and Dosage of drugs, Factors influencing dose, calculation of doses for infants, adults
and elderly patients; Enlarging and reducing recipies percentage solution, allegation, alcohol dilution, proof
spirit, suppository bases calculation.
Pharmaceutical Additives: Coloring, flavouring and sweetening agents, co-solvents, preservatives,
surfactant, antioxidants.
Basic concept of dosage form and novel drug delivery system its classification, Introduction of different
dosage form, its preparation and examples (solutions, aromatic waters, mixtures, spirits, syrups, elixirs,
powders, lotions, liniments, pastes, mucilage, glycerin, paints, mouth washes, and inhalations)
TABLETS-Definition, types of tablets, advantages and disadvantages of tablets, tablets excipients,
technique of granulation, single punching tablet machines, and introduction of tablet coating.
Recommended Books:
1. The science and Practice of Pharmacy by Remingtons
2. Introduction to Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms by H. C. Ansel
3. Cooper and Gunn‘s Dispensing for Pharmaceutical Students by S.J.Carter
4. Textbook of Professional Pharmacy by N.K. Jain and S.N. Sharma
5. Indian Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia, United State Pharmacopoeia (Current Editions)
6. Pharmaceutical Dosage forms: Tablets, 3rd edition (Larry L. Augsburger, Stephess. V. Hoag)
7. Pharmaceutical Dosage forms: tablets (3rd volume) Herbert A.Sieberman, Leon Achman, Joseph B.
Concepts of Analysis Significance of Pharmaceutical analysis, Molarity, Molality, normality, equivalent
weight, precision and accuracy, Fundamentals of volumetric analysis, primary and secondary standards,
Errors, Indicators, Theory of indicators, ideal requirements of indicators
Acid Base Titration: Acid-base concepts, role of solvent, Law of mass action, common-ion effect, ionic
product of water, pH, hydrolysis of salts, neutralization curves, acid-base indicators
Oxidation Reduction Titrations Oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, Theory of redox titrations, redox
indicators, oxidation reduction curves, iodimetry and iodometry, titrations involving potassium iodate &
potassium dichromate,Iodine,Pottasium permagnate and copper sulphate
A) Precipitation Titrations Precipitation reactions, solubility products; Argentometric titrations Mohr‘s
method, Volhard‘s method and Fajan‘s methods.
B) Gravimetry: Precipitation techniques, Digestion, washing of the precipitate, filtration, crucibles,
Ignition, Estimation barium sulphate & aluminium oxide.
Complexometric Titrations-Introduction, metal ion indicators, preparation & standardization of EDTA,
Estimation of Calcium carbonate,calcium gluconate & magnesium sulphate using standard EDTA
Recommended Books:
1. Beckett. AH. and Stanlake, J.B. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Athilone Press, London.
2.Barner, J.D., Thomas, M.J.K., Mendham J. and Denney, R.C., Vogel‘s Textbook of Quantitative
Inorganic Analysis including Elementary Instrumental Analysis. The ELBS and Longman London.
3. Gary, D.C. Analytical Chemistry. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
4. Alexeyev,V.,Quantitative Analysis . Mir Publishers, Moscow
Sources of impurities & their control, limit test general principles and procedures of limit test for Iron,
Arsenic, Lead, Heavy metals, Chloride & Sulphate. Water (Purified water, Portable water, water for
injection and, sterile water for injection, Water validation and testing)
Monograph – Systemic studies of Monographs, IP, BP, USP, EU, and General notices Types of monographs
Definition, classification, general methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties ,Test for purity
,Assay procedure medicinal uses for the following classes of compounds(individual mentioned drugs only.
Gastrointestinal Agents:
(a) Antacids-Classification, combined antacid preparation, uses (Aluminum hydroxide, Milk of magnesia)
(b) Protective and adsorbents (Aluminium sulphate)
(c) Cathartics -Definition, classification, Saline cathartics -Disodium hydrogen phosphate)
Topical agents – (a) Antimicrobial agents-Sulphur (b) Astringents-Alum, zinc sulphate
(a) Electrolytes: Physiological ions, Acid-base balance & combination therapy. ORS therapy, Electrolytes
used in replacement therapy
(b) OTC drugs: Stannous Fluoride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride opthalmic, simethicone,
(c) Dental products: Anticaries agents, dentrifrices, and desensitising agents
Recommended Books:
1. Block, J.H. Roche, E, Soine, T and Wilson, C., Inorganic, Medicinal & Pharma. Chemistry, Lea & Febiger.
2. Discher, C.A.,et.al Modern Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Waveland press.
3. IP, BP, USP, EU (Current edition)
4. Atherden L.M., Bentley and Drivers‘ Text Book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, Londan
5. Remington Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mack Publishing Co., Pennslyvannia
Course Title: Pharmacology-I (Anatomy, Physiology & Basic Course Code: NA1040
Credit: 3
3 0 0
Year: 1st Semester: I
General Pharmacology: Routes of administration, Pharmacokinetics: Absorption, distribution, metabolism
(synthetic & nonsyntheic reaction) & Excretion, Bioavailability, Plasma protein binding
Cell & Tissues; Cell and its components and their functions. Detailed structure of cell membrance & physiology
of transport process.
Tissues of the human body: Types: epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous tissues.
Skeleton & Joints: Structure, composition and functions of skeleton. Classification of joints, types of
movements at joints.
Muscle: Anatomy & physiology of skeletal & smooth muscle, Physiology of muscle contraction, Action
Blood: Composition and functions of blood and its elements, erythropoiesis, blood groups and their significance.
Mechanism of coagulation
Lymphatic System: Composition and function of lymph, functions of lymph node, spleen.
Urinary system: Structure and function of kidney and nephron, physiology of urine formation, micturation
Heart: Anatomy and function of heart, heart sound, Heart rate, cardiac output, maintenance of blood pressure,
Cardiac cycle, Action Potential, ECG
Reference Book:
1. Tortora GJ, & Anagnodokos NP, Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, Harper & Rave Publishers, New
2. Ross & Wilson, Anatomy & Physiology in Health & Illness, Churchill Livingstone.
3. Chatterjee C.C. Human Physiology, Medical Allied Agency, Calcutta.
4. Guyton AC, Hall JE., Text book of Medical Physiology, WB Saunders Company.
5. Keele, C.A., Niel, E and Joels N, Samson Wright‘s Applied Physiology, Oxford University Press
1. Communication: Definition and Process of Communication.
2. Types of Communication: Formal and Informal Communication, Verbal and Non-Verbal
3. Barriers to Communication: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Barriers. Semantic Barriers, Physical
Barriers, Psychological Barriers, and Organizational Barriers.
1. Importance and Objective of Listening Skills, Process of Listening, Listening and Hearing, Types of
Listening, and Methods for Improving Listening Skills.
2. Listening Comprehension: Identifying General and Specific Information.
3. Listening for Note taking and drawing Inferences.
4. Importance of Speaking Skills, Types of Speaking, Methods for Improving Speaking Skills
5. Introduction to Phonetic Transcription: Familiarization with British and American Usage
1. Importance of Reading Skills, Types of Reading Skills, Methods of Improving Reading
2. Vocabulary Building: Antonyms, Synonyms, Homophones, Homonyms, and One-Word Substitution,
Etymology and roots.
1. Importance of Writing Skills, Types of Writing Skills, and Methods for Improving Writing Skills.
2. Sentence and Paragraph Construction. Writing Expository, Argumentative, and Deductive Order etc
3. Précis Writing
4. Basic Letter Writing: Format and Style of Formal Letters.
Practice of LRSW through the study of the one act play, THE REFUND by Fritz Karinthy.
Text Books:
1. Gupta, Ruby. Basic Technical Communication, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi.2012.
Reference Books:
1. Rizvi, Ashraf. Effective Technical Communication, McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2005
2. Raman, Meenakshi and Sangeeta Sharma,. Technical Communication: Principles and Practice, 2 nd
Edition. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 2011
3. Tyagi, Kavita & Padma Misra. Basic Technical Communication, PHI, New Delhi. 2011
4. Lewis, Norman. Word Power Made Easy, W.R Goyal Pub. & Distributors.1995
5. Ford A, Ruther. Basic Communication Skills; Pearson Education, New Delhi.2013
6. Aslam, Mohammad. Introduction of English Phonetics and Phonology Cambridge.2003
7. Kameswari, Y. Successful Career Soft Skills and Business English, BS Publications,
Hyderabad. 2010
8. English Pronouncing Dictionary, Cambridge.2012
9. The Oxford Guide to Writing and Speaking. OUP, Delhi.2011
Solubility And Distribution Phenomenon: solute – solvent interactions, solubility of gases in liquids, solubility
of liquids in liquids, solubility of solids in liquids, factors affecting solubility. solubilization mechanism and
Buffers equations and buffer capacity in general buffers in pharmaceutical systems, preparation, stability,
buffered isotonic solutions measurements of tonicity, calculations and methods of adjusting isotonicity,
sublimation, eutectic mixtures, liquid crystals, glassy state, solids crystalline, amorphous and polymorphism
Solutions: Ideal and real solutions, distribution law, solutions of gases in liquids, Osmosis and Reverse Osmosis,
partition coefficient, Debye Huckel theory, Dielectric Constant, Solute Solvent Interaction.
Chemical Kinetics: Zero, first and second order reactions, complex reactions, theories of reaction kinetics,
characteristics of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, acid base and enzyme catalysis.
Micromeretics And Powder Rheology: Average particle size, Particle size distribution, number and weight
distribution, particle number; methods for determining particle size – optical microscopy, sieving, sedimentation ,
particle volume measurement , shape, specific surface; methods for determining surface area- air permeability,
adsorption; derived properties of powders- porosity, packing arrangement, densities, bulkiness and flow
properties, pore size
Atomic Structure, atomic orbital, molecular orbital, hybridization, sigma and Pi bond, covalent, electrovalent and
co-ordinate bond, inductive effect, resonance, Classification and Nomenclature of organic compounds.
Methods of preparation, reactions with special reference to mechanism of the following classes of compounds:
chlorofluorocarbons and ozone layer. Alkenes, and dienes ,Diels Alder reaction.
Methods of preparation, reactions and pharmaceutical application s with special reference to mechanism
of the following classes of compounds: Alkyl Halides& Aryl halides, SN1 and SN2 reactions & Nucleophilic
aromatic substitution, Elimination reactions. Alcohols & Phenols, Fries rearrangement, Willliamson‘s reaction.
Aromatic Compounds, aromatic nature, structure of benzene, resonance, Aromatic electrophilic substitution
reactions- mechanisms of nitration, halogenation, sulphonation, Friedal-Crafts reaction.
Activating and deactivating substituents, orientation and reactivity.
