Celeb Iog Lu 2010
Celeb Iog Lu 2010
Celeb Iog Lu 2010
July 12-14, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey
In the design of the butterfly valve, parametric model is Given mesh sizes are chosen for optimum simulation
mainly used for CFD and not subject to change significantly effort. For example, runner is the main component effecting
for structural purposes. This is because various design the efficiency of the turbine, so a plot for runner efficiency and
alternatives are investigated initially and the one giving the Hi-Ho are plotted against mesh size as shown in Fig. 5. Here
adequate design factor of safety is chosen. The safest Hi-Ho is the head difference from runner inlet to runner outlet.
alternative is to be analyzed hydraulically and parameters are There is a limit where the solution becomes mesh independent
modified accordingly without causing significant variation in and the solution remains nearly constant but the computational
structural strength. Flow coefficients and torque values are effort drastically increases. So the mesh size is decided such
estimated based on CFD results [7]. that the solution is mesh independent and sufficient for
V 21 V 22 V2
C p= ( − −H L ) / ( 1 ) (1)
2g 2g 2g
Apart from its efficiency the flow behavior is also Figure 7. VARIOUS DESIGN ALTERNATIVES FOR THE
important. In the design operation condition, runner outlet DISK OF THE BUTTERFLY VALVE
swirl is nearly zero and the flow tends to detach from solid
boundaries [6]. Flow separation is prevented by adjusting the
draft tube cone angle.
CFD results transferred to structural analysis constitute an
Differing from the above methodology, the safety check of important part in order to understand the effect of the loads
the butterfly valve is done prior to CFD simulations. Only the due to dynamic flow conditions which was derived from CFD
valve disks with adequate strength to resist very high design computations of turbine parts at different operating conditions.
pressure are chosen and they are modeled with their housing. Forces caused by mechanical properties of the machinery are
Fluid is modeled inside the butterfly valve housing around the also considered. Stress distribution over all parts is calculated
disk. The inlet pipe length is kept limited to decrease and necessary modifications to the geometry are made via the
computational effort by giving developed velocity profile at the same parametric model. After creating a 3-D solid model as an
inlet of the valve. Loss coefficients are determined for varying input to the CFD operator, flow patterns and static pressure
disk angles from fully opened up to nearly closed position. distribution are calculated. The net unit forces (pressure and
shear stress components) on surfaces computed in CFD
Off-design conditions are also investigated against critical analysis is mapped to the simulation domain for the structural
loading conditions. One of the problems in Francis type analysis. Following this routine optimum structural and flow
turbines is the high hydraulic thrust. Use of balancing holes geometries are obtained. The materials are chosen accordingly
and optimization of runner sealing geometry are efficient to meet the safety conditions for the turbine.
solutions to this loading and leakage problem [12]. Different
geometry alternatives are simulated rapidly in CFD and the An example to CAD model, CFD and structural analysis
solution giving the best leakage performance is chosen. interaction is guide vane component. Guide vane profile and
angle is optimized with the CFD analysis. Then the related
parametrical model of the guide vane is created for this profile
points. With the boundary conditions set from the obtained
3. Structural analysis and safety check results of CFD analysis, the model of the guide vane is
Final hydraulic design of turbine components is decided analyzed using finite element tools. If the result of the
upon CFD results. Once the required runner efficiency and structural analysis is not within the safety margins, changes
overall turbine efficiency is reached, structural performance of are made on the model. So the profile of the guide vane should
each component is investigated. be changed. The profile that is modified due to the structural
reasons is optimized again with CFD. The final geometry is
As mentioned under the parametric modeling and CFD obtained when the CFD and structural analyses are obtained
analysis sections, the strength of the butterfly valve disk is within the required criteria.
Figure 8. FLOW AROUND BUTTERFLY VALVE DISK It is observed that the spiral case interaction with stay
vanes are as predicted, pressure distribution is periodic around
stay ring and the flow is directed radially toward guide vanes
with the designed angle of attack as shown in Fig. 11.
Flow around the butterfly valve disk is examined as shown
in Fig. 8 in order to determine any separating flow that will
cause a larger loss coefficient.
The computations are performed at Middle East Technical
University Hydraulics Laboratory under the supervision of Dr.
Ismail Aydin.
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“CFD-Based Design Optimization for Hydro Turbines”.
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pp. 159-168.
[8] Okyay, G., Celebioglu, K., Aydin, I., Ger, M., 2009, Design
of a Francis Type Water Turbine Using Computational
Fluid Dynamics Methods, Proceedings of Nuclear &
Renewable Energy Resources Conference 2009,
September 28-29, Ankara, Turkey, pp.388-394.
[9] Keck, H., Sick, M., 2008, “Thirty Years of Numerical Flow
Simulation in Hydraulic Turbomachines”, Acta
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[11] Maki, H., Mori, Y., 1973, On the Study of the Flow
Through an Impeller of Mixed and Inward Flow Radial
Turbines , Bull JSME, 16(91), pp.81-92.