An Experimental Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory Action of Root of Aparajita (Clitoria Ternatea Linn.) in Albino Rats PDF

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ISSN: 2322 - 0902 (P)

ISSN: 2322 - 0910 (O)

International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research
Research Article


Gangil Darpan1*, Patil Sumitra K2, Chougala S B3
*1PG Scholar, 2Reader, 3Lecturer, Dept. of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Sri JGCHS Ayurvedic Medical College, Ghatprabha, District
Belgaum, Karnataka, India.
Plants have played a major role in the production of biological compounds for the formation of drugs. Their role
may either become a base for the development of medicine, a natural blue print for the development of new
drugs or a phytomedicine to be used for the treatment of diseases. Acharya Charaka has quoted that none of the
plants found around us are non-medicinal. Clitoria ternatea commonly known as Aparajita or Butterfly pea is a
medicinal plant belonging to the family Fabaceae. In various Ayurvedic classics and Ayurvedic material medica,
this plant is reported to be used in insect bites, skin diseases, asthma, burning sensation, inflammation,
leucoderma, leprosy and pulmonary tuberculosis.
A good number of anti-inflammatory drugs are available in modern medicine, among them some are expensive
and some are having adverse effects in long term uses. Thus a need arises to find a safer and efficient drug from
the natural resources, which will be simple, effective and not having any adverse effect. In the present study,
preliminary phytochemical study and anti-inflammatory study of Kashayam (decoction) of root of Aparajita
were carried out to confirm the presence of various phytochemical substances and to determine the anti-
inflammatory action against diclofenac sodium in carrageenan induced rat paw edema model. The results of
experimental study showed significant anti-inflammatory action of Kashayam (decoction) of Aparajita roots in
acute inflammation compared to control and near to the action of diclofenac sodium, which suggests that
Aparajita is potential natural anti-inflammatory drug.
KEYWORDS: Aparajita, Anti-inflammatory, Clitoria ternatea Linn, Shotha-hara, Digital Vernier caliper.
Out of tetrads of therapeutic management of Herbal drugs have been used extensively in
diseases, Bheshaja (Therapeutic Agent) stand next to the medicine for the fact that plants are everywhere at hand,
Vaidhya (physician) for successful management of the their numbers are very great, their forms are distinct and
disease. Acharya Charaka has quoted that none of the peculiar and thus they are procured without trouble. The
medicinal plants found around us are non-medicinal, it establishment of certain herbal drugs, which are easily
depends on the Yukti (skills) of the physician to use it in available in the vicinity and capable of producing a marked
the appropriate condition in the right dosage form and anti-inflammatory effect, will present an opportunity for
dose.[1] the physicians to use these drugs in a safe and responsible
Among the various actions explained in Ayurvedic way and thereby help patients to minimize their reliance
classics, Shothaghna (anti-inflammatory) is one. The drug upon more dangerous NSAIDs and other synthetic anti-
which reduces, diminishes or destroys Shotha inflammatory drugs. Thus a need arises to find a safer and
(inflammation) is called Shothaghna, Shothajeet, efficient drug from the natural resources, which will be
Shothajihma, Shothahrita etc. Shotha can be compared
[2] simple, effective and not having any adverse effects.
with edema in modern terms which is a sign of Being indicated and designated as Shothahara
inflammation. Inflammation is defined as local response of dravya (anti-inflammatory drug), Aparajita may be a drug
living mammalian tissue to injury due to any agent. It is a of choice in the management of Shotha (inflammation).
body defense reaction in order to eliminate or limit the With this principle in mind, the aim of the present study is
spread of injurious agent, followed by removal of necrosed to evaluate pharmacologically, the efficacy of kashayam
cells and tissues. Rubor (redness), Tumor (swelling), Calor (decoction) of root of Aparajita (Clitoria ternatea Linn.) in
(heat), and Dolor (pain) are the cardinal signs of the management of Shotha (inflammation).
inflammation.[3] MATERIAL AND METHODS
A good number of anti-inflammatory drugs are Source of Drug
available in modern medicine, among them some are The roots of Aparajita (Clitoria ternatea Linn.)
expensive and some are having adverse effects such as blue variety was collected from the natural source in
dyspepsia, nausea, and vomiting and gastro intestinal Karnataka state in the month of June 2014 (Figures 1, 2 &
bleeding etc.[4] in long term uses. 3). The authentic identification of the drug was made by
the Botanist, Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Research and

