Uv 420 TTR / Uv 420 TTR-W Uv 420 TTR / Uv 420 TTR-W: Classifications EN 760
Uv 420 TTR / Uv 420 TTR-W Uv 420 TTR / Uv 420 TTR-W: Classifications EN 760
Uv 420 TTR / Uv 420 TTR-W Uv 420 TTR / Uv 420 TTR-W: Classifications EN 760
Classifications EN 760 Typical analysis for wire and weld metal in wt. %:
SA FB 1 65 DC / SA FB 1 65 AC
Designation C Si Mn Cr Mo Ni Weld metal classification
acc. to EN 756
AWS A 5.23 - SFA-5.23
Characteristics UV 420 TTR is an agglomerated flux of fluoride basic type, Union S 1 CrMo 2 0.10 0.10 0.50 2.40 1.00 - -
and field of use mainly for joining and surfacing applications with creep resistant Weld metal 0.07 0.20 0.75 2.25 0.95 - F9P2-EB3R-B3R
It displays neutral metallurgical behaviour and is characterised Union S 2 CrMo 0.12 0.10 0.80 1.20 0.50 - -
by a high degree of purity. It is particularly suitable for welding Weld metal 0.08 0.20 1.00 1.10 0.45 - F8P2-EB2R-B2
hydrocrackers because of the low P pick-up of 0.004 % max. Union S 2 Mo 0.10 0.10 1.00 - 0.50 - S 46 4 FB S2Mo
When used in combination with wire electrodes Union S 2 CrMo Weld metal 0.07 0.20 1.05 - 0.45 - F8A4-EA2-A2
and Union S 1 CrMo 2 it is possible to meet the most stringent
toughness requirements at subzero temperatures even after Union S 3 NiMo 0.08 0.10 1.50 - 0.45 1.50 S 50 6 FB S3Ni1,5Mo
step-cooling treatment. Weld metal 0.05 0.20 1.50 - 0.40 1.40 F9A8-EG-F1
UV 420 TTR-W permits sound welding on AC, by this achieving Union S 3 NiMo 1 0.12 0.10 1.60 - 0.60 0.95 S 50 4 FB S3Ni1Mo
Weld metal 0.08 0.20 1.55 - 0.55 0.90 F9A6-EG-F3-N
a higher level of toughness when welding with CrMo-alloyed
sub arc wires. Union S 4 Mo 0.12 0.10 2.00 - 0.50 - S 50 3 FB S4Mo
Weld metal 0.08 0.20 1.85 - 0.45 - F8P4-EA3-A3
Advice It is advisable to redry the welding flux for about 2 h Union S 3 NiMo 1 560 680 22 140 120 100 47 27
at 300-350 °C (572-662 °F) prior to use.
Union S 4 Mo 550 630 18 120 100 80 47 –
344 Böhler Schweisstechnik Deutschland GmbH – 09_2005 Böhler Schweisstechnik Deutschland GmbH – 09_2005 345