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Aa Bb Cc Dd

Ee Ff Gg Hh

Ii Jj Kk Ll

Mm Nn Oo Pp

Qq Rr Ss Tt

Uu Vv Ww Xx

Yy Zz
Bb Cc Dd Ff

Gg Hh Jj Kk

Ll Mm Nn Pp

Qq Rr Ss Tt

Vv Ww Xx Yy

Aa Ee


Oo Uu
Duet Sounds /a/
ba ca da fa

ga ha ja ka

la ma na pa

ra sa ta va

wa ya za
Duet Sounds /e/
be ce de fe

ge he je ke

le me ne pe

re se te ve

we ye ze
Duet Sounds /i/
bi ci di fi

gi hi ji ki

li mi ni pi

ri si ti vi

wi yi zi
Duet Sounds /o/
bo co do fo

go ho jo ko

lo mo no po

ro so to vo

wo yo zo
Duet Sounds /u/
bu cu du fu

gu hu ju ku

lu mu nu pu

ru su tu vu

wu yu zu
Trio Sounds

cab fab lab nab tab sac

bad dad fad had lad mad
man pad sad bag gag jag
lag nag rag sag tag wag
yak bam cam dam ham jam
lam ram Sam tam yam ban
Dan fan man pan ran tan
van cap gap lap map nap
pap rap sap tap gas has
bat cat fat hat mat pat
rat sat vat fax lax pax
sax tax zax
/a/ Phrases

a man has van

the sand the mat

can fan mad cat

a tan fan fat rat

/a/ Sentences

The man has a van.

Dan ran in the sand.

Ram-ram hands Tam a fan.

The mad cat ran after the fat rat.

Trio Sounds

Deb web ref beg keg

leg peg hem Ben den

hen Len men pen ten

yen Zen bet get jet

let met net pet set

vet wet yet Rex Rey

/e/ Phrases
Ben’s pet men’s vest

in the den wet net

red pen in the well

hen’s nest sent tent

/e/ Sentences
She met Ben.

He bends his legs.

Ben’s pet is well.

I see the red hen’s nest.

Trio Sounds

bib dib fib jib

nib rib bid did
hid kid lid mid
big dig fig gig
pig wig dip hip
lip nip pip rip
sip tip zip bit
fit hit kit lit
nit pit sit mix
/i/ Phrases
big ship the pit

six pins in the list

fish gills miss to list

six kings with ink

/i/ Sentences

I bit my lips.

She is in the list.

I miss the big ship.

The big fish has fins.

Trio Sounds

Bob cob hob job mob

Rob sob Nod pod rod
Bog dog fog hog jog
Log Mom Tom son ton
won cop hop mop top
dot got hot jot lot
not pot rot tot how
now vow wow box fox
/o/ Phrases
in a hot pot stop shop

two socks got a lot

dot to dot a lot of clock

too hot Bob’s job

/o/ Sentences

Bob got a job.

She holds a hot pot.

Don’t stop in the shop.

He got a lot of socks.

Trio Sounds


cub dub hub pub rub

sub tub bud cud mud
bug dug hug jug mug
pug rug tug bum gum
hum mum rum sum yum
bun fun gun nun pun
run sun cup pup yup

bus pus but cut gut

hut nut rut buy guy
/u/ Phrases

a bug the rug

in the drum cut up

buns for us bug’s tub

under the sun dusty hut

/u/ Sentences
It is fun to run.

The bug is in the rug.

My cup is beside the jug.

We buy these buns.

Long /a/ Sound
cane tape bake

hate fate mane

mate pale pane

same shame rake

shake cape quake

take sake fade

lake tame jade

fake make made

blame flame gate

lame game late

Long /a/ Phrases
a cane a lame game

same lake a late mate

bake a cake came a lame

pale male take a shake

Long /a/ Sentences

They blame Kate.

Let’s play a name game.

She makes a fruit shake.

Here comes a lame with a cane.

Long /i/ Sound

bike dike dine

pine vine line

ripe side site

bite nite mite

lite Mike kite

hide wide ride

mine fine shine

Long /i/ Phrases
a fine site long vine

a ripe pine Mike’s kite

my bike wide line

bite at the side likes to dine

Long /i/ Sentences

He bites a ripe pine.

That kite is mine.

She rides at her bike.

We dine at the sea side.

Long /o/ Sounds
bone bore bode

code cone cope

dote dome dose

hope hone home

lone mole note

nose pore poke

Rose Rome role

sole sore tone

tore vote woke

Long /o/ Phrases
his sole mole a code note

our dome home the vote zone

over dose my lone role

a rose nose Rome’s bode

Long /o/ Sentences

Rose is our lone hope.

Look at my mole in the nose.

That dome is our home.

We woke up early to vote.

Long /u/ Sounds

cute cube June

fume duke tube

tune mule pure

sure cure lure

mute lube fuse

Long /u/ Phrases
a sure cure out of tune

a cute tube pure fume

an ice cube a mute man

on June fuse with fume

Long /u/ Sentences

She’s a June bride.