IJAPR | April 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 4 60

Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2016;4(4):60-63
Development Institute (SARDI) and the voucher herbarium shown in Table 4, Group I (G1, Control) received gum
specimen was prepared and preserved in herbarium of acacia solution (0.5 ml/kg, 0.9% w/v), used as vehicle,
SARDI (No. H/S-089 & 090). Group II (G2, Standard) was treated with 15 mg/kg of
Phytochemical Tests for Active Compounds: Diclofenac sodium used as the reference drug[8], while
Physical standards[5] for the drug were Group III (G3, Test) was treated orally with the Kashayam
determined (results shown in Table 1) and preliminary (decoction) (400 mg/kg). One hour after dosing, edema
phytochemical analysis for organic compounds[6] was done was induced by injection of carrageenan (0.1 ml, 1% w/v
(results shown in Table 2) as per standard protocol. The in saline) into sub plantar tissue of right hind paw. The
study was carried out in S.D.M. Centre for Research in paw thickness (in mm.) was measured by digital Vernier
Ayurveda and Allied Sciences, P.O. Kuthpadi, Udupi, caliper as reported in earlier studies[9,10] (Figures 4, 5, 6 &
Karnataka. 7). Measurements were made at 0 minute (immediately
before injection of carrageenan) and 30, 60, 90, 120, 150
Acute Toxicity Study of Kashayam (decoction) of
and 180 minutes after carrageenan injection. Edema was
Aparajita roots (Clitoria ternatea Linn.):
expressed as an increase in the paw thickness in relation
The acute toxicity study was carried out on albino to the initial value. The paw edema of the drug-treated
rats. The animals were divided into one group which groups was compared with the control. (Results shown in
consists of five rats. The defined or fixed dose level of the Table 5)
decoction (2000 mg/kg) was given orally to identify a dose
producing evident toxicity. The animals were observed
continuously for 2 hours for behavioral, neurological and Plants have a great potential for producing new
autonomic profiles. The toxicity signs were observed after drugs for human benefit. The increased interest in plant
24 hours till fourteen days for any lethality or death. derived drugs is mainly because of the wide spread belief
(Results shown in Table 3) that ‘herbal medicine’ is safer than synthetic drugs having
no side effects.
Anti-inflammatory activity of Aparajita root (Clitoria
ternatea Linn.) As shown in Table 1, the pH value of 5.4 suggested
it to be acidic in nature. The ash values and extractive
The animal study was carried out in
values were determined for identity and purity. Extractive
Pharmacology lab of Smriti College of Pharmaceutical
value with water (8.222%) was found to be more than of
Education, Indore (M.P.). The anti-inflammatory effect of
alcohol (1.907%) which shows that water soluble contents
the Kashayam (decoction) of roots was evaluated by
are more than alcohol soluble contents which indicates
carrageenan induced rat paw edema model.[7] The albino
that Kashayam (decoction) will be more effective than any
rats weighing from 150-200 gm. were divided into three
alcoholic preparation of Aparajita.
groups, each consisting of six rats. They were fasted for 12
hr and deprived of water only during the experiment. As
Table 1: Results of Physical Analysis[5]
Parameter Results n = 3 %w/w
Total Ash 4.401
Acid Insoluble Ash 0.592
Water soluble Ash 1.584
Alcohol soluble extractive value 1.907
Water soluble extractive value 8.222
pH 5.40
Preliminary phytochemical screening was helpful in prediction of nature of drugs and also useful for the detection
of different polarity solvent. As shown in Table 2, preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of
carbohydrate, phenol, steroid, tannin and cumarins. The result of the phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of
medicinally active constituents, upon which, the action of any drug depends.
Table 2: Results of Preliminary Phytochemical Screening: Organic Compounds [6]
Test Results
Alkaloid –
Carbohydrate +
Carboxylic Acid –
Coumarins +
Flavanoids –
Phenol +
Quinone –
Resins –
Steroid +
Saponins –
Tannin +
Present (+) Absent (-)
IJAPR | April 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 4 61
Gangil Darpan et al. Anti-Inflammatory Action of Root of Aparajita (Clitoria Ternatea Linn.)
As shown in Table 3, all five rats were survived after 14 days of dosing of decoction during toxicity study which
shows that the decoction is safe to be used in human.
Table 3: Results of Effect of Aparajita (Clitoria ternatea Linn.) root decoction on acute toxicity study
S. No. Treatment Dose No. of animals survived after
(mg/kg/bw) 24 hrs 72 hrs 14 days
1 decoction 2000 5 5 5
Table 4: Showing the Rat dose of Control, Standard and Trial drug
SL. Group Number of Rats Drug Doses
1 G1 (Control Group) 6 Gum acacia solution (orally) 0.5 ml/kg, 0.9% w/v
2 G2 (Standard Group) 6 Diclofenac sodium (orally) 15 mg/kg (3 mg/200 gm)
3 G3 (Test Group) 6 Decoction of Aparajita root (orally) 9 ml/kg (1.8 ml/200 gm)
As shown in Table 5, after injecting the irritant, mean edema level started increasing in each group. In standard
group, edema started reducing from 60 minutes, in Test group, it started reducing from 90 min. but in control group,
edema started reducing from 150 min.
Statistical evaluation was done based on the observations made. Comparison was made between control and
standard and control with test at different time intervals. The results showed that at every point of time (30 min., 60 min.,
90 min., 120 min., 150 min. and 180 min.) were significant for both Standard and Test drug in comparison with control.
The results of the comparison between Standard and Test were statistically not significant and Standard was found to be
better than the Test.
Table 5: Results of Effect of Aparajita (Clitoria ternatea Linn.) root decoction on rat paw edema
Dose Mean paw diameter (mm) at time T (min.)
(mg/kg/bw) T(30) T(60) T(90) T(120) T(150) T(180)
_ 4.11 ± 0.05 5.10 ± 0.08 5.69 ± 0.05 5.77 ± 0.03 5.81 ± 0.07 5.76 ± 0.03
15 3.38 ± 0.06 3.42 ± 0.05 3.37 ± 0.07 3.28 ± 0.09 3.23 ± 0.06 3.21 ± 0.02
400 3.23± 0.07 3.55± 0.08 3.67± 0.11 3.42± 0.10 3.29± 0.05 3.24± 0.02
(Test drug)
As per classical Ayurvedic texts, the action of any CONCLUSION
drug is may be explained on the basis of Rasa (taste), Guna The results of the preliminary phytochemical
(properties), Virya (potency), Vipaka (post digestive taste) study revealed the presence of medicinally active
and Prabhava (specific effect). While some of the actions constituents i.e. carbohydrate, phenol, steroid, tannin and
are attributed to Rasa (taste), some to Guna (properties), cumarins. The results of experimental study showed
some to Virya (potency), some to Vipaka (post digestive significant anti-inflammatory action in acute inflammation
taste) and some to Prabhava (specific effect).[11] compared to control. Thus the present study supports the
The Shotha samprapti (etio-pathogenesis of drug Aparajita (Clitoria ternatea Linn.) is safe, cost
inflammation) shows that the Shotha (inflammation) is effective, easily available anti-inflammatory natural
mainly caused by vitiated Vata and Kapha Dosha with the source. So it can be concluded that decoction of roots of
association of Pitta and Rakta. Those drugs that reduce the Aparajita has anti-inflammatory potential and roots may
shotha (inflammation) are called as Shothahara (anti- be used as potential anti-inflammatory agent in future.
inflammatory).[12] Further studies in in-vivo models and to isolate
Aparajita is said to be Katu (pungent), Tikta active constituents from root are required to carried out
(bitter) and Kashaya (astringent) in Rasa (taste), Sheeta and establish the effectiveness and pharmacological
(cold) in Virya (potency) and Katu (pungent) in Vipaka rationale for use of Aparajita root as an anti-inflammatory
(post digestive taste).[13] By its cold potency, Aparajita acts drug. Clinical studies also need to be carried out on
as Pitta and Rakta pacifier.[14] By pungent, bitter taste and Aparajita in order to use and formulation of the plant in
pungent post digestive taste, it pacifies Kapha,[15] while clinical applications such as analgesic, anti-pyretic, anti-
Vata is pacified by the Prabhava (specific effect) of microbial etc. which can be used for the welfare of
Aparajita. Thus all these properties combined help in the mankind.
inhibition of Shotha (inflammation). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The magnitude of inhibition onset and the period The author would like to express his gratitude to
of action suggest that anti-inflammatory mechanism of Mr. D.G. Namboothiri; General Manager (R&D) and Mr.
Aparajita root decoction may be through inhibition of Bijeshmon P.P.; Botanist, Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic R&D
prostaglandin synthesis by reduced action of cyclo- Institute, Koothattukulam, Kerala for confirming the
oxigenase. genuinity and purity of crude drug, Dr. K.N. Sunil Kumar;