Arenes. Amines (aliphatic & aromatic), Hofmanns, Beckmanns, Smith reactions. Diazotisation and Diazonium
salts. Diazocoupling reactions and Pharmaceutical applications. Basicity of amines, Effect of substituents on
Aldehydes and ketones (aliphatic & aromatic), Nucleophilic additions in aldehydes and ketones, mechanisms
with examples, aldol condensation reaction, crossed aldol condensation reaction, benzoin‘s, perkins,
knoevenagels and reformatsky reaction, Wolf-Kishner reduction, Clemensen reduction
Carboxylic acids & their derivatives, di & tricarboxylic acids, hydroxy acids. Organometallic Compounds-
Grignard reagent, organo-lithium compounds, their preparation &synthetic and pharmaceutical applications
Introduction: Historical development, modern concept and scope of Pharmacognosy. Significance of
Pharmacognosy in various systems of medicine viz; Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathic, Siddha and Allopathic
systems practiced in India
Sources & classification of herbal drugs: Based on alphabetical, morphological, pharmacological,
chemical, chemo taxonomical and taxonomical methods, organized and unorganized drugs. Sources of crude
drugs viz; Herbs, Animals, inorganic matter, plant tissue culture and marine sources
a. Methodology of cultivation(GCPM : Good cultivation practices for medicinal plants) of crude drugs in
detail, collection, processing & storage of crude drugs.
b. Plant Hormones, their applications, Pest and classification of pesticides. Pest management and natural
Systematic monograph: (Ayurvedic terminology) Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia, Indian herbal
Pharmacopoeia, US Herbal Pharmacopoeia, Ayurvedic formulary of India.
Systematic Pharmacognostic study of the unorganized crude drugs:
Carbohydrates and derived products: Acacia, Tragacanth, Isapgol, Pectin, Guar gum, Gum, Starch, Sodium
Alginate, Chitin, Agar
Recommended Books:
1. Kokate, C.K. Practical Pharmacognosy, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi.
2. Wallis T.E. Analytical Microscopy, J&A Churchill Ltd, London.
3. Clarke ECG, Isolation & Identification of drugs. The Pharmaceutical Press, London.
4. Trease, G.E. & Evans, W.C. ―Pharmacognosy‖ Bailliere Tindall East Bourne, U.K.
5. Tyler V.E. etal, Pharmacognosy, Lea & Febiger Phjadelphia.
6. Wallis T.E. Text book of Pharmacognosy‖ J&A Churchill Ltd. London.
7. Kokate, C.K. etal, Pharmacognosy‖ Nirali Prakashan, Pune.
8. Atal & Kapur, Cultivation & Utilization of Medicinal Plants, RRL, Jammu.
9. Stahl. E, Thin Layer Chromatography. A laboratory handbook, Springer Verlog, Berlin.
10. Henry TA. The Plant Alkaloids, McGraw Hill, New York.
Central Nervous System: Anatomy & Functions of different parts of brain and spinal card. Nerve
Histology, Cranial nerves and their functions. reflex action, electroencephalogram
Autonomic Nervous System: Anatomy, Physiology and functions of the autonomic nervous system.
Mechanism of neurohumoral transmission in ANS.
Respiratory System: Anatomy & functions of respiratory organs, Mechanism and regulation of respiration,
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport in the Blood
Gastro-intestinal tract: Structure, functions, secretion and their role in the digestion and absorption
including liver, gall bladder etc.
Endocrine System: Basic anatomy and physiology of Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas,
their hormones and functions
Pharmacodynamic: Principles of of drug action, Mechanisms of drug action, Receptors, combined effect of
drugs, factors modifying drug action
Recommended Books:
1. Tortora GJ, & Derrickson BH, Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Current
2. Ross & Wilson, Anatomy & Physiology in Health & Illness, Churchill Livingstone. Current Edition
3. Chatterjee C.C. Human Physiology, Medical Allied Agency, Current Edition
4. Guyton AC, Hall JE., Text book of Medical Physiology, WB Saunders Company. Current Edition
5. Keele, C.A., Niel, E and Joels N, Samson Wright‘s Applied Physiology, Oxford University Press.
Current Edition
6. Goodman & Gilman, The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, McGraw Hill Pub Co., Current Edition
7. Turley, Understandig pharmacology, 3ed, ed, Pearson educations, Current Edition
8. Tripathi, K.D. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, Jay Pee Publishers, New Delhi. Current Edition
9. Satoskar & Bhandarkar; Pharmacology & Pharmacotheropeutics., Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. Bombay.
Current Edition
RHEOLOGY: Newtonian systems-Newton‘s Law, kinematics viscosity, effect of temperature; non-
Newtonian systems- plastic ,pseudo plastic, dilatant; thixotropy- thixotropy in formulation; determination of
viscosity-choice of viscometer, capillary, falling sphere, cup & bob, plate & cone viscometers, application of
rheology in pharmacy
SURFACE AND INTERFACIAL PHENOMENON : Liquid interface, surface and interfacial tensions,
surface free energy, measurement of surface and interfacial tensions (capillary rise method, drop number
method, drop weight method, Wilhelm plate method), spreading coefficient, adsorption at liquid interfaces,
surface active agents, HLB classification, detergency, adsorption at solid interfaces, solid gas and solid-
liquid interfaces, complex films, electrical properties of interface
COLLOIDAL DISPERSIONS: Definition, types, properties of colloids-optical, kinetics, electrical;
protective colloids, applications of colloids in pharmacy
SUSPENSIONS: Interfacial properties of suspended particles, settling in suspensions- theory of
Sedimentation, effect of Brownian movement, sedimentation of flocculated particles, sedimentation
Parameters; wetting of particles, controlled flocculation, flocculation in structured vehicles, rheological
considerations, stability.
EMULSIONS: Types, theories of emulsification, physical stability, preservation, rheological properties,
pharmaceutical applications of emulsions, micro and multiple emulsions.
STABILITY: Decomposition of medicinal agents- Influence of light, temperature and medium, half life,
shelf life; stabilization of medicinal agents, accelerated stability and stress testing, ICH guidelines.
Recommended Books:
1. Physical Pharmacy by Alfred Martin.
2. Bentley‘s Textbook of Pharmaceutics by E.A. Rawlins.
3. Remington‘s Pharmaceutical Sciences.
4. Physical Pharmaceutics by E. Shotton
Any other new experiment that can be included from time to time in support of the theoretical aspects
of the course.
Recommended Books:
1. Martin: Physical Pharmacy, K.M.B. Varghese Co. Bombay.
2. A.T. Florence and D. Attwood W: Physiochemical principles of Pharmacy.
3. Shotton and Ridgeway: Physical Pharmaceutics.
4. Remingtons Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mark Publishing Co.
5. H.S. Beans, A.H. Beckett and J.E. Carless: Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 1 to 4
UNIT – 1
Methods Of Preparation With Mechanism, Properties And Mechanism Of name Reaction Associated
With: -
(I) Active Methylene Compounds (Acetoacetic Ester And Malonic Ester) & their synthetic importance.
(II) α, ß-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds.
(III) Polynuclear Hydrocarbons – Napthalene, Anthracene & Phenantherene.
UNIT – 2
Nomenclature, Chemistry, preparation, properties and examples of 6-membered heterocycles with one
hetero atom (Pyridine, Pyran),6-membered heterocycles with two hetero atoms (Pyrimidine, Piperazine)
Benz fused heterocycles (Quinoline, Isoquinoline, Indole)
UNIT – 3
Stereochemistry: -Isomerism, Chirality, nomenclature, optical activity, Racemic modification,
stereoisomerism, specification, Configuration, Bayer strain theory, ring strain, conformational analysis of
cyclohexane and butane and its pharmaceutical applications
UNIT – 4
Heterocyclic Compounds: Nomenclature, Chemistry, preparation, properties and examples of medicinal
compounds contaning- 5-membered heterocycles with one hetero atom (Pyrrole, Furan and Thiophene), 5-
membered heterocycles with two hetero atom (Imidazole, Thiazole, Oxazole, Pyrazole) and its
pharmaceutical applications
UNIT – 5
Polymers and biopolymer-Classification, Synthesis, reactions, crystallinity, polymer degradation
mechanism, copolymerization and their pharmaceutical applications in Pharmacy.
Recommended Books:
1. E.L. Eliel Stereochemistry of carbon compounds, Tata McGra Hill Publishing Company New Delhi
2. Jerry March, Advance organic Chemistry 4th ed.. A Wiley-Interscience Publication,
3. I.L. Finar‘s Organic chemistry,
4. Mann P G & Saunders B C, Practical Organic Chemistry, ELBS/Longman, London.
5. Furniss B A, Hannaford A J, Smith P W G and Tatehell A R, Vogel‘s Textbook of Practical Organic
Chemistry, The ELBS/ Longman, London.
6. Polymer Science, V.R.Gowarikar, N.V.Vishwanathan, Jayadev Sreedhar, New Age International, New
Quality control of crude drugs: Adulteration types and causes, Evaluation of drugs by organoleptic,
microscopic, physical, chemical and biological methods.
Trade & commerce in herbal drugs: Indian and International trade in aromatic and Medicinal plants.
Plants based industries and research institutes. Regulation pertaining to trade drugs.
WHO guideline for standardization of crude drugs: Extractive values, ash values, chromatographic
techniques (TLC, HPTLC and HPLC) for determination of chromatographic markers, spectroscopic
techniques and assay methods. Determination of heavy metals in herbal preparation and alcohol contents in
Aristas and bhasams.
Alkaloids: Systematic study of source, cultivation, collection, processing, commercial varieties, chemical
constituents, substitute‘s adulterants, uses, diagnostic macroscopic & microscopic features & specific
chemical tests of following alkaloid containing drugs.
(a) Pyridine- piperidine : Tobacco, Areca & Lobelia.
(b) Tropane : Belladona, Hyoscyamus, Datura, Coca & Withania.
(c) Quinoline & Isoquinoline: Cinchona, Ipecac & Opium.
(d) Indole: Ergot, Rauwolfia, Catharanthus & Nux-vomica. (e) Imidazole: Pilocarpus.
(f) Steroidal: Veratrum & Kurchi. (g) Alkaloidal amine: Ephedra & Colchicum.
(h) Glycoalkaloid: Solanum. (i) Purines: Coffee & Tea (j) Quinazoline: Vasaka
Glycosides: Study of the biological sources, cultivation, collection, Commercial varieties, chemical
constituents, substitutes, adulterants, uses, diagnostic macroscopic and microscopic features and specific
chemical tests of following groups of drugs containing glycoside:
(i) Saponins: Liquorice, Ginseng, Dioscorea.
(ii) Cardioactive sterols: Digitals, Squill, Stropanthus & Thevetia.
(iii) Anthraquinone glycosides: Aloe, Senna, Rhubarb & Cascara.
Course Title: Pharmacology – III (Pathophysiology & Pharmacology-I) Course Code: CA5220
Credit: 4.5
3 1 2
Year: 3rd Semester: V
Cell pathology: Causes of Cell injury, pathogenesis, and morphology of cell injury, adaptations, cellular
aging and cell death (necrosis, apoptosis).
Pathology of Inflammation and wound healing: Vascular and cellular events of acute inflammation,
chemical mediators of inflammation, pathogenesis of chronic inflammation, brief outline of the process of
repair and wound healing.
Pathology of CVS Diseases: Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, angina, myocardial infarction, congestive heart
failure and cardiac arrhythmias.
Pathology of Joint Disorder: Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Gout.
GIT disorder: Peptic ulcer, Ulcerative colitis, Amoebiasis, Typhoid, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis
Pharmacology: Adverse drug reactions and Drug interactions (Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic),
Drug dependence and tolerance, Clinical Trials (Types and Phases)
Recommended Books:
1. Textbook of Pathology Harsh Mohan Anshan Pub. Current Edition
2. Robbins Basic Pathology Vinay Kumar, M.D., Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster Elsevier Health Sciences,
Current Edition
3. Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults And Children, Kathryn L. McCance, Sue E.