There’s a cube in a tube.

He used flowers to lure her.

Doctors promise a sure cure.

Consonant Blends
Initial Consonant Blend
black blend blow
bland bliss block
bless blink blush

Initial Consonant Blend

bra bre bri bro
bru brat brod brin
bran broom brief bread
brush brick
Initial Consonant Blend
cra cre cri cro
cru crab crest crop
cram crib cross crank
crunch crump

Initial Consonant Blend

cla cle cli clo clu
clap clamp clang class clock
cling clip click clung
Initial Consonant Blend
dra dre dri dro dru
draw drink drum drank drill
drip dress drop drag

Consonant Blend
fla fle fli flo
flu flap flesh floor
flat flip flash fled
flung flow
Initial Consonant Blend
fra fre fri fro
fru frank frost friend
frown from fresh fruit
freak frog

Initial Consonant Blend

gla gle gli glo glu
glad glow gleam gland gloss
glide glass glib glare
Initial Consonant Blend
gra gre gri gro
gru gram grab gross
grass green grow graft
grail grunt

Initial Consonant Blend

pla ple pli plo plu
plan plus plot plant please
plug plum plow place
Initial Consonant Blend
pra pre pri pro pru
pro prune pray proud press
print priest prong pride

Initial Consonant Blend

sla sle sli slo slu
slam slim slot sled sleep
slice slow slap slip
Initial Consonant Blends
/sc- & sk-/
scalp sketch scotch
skin scam scoop
skid skull scan

Initial Consonant Blend

sma sme smi smo smu
smash smell Smith smock smelt
small smack smog smooth
Initial Consonant Blend
sna sne sni sno snu
snip snag snuff snap snug
sniff snob snow snack

Initial Consonant Blend

sta ste sti sto stu
stop stamp stock step stir
store stick stall stain
Initial Consonant Blend
spa spe spi spo spu
spot span spin
spur spell space
spank spill spit

Initial Consonant Blend


swa swe swi swo swu

swim swam swing
swell swept swift
swarm swine sweep
Initial Consonant Blend
tra tre tri tro tru
tray truck trust trip tramp
trick trod trail trace

Initial Consonant Blend

three throw thread
thrive thresh thrill
thrift threw throat
Initial Consonant Blend
spray spread spring
sprout spree sprit

Initial Consonant Blend

splash splice split
splint spleen splat
Initial Consonant Blend
strive strong strife
string stroll strike

Initial Consonant Digraph

wha whe whi who whu
what when whale why whim
wheat where wharf whip
Initial Consonant Digraph
cha che chi cho chu
chat chart choke chap chunk
chest chop chill chaft

Initial Consonant Digraph

/th-/ (voiced phoneme)
tha the thi tho thu
than these those then this
there thus they them
Initial Consonant Digraph
/th-/(voiceless phoneme)

tha the thi tho thu

thin think thorn
thick thud thing
thank thug thief

Final Consonant Digraph

bring sing ring
Bing swing string
cycling crying trying
Final Consonant Digraph
bush push mash
cash trash smash
bash slash fish

Final Consonant Digraph

witch bitch switch
rich pitch stitch
fetch leech teach
The Middle /-ee/ Sound

see jeep green

deep tree heed
peep creep free
heel peek peel
thee feet meet

The Middle /-oo/ Sound

cook look hoof
good wool brook
wood foot hood
The Middle /-oa/ Sound
load road soak
goat soap boat
coach toast boast

The Middle /-ai/ Sound

rain tail pail
gain faint faith
aim plain vain

The Middle /-oi/ Sound

oil toil coin

point boil soil
join joint coil
The Final /-oy/ Sound

boy toy soy

oyster Roy joy

The Final /-ay/ Sound

lay play say
clay sway tray
way slay pay

The Middle /-ou/ Sound

house found sound
pound round loud
shout mouse scout
The Middle /-au/ Sound
fault clause sauce
haul Paul pause
cause gauze

The final /-le/ Sound

middle paddle puzzle
sample tickle little
circle wiggle handle

The ph- Sound (as in /f/ )

telephone cellphone Philippines

orphan phrase prophet
The final /-tion/ & /-sion/
station population attention
nation education admission
vacation omission invitation

The /-aw/ Sound

saw law paw

jaw lawn crawl
shawl hawk yawn

The Final /-all/ Sound

tall small ball
call wall fall
The Final /-ight/ Sound

bright fight might

tight right fright
sight light night

The Final /-ought/ & /-aught/ Sound

bought sought fought

brought taught caught

The /-ea/ Sound

read lead leave
beach leap each
east real steal
The /-ow/ Sound

low shadow bow grow row

throw blow window fellow

The /-oe/ Sound

toe foe Joe

toes goes hoe

Words with Silent Letters

honest knife wrap comb
knight hour write wrong
knock should would could
climb know

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