Henri Fayol (1841 - 1925)
Henri Fayol (1841 - 1925)
Henri Fayol (1841 - 1925)
B17 – CEM
Generale in 1916.
(i) Universality of management which means that management is a separate body of knowledge is applicable to all
forms of group activities.
(iii) The concept of teaching and developing management curricula in colleges and universities.
(iv) His ideas paved the way for the development of the theory of management.
2. Mary Parker > “Modest spinster lady who has never managed a business in her life”
> She was consulted by many successful business administrators for help in
their immediate difficulties involving group and personal relationships.
> She advocated four important principles of co-ordination as the basis of good
They are:
3. Chester I. Barnard
4. Peter Drucker