Huether Elsevier Mosby, Current Edition
4. Pathology illustrated Peter S. Macfarlane, Robin Reid, Robin Callander, Alasdair D.T. Govan Churchill
Livingstone, Current Edition
5. Pathology- Alan Stevens (MRCPath.), Alan Stevens, James Steven Lowe Mosby, Current Edition
6. Goodman & Gilman, The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, McGraw Hill Pub Co., Current Edition
7. Turley, Understandig pharmacology, 3ed, ed, Pearson educations, Current Edition
8. Tripathi, K.D. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, Jay Pee Publishers, New Delhi. Current Edition
9. Satoskar & Bhandarkar; Pharmacology & Pharmacotheropeutics., Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. Bombay.
Current Edition
Stoichiometry : Unit processes material ,concepts and role of QbD in equipment selection of and energy
balances, molecular units, mole fraction, gas laws, mole volume, primary and secondary quantities,
equilibrium state, rate process, steady and unsteady states, dimensionless equations, dimensionless
formulae, dimensionless groups. Mechanism of Fluid flow, Significance of Reynolds Number, Distribution
of Velocities across the Tube, Mass Transfer, Solid / Fluid Mass Transfer, Application in Unit Operation.
Size Reduction: Objectives, Factors Affecting, Energy Requirements, Mechanisms, Methods of Size
Reductions. Equipments used- Principle, material of construction, Applications, advantages and
disadvantages of cutter mill, hammer mill, roller mill, ball mill, fluid energy mill.
Size Separation: Standards for Powders, Pharmacopoeal classification , Sieves, Materials used for sieves,
Sieving Methods, Fluid Classification Methods, Sedimentation and Elutriation, Equipments used: Principle,
material of construction , Applications advantages and disadvantages of cyclone, separator, sedimentation
tank .
Mixing Definition and objectives:- Type of Mixtures, Liquid Mixing, powder Mixing, Semisolids, mixing
equipment: Principle, material of construction, Applications advantages and disadvantages of shaker mixer,
propeller mixer, turbine mixer ,paddle mixer, planetary mixer, double cone mixer, V mixer, sigma mixer and
colloid mill, ultrasonic mixer
Drying: Drying Mechanism of drying, Rate of drying & time of drying calculations, Principle , material of
construction, applications advantages and disadvantages of tray , fluidized bed , Rotary Drum , Vacuum
,Spray and Freeze dryer
Filtration:- Factors Affecting, Rate of Filtration, Properties of the filter medium and filter cake, Mechanism
of Filtration, Filter Media and aids, Principle, material of construction Applications advantages and
disadvantages of Industrial Filters, Filter Leaf, Filter Press, Rotary Filter.
Centrifugation:- principle, factor affecting , Principle, material of construction , Applications, advantages
and disadvantages of perforated basket centrifuge , tubular bowl centrifuge conical disc centrifuge, ultra
Recommended Books:
1. Badger W.L. and Banchero J.T. Introduction to Chemical Engineering; McGraw Hill International Book
Co., London.
2. Perry R.H. & Chilton C.H. Chemical Engineers Handbook, McGraw Kogakusha Ltd.
3. McCabe W.L. and Smith J.C. Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering, McGraw Hill International Book
Co., London.
4. Sambhamurthy, Pharmaceutical Engineering, New Age Publishers.
5. Gavhane, K.A. Unit Operation-I, Nirali Prakashan.
6. Cooper and Gunn‘s Tutorial Pharmacy, CBS Publishers, New Delhi
Microscopy - Structure of Bacterial Cell, Classification of Bacteria, Fungi, Virus. Electron Microscope,
Stains - types of staining techniques and chemical Tests, Culture media and their classification,
measurement of microbial growth, Isolation of Virus
Disinfection, factors influencing disinfectants, dynamics of disinfection, Phenol Coefficient Tests,
Sterilisation Methods, Validation of Sterilisation Methods and Equipments
Immunology - Antigens, Different types of Antibodies, B Cell, T cell, Haptens and their properties,
Hypersensitivity, Auto Immune Diseases, Immuno deficient Disorders, Applications of Antigen Antibody
Reactions, Complementary System, MHC, APC, AIDS, Application of MonoClonal Antibodies
GLP in Microbiology Laboratory, Sterility Testing as per IP, Preservative Efficacy as per IP.
Vaccines and Sera :- Classification, Production, Assay, Storage of important Bacterial and viral vaccines
like DPT Vaccine and antitoxin, Mumps, Polio, Rubella, Influenza, Typhoid, Polysaccharide vaccines
Text books:
1. Stanier R.Y., Ingraham, J.L., Wheelis M.L. & Painter P.R. General Microbiology, Macmillan Press Ltd.
2. Tortora, Microbiology An Introduction, Pearson education
3. Glazer,‖Microbial Biotechnology‘ Cambridge Univ. Press
4. Pelczar & Reid, Microbiology, Tata Mc Graw Hill, Delhi.
5. Ananthanarayan R & Paniker CKJ, Textbook of Microbiology, Orient Longman.
6. Gunasekaran P, Lab Mannual of Microbiology, New Age Publishers.
7. Latest edition of USP, BP, IP
Theoretical considerations and application in drug analysis and quality control by the following analytical
techniques (assays included in the Current edition of Indian Pharmacopeia, British Pharmacopoeia).
A. Non-aqueous titration
B. Diazotisation titrations
C. Complexometric Titrations
Karl-Fischer titration, Oxygen flask combustion, Kjeldahl method of nitrogen estimation.
Principle, Instrumentation and Applications of: Potentiometry, Conductometry, An Introduction of
principle instrumentation of Polarography & Amperometry. Electrophoresis (paper, gel and capillary).
Theory, Instrumentation and Applications of: Atomic absorption spectroscopy, Flame Photometry.
Pharmacopoeial Standards: Chemical methods
Recommended Books:
1. Beckett, A H and Stenlake, J.B, Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vol I and II, The Athlone Press of
the University of London.
2. IP, BP
3. Mendham J. Denny RC Barnes, J.D. Thomas M.J.K. ―Vogel‘s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical
Analysis‖ Pearson Education Asia.
4. Connors KA, A text book of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Wiley Intescience, New York
Course Title: Bulk Drug Production (Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IV) Course Code: NA4030
Credit: 3
3 0 0
Year: 2nd Semester: IV
UNIT – 1
Introduction to bulk drugs ,Equipments and techniques Involved in bulk drug synthesis and production
UNIT – 2
Basic concept involved in Quality by Design and it‘s significance in bulk drugs production
UNIT – 3
Basic instruments used for bulk drug synthesis with construction, working, SOP, and it‘s validation
UNIT – 4
Bulk drug production of API ‗S (Any five) and their monographic analysis
UNIT – 1
Pathology of Immune Disorder: Hypersensitivity, AIDS, Autoimmune disease
Respiratory Problem: Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis
UNIT – 2
Endocrine Disease: Diabetes mellitus, Diabetic ketoacidosis and Thyroid disorders.
Kidney Disorder: Acute and chronic renal failure, Renal stones
UNIT – 3
Pathology of Nervous System Disorder: Trigeminal neuralgia, Myasthenia Gravis, Epilepsy,
Parkinsonism, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer‘s Disease
UNIT – 4
Pathology of Neoplasia: Neoplastic proliferation, neoplasm – classification, spread of carcinoma, types of
carcinoma, carcinogenesis.
Blood and Circulatory Disorder: Anemia, Leukaemia, Thrombosis, Embolism
UNIT – 5
Pharmacology- Autacoids:
Histamine and antihistaminics, Serotonin (5-HT), receptors and their antagonists, Migraine and its treatment
Recommended Books:
1. Textbook of Pathology; Harsh Mohan; Anshan Pub.
2. Robbins Basic Pathology; Vinay Kumar, M.D., Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster; Elsevier Health Sciences
3. Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults And Children; Kathryn L. McCance, Sue E.
Huether; Elsevier Mosby,
4. Pathology Illustrated; Peter S. Macfarlane, Robin Reid, Robin Callander, Alasdair D.T. Govan Churchill
5. Pathology; Alan Stevens (MRCPath.), Alan Stevens, James Steven Lowe Mosby,
6. Goodman & Gilman, The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, McGraw Hill Pub Co.,
7. Turley, Understandig Pharmacology; 3rd ed, Pearson Educations
8. Tripathi, K.D.; Essentials of Medical Pharmacology; Jay Pee Publishers, New Delhi.
9. Satoskar & Bhandarkar; Pharmacology & Pharmacotheropeutics; Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. Bombay
Evaporation: Basic concepts of phase equilibrium, Factors affecting evaporation, principle, materials of
construction, Applications, advantages and disadvantages of Climbing and falling film, evaporators ,
Evaporating pan , Vacuum evaporators, Horizontal and Vertical evaporators.
Distillation: Raoult‘s law, Phase diagrams, Simple, Steam, & Flash distillation, Principle of McCabe
Thiele‖s method of calculation of number of theoretical plates, Equipment for rectification,Azeotropic,
Extractive & molecular distillation .
Crystallization: Characteristics of Crystals- purity, size, shape, geometry, habit, forms and factors affecting
them. Miers super-saturation theory & caking of crystals and its prevention Classification of crystallizers,
Principle, Materials of construction, applications, advantages and disadvantages of Swenson Walker,
Agitated batch, Vacuum, Tank and Krystal Crystallizer
Humidity, Ventilation And Air Conditioning Systems (Hvac): Basic concepts & definitions, Wet bulb &
Dry bulb thermometer, adiabatic saturation temperature, Psychometric charts & Measurement of humidity,
Application of humidity measurement in pharmacy, Equipment and area validation for dehumidification
operations. Principles, Materials of constructions and Applications of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning.
Machinery used for the packaging of dosage form, and its selection criteria for Conveying of Solids Belt
conveyors, chain conveyors, screw conveyors and pneumatic conveyors.
Introduction of environmental science, Environmental education and Awareness, Global Environmental
problems, (Global warming, ozone depletion and acid rain) Environmental priorities in India, General idea
about Environmental laws, Environmental ethics, Environmental ethics Global imperatives.
Sources, types, effects and control of: Water pollution, Air Pollution, Noise Pollution, Land pollution,
Marine pollution, Thermal Pollution and Radioactive pollution.
Natural Resources: concept of resources, types of resources, water resources, land resources, biological
resources, Energy resources, mineral resources, human resources, conservation of natural resources,
environmental impact of degradation of resources.
Sources and generation of solid waste, their characteristics, chemical composition and classification,
Different method of disposal and management of solid waste ( Hospital Waste and Hazardous waste)
recycling of waste material, Waste minimization technologies, Hazardous Waste Management and
Handling Rule, 1989, resource Management, Disasters Management and Risk analysis.
Definition , Principles and scope of ecology, Human ecology and Human settlement, evolution, origin of life
and speciation, ecosystem: Structure and functions, Abiotic and biotic components, energy flows, food
chains, Food, web, Ecological pyramids, types and diversity, Ecological succession, population, community
ecology ad Parasitism, Preypredator relationships
Recommended Books:
1. Manoharachary C., Jyaranama Reddy P. Principles of Environmental Studies, Pharma Book Syndicate,
2.Trivedy R.K., Handbook of Environmental Laws, Acts, Guidelines, Compliances Standards Vol. I &II.
Pharma Book Syndiacte, Hyderabad
3. Relevant Acts & Rules published by Govt. of India with latest amendments.
4. Reddy, M.Anji , ‗ Text Book of Environmental Sciences & Technology‖.
5.National Formulary of India, Latest edition
A: Product development stages.