Available online at: 62

Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2016;4(4):60-63
Senior Research Officer – Pharmacognosy, SDM Center for topical Anti-inflammatory activity, Phytomedicine.
Research in Ayurveda & Allied Sciences, Udupi, Karnataka 2005. 12:271-277.
for providing the necessary laboratory facilities for 9. Kaneria MS, Naik SR, Kohli RK., Anti-inflammatory,
phytochemical analysis and Mr. Rakesh Barik, Associate antiarthritic and analgesic activity of a herbal
Professor, Dept. of pharmacognosy, Smriti College of formulation (DRF/AY/4012), Indian J. Exp. Biol.
Pharmaceutical Education, Indore (M.P.) for his guidance, 2007. 45:278-284.
help and support in carrying out the experimental study. 10. Mule SN, Patil SB, Naikwade NS, Magdum CS.,
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Cite this article as: *Address for correspondence

Gangil Darpan, Patil Sumitra K, Chougala S B. An Experimental Evaluation of Anti- Dr. Gangil Darpan
Inflammatory Action of Root of Aparajita (Clitoria Ternatea Linn) in Albino Rats. PG Scholar
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2016;4(4):60-63. Dept. of Dravyaguna Vijnana,
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Sri JGCHS Ayurvedic Medical
College, Ghatprabha, District
Belgaum, Karnataka, India.
Mobile: +91 7665588795
Email: [email protected]

IJAPR | April 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 4 63

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