Devaney Indiana 10
Devaney Indiana 10
Devaney Indiana 10
• Fyk (1995) studied intonation in solo violin and explored the
relationship between intonation tendencies and gravitational
attractions at work within the tonal system
• Jers and Ternstrom (2005) studied intonation and vibrato a
16-part choir in attempt to define “chorus-effect”
• Howard (2007a, 2007b) examined pitch drift and adherence to
Equal Temperament or Just Intonation in an SATB quartet
• Timmers (2007) studied intonation in several Schubert songs
and related the results to musical structure
• Ambrazevičius and Wiśniewska (2008) studied chromaticism
and pitch inflection in traditional Lithuanian singing and
derived rules to explain chromatic inflections for leading tones,
and ascending and descending sequences
• Marinescu and Ramirez (2008) analyzed timing, dynamics, and
intonation in excerpts from several arias performed by Jose
Carreras and related the collected data to Narmour’s
implication-realization model (1990)
Ambrazevičius, R., and I. Wiśniewska. 2008. Chromaticisms or performance rules? Evidence Gabrielsson, A. 2003. Music performance research at the millennium. Psychology of music
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rhythm. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 21: 257–68. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 32: 87–94
Bengtsson, I., and A. Gabrielsson. 1983. Analysis and synthesis of musical rhythm. Studies Howard, D. M. 2007b. Intonation drift in a capella soprano, alto, tenor, bass quartet singing
of Musical Performance 39: 27–60. with key modulation. Journal of Voice 21 (3): 300–15.
Brown, J. C., and K. V. Vaughn. 1996. Pitch center of stringed instrument vibrato tones. Jers, H., and S. Ternstrom. 2005. Intonation analysis of a multi-channel choir recording.
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Clarke, E. 1989. The perception of expressive timing in music. Psychological Research 51: Marinescu, M.-C., & Ramirez, R. . 2008. Expressive performance in the human tenor voice.
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de Cheveigné, A., and H. Kawahara. 2002. Yin, a fundamental frequency estimator for Narmour, E. 1990. The analysis and cognition of basic musical structures. Chicago, IL:
speech and music. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 111 (4): 1917–30. University of Chicago Press.
Devaney, J., and D. Ellis. 2008. An empirical approach to studying intonation tendencies in Seashore, C. 1936. Objective analysis of musical performance. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa
polyphonic vocal performances. Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies 2 (1–2): Press.
141–56. Seashore, C. 1938. Psychology of music. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press. Original
Devaney, J., M. I. Mandel, and D. P. W. Ellis. 2009. Improving midi-audio alignment with edition, New York, NY: Dover Publications.
acoustic features. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Timmers, R. 2007. Vocal expression in recorded performances of Schubert songs. Musica
Audio and Acoustics. 45–8. Scientiae 11 (2): 237–68.
Fyk, J. 1995. Melodic intonation: Psychoacoustics, and the violin. Zielona Góra: Organon. Todd, N. 1985. A model of expressive timing in tonal music. Music Perception 31 (1): 33–58.
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