B: Preformulation studies: Goal of preformulation studies and implementation of preformulation study
objectives to develop a suitable dosage forms. Complexation and its Role in solubility enhancement.
(A) Tablet: definition, types and advantages and disadvantages
(B) Granulation technology on large- scale by various techniques, physics of tablets making, machinery and
tooling , various methods of manufacturing of tablets and their advantages over each other , evaluation of
tablets ( including tablet defects their causes and remedies) as per IP specifications.
(C) Coating of Tablets: Sugar and film coating, film forming materials, formulation of coating solution,
principle of coating process and equipments for coating process, variables for coating evaluation of coated
tablet. (Including film defects their causes and remedies) Selection Criteria for Punches, Validation of
Punches. Problems in Tablets formulations due to Punches
Capsules: Introduction to capsules as a dosage form, hard and soft gelatin capsules, formulation and
evaluation, machinery, packaging, storage and stability testing
Liquid Dosage Forms: Introduction, formulation, manufacturing, evaluation and packaging of clear liquids,
suspensions, and emulsions
Semisolid Dosage Forms and suppositories
A: Types, mechanisms of drug penetration, factors influencing penetration, formulation, manufacturing ,
evaluation and packaging of semisolids.
B: Suppositories: Ideal requirements for bases, manufacturing procedure, evaluation and packaging
List of Experiments
1. Preformulation studies of API. (As per pharmacopoeial requirements)
2. Preparation, evaluation and packing of liquid orals like clear solutions
3. Formulation and evaluation of tablets using various binding agents
4. Formulation and evaluation of tablets using various disintegrating agents
5. Formulation and evaluation of tablets using various binding agents
6. Formulation and evaluation of tablets dispersible tablets
7. Formulation and evaluation of tablets by wet granulation method
8. Formulation and evaluation of tablets by direct compression
9. Formulation and evaluation of tablets by slugging method
10. Formulation and evaluation of capsule dosage form by hand filling method
11. Formulation and evaluation of capsule dosage form by machine fill method
12. Preparation, evaluation and packing of suspensions .
13. Preparation, evaluation and packing of emulsions.
14. Preparation, evaluation and packing of suppositories
15. Preparation, evaluation and packing semisolids like ointments gels etc
Mode of action, uses, SAR of the following classes of drugs included in latest edition of pharmacopoeia
(synthetic procedures and assay of individually mentioned drugs only)
Basic Principles of Medicinal Chemistry: . Drug-receptor interaction,,Concepts of prodrug.
Drugs acting on the Central Nervous System:
General Anaesthetics-Thiopental, Ketamine Local Anaesthetics- Lignocaine, Benzocaine. Sedatives
and Hypnotics- Phenobarbitone
Anticonvulsants-Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Ethosuximide,Valproic Acid
Antiparkinsonism drugs- Levodopa.
CNS Stimulants-Caffeine, Amphetamine.
Psychopharmcological Agents:
Antianxiety drugs- Diazepam, Alprazolam. Antidepressants – Imipramine, Amitriptyline Fluoxetine.
Antipsychotic- Chlorpromazine, Haloperidol.
Anti-cancer drugs
Alkylating Agents- Thiotepa,Chlorambucil , Antimetabolites- Methotrexate, 5-FU
Introduction, Classification, Mode of action, uses, structure-activity relationship of the following classes of
drug (Synthetic procedures of individually mentioned drugs only).
Thyroid and Antithyroids – Levothyroxine, Propylthiouracil
Hypoglycaemics - Chlorpropamide, Metformin, Tolbutamide , Glibenclamide
Recommended Books:
1. Delagado J N and Remers W A R, Eds., Wilson And Giswold‘s Text book of OrganicMedicinal and
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, J. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia.
2. Foye W C, Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
3.Wolff ME, Ed. Burger‘s Medicinal Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4. Singh Harkrishan and Kapoor, V.K., Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi.
5. Patrick G L. Medicinal Chemistry, Oxford University Press NY
6. Vardanayan R. Synthesis of Essential Drugs, Acacdemic press an imprint of Elsevier
7. Pharmacopoeia of India, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India.
UNIT – 1
Extraction, isolation and separation techniques of active principles: From crudes herbal drugs.
UNIT – 2
Introduction, classification, different chromatography methods and their applications in evaluation of herbal
UNIT – 3
Systematic Pharmacognostic Study of the following drugs containing volatile oils:
ral methods of isolation and characterization of Mentha, Coriander, Cinnamon, Cassia, Lemon peel, Orange
peel, Lemon grass, Citronella, Caraway, Dill, Spearmint, Clove, Fennel, Nutmeg, Eucalyptus,
Chenopodium, Cardamom, Valerian, Musk, Palamarosa, Gaultheria, Sandalwood
UNIT – 4
Systematic Pharmacognostic Study of the following:
Fixed oil, Fats and Waxes - Bees wax, castor oil, Cocoa butter, Cod liver oil, Hydnocarpus Oil, Kokum
butter, Lard, Linseed oil, Shark liver oil and wool fat.
Pharmaceutical aid from natural sources: Talc, Asbestos, Bentonite, Kaolin and Prepared Chalk.
UNIT – 5
Pharmacopoeial studies: Herbal Pharmacopoeia and Compendia; Indian Pharmacopoeia, Ayurvedic
Pharmacopoeia of India, Chinese herbal Pharmacopoeia &United States Pharmacopoeia for Herbal
Recommended Books:
1. N.Kalia: ―A text Book of Industrial Pharmacognosy‖, 1st edition, CBS Publishers.
2. W.C.Evans: ―Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy‖, 15th edition, Saunders, Elsevier, 2007.
3. Phillipa.Grubb: ―Plants for Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology‖,
4. C.K.kokate: ―A Text Book of Industrial Pharmacognosy‖,
5. Wallis: ―A Text Book of Industrial Pharmacognosy‖,
6. Quadry and Shah: ―A Text Book of Industrial Pharmacognosy‖,
UNIT – 1
Dose response curve, potency and efficacy, Therapeutic Index: LD50, ED50, Bioassy: principles, types and
UNIT – 2
Pharmacology of ANS: Parasympathomimetic (Cholinergic ) drugs, Parasympatholytic (anti Cholinergic)
drugs, Drug acting on autonomic ganglia (Stimulants and blocking agents), Sympathomimetic (Adrenergic)
drugs Sympatholytic (Anti-adrenergic) drugs
UNIT – 3
CNS: Alcohols & disulfiram, Sedative hypnotics, Anti anxiety agents, antipsychotics, antidepressants.
Antiepileptic drugs, Antiparkinsonism drugs
UNIT – 4
General anesthetics and Local anesthetics
Skeletal muscle Relaxants Peripherally and centrally acting muscle Relaxants
UNIT – 5
Heavy metals and heavy metal antagonists. General principles of treatment of poisoning with particular
reference to barbiturates, opioids, organophosphorous and atropine poisoning.
Use of computer simulated CDs or Video cassetes for pharmacology practical where possible.
1. Preparation of different solutions for experiments.
2. Drug dilutions, use of molar and w/v solutions in experimental pharmacology.
3. Common laboratory animals and anesthetics used in screening of pharmacological action.
4. Instruments used in experimental pharmacology.
5. Standard techniques in pharmacology experiments.
6. Study of different routes of administration of drugs.
7. Practical related to DRC using software
8. Bioaasy using software (Graphical method)
Recommended Books:
1. Goodman & Gilman, The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, McGraw Hill Pub Co., Current Edition
2. Turley, Understandig pharmacology, 3ed, ed, Pearson educations, Current Edition
3. Tripathi, K.D. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, Jay Pee Publishers, New Delhi.Current Edition
4. Satoskar & Bhandarkar; Pharmacology & Pharmacotheropeutics., Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. Bombay. Current
5. Frieddman, Fundamentals of clinical trails, 3rd, ed,. Springer Intl, Current Edition
6. Bothara Sunil, Essentials of Experimental pharmacology, vol. 1. PharmaMed Press,Current Edition
7. Ghosh, MN; Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology, Scientific Book Agency, Calcutta. Current Edition
7. Grover J.K., Experiments in Pharmacy & Pharmacology, CBS Publishers, New Delhi., Current Edition
8. Kulkarni S.K., Hand Book of Experimental Pharmacology, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi., Current Edition
9. Turner, Screening Methods in pharmacology,Elsvier, Current Edition
UNIT – 1
Enzymes - Enzyme Kinetics, Enzyme Inhibition, Clinically diagnostic applications of Isoenzymes, Role of
Coenzymes in Different Biological Reactions, Enzyme Immobilisation and applications of enzyme
engineering. Study on Pathological Interpretation of Enzymes in Disease Processes
UNIT – 2
Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenolysis, Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Citric Acid Cycle and their
regulation, Significance of Citric Acid Cycle, Effect of disease process on carbohydrate metabolism
UNIT – 3
Respiratory Chain, Oxidative Phosphorylation
Molecular Action of Hormones (Expecially Epinephrine, Insulin, Glucagon), Biological Hormones of
Medicinal Importance, Role of Secondary Messengers in cell,
Introduction to Signal Transduction, Receptor Down-Regulation and Up-Regulation.
UNIT – 4
Metabolism of Fatty acids and their Regulation,
Metabolic Study of Following :- Nucleotides , Amino Acids
A Brief Study of Essential Fatty acids, Ketone Bodies and Problems associated with it.
UNIT – 5
Dna Replication, Transcription and Translation in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes, Genetic Code
Recommended Books:
1. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Macmillan Higher Education, 2008
2. Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, McGraw Hill Professional, 2009
3. Lubert Stryer, Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Biochemistry W.H.Freeman & Co Ltd
4. Benjamin Lewin Genes Jones & Bartlett Learning
5. Boyer, modern experimental biochemistry, Pearson education
6. Plummer, David J., An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
UNIT – 1
A. Introduction to parenteral dosage form, Aqueous & non aqueous vehicles and their selection.
B. Requirements for manufacturing: source of contamination, premise, aseptic handling, flow of material
between aseptic and non aseptic area, concept of clean room, class100 and 1000 rooms, aseptic handling and
UNIT – 2
General method of preparations of LVPs, SVPs and Ophthalmic Formulations. Formulation of sterile
powders for injection, sterile emulsion, sterile suspensions, and lyophilized powders for injection.
Quality control of parenteral product: Pyrogen testing (BET and LAL), leak test, particulate test with
specification, sterility test IP
UNIT – 3
Sustained and controlled release
A: Approaches to Sustained and controlled release dosage forms. In-vitro methods of evaluation.
B: Micro-encapsulation: Types of microcapsule, importance of micro-encapsulation in pharmacy, micro-
encapsulation techniques, evaluation of micro capsules.
UNIT – 4
Cosmetics Cosmetology and cosmetic Preparations: Formulation of cold cream, vanishing cream, cleansing
cream, all purpose cream, sunscreen lotion, antiperspirants, deodorant. Shampoos, Conditioner, Shaving and
after shaving products, Dentifrice Lipstick, Nail lacquer.
UNIT – 5
Aerosols: Pharmaceutical Aerosols: Definition, Propellants and their selection, general formulation and
evaluation, manufacturing (lab and large scale) and packaging methods, pharmaceutical applications.
Mode of action, uses, SAR of the following classes of drugs included in latest edition of pharmacopoeia
(Synthetic procedures and assay of individually mentioned drugs only)
UNIT – 1
Basic concept of drug design, Introduction to Analogues based drug design, Structure based drug design,
and Introduction to QSAR & Computer aided drug design.
