Grip Technologies Performance Appraisal Policy Appraisal Policy

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Grip Technologies

Performance Appraisal Policy

Appraisal Policy

Grip Technologies is committed for supporting every employee to reach their

potential and achieve their personal goals, which in turn will assist the
organisation to achieve its objectives.

The performance appraisal policy supports the performance appraisal

scheme. The scheme is a formal process centred on an annual meeting of
each employee and their line manager to discuss his/her work. The purpose
of the meeting is to review the previous year’s achievements and to set
objectives for the following year. These should align individual employees’
goals and objectives with organisational goals and objectives.

Core Principles of the Appraisal Policy

1. The appraisal process aims to improve the effectiveness of the

organisation by contributing to achieving a well motivated and
competent workforce.

2. Appraisal is an on-going process with an annual formal meeting to

review progress.

3. The appraisal discussion is a two way communication exercise to

ensure that both the needs of the individual, and of the organisation are
being met, and will be met in the next year.

4. The appraisal discussion will review the previous year’s achievement,

and will set an agreed Personal Development Plan for the coming year
for each member of staff.

5. The appraisal process will be used to identify the individual’s

development needs and support the objectives of the Training and
Development Policy.

6. The appraisal process will provide management with valuable data to

assist succession planning.

7. The appraisal process will be a fair and equitable process in line with
our Equality Policy.

Performance Appraisal Implementation

Performance appraisal discussions will be held over a designated 4 week

period on an annual basis. They will be arranged by the appraisee’s line
manager. Line managers are encouraged to provide the opportunity for an
additional 6 month verbal appraisal review, mid-year and other informal
reviews as necessary throughout the year.

The discussion will be held in private. Information shared during the appraisal
will be shared only with senior management. The exception is training needs
that will be provided to the HR for action. Confidentiality of appraisal will be

The appraiser (usually the employee’s line manager) will be expected to have
successfully completed appraiser training, and to be familiar with the
appraisee’s work.

All appraisal documents should be issued to both parties prior to the

discussion, in order to allow time for both parties to reflect and prepare. These
will provide a framework and focus for the discussion.

A time and venue for the discussion will be advised at least one week before
the meeting takes place.

The Appraisal Discussion

The appraisal discussion will allow an opportunity for both the appraisee, and
the appraiser to reflect and comment on the previous year’s achievements. It
will praise achievement and encourage the appraisee in his/her role.

The appraiser is accountable for giving the employee constructive, timely and
honest appraisals of their performance, which should take into account both
the goals of the organisation and of the individual.

The discussion should be a positive dialogue, and will focus on assisting the
appraisee to acquire the relevant knowledge, skills and competencies to
perform his/her current role to the best of his/her abilities.

The appropriate forms will be completed and signed by both parties. The
appraisee will be given the opportunity to note any comments that he/she
does not agree with and complete a self-assessment.

The appraisee and line manager should agree on a Personal Development

plan for the appraisee for the following year. This will reflect the appraisee’s
aspirations and the organisation’s requirements, and should align personal
and organisational goals. The organisation and the line manager will support
the individual to achieve these goals during the forthcoming year.

Any training needs, future training requirements, planned qualifications,
development opportunities and career planning should be discussed in the
light of the Personal Development Plan.

Training and Monitoring

Senior Management are responsible for the appraisal process, and he/she
shall ensure that appraisers and appraisee’s are adequately equipped and
trained to undertake the performance appraisal.

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