Mosaicism is a condition where two or more chromosomal complements are present in the cells of an individual derived from a single zygote. It can occur due to errors in mitosis where cells end up with an extra or missing chromosome. This causes some cells to behave differently and can result in health issues or physical abnormalities depending on the level of mosaicism. Mosaicism is often confused with but different from chimerism which involves cells from multiple zygotes. Common causes include nondisjunction during cell division.
Mosaicism is a condition where two or more chromosomal complements are present in the cells of an individual derived from a single zygote. It can occur due to errors in mitosis where cells end up with an extra or missing chromosome. This causes some cells to behave differently and can result in health issues or physical abnormalities depending on the level of mosaicism. Mosaicism is often confused with but different from chimerism which involves cells from multiple zygotes. Common causes include nondisjunction during cell division.
Mosaicism is a condition where two or more chromosomal complements are present in the cells of an individual derived from a single zygote. It can occur due to errors in mitosis where cells end up with an extra or missing chromosome. This causes some cells to behave differently and can result in health issues or physical abnormalities depending on the level of mosaicism. Mosaicism is often confused with but different from chimerism which involves cells from multiple zygotes. Common causes include nondisjunction during cell division.
Mosaicism is a condition where two or more chromosomal complements are present in the cells of an individual derived from a single zygote. It can occur due to errors in mitosis where cells end up with an extra or missing chromosome. This causes some cells to behave differently and can result in health issues or physical abnormalities depending on the level of mosaicism. Mosaicism is often confused with but different from chimerism which involves cells from multiple zygotes. Common causes include nondisjunction during cell division.
presence of two or more chromosomal complements found in the same tissue of an individual where cells derived from same genetic origin/zygotic genotype. This can occur in any type of cell and may cause health problems to the body. Mosaicism may also be present in any common individual, without any serious clinical issues, in the form of mole, different colours of iris, thin hair, patches of abnormal skin colour,spots on skin(as in ichthyosis with confetti),etc.
Mosaicism may be caused by an error in
mitosis. If there is an error in mitosis(like, non-disjunction), a cell doesn’t split evenly into 2 cells. The result is that some cells have the normal number of 46 chromosomes, and other cells have more (47) or fewer (45) chromosomes.
Mosaicism can arise when there is a
mutation in early development so there can be group of cells that behave differently. This can happen at gene level or the whole chromosome. Mosaicism is often confused with chimerism. The difference lies in the fact that the former involves origin from a single zygote while the latter is for individuals originated from more than one zygote.
Mechanism of Mosaic formation
• Non disjunction • Anaphase lag • Premature centromere division Examples:- 1. Germinal mosaicism- XXX syndrome, Turner syndrome, etc.
2. Somatic mosaicism- Ring
chromosome-14 syndrome, Mosaic down syndrome, trisomy 18 etc.
When turner or down syndrome is present
with mosaicism, of normal genotype pattern, intensity of disease manifestation is decreased and as a result, it is comparatively less fatal!