UNIT – 2
Cardiovascular Drugs –
Antiarrhythmic drugs- Propranolol, Procainamide
Antianginal drugs- Isosorbide mononitrate
Antihypertensive drugs-Enalapril, Methyldopa, Nifedipine. Antihyperlipedmics- Clofibrate
UNIT – 3
Drugs acting at Synaptic and neuro-effector junction sites:
Cholinergic, Anticholinergic & Anticholinesterases- Neostigmine, Physostigmine, Pilocarpine, Atropine.
Adrenergic Drugs- Ephedrine, Salbutamol, Adrenaline
UNIT – 4
Analgesics and Antipyretics - Diclofenac, Aceclofenac Paracetamol, Celecoxib,
OPOIDS Analgesic-Pethidine,Methadone
Antispasmodic and Antiulcer drugs- Dicyclomine, Ranitidine
UNIT – 5
Diuretics – Acetazolamide, Chlorthiazide; Furosemide .
Anti-platelet drugs-Aapirin , Immuno suppressants - (Azathioprine).
Recommended Books:
1. Delagado J N and Remers W A R, Eds., Wilson And Giswold‘s Text book of Organic Medicinal
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, J. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia.
2. Foye W C, Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
3. Wolff ME, Ed. Burger‘s Medicinal Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4. Harkrishan and Kapoor, V.K., Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi.
5. Patrick G L. Medicinal Chemistry, Oxford University Press NY
6. Vardanayan R. Synthesis of Essential Drugs, Acacdemic press an imprint of Elsevier
7. IP
Plant tissue culture: Introduction, Types, different methods and techniques in PTC and culture media.
Industrial Applications of plant tissue culture in production of pharmaceutically important secondary
Biogenetic pathways for primary and secondary plant metabolites of Pharmaceutical importance:
Carbohydrates, lipids, alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, terpenes and terpenoids.
Bioreactors: Importance, its design, control of different parameters, Types and their Importance in
production of secondary plants metabolites.
Immobilization of enzymes: Methods, advantages and disadvantages. Multistep immobilized enzyme
system. Application and future of enzyme engineering
Gene cloning: Recombination DNA techniques, Gene Cloning and their applications. Transformation,
conjugation, transduction, protoplast fusion
Fundamentals of genetic engineering: basic techniques like agarose-gel electrophoresis, Southern blotting
and Northern blotting. Pharmaceutical drugs from r-DNA Technology like Insulin, urokinase, Alteplase,
Recommended Books:
1. W.C.Evans: ―Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy‖, 15th edition, Saunders, Elsevier, 2007.
2. T A Brown‖,Gene Cloning and DNA Anlaysis‖ 6th Edition, Blackwell Publishers
3. Phillipa.Grubb: ―Plants for Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology‖,
4. C.K.kokate: ―A Text Book of Industrial Pharmacognosy‖,
5. Wallis: ―A Text Book of Industrial Pharmacognosy‖,
6. Quadry and Shah: ―A Text Book of Industrial Pharmacognosy‖,
7. Roberta Smith ―Plant Tissue Culture-Techniques and Experiments‖ Academic Publishers
Pharmacology of CVS: Cardiac glycosides, Antihypertensive drugs, Antianginal drugs, Antiarrhythmics,
Unit –II
Drug acting on urinary system: Diuretics and antidiuretic hormones
Drugs Acting on Respiratory System: Anti-asthmatic drugs, Anti-tussives & Expectorants, Respiratory
Opioid analgesic and antagonist, endogenous opioids, Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs & Anti-gout
Autocoids: Prostaglandins, Thromboxane, Leukotrienes, Angiotensin and Bradykinin
Immunomodulatory drugs: Immunosuppressant and immunostimulant drugs,
Drugs acting on GIT: Antacids and Antiulcer drugs, Laxatives and antidiarrhoeal Agents, Emetics and
Linear Regression and Correlation: Introduction of linear and non linear regression ,Analysis of Standard
Curves in
Drug Analysis: Application of Linear Regression and Drug stability studies
Analysis of Variance: One- Way Analysis of Variance Planned Versus a Posteriori (Unplanned)
Comparisons in
ANOVA, Another Example of One-way Analysis of Variance: Unequal Sample Sixes and the Fixed and
Random Models, Two-Way Analysis of Variance (Randomized Blocks), Statistical Models, Analysis of
Covariance, ANOVA for pooling regression lines as related to stability data.
Nonparametric Methods: Data Characteristics and an Introduction to Nonparametric Procedures, Sign
Test, Wilcoson Signed Rank Test, Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test (Test for Differences Between Two
Independent Groups), Kruskal Wallis Test (One- Way ANOVA),
Factorial Designs : Definitions Two Simple Hypothetical Experiments to Illustrate the Advantages of
Factorial Designs, Performing Factorial Experiments: Recommendations and Notation, A Worked Example
of a Factorial Experiment, Fractional Factorial Designs
Experimental Design in Clinical Trials: Introduction, Some Principles of Experimental Design and
Analysis, Parallel Deign, Crossover Designs and Bioavailability / Bioequivalence Studies, Repeated
Measures (Split- Plot) Designs, Multicentric Studies and Interim Analyses
Recommended Books:
1. Bolton, S and Bon, C, Pharmaceuticals Statistics- Practical & Clinical Applications, Marcel & Dekker,
New York.
2. Fisher, R.A., Statistical Methods for Research Works, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh.
3. Chow, Statistical Design and Analysis of Stability Studies, Marcel Dekker, New York.
Applied integration and differentiation in Biopharmaceutics
Introduction To Biopharmaceutics And Pharmacokinetics, Biopharmaceuitcal Classification System
A:Absorption: Various Mechanisms and Factors Influencing Absorption of Drug.
B:Distribution: Mechanism, Barriers To Drug Distribution, Factors Influencing Distribution Of Drug
Through Body. Concept Of Volume Of Distribution
C:Protein Binding: Types Of Protein Binding, Tissue Binding Of Drug, Factors Influencing Protein
Binding, Significance Of Protein Binding, Kinetics Of Protein Binding.
A: Significance Of Plasma Drug Concentration Measurement.
B:Concept Of Compartment Models And Non-Compartment Model And Applications
Compartment modeling: Basic concept of developing a model,
A:One compartment open model: IV bolus, IV infusion, extra vascular administration, urinary excretion
model and calculation of various pharmacokinetic parameters
B.Multicompartment models: preliminary information of two compartment models,
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence: Definition, types, factor affecting bioavailability, methods of
improving bioavailability, measurement of bioavailability, bioavailability and bioequivalence studies
(A) Dosage regimens
(B) Dosage adjustment in patients with and without renal and hepatic failure.
Recommended Books:
1. Notari, R.E, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics - An introduction Marcel Dekker Inc. N.Y.
2. Rowland M, and Tozer T.N. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Lea and Febriger, N.Y.
3. Wagner J.G. Fundamentals of Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Drugs Intelligence Publishers, Hamilton.
4. Gibaldi, Milo‘ Biopharmaceutics & Clinical pharcokinatics.
5. John. G.Wagner,‖ Pharmacokinetics for the Pharmaceutical Scientist‘.
Test Methods - Biological Methods (Abnormal Toxicities, Effectiveness Of Antimicrobial Preservatives,
Bacterial Endotoxins, Peptide Mapping)
Test Methods - Physical & Physiochemical Methods (Diffrential Scanning Calorimetry, Isoelectric
Containers Types , General Require Ments, Tests On Containers, General Monographs On Dosage Forms
General Monographs of Parenterals, (General Requirement, Dip Concentrates, Intramammary
Infusionveterinary Aerosols )
Illustrative Studies of 2 Monographs Each For API (Paracetamol, Dexamethasone), Excipients (Lactose,
Starch) And Dosage Forms (Amoxicillin Dry Syrup)
Text Books:
1. Indian Pharmacopoeia (all editions).
Industrial production of Phyto-pharmaceuticals : (Isolation and estimation of phyto-pharmaceuticals)
Acorus calamus: Asarone Aloe barbadensis : Aloin & Aloesin
Adhatoda vasica: Vasicine Andrographis paniculata: Andrographolides
Berberis aristata : Berberine Curcuma longa: Curcumin
Garcinia cambogia: L- Hydroxy citric acid
Glycyrrhiza glabra: Glycyrrhizinic acid & its other derivatives
Gymnema sylvestre: Gymnemic acid Phyllanthus amarus: Phyllanthin
Picrorhiza kurroa : Kutkin Tribulus terestris: Total saponins
Withania somnifera: Withanolides Zingiber officinale: Gingerol
Commiphora mukul: Guggulsterone Trigonella foenum: Saponins.
Nutraceuticals and antioxidants: Plants against free radicals and as antioxidants. Herbs as Health foods
and concept of nutraceuticals.
Marine Pharmacognosy:
a)Definition, present status, classification of important bioactive agents.
b) General methods of isolation and purification.
c) Study of important bioactive agents including chemistry & uses
High throughput Screening and importance of heavy metals and Lead molecules.
Role of Biological and HPTLC Markers in Plant drug analysis.
Stability and Toxicity Studies of Phyto-medicines.
Herbal regulatory parameters for industrial production:
Ayurvedic formulary of India, Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia of India, GMP, ICH guidelines.
Recommended Books:
1. Quality Control of Herbal Drugs by Pullok K. Mukherjee, 1st edition, Business
2. Horizons Pharmaceutical Publisher, New Delhi, 2002
3. Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia, vol. 1 & 2, RRL, IDMA, 1998, 2000 (Current Edition)
4. PDR for Herbal Medicines, 2nd edition, medicinal economic company, New Jersey,
5. Wallis: ―A Text Book of Industrial Pharmacognosy‖,
6. Quadry and Shah: ―A Text Book of Industrial Pharmacognosy‖
7 IP
Course Title: Pharmacology – VII (Pathophysiology & Pharmacology) Course Code: NA7040
Credit: 3
3 0 0
Year: 4th Semester: VII
Pharmacology of endocrine system (Thyroid & antithyroid drug,s, Insulin & antidiabetics, Corticosteroids,
Sex hormones, oxytocin and tocolytics
Chemotherapy-principles, Sulfonamide, cotrimoxazole Pencillins, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol,
erythromycin, fluoroquinolones and miscellaneous antibiotics.
a) Chemotherapy of malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, viral diseases and drug therapy of HIV /AIDS.
(b) Chemotherapy of malignancy
(c) Anthelmintics and Anti-amoebics
Pediatrics & Geriatrics and Pregnancy (Physiological changes, mechanism, Drugs usage and conta-
indication in these conditions)
Drugs Acting on Haemopoeitic System: Vit. K & anticoagulants, Fibrinolytics & antiplatelet drugs
Therapeutic drug monitoring, drug utilization evaluation(DUE) and review (DRU)
Recommended Books:
1. Goodman & Gilman, The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, Pergamon Press. Editors:- J.G. Hardman, Le
Limbird, PB Molinoss, RW Ruddon & AG Gil, Pergamon Press.
2. Katzung, B.G. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Prentice Hall, International.
3. Laurene, DR & Bennet PN; Clinical Pharmacology, Churchill Livingstone.
4. Rang MP, Dale MM, Riter JM, Pharmacology Churchill Livingstone.
5. Tripathi, K.D. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, Jay Pee Publishers, New Delhi.
6. Satoskar & Bhandarkar: Pharmacology & Pharmacotheropeutics, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., Bombay.
7. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy Philip Wiffen, Marc Mitchell, Melanie Snelling - 2012 - Preview - More
8. Churchill's Pocketbook of Clinical Pharmacy- edited by Nick D Barber, Alan Willson
9. Handbook of Institutional Pharmacy Practice edited by Thomas R. Brown-4th edition,
10. Naplex Secrets Study Guide: Naplex Test Review for the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination,
Naplex Exam Secrets, Mometrix Media Llc, 01-Aug-2010.
11. The Johns Hopkins consumer guide to drugs Simeon Margolis Medletter Associates.
UNIT – 1
Concept of Management : Administrative Management (Planning, Organizing Staffing Directing, and
Controlling, Operative Management (Personnel, Materials, Production, Financial, Marketing, Time / space,
Margin / Morale ) Principles of Management (Coordination, Communication, Motivation, Decision making,
leadership, Innovation Creativity, Delegation of Authority / Responsibility. Record Keeping).
UNIT – 2
Production Management : A brief exposure of the different aspects of Production Management– Visible
and Invisible inputs, Methodology of Activities Performance Evaluation Technique Process, Maintenance
UNIT – 3
Pharmaceutical Marketing: Functions, buying, selling, transportation, storage financed feedback
information, channels of distribution, wholesale, retail, department store, multiple shop and mail order
UNIT – 4
Grievance Management: Grievance and Grievance Handling procedure, Causes of grievances, Need for
grievance procedure, Grievance redressal machinery
UNIT – 5
Materials Management: A brief exposure of basic principles of management major areas, scope, purchase,
stores, inventory control and evaluation of materials management.
Recommended Books:
1. Chary S.N, Production and Operative Management / Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. Datta A.K., Material Management / PHI.
3. Chadwick Leslie, The essence of management accounting / PHI.
4. Koontz H, Weihrich H, Essentials of Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
Structure and functions of skin and hair. Formulation considerations, preparation, packaging and evaluation
of the following categories of cosmetics-
UNIT – 1
Fundamental of cosmetic science
Face Preparation: Face powder, Compact powder, Talcum powder, Face packs and Masks.
UNIT – 2
Skin Preparation: Skin creams, Anti-wrinkle preparations,, Protective creams and gels, Vanishing creams,
Cold creams, Cleansing creams, all purpose creams,, Anti-perspirant,/ deodorant, Moisturising creams,,
Sun-screen, Suntan, and anti-sun burn preparation.
UNIT – 3
Shaving Preparation: Lather shaving stick, Lather shaving creams, Shaving foams, Shaving gels, Pre-and
After shave lotions.
Shampoo and Bath preparations: Clear liquid shampoos. Aerosol shampoos, dry shampoos, Acid-
balanced shampoos, Egg shampoos, Anti-dandruff Shampoos, Bath oils, Foam baths.
UNIT – 4
Hair Preparations: Hair tonics, Hair conditioners, Hair lotions, Hair sprays, Hair dressings, Hair setting
lotions and creams, Hair dyes, Bleaches, Hair waiving, Hair straightners and Hair strengthners.
Dentrifice: Tooth powders, Tooth pastes, Denture cleansers.
Foot Preparation: Foot powders, Foot sprays, Foot creams, Corn preparations and Athelete‘s foot
Manicure Preparation: Nail polish, Nail lacquers and Nail bleaches.
UNIT – 5
Herbal Cosmetics: Cosmetics containing Aloe, Babul, Brahmi, Chandan, Cucumber, Haldi, Jatamansi,
Khus, Mehandi, Neem, Reetha, Shikakai, Tulsi, Arnica, Bhringraj and Volatile oils
Cosmetic for babies.
Colored make-up preparations: Lipsticks, Rouge, Mascara, Eye make-up, Eye-liner, Eyebrow pencils..
Recommended Books:
1. M. S. Balsam & Edward Sagarin (Eds.), Cosmetic Science and Technology, Vol. 1-3, Krieger Publishing Company.
2. Mac Chesney, J. C., Packaging of Cosmetic an Toiletries, Newness- Butterworth, London.
3. E.G., Thomssen, Modern Cosmetics, Universal Publishing Corporation, Bombay.
4. Jellinek, J.S. Formulation and Functions of Cosmetics, John Willey & Sons, New York.
5. R. K . Nema, K. S. Rathode, B.K. Dubey, Text Book of Cosmetics, CBS- Publishers & distributors, New Delhi.
6. Sunil Nanda, Arun Nanda & R.K. Khar, Cosmetic Technology, Birla publications Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.
7. B. M. Mithal and R.N. Saha, A handbook of cosmetics, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi.
8. P.P. Sharma, Cosmetics- Formulation, Manufacturing & Quality control,Vandana Publications Pvt. Ltd, Delhi.
9. Hildo Butler (Ed.), Poucher‘s Perfumes, Cosmetics & Soaps, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherland.
10.S.C. Bhata, Perfumes, soaps, Detergents and Cosmetics Vol. 1 & 2, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
11. Drug and Cosmetics Act & Rules.
UNIT – 1
Entrepreneurship- history & concept, importance
Entrepreneur- Leadership Attributes, Innovations, Influences, Personality Traits and Characteristics. Types
of Entrepreneurs. Business etiquettes, Business language and Communication.
UNIT – 2
Entrepreneurship in the pharmaceutical industry- needs, problems and issues Importance of communication,
decision making and problem solving skills. Business strategies, competition, marketing opportunities,
supply chain management keeping in mind return on investments. Case studies -3 to 5
UNIT – 3
Identification of market for product and services, SWOT analysis Formulation of strategies, market leaders
and success stories of their leading brands. Regulatory aspects- Drugs and Cosmetics Act and rules relevant
to licensing requirements for retail, wholesale, (schedules H, G, L1, M, Miii, P, P1, U, V, X, Y); DPCO -
price control and price fixation, Factory Act, Central and State Excise Act Including Vat, Environmental
Protection Act covering air, water, solid waste disposal record keeping, income tax and sales tax, ( include
only relevant to working), quality system and its relevance.
UNIT – 4
Technology Transfer considerations Funding of projects- Financial, Bootstrapping, External Financing
Project Management, Financial Management – understanding of balance sheet and profit and loss accounts,
imports and exports. (need based for understanding for practical application). Case studies – 3
UNIT – 5
Importance of HR recourses- team building and management Concept of social entrepreneurship &
sustainable entrepreneurship (Growth oriented). Case studies-3
Recommended Books:
1. Welsh, J.A. & Jerry, F.W., ‗Entrepreneur‘s Master Planning Guide, How to launch a successful business‘, Prentice
Hall, Englewood cliff.
2. Srivastava U.K., ‗Project Planning, Financing, Implementation and Evaluation, IIM, Ahmedabad.
3. Rao, T.V. & Pareek U, ‗Developing Entrepreneurships: A Handbook‘. Learning Systems, New Delhi.
4. Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction
5. Duening, Thomas N., Hisrich, Robert D., Lechter, Michael A., Technology Entrepreneurship, Academic Press,
6. Lundström, Anders und Stevenson, Lois (2005), Entrepreneurship Policy: Theory and Practice, Springer.
7. Deakins, D.; Freel, M. (2009). Entrepreneurship and Small Firms, 5th Edition. McGraw Hill.
8. Pharmaceutical Industry: Innovation & Developments (Business Issues, Competition and Entrepreneurship) by
David A. Mancuso, Isobel M. Grenada Publisher: Nova Science Publishers Inc (3 Aug 2011)
9. The Business of Healthcare Innovation [Hardcover] Lawton Robert Burns, Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition
10. Bootstrapping Your Business: Start And Grow a Successful Company With Almost No Money by Greg Gianforte,
Marcus Gibson, Publisher Adams Media 2005
11. Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules, and DPCO, Govt. of India.
12. Factory Act, Shop and Establishment Act.
13. Environmental Protection Act.
Course Title: GMP, Quality Assurance & Validation (Elective-I) Course Code: NA7630
Credit: 3
3 0 0
Year: 4th Semester: VII
UNIT – 1
No GMP- GMP- cGMP with reference to Indian scenario
Drugs & cosmetics rules with reference to G,H,M,P,P1, T,U,X
Requirements of GMP, CGMP, GLP, USFDA, WHO guidelines. & ICH Guidelines, ISO9000 and current
UNIT – 2
Documentation- Protocols, Forms and maintenance of records in Pharmaceutical industry.
Preparation of documents for new drug approval and export registration (schedule L1 & Y)
UNIT – 3
Basic concept of quality assurance, Quality assurance systems. Self Inspectionss, investigations of market
complaints, out of specifications (OoS), Out of Trends
UNIT – 4
Facility design- Concepts in validation, validation master plan, validation of product, process, equipment,
machinery, systems. Cleaning, Building management systems
UNIT – 5
In process quality control tests, IPQA problems in pharmaceutical industries.
Sources and control of quality variation- raw materials, containers, closures, personnel, environment etc.
Pharmacopoeia standards for dosage form and acceptance criteria, Sampling plan,
Sampling and operating characteristics curves –IPC Controls from raw materials to finished products and
packaging materials
Recommended Books:
1. Willing, Tuckerman and Hitchings, Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals.
2. OPPI, Quality Assurance.
3. Loftus and Nash, Pharmaceutical Process Validation.
4. Florey, Analytical Profile of Drugs (All volumes).
5. Indian Pharmacopoeia.
6. United States Pharmacopoeia.
7. British Pharmacopoeia.
8. Garfield, Quality Assurance Principles for Analytical Laboratories.
9. Manohar A. Potdar, C.GMP for Pharmaceuticals.
10. Sharma P.P. How to practice GMP‘s , Vandana Publication, New Delhi
11. Sharma P.P. Validation in pharmaceutical industry , Vandana Publication, New Delhi
12. TRS guidelines
13. ICH guidelines
14. Drugs and Cosmetic Act
UNIT – 1
Introduction to Drug Design, Lead Discovery, Interactions (Forces) involved in drug receptor complex,
Physiochemical properties in relation to biological action, Sterochemical aspects in drug design,
UNIT – 2
Drug metabolism-Phase I & Phase II Metabolic Reactions, Prodrugs & Soft drug concepts
UNIT – 3
a. Analogous based drug design concept with suitable examples
b. Structure Based drug design concept with examples
UNIT – 4
Combinatorial chemistry-Introduction, Parallel and Split & Mixed synthesis.
UNIT – 5
Introduction, parameters, Quantitative models- Hansch method & Software‘s in QSAR
Recommended Books:
1. E.J, Ariens: Drug Design, Academic Press, New York (1975).
2. S.H. Salkovisky, A.A. Sinkula and S.C. Valvani, Physical Chemical Properties of Drugs, Marcel Dekker
Inc. New York.
3. M.E. Wolff, Burger‘s Medical Chemistry, John Willey and Sons, New York.
4. R.F, Doerge, Wilson and Gisvold‘s Text Book of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, J.
Lippincott Co, Philadelphia.
5. Olson, Edward C ―Computer Assisted Drug Design (American Chemical Society).
6. Burger A ―A guide to chemical basis of Drug Design ―John Wiley & Sons‖.
7. Thomas J.Perun ―Computer aided Drug Design methods Applications‖.
UNIT – 1
Introduction To Clinical Pharmacy -Definition, development and scope
Patient Data Analysis -The patient‘s case history, its structure and use in evaluation of drug therapy,
Communication skills including patient medication history interview, patient counseling.
UNIT – 2
Daily Activities Of Clinical Pharmacists -Drug therapy monitoring (Medication chart view, clinical
review, TDM pharmacist interventions. Drug utilization evaluation (DUE) and review (DRU). Quality
assurance of clinical Pharmacy services, Prescription auditing and medication errors and monitoring
UNIT – 3
Clinical Pharmacokinetics -Physiological determinants of drug clearance and volumes of distribution.
Renal and non-renal clearance. Estimation and determinants of bioavailability. Calculation of loading and
maintenance doses. Dose adjustment in renal failure, hepatic dysfunction, geriatric and paediatric patients.
UNIT – 4
Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacoeconomics & Pharmacovigilence.
Clinical trials: Introduction, types, Phases, essential features, experimental design, essential clinical trial
documents, Informed consent document, audit of clinical trial, clinical trial team, patient recruitment, duties
of Principle Investigator, Institutional ethical committee(IEC)
UNIT – 5
Research Design And Conduct Of Clinical Trials- Research support including planning and execution of
clinical trials. Guidelines for good clinical research practice and declaration of Helsinki & Ethical
requirements. Research design and study of any three drugs under Phase IV clinical trials.
Recommended Books :
1. Basic skills in interpreting laboratory data- Scott LT, American Society of Health System Pharmacists,
Inc., USA.
2. Practice Standrds and Definitions- The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia, 1997.
3. Clinical Pharmacokinetics-Rowland and Tozer, Williams and Wilkins Publication.
4. Biopharmaceutics and Applied Pharmacokinetics-Leon Shargel, Prentice Hall Publication.
5. Relevant review articles from recent medical and pharmaceutical literature.
6. Parthasarthi G, Nyfort-Hansen K, Nahata M.C., A Text book of Clinical Pharmacy Practice –Essential
Concepts and Skills, Orient Longman.
7. Davisson‘s Pranciples and Practice of Medicine, ELBS/Churchill Livingstone.
8. Herfindal E.T. and Hirashman J.L., Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics Williams and Wilkins
9. John G.Wagner,‖ Pharmacokinetics for the Pharmaceutical Scientist‖.
UNIT – 1
Study of traditional formulations as per Ayurvedic Formulary of India and few dosage forms (modern) in the
UNIT – 2
Shelf life study, protocols to study stabilization of herbal based products.
Approaches for both physical. Physico-chemical and chemical parameters of assessment at different stages,
interpretation of data and its limitations.
UNIT – 3
A) Herbal Cosmetics: Raw materials of herbal origin used in cosmetics: Oil, Waxes, Gums, Hydro-
perfumes, protective agents, bleaching Agents, preservatives, Anti oxidation agents.
B) Formulation aspects incorporating herbal extracts in various preparations: Deodorants, Anti-
perspirants, Hair care preparations, skin care preparations, dental care preparations.
UNIT – 4
Design of Ayurvedic dosage form and their evaluation: Solid, liquid and semi solid dosages forms. (Any
four Ayurvedic formulation for each type).
UNIT – 5
Research: Needs, areas and current on going research. Application of pharmacy concepts, analytical
methods and clinical evaluation techniques in herbals.
Recommended Books:
1. Quality Control of Herbal Drugs by Pullok K. Mukharjee, 1st Edition, Business Horizons Pharmaceutical
Publisher, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Indian Hearbal Pharmacopoeia, vol. 1 & 2, RRL, IDMA, 1998, 2000 (Current Edition)
3. Standardization of Botanicals by V.Rajpal, Vol.1, Eastern Publisher, New Delhi
4. PDR for Herbal Medicines, 2nd edition, medicinal economic company, New Jersey, 2000.
5. Poucher: ―A Text Book of Cosmetics‖,
6. Herbal Drug Industry by R.D. Choudhary, 1st edition, Eastern Publisher, New Delhi
7. Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy by W C Evans, 15th Edition W.B Saunders E
Pilot Plant, Scale up Techniques: Introduction, Objectives of the Pilot Plant, Importance of the Pilot Plant,
Pilot plant design for tablets, Pilot plant scale-up techniques for capsules, Pilot plant scale-up techniques for
Technology Transfer involved in different dosage forms: importance of technology transfer, Technology
Transfer Process, Reasons & factors influencing technology transfer, drivers and barriers, steps involved in
technology transfer and to identify policy approaches for barriers.
Elements Of Validation, Validation Master Plan, Reasons for validation, Pharmaceutical Process Validation,
Equipment Validation and Product Validation, Regulatory Basis for Process Validation.
Requirements for the manufacturing of Solid, Liquid and Semisolid Dosage Form as per FDA & USFDA.
Automation and control In pharmaceutical Industries: Advantages, General Automatic Control System,
Automatic Controller, Computer Integrated Systems, Control Process Measurement, Automation in Solid &
Liquid Dosage Manufacturing.
Reference Books:
1. Textbook of Industrial Pharmacy. Hiremath Shobha Rani - 2008 - 448 pages
2. Remington: The Science And Practice Of Pharmacy. David B. Troy, Joseph Price Remington, Paul
Beringer - 2006 - 2393 pages
3. Challenges and trends in industrial pharmacy: 50 years of ... Tom Sam, Beta Communicaties (Den Haag),
Industrial Pharmacy Section -2006 - 66 pages
4. The Theory and practice of industrial pharmacy. Leon Lachman, Herbert A.Lieberman, Joseph L. Kanig -
1986 - 902 pages
5. Automation of pharmaceutical operations: Supplement David J. Fraade- 1985 – Page - 103
Current Acts & Rules with Amendments relevant to Drugs and Pharmaceuticals are required for
following :
a) Pharmaceutical Legislations – A brief review
b) Drugs and Pharmaceutical Industry – A brief review.
c) Pharmaceutical Education – A brief review
d) Pharmaceutical Ethics – A brief review
e) Pharmacy Act
An Elaborative Study of current Rules and Amendments for Following :-
a) Drugs and Cosmetics Act and rules - Manufacturing , distribution and marketing , approval of
manufacturing and quality control chemist, Schedules (M, Y, L1, P)
b) Drugs Price Control Order
A Study of following Acts with Special Reference to current Provisions for following.
a) Medicinal & Toilet preparations (Excise duties Act)- relevant to drug and pharmaceuticals
b) Poisons Act
c) Medical termination of Pregnancy Act & Rules
A Study of following Acts with Special Reference to current Provisions for following.
a) Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act & Rules.
b) Drugs and Magic remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act
c) Patents Act, Trade mark and copyrights acts.- main provisions
a) U.S Food and Federal D&C Act – CFR -21, CGMP; EuGMP ,WHO, Orange book
b) Introduction to ICH Guidelines, Legal requirement as per D &C rules and rules of importing countries
for parentrals
c) Good HouseKeeping Practices and GLP
Recommended Books:
1. Mittal B.M, Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy, National Book Centre, Dr. Sundari Mohan Avenue,
2. Relevant Acts & Rules Published by the Govt. of India.
3. Jain N.K, A Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy, Vallabh Prakashan, New Delhi.
4. Singh, Harkishan ―History of Pharmac y in India – Vol. I, II & III‖ VallabhPrakashan.
Nuclear Magnetic Spectroscopy-An introduction to the theory of 1H-NMR, C-NMR and Solid
NMRchemical shift, spin-spin coupling, shielding & deshielding Applications of NMR spectroscopy and
it‘s interpretation
Mass Spectrometry - LCMS,GCMS Introduction to mass spectra, instrumentation, applications and it‘s
interpretation, Types of peak in mass spectra, fragmentation pattern of some simple compounds
.Interpretation of any Four API
Chromatographic Techniques-Basic principles, Instrumentation and Applications of Gas Chromatography
(GC) High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC),UPLC
Study of Standardisation of Lab Chemicals
Reference Books:
1. Pharmacopoeia of India, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India.
2. Beckett, A H and Stenlake, J.B, Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vol I and II, The Athlone Press of
the University of London.
3. Willard H.H. and Merrit L. Jr and Dean J.A., Instrumental methods of Analsis Van Nostrand Renhold,
New York.
4. Silver stein RM & Webster FX, Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, John Wiley &
5. Skoog V, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Holler-Neimen.
Mode of action, uses, SAR of the following classes of drugs included in latest edition of Pharmacopoeia
(Synthetic Procedures and Assay of individually mentioned drugs only)
Steroids and related drugs: Special emphasis on Nomenclature of steroids
(A) Androgens and Anabolic steroids – Testosterone
(B) Estrogens and Progestogens – Progesterone, Estradiol
(C) Adrenocorticoids – Prednisolone
(D) Oral Contraceptives
Introduction, Classification, Mode of action, uses, structure-activity relationship of the following classes of
drug Synthetic procedures of individually mentioned drugs only). Antibiotics- Penicillin, Aminoglycosides
, Tetracyclines, Cephalosporins, Chloramphenicol.
Introduction, Classification, Mode of action, uses, structure-activity relationship of the following classes of
drug Synthetic procedures of individually mentioned drugs only).
Antimycobacterial Agents: PAS,, Isoniazid, Dapsone Antibacterials – Sulphamethoxazole, Sulphadiazine,
Sulphacetamide. Vitamins: Structure, Storage, Uses and their biochemical role in health promotion
Introduction, Classification, Mode of action, uses, structure-activity relationship of the following classes of
drug Synthetic procedures of individually mentioned drugs only).
Antimalarials: Chloroquine, Primaquine
Antiamoebics: Metronidazole, Tinidazole Anthelmintics- Mebendazole
Introduction, Classification, Mode of action, uses, structure-activity relationship of the following classes of
drug (Synthetic procedures of individually mentioned drugs only).
Anti- HIV agents-Zidovudine
Antivirals – Amantadine, Acyclovir, Prostaglandins – Misoprostol, Carboprost.
Text Books:
1. Delagado J N and Remers W A R, Eds., Wilson And Giswold‘s Text book of Organic Medicinal Pharmaceutical
Chemistry, J. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia.
2. Foye W C, Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
3. Wolff ME, Ed. Burger‘s Medicinal Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4. Harkrishan and Kapoor, V.K., Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi.
5. Patrick G L. Medicinal Chemistry, Oxford University Press NY
6. Vardanayan R. Synthesis of Essential Drugs, Acacdemic press an imprint of Elsevier
7. Pharmacopoeia of India, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India.
8. Razdan B.K. Medicinal Chemistry, CBS Publication, New Delhi
9. Application of soil survey in Irrigation Water Management, Publication no. 21, WALMI, Aurangabad (Maharastra).
1. Definitions, History & Scope of Industrial Psychology.
2. Major influences on Industrial Psychology-
3. Classical Approaches (Scientific Management)
4. Neo-Classical Approaches (Hawthorne Experiments)
1. Emotional Quotient
2. Job Satisfaction–Job related attitude: Job Satisfaction; Satisfaction with regards to pay and supervision,
3. Measuring Job Satisfaction: Job Descriptive Index, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire.
4. Relationship of Job Satisfaction with Productivity, Absenteeism and Attrition.
5. Motivation-Meaning and Concept of Motivation,
6. Theories of Motivation; Need Theories (Maslow McClelland and Herzberg). Cognitive Theories (Goal Setting
Theory, Self-Efficacy Theory).
1. Organizational Culture- Meaning and Types, Influence of Organizational Culture on Employees.
2. Leadership- Nature, Style and Approaches to Leadership
3. Group dynamics
4. Change Management
1. Job Analysis and Learning,
2. Training and Development- Objectives and Needs, Training Process
3. Methods of Training, Tools and Aids, Evaluation of Training Programs.
4. Methods of Performance Appraisal
1. Stress Management- Meaning, Causes, Types,
2. Work and Mental Health; Fatigue. Boredom, Accidents and Safety,
3. Everyday Stress and its management-Refuting Irrational Ideas, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, Goal
Setting and Time Management, Facing Worry and Anxiety.
4. Conflict–Definition, Traditional Vs. Modern view of conflict,
5. Types of Conflict – Intra personnel, Interpersonal, Organizational, Constructive and Destructive Conflict,
Conflict Management
Text Book:
1. Miner J.B. (1992) Industrial/Organizational Psychology. N Y: McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Blum & Naylor (1982) Industrial Psychology. Its Theoretical & Social Foundations CBS Publication.
2. Aamodt, M.G. (2007) Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach (5th edition) Wadsworth/
Thompson: Belmont, C.A.
3. Aswathappa K. (2008). Human Resource Management (fifth edition) New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Robbins, S.P. &Sanghi, S. (2009). Organizational behavior (11th ed.). New Delhi: Pearson Education.
5. Schultz, D. and Schultz, S. E. (2006). Psychology and work today. 8th ed. N.D.: Pearson Education
Theory of controlled release drug delivery systems. Release and diffusion of drugs from C.D.D.S., General
methods of design and evaluation of C.D.D.S.
Carriers for drug delivery systems, Prodrugs, Physical, chemical and biomedical engineering approach to
achieve controlled drug delivery.
Transdermal drug delivery systems: Theory, formulation and evaluation, ionotophoresis. Implants and
inserts: Types, design and evaluation methods, Osmotic pumps.
Targeted Drug delivery systems: Concept of drug targeting, importance in therapeutics, methods in drug
targeting, drug immobilization techniques, nanoparticles, liposomes, niosomes, pharmacosomes and
Advances in drug delivery systems:- An Introduction to buccal, nose to brain, ocular, pulmonary colonic
delivery, transmucosal and stemceuticals, Trans soft palatal drug delivery and trans ungual drug delivery,
Gastroretentive drug delivery system
Recommended Books:
1. Julian, Drug Delivery Systems.
2. Robinson and Vincent, Controlled Drug Delivery.
3. Robinson, Sustained and Controlled Drug Delivery Systems.
4. Noxon, Microencapsulation.
5. Chien, Novel Drug Delivery Systems.
6. Deasy, Microencapsulation and Related Processes.
7. Gutcho, Microencapsulation and Related Processes.
8. Lisbeth, Illum & Davis, Polymers in Controlled Drug Delivery.
9. Ghosh, Premamoy ―Polymer Science & Technology‖.
Principles of marketing management, Introduction to pharmaceutical marketing, Identification of the
marketing, Market behaviour, Prescribing habits of physician, Patient motivation, Market analysis.
Market Research: Measuring & Forecasting Market Demand - Major concept in demand measurement,
Estimating current demand Geo-demo- graphic analysis. Estimating industry sales. Market share and future
demand. Market segmentation & Market targeting.
Drug development and the marketing research interface, Diversification and specialization, Marketing
generic drugs..
Economic and competitive aspects of pharmaceutical industry- Advertising, Detailing, Retail competition,
International marketing.
Distribution channels in pharmaceutical marketing – Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Retailer, Hospital &
Government agencies, Selection of stockists and distributors
Controls: Internal control and external control.
Recommended Books:
1. Smith, Mickey C, ―Principles of pharmaceutical marketing‖, CBS Publishers & Distributors.
2. Kotler, Philip ―Marketing Management‖. Pearson Education Asia.
Concepts in pharmaceutical packaging. Package systems, package design research, package design for
international transit
Packaging materials with special reference to polymers, metals, glass and plastics, control of packaging
materials and their specifications, Blister and strip packaging materials, their testing and specifications
including microbiology
Testing of containers & closures, Pharmacopoeial tests and specifications, Defects in packages. Stability of
package and packaging material Ancillary materials used in packaging, their design and specifications
Sterilization of packaging materials, post-sterilization testing Packaging of Parenterals, Ophthalmics,
aerosols and testing Corrugated fiber board materials, Printing requirements, label and leaflets preparation,
Legal requirement as per D &C rules and rules of importing countries, testing of packaging materials and
their transit worthiness
Mechanization of packaging operation, use of bar codes and controls on-inline packing, testing of finished
packs as per ICH guidelines , packaging materials and product mix-up, their investigations and corrective &
punitive action (CAPA)
Recommended Books:
1. Ross, Packaging of Pharmaceuticals.
2. Joseph D.O. Brien, Medical Device Packaging Handbook.
3. Griffin, Drug and cosmetic Packaging.
4. Barail, Packaging Engineering.
5. Harburn, Quality-Control of Packaging Materials in Pharmaceutical Industry.
6. Kac Chensney, Packaging of Cosmetics and Toiletories.
7. USP
8. BIS specifications
Course Title: Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD) [Elective] Course Code: NA8640
Credit: 3
3 0 0
Year: 4th Semester: VIII
Computer Assisted Drug Design (Cadd) And Chemometrics :- Explanation of some basic terms ,
Pharmacophore, Lock-Key principle and induced fit theory , Molecular Recognition and Molecular Docking
,Solvent modeling - the role of water The dynamic aspect of modeling ,Orgin and current status
,Multivariate Data , Definitions Organization and classification of data ,Preprocessing ,Distances between
objects , Latent variables , Linear Methods ,Projection of multivariate data ,Principal component analysis
(PCA), Multiple linear regression (MLR) and principle component regression, Partial least squares method
2d-Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (2d-Qsar) Definition ,QSAR methodology Basic
concepts of QSAR 1 Molecular descriptors , Electronic parameters , Polar interactions, Steric paramters,
Topological paramters ,Quantum-chemical descriptors ,Biological parameters, 2D-QSAR in drug design ,
Validation of QSAR models ,Conclusions
3d-Qsar; Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (Comfa) And - Similarity Analysis (Comsia) 3-QSAR
11/1 Assumptions in 3D-QSAR, CoMFA methodology Steps of a CoMFA analysis ,Pharmacophore
hypothesis and alignment , Superposition of all molecules , Box, Grid size and 3D field calculations ,
Derivation of the CoMFA model , CoMFA coefficient maps Validation of results An example: CBG and
TBG binding affinities of steriods , CoMFA application in drug design, overview
CADD: METHODS and STRATEGIES Lead discovery ,Irrational drug design and combinatorial
chemistry, Computer Assisted Drug Design, Fundamentals and Application ,Virtual screening Structure-
based ligand design: Pharmacophore generation ,Structure-based ligand design , Determination of a
pharmacophore ,The active analog approach (AAA) ,Ensemble distance geometry
PROTEIN MODELING The Protein Data Bank, Relationship between sequence and 3D structure of a
protein Alignment of protein sequenc, Needleman-Wunsch alignment method,Multiple sequence
alignments, Homology modeling of proteins ,Construction of the core ,Construction of loops and turns
Construction of the Side chains ,Refinement of the homology model ,Prediction of protein structures by
threading, Comparison of various strategies in homology modeling ,Protein folding
Recommended Books:
1. E.J, Ariens: Drug Design, Academic Press, New York (1975).
2. S.H. Salkovisky, A.A. Sinkula and S.C. Valvani, Physical Chemical Properties of Drugs, Marcel Dekker
Inc. New York.
3. M.E. Wolff, Burger‘s Medical Chemistry, John Willey and Sons, New York.
4. R.F, Doerge, Wilson and Gisvold‘s Text Book of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, J.
Lippincott Co, Philadelphia.
5. Olson, Edward C ―Computer Assisted Drug Design (American Chemical Society).
6. Burger A ―A guide to chemical basis of Drug Design ―John Wiley & Sons‖.
7. Thomas J.Perun ―Computer aided Drug Design methods Applications‖.
Introduction to stem cell biology & its implication in modern medicine. Recombinant DNA technology with
reference to insulin.
Basic pathology of bacterial and viral infections, Sensitivity screening for common pathogenic micro-
organisms, its significance, Superbugs, resistance in disease states and selection of appropriate anti-
microbial regimens.
Rational prescribing and prescription monitoring. Therapeutic and toxic potential of OTC products. Drug
information services.
Concept of gene therapy, Antisense therapy, basic concepts, mechanism of antisense therapy, examples of
antisense therapy for treatment of different disease
Case study and its interpretation of any 5 most common diseases ( Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension, Peptic
Ulcer and Asthma) and their treatment and prevention.
Recommended Books:
1. Pathologic basis of diseases- Robins SL, W.B. Saunders publication.
2. Pathology and therapeutics for pharmacists: a basis for clinical Pharmacy Practice.
3. Green and Harris, Chapman and Hall Publication.
4. Clinical Pharmacy and therapeutics- Eric Herfindal, Williams and Wilkins Publication.
5. Applied Therapeutics: the clinical use of drugs. Lloyd Young and Kota-Kimble MA.
6. Avery‘s drug treatment, Adis international Limited.
7. Relevant review articles from recent medical and pharmaceutical literature.
8. Hospital Pharmacy – Hassan WE. Lee and Febiger publication.
9. Textbook of hospital pharmacy – Allweed MC and Blackwell.
10. Avery‘s Drug Treatment, Adis international limited.
11. Evidence based medicine: How to practice and teach EBM. Sharon E Straus, 3rd Ed. Churchill
12. Basic skills in interpreting laboratory data – Scott LT, American Society of Health System Pharmacists,
Inc., USA.
13. Practice Standards and Definitions. The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia.
14. Clinical Pharmacokinetics – Rowland and Tozer, Williams and Wilkins Publicaiton.
15. Biopharmaceutics and Applied Pharmacokinetics – Leon Shargel, Prentice Hall publication.
16. Relevant review articles from recent medical and pharmaceutical literature.
World wide Trade :
a) Herbal crude drugs and extracts
b) Herbal medicinal formulations
c) Herbal nutraceuticals
d) Herbal cosmetics and formulations.
Quality assurance in Herbal Drug Industry. Concept of TQM., GMP, GLP and HACCP in Traditional
System of Medicine.
Herbal based industries: Types, scope and applications. Study of infrastructure for different types of
industries involved in making standardized extracts and various dosage forms including traditional
Ayurvedic dosage forms and modern dosage forms.
Design of Ayurvedic dosage forms Quality Assurance and Quality Control parameters for evaluation: solid,
liquid and semi solid dosages forms. (Any two Ayurvedic formulations) for each type.
A) Indian and International' patent laws, proposed amendments as applicable to herbal/natural products and
processes; important points to be kept in mind while drafting and filing a patent.
B) Plant breeders rights
Recommended Books:
1. Quality Control of Herbal Drugs by Pullok K. Mukharjee, 1st Edition, Business Horizon Pharmaceutical
Publisher, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Indian Hearbal Pharmacopoeia, vol. 1 & 2, RRL, IDMA, 1998, 2000 (Current Edition)
3. Standardization of Botanicals by V.Rajpal, Vol.1, Eastern Publisher, New Delhi
4. PDR for Herbal Medicines, 2nd edition, medicinal economic company, New Jersey, 2000.
5. Poucher: ―A Text Book of Cosmetics‖.
6. Herbal Drug Industry by R.D. Choudhary, 1st edition, Eastern Publisher, New Delhi
7. Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy by W C Evans, 15th Edition W.B Saunders E